NationStates Jolt Archive

Would Anyone be Interested in starting a new Earth?

Dweladelfia prime
02-07-2007, 23:45
In my life on the NS board I have been apart of a few different earths that I have created, or Joined. In this experience 2 problems have plagued me.

The First is, Theres not enough land to go around. To many people hog lots of land and leave none for anyone else. Leaving 5 major super powers on the earth with no smaller nations. This leads to a very boring rp. One of my goals in starting an earth is to stop this problem. I have a few ideas that I have seen used of how to stop this. One of them is limited claim points. An example of this is: US and another large nations would cost the total amount of claim points allotted. Smaller nations would cost less and could be combined. This stops nations from claiming a large plot of land and then 5 other smaller ones. Which makes a huge godlike nation, and results in a dull RP.

The Second problem is Earths of Inactivity. I've seen and been apart of many earths that started and then dies within the course of a few weeks. Leaving all the hard work that was put into them wasted. In the earth I wish to create would be an active one by having more interesting RPs and having more than just war and annexation RPs. I want earths to be a fun enjoyable experience not just a dry one.

The most important thing I need to an experienced CO-Mod that knows how to run a successful earth. One that knows how to stop the two things ive listed above from happening. One that could aid me in drafting a set of rules and starting out this new earth. I would like this CO-Mod to be a long time NS resident that knows his or her way around the board. And one that has had experience with many earths and knows how they are run.

If you are interested in helping me start and earth please post here and let me know what experience you have with earths.


Dweladelfia Prime
02-07-2007, 23:50
I sure would. Or I would join your world at least.

I was a key member in ESS, which was banned under the alternate history rules, but it had a great run.

I was a member of Cold War 07 and Broken World 2027, both also banned and not as successful as ESS.

I was most recently apart of EFJ, from which I withdrew because of godmoding...

Do you have msn/aim?
Dweladelfia prime
02-07-2007, 23:52
Awesome, thanks for showing Interest. I'm gonna leave the thread up for a bit. Dang I need to change the title of the thread to... lol
02-07-2007, 23:56
Awesome, thanks for showing Interest. I'm gonna leave the thread up for a bit. Dang I need to change the title of the thread to... lol

Sure, no problem. I might not have the experience you are looking for, but i dont know. Also, i guess my msn/aim links are available to you, so if you could im me, I have a few preliminary revisions that might help you wether you choose me or not.
Dweladelfia prime
03-07-2007, 00:00
Sure, no problem. I might not have the experience you are looking for, but i dont know. Also, i guess my msn/aim links are available to you, so if you could im me, I have a few preliminary revisions that might help you wether you choose me or not.

Sure, I'll IM you in a sec here.
Dweladelfia prime
03-07-2007, 00:03
Your not on AIM! lol
03-07-2007, 00:08
Your not on AIM! lol

sorry, am now...