NationStates Jolt Archive

Colony rebellion (open)

04-09-2007, 08:04
Grunt City, Colony of Greal

It was another bad night of thunderstorms, the streets were flooded with water, Gruntians (Natives of the Colony) were working hard to keep back water from the bigger streets. Greal troops were patroling the street. In the 1940s a massive rebellion broke out here, millions of Gruntians died, and Greal managed to beat the rebels. Now once again the rebellion began at the city.

Major Werk and his men patrolled the main street. He and his men were at the main street when gunfire poured on them.
"Get you men out of there!" yelled Major Werk who was already running from the gunfire, but his men were picked out by snipers. Major Werk fired his M16 rifle at the houses he saw that one of his bullets hit a Gruntian down the street.
"We need backup!" yelled Private Jim who was talking into his radio.
"A platoon is on its way. ETA 2 minutes."said the radio.
More gunfire was aimed at them, but finally the patrol found cover behind a ruined house. a few minutes later a Nakil tank drove down the street, a RPG was fired from the house at the tank, but the tank sustained the damaged and continued to fire.
Suddnely the gunfire stopped.
"Get the Commander here, I have a feeling we need more backup."said Major Werk, his men poured into the houses that has gunfire fired from.


The town was awaken when a Gruntian rebel army marched into the town and declared that the Gruntian people will be free from Greal. The rebels fired their AK-47s into the air. Lots of Gruntians waved their flags.

The rebellion had begun in Grunt, Colony of Greal.

A Greal naval fleet had moved toward Grunt to blockade the colony. 2 Greal divsions were airlifed to Grunt.
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 08:24
GRRF forces on stealth vessels nearby had recieved confirmation via satelite that a rebellion had broken out in Greal, and all knew what to do. Three dozen men suited up in their camoflage and grabbed their MP5 sub machine guns and headed for the RIBs in the ships. Silently the men slid into the dark ocean, and made their way towards the shoreline of Grunt. Their mission would be to train these Gruntians, and possibly even supply weapons and accompany them on attacks on military assets positioned by the government at Greal. The reason behind this was simple. Greal stood in the way of an oil acquisition, and now they would pay in the blood of their soldiers.

At the same time, another stealth ship silently made its way up and down the coast, dropping off mines. Just a pleasant little surprise for the fleet from Greal when they arrived. After the men and mines were all dropped off, the ships pulled back to several miles outside of the maritime boundary of the colony, and engaged their active stealth system, activating the thousands of tiny screens and cameras, giving the appearance that there was nothing there but the air and water.
04-09-2007, 08:37
OOC: Just to make things clear, Grunt is having the rebellion, not Greal itself.

Hundreds of miles above Grunt

A Greal satelite happened to fly over the area and detected something at first at the Gruntian Sea, but when the satelite tried to get a good look at it, the "ship" there was gone.

Main Greal Military Base in Grunt

General Locke was looking at the map of Grunt, 50,000 Square miles of land. Then, General Trent entered the office.
"Sit down please."said General Locke who was pouring coffee into his cup.
General Trent sat down on the chair in front of General Locke's desk.
"You heard what happned last night?"asked General Trent
"Yes I did, don't worry, nothing but a bunch of people with AKs." laughed General Locke
"We have a satelite photo of ships off the coast." said general Trent who took out a folder out of his suitcase
General Locke looked at the ships in the satelite photos. This was bad news.
"I hope the admiral was informed."said General Locke
"He has, but before we told him, a destoryer hit a mine and was destoryed right off the coast of Grunt."said General Trent.
"We have no idea whos ships these are?"asked General Locke.
"Nope"said General Trent

Grunt City

More gunfire was heard throughout the city during the day. Gruntian people were sometimes shot on the street if they didn't hide. Nakil tanks drove throughout the city blasting houses with rebels. A Greal Platoon engaged rebels in a Shopping mall, but the Greal platoon drove off the rebels. A Greal division was moved into the city. Fighters were seen flying over the city blasting rebel positions with their deadly missiles.
04-09-2007, 08:43
Grunt Coast

A few Grunt rebels were patrolling the coast for any enemy.

OOC: Blackhelm Confederacy, you can move your team to meet these rebels that are at the deserted coast.
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 08:45
Within minutes, the GRRF teams were on shore, and were looking over their mission objectives. They were to break up into twelve three man groups and attempt to establish contact with the locals. Once contact was made, they would report back to the rest of the teams, and begin operations to train the Gruntians, and launch a campaign of guerilla warfare against the military from Greal.

Team Charlie was tasked to the closest village, a fishing village only a half dozen yards or so from their current postion. The three men entered the village, guns still at their sides and trying to look friendly, and looked around for anybody who may still be awake.

Meanwhile, Team Hotel picked up a group of men along the waterline, and approached.
04-09-2007, 08:50
The rebels were alarmed about the appearance of the men, but the rebels only had AKs so they decided to contact the team.
"Who are you?"yelled one of the rebels.

At the village a local woke up and saw the 3 men. the local was so suprised that he actually drew his Colt pistol.
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 08:50
The rebels were alarmed about the appearance of the men, but the rebels only had AKs so they decided to contact the team.
"Who are you?"yelled one of the rebels.

At the village a local woke up and saw the 3 men. the local was so suprised that he actually drew his Colt pistol.

"Whoa there guy, I'm a friend. My name is Flavius, I am here to help. Where is your commanding officer, I think he would be interested in what we have here" the leader of Team Charlie said, motioning behind him to a black crate.

On the beach, a similar transaction occured, the leader there being named Hector.
04-09-2007, 08:53
"Whoa there guy, I'm a friend. My name is Flavius, I am here to help. Where is your commanding officer, I think he would be interested in what we have here" the leader of Team Hotel said, motioning behind him to a black crate.

The rebels approached the Black crate with caution, while they walked toward the crate a rebel said,"my name is Worth, my commanding officer is at a village a few miles down the coast."

At the village, the local relaxed and put his pistol away, and saw the black crate, but before he could say anything, a Greal platoon arrived down the village road.
"Hide! quickly!"yelled the Local.
04-09-2007, 08:55
The EITS 4 satellite was busy passing over Grunt when it saw the men on the beach and the black crate. However, for now, the images of the men helping terrorists were put in the box file under
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 08:56
The rebels approached the Black crate with caution, while they walked toward the crate a rebel said,"my name is Worth, my commanding officer is at a village a few miles down the coast."

At the village, the local relaxed and put his pistol away, and saw the black crate, but before he could say anything, a Greal platoon arrived down the village road.
"Hide! quickly!"yelled the Local.

At both locations, the crates were popped opened, revealing Kriegzimmer made landmines, Griffincrest G36E's, and Doomani RPG's.

"This, my friends, should help you win the war. The men from Greal will never know what him them. I will, however, need a map of the enemy positions and patrol routes."
04-09-2007, 09:01
At both locations, the crates were popped opened, revealing Kriegzimmer made landmines, Griffincrest G36E's, and Doomani RPG's.

"This, my friends, should help you win the war. The men from Greal will never know what him them. I will, however, need a map of the enemy positions and patrol routes."

The rebels were delighted, and Worth however took out his small map.
"The Greal positions are tightly gaurded, I hope you brought more reinforcements."said Worth
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-09-2007, 09:04
"Don't worry about that....take us to the nearest outpost"
04-09-2007, 09:10
A rebel truck arrived and packed the crate away. Worth took some of the Crate' contents and said,"lets move, we can get to the nearest outpost in maybe half a hour."

Half a hour later the rebels and their "friends" arrived at a outpost, somehow there was a battle there before, because bodies of rebels laided across the plain in front of the outpost.
04-09-2007, 09:12
Grunt City

The Greal Divsions in the city fought house to house during the day. Shark fighters flew over rebel houses and left nothing alive. Nakil tanks blasted every rebel that peered out of his window.
04-09-2007, 09:24
A submarine had slowly drifted to the inside of Grunt waters. It had a simple objective: to make sure that the people aiding the rebels were driven off.

Though it had no RADAR or SONAR that could detect the stealth ships, it had the last co-ordinates of a ship, from 1 minute ago from satellite feed. It knew the direction it was travelling as it was dropping mines from behind: detected by sonar pulses.

From the great submerged bulk of the black colossus came 2 missiles. These shot up in a shower of bubbles, before exploding into flame on the surface. The submarine quickly submerged and made it at full speed out of the area. Itw ould look like the Greal forces had attacked, not the Alfegos sub. By the time the missile hit, the sub would be over a mile down in the middle of the ocean. Not much would find it.


The missiles screamed towards the co-ordinates they had re-ceived and were rewarded with a faint thermal signature. That was enough for them to dive down vertically from a height of a mile, with no chance of interception.
04-09-2007, 09:29
A submarine had slowly drifted to the inside of Grunt waters. It had a simple objective: to make sure that the people aiding the rebels were driven off.

Though it had no RADAR or SONAR that could detect the stealth ships, it had the last co-ordinates of a ship, from 1 minute ago from satellite feed. It knew the direction it was travelling as it was dropping mines from behind: detected by sonar pulses.

From the great submerged bulk of the black colossus came 2 missiles. These shot up in a shower of bubbles, before exploding into flame on the surface. The submarine quickly submerged and made it at full speed out of the area. Itw ould look like the Greal forces had attacked, not the Alfegos sub. By the time the missile hit, the sub would be over a mile down in the middle of the ocean. Not much would find it.


The missiles screamed towards the co-ordinates they had re-ceived and were rewarded with a faint thermal signature. That was enough for them to dive down vertically from a height of a mile, with no chance of interception.

Radar Station, Grunt Coast

Lt. Justin became alarmed when missiles appeared on the radar screen.
"Sir, I..."said Lt. Justin but he didn't finish his sentence because the missiles disappeared.
"Yes Lt. Justin?"asked Captain Yurt
"My radar screen had missiles appearing for a couple of seconds, then they disappeared."said lt. Justin
Captain Yurt walked over to the radio and said,"send fighters out to the Gruntian sea, we may have something."

Gruntian Sea
50 Shark fighters flew over the sea to the area where the missiles came from, another 40 fighters went to the area where the missiles dissapeared or hit something.
04-09-2007, 09:37
5 miles east of Grunt City

A battalion of Greal Elite troops ran into a rebel force and a bloody battle broke out when it was over the rebels were drive off again, but the GReal army noticed that the Gruntian rebels were using new weapons, where did these weapons come from?

10 miles south of Grunt City

A Convoy was ambushed by the rebels causing both sides to retreat, a great number of trucks was left behind (Most of them were damaged anyway.) while the rebels left their own men behind too.
04-09-2007, 09:51
The surface probe alerted the submarine vai radio-link of fast approaching fighters. It at once filled its tanks to full, and began to sink to the bottom of the sea. At 2 miles down, it stopped, and switched off the engines. It was now silent, and completely undetectable unless the enemy drove straight into it. However, it was ordered not to take potshots at Greal, so they just lay low.

===== =====

The EITS 4 sattelite was not in range to view any other stealth ships in the area.
04-09-2007, 09:56
The surface probe alerted the submarine vai radio-link of fast approaching fighters. It at once filled its tanks to full, and began to sink to the bottom of the sea. At 2 miles down, it stopped, and switched off the engines. It was now silent, and completely undetectable unless the enemy drove straight into it. However, it was ordered not to take potshots at Greal, so they just lay low.

===== =====

The EITS 4 sattelite was not in range to view any other stealth ships in the area.

The Greal Shark fighters alarmed that the sub dissapeared ordered a naval fleet there, in half a hour. 5 destoryers arrived and began firing missiles into the water. They also dropped depth charges, even a Greal sub arrived.

Greal Submarine

The Greal captain sent a message to the unknown sub

"Unknown Submarine, please state who you are or we will fire our torpedos in 30 minutes." the message said.
04-09-2007, 10:01
The submarine detected the sonar of the enemy ships moving in, and decided to make a run for it.

As the propellors started turning, pushing the submarine to a maximum speed of 29 knots, it withdrew its sonar and let forth a small string of cylinders which rose to 40 feet below the surface before emitting a continous screech at 200 dB. If anyone was lsitening to the sonar, they would be deafened by a continous screech that would mask the sub moving away into the vast tracts of the ocean.
04-09-2007, 10:04
The Greal submarine underwater fired there torpedos at the unknown submarine after the unknown submarine moved, that was a sign of aggression. The Greal Shark fighters were replaced by F-65 Naval fighters, the naval fighters dropped their deadly torpedos into the water at the target.

Another message was sent to the submarine

"Unknown sub, this is your last chance, please report who you are."
04-09-2007, 10:09
The submarine detected the torpedos incoming and launched a salvo of decoys either side. As well as this, the submarine sped up, and sunk lower, beyond its reccomended depth to 3.5 miles. That would stop them from being caught.
04-09-2007, 10:13
"What is this sub?"asked The Greal submarine commander. He ordered the sub to follow. his sub dived after the sub too, more torpedos were fired into the water, about 2 dozen torpedos were moving down through the ocean to below.
04-09-2007, 10:15
OOC: Alf, 3.5 miles? That's way too much for a submarine. On the other hand Greal, your fleet just found the submarine so fast? Plus you already had deployments in the area?

Check TGs Alf.
04-09-2007, 10:16
OOC: Alf, 3.5 miles? That's way too much for a submarine. On the other hand Greal, your fleet just found the submarine so fast? Plus you already had deployments in the area?

Check TGs Alf.

OOC: My fleet was blockading Grunt.
04-09-2007, 10:24
The submarine decoys had fully intercepted most of the incoming torpedos. Now it had left the fleet behind them, it could only see the prescence of another submrine, faintly.

In that case, the men slowed down the sub, and pointed it to a different destination: the sea around Damirez. There, it would be safe. For now.
05-09-2007, 04:35
Gruntian Sea

The Greal Search force called off the search for the unknown submarine, so the fleet went back to the nearest naval base. A couple of destroyers remained to blockade the coast.

Grunt City

The fighting had gotten worse, Greal troops were facing gunfire from nearly every house, but Gruntian people were shot on the street by gunfire, this massacre would later be known as the Grunt City Street Massacre. Greal troops had to fight house to house.

Major Werk and his 50 men approached the most dangerour area in the city.
"Okay men, you 5 go that way."whispered Major Werk as they pproached the street.
Again, gunfire porued until his men, killing 5. Major Werk took out his pistol and fired his PGL (Pistol Grenade Launcher.) at the rebels. The building exploded throwing rebels out of the building into the street.
A SOL T-62 dove down the street, behind the T-62 were 20 Greal Marines. A RPG was fired from a building across the tank, but the RPG missed and instead the RPG hit another building.
Major Werk led his men down the street with the support of the tank.
North Calaveras
05-09-2007, 04:38
OCC: im interested.
05-09-2007, 04:41
OCC: im interested.

OOC:Go ahead join, you could send a spy or something.
05-09-2007, 07:49
15 Miles South of Grunt City

20,000 Greal troops were pushed off by a massive rebel force, making Greal generals think that the rebels ae much stronger then orignally throught. The rebels pushed the Greal battalions back 10 miles until a Greal divsion arrived to help at last. The rebels by then dissappeared into the countryside.
06-09-2007, 21:33
The ALfegos submarine had escaped for now. It went to a small tender floating 80 miles away from Gruntian waters, and refilled with weaponry.

The next objective was to find any other enemys and let them have it. The first lot would be the massive rebel movement against Greal.


6 hours later, the submairne was on the edge of Grunt waters, 20 miles away from the nearest ship. Enought time to lauch 4 sllek sea-surface missiles.

As they punched through the water, they activated rockets that would take them to 3 miles in altitude. They would them come screaming in at Mach 12 on the unsuspecting targets.

The submarine submerged to maximum depth, before making it out of there at 28 knots. This time, they would be much more stealthy.


In the distance, the 500 kg warheads on the missiles exploded on top of the advancing Grunt rebels.
The Baikov Corporation
06-09-2007, 22:00
Baikov Corp. Multinational Headquarters, Kazakhstan

Alexander Baikov scanned the report with the gaze of a serial killer. Behind him, Alexei Baikov, his notably more mature sister and CEO, let out an audible sigh.
"Staring at the page won't change what's on it, Sasha." She ran her fingers through heir long, golden hair. Her brother, annoyed at the use of his pet name, shot her a malicious look, before his eyes returned to the document, earning him another sigh from his sister. Eventually, he put the paper down slowly. He stood up, picked up a rather expensive imported champagne bottle, and flung it against the wall. The glass splintered into a thousand crystals, and bubbly liquid splashed against the wall. Apparently content, Alexander sat down again. His sister rolled her eyes. After a length of time, he finally spoke. Rather irritably.
"What the Hell are we going to do?!" He reached for his champagne glass then, realising it was empty, threw it to join it's mother against the wall.
"Sasha, it isn't that bad. Arms Manufacturing isn't the only business we do."
"But it's our main business. It's our fucking magnum opum. And there hasn't been so much as civil unrest for weeks!"
"Magnum opus, brother." Alexander gritted his teeth. If she wasn't his sister...
This train of thought was interrupted by the beep of his mobile phone. Stifling an exasperated sigh, he snapped it open.
"What?" He muttered irritably.
"Uh, Al-eh Director, Sir..." Replied a rather timid messenger. "It's just to say that...uh...we got war..." Alexander sat straight up.
"What? Where? When?" He fired rapidly, before slowing down. "Alright, where?"
"It's a uh, colony sir. Called...Grunt. Yeah, Grunt. It belongs to the nation of.....Greal." Alexei, roused by her brother's excitement, began to take interest.
"What type of war?" She said calmly, her brother repeating the question.
"Civil, sir. A rebellion between the colonists and the Mother Country, so it uh seems." Alexander sat in quiet contemplation. Alexei stood up silently, and walked away to make preperations. Apparently finished, he returned the phone to his ear.
"Muster the Myrimidonts, and prepare the plane. We got weapons to sell."
"Yes sir-" The caller attempted to add in, but Alexander had already turned off his mobile. Thinking about what was to come, for the first time in that day, Alexander Baikov actually smiled.
Blackhelm Confederacy
07-09-2007, 01:33
The small outpost would pose little threat to the lives of the GRRF soldiers. As soon as they spotted the structure, they began organizing into teams, a GRRF member to each. The three teams would attack simultaneously, launching their Doomani made rockets at three sides of the building to create maximum confusion. This would be immediately followed by smoke grenades and a wall of lead pouring into the men from Greal.

The Greal military would soon see that the rebellion was growing in intensity.
07-09-2007, 07:12
The rebels at the outpost began planning, the outpost was a big Gray building mostly.
07-09-2007, 07:46
Grunt City

The Greal army had assault the city ahll with a battalion, and the result was that Greal and the rebels suffered heavy causalites. Nakil tanks and planes continued to blast the city with everything. General Locke wasn't about to give up though, and niether were the Gruntian rebels.
07-09-2007, 07:51
(OOC: Blackhelm, missile at ship... and Greal, 4 missiles at rebels? Where are the casualties?)

IC: The sub continued prowling around the area, away from any ships that might try to intercept. It would find another target on EITS satellite network, before seeing to it that the target was neutralised.

First though, it would go invisible until it was requested.
10-09-2007, 03:59
(OOC: Blackhelm, missile at ship... and Greal, 4 missiles at rebels? Where are the casualties?)

IC: The sub continued prowling around the area, away from any ships that might try to intercept. It would find another target on EITS satellite network, before seeing to it that the target was neutralised.

First though, it would go invisible until it was requested.
OOC: I don't understand, how did you find the rebels?


Grunt City

It was a blood bath now. rebel snipers on every house poured gunfire on the Greala rmy, the Greal army responded with tanks and aircraft. The battle for Grunt had begun.
10-09-2007, 06:45
(OOC: Satellite)
10-09-2007, 06:59
The rebel camp was blasted apart by a missile strike coming out of nowhere.

Grunt City

The city was suddenely attacked by a large froce of 50,000 rebels. The rebels stormed the city with the bulk of their men. the City was mostly destoryed by now. Greal sent in the 76th Division to block the rebels, while the division was blocking the rebels a armour division attacked the flank with Nakil tanks. The rebels only had light tanks, so the rebels panicked and retreated back to where they came from. The Greal army sent 3 divisions after the rebels. However the rebels managed to disappear again.
10-09-2007, 07:23
The EITS satellite network sounded impressive, but in actual fact just stood for "Eye In The Sky".

Still, it had cameras powerful enough to read the headline of a newspaper, and certainly enough power to see the rebels undulating attack patterns.

Antoher missile was launched, towards the retreating mass of rebels from the most recent attack, set to land in almost the cnetre of their mass.

That would cause damage.
10-09-2007, 07:56
The rebels found out who was launching the missile, so they began killing any alefgoian civilians in Grunt (About 1000 in Grunt.) Greal began evaucting the Alefgoian civilains out of Grunt
11-09-2007, 06:24
New Yurt City

The rebel army in Grunt smashed the Greal divisions based In the city yesterday, about 100,000 Grunt rebels (Most were armed with AKs) suprised the Greal army in New Yurt City, by attacking the city from the hills, the Greal army in the city fought hard but were forced to retreat due to overwhlming numbers. Now the rebellion has engulfed the whole colony.

Grunt City

Grunt City, for the first time in weeks, was quiet, only a few small clashes between Greal troops and Gruntian rebels, however, a message was broadcasted out to the world from a location in Grunt.

Message to Nations of the World

The Gruntian people need your help to get rid of Greal off Gruntian land, please send help.

From: Grunt People headquarters
11-09-2007, 07:05
Top Secret Reply to Greal Government

We have ten C-130 transports full of Marines and Ghost ops en-route. Please mark a target for our gunships to soften up before our marines arrive

James Hogart
Secretary of Defense

Five minutes ETA to Drop zone

Nearly one thousand Marines and close to fifty Ghost ops were loaded into the C-130s, every one of them ready for combat. Sgt. James Feury adressed his men "Marines! Secure your weapons! Prepare for battle! Let The gods guide you!" he yelled "Two minutes ETA!" roared the pilot "Spectre gunships strafing target now" he yelled "Green light! Jump! Now!" roared Sarge, jumping from the aircraft...
11-09-2007, 07:07
OOC:Grunt looks like Ireland

Top Secret Reply to The Cazeila Government

Land on the east coast, we have been recieveing reports of rebels on the coast.
Good Luck!

East Coast

It was very quiet on the east coast, there was a cave in the Hill near the coast, in the caev was leaders of the rebellion disscusing how to fight the Greal army, outside the cave was rebel gaurds and a couple of buildings.
11-09-2007, 07:27
East coast
Twenty landing craft quietly moved towards the coast. They were filled with Marines, the best soldiers Cazelia could offer. They were followed by a wave of five AC-130 gunships, which strafed the beach for close to fifteen minutes with their Howitzers and miniguns. They only stopped the attack when the Marines landed, supported by LAV-25s and Amphibious Assualt Vehicles, which cut down any resistance with their high caliber weapons while the marines cut down any stragglers
11-09-2007, 07:29
East Coast

the rebels nearby heard explosions, so the rebels picked up their M16s and Aks and went to the beach to invesigate.
"Its the enemy!"yelled a rebel
The rebels ran back into the forest before the Cazeilan troops had a chance to fire.
11-09-2007, 07:37
The situation was hotting up against Greal

Time to take more direct action.

The sub surfaced, it's black body punching thorugh the water. Once the water had drained off, a small hatch flipped upwards, revealing a fun little gadget that would stop any planes from destroying it.

Themissles tubes emitted smoke as 6 SAM missiles shot out, before they locked onto the enemy targets: AC - 130 gunships. What they would do against this was indeterminate, but any surviving gunships would come after them.

The hatch closed, and the sub sank quickly back under the surface, disappearing from sight. It would begin to prowl for boats in the area.
11-09-2007, 07:39
The missiles had blasted the rebels at New yurt City, causing the rebels to send out some MiGs to check it out, but the sub dissapaerred.
11-09-2007, 07:43
The situation was hotting up against Greal

Time to take more direct action.

The sub surfaced, it's black body punching through the water. Once the water had drained off, a small hatch flipped upwards, revealing a fun little gadget that would stop any planes from destroying it.

The missiles tubes emitted smoke as 6 SAM missiles shot out, before they locked onto the enemy targets: AC - 130 gunships. What they would do against this was indeterminate, but any surviving gunships would come after them.

The hatch closed, and the sub sank quickly back under the surface, disappearing from sight. It would begin to prowl for boats in the area.

Only Two AC-130s were shot down, due to Cazelian countermeasures such as flares and AML systems. Two of the remaining gunships turned towards the enemy submarine, and bombarded it with high caliber shells form their Howitzers and Bofors guns
11-09-2007, 07:45
By the time the remaining attackers turned face and attacked the sub, it was already underwater and moving away. It would wait a while for the planes to lose interest, and then launch a couple of missiles at the enemy, whereever they had landed.
11-09-2007, 07:46
The MiGs ran into the Gunships, suprised, the MiGs fired missiles at the gunships.

Greal Air Base in Grunt

After hearing about explosions at the east coast, 100 Shark fighters took off to meet the attackers.
11-09-2007, 07:51
The MiGs ran into the Gunships, suprised, the MiGs fired missiles at the gunships.

Greal Air Base in Grunt

After hearing about explosions at the east coast, 100 Shark fighters took off to meet the attackers.
OOC: Just so everybody knows, I'm fighting for Greal

The MiGs were met with Stinger fire from the Marines. The gunships then turned away, confident that they had supported the landing enough for the men to push inland
11-09-2007, 07:52
East Coast Sky

The Greal Shark fighters saw the MiGs, so they fired at the MiGs with Trent missiles, they did not fire on the Cazeilan gunships because they knew that they were allies with Greal. The MiGs had enough and flew off, but the Shark fighters chased them.

East Coast

The rebels on the ground watched the landing and saw that the Gruntian rebels were outnumbered, so they called for backup, later a battalion of rebels arrived a few mils from the Cazeilan army.
11-09-2007, 07:56
(OOC: Bugger. So am I. Friendly fire accidently!!!)

IC: "No more shooting, god damit! Those guys were our allies"
"Bugger! So now what?"

"I say we lay low for the rest of the day, see what happens, and pummel them a little bit during the night. We have 4 more missiles in the tubes, and a few torps to use up"

"Fair's fair: lets go looking for any Grunt vessels, and surprise them. As for the missiles: well, I'm sure you can hack into the Caezilian battlenetwork"
11-09-2007, 07:57
East Coast

Actually at that moment, a Gruntian Patrol boat sped by, they were rebels, but they were wearing Greal uniforms, so they could fool anyone.
11-09-2007, 08:03
East Coast Sky

The Greal Shark fighters saw the MiGs, so they fired at the MiGs with Trent missiles, they did not fire on the Cazeilan gunships because they knew that they were allies with Greal. The MiGs had enough and flew off, but the Shark fighters chased them.

East Coast

The rebels on the ground watched the landing and saw that the Gruntian rebels were outnumbered, so they called for backup, later a battalion of rebels arrived a few mils from the Cazeilan army.

The rebels were countered by four divisions of Marines. A Cazelian marine was better trained, better equipped, and better motivated than a Rebel. The Marines pushed forwards, supported by the vehicles. The beach would be used as a staging area for the invasion, and command would be established
11-09-2007, 08:04
East Coast

the rebel leader's meeting ended after hearing about the Cazeilan army arrival.
However, the rebels put traps everywhere that even a trained marine can't see them. A Rebel army was now on its way to the town that was 14 miles from the east coast, they were going to defend the town to the last man.
11-09-2007, 08:07
A small patrol boat was moving around in the waters offshore Greal. The sub found it, and followed. It seemed not to be Greal: they would't use such small craft.

The sub started to tilt, as it programmed the trajectory for the torpedo that sild out of tube 3 and into the sea, wher eit promptly locked on and followed. It was one of the nasty ones, able to come right underneath boats, where they were weakest.
11-09-2007, 08:10
A small patrol boat was moving around in the waters offshore Greal. The sub found it, and followed. It seemed not to be Greal: they would't use such small craft.

The sub started to tilt, as it programmed the trajectory for the torpedo that sild out of tube 3 and into the sea, wher eit promptly locked on and followed. It was one of the nasty ones, able to come right underneath boats, where they were weakest.

The Patrol Boat contiuned to move, without seeing the submarine.

A gruntian Submarine had come into the eastern waters, their mission was to sink any Greal ships. The Gruntian Sub was captured in the opening days of the rebellion.
11-09-2007, 08:14
East Coast

The rebel leader's meeting ended after hearing about the Cazelian army arrival.
However, the rebels put traps everywhere that even a trained marine can't see them. A Rebel army was now on its way to the town that was 14 miles from the east coast, they were going to defend the town to the last man.

A bomb exploded, killing a marine "Get me some minesweepers now!" roared Commander Mustang, directing his mine sweeping vehicles towards the beach, as nine Black hawk helicopters flew towards a secured landing zone
11-09-2007, 08:15
East Coast

A Greal Division was ordered to meet up with the Cazeilan army, however, they ran into rebels, the rebels attacked and blasted the Greal division with everything, the Greal division panicked and quickly moved to the saftey of the Cazeilan Beach.
11-09-2007, 08:26
OOC: This post is for anyone that wants to know what Grunt looks like, Grunt is about 50,000 square miles, and it looks like ireland and it has a massive Mountain range running through the country from West to east. The popluation is 40 million, and there is 5 military bases, one on each coast and one airbase near Grunt City.
11-09-2007, 15:59
The torp was fired, before an anomaly was detected on SONAR.

"It appears to be a dead spot. Not open ocean, but a spot of nothing. And it is moving..."

"Fire a torpedo at it, the go into silent mode. See the reaction."
12-09-2007, 03:36
Gruntian Sub, in Eastern Waters

"Captain! We picked up a enemy submarine."said the radar operator

the captain walked over to the radar and looked.

"Prepare Torpedo tubes 1 and 2."

"Sir, the submarine dissapeared, and torpedos are heading at us."

"fire the Deocys and the torpedos"

The Decoys managed to blast the torpedo heading for the Gruntian Sub.
12-09-2007, 07:11
The ALfegos sub saw this, and the captain chuckled.

"Right on target. Keep an eye on that anomaly. I'll go down to the torpedo room and see if we can't spice things up a little.
12-09-2007, 08:07
The ALfegos sub saw this, and the captain chuckled.

"Right on target. Keep an eye on that anomaly. I'll go down to the torpedo room and see if we can't spice things up a little.

The Gruntian sub went into silent mode too, now both subs were undetected.
12-09-2007, 09:10

We are aware of the crisis of your nation, and in aid we are deploying amphibious units to your region to crush the rebellions escape.

-Consulate of The Armed Republic of Toori-
13-09-2007, 02:07
OOC: Its funny, I would think that someone supports the rebels besides BC, but he hasn't posted in days.

Message to Toori

Thank you for your support.

Grunt City

The Situation was worse then ever, the rebels had gained some cities while the Greal army beat the rebels in frontal attacks. Grunt City was now completely destoryed in the worse fighting seen ever. A request to the Greal government for mor4e troops was accepted, due to arrive later this week.
13-09-2007, 07:52
Grunt City

The City suddnely was blasted by a nuclear explosion. The City just wiped out everything in the city, includng Greal's 3 divisions and 400,000 Grunt City People. the rebels blamed Greal while blamed the rebels. But according to Greal, Greal does not station Nuclear weapons in its colonies due to security reasons. Anyway, now the whole city was useless. The Greal army searched the place for any Greal troops surivors, but any Grunt people surivors were shot.

The Town of Bew

Greal had been assault ing the town now for 11 days, but the rebels had a bulk of their rebel army in Bew, so the Greal army can't take it easily.
14-09-2007, 05:15
OOC: BC, waiting for you to respond.
14-09-2007, 06:00
East Coast

That night, the rebels surrounded that area occupied by the cazeilan army, the rebels numbered 200,000.