NationStates Jolt Archive

The San Diego Talks (CLSD, ATTN Hegemony, BL, and other's involved in Livd Ninja)

18-06-2007, 17:10
Open Letter to the Nation's involved in Livd Ninja:

We are holding these talk's to hopefully end a growing conflict between the Hegemony and BL, and other's too. We hope that if by coming we can agree to a peaceful resolution to this, that we may have averted a conflict which may be a very costly one for both side's. The talk's start at 2:00, and we will have dinner at the neighboring Fat City steakhouse, and the talk's will end at 8:00 tonight, we hope that you will come,

John Cox
Foreign Minister

The preparations were being made, at the San Diego Conference Center, for the Peace Talk's, for the first time ever, Calizorinstan was holding peace talk's, simply because it was an ideal nation to hold it in, neutral, and a beautiful country, and the weather was lovely. The airport also prepared for the VIP's and dignitaries of various nation's that were coming, and President Arnold was at the airport, ready to greet and meet the VIP's, and take them to the San Diego Conference Center..
Nuevo Italia
18-06-2007, 17:17
Benito Carizno heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the screech of the breaks when his plane landed on Calizorinstani soil. THAT was a damn long flight... he thought. A few minutes later, he had managed to get into the airport.

An important looking man stood alone, with a few guards in the background. Looks like I'm the first one here, he remarked silently, smirking.
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 17:19
A solemn procession of La Fayette-class ( frigates sailed steadily towards Calizorinstan, their bows piercing the choppy, cold waters.

"May Neptune protect us, guide us, give us strength. May he lead our fleets to victory," the sailors muttered, reciting the traditional naval orison as they approached Calizorinstani waters. This wasn't combat, but it couldn't hurt.

All hands, action stations, action stations, blared the shipboard public address systems. It might have seemed excessive, these powerful ships going to full alert upon entering the waters of Calizorinstan, but when the Deputy Prime Minister was going into a situation that was definitely hostile, potentially deadly, precautions had to be taken.

A black NH90 ( helicopter with the national seal proudly emblazoned on the side quickly rose from the platforms, leaving the fleet behind as it flew towards the San Diego.
18-06-2007, 17:21
President Arnold clicked on his radio and said "You have permission to land, the Nuevo Italian representative is here with me, you may land." He turned to the Nuevo Italian representative and smiled and offered his hand "I am President Jack Arnold of the United States of Calizoirnstan, how was your flight, I hope it was good I trust..."
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 17:44
The helicopter quickly landed at the airport, its rotors slowly coming to a halt. The Deputy PM and six armed SIS agents exited the helicopter, approaching the Calizoristani president.
18-06-2007, 17:46
President Arnold said as they approached "Hullo, I am President Jack Arnold, I trust you had a good flight from British Londinum?, well here's the bus, I'll take you to the Conference Center, where we are holding the talk's, and then I"ll come back here to await the other's.." He ushered them into a Ford Excursion awaiting them, and said casually as they got in "It's a hydrogen-diesel powered, get's 25 miles per gallon, it's not as gas guzzling as you think." He turned the key's,started it, and drove toward's the San Diego Conference Center, where they were holding the talk's.
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 17:50
"Lovely vehicle," observed Iunctus Wellington, the Deputy PM. "President Arnold, I'm afraid that my government is a tad worried about security. How are you addressing security concerns?"
18-06-2007, 17:52
An airship glided smoothly across the sky like it was the ocean, descending onto the airport like a swan to water. A man, weak looking, thouroughly a runt, wearing clothes that seemed reminiscent of the eigthteenth century, came out to join their Londinian counterparts, just in the nick of time. Coming out behind him were two of the Emerald Guard, the defenders of the Imperial family, looking like the USA secret security with powerful handguns at their sides.
18-06-2007, 17:57
ooc; NI is early for a conference holy crap hell must have froze over

The jet black Aerion streaked across the sky..slowing down now from its crusing speed of mach 1.5 as they approached the coast of Calizorinstan..inside Major Benell Ferlin sat calmly inside the luxurious jet..the flight which would have normally taken some fourteen or plus hours had been cut to a mere three and a half hour flight..the jet finally after circling the airport three times landed..the door opened and Ferlin along with six GSS guards exited the craft and quickly made their way inside awaiting to meet with Calizorinstan authorities..
18-06-2007, 18:00
Jack turned toward's Wellington and said "Mr.Wellington, we have the highest security comprising of our Navy SEAL sniper's, and our Marine Recon Force, they are just in plainsmen clothes to trick any terrorist's, brilliant don' you think?" He stopped to pick up the Vontatian and Gatway rep's, and he said as they got in the car "Plenty of room, I will drop you off at the conference building, where some of our men will show you, and I'll get the rest of the people coming in..."
18-06-2007, 18:10
Ferlin nodded towards the BL and Vontatian delegates..

"One day of talks to sort out this mess...Wishful thinking in my opinion."

Ferlin reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigar lighting it up not caring really if the others minded the smoke or not..He was filling his requested role perfectly..arrogant..and was evident the Imperial Kingdom thought very little of the ensuing peace talks.
18-06-2007, 18:18
Jack rolled down the window near Ferlin and said "That's so, Mr.Ferlin can smoke without suffocating us all!, darn it, the freaking construction crew's blocking the road!" He swerved to avoid a man running to the construction site, and he drove in the driveway, and let the guest's out, and a younger man approached them and said "I am Ron Black, I'll show you to the conference room, we have donut's and various other pastrie's for your consumption, Mr.Arnold will join us as soon as he pick's up the other's, I am the Calizorinstani Foreign Affairs Minister." He led them into the building, as President Arnold drove back to the airport..
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 18:51
Lord Sumguy's plane landed, and he exited it, along with two guards. i wonder how much i will have to give to satisfy these bloodthirsty imperialists? he thought, as he walked. hopefully my people will suffer little.
18-06-2007, 19:10
While Ron was leading the VIP's to the conference room with donut's and other goodie's, President Arnold picked Lord Sumguy up at the airport in the hydrogen-diesel Ford Excursion, and they drove off the the conference center, President Arnold said "Good flight I trust, I haven't seen you in a long while, not since I announced our resignation from the Hegemony..." He cut off, and shook his head and said "I am very hopeful that we can make peace in this day, I hope I am not going to mess it up."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 19:21
Lord Sumguy smiled bitterly for a moment, then drew his pistol and pressed it against the President's stomach. "When was the last time you had a gun on you, Jack? Who was it who stayed with you, prayed with you, and had his private heicopter transport you to a hospital? I could end your life right now, be thankful that betrayal does not come as easily to me as it does you." With that, Lord Sumguy put his gun back in it's holster and began looking out the window at the scenery passing by, a look of despair on his face. "Try to do something to improve the world, and look what happens." He laughed mirthlessly. "The worst part is that my people will suffer for it, not just me."

OOC: if you haven't already caught on, Lord Sumguy is not a character who takes trust lightly. :D
18-06-2007, 19:26
The plane with the small delegation from The Socialist Kingdom of Kopparbergs landed after the long flight to Calizorinstan San Diego. There were only five people on the plane, three security agents, one administrator and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Åke Stålhandske.

Stålhandske was constantly thinking of a peaceful solution to this crisis, and he did have some hopes of a peaceful ending. But he knew that others just waited for a cause to shot the first bullet.
18-06-2007, 19:46
Ferlin stepped off alone briefly with his bodyguards surrounding him..he looked over his laptop reading the latest reports..a smirk spread across his face..troops were already boarding ships..the peace talks were almost certain to fail. Ferlin noticed Sumguy entering the room..a perfect time to stir up some hornets he thought..walking over towards Sumguy and president Arnold

"Well..if it isn't Sumguy himself..why not end this now and just sign an unconditional our boys a trip..although they might like to have a nice stroll through the capital..a victory parade of course..I'm sure the papers back home already have the headlines printed."

Ferlin smirked grabbing a refreshment two huge GSS guards behind him before turning and walking back across the room
18-06-2007, 19:47
President Arnold nodded and said "I am very sorry, but for the sake for my country, that was our only option to avoid war. I truly am, and I thank you for your offer, I stand by you of course, but if I gave aid to you, Gateway said he would nuke my country to oblivate me. I am sorry Sumguy." He sighed, and let the Kopparbergian delegation in and welcomed them to Calizorinstan, and they drove to the conference center...
18-06-2007, 19:49
President Arnold walked over to Ferlin and said "I've not betrayed your nation so far, I am aware of the grave consequences of doing so, and you may be assured no aid will go the the Hegemony from us." He shook Ferlin's hand and said "Now, may I buy you a drink?"
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 19:51
"This is a vaguely pressing matter, and I think that we'd all like to see a resolution to it forthwith," Iunctus Wellington said. "If you'll be kind enough to look at the folders before you, you will see what the People's Sovereign Republic demands of the Hegemony. It is not simple, probably too highbrow for the Hegemony nations, so please let me summarize. Any nation that chooses to remain in the Hegemony must limit their army to 500,000 men with no conscription, minimal tanks, no heavy artillery, no poison-gas or nuclear weapons supplies, no aircraft of any sort and no drone equipment; naval vessels are limited to under 5,000 tons, with no submarines, no nuclear weapons, or drone equipment. Secondly, Hegemony nations must pay British Londinium tribute amounting to one trillion each, to be paid one hundred million dollars annually. Then, each Hegemony nation must agree to host one Londinian army base and one Londinian air force base ninety kilometres away from their capital."

Wellington let a small smile break out on his normally cold face.
18-06-2007, 19:54
"I'm glad you understand the consequences of such an action..the Emperor was most pleased when you agreed to our calls for resignation..a drink would be most desirable"
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 19:57
"Restrict our militaries? We haven't even faught a single war yet! Perhaps you would consider another offer instead of these conditions, wich would indeed be far more profitable to your nation than these conditions. Would you accept the entirety of the Hegemony-owned Hatarian territory? it is a larger landmass than nearly half of the Hegemonic nations combined, and borders BL owned territory. If i am correct, than aquisition of such a territory would give British Londinium one of the largest amnounts of land in former Hataria. My counter-offer is the entirety of that land, as well as the trillion-dollar tribute you suggested before."

Lord Sumguy watched Jack Arnold talking to the Gataway representative. Coward He thought, Bowing before a tyrant is one thing i shall never do.

OOC: Hegemony-owned Hatarian land in black:
18-06-2007, 19:57
President Arnold nodded and said as they walked up to the bar to Ferlin "I had Lord Sumguy tell me betrayal would not be taken lightly, as we drove here, then he put a gun to my stomach. I don't really trust Sumguy anymore after that." They arrived at the bar, and he told the barman "I'll have a Newcastle Brown Ale, and I am buying for this gentleman (he nodded toward's Ferlin)." He told Ferlin "We have most every drink you wish, ask away my friend."
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 20:01
"I like your idea...except you'd be giving us little except the largest piece of radioactive plate glass known to man," Wellington scoffed. "Let me remind you what a precarious position you're in. The majority of your nation lacks power. Telecommunications, appliances, motor vehicles - hell, even a goddamn lightbulb won't turn on in your nation. You have little to do but to agree."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:06
"I like your idea...except you'd be giving us little except the largest piece of radioactive plate glass known to man," Wellington scoffed. "Let me remind you what a precarious position you're in. The majority of your nation lacks power. Telecommunications, appliances, motor vehicles - hell, even a goddamn lightbulb won't turn on in your nation. You have little to do but to agree."

"And how long will these restrictions be in effect? Perhaps you would consider a double tribute, if the military restictions were lifted?"
18-06-2007, 20:06
President Jack Arnold gave a glare towards Lord Sumguy, "Idiotic fool, you're going to have your head hammered in soon, why can't you just agree, and Gatway's been protecting and respecting my nation's neutrality, something I can't say for you.." He thought angrily, why did Lord Sumguy do what he did, still he was grateful to Lord Sumguy for saving his life.
18-06-2007, 20:07
"I'll take the same as sounds good enough for my tastes."

Turning back to Arnold.

"You were right to switch sides...the other hegemony states will be slaughtered for their for need not worry about him..when this is finished he will either be dead or rotting away at Fort Verzagen at the prison there I'm told hold true to its name of "Fort Despair"..he will join the other Hegemony government officials who are all now bound to a single fate."

Turning and looking at the Sumguy who was talking to Wellington.."That fool...peace with British Londinium does not mean peace with the Imperial Kingdom or the New Prussian Empire."
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 20:09
"The payments - until you pay the specified amounts. The bases - permanently. The military restrictions - fifty years."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:11
"Could we perhaps double the tribute and half the length of military restrictions?"
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 20:12
"Such an offer would be acceptable."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:13
"Then we are in agreement. Are we done here?"
18-06-2007, 20:14
President Arnold grinned and said "I am going to toast to the health of the New Prussian Empire!" He took his mug of Newcastle Brown, and raised his glass and said "To the glorious New Prussian Empire!" He lowered and drank half the mug and said "It leaps down your throat!"
18-06-2007, 20:14
"Absolutely not. You've made your agreement with British Londinium, but you haven't made any treaty with the rest of the coalition. Now, what have we worked out so far?" Said the secretary, his guards on either side of him.
18-06-2007, 20:17
"To the Empire indeed."

Ferlin drank from his glass..

"It appears as though Wellington and Sumguy are concluding some agreement..If you will excuse me for a moment sir."

Ferling got up and walked across the room over to Wellington..

"I need to speak with you".. pausing to glare at Sumguy.."In a private area, its MU business.."
18-06-2007, 20:21
President Arnold nodded and smiled, and walked over to the Koppbergian rep's and sat down and said "It appear's these talk's have been fruitful thus far at least. I am convinced that by 8:00, this will have been a successful meeting."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:21
"The Hegemony will have military restrictions for 25 years, British Londinium bases within each nation, and each nation will pay 2 trillion USD over several years. I'm afraid we may not be able to afford any other demands. What greivance does Vontanas have that it must be repaid for?"
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 20:22
Wellington nodded, accompanying the Gatawan representative to a more isolated place.

"What do you want?"
18-06-2007, 20:27
"The Hegemony will have military restrictions for 25 years, British Londinium bases within each nation, and each nation will pay 2 trillion USD over several years. I'm afraid we may not be able to afford any other demands. What greivance does Vontanas have that it must be repaid for?"

"The Hegemony has threatened our allies and threatened to destablize our economy. The allies include but are not limited to Maldorians, Gataway, and British Londinium. Also, your actions against Griffincrest Oil Incorporated and our allies would end a lot of New Vantanian trade, as well as removing our primary source of oil doing extreme damage to the idustries of New Vantania."

"So, we ask for one hundred miles long on the coast, going fifty miles inland, and the disbanding of the Hegemony."
18-06-2007, 20:28

Turning to Wellington...

"I must ask are you're terms for peace sincere or are the merely a vale? The Emperor will not be pleased..and the Hegemony can't afford to make concessions to the entire coalition surely you know that.. "
18-06-2007, 20:33
Stålhandske looked at President Arnold. He thought he was looking rather satisfied.
"Yes, it' appears well so far. But I'm thinking of the other members of the Hegemony. I wish we could have them leave their alliance and let Lord Sumguy be on his own. It may be harder for Sumguy, but I'm convinced that's the best thing for the other nations – and Wellington and the others should be satisfied with an end of the Hegemony."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:33
"The Hegemony has threatened our allies and threatened to destablize our economy. The allies include but are not limited to Maldorians, Gataway, and British Londinium. Also, your actions against Griffincrest Oil Incorporated and our allies would end a lot of New Vantanian trade, as well as removing our primary source of oil doing extreme damage to the idustries of New Vantania."

"So, we ask for a small amount of territory on your coast, the disbanding of the Hegemony, and a small monetary tribute, five hundred million USDs."

"The disbandment of the Hegemony is out of the question, as well as unneccesary. Perhaps you would be satisfied with a 200 billion USD tribute alone?"
18-06-2007, 20:33
"The disbandment of the Hegemony is out of the question, as well as unneccesary. Perhaps you would be satisfied with a 200 billion USD tribute alone?"

"What about the territory?"
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 20:35

Turning to Wellington...

"I must ask are you're terms for peace sincere or are the merely a vale? The Emperor will not be pleased..and the Hegemony can't afford to make concessions to the entire coalition surely you know that.. "


"We do not intend to pursue this conflict further. The Hegemony has already been made a non-threat. Their armies are pathetically weak, we have bases in their nations. You may do what you wish to them now."
18-06-2007, 20:38

"Very well then...we shall talk to our allies and see what they wish to do."
18-06-2007, 20:39
President Arnold said to Stålhandske "Yes, that'd be the best, however the Hegemony was started with good intention's, but as somebody said best, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." He said dryly, and then smiled and said "I decided it was best for Calizorinstan to leave the Hegemony, although Lord Sumguy did save me from dying, I was almost assasinated you know..."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:39
"What about the territory?"

"i think a tribute 400 times larger than what you originally proposed should make up for that. My people are fiercly patriotic, and im afraid any territory taken in the Holy Empire would spark violence, and perhaps even terrorist attacks."
18-06-2007, 20:40
"Patriotism and terrorism are of no concern for the colony I have in mind. One hundred billion USDs and the land. Will that work?"
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:44
"Very well, Take the land, but dont expect a cooperative populous."
18-06-2007, 20:48
Emperor Baker, who had been sitting quietly during this conference, merely listening to the conversations of the other delegates, passed a note to the Gatawayan (Sorry for incorrect spelling) delegation. It read:

"Do not worry about conflict. We have other plans now. Trust in the Empire."

Then, rising from his table, Baker smiled kindly at Lord Sumguy, and said, "Very well then, I believe my participation and over seeing of this has come to a close. I trust I shall still see you at the Anti-Communist Conference?"
18-06-2007, 20:50
President Arnold grinned and walked over to the Wanderjarian Emperor and said "Pleasure to see you here, as you can see, and hear, it's been a fruitful conference so far!"
18-06-2007, 20:54
President Arnold grinned and walked over to the Wanderjarian Emperor and said "Pleasure to see you here, as you can see, and hear, it's been a fruitful conference so far!"

"As it is to see you, mein freund! And indeed it has! I've been most pleased with the results."
18-06-2007, 20:57
ooc:Gatawan or Gatawayan both are acceptable

Ferlin looked at the note then nodded towards Baker..before putting it back

"Pleasure to see you again the Imperial Kingdom stands united with its Prussian allies and is confident in the decisions of the empire"
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 20:57
Emperor Baker, who had been sitting quietly during this conference, merely listening to the conversations of the other delegates, passed a note to the Gatawayan (Sorry for incorrect spelling) delegation. It read:

"Do not worry about conflict. We have other plans now. Trust in the Empire."

Then, rising from his table, Baker smiled kindly at Lord Sumguy, and said, "Very well then, I believe my participation and over seeing of this has come to a close. I trust I shall still see you at the Anti-Communist Conference?"

"Indeed. Are we finished? I desperately need a vacation."
18-06-2007, 21:00
"Indeed. Does anyone else wish to rob my nation, or are we finished?"

Emperor Baker walked over to Lord Sumguy, and extended his hand. "Hopefully in the future, this shall become merely an unpleasent memory, and perhaps our two nations might enjoy good relations. I am aware that as now it is difficult to foresee this, but I feel that none should punish your nation in anyway further. Machiavelli* once wrote that "One should not harm ones enemy too greatly, for they may soon after become his friend." I have seen and feel this to be quite true. Good day to you, I shall see you at the Conference." Baker then turned, waved to his friends throughout the room in British Londinium, Gataway, and Calizorinstan, and left. He boarded an Mi-17 Helicopter which awaited to fly him to an airport, where a private jet awaited to take him back to Wanderjar.

(Spelling is terrible...I know don't make fun of me :()
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 22:03
OOC: Lord Sumguy, do you have a map of your nation?
Nuevo Italia
18-06-2007, 22:04
Calizorno spoke for the first time yet.

"Nuevan interest says that the Hegemony MUST be abandoned. It has threatened Londinian sovereignty, threatened to use force on innocent nations, and has a ruthless dictator.

The best we will settle for is the step down of the current hegemon, 3 1500 square mile bases along Lord Sumguy, and the dissolution of the hegemony's members forces to that the Londinians proposed.

You do not understand your place in this situation, Sumguy, you have a formidable force mounted against you, and you have but 2 small allies. You'll make life much easier for yourself if you read and agree to what is in these folders," he said as he skidded several large portfolios across the table, to each party.

OOC: Yes gat, hell is very cold right now...

Sorry for showing up and ditching, but you know, swim meets to compete in, etc.
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 22:15
Calizorno spoke for the first time yet.

"Nuevan interest says that the Hegemony MUST be abandoned. It has threatened Londinian sovereignty, threatened to use force on innocent nations, and has a ruthless dictator.

The best we will settle for is the step down of the current hegemon, 3 1500 square mile bases along Lord Sumguy, and the dissolution of the hegemony's members forces to that the Londinians proposed.

You do not understand your place in this situation, Sumguy, you have a formidable force mounted against you, and you have but 2 small allies. You'll make life much easier for yourself if you read and agree to what is in these folders," he said as he skidded several large portfolios across the table, to each party.

OOC: Yes gat, hell is very cold right now...

Sorry for showing up and ditching, but you know, swim meets to compete in, etc.

OOC: three 1500 mile bases? thats the size of Britian!

i have no map yet, sorry.

IC: "I'm afraid we dont have that kind of land to give, nor will I step down unless the Hegemony council demands it. As of right now, you are the only nation that is still hostile toward the Hegemony. Tell me what innocent nations i have threatened, or tell me how i am a dictator, and i may consider it."
18-06-2007, 22:15
Stålhandske listened to Calizorno, and then he said (directed to Calizorno):

"We agree that the Hegemony alliance must disband, and I'm glad to tell you that I just received a message telling that both Payal and Shredderstan has decided to leave the Hegemony.
And I want to add that The Kingdom of Kopparbergs has sent a message to all member states in Hegemony that recommends them to leave the Hegemony – for their own best.
I also would like to asks all of you that the nations who chooses to leave the Hegemony should be left without punishment/restrictions as I'm convinced that they were fooled by Lord Sumguy – they are the responsible ones for this crisis."
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 22:31
Stålhandske listened to Calizorno, and then he said (directed to Calizorno):

"We agree that the Hegemony alliance must disband, and I'm glad to tell you that I just received a message telling that both Payal and Shredderstan has decided to leave the Hegemony.
And I want to add that The Kingdom of Kopparbergs has sent a message to all member states in Hegemony that recommends them to leave the Hegemony – for their own best.
I also would like to asks all of you that the nations who chooses to leave the Hegemony should be left without punishment/restrictions as I'm convinced that they were fooled by Lord Sumguy – they are the responsible ones for this crisis."

Upon hearing this Lord Sumguy could not control himself any longer:

"Fooled into what, exactly? What have i ever done that was so horrible to be invaded for? I tried to stop a genocide in Hataria, how evil! I tried to defend a Hegemony member against an unjustified invader, how terrible! Name one thing that i have done to deserve this, and i will immediately submit to all demands."
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 22:33
Iunctus Wellington had been quietly sipping a bottle of Londinian rum, bemusedly watching the proceedings, until Lord Sumguy got indignant, which, naturally, irritated him. He cleared his throat not undiscreetly.

"I'll tell you what you've done. You've been too bloody nosy, quite honestly, and have stopped at nothing to gain lands or money.

Let me remind you morons what a shit position you are to negotiate. You have Londinian troops building bases in your country as I speak. You have massive naval fleets just offshore your nation. And you primitive fucks don't even have power. Now, agree to the terms the coalition proposes, or you can have Londinian flags flying over the hellhole you call a capital."

Clearly, the rum had gotten to him.
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 22:39
"Fine, i submit, rob my nation, you dogs." Lord Sumguy said, glaring at the men before him. "Last time i ever try to do some good in this world." With that, he left.
Nuevo Italia
18-06-2007, 22:42
Stålhandske listened to Calizorno, and then he said (directed to Calizorno):

"We agree that the Hegemony alliance must disband, and I'm glad to tell you that I just received a message telling that both Payal and Shredderstan has decided to leave the Hegemony.
And I want to add that The Kingdom of Kopparbergs has sent a message to all member states in Hegemony that recommends them to leave the Hegemony – for their own best.
I also would like to asks all of you that the nations who chooses to leave the Hegemony should be left without punishment/restrictions as I'm convinced that they were fooled by Lord Sumguy – they are the responsible ones for this crisis."

"That is excellent news. Thank you for informing me, Mr. Stålhandske."

He turned to Sumguy. "Morales or no morales, you have threatened several Nuevan allies, and have therefore threatened Nuevo Italia itself. Our demands are clear. Adhere to them and we shall refrain from destroying you and you nation, as we don't harm ex-hegemony members."
18-06-2007, 22:43
Stålhandske was not surprised by Lord Sumguys outbreak. He starred at him and said with a resolute, low voice :
"I don't know if you understand this, but I'm trying to save your allies here! Swallow your pride and do what you have to do to come home alive from this..."
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 22:44
OOC: Uh, Lord Sumguy left already, after my drunk deputy PM bitched him out. :p
18-06-2007, 22:56
Iunctus Wellington had been quietly sipping a bottle of Londinian rum, bemusedly watching the proceedings, until Lord Sumguy got indignant, which, naturally, irritated him. He cleared his throat not undiscreetly.

"I'll tell you what you've done. You've been too bloody nosy, quite honestly, and have stopped at nothing to gain lands or money.

Let me remind you morons what a shit position you are to negotiate. You have Londinian troops building bases in your country as I speak. You have massive naval fleets just offshore your nation. And you primitive fucks don't even have power. Now, agree to the terms the coalition proposes, or you can have Londinian flags flying over the hellhole you call a capital."

Clearly, the rum had gotten to him.

no one had noticed President Hasley slip in. he walked over to the drunken PM grabbed his collar and yelled in his face "you sir, are a uncivilized facist shitbag with no care for your own people or anyone else's! get out of this country before i blow your brains out! do i make myself fucking clear!" he then dropped the PM and walked back to his seat
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 22:59
Wellington merely laughed.

"Fucking A, man," he spat. He rose his right hand, prompting all six SIS agents to pull out their Walther P99 pistols out of their jackets, aiming them at the Cazelian president's chest.

"Now, my dear President Hasley, I'd apologise, or else these nice SIS personnel might fill your chest with lead."
Nuevo Italia
18-06-2007, 23:15
"Now there, Gentlemen, no need to fight. I do believe that Mr. Wellington is in need of an apology, however," said Calizorno, friskly yanking out his Beretta 93R (, pointing it at the Cazelians skull. His body guard did so also. "You have 15 seconds."

OOC: Not RL seconds, btw.
18-06-2007, 23:19
OOC: May I post ive been at work all day and had the intention of joining this may I RP my people being at the conference and being their since it started?
British Londinium
18-06-2007, 23:21
OOC: I wouldn't have a problem with it.
18-06-2007, 23:34
OOC: Excellent

Raising from a corner the Joint Vetakan-Wagdog Delegation fanned out one of them a strong women of Elven Origin spoke into a Headset she shot a look at a man before they both pulled there Weapons from concealed Holsters 8 Suited Guards did the same from behind them raising them a man the delegates knew as Vetakan Foreign Secretary Perry Cox spoke:

"Now this is a Mexican Stand-Off Isn't it. Drop Them"

The Elven Lady whom was in actual fact the Wagdog Ambassador by the name of Lady Uthiria Tóriel Lathíriel nós Farlond spoke her calming voice carrying across the room:

"We have alerted our hosts Security Teams they will no doubt have secured the building and will be here shortly under Diplomatic Law we are all criminals we as neutral nations of Vetaka and Wagdog cannot allow this to continue re-holster your weapons all of you. War is fought on the battlefield not at the table of diplomacy. Holster Them"
18-06-2007, 23:44
Ferlin and his escorts moved away back down a hallway and into a side room out of the madness ensuing inside the man conference halls. His bodyguards quickly suited Ferlin with a flak vest and kept him in the secured room.
18-06-2007, 23:50
In another hallway, Miha, the female military commander of Aliquantus and two fully suited guards walked calmly until they noticed the Gatawan's brandishing firearms moveing into a room. "Oi, you" a guard shouted as she swifly moved towards the room with Miha under the sole protection of the other guard.
19-06-2007, 00:05
OOC: I'll just say my delegate was there.

"Please, calm the situation people, are we all not civilised diplomats?" The Honakon Delegate, another random guy from the Foreign Affairs Commission pleaded. He had come with merely one bodyguard, despite knowing the conference would be tense, and that man was now attempting at his best to shield the delegate. "The nation of Honako supported the BL operation against this alliance, and we think that the ending of this should be more organized...we would also like to co-operate with the military bases there in order to keep an eye on the Hegemony, or create one ourselves in Lord Sumguy."

"Also, we would like to take this opportunity to actually give pity to the nations at the Hegemony - once again they have hid behind Lord Sumguy, and his inability to negotiate has no doubt damaged both their reputations and there military abilities and hold on their nation for the future, of all Hegemony member nations."
19-06-2007, 00:09
Cox could feel the tense situation it was like a crisp breeze he knew what was about to happen would be the difference between War and Peace breaking the silence he began:

"Holster Your Weapons. Apologise and let us all leave here on two legs and not in a body bag. We are Respected Diplomats not Thugs. Holster Your Weapons"

Cox gave a hand Signal and a Bodyguard moved in front of the Wagdog Ambassador her Ladyship ensured she kept her weapon point towards the hostilities.
19-06-2007, 00:10
instanly, 5 Cazelian marines with M4 rifles burst through the door "drop your weapons!" yelled a marine, aiming his weapon at the PM "drop them or i'll shoot!" Hasley then drew his weapon at the N.I. delegate "drop your weapons!"
19-06-2007, 00:14
OOC: Sorry for the delay, had RL school and issue's that needed to be dealt with...

President Arnold roared above the arguing and the gun's pointed "STOP this tomfoolery at once, this isn't a bar-fight or a gunfighting arena, this is a peace talk about what to do with the Hegemony, for the love of god stop!" His commanding voice would cause everybody to stop and listen to reason...
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 00:14
With a shake of Wellington's head, the SIS agents cautiously lowered their weapons.

"Hetære President, you might be safe...but Cazelia, unfortunately, is next on the chopping block. Between various threats to deploy nuclear weapons, a threat to invade a Londinian colony, and a physical assault on a senior member of the Londinian government, Cazelia has, in effect, created a de facto state of war between our two nations. I would highly recommend that you surrender unconditionally at this time."
19-06-2007, 00:19
Stålhandske was shocked by this situation – he was not prepared for this kind of violence (although he had three security agents with him). He didn't want to get involved so he decided to stay in his armchair with his agents in front of him.
19-06-2007, 00:19
OOC: Cazelia, you apparently don't have much RPing experience. You can't just have marines burst through doors like that unless you already mentioned them, unless it's your country. Which it's not.
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 00:21
OOC: Yeah, major godmode/bad form. I, for one, mentioned my SIS agents at the very beginning, so I can have them. Your marines appeared out of nowhere, with no RP. Thus, they don't exist.
19-06-2007, 00:22
The Wagdog-Vetakan Delegation reholstered their weapons and sat back down listerning to the various delegates speak Cox spoke up when the mood fell silent:

"Deputy Prime Minister Wellington your threats are not wanted here. This is a conference on Hegemony not your Foreign Policy Eurasia will do what it must. Do we have a deal regarding Hegemony?"
19-06-2007, 00:23
With a shake of Wellington's head, the SIS agents cautiously lowered their weapons.

"Hetære President, you might be safe...but Cazelia, unfortunately, is next on the chopping block. Between various threats to deploy nuclear weapons, a threat to invade a Londinian colony, and a physical assault on a senior member of the Londinian government, Cazelia has, in effect, created a de facto state of war between our two nations. I would highly recommend that you surrender unconditionally at this time."

"for your torture of the innocent Hatarian people!" Hasley roared, barely able to contain his anger "and for the fiasco in Greal!" "leave my country out of this!" he than preceded to punch the PM in the face and leave the room
19-06-2007, 00:26
"for your torture of the innocent Hatarian people!" Hasley roared, barely able to contain his anger "and for the fiasco in Greal!" "leave my country out of this!" he than preceded to punch the PM in the face and leave the room

OOC: No way in hell your guy is going to punch the DPM and then get out of the room without any fuss. I see a very bloody future for this idiot.
19-06-2007, 00:28
President Arnold called in his Marine's, that he had stand watch outside the building for the security and said coldly "Arrest Hasley, the Cazelian president, for dismeanor's, one, making a huge fuss, and two, brawling, and three using harsh language." President Arnold said smiling "Get back to buisness as usual for a peace talk, Mr.Hasley has been removed from the building..."
19-06-2007, 00:28
OOC: Damn OOC and Cazelia what about the SIS Bodyguards? How could you punch him?
19-06-2007, 00:29
OOC wait for BL to answer
19-06-2007, 00:32
President Arnold sat down next to Emperor Baker and grinned and said "I am glad to think a treaty might be signed here!, then I can say that Calizorinstan was site to a historic event!"
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 00:41
The Deputy Prime Minister reeled from the punch, a trickle of sanguine fluid seeping from his nose. A single shot rang out from one of the bodyguards, the bullet slamming into the Cazelian president's kneecap.

"It's war, you son of a bitch," Wellington spat.
19-06-2007, 00:43
The Deputy Prime Minister reeled from the punch, a trickle of sanguine fluid seeping from his nose. A single shot rang out from one of the bodyguards, the bullet slamming into the Cazelian president's kneecap.

"It's war, you son of a bitch," Wellington spat.

Hasley grabbed his knee "it's about damn time!"
Lord Sumguy
19-06-2007, 00:46
Lord Sumguy was on his way to the airport when the guard he had left at the meeting radioed him:

"Sir, the President of Cazelia is here, and he is threatening people personally."
"What? Alright, we are turning around we should be there in about a minute and a half."

moments later, the car arrived back at the building, and Lord Sumguy exited, and ran up the stairs and inside.

"Hasely! Stop this insanity!"
19-06-2007, 00:48
President Arnold ran and tackled Hasley to the floor and bound him, and handed him to the Calizorinstani Marine's, and said "Leave him here, for interoggation by all!" He grimaced, and sat near Ferlin.
19-06-2007, 00:51
Hearing the gunshot Miha rushed towards the meeting room, she then entered the door that now had a hole in it from the bullet that passed through the Cazelian diplomats knee.

Steping over Hasley and looking straight at the Deputy Prime Minister whos guards where still aiming around the room she promptly asked "What is going on?"
19-06-2007, 00:54
Official Imperial Message

After hearing reports that hostilites have erupted during the proceedings the Imperial Kingdom is preparing to dispatch 5th battle group to the area in order to extract our delegate from the proceedings
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 00:56
"Some...aggressive negotiations, senexa," replied Wellington politely. "After a failed murder attempt, my guards responded by kneecapping this rather stupid individual."

He turned towards the Cazelian president, who was still clutching his knee.

"Now, I'll give you two choices," Wellington said. "Either, you take this cell phone and order your troops to surrender immediately...or these men can use your body as target practice."

OOC: - the war thread
19-06-2007, 00:56
"We are leaving never in all my years have I ever seen such dishonourable treatment of Honourable Diplomats from nations far and wide. Good Bye. I make this clear Calizorinstan will be left untouched in any Anti Hegemony Operations should Calizorinstan National Security Breeched Vetaka, Wagdog and the UFAN will do what is required to protect this nation from hostilities" Spat Cox

With that the Vetakan-Wagdog Delegation stood bowed slightly and promptly left the room making the way through the building to the waiting Vehicles and on to the various Embassies.
19-06-2007, 00:57
President Arnold stood up and said to Perry Cox "You may wish to leave, but your brother John Cox, is here, if you wish to meet him, I've got this all under control now, it may not seem like it, but Mr.Cox, I thank you for at least coming a little bit, I must say, this is Mr.Hasley's fault, not mine!" He shook Perry's hand and brought out John Cox...
19-06-2007, 00:59
OOC: Who's fault was this, I don't think it's mine do you guys? Sorry about this, it was Cazelia's fault

1 divison of Calizorinstan Marine's arrived to escort the delegate's, and to throw the Cazelian president into the local brig, and to teach him self control, and President Arnold personally walked the delegate's out to their plane's and said "This was a successful talk, partly at least, I say we have another one, next month, and I am not inviting Cazelia again!"
19-06-2007, 01:00
OOC: Cal I suggest you flood the building with Troops and formally escort all delegates out the Conference has collapsed.
Lord Sumguy
19-06-2007, 01:00
Lord Sumguy walked over to Hasely. "What did you think you were doing? You want our nations destroyed? I don't care how suicidal you are, do not endanger my nation with your lack of self control!"
19-06-2007, 01:02
Lord Sumguy walked over to Hasely. "What did you think you were doing? You want our nations destroyed? I don't care how suicidal you are, do not endanger my nation with your lack of self control!"
Miha with wit muttered "Hypocrite".
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 01:02
Wellington approached President Arnold, wiping his brow with a blue handkerchief.

"Excuse me, Hetære President, but we would like to place the Cazelian president under arrest on charges of assault. Since we are at war with his nation, and I was the one assaulted, I think that it is only fitting that the Cazelian president be placed under our custody. You could, if you wished, send some observers to ensure his proper treatment."
19-06-2007, 01:05
President Arnold handed over Hasley to Wellington and said "Take him away, I don't want to see him again!, I am very sorry Wellington for all this mess, it was all his fault really!" He pointed a finger at Hasley and said "You deserve what you get for assaulting a foreign deputy prime minister, good bye!"
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 01:07
The Cazelian president was roughly thrown into the helicopter, placed in handcuffs, and restrained in his seat. As the aircraft flew back to the Londinian naval armada offshore, Wellington said, "Bitch, I bet that you didn't punch me now."
Lord Sumguy
19-06-2007, 01:08
Miha with wit muttered "Hypocrite".

Lord Sumguy heard this and said: "Yelling is nowhere close to threatening a man with death, my good sir. Now if no one has any more to say to me, i shall leave again."
19-06-2007, 01:11
Now with the situation under control Stålhandske rose from his chair. It was time to leave this collapsed conference. On his way out, he sided with Lord Sumguy and whispered to him:

"I hope things will go well for you, despite what happened today. By the way, I think you should talk to the president in Shredderstan."
19-06-2007, 01:12
OOC: Read Sumguy, it is a she.

Miha said "I was talking about the reason you are now under direction of others".
19-06-2007, 01:18
"Some...aggressive negotiations, senexa," replied Wellington politely. "After a failed murder attempt, my guards responded by kneecapping this rather stupid individual."

He turned towards the Cazelian president, who was still clutching his knee.

"Now, I'll give you two choices," Wellington said. "Either, you take this cell phone and order your troops to surrender immediately...or these men can use your body as target practice."

OOC: - the war thread

"i will do what is right for my people" Hasley took the cell phone and called the VP "johnson, call of my men, you are now in command of the nation"
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 01:19
"I'm glad that you've come to your senses," Wellington said. "Pity about the whole occupation of your nation."
19-06-2007, 01:20
President Arnold went to the Kopperbergian repersentive and smiled and shook his hand and said "I personally wish to aplogize for the events that happened today, you must understand I didn't intend this to happen you know..."
19-06-2007, 01:24
"I'm glad that you've come to your senses," Wellington said. "Pity about the whole occupation of your nation."

"i resigned ok! just drop the occupation and do what you wish" "i will happily take the death sentence for my people" Hasley said "just kill me and get on with it"
19-06-2007, 01:26
Stålhandske shook President Arnolds hand and said
"It's ok. This is not your fault. Although it's not common things like this can happen in these kinds of conferences. But I must thank you for your initiative to this conference - I think it was good after all. Now I have to go back to Kopparbergs and discuss some issues with the government. We will certainly meet again Arnold, now that we're a member of the UFAN."
British Londinium
19-06-2007, 01:27
Wellington shrugged.

"Suits me just fine," he said. He took a pistol from one of his bodyguards, and pressed the cold metal muzzle against the Cazelian's forehead. With a press of a trigger, the president's brains splattered out on the floor, the body slumping.

"Take that," Wellington said.
19-06-2007, 01:29
President Arnold nodded and said to Stålhandske "Thank you for coming, have a safe flight home!" He walked over to Wellington and said "That's the guy who nearly got me killed at the ball in Hataria, I don't often rejoice in death, but him, I am glad he's been removed from this earth."
19-06-2007, 02:04
Hasley's body twiched. his chest ripped apart as his soul departed from his body. the soul then let out a screech and vanished

the soul then re-apeared at the doors of the confrence...
19-06-2007, 02:05
President Arnold walked over to the bar, and ordered a Root Beer Float to make himself feel better.
19-06-2007, 02:07
the soul then appeared next to President Arnold, near invisible it screeched "Jack Arnold, you killed me!"
19-06-2007, 02:29
OOC: Cazelia, really, ghosts? That's low.


One of the Emerald Guardsmen loaded his sidearm with a silver bullet, the bane to undead, including zombies, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. He then walked up to the phantom, and shot it with the bullet point blank, watching it disapite into mist.

He then ordered three root beer floats to go, and the New Vantanian delegation left.
19-06-2007, 02:32
the soul dissapated completely, nothing more than dust on the floor
Red Tide2
19-06-2007, 02:39
"Sorry I am late..." The Foreign Minister of the Totalitarian State of Red Tide said, stepping into the room. "I hope to get down to buisness..."

He sat down, "What we demand is simple, exclusive, and I mean EXCLUSIVE, as in no-one else, oil and gas drilling rights in the nations belonging to the Hegemony. Oh, and a Naval base in the coastal region with the richest resource base... the first demand is none-negotiable, the second, however can be wrangled over."

And with that, he sat back, lit a cigarette, and awaited Lord Sumguys response.
Nuevo Italia
19-06-2007, 02:53
instanly, 5 Cazelian marines with M4 rifles burst through the door "drop your weapons!" yelled a marine, aiming his weapon at the PM "drop them or i'll shoot!" Hasley then drew his weapon at the N.I. delegate "drop your weapons!"

Really now, I leave for a few hours to attend some football game, and you assume that an ex-spy doesn't have the reflexes to shoot your President before several marines appear in a foreign nation? Come on now. Ghosts and uber-magic marines? Come on.
The World Soviet Party
19-06-2007, 03:01
Right then, a messenger kid carrying a package knocked the door of the conference room.
19-06-2007, 03:14
Ron Black opened the door, and said "Whom is this package for sir?" to the messanger kid.
The World Soviet Party
19-06-2007, 03:15
Ron Black opened the door, and said "Whom is this package for sir?" to the messanger kid.

The kid took a piece of paper from his pocket and read out loud.

"Enjoy bitches"

Then he handed the package to Ron Black and left the scene.

Upon opening it, a person would fine a neatly packed pile of pornographic magazines, a few DVDs and a Tocrowkian made Dildo with a LCD screen. A note accompanied all these, it read "Enjoy!"
19-06-2007, 03:20
Ron said "Thank you, I think!" He closed the door and sat down and sweated alot.
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 00:48
Now with the situation under control Stålhandske rose from his chair. It was time to leave this collapsed conference. On his way out, he sided with Lord Sumguy and whispered to him:

"I hope things will go well for you, despite what happened today. By the way, I think you should talk to the president in Shredderstan."

OOC: sorry about my absence, modem troubles.

IC: "I will do as you ask. May we next meet upon better terms." Lord Sumguy then walked over to Calizorinstani President, placed his gun on the table next to him, abd said: "A word in private, Jack?"
20-06-2007, 00:51
President Arnold said "Yes, but I will bring my two trustworthy bodyguard's for protection." He, Lord Sumguy and the two other bodyguard's walked over to a hidden room where they could talk in private, and President Arnold said "What do you wish to talk about Sumguy?"
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 01:00
SIC: "Those men say they will make peace with ny nation, but I do not trust them at all, so i want you to take this." He pulled a small disk out from his pocket, and gave it to the Calizorinstani President. "The files on this disk will become accesible upon my death, i dony have time to explain exactly how. Within that disk are my reasons for forming the Hegemony, and all of the plans that i had and have for the future. If they kill me, I want you to carry on my work. I know you will once you see the files, because you are one of the few decent human beings i have met in my lifetime. This may be the last time i ever speak to you, so goodbye, you are forgiven" Lord Sumguy then walked out of the room, picked up his gun, and left the building.

OOC: if you want a full explanation as to how the files are locked, i can TG it to you.
20-06-2007, 01:05

Jack nodded and said "Bonjour my friend, I hope you'll be safe, I'll keep it safe.." He left the room, and stashed it in a very secret safe, with an unknown combination, only known to him.

OOC: Yeah, I'd like to know please, so send your TG, as soon as you can..
Red Tide2
20-06-2007, 01:09
"Sorry I am late..." The Foreign Minister of the Totalitarian State of Red Tide said, stepping into the room. "I hope to get down to buisness..."

He sat down, "What we demand is simple, exclusive, and I mean EXCLUSIVE, as in no-one else, oil and gas drilling rights in the nations belonging to the Hegemony. Oh, and a Naval base in the coastal region with the richest resource base... the first demand is none-negotiable, the second, however can be wrangled over."

And with that, he sat back, lit a cigarette, and awaited Lord Sumguys response.

OOC: :cough:
20-06-2007, 01:14
President Arnold walked over to the RedTidean repersentive and said "Lord Sumguy just walked out the door, the stupid jackrabbit Hasley broke up these talks, thank goodness he's dead."