NationStates Jolt Archive

(Who's out there? Semi re intro thread open FT)

The Fedral Union
15-08-2007, 21:36
Three months after the disaster:
A reporter came on with a some what serious look sitting back in her leather like chair, the white walls behind her and her glassy desk well lit, she started to speak reading from a paper thin computer in front of her face.

“The colonial government today.. is no more... after a bloodless coup by several members of the senate and the military command , the colonial alliance has been dissolved, the new government in charge has hear by abolished all emergency marshal law powers put in place following the Terran prime disaster , all streets and planets shall return to local government control, and national guard forces will be re deployed to they're perspective bases . This comes after months of rising tensions over the emergency powers enacted and the inaction to protect the people of the UCA , vice president mac greenstrom has been arrested and charged with treason, multiple senate members including speaker of the house Nancy kayborn have been arrested for treason as well..

white house, New Washington several hours before, several guards held they're disruptor Rifles close , they moved around the Vice president as he sat in his desk sitting back in his chair, suddenly the windows we're blown in glass shards filled the room wind violently blew in the guards rushed to the window pointing they're rifles to a massive army out side, the rest was history the doors we're shot in by green flashes of disruptor fire, the windows we're filled with green as guard after guard was mowed down by distorted bolts of green fire, Colonial marines rushed in through the front mowing down secret servicemen down the ornate corridors, the smell of burning and disintegrating flesh strong. As they marched in to the oval office stunning the vice president with a blue bolt of energy.

This was repeated through ought the political capital of the colonial alliance , marines stormed offices , took senators and others stunned and awake. With in 24 hours unknown to the people or the galaxy the entire government had been replaced and changed nearly bloodlessly, he entire senate dissolved and reformed in to the Federation council. Almost over night. Even fronts were put up to allies and embassies that the UCA was still an entity until the change had been 100 % completed and the government replaced. Following this the entire nation was called in to general elections, president miller rushed back to a changed country, he was given a choice, pledge allegiance to the United Federation, or be executed,e he promptly pledged allegiance, he ran as the federations lead candidate, and won.

Several weeks later most things continued as normal, the federation was basking in the new change, security measures we're tightened , the fleet was being changed to fit new parameters , new Washington was installed with a pocket dimension cloaking device, the rest of the worlds have been fitted with new shielding since then. A fleet of new ships is slowly emerging from the shipyards located through out federation territory. The home world was kept secret from every foreigner who came in to known federation systems.

The present:
Several ships shimmered in to the darkness of space, they're bodies cloaked, they surrounded a larger uncloaked cruiser they floated in to a system , the cruiser shimmered gently with bright yellow suns light glimmering on its hull .
The bridge was quiet, yet lively as officers walked around taping on paper thin computers and sitting on they're consoles. Admiral Alexi sat back in his hair, his black uniform absorbing the light of the bridge. His hands folded over each other as he peered out in to the vastness of space.
“ Admirals log” he said in a eastern European voice leaning back on his chair again.
“Ever since the coup in the colonial alliance, the federation has been expanding, looking for new resource bases, we are on one of those missions, currently our orders are to explore some mid galaxy systems several light years out of federation space., and target them for resource harvesting, we may look like a lone cruisers to any enemies, we have many ships cloaked around us. End log”...

he sighed again suddenly looking to his helms officer starting to speak in a confident deep voice.

“Start scanning the inner system first. Set a rally point for the ships in the center of the system.”

The helms officer nodded starting to tap her holographic console peering out in to space as she did it hastily, the large 1.7 km odd looking cruiser started to fly in to the darkness of space., its engines glowing with a dark blue hue behind them. The cloaked ships followed moving along as well in a loose formation hidden in the fabric of space and time. Sensors we're scanning every single square Km of planets they passed by, what ever the federation was looking to mine here it was rather important....
21-08-2007, 06:37
The reactor was running too hot. "Damn it Decker get the coolant flowing at a higher rate! We'll melt down at this rate!"

A tiny voice responded from the speaker on Captain Lilly Cooper's control panel, "Working on it Skip, we busted a line on transit and I had to stop the flow. Be done replacing the section in a few minutes." Lilly heard the whir of a zero-recoil power wrench, "In the meantime get your foot off the fucking gas peddle!"

Lilly cut the link in anger but throttle back none the less. Hard to get paid when your ship's reactor melts through the hull. The Retarded Flamingo was a piece of shit, but it could ferry 500,000 cubic meters of cargo, with a mass limit of the same metric tonnage, through interstellar space, and do it cheap. Right now Lilly and the fifteen member crew of the Flamingo were making yet another run to Fort Profit, the relatively small storage station in an out of the way system on an out of the way planet which the crew had set up a few years ago as a nice home base.

Of course now it was making them filthy, stinking, rich one trip at a time. Turns out Fort Profit was built on top of an oil field the size of which would make the Earth That Was oil tycoons cream their pants. And as it happens there was a heavily industrialized world going through an energy crisis as their own oil production fell through the floor after a few decades of wanton use. Of course Lilly and Flamingo could only provide 2.4 million barrels a trip, Flamingo couldn't carry any more. But at three trips on a good day and with the prices were they were, the crew were already millionaires and gaining on their first billion.

So given the circumstances Lilly's haste to get back was only understandable. She needed to unload her payment of woods and textiles, which she sold to planets with a more firm energy infrastructure, and fill her tanks with more black gold. When Lilly was pulled from her fantasies involving mounds of cash and harems of bare-chested muscular men by the collision alarm the curses she let out were perfectly understandable as well.

She jumped straight into action mode and got a 'scope on the offending object. It was easily five times as long as the Flamingo, and considerably more massive. Flamingo was just a bunch of flimsy storage compartments and a reactor in a buoyant outer cover for surface landings, this ship was nothing but heavy metal and thrust. Lilly had never seen anything remotely like it in her life, oh she'd heard rumors from the odd fellow spacer of monstrous ships that moved through space like a bat out of hell, but deep down she never believed them.

It was on instinct that she hit the emergency thruster switch. A small shaped nuclear device was ejected from the center of the buoyant cover, which also acted as a one time use Orion pusher plate. Flamingo lurched away from the massive ship riding a wave of gamma-rays and vapourized hull blow off.

Decker was on the speaker immediately, "Why the fuck did you do that, we'll have to wait four months for our worker bots to build another one of those things! That's valuable money you're wasting!"

"Decker cut the shit! I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't sure it would save our necks! Is the coolant line fixed?"

"Yeah, finished it just before you popped off the nuke."

Lilly gunned the throttle and the reactor jumped to full power and the FTL capacitors started filling up, she could make it to Fort Profit and land the ship on the emergency balloons. It would take even longer to fix then just the cover alone but it would get them away from the monster ship. Lilly tensed her grip on the jump controls and waited.
The Emperor Fenix
22-08-2007, 10:23
I was asked to post, i post.

HYZ001 – System of The Thorn

Oort mining stations are ramshackle affairs, often given far less funding than their companions on asteroid belts they have to provide for their workers a substitute for the lackluster sun that shines indistinguishable from the other stars at such great distance.

The central body of the station is hooded by the glowing hemisphere of the artificial sun that provides much of the heat and light for the occupants. Whilst the mining operations themselves take place in branches off from this central body, ravaging and discarding oort bodies that stray into their path.

James Overfield Captain First Class, oversaw the day to day running of OS-Heidron, guiding its crew of nearly 100 and seeing that they remain safe, and more importantly, sane. Ordinarily the greatest threat to security was boredom, the monotony of the void was known to send whole stations insane, especially virtually the empty systems ruled over by The Thorn. However boredom was not going to be one of James’ problems today.

Sitting in his oak paneled office, soft wide filament electric lights producing a yellow orange glow Captain Overfield was startled from his study of the latest ore reports by an alarming rocking of the station body. The station was built to compensate for the constant bombardment of tiny particles and deflect larger bodies, an unscheduled movement on the stations part could never be a good sign.

Snapping closed the leather bound report he leapt from his chair, racing through to the stations open bridge he slammed the padded door behind him in a way that startled all those aboard the circular observation and control promenade. The bridge was constructed as a loop, providing artificial gravity for the whole station by rotating, meaning that not only did the bridge receive most of the light from the solar hood, but also that rather disconcertingly someone standing on the floor at one side of the bridge could look up and see others walking around on the floor above.

“Deimos.” He barked at the stations controller, steadying himself on one of the periodically placed bronze lamps that provided support during events like this, and light during the stations nights. “What in hell is going on? There are no dense pockets on the forecast, what’s causing this?” His beleaguered and nervous day controller looked horror struck at the captains’ arrival. “S-sir,” He stammered, sliding screen after screen of information past his desk “I think a ship is passing through the cloud right next to us, probably more judging from the volume of deflected material, the cameras are being bombarded with dust so I cant see anything but there’s definitely at least one ship out there, we’d never have missed a solar body approaching at that speed.”

“Send out a hailing signal, tell them they’re entering House of The Thorn territory, god knows they must know but you can never tell what’s out there. Tell them to halt immediately pending investigation by us, ready a shuttle, and send a burst to the local house rep, he’ll want to know, especially if it’s a House Morraine ship, if they’re here trying to stake another claim it could mean war with the Hallburgs, I for one don’t want to be the one to go back home and say that I lost the companies richest mineral asset to the fucking Morraine.”

“Right away sir, I’ve already sent a message to Representative Gorongoss, I hope you don’t mind, I was, I was just coming for you when I received confirmation of the messages delivery.”

To: Undeclared Vessel
From: Indolen Corp Mining station OS Heidron

Vessel, you are traveling into system HYZ001 under the jurisdiction of the House of The Thorn, it is my duty to request that you stop immediately and make yourself known to Indolen and Thorn representatives.

This system is under asset negotiation and no travel not sanctioned by The Thorn is permitted under any circumstances, failure to comply with this request must be met by deadly force, we are given authorization to serve this as your first warning.

Captain First Class
James Overfield

The Fedral Union
22-08-2007, 22:18
Alexis eyes went wide open as the shock wave gently rocked the ship, he stood up shaking his head, looking over to his con officer who was moving his hands over his glassy holographic console. Alexi started to say in a coarse yet commanding accented voice. “What in the hell was that ?”

The con officer quickly sprung in to action, taping his console he peered at sensor logs and readings. Saying in a deep voice. “Sir its a small ship, apparently it detonated a small fission device thats what we felt, they seem to be trying to run.” Alexi growled a bit and shook his head. Saying under his breath with a hand to his chin.. “What the hell are they doing here...” he looked to the XO who heard the entire thing, he sighed and shrugged. “Well sir, what ever it is they seem to want to keep it a secret ”

Alexi hummed a bit his eyebrow raised as he peered out in to space split second of thought passed in his mind he snapped his fingers and said, looking over to his tactical AI, he said in a commanding voice. “alright engage a tractor beam on that ship full power don't let it get away”

The AI made an odd sounding electronic sound and suddenly changed color in its globe of energy surrounding it. The massive cruiser floated still in space, its hull lights blinking along its shiny yet rough hull suddenly from a point on the bottom of the hull a massive beam of blue energy flew towards the small object , attempting to envelope it in its blue and white shimmering glows. Alexi sighed thinking every thing was over he sat back down, but suddenly the tactical AI notice a haling signal coming from unknown ships and played it in to the con station, the con officer raised an eyebrow and tapped a few buttons with in his station. Suddenly a message started to play back . Alexi stood up again with a sigh shaking his head, his black uniform shimmering in the dull chrome light of the ships bridge. He started to speak in a commanding voice saying to the AI and con officer at the same time.

“Send a reply audio only” the con officer nodded the AI made a sound as to acknowledge the orders

Alexi nodded and started to speak the rumbling of the ships engines reverberation inside of the bridge, his voice was professional and diplomatic. Saying.

“This is The UTS Hyperion representing The United Terran Federation, we mean no harm and have only come here to Explore for colonization and or resource gathering, how ever if this is your system, perhaps we can negotiate? In some way that will suit both our needs and desires” the comn cut the message was short but simple and sweet, the cruiser floated over most things it was rather large 1.7 km, is body ominously shimmered in the light of the star as it loomed over most things, the rest of the cloaked fleet was passively scanning the area, spread through t one part of the system, mainly in the outer edges to look for minerals to mine.

Alexi sat down again waiting for a reply, he sat there looking out a grin over his older toned yet smooth face , a beard over his chin as he stroked it thinking and waiting, the rest of the crew went along with business , the bay was being prepared to receive visitors or visitors , security marched along he catwalk they're black armor jingling with attached equipment and clips, Rail Rifles and Neutron blaster rifles held close to they're bodies and they waited for either a diplomatic envoy or for this freighter to be hauled abord.
The Emperor Fenix
23-08-2007, 01:11
Aboard the Hedrion wide wire speakers crackled into life filling the bridge with a strange alien language.

“is The UTS Hyperion representing The United Terran Federation, we mean no harm and have only come here to Explore for colonization and or resource gathering, how ever if this is your system, perhaps we can negotiate? In some way that will suit both our needs and desires”

“What on earth is that awful noise?” Winced the Captain slumping into the wide Romanesque command chair. “The ships reply sir, the tabulators running it now but I don’t think it’s in the banks.” Replied the station commander. “What do you think? Could it be some northern state? I hear some of them don’t have a gate between them.” Said the captain puzzled, “Or maybe it really is the Morraine and they’re just trying to bullshit us. When is Gorongoss getting here because I don’t want to have responsibility for this kind of thing.” “Another ten minutes maybe, not more than that sir. I don’t think it’s a northern state language or it would be at least partially translatable by the tabulator but its drawing a total blank. I’m going to transmit a language file over to them, with any luck they’ll send one back and we’ll be able to work out what that message was.” “Do that, I’m going to go send a message to Gorongoss, if they respond route it to my office.”

Overfield stalked back to his office, the door hadn’t closed properly when he’d rushed through it earlier and was swinging back and forth in the rocking of the station, catching the door handle he flung himself into the small room and collapsed into the high backed leather chair behind his desk. Taking out a pen and a sheet of paper he began to write a report to Thorn representative Gorongoss, hoping to pass off as much of this excitement onto him as possible.
The Fedral Union
25-08-2007, 04:28
The file that had been sent was scanned throughly For viruses, by adaptable anti virus software thanks to the AI, suddenly the floating ball of data made a couple of odd noises that reverberated around the bridge , Alexi looked up and asked in a commanding voice “what?”

The con officer who was working at a console next to the AI ball started to speak as he read the holographic teleprompter. “Sir apparently this is a language script file, according to the AI, i suggest if we're going to communicate with these people we install this in to our UT”

Alexi nodded he sat up a bit then leaned back on his chair his black gloved hand waving in an almost uncaring fluid motion, saying with those movements. “Alright install it and play back the message we sent earlier also add in some thing about sending a diplomat to us“ The con officer nodded taping his console with quick strokes, the flickering and shimmering consoles changing screens as he did so.
The Terran Federation was rather diplomatic, it was not fond of taking what it needed unless hostiles made an unwarranted attack against its holdings or ships.
The cruiser began to move slightly to close distance between them and the territory they inadvertently entered its body shimmered in the yellow light of the lifeless system, its ominous form looming over the ships before it. Marines on board bore no emotion as they waited for a response, as well as for visitors, they had been sum mounded to the bay for this reason to provide security, as well as a force in case our “friends” tried some thing”.

A Marine stood facing out in to the massive bay of the ship that was filled with SF-22 and thunderbolt 4 fighters, as well as some Super ferret heavy fighters, he stood there watching leaning back on a bulk head watching as automated ball shaped Ai's and machines wandered around doing repairs and replacements of parts, most of the ship was automated with repairs, how ever engineering staff was on hand to provide support , Bio cybernetic interface ports could be seen be seen at numerous junctions.
Access panels to advanced compressed energy conduits could be seen. 3D holographic consoles we're numerous as well they would envelope users with maps or what ever else they where doing.
By some Lift systems on the ship where some transporter devices that would instantly take people from lower levels to what ever they're destination was, this was augmented by more conventional forms of transportation.
The Garbage Men
25-08-2007, 05:30
Not too far away in galactic terms, a TGM operation was in full swing... Exactly what it was not easily determined, it was in unclaimed space technically not even TGM had claimed it but the pure fact was they were there and doing something.

The long range sensors picked up something...

"Just the Oil transport... as usual. Amazing... in this day and age they still use fossil fuels... Perhaps I should send a message to HQ see if we can get into getting them cleaner and greener..."

"No, no outside communication.... You know we can't call even HQ, if they get a sniff of what we do we're going to be hang out to dry by our higher ups. They're gonna leave us out to if we're found out... we can't risk it..."

"Hang on there's something else coming... CRAP!!!"

"What is it I don't know... We doing the fuller scans now..."

"IFF's are foreign... ships are of unknown design..."

"They're coming right for us damnit... Alert emergency Code 4... Scramble Base camoflage..."

An alert siren sounded... It wasn't a klaxon, that was for another emergency, one that they would never do, but they had practiced all emergencies...

"How long till they arrive?"

"I don't know, they seem to take time deeply scanning the planets for something... I don't think they've spotted us. Let's just hope they change course."
The Emperor Fenix
25-08-2007, 13:08
“SEND THEM A DIPLOMAT!” Roared Overfield and the sheepish station commander, who stood in the door way looking crushed, “Who do they think we are, a mining company, diplomats, I suppose we could send them old Ted from down in pneumatics but between you and me I think he went a bit mad after that incident with the hinges on bay 5. Look, send a message to Representative Gorongoss, tell him if he’s not here in 5 minutes there’s going to be a diplomatic incident, and it may well involve Ted and one of his inventions.”

“That won’t be necessary Captain.” Said the darkly hooded figure of Thorn Representative Gorongoss, who had seemingly sprung up behind the station controller.

“Jesus.” Shouted both Overfield and the controller at the same time, Overfield dropping his reports and the controller dashing behind the captains desk, perhaps to give the esteemed representative room to enter, or to put distance and a solid wooden desk between him and the cowled figure.

“Quite,” Intoned Gorongoss dryly “Your station let me aboard automatically, though I must say I assumed someone in authority would have noticed my arrival. But no matter.” He said, quickly raising a sleeve to stop the captain before he began. “By your rather colloquial discussion I gather the unknowns have sent another communiqué requesting the presence of a diplomat, a role, alas, I fulfill. There is no need to point out the ship it is quite easy enough to spot. I will make my way there presently, if you could I request that until this matter is resolved you have all unidentified ships that arrive leave, I have little enough stomach for this without starting a jovial league of nations out here in the darkness. Good Mining.”

Without waiting from response from the quietly infuriated captain Gorongoss strode quickly away back to his waiting ship. Overfield waited until he was aboard and undocking before allowing himself to seethe. The idea that he could engage approaching craft in meaningful exchange had been ludicrous enough without making him gate keeper for half the system. Other Thorn systems weren’t like this, the threat of House Morraine and House Hallburgs twin claims had driven out what would normally have been a bustling frontier community, and ordinarily this community helped serve as a buffer against direct interaction with The Thorn for the likes of him.

Gorongoss switched the main tabulator to undock and a deep grinding signaled that the outer doors where closing behind the matt hull of his ship. A Minor house servant guided the shard of black iron and steel over to the alien vessel, heading for the largest visible opening in the crafts hull. As it entered the hanger the metal of the craft emitted great shrieks of protest as thin splinters sprang from the asymmetrical body of the ship. Landing on them with groans of stressed metals it finally came to a rest, however only seconds went by before the newborn silence was rent once more by billows of steam as giant clockwork wheels descended from the underside of the hull almost to the floor, the brought with them a vanishingly thin bar of black metal, down which walked the black robed Gorongoss, in front and behind came 2 white clad human guards, and behind them 10 short, almost dwarven house servants dressed in deep purple robes, in miniature representation of their master.

Reaching the bottom of the ramp, Gorongoss waited., a guard at each side, his servants balanced almost impossibly 2 by 2 above him.
Ruthless Slaughter
25-08-2007, 14:12
Remaining completely still and therefore almost undetectable, the relay emitted scans of the system and all of them showed nothing out of the ordinary. The emissions from the Oort mine masked the Federal vessel and the comm traffic in the system was elevated, but not out of the ordinary. Probably an arguement with a customer or something. The trip would proceed as planned.

The Dominion Explorer Ship Archangel was leaving spacedock as a Raven class capital ship flanked it. The Raven powered up, charging its artificial wormhole generator. It opened a hole in time-space and Archangel glided through. The Explorer was a heavily refitted heavy frigate, rebuilt to withstand and survive in deep space. However, it was far too small to have its own wormhole generator like the larger vessels and was in itself only capable of transwarp. By 'borrowing' a wormhole they could reach their destination in a matter of hours, despite being a little less than a quarter galaxy away.

The rift opened in brilliantly large red vortex that was sure to announce their presence. That being known to the crew, Archangel emerged from the wormhole and raised sheilds as it sealed behind them. Its weapons array, still a force to be reckoned with despite refit, remained unpowered. Unlike an older, more warlike Dominion, the government had taken a more peaceful stance as of late. The vessel set a course for the mining operation, the closest concentration of civilization, to try and open relations.

On the bridge, Captain Joseph Rourke looked upon the settlement with something resembling amusement. With the Dominion controlling an entire sector of space and many citizens still attached to a warlike posture, these Explorer vessels were deemed a waste of time and resources. It was argued by many to be 'sending our men to the slaughter.' Rourke was not of this mentality, though it did amuse him to see how advanced the Dominion was compared to other civilizations.

"Sir," the sensor operator said, "We're picking up a large object in the Oort cloud. It's impossible to get an exact configuration until we get closer due to interference, but the design is reminiscent of...Federal design. Very different though, looks like they've made some major advances."

"Federal?" Rourke asked in puzzlement, "Last I checked this was nearer our space. What are they doing here? We lost contact with them decades ago. I doubt they even remember what a Harbinger class frigate looks like. This is strange indeed. Has all this been sent to the SciNet?"

"Affirmative sir," the communications officer responded, "But with the the sheer distance anticipate a considerable delay between transmission and response."

"Very well Leutenant. Conn, let's hang back a bit. I'm curious. Open a channel," he paused, "Mining operation this is the Dominion Explorer Vessel Archangel. We have come from almost a quarter galaxy away to open relations with the inhabitants of uncharted space."

He turned to the comm officer and gestured to open a channel to the Federal vessel.

"Federal starship this is Captain Joseph Rourke of the Domnion Starfleet. I must say it has been a while. Though one thing piques my curiosity: What brings you here, to this system? I only ask because we're so close we thought you would sent word of your coming. The President loves entertaining our allies. I trust you do still remember us after all this time?"

The channel closed as Rourke sat down in his chair, awaiting response.
26-08-2007, 00:40
The status light blinked from green to red. "Oh fuck!" Lilly moaned, that blue field had just ruined the conditions for her FTL drive to operate, and it was inexplicably drawing Flamingo towards the giant ship. That just couldn't be a good sign.

At least they won't be after the oil, the probably want the lumber though, she thought to herself. She turned on the mic, "Look everyone we're being, suctioned or something towards a very large ship. Everyone play nice and they might let us go. They may even drop us off back home if we pay 'em enough of our lumber. I know we all want to be richer, but we can't spend our money if we're dead, so don't complain."

Lilly then turned on the broad band radio transceiver, "Uh, hello there unknown ship who has us in her mercy. This is Captain Lilly Cooper of the merchant ship Retarded Flamingo. If you don't mind telling us what your plans are we could arrange a trade for a large amount of high quality exotic lumber and other organic materials, like real honest to god cotton, if you just drop us off on the third planet in the system by the coast of that big bay on the largest continent. There's a facility there we own and we'd like to go back and fix our ship. I hope you didn't take our emergency Orion pulse as an attack. We just don't have the same capabilities of you. Thanks for listening."

Lilly managed to get that all out very fast. Hopefully they wouldn't kill her and her crew.
The Emperor Fenix
26-08-2007, 01:14
[OOC] The way i've RPed the system is that its under Thorn control, and the mineral assets are being being disputed between two of the larger factions within the EoM [] Morraine and Hallburg, Though The Thorn are a house within the EoM they oversee activity outside the established borders of the empire so its perfectly reasonable that a small non-national operation can have been set up within the station by aliens, though i warn, forces from both houses will be rolling in shortly [though probably not shortly enough for this RP] so anything set up in the system might well find itself evicted shortly.

Another diminutive purple robed figure rushed down the ramp and whispered into the ear of one of its fellows, who passed it on to member in front, this quickly passed through the ranks until one of the figures at the front hurried forward, the guard bent down and then relayed the message to Gorongoss, who in turn quickly delivered a reply. The process repeated itself back up the line until the originally servant scurried back into the ship.

“TO: Vessel Archangel

This is House of The Thorn Representative Gorongoss, as the authorized ambassador for this system, part of the Empire of Mankind, I have intercepted the signal sent to the Indolen Mining Corporation station Hedrion.

If you have come to make contact with the alien owners of the alien vessel just entered our system then I have no authority to induce contact, if you have come to establish a relationship diplomatic or otherwise with the House of The Thorn then I can be of assistance, and if you have come to establish direct relationship with the Empire of Mankind is a whole then I fear I personally am not high enough up the food chain to oblige, but am happy to give you co-ordinates to the nearest Imperial Authority.

Yours: Rep Gorongoss”

Apologies for the delay in this post
28-08-2007, 05:06
Bump for TFU.
The Fedral Union
28-08-2007, 07:56
Admiral Alexi brushed off his black uniform, it was crisp clean, glimmering with some metals, his 3 silver Star ranks on each side of his collar., the flag of the UTF, and flag of his ship plastered on each shoulder, as he walked along the utilitarian decks , moving from the carpeted wide area to, the utilitarian mundanely lit with white, bare bones side of the ship nearing the shuttle bay. Direct interface panels could be seen with standard holographic 3D ports , AI's floated above surrounded by a blue digital like hue as they moved along, Alexi was alone, he carried his revolver like rail pistol as his side arm. He thought in his head what a time this would be for some thing to happen out here, foreign diplomats on bored and it seems like every other nation is coming out of the wood work He stepped on to a transporter pad he sighed gently as he moved his head down, his black naval cap anointed with gold. Suddenly his body was transformed in to bright blue and he disappeared, his body engulfed in the energy for a split second , then he was gone.

He appeared at the door of the shuttle bay the energy around him dissipating as he appeared in to his normal form, suddenly as he dusted off his shoulders the massive doors opened, with sounds of soft mechanical workings the doors swooshed open, the marines stood they're at attention they're neutron blasters and rail rifles in hand. They stood strait and went to attention as the Vice Admiral walked in.
Alexi smiled gently and said with a commanding voice. “At ease” His accent was obvious , his eyes we're peering at the visitors , his previously black gloves now white and ceremonial. He smiled gently wandering over, a few marines attempted to move behind him they're black BDU's and equipment jingling as they marched, Alexi how ever raised his hand closed his eyes and said with a simple tone of voice. “No, return to your posts” the marines where baffled but did as he said marching back in to they're previous areas. He opened his eyes as he wandered to a few feet from the diplomat he smiled and bowed, the stood up again and held his hand saying in a diplomatic and professional voice.
“Welcome to the UTS Hyperion, my name is Vice Admiral Alexi Stukov, I have been charged with representing my nation in these talks. Please forgive the security, but we never know what we are going in to. I'm sure you relate, please if you wish you can come to a room we have set up several decks above.” He gave another diplomatic smile peering at the newcomers, his face professional.

Out side of the hall another detachment of marines rushed passed shuttle bay one in to shuttle bay to, they're equipment jingling as they marched in force, NBC gear was prevalent on them all black with openings for the eyes that had a some what normal look to them, the troops moved in to the open bay surrounding the are we're the freighter was supposed to land after being tractored in.
The bridge was lively, Commander Jameson sighed as he heard the message from both ships. He said to the AI and con office in a commanding stiff voice. “Send a reply to them” The AI had made an odd sound to indicate an acknowledgment, the officer nodded starting to tap his holographic console. Jameson started to speak again leaning back on the command chair. The first reply was sent to the dominion ship

“This is Commander Jameson, its good to see old friends again, we still have records of you with in our data bases, we're representing the United Terran Federation, if you wish to take a diplomatic stance with us, you may send over some one to represent you.”

The second message was for the freighter. Jameson spoke with a more rigid voice than before.
:”This is commander Richard Jameson of the UTS Hyperion, we mean no harm to you or your ship, we simply detected a radiological explosion, we are going to tow you in to our bay, we assure you again we mean no harm. Please stay clam and stand by” he waved his black gloved hand with a sigh leaning back on the chair. The com was cut the AI made another noise .
The UTS Ordos, an Ordos class destroyer moved along scanning a particular outer world, its cloaked body not seen form any angel, it was quiet on the bridge and the ship it self was dark and peaceful. The commander sat back in his chair looking at the monitor that the AI and con officer brought up, they detected an anomaly in an area of the planet that looked like structures. The commander said with a sigh looking at the AI with a smile. “alright launch a probe to scan that area in depth”

Suddenly a minuscule hole opened up with in the five hundred meter destroyers cloak, little beams of light could be seen as a probe about eleven feet descended from the ship relaying data back and forth as it moved in to the atmosphere , closing in to the anomaly reading.
The Garbage Men
29-08-2007, 06:58
The UTS Ordos, an Ordos class destroyer moved along scanning a particular outer world, its cloaked body not seen form any angel, it was quiet on the bridge and the ship it self was dark and peaceful. The commander sat back in his chair looking at the monitor that the AI and con officer brought up, they detected an anomaly in an area of the planet that looked like structures. The commander said with a sigh looking at the AI with a smile. “alright launch a probe to scan that area in depth”

Suddenly a minuscule hole opened up with in the five hundred meter destroyers cloak, little beams of light could be seen as a probe about eleven feet descended from the ship relaying data back and forth as it moved in to the atmosphere , closing in to the anomaly reading.

"Sir, I think we've got a problem... Where getting readings consistent with a partly cloaked vessel. And we're getting atmospheric activity. I think they've launched a probe."

"How's the camoflauge doing?"

"Good, the access to underground have been locked away in a building and the security have gotten into civies. We should just look like a forgotten colony."

"Good, any thing that links us to TGM?"

"We couldn't do it."

"Right, no point in doing it now... We don't want to look like that we're hiding something."

"Right, well that's it. We're just waiting on the probe then."


The two of them stepped outside and looked up into the sky from where the probe was expected...
The Emperor Fenix
30-08-2007, 04:42
Gorongoss stood impassively looking at the outstretched hand for a moment before bowing slightly and saying “It is a pleasure to meet you Vice Admiral Stukov. My Name is Yllarack Herodo Gorongoss, the appointed representative of the administrative powers of the House of The Thorn.

A long moment passed before he reached into a deep pocket in his robe, pulling out a long slim cigarette holder and deftly, without revealing a hand, placed it in his mouth and lit it.
Ruthless Slaughter
30-08-2007, 21:40
Rourke nodded and thought himself
Good to know. Despite the regime change we should get along fine. All the same, I wouldn't mind a few Attack Ships with me. They're making us look like a second rate power. That cruiser's massive...

In this part of the galaxy the biggest ships usually came from Dominion space and as officer in the Dominion Starfleet it was always a shock to see a vessel that could hold its own sizewise.

"Very well Commander with your permission I will be beaming over personally to talk. If Mr. Gorongoss is there too all the better. Despite our...agressive past the Capital feels it is prudent to assume a more explorative, peaceful posture. I shall arrive presently."

With that the channel was closed and Rourke activated the thin metal band around his left arm over his uniform.

"Computer, one to energize directly to the conference room aboard the Federal vessel."

He typed in the coordinates.


In a flash of light he disappeared from the bridge and reappeared less than a second later aboard the Hyperion.

He looked around at the two men standing before him and nodded, "Gentlemen, an honor to meet you both in person. On behalf of the Dominion we extend formal greetings. It is our intent to promote a new age of prosperity and trade in the galaxy."
02-09-2007, 21:34
A fleet suddenly materalizes in-system, not near anyone except TGM. 4 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 2 Battleships, 1 Carrier, and one Medical ship made up this little fleet. It was the 19th Exploritory Fleet, en route from Xiscapia. On the bridge of the Destroyer Fallen Hero Admiral Sor looks out the window to space beyond. A Bridge Officer speaks. "Sir, we've got multiple energy readings. Several ships in the sector." "Who's are they?" "Look's like some kind of cargo ship, perhaps a merchant vessal. A Cruiser of some sort, orgin unknown. Multiple other readings in the area." "Take us in." "Yes sir." The little fleet slowly makes it's way though space, moving parallel to the Cruiser and cargo ship, though fairly far away.
The Emperor Fenix
03-09-2007, 08:08
A tiny purple robed figure, it was impossible to say whether or not it was the one previously seen, came panting round the corner. This time it was able to circumvent its fellows and whisper directly into the ear of one of the guards. As the messenger scurried back the way it had come the guard relayed the message to Gorongoss who stiffened and whispered and urgent reply to the guard who swept out of the room.

Back at the ship the guard began quickly opening several different lines of communication, ordering the Thorn Territorial fleet mobilized, and having messages sent to the central imperial authority and both House Hallburg and House Morraine.

Deep within the system, in the dripping dark corridors of The Thorn central command, water flowed and dripped from every surface, as well as a number of other largely clear liquids. Entwined across the walls where thick vines, some covered in thorns and spines, ranging from sharp fine shaped thorns to fine needles. Among these vines hurried loping green hooded servants, expertly dodging the plant matter on the floor. Occasionally in a swirl of tentacles, one of The Thorn would pass by, their speed and mass made it difficult to tell whether there was even a central body among the blur of vines.

As Gorongoss’ message reached the base silent vibrating alarms thrummed through the walls causing a terrible lurch of activity. The entire facility seemed to come alive as the entire growth covering nearly everything began pulsing and thrashing, sending out messages and directing communications.

From within the asteroid belt came a thin swarm of black dagger shaped vessel, as they accelerated large bronze coloured cogs span out of their surface in a complex interlocking pattern. Entering a formation reminiscent of their masters incohesive tentacular bodies the sped towards the Indolen mining structure.

At the same time warnings of possible trouble had been sent to several of the more efficient Imperial bureaucrats of possible trouble on the horizon. The appearance of a large fleet, on top of the recent unusually high activity was sure to antagonize the two sparring houses, if they were not involved in the fleets arrival. No doubt each one would suspect the other of attempting to set up a control structure within the system, attempting to subvert the system of asset distribution, which was tipped wildly in Morraines favour. Though none of the Thorn authority relished the idea of the two great powers bringing fleets crashing into the system they had a duty to inform them and it now seemed unavoidable.
Ruthless Slaughter
04-09-2007, 00:52
Aboard Havoc klaxons blared as the fleet materialized.

"Identify those vessels!" yelled the First Officer, "Now!"

"Sir, upon a check of the Dominion SciNet they appear to be Xiscapian. A relatively new addition to our database. In fact we only just learned about them due to recent addition made by the Captain's brother James aboard the Odyssey," the Sensor Operator replied, "As of now they are allies and not a threat."

"Cancel red alert, inform the Captain."

On the planet Joseph was informed of what had occurred, "My brother's almost a galaxy away. Our vessels were sent on almost opposite trajectories. These Xiscapians are quite advanced, even by our standards. Keep me informed. We know about these negotiations, but they may not. After all, our network was based off of getting information sent quickly across a galaxy. We now operate in a considerably smaller space. Hail them, let them know we're friendly. And keep me informed. Rourke out."

The First officer aboard Havoc held off on the communique, however. He wanted to see how the others would react first.
04-09-2007, 02:23
"Sir, we're being scanned. Multiple times. Activity on both the planet and in the fleet." "Are they hostile?" "Our scanners don't pick up any energy signatures aside from the engines, life support, ect." "Who are they?" "The planet is unknown, sir. The fleet appears to be Dominion." "Ah, yes. The Dominion. Haven't we had dealings with them in the past?" "Remotely. Shall I hail them?" "No. I'd like to see if they hail us first. See if they know who we are."
The Fedral Union
04-09-2007, 23:45
Admiral Alexi smiled diplomatically withdrawing his white gloved hand back to his side, the marines stood at attention waiting until the admiral and delegates passed, Alexi began to wander from the bay motioning the delegates to come with him, he closed his eyes half way and sighed as he mounted the transpad in a sudden burst of energy his body was engulfed in a enormous crackling yet non harmful light. He appeared in to the meeting room , it was set up with ornate and extravagant decorations, the walls where plated blue and white marble like metal , the entire room was well lit with soft yellow lighting as Alexi wandered off of the large transpad and to a chair, there where drinks on the gently glimmering glassy metallic table, the table was long and wide, its body was made of blue metal and its top is made of chrome like metal that gently glimmered with the soft yellow light.

Alexi stood by awaiting the delegates to come through the pad, also awaiting to be greeted by the dominion delegate , he sighed as he sat down on the large black leather like chair.
Suddenly the room blared slightly yellow, Commander Jameson was on the bridge he gritted his teeth as the massive holographic screen detected another fleet incoming. Jameson looked over quickly to the AI and con officer saying with a commanding yet deep voice.

“Go to condition yellow raise shields and prep fighters to launch, send a communications to those new contacts on sensors”

The communications said:

“This is Commander Jameson of the UTS Hyperion, To Unknown ships, what brings you to this area of space, you have entered foreign territory, please state your business.”

The comn cut and the con officer started tapping on her console again.
The AI made an odd noise signifying it heard the command , the con officer began taping on her holographic console moving her hands gently across the shimmering holograms.

The fighter bays were loud, automated Ais and floating bots prepared Thunderbolt fives loading Javelin missiles in to they're internal bays, seventy caliber rounds being chained in to boxes of ammo internally in to the fighters twin cannon ammo feeders. The bays remained closed however as the red and yellow lights blared around the entire fighter bay. Marines rushed to Positions around the ship in case things got dicey, they're gear jingling on they're black uniforms, rifles in hand as they ran down the metal mundanely lit halls of the war ship. Rumbles reverberated through the ships as its engines held it in place gently powering its systems.
Several Hundred mega meters away the UTS Ordos sat around a planetoid, its probe gently descending and stabilizing as it entered the atmosphere, its body opened up suddenly as it went in to more stable air the ports opened with prickly sensor arrays that began scanning and sending out communications signals across the planetoid. The Ordos Quietly moved in orbit its body not visible as the space it was distorting ever so slightly shimmered.
The commander on the Ordos sat back watching as his probe scanned it reviled some things and what looked like an instillation on the surface, but he was not sure, he looked over to the con officer with a gentle nod waving his black gloved hand at him, saying in a commanding voice. “Launch the rover..”

With that the con officer tapped on his console his hands moving over the holographic buttons and flickering screen his neck port directly wired in to the AI. The probe opened a small bay bellow its main sensory and communications Module, a small grayish ball dropped it careened down in to the atmosphere it blasted in to some soft ground directly under it kicking up waves of black dust, the ball opened like a flower, its metal body seemingly shaved off in all directions , as a small sized four wheeled slightly armored rover peeked out moving along the dusty ground towards the anomalous readings, it was smaller than spirit or opportunity, sleeker and powered by a small plasma cell, it had sensory equipment that was some of the most advanced used for surveillance.

The rover scanned as it moved along the ground crawling and accelerating as it did so over rocks and small obstructions.
05-09-2007, 01:42
“This is Commander Jameson of the UTS Hyperion, To Unknown ships, what brings you to this area of space, you have entered foreign territory, please state your business.”
"Sir, we're being hailed by the planet. They're attempting to move a cloaked ship into position." "What's their message?" The XO showed the Captain the message. "Shields up, and reply back the following." the Captain said.
To Commander Jameson of the UTS Hyperion:
We are the 12th Exploritory Fleet of the Xiscapian Empire. We mean no harm, please power down your weapons. Hostilities would be most unfortunate. We are friendly.
Ruthless Slaughter
05-09-2007, 02:18
Rourke walked over and held his hand out to the Admiral.

"Admiral, Captain Joseph Rourke of the Dominion. Good to see an old ally again. I must admit, we're both pretty far away from home."
The First Officer, seeing the events unfolding, moved quickly to defuse them.

"Xiscapian fleet group, this is the Dominion Explorer Vessel Havoc. We have received word over our network that our two governments are currently undergoing negotiations on the other side of the quadrant. We take this as a state of alliance and will make no hostile move. We will also advise the other vessels to follow suit."

The channel was muted as another was opened.

"Attention all vessels, this is the Havoc. The fllet that has just arrived is from Xiscapia, an ally of the Dominion. As yet, no hostile action has been made nor will it be. Please stand down."
The Garbage Men
05-09-2007, 02:43
Several Hundred mega meters away the UTS Ordos sat around a planetoid, its probe gently descending and stabilizing as it entered the atmosphere, its body opened up suddenly as it went in to more stable air the ports opened with prickly sensor arrays that began scanning and sending out communications signals across the planetoid. The Ordos Quietly moved in orbit its body not visible as the space it was distorting ever so slightly shimmered.
The commander on the Ordos sat back watching as his probe scanned it reviled some things and what looked like an instillation on the surface, but he was not sure, he looked over to the con officer with a gentle nod waving his black gloved hand at him, saying in a commanding voice. “Launch the rover..”

With that the con officer tapped on his console his hands moving over the holographic buttons and flickering screen his neck port directly wired in to the AI. The probe opened a small bay bellow its main sensory and communications Module, a small grayish ball dropped it careened down in to the atmosphere it blasted in to some soft ground directly under it kicking up waves of black dust, the ball opened like a flower, its metal body seemingly shaved off in all directions , as a small sized four wheeled slightly armored rover peeked out moving along the dusty ground towards the anomalous readings, it was smaller than spirit or opportunity, sleeker and powered by a small plasma cell, it had sensory equipment that was some of the most advanced used for surveillance.

The rover scanned as it moved along the ground crawling and accelerating as it did so over rocks and small obstructions.

The rover rolled into town, it was scanning the buildings, finding people and wasn't challenged. As it rolled up an embankment the first people saw it, most of them were obviously surprised to see a rover but they weren't scared either.

Two men approached the rover and looked over it, "Well, it's not from Tee Gee Emm."

"I wonder if they can hear us, whoever they are."

"Don't know but now that they know we're here and we know they're here it shouldn't be long before they arrive, in person."

"Well, what else do we have to do but prepare for their arrival."


And with that they left... As the rover scanned, it found a number of power sources, the sources where certainly that of a technologically advanced nation that indeed should have the technology to themselves take to the star, however no signs of a spaceship of their own. There was one particular structure that a detailed scan of wasn't possible something in it was causing all sorts of interference.
05-09-2007, 03:11
"Xiscapian fleet group, this is the Dominion Explorer Vessel Havoc. We have received word over our network that our two governments are currently undergoing negotiations on the other side of the quadrant. We take this as a state of alliance and will make no hostile move. We will also advise the other vessels to follow suit."
The following message was sent back:
Havoc, we thank you for your state of alliance and will not make a hostile move unless fired upon, per Xiscapian IWOS code.
The Emperor Fenix
05-09-2007, 09:42
Gorongoss turned quickly to Alexi saying, “Vice-Admiral, a number of ships have entered the edges of the system with out warning and have sent out messages unintelligible to us. Are they in any way affiliated to your nation or organization?”

House Morraine Planet Eadan

Within the central comms bureau of the Eadan administration an under secretary had just been fired. Such was the risk whenever bringing unpleasant or unwanted news to the dukes staff. A ship arriving in such a hotly contested system was news that the house did not want to hear, but multiple possible alien craft, and now a fleet, it looked far more suspicious.

Ducal Secretary Johan Galle did not believe in such co-incidences, as soon as he had received the news he had set off in a personal mechanical rotovator, flying close to the ground to catch up with the Duke who was riding horseback toward a favorite lake, though it would take him less than a couple of minutes to reach him he already knew the reply he would get when he asked what the course of action should be. This must be some plot by the Hallburgs to capture the system from under their noses, firm and immediate action must be taken, he’d already sent word for a fleet to be launched, one had been left constantly on standby and the secretary was never wrong.

Hallburg Control Centre Shurnguard System

Prince Gornoff received the notification of the fleets arrival personally, ever since Morraines usurpations of the Control Council of Disputed System Claims, he had been sure that Morraine would make a move on their pending systems. Though he had thought that the Callon system, a more industrialized richer area, would have been their primary target, he had had his eye on HYZ as well. Automated systems had already alerted and launched a fully equipped battle fleet to the area, which would surely catch the scum off guard, there was no way they were going to cheat Hallburg out of the mineral wealth of an entire nation, with a fully habitable terrestrial planet no less.
09-09-2007, 19:49
The Xiscapians sent a holo message to UTS Hyperion.
The Admiral stood, waiting for the connection to go though...
The Fedral Union
09-09-2007, 20:07
Alexi looked over to the Thorn delegate and said with a raised eyebrow and a diplomatically professional voice. “No they are not, I assure you.” Alex then glanced over to the dominion delegate he smiled and held his hand out bowing slightly saying. “My name Is Alexi, I will be your diplomat on this matter for now, please have a seat both of you. “ He said with a smile sitting down at the head of the table, the room was filled with soft yellow light, and suddenly odd creatures wandered in carrying trays of food and drink, they were somewhat small and had various colored fuzzy balls at the end of long Antennae from they’re fore head, they had whiskers from small cat like noses most where white others simply different colors all of them had black bat like wings on their back, they here rather small in comparison to the rest of the body. Alexi smiled a with a nod taking the a trays and placing them in the middle of the table, they had various delights and drinks. He placed his hands folded gently on the table and smiled.
The Xiscapian reply was lost due to errors in communication types; it had totally by passed the communications array of the cruiser.
On the bridge Jameson was fuming slightly that no one was replying to his communications he looked over to the Ai and said with an angry tone of voice, his hands placed on the armrests of the black leather like chair. His voice was commanding and thunderous. “All right they haven’t said anything legible so lunch fighters in a defensive and interceptor stance” he sat back with a frustrated sigh his black gloved hands placed on his chin, as the sudden white light of the entire ship (save the meeting room) turned to red, no alarm was sounded, but this was one step bellow general quarters. Marines rushed to secure potions around the ship; there gear jingling on their bodies as they moved. An entire mobilization was called for all marine battalions on board, Fighters raced out of the launch bays like swarms of bugs with enormous speed they’re engines glowing whitish blue, as they’re turbofans pushed each individual craft forward.
The lead fighter was out in front, the pilot was a young ace by the name of Erick Tompkins. One of the youngest squadron commanders in the Federation Aviation Corps , his brown eyes peered out in to space from his thunderbolts holographic cock pit, the cock pit looked almost like glass but it was in fact thousands of mega sensitive panels built in to the metal that made it able to change from solid metal to almost a glass like appearance. Erick looked around his hands on the control surfaces of the craft, he pushed the throttle back down with his left hand, the rough hulled fighter gently came to a near stop as the plasma turbo fans went from bright white and blue to dull blue. He started to speak in a sub space communication channel. “This is Echo Gulf One to all fighters, take up formation at vector one seven mark eight two five. “ The rest of the fighters Acknowledged, Erick pushed his control surface left and pushed the throttle forward, the fighter suddenly moved at high speeds the back of the thunderbolt lit with bright blue and white streams of particles as it banked left right and up followed by torrents of smaller craft, the engines stopped suddenly as Erick pushed back the throttle letting go of his control surfaces the fighter gently in position followed by its brethren.

The Ordos was receiving data in torrents coming in from the sub orbital probe and rover, the commander saw most of what was going on outside the disturbance area, but the sensors weren’t powerful enough to price it. The commander looked over to his con officer and said. “What do you make of it?” The officer replied as she pressed her consoles buttons. “Well sir some ones here alright, but we won’t know who it is unless we scan with ship sensors ...” she was cut off by the commander who spoke with a laid back voice, “To risky we don’t want to be found out, especially with the seemingly bad clusterfuck going on in the system, could we send a manned expedition down there via shuttle craft?” The con officer said with a sigh, “well sir we can but we’ll have to use stealth methods, meaning it will take time to prepare so we don’t make too much of a ruckus.” The commander said waving his hand sitting back on his large chair with a nod. The Rover had stopped signifying the people who controlled it where up to something as it turned around looking for a stubble landing spot for the Special Forces shuttle .
09-09-2007, 20:35
"Admiral their launching fighters." "Why do they not respond? Hmm...they must not have our communicaions network. Have the fleet set up a fighter screen, but keep our own small craft with us. Do not fired unless fired upon."
Ruthless Slaughter
10-09-2007, 01:07
Captain Rourke nodded and took his seat. He raised an eyebrow at the amount of muffled noise coming from outside the meeting room.

"Admiral, I certainly hope this isn't over the new fleet that arrived. They are the Xiscapians, allies of ours, though it shocks me that they have not yet sent communication or sent a delegate. I am almost positive they are here for the same reason we are."
10-09-2007, 02:01
The Admiral sighed. "Send a delegate in a shuttle with a fighter escort to the planet. Have her explain very carefully why we are here and what we are about."
A shuttle launchs, escorted by 5 fighters and 2 patrols.
The Garbage Men
10-09-2007, 03:00
There wasn't much for The Garbage Men people on the ground to do, the underground labaratory was being hidden, and they weren't going to obviously let on they knew what was coming, but none the less they were as prepared as they could be. All that was required now was for someone to show up.
10-09-2007, 06:42
Lilly Cooper wasn't surprised she had been ignored. There had been a polite response from someone on board the ship that had so easily captured hers and that had been it. Flamingo was just moored in and locked into place, and with what Lilly could tell from her 'scopes and radar, what had once been a system devoid of traffic had suddenly become party central.

"Skip, when are we going to get outa here?" Decker called up from the reactor room.

"Don't know, I'm not sure if these people even remember we're here with all the activity I'm seeing." She paused, "I'll give 'em a call and see what happens."

Lilly opened the radio channel, "It's nice to know we're not prisoners or anything, but my sky is getting awfully crowded and I'd like to get on my merry way. So can we talk business and arrange for us to leave?"
The Emperor Fenix
10-09-2007, 10:05
[ooc] Post Placeholder in which the thorn fleet arrives.

Xessmithia: TFU said for some time he was waiting for you to post, but i realise now that he didn't give you anything to post about, i'll prod him about this. If you wish i can send a minor thorn official to ask your crew about trading permit or some such rot to keep your characters active.

Xiscapia: There really is no planet, the human activity is taking place on a medium sized TFU cruiser. and the ships are all present on the very outer edges of the solar system in the rocky Oort cloud.

EDIT: Bazzalonia, there's nothing to indicate it but i've assume that thats an extreme orbitting body outside the cloud, pretty small. He never said where it was exactly or what size it was, but by the sounds of it it's at best a little planetoid and on top of it all, Xiscapias nation hasnt had any dealing with it, it's been puzzling me what planet he's been referring too for days.
10-09-2007, 10:19
[ooc] Post Placeholder in which the thorn fleet arrives.

Xessmithia: TFU said for some time he was waiting for you to post, but i realise now that he didn't give you anything to post about, i'll prod him about this. If you wish i can send a minor thorn official to ask your crew about trading permit or some such rot to keep your characters active.

Xiscapia: There really is no planet, the human activity is taking place on a medium sized TFU cruiser. and the ships are all present on the very outer edges of the solar system in the rocky Oort cloud.

OOC: Well, there is one planet where there is some action. TGM - TFU which is seperate from the other action. however all the actions of both involved are ... covert. TFU's ships have been cloaked and TGM has been keeping as low profile as possible.
14-09-2007, 12:04
The shuttle ( arrived at the Cruiser and the fighters and patrols peeled off to the side. The shuttle docked and the Xiscapian Ambassador stepped down the ramp, flanked by two Black Guards ( The Ambassador was a short women, with flowing green hair the color of grass hanging over her shoulders. Her skin was pale and her eyes, like all Xiscapian's, were yellow. She wore blood-red robes which reached all the way down to her feet, fastened with a gold clasp. She wore, though no one on the ship knew it, body armor underneth, along with a side arm and a few shurikens in her belt. On her side on the outside of the robes she wore a katana in a silver sheath, as do all Xiscapians. Her yellow eyes scanned the hanger as she waited for the delegate.
The Garbage Men
14-09-2007, 12:42
[ooc] Post Placeholder in which the thorn fleet arrives.

Xessmithia: TFU said for some time he was waiting for you to post, but i realise now that he didn't give you anything to post about, i'll prod him about this. If you wish i can send a minor thorn official to ask your crew about trading permit or some such rot to keep your characters active.

Xiscapia: There really is no planet, the human activity is taking place on a medium sized TFU cruiser. and the ships are all present on the very outer edges of the solar system in the rocky Oort cloud.

EDIT: Bazzalonia, there's nothing to indicate it but i've assume that thats an extreme orbitting body outside the cloud, pretty small. He never said where it was exactly or what size it was, but by the sounds of it it's at best a little planetoid and on top of it all, Xiscapias nation hasnt had any dealing with it, it's been puzzling me what planet he's been referring too for days.

OOC: Bazalonia is me...

The planet is out of the system but it's fairly close by, You could probably find that theres something odd with the planet but would have no idea what it was nor probably was anything to be interested in... Well for the moment anyway.
The Emperor Fenix
14-09-2007, 23:44
OOC: Of course TGM, stupid of me not to recognize the name. My Thorn guys arnt really interested in things as little as small astral body operations. Their main concern is that big national powers dont upset the delicate diplomatic balance within the system, other than that they're pretty libertarian, don't get involved in private industry.

In a flurry on interweaving motion the thin black craft of the Thorn fleet crashed through the Oort cloud, racing at full speed towards the systems most recent arrivals. As they began to loop in interlocking circles around the unidentified ships they broadcast their message in an array of different languages and numerically based communications.

“Unidentified craft: HOLD.

You are entering a highly contested system, belonging wholly to the Empire of Mankind. Bringing a fleet of any craft, particularly armed, is highly dangerous, and could be considered an act of aggression or war on your part. Stand down, identify yourself, and if necessary permit to boarding.

Both claimants, of Morraine and Hallburg, have been notified of your prescence.

Thorn Border Authority”

Aboard the Fedral craft Gorongss turned to the nearly arrived Dominion representative, inclining his head he said, “I haven’t had the pleasure, a representative Dominion? Another nation we are not acquainted with. If we are to begin a parliament of galaxies now I think we should retire t a more neutral setting.

There is an estimable habitable planet, barely touched by the long hand of civilization, within the system. My people have a more than comfortable instillation there intended for upcoming diplomatic negotiations taking place within the greater Empire of Mankind as to the fate of this systems ownership. If you have no objects I think it would be a perfect place to continue discussions. I must tell you at this point that I represent the House of the Thorn, which cannot speak for the Empire as a whole, only the Imperial Authority can do that, it has been notified of your arrival and is sending over a diplomat as we speak, as well as a small fleet to help diffuse the tensions created by the new arrivals I’m sure you are all aware of. If you wish to make fuller diplomatic contact with the Empire of Mankind, then feel free to talk to him. If you wish merely to establish a sole relationship with the Thorn I will be happy to make your excuses.
The Fedral Union
15-09-2007, 00:36
Commander Jameson slammed his fists down on the chair looking around; he sighed and gritted his teeth peering over to the AI and tactical officer. He said with a commanding voice sanding up from his chair his eyes peering at the new contacts on the sensors. “Get me on the speaker now!” The tactical officer responded taping on his holographic console and activating the speaker as the ghostly AI moved over head. , suddenly the entire ship was filled with the commanders voice, Alexi looked up holding his response to the delegate for a moment. Suddenly his commanding and stiff voice reverberated around. “General Quarters, General Quarters! I Repeat, all hands to General Quarters!” from the bay that the Xiscapian delegate landed to the conference room his voice filled the air, suddenly klaxons rang out, the entire ship reverberated with alarms. Alexi jumped up and looked to the Thorn delegate saying.

The sudden call to arms had made the weapons battery doors open, thousands upon of holes opened up instantly filled by turrets across the massive ship’s hull, guardian cannons opened facing forward on the sides of the cruisers, ion cannons and other weaponry dotted the hull in uniform lines as they opened and charged, not targeting any specific ship, but at the ready in case. Another wave of fighters from the left bays we’re launched. Missile bays and silos we’re already filled with missiles, they’re bays blasted open, they’re tubes exposed they mad ready for launch.
“There is a good reason we’re at General Quarters, your ships should not take such an aggressive nature. Please have them stand down the delegate of the new arrivals shall be here shortly we can work it out then.”

Marines rushed around the ship, the bay we’re the Xiscapian delegate came out of was instantly filled with armed marines, they carried rail rifles and neutron blasters, they’re black gear jingled on them as they rushed uniformly in a line Towards her, at the head of the line of soldiers was Major Adrian Sheppard he said in a deep voice and with a bow. “Ma’m welcome to the UTS Hyperion we are currently on full alert status now step on the transpad please and it will take you up stairs, he pointed to the pad. Outside in the mundanely lit utilitarian halls, marines and naval watch officers took areas to secure.

Inside of the diplomatic room Alexi had sat back in his chair with a cool and calm head, he looked over to the delegates with a sigh, saying. “Don’t worry I’m going to have marines come over here to secure this room, I will only have 2 guards. Secure the doors in case anyone tries to board us” Marines moved through the doors , they’re heavy gear jingling as they walked in carrying battle rifles standing at attention at the sides of both the doors.
A shuttle departed from the UTS Ordos It glided in to the atmosphere containing a small squad of marines and a few agents , the commander of the Ordos sat back cracking his knuckles as the medium sized stealth shuttle went down its sleek black body shimmering in the planets dark sky. It was hardly noticeable on sensors but it was there. , marines grasped they’re weapons in hand, as agents ominously sat in their chairs peering out in to nothingness they’re red eyes glowing ominously. The rest of the scouting party was on alert, having been recalled to the side of the cruiser.

The Ordos could not move however, its sister ships did. Destroyers glimmered gently moving towards the cruiser at full speed, all at general quarters shields raised, weapons at the ready.

Mean while The shuttle landed on the planet, marines and agents in NBC gear and light powered armor poured out on to the surface , kicking up dust, as the shuttle sat there. They moved in to a wedge formation starting to move towards the facility , by now they could be detected by sensors as they moved in a tactical formation brushing towards the buildings.
The Emperor Fenix
15-09-2007, 00:59
Gorongoss visible bristle, waves of movement appearing underneath his thick robes. The tiny purple clothed midgets chattered I high pitched squeekings fidgeting uncomfortably as the troops moved in. The blank smooth face of the sole remaining guard following their entrance with forced apathy.

“Vice-Admiral, you have no right to order so much as the movement of a tea cup within this system, how dare you presume to give me orders, to bring your thugs in here, to impose such vulgarities upon a representative of the Thorn. You insult me, my people and my Empire. We shall not stand down, we are here to protect the peace in this, our system, a hostile force has entered and our response to it is for us to make. Your pathetic assurances that a delegate I can only assume to be from those ships is on the way here, is of no assurance to us. If you make any attempt to stop my departure immediate departure from this vessel full retaliatory action will be taken by my armed fleet.

If you nation still wishes to make contact with the Empire, I’ll expect them to send a different, more competent diplomat, and a full apology for your disgusting irreverence.

You will leave this system, and I do not expect to see this ship or any aboard her within Thorn territory again.”

With that he turned to go.

At opposite sides of the system the fleets of Hallburg and Morraine burst into existence. The glittering Morraine craft were encrusted by gilt and gilding, their numerous ponderous cannons covered in fretwork and intricate designs. Overlooking them were wide decorous windows onto the lush and verdant interior of the battlecraft. No expense spared for the luxury and opulence of the craft. Distant the Hallburg craft were very different. Where Morraines bright windows looked out as eyes onto space the Hallburg craft were eyeless, though their many engines burned cleanly, numerous turrets and bays left thick trails of grey gas, illuminated by the fires burning in countless blast furnaces and smithies that continued to work to improve the industry of the house even at war.
15-09-2007, 01:03
"Sir, several fleets have arrived in-system." The Captain exploded. "Goddamn it, what the HELL is wrong with these people!?" "Message incoming. It's from the orgins of the fleets. Demanding our immediate retraction and removal from the system." "I don't think so." the Captain snapped. "This is a diplomatic situation, not a military one. Send a message back."

This is the 74th Xiscapian Fleet. We mean no harm. A Ambassador has already landed. Any attempt to harm him or this fleet will be regarded as an act of war and will bring the full force of the Empire to bear.
The Emperor Fenix
15-09-2007, 02:59
The fleet was quick to reply.

"Xiscipian fleet, your precipitous entrance is not politically expediant. We have not received your delegate, we assume it is aboard the hostile Terran craft."

A further narrow communication originating from within the Terran cruiser [from the Thorn vessel] said.

"You have entered a system, however unwittingly, which is hotly contested by two Empire powers, whose fleets you know doubt detect at opposite ends of this system. If we can assure your neutrality they pose no threat to you, we of the Thorn are more worried about conflict between the two. If our representative can extracate themselves from the Terran vessel we would be happy to properly establish contact."

The head Morraine vessel broadcast the following to both the opposing fleet, and the as yet unconfirmed fleet.

"Hallburg agents, your attempts to steal control of this system from us will not be tolerated, we will be calling an Imperial agent to remove you from our property forthwith."

Whilst their Hallburg counterparts projected.

"Morraine usurpers, you underhand attempts to once again subvert Hallburg property cannot and will be allowed. We demand you vacate this system before the Imperial agent were have requested arrives."
16-09-2007, 15:52
The Ambassador walked with with her guard though the Cruiser. White lights reflected off the chrome furnishings and lite the halls. Databanks and computer terminals were stationed every few yards. Creatures, small and white, neko looking, ran by, chattering in strange tounges. At first the halls and bunkheads were small and sparten, but as they proceded though the ship the decoratines became more beautiful and elaborate. The Ambassador stopped in front of the confrence room door. There was a soft chime and she entered, one guard taking up position in front of the door, the other following her in.
Ruthless Slaughter
17-09-2007, 00:34
Rourke stood to greet the ambassador, "Looks like we've picked a bad time to show up. Captain Joseph Rourke, nice to meet you. Apparently there's some kind of civil conflict between two houses in the empire controlling this system. Their not entirely sure you're neutral and their delegate just stormed out. Ambassador, we may be caught in the crossfire."
17-09-2007, 00:37
The Ambassador bowed and then shook hands with him. "We are an entirely peaceful fleet, we're merely exploring. We want no part in the Civil War, but if we are in fact fired upon, we will shoot back." she sat down, her guard by the door.
The Fedral Union
17-09-2007, 02:11
Alexi looked over to the thorn diplomat with a stern yet diplomatic look. He said with his Russian accented voice in a professional tone. “It was merely a suggestion, if your people are that unstable that you must storm out of peaceful negotiations because of a few misunderstood words then so be it, you may leave if you wish.” He then stood up and looked to the others his body’s black uniform gently emphasized by the soft yellow light, he held out a hand looking at both the dominion and the Xiscapian delegate. Saying with his deep professional voice “it’s nice to meet you both; we may have to take these proceedings elsewhere for sitting here we risk life and limb. It is obvious some people are not meant to be dealt with in a conventional way. I am Alexi Stukov ”
Mean while the cruiser floated with its escort in place and ready to defend itself, the ships shimmered and rumbled ominously over the ones in the system, its engines keeping it in place as they’re white and blue glow lit their back sides.
Commander Jameson mean while was on the comns with the state department and fleet command.
“Jameson” said an older man in a black suit sitting back on his chair. “The current situation in the system and the unstable diplomatic tensions as well as the knee jerk reactionary of the alien delegate is forcing us to label them as Organe, or unstable as you know , be careful, if they open fire respond in kind only if all your options are depleted, General Carvel Any Thing to add?” An older bald man came in to view holding a cigar sitting back on his chair, he said with a sigh and a hard commanding voice.
“All Right son here’s what’s going to happen, if shit starts flying You are to respond In a tactical withdraw, you know what that means, I’ll have the 8th reactionary fleet on alert and mobilized to your position should anything happen , so they can dig you out of the hole you dug yourselves in to got it?”
Jameson responded “Yes sir understood ill keep admiral Alexi apprised” suddenly the large holographic screens cut off looking back out in to the darkness of space. Jameson and the con officer forwarded the information in next formation to Alexi’s console. Alexi was still standing as he looked over to the text coming up on the screen he was reading off and on thinking in his head. -These people are diplomatic morons, I wouldn’t be surprised if they get in to undesirable conflicts with others over petty insults- he smiled diplomatically.
17-09-2007, 02:18
The Ambassador bowed. "It grives me to hear that things are going so badly." she said with quiet conviction. Though her voice remained steady and diplomatic, her eyes blazed.
The Emperor Fenix
17-09-2007, 03:45
OOC: OK, normally i'd write this all out in word and stuff before hand, think it through, but i'm not really into dealing with TFUs insane quazi-politics, Xis, if you could assure Gorongoss you're not a spy for either Hallburg or Morraine i can get out of this ridiculous nonsense. I don't expect any of you to establish further contact with the Empire that isnt the point of this thread. Don't bother responding directly, i won't be reading this thread.


Upon hearing the grave and blatant insult delivered by the TFU vice-admiral to the delegates of two other nations Gorongoss stiffened. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that any trained professional diplomat would ever be so ludicrously insulting. The very idea was beyond belief, any other sane diplomt of a rational nation would at the very least have kept silent, this man was evidentaly quite mad.

As he left he triggered the apoptosis of his slaves, they couldnt be allowed to spread the taint of such behaviour back to the hive. On his way out he passed another national representative, clearly not belonging to the Dominion or the Fedral lunatics. By a process of elimination it could only be a member of 'the third fleet'. Well, that proved they wernt spies from another part of the Empire well enough for him. As message from him should be enough to pull Hallburg and Morraine back, they could discuss their differences there.

As soon as he got to his ship he sent out a signal and the Thorn fleets retreated back to the very boudary of the Oort cloud.

Speeding off the craft he sent the following messages narrowband:

Dominion craft, we are assured of your peaceful intentions, you are free to travel where ever you desire. Though this is the closest system of the Empire i suggest you head to another system to establish direct contact rather than Thorn contact.

Unidentified craft, i passed your delegate on the way out of the madmans vessel, and am assured of your intentions, please do not bring more than the smallest of craft into the system, though the lunatics vessel will soon be departing we can safely assume you will be following it to continue what ever negotiations can be done with such a people.

Terran vessel. your presence here is no longer expediant. Make your way elsewhere as quickly as you can in order to better serve the interests of your nation.
Ruthless Slaughter
17-09-2007, 22:34
Rourke heard Gorongoss's message relayed via his neural command implant and sent orders for the Archangel to respond in kind.

To the representatives of the Thorn:
We gladly and gratefully accept your offer. Please give us the proper coordinates, and we will send a representative. The Archangel will stay with our captain and follow the Terran vessel.

Rourke looked to the Admiral and the Xiscapian ambassador, "Despite misunderstandings, it would be expedient to continue these negotiations in neutral space. Our astrometrics charts read an uninhabited star system just outside their borders. We could make it in less than an hour."
18-09-2007, 00:02
The ambassador bowed. "We, too, wish to continue negotations, ah, unhindered, if you will." She turned to Gorongoss. "I assure you, we are completly independent of either of your parties, we have no hostile intentions."
The fleet...
The ships began to ready for there hyperspace jump.
19-09-2007, 03:55
OOC: Tag.
The Emperor Fenix
22-09-2007, 15:21
OOC: Alas that I should be the one to invigorate this thread, lest Rob be tempted to abandon it so precipitously.

IC: Upon the virgin soil of the unnamed planet within the disputed system great powers met in parley, though none with easy mind. The facility chosen for their discussion was a newly constructed building of vaulted ceilings and few walls, looking out onto coppery blue surface of the many great, weed covered, lakes that made up the planets major source of biomass. A light peppery smell permeated the building from the crushed leaves of the freshwater growths.

At the center of the building had been set up a large octagonal table, mimicking the overall shape of the rotunda above. On one side was sat Baron Lethins representing the House of Morraine, flanked on either side by his Fleet commander, and his translator. Opposite him sat Total Fleet Operations Manager Carlhiem, supported only by his chief industrialist. They maintained an uneasy silence as Gorongoss strode quickly toward them across the long open transept that lead from the landing bay of his craft. When he finally arrived at the table their objections were swiftly ad simultaneously raised.

“You are sure the activity without this system is not the responsibility of any agents of the House of Hallburg?” Shouted the Baron, bringing his fist down on the table, and setting his numerous rows of medals and commendations jangling against his, possible optimistically sculpted breast plate. Whilst at the same time Carheim was saying “How can you prove to us that this is not evidence of the Morraine flouted the agreements made about this sytem?” Gorongoss paused for several seconds before replying, he drew off his cowl to reveal a matt black metal head, bald and barely featured and said, “I have gone to great personally lengths, and been aboard the vessel of an entirely alien, and incredibly uncouth species, to ascertain the exact nature of the recent disturbances that have so upset the balance on things, and have seen representatives from all the fleets stationed around the system. There is no question of their alien nature in my mind, they are not affiliated with any House of agency within the Empire.”

Baron Lethins was the first to speak leaning back into his chair in some relief “I suppose it is for the best. What of the nations that practically besiege this jewel in Morraines crown?” At this provocation the Chief Industrialist spluttered but Carlhiem remained calm, instead directing another question at Gorongoss before he could answer the first. “Have you tired of the companionship of your tiny servants Representative? I cannot remember the last time I saw you without their miniature ministrations assisting you.” Despite the unnecessarily personally nature of the inquiry Gorongoss responded, happy not to address the Barons question. “The behavior the aliens was such that I had them destroyed rather than bring the experience back with them, I have yet to procure a new batch. Does not worry, the Thorn have not scaled back their operations in the system, a gate will be established within the year and you may all bring as many slaves as your hearts desire.” The attempt to divert the conversation away from his question did not go unnoticed by the Baron who tapped pointedly on the tabletop. Turning his upper body slightly toward Lethins at the sound Gorongoss once again paused, before moving forward and taking the seat between the two parties. “As for the aliens who are at the root of this event, I have only met them briefly. The first fleet to be encountered was that of a Terran Federation, with whom we have never had previous contact. The second arrival was of a Dominion, who is also alien to us, and lastly, the largest fleet, which caused such a great disturbance, belonged to a Xiscipia, whose ambassador I only briefly saw on my way to this meeting.

Leaning forward in his undecorated grey coat Manager Carheim said in an interested voice, “You are the chosen House of the Thorn representative of this system, if I may enquire, why did you so abruptly leave such a meeting of foreign powers to come and discuss mineral assets and land ownership with us?” Gorongoss attempted not to hesitate before replying “I found,” he said, before pausing and bowing slightly in reflection. “The Terran representative was highly insulting about Myself, and the Empire as a whole.” From his side of the table Lethins chortled heartily to himself. “Not scared off by a mean alien I hope Sir.” Whilst Carlhiem merely looked stern. “Hardly ‘scared off’ my lord,” Said Gorongoss, attempting to sound diplomatic “The man attempted to order my fleets to withdraw when they neared an entirely unaffiliated vessel, and when I refused filled the room with armed guards. I felt it prudent to withdraw immediately lest he decide to coerce troop movements out of me not just demand them.” “What about the Imperial arbitrators?” Enquired the Baron, “It seems we have little need of them here, will the establish contact with the Terran ambassador?” “Though it is entirely up to them I hardly advice the course of action.” Said Gorongoss, turning from the Baron to look at the disinterested Fleet Manager and his uncomfortable looking Industrialist. “The man is at least power mad, I doubt they will remain in the system long enough anyway, I suggested they make their way elsewhere when, upon my departure, I clearly heard the Terran Ambassador insinuate that we would unprovokedly attack the vessels of the assembled nations. An astonishing declaration from a man whose sole contact with me was to attempt to gain command of my ships.”

“You are altogether to sensitive Gorongoss.” Said Carlheim, once again resuming his interest in the conversation. Gorongoss bristled at the statement,, and losing his temper he hissed, “Perhaps I should expect such an assessment from a member of Hallburg, you have no appreciation for the behavior of a gentleman.” Whilst the Baron laughed heartily the Fleet Manager sprang to his feet. “Are you suggesting I am not a gentlemen?” He said in a threatening tone, throwing a stern glance at the still chortling Baron and the satisfied grin on his Fleet Commanders face. Attempting to be Diplomatic Gorongoss also rose to his feet and said in a soothing tone. “My apologies Sir, I meant no offence of course, the people of Hallburg are eminently civilized, I did not intend to cast aspersions upon yourself or your house.” “Civilized?” Cut in the Baron, laughing again. “This is the same Hallburg we’re talking about here? I don’t know that there’s anything civilized about digging rocks all day.” “It is that kind of attitude that has allowed Hallburg to dominate the Empires industry whilst Morraines interests wither in the marketplace.” Shot back Carlhiem, forgetting his altercation with Gorongoss. At that the Baron exploded. “Wither? WITHER! Morraine continues to be the richest strongest house within the Empire, you’re on the run and you know it. The Caron system will be rightly awarded to us, as I am sure will this one, and we’ll see whose withering.”

OOC: Honestly this could go on forever, do, I implore you, not let this happen. Post or I shall have to write banal and idle banter between the pompous twits forever.
Ruthless Slaughter
22-09-2007, 21:55
The Raven ( class capital ship Hellfire entered its artificially generated wormhole and moved toward coordinates supplied by the Thorn representative. In a vortex of brilliant red light, the 3km long ship materialized and moved toward the nearest inhabited planet. Maintaining careful distance, it broadcast the following message:

To the ranking representative of the Empire of Man,
This is Ambassador Fredrick Stone of the Dominion. At the behest of a representative of the House of Thorn we have been instructed to come here to seek negotiation with your central government.
The Emperor Fenix
23-09-2007, 12:30
OOC: At this point i had hoped that it would be TFU making his way to my coronation, but he seems to have gone AWOL.

The tiny nation of Cossanz had rarely managed to distinguish itself amongst the great ad good of the Empire, it found itself eclipsed in every conceivable way possessing a single smallish continent on an unremarkable planet and a widely derided popular love of candied vegetables that despite concerted efforts by officials was never appreciated by the wider world. Its one distinction upon this occasion was that it was located in the same system as the nearest direct gate to the capital of the Empire.

Upon receiving news of an alien signal the Chief Magistrate was hurriedly roused from his sleep, and quickly donning his rather eccentric traditional robes of office he sent a communication from his study, the nearest room suitably officious in appearance.

“Welcome to the Ollang System, Honoured Ambassador Stone. I am Ghelso, Chief Magistrate of the humble nation of Cossanz, we find ourselves to be overjoyed to extend warm greetings to yourself and your crew.

If it is, as I understand it to be, direct contact with the highest Imperial authorities you seek, then I am glad to inform you that your journey nears its end. The Thorn have in their wisdom directed you to this system no doubt because it possesses a gate that will transport you effortlessly directly into the very sepulcher of the Empire. Though I feel compelled to warn you that ǽtherships are not permitted within ten astronomical units of the capital planet itself, you shall have to disembark at the other end of the gate. Unless of course you wish to be met with on your own craft, though I cannot hope to speak for the Imperial ambassadors, I have every confidence they will be happy to do so.

The gate can be found in close orbit around the sun, a clerk will send you details of its orbit. We wish long life and strong prospects for your ship and your people.”

Signing off from the transmission the Chief Magistrate slumped back into his chair, the larger replica toad perched on top of his headdress tumbling off onto the carpet. Even though he was born with a natural propensity for obsequious groveling that helped keep his otherwise backward nation outside the interests of greedy powers, he never ceased to worry that one day his people would learn of his less that stalwart attitude to foreign relations and he would go the way of his great grandfather which could only be described as, slow.
Ruthless Slaughter
24-09-2007, 01:51
The ambassador thanked them and wished them well before the channel closed.

"Commodore Harding, you heard the man. Take us to the gate with no further delay."

"You forget your place ambassador. You may have authority over the mission, but this is my ship," he smiled warmly at Stone, showing no hard feelings, "Helm, take us in."

"But Commodore, we could simply jump-"

"It would be of diplomatic interest to take them up on their offer. Besides, we don't have their homeworld's coordinates."

"Aye sir, taking us in."

Following the coordinates provided, the Hellfire moved toward the gateway, slowly disappearing as it passed through. It appeared some distance from the homeworld. Moving to within 1.5 times the minimal distance, (15 AU away) the Ambassador moved toward the transporter room as the Commodore opened a channel.

"To the leadership of the esteemed Empire of Man: I am Commodore Oliver Harding of the Dominion Starfleet. We were directed here via your gate courtesy of the nation of Cossanz. Our ambassador, Fredrick Stone, wishes on behalf of the Dominion to open negotiations between our two governments. He is currently waiting to beam down, with your permission of course. I apologize he could not greet you in person, as we need a little extra time to compensate for the distance to transport him."
The Fedral Union
27-09-2007, 18:00
(OOC: My Computer is down, I'm at school right now and I only have like five mins left, I don't know when ill be able to get on again to reply.)
The Emperor Fenix
05-10-2007, 05:26
[Sorry ive been totally lazy, i'll make this into a post about something or other, lazy lazy lazy]