NationStates Jolt Archive

Elections in Tatom

31-07-2007, 15:25
After months of fighting both sides agreed to have peace talks, both sides agreed to let the people of Tatom to decide the future of Tatom. The electiopns will be held today, right now people are pouring into poll stations.

Democracy or Communist, who will win?
The World Soviet Party
31-07-2007, 15:39
A socialist democracy, of course.
31-07-2007, 15:51
DNN news.

"In a surprising turn of events the factions involved in the Tatom war have agreed to hold elections. While there are doubts about the honesty of the results in some parts of the country, there is little doubt that the democrats hold the upper hand.

The results are eagerly awaited and we hope, no matter who wins, that will be the best choice for the people of Tatom."
British Londinium
31-07-2007, 15:56
Corporate Communiqué

Open Declaration:

Even though MTL is a private corporation, we still feel that we have an obligation to help those in need, and, to that end, have decided to donate two million dollars to the campaign fund of the only person we feel is suitable to lead Tatom: Jesús H. Christe. No, not the Lord and Saviour of Christians everywhere, but a young McDonald's employee who served me an Egg McMuffin yesterday morning.

I feel that Mr Christe is perfectly suited for the job running Tatom. After all, his expert knowledge of Spanish profanity and the regulation thickness of a burger patty, in addition to his ability to recite the ingredients of a Big Mac backwards, forwards, and (on good days) diagonally, Jesús has all the skills necessary to lead a tiny, third-world nation populated with people only slightly more intelligent than your average rodent.

Rosabella Fabia Drusillia
CEO, Motortrepali Londii
31-07-2007, 15:57
The Death Watch Organization has decided to vote for the Communists. It has come to our attention that the war seems to be at a halt. Thus, we are pulling our soldiers out of the conflict.
31-07-2007, 16:08
The Red Stars vote for the Communist's, we believe it's time for this bloodshed to end, we will honor what ever side wins the elections, and as a good will gesture we have pulled out troops out of Tatom...
31-07-2007, 16:22

Elections in Tatom

After months of strife and troubles in The Nation of Tatom, the goverment has decided to hold a vote by popular support to show if the people themselves wish a Democratic or Communist Government.

One of the problems that government officials are reportedly having is the validity of some balots in certain parts of the country, but is not going to halt the process.

Cookesland supports a Democratic Government in Tatom as do all of us here at CBC.
31-07-2007, 16:44
The Tatom people have hired a team of people from around the world to count the results, results have come from Tatom's 3rd largest city where the rebels have won by 80%, while results from Yurt showed that the communists have won by 54%. In Tatom's capital the Team is currently counting the votes. Early results from the city of Gime showed that the rebels won by 60%. communists are currently planning to move its troops from Tatom.
31-07-2007, 16:54
A group of Pro-communists started shooting at pro-Rebel people, causing 65 deaths,, the rebels charged in and arrested the people, charged with murder.
31-07-2007, 18:42

Kiravian Empire

Permissum Astrum Subleuco

Imperial Secriat of State

Foriegn Government Office

The Kiravian Empire will officially remain neutral concerning the Communist Electoral victory.
New Brittonia
31-07-2007, 18:46

Elections in Tatom

After months of strife and troubles in The Nation of Tatom, the goverment has decided to hold a vote by popular support to show if the people themselves wish a Democratic or Communist Government.

One of the problems that government officials are reportedly having is the validity of some balots in certain parts of the country, but is not going to halt the process.

Cookesland supports a Democratic Government in Tatom as do all of us here at CBC.

ooc- how did you make that logo?
31-07-2007, 18:56
The Red Star Organization is pleased to note the outcome of the elections so far indicate a New Socialist party coming ahead in the polls, they also note that if they win, the Red Stars involvement in the war wasn't in vain..
01-08-2007, 01:29
Lach-land openly supports a socialist democracy
01-08-2007, 22:14
Winner of the elections was the Democracy fighters, the rebels won the election by:

Rebels: 96,009,769 votes
communists: 79,809,053 votes

Shortly after the communists lost in the elections, a nuke exploded in a rebel held town, killing thousands, the rebels blame the communists for the nuke explosion. The communists decide to leave Tatom

That night, millions of communists poured out of the country into unknown locations, the former communist President vowed to come back to liberate Tatom from the rebels.
01-08-2007, 22:48
Mathism is willing to dispatch armed forces to keep the peace.
02-08-2007, 05:05
lach-land is willing to take in any refugees in need.
02-08-2007, 15:18
The Red Stars take a good bulk of communist refugees to Tatomia, and may the new government govern well until the time is ripe to take back Tatom for the communists...
Federational States
02-08-2007, 15:19
CFS troops evacuate the country taking with them many communist refugees, who will make a new home on one of Ttoms southern channel islands to be henceforth known as Tatomia. May the new government of Tatom govern well.
United kingdom2
02-08-2007, 15:26
The United Kingdom will take refugees and put in them in one of our states of the Kingdom. Ireland is able to home two hundred million at this time.