NationStates Jolt Archive

The Civil War of History Land

History land
21-10-2007, 20:44
In History Land The Military Dictatorship was an opressive system that had no crime at the expense of civil rights.

But now in a secret place a former police officer and football fan says

"This Dictatorship Has brought The military in power and police brutality has not been stoped we will destroy the Military Dictatorship and the Supreme Dictator and rebulid the republic that came before it".

The Supreme Dictator will not stand for this all Nations support The Supreme Dictator so the rebals wont overthrow us.
The Beatus
21-10-2007, 20:53
To the Supreme Dictator of the History Land,

I must apologize but we are unable to assist you in your righteous crusade at this time, for we are currently involved in a tense hostage crisis and all military units are devoted to this cause. Also we will be unable to step up police patrols outside your embassy as the police are all on extended leave. We wish you luck. Thank you, and have a nice day.

Archbishop Bradly A. Kenning
Acting Leader
The Theocracy of the Beatus

P.S. His Holiness has taken violently ill and his apparent lack of interest in your situation is not what it seams. I have assumed command until he is better.
Aperture Science
21-10-2007, 20:56
The inherent instability of this form of government is indesireable, as such we must consider your request for support as 1) Silly, 2) Pathetic, 3) A negative connotation. Furthermore your request lacks any motivation for others to assist you. You have not offered cake or any other incentive, if cake was offered then perhaps we would have considered providing minor assistance, but as it is we will not. Because you did not offer to provide cake.
Therefore you are on your own. We will enjoy our cake and watch your suffering with amusement. HA HA HA HA.
GLaDOS v2.0, Citzen 1 if Aperture Science
History land
26-10-2007, 08:59
To all nations The supreme dictator always had a strong goverment until now

If your in a civil war we can suupport you all we need is for your Millitary to help us crush these dissenters they our located in the sother part of my nation.

If you help the military dictatorship stay alive we will give you what you want.