NationStates Jolt Archive

Springfield Defensive Pact

26-11-2007, 04:18
Springfield Defensive Pact
~Only The Mighty Will Survive~
Safety ~ Might ~ Prosperity
Total Membership: Seven

The Springfield Defensive Pact has been formed by the three founding nations of Vitolia, Flaming Souls, and Cookesland for the colonies of Springfield Island ( With the growing hostilities, there much be order restored, and safety created.

This is the goal of the Sprngfield Defensive Pact. Simply put, we're here to create a defensive network among the colonies and nations of Springfield Island from those whom seek personal gains and terror through military aggression and bully tactics. NO MORE! We say! NO MORE!

This will also allow those a part of the Springfield Defensive Pact to grow and prosper in economy, trade, and freedom without the constant worries of hostility taking place against their land, their homes, and their people.

Our mission statement?
To Create a Safe, Prosperous, and Mighty Alignment of Colonies and Nations; To Build a Network of Defense and Growing Economies; And To Preserve Life and Order Abroad.

It is quite a simple one, but one that is straight and to the point.

The Springfield Defensive Pact is run by the three founding members, as well as anyone selected to the Board of Leadership when agreed upon by all founding members.

To join, simply fill out the form below. Also, you are welcome to ask any questions!

Nation/Colony Name:
Leader Name (both colony and nation):
Reasons for Joining:
Resident of Springfield Island: Required at this time for acceptance.

Founding Members (F) + Board of Leadership (L)
Vitolia (F)
Flaming Souls (F)
Cookesland (F)


~Only The Mighty Will Survive~
Safety ~ Might ~ Prosperity
26-11-2007, 04:48
Nation/Colony Name: Novovoronezh, New Vladistov Oblast, Stoklomolvi
Leader Name: Commissar Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich, Governor Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov
Reasons for Joining: Protect Springfield Island from the Royal Code
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes
26-11-2007, 05:04
Nation/Colony Name: Novovoronezh, New Vladistov Oblast, Stoklomolvi
Leader Name: Commissar Alexei Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich, Governor Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov
Reasons for Joining: Protect Springifield Island from the Royal Code
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes
You are approved!
26-11-2007, 05:12
Nation/Colony Name: Norlvania, Zoingo
Leader Name: Govenor Hendrick Jorgenson
Reasons for Joining: Protection from the Royal Code
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes
26-11-2007, 05:15
Nation/Colony Name: Ithsam
Leader Name: Nation: Saggo Telior, Colony: Arigos Retola
Reasons for Joining: To form alliances on Springfield Island
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes
26-11-2007, 10:20
Both have been approved!
26-11-2007, 13:37

Nation Name: Republic of Urmania
Leader Name: President Yon Lankin
Reasons for Joining:To form alliances, receive/give military aid
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes
27-11-2007, 06:59

Nation Name: Republic of Urmania
Leader Name: President Yon Lankin
Reasons for Joining:To form alliances, receive/give military aid
Resident of Springfield Island: Yes