NationStates Jolt Archive

Peace Talks

11-08-2007, 02:42
The Mandalorians

the Order of America


Qadesh urges these regions to come to this forum and begin the long road towards peace talks.

Qadesh suggests that hostilities should cease for the remainder of these peace talks. Forces, should remain where they are, and try to neither gain nor lose territory.

Ambassador James Calhoun, recently elected, sat in his brown leather wrapped chair. He sighed, as his predecessor, elected by former leader VonViven left him with an impossible task. Qadesh's impact wasn't that large, and thus she felt herself situated to adjudicate peace.

Qadesh shall:
~ pay URCEA a payment of $1,000,000 [One Million] USD for damages caused as a result of war made by former President Baron VonViven.
~ make a solemn promise to no longer seek to aid the Order of America in their struggle to root out rebels.
~ Donate $1,000,000,000 [One Billion] towards starting a relief fund for those affected by the war. This war has cost many thousands of people too much. Qadesh urges the other nations involved to donate some amount of money to the cause. The relief fund will be overseen and administrated by the United Nations.
The Order of America
11-08-2007, 02:58
10,000,000 Amuros (5,000,000 USD) will be donated to this fund. The Order would like to point out that this Conflict was in Progression Long Before Qadesh entered the Situation. While We have donated Money to this fund it is in the Interest of saving lives. We have at this point no intention to make peace with The Rebellion
11-08-2007, 03:17
Thank you for your generous donation. Qadesh understand that it neither comprehends nor understands the conflict it has embroiled itself in. Qadesh only prays that a little life is lost as possible as the conflict moves forward.

The Parliament of the Republic of Qadesh