NationStates Jolt Archive

The New Prussian Empire To Hold Anti-Communist Conference

The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 22:13
The New Prussian Empire Daily
Article: TPF and Wanderjar to hold anti-communist conference.

Liberty City, TPF- Today, The New Prussian Empire of The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom and The New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar have announced that they intend to host a conference discussing the evils of communism and how to stop the red plague from continuing to infect nation. They have invited German Commonwealth nations to this conference as well as any nation willing to send representatives. They have already included an internary, which will include a seven day stay in TPF, who will be hosting the conference. This internary follows:
First Day: Arrival at 12:00, settle into hotel, and then cocktail party at 7:00
Second Day: Travel to the TPF Capitol building where lunch and dinner will be served while discussing the economics of communism.
Third Day: Delegates will be escorted to Mount Helen, where the delegates will enjoy a nice hike, then stopping to make Elixir a local drink made of whiskey and fermented honey. Following this the delegates will go back to the hotel, where they will have free time until having a formal dinner later that night.
Fourth Day: Delegates will travel to the Department of Information, where they will be given a two hour presentation on the evils of communism. Following this, delegates will be fed lunch at The Olive a famous gourmet restaurant. The rest of the day will be given for free time.
Fifth Day: Delegates will travel to Saint Peter's Mountain Complex, home of Startegic Command, where they will discuss the security against communism. Lunch will be eaten inside the mess hall with the troops, and then a special steak dinner will be served. Following this, they will be escorted back to the hotel.
Day Six: During this final day, the first part of the day will be spent further discussing security against communism, and ways to spread democracy and capitalism. Afterwards, delegates will go and hike in Sherwood forest, where they will be given a special dinner by the local tree dwellers.
Day Seven: Delegates will attend service at a local church. After this they will be fed lunch, then they will be driven to the airport where they are to be picked up.

Delegates will be protected at all times by TPF Hunters and Marines, as well as Wanderjarian GSG-9 and SS. Any special needs can be requested via the State Department.

Posted Online At: 2:11 PM
By Cynthia Harrison
16-06-2007, 22:20
The Errikan Empire is interested in sending delegates to this Conference.

OOC: How many should I send? What sort of info should I provide? How should they go, and when?
16-06-2007, 22:21
Fuhrer Richtoff looked over the invitation with interest. Hmm, he pondered, attending this conference may upset my slightly socialistic allies of Wagdog and Vetaka, but it would allow me to possibly solidify relations with my brethren in TPF and Wanderjar, who share ethnecity and economic values with us. Besides, relations with Vetaka and Wagdog have become rather strained lately, and it would be best to have new allies should those relations fall further. He than began to write a response to The Peoples Freedom.

TO: The Peoples Freedom
FROM: Kampfers
SUBJECT: Anti-Communist Conference

My germanic brothers, I will be sending a representative from Kampfers to attend this conference. I would attend personally, but I am currently occupied with affairs elsewhere. After the conference, perhaps we might meet in order to discuss uniting against the communist radicals who wish us harm.

Fuhrer Richtoff
The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 22:21
OOC: The amount of delegates you send is your choice, just give a quick biography of the people you are sending, I am holding off the how and when once we have additional people who wish to send delegates.
16-06-2007, 22:24
OOC: Wagdog is a close ally of mine as well, you'll be fine by attending this ;)
The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 22:25
What is your fate? My duty is my fate.
State Department Communication
The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom is very happy to hear that two of our greatest allies, Kampers and Errikland, will be sending delegates. This pleases us greatly. We will contact you with travel information and security information once we have all the delegates ready who wish to attend. May Strength and Wisdom guide you.
Red Tide2
16-06-2007, 22:50
Official Statement from TSRT Government
"It is of the Totalitarian States opinion that each nation should be allowed to have its own government, if the government is decadent enough, it will fall apart. We believe that communism is a decadent government, but some communists are only a little better then what we call 'collapse-level decadent'. However, in interest of improving our good relationship with The People's Freedom and possibly improving relations with Wanderjar, we will send a observor to the conference."
End Message
16-06-2007, 23:00
[OOC: Is this for New Prussian Empire only?]
The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 23:03
What is your fate? My duty is my fate.
State Department Communication
We will accept your observer. We thank you for sending a delegate to attend this conference. We will contact you later regarding travel and security information.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 23:04
[OOC: Is this for New Prussian Empire only?]

OOC: Nope.
16-06-2007, 23:05
Then His Imperial Majesty's Government sees it fit to send a pair of representatives, Miss Alicia Brown and Rear Admiral Takashi Shūgorō.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-06-2007, 23:09
The enemy of your enemy is your friend.
State Department Communication
We are honored to save some nation as prestigious and staunchly-anti communist as Questers attending this meeting. Travel and security information will be sent to you at a later date.
The World Soviet Party
16-06-2007, 23:10
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Whoever it may concern, Wanderjar
From: The World Soviet Party

We are concerned with this conference of yours, we would not want it to affect the good relationship between our nations. Specially seeing how Wanderjar always claimed to be "communistic" in nature.

Alexander Nevskij, TWSP's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
16-06-2007, 23:11
OOC:Question, this is a conference for anti-communist right? (Well, I am not a communist natio anyway.)
16-06-2007, 23:17
The Errikan delegates shall be:

Commodore George William Adams, age 56- Coming from an northern Errikan aristocratic family, Adams recieved a classical Errikan education before joining the Nationalist forces in the Errikan civil war at a young age. Following the war, he remained in the army until the Tatter War, when he shifted to the navy. After many years in the navy, serving most notably in Arterus, he volunteered for civil service. He has a wife, Kelly Marie Patton Adams, and five children.

Charles James Stuart, age 27- The middle son of a veteran of the Civil War, Stuart recieved excellent grades in school and joined a government training program for foreign service. He became one of the youngest government dignitaties in service upon graduation. He remains unmarried.

These delegates will have some staff and family come with them, the total number of people coming being eight.
17-06-2007, 00:18
Official Governmental Communique from Descartesland Central Control


While Descartesland recognizes the right of any nation to govern itself as it chooses, it would like to attend this conference as a gesture of goodwill.

Descartesland's representatives will be myself, Ms. Aiden O'Doherty operating in my capacity as Head of Foreign Ministry and Descartesland's head diplomat, and Mr. Darren O' Mallory, one of our most honored political writers and analysts.

Officially Signed:
The Honorable Ms. Aiden O'Doherty
Head of Foreign Ministry

17-06-2007, 05:00
OOC: Couple nations doin' this just for goodwill, despite not supporting the cause to which the conference is dedicated. That should make for quite an interesting conference.
17-06-2007, 05:52
The Shakal Empire shall be sending two representitives, the Grand Admiral and commander of the entire Shakal fleet, and the High Field Marshall.

Samantha Conners 18 years old. She was awarded command of the Shakal fleet after the coming to the power of the Empress Kristina Schraepl. She was sent to Hamilay to aid the Imperialists. She proved herself by defeating the Hamilayan fleet.

Derrick Braun 18 years old. He rose through the ranks due to his fighting in several wars in the last 4 years. The Empress appointed him as High Field Marshall when they married several months ago.
17-06-2007, 06:03
Diplomatic Note From Droskianishk

The Catholic Kingdom of Droskianishk would be obliged should the Prussian Empire allow it to send two delegates. Mr. Aluk and Mr. Attuk will be our two ambassadors, we hope that such a conference will be both productive and enlightening.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Killok
17-06-2007, 10:33
It almost goes without saying, but the establishment of yet another reactionary forum incites jeering and bluster in the chambers below Portmeirion's Green Tower in Raipur, capital of the Indian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert.

Not without dispute, the Final Soviet eventually votes to announce that Soviet India wishes to send a delegation to the proposed conference, probably to put the Igovian Soviet case, possibly just to spit venom and shake fists.

(Either way, tag!)
17-06-2007, 10:40
Official Allanean Message

We would like to attend, and to donate 30,000 Nakil 1A1 main battle tanks to the New Prussian Empire for the purpose of killing as many communists as possible.
17-06-2007, 14:27
Official Imperial Message

The Imperial Kingdom will send Lynn Shultz a member of our foreign affairs ministry to attend this conference.

Nigel Lums
Foreign Affairs Minister

ooc:I went to cedar point yesterday I am sunburnt lol
Lord Sumguy
17-06-2007, 15:31
Lord Sumguy will attend this conference personally, if only to attempt to convince the other delegates that although communism is an ineffective government form, it should not be eradicated through force, but through education and other peaceful measures.

Lord Sumguy
17-06-2007, 15:38

Official Imperial Communiqué

The Sovereign Empire of Alacea

From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alacea has always been an enemy of the red menace. We will send Ambassador Micheal Twain, two aids, and his personal bodyguard.

Joseph Tellico
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The PeoplesFreedom
17-06-2007, 15:45
New Prussian Empire Communication
All delegates are hereby accepted. The time for these talks is rapidly coming.

OOC: I am going to give more people until later today to join. After that, we will start.
17-06-2007, 15:55
The Imperial Empire of Maldorians is sending two representatives; The Mandalore and Major General X'Aden.

The Mandalore:The Supreme Leader of Maldorians and Commander-in-Chief of all Maldorian forces. He is currently off the shores of Route1 due to the war, but is going to be transported to the conference. He is 36.

Major General X'Aden: The 2nd in command of all Maldorian Armed Forces. X'Aden is currently in the Maldorian capital city of Mand'oa. He is 41.

4 Mandalorian Aides: These 4 aides will act as servants, aides, and messengers for the two representatives.
17-06-2007, 22:36
The United Socialist States of New Brittonia is outraged at this exposition of lies and believes that conferences like these harm the good name of communism.

Prime Minister of New Brittonia and Chief Communard of the New Brittonian Communist Party

David Flower
18-06-2007, 05:02
Taken rather by surprise at their acceptance, a pair of Soviet delegates stumble about, one seeking stimulants to blast away the cobwebs hung by a night on Geletian wine, the other canceling a date with the chariot races.

Comrade Leninya Bopara, from Bengal, an Indian woman born before the May Revolution of '82 by orthodox Marxist-Leninist parents and since converted to Soviet left-communism, and comrade Gurbmatix Galle, from, uh, Galle, a two-metre tall Geletian Celt with about fifteen pounds of facial hair hanging from his upper lip, will make their way to the conference aboard a Dwrgi-T Wing-In-Groundeffect vehicle. They travel armed with reams of photographs and statistics detailing the improvements in India since the over-throw of the hated Prince Llewellyn.
New Manth
18-06-2007, 09:32
Denomination of Foreign Diplomacy, Official Message

The Economic Union will send a group of representatives to the conference, led by ex-Commander Saad al-Baradei.

Saad al-Baradei, leader of Manthian military forces during the campaigns to secure southern Manth's participation in the Union, is approaching seventy-five now. His effective tactics to secure the Union against the Communist-backed southern insurgency earned him the reputation of an effective leader, though he is retired from active military service.
18-06-2007, 10:00
The Greal Government would like to send a observer.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
18-06-2007, 10:14
The Prime Minister of the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais, the Rt. Hon. James Ward will be attending this conference in his capacity as Nationalist Party Leader and not in his official capacity as Prime Minister.
18-06-2007, 10:41
Greetings to all

as a Germanic nation and a Supreme dispiser of Communism we will Happily Send Delegates
The Kaiser is unable to attend due to pending diplomatic talks with Lyras, but we shall send some representitives, from the Holy Empire of Verenberg

from Verenberg we shall send Wolfgang Maxus

also we Offer the Imperial Verenberg Army, also we offer men and Materials from our Commonwealth Regions of Gyresberg and Uber Flaugarn as a Soloution to your Red Problem

....It is Time the Former Germanic Nations Came together And Became what we once where

-Foreign Affairs Office, For the Kaisers Imperial Court
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 22:45
New Prussian Empire Communication
All new delegates are hereby accepted. We are pleased to announce that the conference will now begin, and all delegates are to arrive at Baker Air Force Base, in whatever plane they want. You many escort your plane with a military escort, but we can provide escort if wanted or needed. As four security concerns, all delegates are allowed to bring four bodyguards, with any weapon. Thank you and we hope to see your delegates soon.
18-06-2007, 22:58
Our delegate made it just in the nick of time. He is the secretary for random events, John Johnson.
NPD Deutschland
18-06-2007, 23:17
We are the NPD a far-right political state of Germany and we would like to send a diplomat in your anti-communist conferance , as for the left side is one of our main enemies. Our Diplomat Udo Voigt will be guarded by 4 guards armed with G36's.
18-06-2007, 23:17
The Imperial Aerion Jet marked with the Imperial House symbol upon the tail wing arrived in mere hours..quickly landing at Baker air base

Shultz smiled the pleasures of supersonic flight he thought to he exited the craft awaiting authorities to escort him to the conference center..Shultz had come alone, as he felt safe amongst his fellow Prussian allies
18-06-2007, 23:23
The Commission Run State of Honako is interested in this conference, and despite not being 100% anti-communist, certainly sees many of their views as flawed. Therefore, we would like to send our Foreign Sectary to this conference if we still can, to build relations and discuss the security threats from communist nations.
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:25
OOC: Honako, you are accepted

" Welcome, My Prussian Ally!" Said Matt Booch. " How are you, this fine day!" he said with a huge smile across his face.
18-06-2007, 23:28
Shultz smiled back and gave a salute..

" Greetings my Prussian ally, all is well this fine day..and a discussion on how to rid the world of that disease which is communism makes it all the better."

ooc: Looks like it has become the official NPE greeting lol
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:32
" Indeed. It is. You are the first one here. So I give you the option to wait for the others or proceed to the hotel. All we have on the schedule today is the cocktail party.
18-06-2007, 23:35
"I believe I will stay here an await the others..a one man person party isn't much of a party."
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:36
Booch let out a small chuckle. " You would be surprised on how much fun I have had with myself!"
18-06-2007, 23:38
Booch let out a small chuckle. " You would be surprised on how much fun I have had with myself!"

ooc:That made me many jokes I could make about that..


Shultz laughed.."I enjoy the company of others far more to isolation"
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:45
Booch grinned yet again. " Perhaps I should introduce you to some of my 'friends'"
18-06-2007, 23:48
"If they are from this fine nation then I am sure they must be good people.."
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:52
" Indeed. What else is new in Gataway?"
18-06-2007, 23:54
"A lot of troops have returned home from the route1 campaign..with a few ships left behind to support our Maldorian allies...other elements on high alert in regards to the Hegemony incidents...and many people are celebrating the Emperor's decision to merge into the NPE..The people see it as a revitalization of the empire towards is former glory....especially after our successful annexation over the lands of Ruckinia and the fall of the Hatarian menace."
The PeoplesFreedom
18-06-2007, 23:56
" Ah yes. Hataria has finally met their match. Thank God. I am glad all is well."
19-06-2007, 00:00
"Yes that menace has been defeated...the question is what will the one that takes his place be like...and will it be worse.."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:04
" Communist nations are worst. Even now to destroy the TWSP." Whispered Booch.
19-06-2007, 00:13
The Kampferian Delegate, Eric Xavi, worried something important had happened while he was gone, rushed in. "Hello fellow delegates. How are you today?"

OOC: NPE members, hop over to the region page to see map link and tell me what you think. (Its not quite done.)
19-06-2007, 00:18
The SUV took the two Questarian delegates to the conference centre, pulling up outside and the two delegates left the car, yawning and stretching their feet. It had been a long plane trip to TPF, but they were here on business and the luxurious jet they had travelled in had indeed made for a comfortable ride, but they were tired - Questarians don't suit jetlag well, and to them it was still eleven at night after a whole day of travelling.

Nevertheless, the two represetnatives sent by quite possibly the largest Anti Communist nation in the world entered the conference rooms with the smiles on their faces that is expected from a Questarian greeting an old friend. You see, although neither Miss Alicia Brown or Rear Admiral Takashi Shūgorō had met Matt Booch, he was from TPF, so they automatically made an assumption of him that he was a good man, and they met him accordingly.

"Mister Booch! Rear Admiral Shugoro, Imperial Questarian Navy, pleasure to meet you" Takashi saluted the TPFer, and Brown stuck her hand out to shake with his, the other quickly flicking some of her brown hair from her eyes.

"What a pleasure to meet you sir." Brown said and quickly curtsee, as though she had forgot, for in Questers it is formal and respectful for a woman to meet a host with a curtsee. She quickly re-extended her hand out.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:18
" Welcome, my Prussian Ally. Welcome to The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom."
19-06-2007, 00:18
ooc:Im in the NPE but due to my position in my region im not in the NPE region..will nations like mine be allowed tohave colonies in that region then?
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:22
Booch smiled grandly as he shook both Questerians' hands. " Let me just say that it is an honor to have the greatest Anti-Communist nation attend our conference. A great honor." He said again. "You both look tired. May I get you some coffee, or would you like to proceed to your hotel rooms?"
19-06-2007, 00:24
"Thank you. From what I have seen so far it is a very nice place."
19-06-2007, 00:25
"Coffee? Thanks, but no thanks" Shugoro waved the offer away, and then said "Say, do you mind if I smoke in here?" pulling out a box of fine cigars from his inside pocket and offering one to Booch.

"Do you have tea here, please?" Alicia asked, she was thirsty, whereas Shugoro was a man that could go for hours as long as he had a smoke.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:28
" Tea? Ah yes, we do have tea. Our nation is a coffe and soda nation, you see." He said, with a slight chuckle. He beckoned at one of the aides to get some tea.
He took one of the cigars. " Thank you."

He turned to the Kamperian delegate. " And you shall see much more of it. Would you like anything?"
New Manth
19-06-2007, 00:30
A small jet marked with the eight stars of the Greater Economic Union touches down shortly after the Gatawayan plane. Soon a small group of diplomats exits the plane, led by a tall, white-haired officer who remains austere and stern in bearing despite his clearly advanced age.

After a quick car ride to the conference center, the delegation arrives at the conference center and the commander, flanked by his aides, approaches the Prussian group and extends a hand.

"My honor to meet you. Commander Saad al-Baradei; these are my assistants Ibrahim and Samir."

In an effort to demonstrate confidence in Prussian security, only a pair of guards lightly armed with Doomani TDX-40s had been sent to accompany the Commander. Both remain outside so as not to intrude on the diplomats within.
19-06-2007, 00:31
"Thank you very much" Alicia said as she took the tea from the aide and sipped it slowly.

"Outstanding." Shigoro lit up his and Booch's cigar and took a deep drag, deciding to stay silent while Booch conversed with the Kampferian delegate.
19-06-2007, 00:31
"No thanks." The Xavi said. He then turned to the Questarian diplomats. "Pleasure to meet ya'll. Names Xavi."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:34
Booch also took a drag. " Very fine!" He said, beaming.
He tuned to the new arrival. " Welcome, Commander Saad al-Baradei, may I get you anything?" He asked as he stuck out his hand.
19-06-2007, 00:36
"Takashi Shugoro, Rear Admiral" he said, smiling back. "A pleasure to meet you too."

"Hm? yes, a pleasure to meet you" Alicia smiled up from her tea.

"Ignore her, she's a bit too quiet sometimes." Shugoro chuckled. "I am not!" she pouted back. "Sure you're not." Shugoro laughed and took another drag of his cigar, then offering the box out to Xavi to see if he wanted one. "The finest in the world in my opinion."
New Manth
19-06-2007, 00:39
al-Baradei smiles as he shakes Booch's hand.

"A bit of coffee would be fine. Keeps an old man going after these long flights."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 00:42
" Ah yes, the drudgery of jet lag." He smiled, as an aide brought some coffee.
" Cream or sugar, sir?" Asked the aide, a pimply young kid.
19-06-2007, 00:42
"No thanks. I'm not a smoker. I do indulge in drinking, but not smoking," he said, pulling a small flask from one of his cowboy boots. "I am a health nut, and thus drinking is one of my oddities. I just love it to much to give it up." Xavi proceeds to hold the flask out as if offering him a swig.
19-06-2007, 00:44
"Haha, sure. I understand." Shugoro thankfully took the flask and drank some of what was inside, nodding approval. "Very nice. What was it, though? Just couldn't put my finger on it. I don't drink often - a little scotch each night, or perhaps on occasions."
19-06-2007, 00:47
ooc: Sorry for crappy post I am also on the phone..

Shultz went by the arrivals one at a time greeting each with the standard phrase

"Greetings, from the Imperial kingdom of Gataway, it is a pleasure to meet you"
New Manth
19-06-2007, 00:53
al-Baradei accepts the cup gratefully.

"Neither, thank you." he replies to the young aide, inhaling the sweet aroma with a satisfied sigh.
19-06-2007, 00:54
"Haha, sure. I understand." Shugoro thankfully took the flask and drank some of what was inside, nodding approval. "Very nice. What was it, though? Just couldn't put my finger on it. I don't drink often - a little scotch each night, or perhaps on occasions."

"Its my own special mix. I fell upon it one long night after my wife died. A little bit of scotch, a little brandy, and a little soda."
19-06-2007, 00:58
"Your wife? I'm very sorry to hear that." Takashi's smile dissapeared. "But yes, I can taste the scotch and brandy in there - brandy's a Questarian naval officers drink, you see. But the soda. Makes an interesting touch, I'll say."
19-06-2007, 00:59
Official Statement

At no point during our entrance to the NPE was its stance on communism made known to us. Certainly we do not endorse this conference and believe strongly that it is up to the people of any nation to decide how it is governed.

In the interests of maintaining relations with our ally TWSP, and indeed with all comunist and socialist nations, we will not be attending this conference. We will also be reviewing our membership status.
19-06-2007, 01:04
"Your wife? I'm very sorry to hear that." Takashi's smile dissapeared. "But yes, I can taste the scotch and brandy in there - brandy's a Questarian naval officers drink, you see. But the soda. Makes an interesting touch, I'll say."

"Yes, thats how I feel. Excuse me while I say hello to the new delegates." Xavi turned and greeted the new arrival, plus the one ho had just returned "Hello there. Care to join our conversation?"

OOC: Gotta go, see ya'll later. Those in NPE, go here to see my final map:

once it gets approval i'll accept claims.
19-06-2007, 01:56
Official Governmental Communique from Descartesland Central Control


Unfortunately, due to a situation and surprise State visit, Descartesland will no longer be able to attend the conference. We wish all delegates clear and level heads.

19-06-2007, 03:11
Derrick got off his plane with Samantha. It appeared that they had been left.
"Dammit woman, I told you we shouldnt have stopped for that skydiving jaunt." Derrick said as he helped the grand admiral out of there two seater Cessna.

"All we missed is the into, besides, we are all friends, a few minutes never hurt anyone." The Admiral replied.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
19-06-2007, 04:31
Prime Minister Ward was flying commercial as that was all the Nationalists could afford; the Local Body elections were due for October and the campaigning had already started - every spare drachma had to be put into the election campaign.

Before long, the jet that Ward and his single body guard were flying in had landed at the Peoples Freedom, and Ward was looking for some way of getting to his Hotel in an inexpensive fashion.
19-06-2007, 05:31
To: Relevant Representatives of the New Prussian Empire
From: Archduke Gerhardt Volckner, Ambassador of the Greater Prussian Empire

Noting our common heritage and goals, it seems only prudent that His Majesty the Emperor of Greater Prussia would authorize me to attend on his behalf and that of the Empire at large.

We look forward to participation in the conference, and perhaps getting to know our Prussian bretheren a bit better.


Gerhardt Volckner
19-06-2007, 06:05
Comrades Leninya Bopara and Gurbmatix Galle certainly took their sweet time in arriving, possibly lamenting the decision to travel aboard WIG rather than something two or three times faster. Still, when the Beddgelens did arrive, at least it was in some style. Their Dwrgi-T lifted from an altitude of just three metres to more than three thousand as it ran out of ocean to skim over, and the 154 tonne beast became a clumsy airplane for at least a short distance.

Once landed at the designated airport, the Dwrgi (otter to non-Geletian speakers) cracked open its jaws and spat out a funny little car containing an Indian woman and a Celtic man. The little contraption tootled out of the airport at a leisurely forty kilometres per hour as the two looked upon the state of reaction in the world beyond Soviet India. Their car moved silently, driven by nothing much more than compressed air, an inordinately large red flag fluttering from the strained antenna that sought content on the local airwaves.

Arriving at the conference, Gurbmatix and Leninya would not cease to stand-out. She was as remarkably curvy and bumpy as he was hairy and lanky, she as browned as he burned, and both seemed in distractingly high spirits. Leninya's silk sari was chequered in a distinctly Celtic pattern while her comrade's white tunic and trousers made him look like the biggest and most awkward guru you'd ever seen. Except that he carried a saber of patterned wootz steel on his hip (foreigners call it Damascus steel, but that belies its proud Indian origins).

The two strode in with a swagger, folders, tankards, and trinkets in their arms. "Morning, comrades!" Gurbmatix bellowed, having absolutely no idea what time of day it was, nor apparently much care for finding out.
19-06-2007, 06:11
OOC: It appears nobody has noticed my donation. 


The Allanean ambassador grinned maniacally at the Beddgellertian one. He was an old-school Allanean 'diplomat', unaccustomed in the ways of respect, politeness, and everything that constitutes "diplomacy" outside Allanea. As such, his response to the man from Beth Gellert was incredibly rude and to the point:

"Good morning, you commie vermin! I hope you do not live to see the evening! Better yet, I hope you see the evening of one hundred years from now, and may those one hundred years of your worthless communist life be filled with pain and suffering! Who the hell let the communist vermin into the building? It smells!"
19-06-2007, 06:14
OOC: I miss the old Allanean diplomats like this guy.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 06:30
Booch looked upon the new arrivals with some distaste. His government had made it perfectly clear to him that they would be allowed, but if they got loud, they were to be ejected. So far they had gotten off to a bad start. " As expected, for commies." He thought. Booch was about to stroll over when he heard news that the Reichskamphener's wanted to come. Booch approved this. He also learned that Prime minister Ward had just been picked up by the army, and was on his way. Finally he learned that the Shalkakilan delegates were en route. He approached the Allanean delegate. He tapped him on the shoulder, hoping to get his attention. He briefly glanced at the Marines that guarded the lobby, making sure they were ready to stop any fights that may erupt. Booch was glad that he had a kevlar vest on, it would at least be adequate to stop pistol rounds.
19-06-2007, 06:41
As a shrill stream of Bengali curses bounced from Leninya's elastic lips and her free arm flapped in the air, jangling a fortune in broaches and bracelets, Gurbmatix let out a belly-laugh and raised an open palm briefly towards the Allanean before taking his little comrade by the shoulder and finding them a couple of seats.

(OOC: Damn, I really have to dash. Cure this Antipodean time zone!)
19-06-2007, 06:42
The Allanean smiled at Booch. "Greetings, hetairos." - he used the Ancient Greek word for 'comrade', preferring not to use the modern term due to it's connotation. "Tell me, have you received the message about my government's donation?"
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 06:43
He smiled. " Indeed we have. Our government thanks you, but we already have 150,000 in stock. A very fine tank. We are currently awaiting the upgrade."
19-06-2007, 08:13
"Oh, well, anyway. What's your plan for the conference? Have you considered joining the ACTO?"
19-06-2007, 09:18
Wolfgang stepped out of his Armoured Limo, he looked around and smiled
he thought "looks just like home", he walked in to the building, but stopped and read the sign on the door, to make sure he was in the right place, when he saw the Comunists, he realised that he was in the right place when he saw the others, he walked up to the tall communist,
"i hear all you communists know each other, there are commie rebels in the north of our country"
he looked at his watch
"oh wait there wont be anymore our army just killed them all" he said this with a smile on his face

Wolfgang was unafraid of the tall communist, as the average size for a verenberg male was close to 7 ft and they were built very ro-bust
he towered over everyone in the room, he looked into the communists eyes
"look even there eyes glow red HAHAHAHAHA"

he then glanced at the small indian communist, he was taken aback by how beautiful she was but he would never admit it,
he just told himself its one of their tricks, using beautiful to get to free-willed men, but it kept knawing away at him as he stared at her, he then realised and quickly looked back at the tall communist, waiting for a response to his insults
19-06-2007, 09:30
"Hey, Verenbergi-dude-person-whose-name I don't know! You're here to negotiate peaceful solutions to the problems of stand-off between communist and capitalist nations... right?"

He paused.

"Just messin' with ya is all. I meant to asked: ARE YOU HERE TO HELP US BRUTALLY KILL AS MANY COMMUNISTS AS POSSIBLE?"
19-06-2007, 09:41
Gurbmatix had never heard of Verenberg, and certainly not of this Wolfgang, and simply gazed back for a silent moment.

He then said, "Yes, we do keep files on every communist movement in the world, and they do feed us information, which is stored on the Indian Intranet, about the conservative and reactionary world. Some of us have memorised rather a lot of it, which is not so difficult for one of the most highly educated populations in the world. We recently ranked deep inside the bottom 0.1% for most stupid nations, after all."

Of course the Celt was lying about the extent of the Commonwealth's intelligence links, though GSIC -the Gelert Sentinels- is reasonably well connected in a number of movements.

Leninya had by now finished sneakily searching through her pocket-sized personal computer's database and had found the Holy Empire of Verenberg, "Listed under small, economically insignificant, protectionist anti-market, superstitious, racist, and autocratic" she said, "A frightfully impressive list!"

Gurbmatix laughed heartily once more and smiled under his drooping, thick moustache. Leaning back where he rested the Geletian extended in his hand a large vessel that was emanating a potent smell of mixed spices and alcohol, "Take some Geletian wine? It sounds as if you may need a nip before going back to that place! Knocks the heck out of your saviour's blood, anyway!

"Hey, when are we getting into the conference part of this conference?" He called out.
19-06-2007, 09:52
The Allanean scoffed. "Clearly the UN's got it wrong - again. If you were so smart, you wouldn't be communist. Now if you're so smart... which you're not... tell me, what's racist about Verenberg, again? Or is it just a communist habit to call all anti-communist racist? Maybe you're going to call Allanea racist next, communist vermin?"
19-06-2007, 12:44
Shugoro sniggered as he watched the standoff between the Allaneans and the commies. Taking another drag from his cigar, he sighed. "Typical, eh." to noone in particular.
19-06-2007, 13:33
"Oh, hi!" - the Allanean spoke to the Questarian. - "Look here," - he explained to Booch. "This is a Questarian. THey're mean-ass motherfuckers, and they eat communists for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They don't have them for tea, though. For tea they have crumpets."
19-06-2007, 15:54
Derrick and Sam panted as they finally reached the gathering. Derrick looked up after three seocnds and organized himself. He had no idea how the Grand Admiral could run in her long white dress, let alone keep up with him. He also took note of the increasing conflict between the two prsent communists and the others, Derrick, being a devout Fascist, disliked Communism severly, but he believed that this was to much.

"Nice little jog hey?" He asked Samantha.

"I want a medal for that, I just ran like two kilometers in a silk dress." She told him. The pair headed out for the main gathering looking for the representitive from The Peoples Freedom and others tey knew.
19-06-2007, 16:15
Shugoro cast a glance sideways at the Kampferian delegate, then looked back at the Allanean. "Look, Mister, uh... why don't you calm down just a little bit, come over here with me and Xavi and haev a smoke." he offered the cigars out to the Allanean delegate. "No need to kick up hostilities before the conference even begins, hey?"
19-06-2007, 17:28
"Look, Allen, or whatever your name is..." the Celt said, recently-lit smoke (containing numerous opiates) in the hand with which he gestured towards the Allanean ambassador, "...your nation can do its own research, or it can pay Raipur for second-hand intelligence. If a person is denied education based on the colour of their skin, the sitting authority is guilty of racism. That'll be fifty dollars, please! Ha-ha-ha!"

Gurbmatix gave another belly-laugh.

"Come on, comrades and comradettes, we've not heard much against communism, yet! Where's the anti-communism? Are you all just Catholics? You're all Catholics, aren't you? Eh? Leninya, where's my sword? I want to prod some Catholics! Come on, say something!"
19-06-2007, 18:28
"Sir, you are an idiot. You're a communist at an anti-communist meeting, how can you expect anything but hostility? Then again, reality is hostile to communism."
19-06-2007, 18:52
Another string of Bengali profanities from Gurbmatix's comrade, then she switched, mid-flow, back to English, as if it were the natural thing to do...

"...sister! Ha! He was asking for anti-communism! Where is it? All you do is drink coffee and make bad jokes! My comrade wants the conference to start! We want to hear your arguments, not your hollow insults! Tor maa sagoler shate chood kore!" She ended with less class than she had begun, alleging something about the Allanean's mother and some non-specific goats.

Gurbmatix started to talk in an even tone, taking Leninya's intended role, at least for now. He wasn't comfortable with it.

"Is it not true, assembled delegates, that your only fear of communism is that it may rob you of your power over your fellows? That you may have to live in the society that you have created, instead of floating above it? Is it not so that your furious passion is selfishness and greed exemplified? Over what else do we fight but your theft of power from the mass body of the people of our planet?"
19-06-2007, 18:56
"Sir, I trust that Allanea's Congress is far more democratic then your legislature. More to the point, we have killed more communists then your whore of a mother has slept with for five bucks each - which, I believe, is a truly great accomplishment for the Allanean military. After all, your mother was, I hear, quite the... sex industry professional."
19-06-2007, 19:28
"Hm, comrade, if your legislature is more democratic than ours then we beseech you, tell us how! We are communists, democracy is our object!"

Gurbmatix had to all but physically restrain Leninya as the Auxiliary Corps-trained Indian woman experienced visions of necks snapping.

"Ah..." He said, nails digging into his out-stretched arm, bent awkwardly back at the elbow by his unsettled comrade, "...the Indian Soviets exist more than five million strong at the first level, and every comrade is empowered to appear, speak, nominate, vote, and petition at and through them.

"Regional and State Soviets exist only through the direct election by their peers of local delegates to those bodies, and delegates so-elected survive in their posts only by representing the general will sufficiently well as to avoid immediate recall through a process of free petition and popular referendum.

"The Final Soviet, in Raipur, consists of comrades appointed by the elected bodies of the State Soviets, and is hardly less accountable to the Soviets of the First Level than are delegates at regional level."

Bopara chipped in, her teeth clenched throughout, hands now folded before her but quite tightly so, "...and their (the Final Soviet's) decrees are answerable to popular referenda quite independent of all elected bodies, called and carried by the whole populace through the Soviets of the First Level, the only membership-requirement in which is Indian citizenship."

"Yes, so, you see, we are -as is fundamentally necessary for anyone with the right to call themselves communist- bound-over to democracy. If you can somehow help us to improve our democracy then we shall be glad to carry the message home!"

"...and" said Leninya, "my mother grew-up before the revolution, in Prince Llewellyn's India, a housewife and paddy-farmer who bore and raised eight children in poverty and worked without rest for all her sixty-seven years. I am only glad that, to me and her other surviving children, 'five bucks' is not lure enough to induce the lowering of our standards so far as to attend to your ilk, rather it buys a luxury addition to my dormitory, should I choose to spend it after the half an hour's honest work necessary to earn it."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 20:11
" We've met..." Muttered Booch. He went over to the Questerian, hoping to tell them to settle down their allies. Otherwise, he'd have to call in the Marines to seperate them, and he did not want to do that. He floated over to them.
" Can you help me settle those delegates down, Admiral?"
19-06-2007, 21:19
"Alright" Shugoro grunted, sighing. He snubbed out his cigar and tossed it into a waiting bin and walked up to the Allanean in a heated "debate" with the reds. He tapped him on the shoulder and put his arm over his shoulder, pullling him away. "Look, I think Mister Booch is getting pretty pissed. There's no need to take this any further." He lit up another cigar and was about to offer one to the Allanean when he remembered the make and reconsidered. "Just walk out of this one in a civilised manner, hey? No need to get worked up over a couple of bolsheviks." he spat out some tobacco into a flower pot with some kind of exotic wildlife in it.
20-06-2007, 01:09
"i will stop"Wolfgang said
"but one last thing before i do,
your intelligence is flawed
have a look at the Rating of Verenebrg and its Commonwealth Territories, they are Gyresberg, Uber Flaugarn and the Razarn Valley
i belive things such as Right Wing Utopia and Power House Economies through to Strong Economies and Massive Nations With Compulsary Millitary Service"
Wolfgang yelled

"then use your almighty intelligence to have a look at the Peoples Republic of Verenberg Communists, these are the northern rebels i told u of, you compare"

"it was you reds that with your uprising in the north of my country, my family was killed because they wouldnt submit to your "red or dead" policy"

after saying this, he turned around and said "sorry everyone", and walked over to the bar
New Manth
20-06-2007, 01:28
Saad al-Baradei hands his cup of coffee to an aide as he watches the Indian Soviet delegates' passionate, albeit misguided, attempts to defend their nation.

"Never known for their tact, either, I suppose..." he mutters to his aides with a tight smile. "Where did I put my coffee..."

"Here Commander."

One of the aides offers him the cup again.

"Ah right. Mmm."

al-Baradei makes his way over to the bar to stand next to Wolfgang.

"Not much of a diplomat, eh?"

The Manthian chuckles.

"Can't say I blame you. Between you and me..."

al-Baradei looks around.

"...and almost everyone else who will probably show up here... dogs, the lot of them."
20-06-2007, 01:45
Derrick and Samantha walked into the gathering quietly. The couple noticed a diplomat that looked to be of New Manth descent. Derrick decided this was the best place to start while they waited.

"Hello there, my name is Derrick Braun, our troops fought together during the invasion of Hamilay. I am glad to see a person from a country that we have properly encountered present." Sam gently embowed him in the side. To remind him to introduce her. "And this is my old friend, Grand Admiral Samantha Conners."
New Manth
20-06-2007, 02:03
"Derek Braun, an honor to meet you."

al-Baradei turns to Braun's companion with a smile.

"And the Grand Admiral, Samantha Connors. I have heard much of your daring actions during the battle off Bastion. Sash Arvando spoke quite well of you, and he is a hard one to please. I trust that fortune has smiled upon you since the war?"
20-06-2007, 02:35
"I have been very well, havent got the back on the ship yet though. I cant wait to give it another go." The Admiral replied. "Tell Arvado that I said hello when you see him next will you?" She added recalling the man.

"I really cant comprehend why two communists would come to an anti-communist conference. Its like throwing a baby to a pack of starving wolves." Derrick shook his head.

"Well, at least we can enjoy ourselves for a few minutes as it cools down over there." The Grand Admiral said rolling her eyes. "It is almost as amusing as watching the House Of Representitives squabble over bills they want passed." It was a deep inside joke that very few could comprehend. Samantha smiled to herself.
New Manth
20-06-2007, 03:13
"Glad to hear it, and I'll pass your greeting on to the Admiral."

al-Baradei leans close.

"Now I'm not a Navy man, so don't take this as Allah's word, but I hear the Navy was so impressed with the Samatha at Bastion that they're in the process of acquiring a pair of supercapitals themselves. It's a beautiful ship."

Returning his attention to the two Indian Soviets, the old man chuckles.

"Yes, let's get away from those youngsters and their arguing until the conference starts. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I hear the Indian Soviets have recently been trying to throw their weight around internationally, but you'd hardly think they'd choose here to do it!"
20-06-2007, 03:29
Samantha smiled as the man explained the Manth policy to her. This was expected, after all the Samantha was one of the only ships that could stand up to such punishment. As the two men talked about the Indian Soviets Samantha looked at Derrick and smiled.

"Yup, were not youngsters." She said to Derrick with a wink. The pair was a mere 18 years old each. The Manth diplomats were probably twice there age even if the two added there ages together.

"Nope." Derrick said. Winking back to his friend. I almost feel sorry for those poor Indians. They are getting so persecuted.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 03:31
Booch made an announcement.

" Ladies and Gentlemen. The cocktail party is in three hours. Please settle yourselves into your rooms and come back in three hours. If you have any questions or concerns, do not be afraid to ask.
20-06-2007, 03:44
we would like to send a delegate.
20-06-2007, 04:00
Derrick rolled his eyes and shook his head. He knew what was coming. Samantha looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Get settled into our rooms." Derrick repeated Booches words. ""Not destory them." He added as Samantha walked towards the pairs room.

"What better way to settle into a room do you know?" She asked him knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Wont the Empress get mad if we go without her?" He asked.
Ghost Tigers Rise
20-06-2007, 04:17
Parlitarian (OOC: Parlitarian is a corruption of "parliament member") Gerry Maxwell was very annoyed. First the traffic on the CR-22 Highway jams up, making him an hour late to the airport, then the left engine on his Learjet 31 blows a gasket and nearly takes him with it.

After two hours of humping with the flight crew to make the jet serviceable again, the Parlitarian finally slumped back into the cabin, along with his security staff (a group of four GDG-3 gentlemen), covered with sweat and engine lubricants.

At least I had the good sense to take off my suit, mused Maxwell, as he started putting his clothes back on and the jet taxied down the runway. Which, naturally, was the moment that some idiot allowed a fuel tank to catch fire in the middle of the runway. Maxwell watched it happen, and closed his eyes, thinking, in his native language, Mein Gott hasse mich.

So, when the Learjet finally entered TPF airspace, he was a full four hours late to the cocktail party. Now this'll leave an impression, Maxwell grumbled as he scrubbed the last of the grease off his hands and face, and the plane made its final landing approach.
20-06-2007, 07:25
The Beddgelens retired to their quarters by mutual agreement, each feeling that, in doing so, they were keeping the other from squeezing somebody's neck. The mixed pair were happy to wait in the same room, being quite used to communal life back home.

A great deal of thudding and clattering could be heard, though, as Leninya searched tactlessly for bugs, bombs, and all sorts of other conspiracies, while Gurbmatix stamped about, shaking his fists at nobody in particular and ranting, "Bolsheviks! Did you hear that? Bolsheviks? Where is the Indian Communist Party? Outlawed! In the bin! That stupid reactionary called us Bolsheviks!"

The Celt took out a little pouch of some substance and inhaled a fair portion of it, where after he seemed to regain his composure, actually becoming a little irritated by his comrade's destructive search.

"Cocktails, later. Focus on the cocktails, Leninya. And don't lose those notes, I want to find out what's so great about Allanean democracy."
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 07:41
Across the hotel, in an apartment building, a group of men chuckled at the noises that came from the commie room. The bug, was located in the fire detector.
20-06-2007, 07:44
Derrick and Sam went into there room and sat on the bed. Derrick still thought about the Indian Communists at the conference.

"Cmon Derrick..." Samantha said to him.

"I have something to do first. Give me twenty minutes." Derrick said leaving. He headed for the room the communitsts were staying in and reached the door. He straightened himself up and knocked on the door.
20-06-2007, 09:21
OOC: I realize the Gellertians have left, but I hope the player doesn't mind me screwing around with fluid time to answer them.


Before the Gelletians leave

"Hm, comrade, if your legislature is more democratic than ours then we beseech you, tell us how! We are communists, democracy is our object!"

"We're more democratic, by several points. First of all, our Congress is maintained on a principle of Online Direct Democracy – a Congressman receives endorsement from his constituents online, and his voting power moves up and down depending on that. Should he say or do something that offends his constituents, they would log in, unendorsed him, and suddenly he would have 500 endorsements rather then five million. Of course, he'd remain in the Congress – in Allanea, anybody can be a Congressman, you just have to walk in – but you only get paid if you have over five million endorsements. This also means there's at least nine thousand people in the building at any given time, and of course the folks back home are watching. Filibustering is avoided by having speaking time proportional to amount of endorsements."

"But that's not everything. Allaneans vote to elect representatives in bicameral state legislatures, state governors, sheriffs, state attorneys-general, district-attorneys, school boards and headmasters – in the districts that still have public schools – they elect judges and they elect Port Commissioners, Mayors, city and county councils…"

The Allanean pauses for breath.

"They elect practically anybody of consequence, and I suspect they'll eventually make the members of the Presidential cabinet directly electable. But that's not everything."

"On the State level, we have the possibility for direct legislative initiative via the ballot box – Congress has Online Direct Democracy, it doesn't need them – we have recalls for all of the people we elect. Trials are by jury, so as to limit further the power of professional judges and professional politicians."

"As for your mother… I am sorry to find out she was a paddy farmer and not a prostitute. Personally, I find mind-boggling, physical labor to be far more degrading to women – or men – then prostitution. I find it hilarious that you went for my trap – you should know that in Allanea prostitution is not discriminated against, and some women who work in the sex industry often achieve spectacular positions in society. But I assume that wouldn't matter to you, being the ignorant communist vermin that you are. Go back to your dorm."

After the Gelleti leave

"So now that we got read of the cockroaches… I mean, the communists in this meeting, how do we go about ridding the world of them?"
20-06-2007, 09:41
Gurbmatix had to reply to the Allanean by stating that every Commonwealth citizen is free to walk into their Local Soviets (those of the First Level) at any time, and that public officials are also elected in Beth Gellert. Such servants, and those elected to represent the general will at higher Soviets, remain always accountable to popular recall through referenda that may be called following a petition started by any relevant citizen. Likewise any legislation enacted by these elected and accountable representatives may be over-turned by referenda called in a similar fashion.

He was interested in the Allaneans' use of the internet, as the Soviet Commonwealth makes significant use of an Indian intranet in politics but does not yet rely upon it. It is something that will probably happen in time.

Bopara's tone remains hostile despite the (erratic) indifference of her comrade to most insults directed at him. "My mother laboured in the fields because the capitalist Principality offered opportunity on a completely random basis and its officers saw little motivation to expend resources to alter her lot. There were never enough places in comfort for all of us. The revolution dragged me out of poverty. There is no need for any Soviet woman to sell sex when all have safe housing and the real opportunity for communal dining at the very least. Your nation of whores can never challenge the Soviet power!"

Later, in their room, the Indians are disturbed by a knock, and Gurbmatix answers the door with one hand resting idly on the hilt of his sword.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 23:27
20-06-2007, 23:30
OOC: Can we go on and start the important stuff?
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 23:33
OOC: Yeah, we can either do the cocktail party now or skip to the next day and do the Economics of Communism.
20-06-2007, 23:36
ooc: I say just go on to the economics part.
20-06-2007, 23:58
but da cocktail party was gonna be awesome :(
21-06-2007, 00:07
ooc:Makes no diff to me
Alexandrian Ptolemais
21-06-2007, 12:11
Prime Minister Ward and his bodyguard got into the The Peoples Freedom vehicle and made their way to their hotel. He was told about the Communists that were attending this conference and could not help but have a chuckle

"Which Godless Communist idiot would attend a conference that is about anti-Communism?"

"Well, Prime Minister, the nation is called Beddgelert. Probably the most idiotic nation on earth."

"Of course they would be, they are Communists - the last time we in the Empire let Communists run the show, the country nearly fell to pieces. About the only good thing about Communists is that they make the Opposition look stupid; no doubt I'll be winning myself a fifth straight election next year"

The hotel was reasonably humble; every last drachma had to be saved and in the end, Ward himself chipped in a few Gold Denarii. Before the cocktail party though, there was one very urgent matter of business. Ward had a thousand Gold Denarii, mainly in tens and fives and he wanted to get rid of them, exchange them for the currency in whatever this place was called.
23-06-2007, 02:28
Baker took his seat and folded his arms before him. He removed the green side cap which he had been wearing, and held it in his folded hands on the table. After taking a deep breath, he began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for attending this conference. We are holding it in order to discover a way of quelling the expansion of Marxism/Leninism throughout the world, and hopefully will end it with the signing of an Anti-Comintern Treaty, which we should design. Now then, if anyone has any questions or statements to make before we begin?"
23-06-2007, 02:39
ooc: We should just jump right into the debating..enough with this political chit chat nonsense lol
North Calaveras
23-06-2007, 02:42
OCC: Are communists allowed to debate this? or is it only capatilist fascists.
23-06-2007, 02:54
[OOC: Capitalism:
an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Capitalism generally refers to an economic system in which the means of production are mostly privately owned and operated for profit, and in which investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and services are determined through the operation of a free market.

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, racism and opposition to economic and political liberalism.

Given that most if not all capitalist states are actually democracies - here we go, Japan, South Korea, USA, Britain, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, capitalism and fascism are mutually exclusive, given that capitalism endorses the right of the private individual and their liberties and freedoms and fascism is the complete opposite. If you think capitalism=fascism you need to get an education or just go line up in a bread ration.]
23-06-2007, 02:57
ooc: Gasp questers we are agreeing on more and more things what has happened lol
23-06-2007, 02:58
[OOC: I dunno, I just hate reds and their genocidal tendencies<.<]
23-06-2007, 02:59
ooc: well spoken...perhaps I misjudged you lol my apologies for past transgressions
23-06-2007, 03:00
[OOC: Lol, its okay. As TPF said, I usually appear "mean" on the surface (take that how you want to :P) but I get better as you know me.]
23-06-2007, 03:04
ooc:Indeed indeed..I may even support the QC side in the side war after all...although for now I'm going to exploit both sides and make money off the whole thing....and of course I have to see what the NPE stance is on the conflict as well..
23-06-2007, 03:31
ooc:Indeed indeed..I may even support the QC side in the side war after all...although for now I'm going to exploit both sides and make money off the whole thing....and of course I have to see what the NPE stance is on the conflict as well..

OOC: Well, since I'm buddies with Questers, and TPF is buddies with Questers, I think its pretty obvious who we're supporting :p
23-06-2007, 03:37
OOC: Well, since I'm buddies with Questers, and TPF is buddies with Questers, I think its pretty obvious who we're supporting :p

Well like I said...I'm being neutral for i can sell non war materials to both sides..and make a ton of money off them since their economies will be geared towards war...its the only logical capitalist thing to do you know...:p..although I suppose I could have lower prices for the QC..
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2007, 03:38
Given that most if not all capitalist states are actually democracies - here we go, Japan, South Korea, USA, Britain, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, capitalism and fascism are mutually exclusive, given that capitalism endorses the right of the private individual and their liberties and freedoms and fascism is the complete opposite. If you think capitalism=fascism you need to get an education or just go line up in a bread ration.]

Only if you exclude the fact that capitalists created fascism, heck, German politicans accepted Hitler because they thought he would be a good puppet in fighting communism, and so did Britain and France (before he went WWII on Poland).
23-06-2007, 03:40
right capitalism created much crack have you been smoking...?
23-06-2007, 03:41
right capitalism created much crack have you been smoking...?

Benito Mussolini coined the term, but Capitalism had nothing to do with it.
23-06-2007, 03:43
Only if you exclude the fact that capitalists created fascism, heck, German politicans accepted Hitler because they thought he would be a good puppet in fighting communism, and so did Britain and France (before he went WWII on Poland).

Uh, okay, and Communists created the idea of the Police State. Your point? Capitalism and Fascism are mutually exclusive because a fascist society requires high regulation of the economy - prelavent in all fascist societies, Nazi Germany, Italy, USSR, or Imperial Japan (in the later years). It is not possible to be a fascist and a capitalist. You can have capitalist dictators, but not fascist capitalists. Its a contradiction in terms - like liberal statist.
23-06-2007, 03:43
[OOC: Lol, its okay. As TPF said, I usually appear "mean" on the surface (take that how you want to :P) but I get better as you know me.]

The World Soviet Party
23-06-2007, 03:45
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, racism and opposition to economic and political liberalism.

From Quester's quote, doesnt sound that much like Communism now, does it?

If you think socialism=dictatorship you need to get an education or just go to an unemployment agency while the goverment cuts the health, education and welfare budgets.
23-06-2007, 03:46
right capitalism created much crack have you been smoking...?

Could ask you the same?

Mussolini reigned in the economy of Italy and restricted the free market.

Reigned economy =/= free market.

North Calaveras
23-06-2007, 03:46
why do you hate us(reds)? we usally are defensive, but everywhere i see capatilist countrys are invading communist ones?
23-06-2007, 03:59
From Quester's quote, doesnt sound that much like Communism now, does it?

If you think socialism=dictatorship you need to get an education or just go to an unemployment agency while the goverment cuts the health, education and welfare budgets.

OOC: You know what? We might as well make all of this IC since this has to do with the thread's subject.


"I apologize my allies from the World Soviet Party, but I fear I shall have to back up my Questerian Allies on this one. There have been absolutely no Communist Democracies in recent times, particularly in the Soviet Union era. However, while there are many Free-Market Dictators as well, the percentage ratio is much higher in favor of the Capitalists as far as democratic forms of Government are concerned. Thus, nine times out of ten, and I am being very much so overly generous with my ratio, Communism does in fact equal a dictatorship. Its simple history."
23-06-2007, 04:01
why do you hate us(reds)? we usally are defensive, but everywhere i see capatilist countrys are invading communist ones?

OOC: Oh, like the USSR invasion of Afghanistan in the 80s? The Cuban invasion of Angola? The Cuban invasion of Grenada?

Communist nations are no less guilty of warmongering than Capitalist ones, in NS and in RL.
23-06-2007, 04:04
From Quester's quote, doesnt sound that much like Communism now, does it?

If you think socialism=dictatorship you need to get an education or just go to an unemployment agency while the goverment cuts the health, education and welfare budgets.

[OOC: Lol, I never actually said anything about Communism there, I said capitalism isn't fascist, not that Communism isn't fascist. There are a few socialist democracies, like France, but they're usually less well off than their European contemporaries, especially Britain, who basically props up a few French industries and is sitting laughing at the French small businesses choked by restrictive laws.]
23-06-2007, 04:06
OOC: You know what? We might as well make all of this IC since this has to do with the thread's subject.


"I apologize my allies from the World Soviet Party, but I fear I shall have to back up my Questerian Allies on this one. There have been absolutely no Communist Democracies in recent times, particularly in the Soviet Union era. However, while there are many Free-Market Dictators as well, the percentage ratio is much higher in favor of the Capitalists as far as democratic forms of Government are concerned. Thus, nine times out of ten, and I am being very much so overly generous with my ratio, Communism does in fact equal a dictatorship. Its simple history."

"I'd also like to add that one of the main tenants of Leninism is to have a dictator. A democratically elected one, but a dictator nonetheless."
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2007, 04:07
OOC: You know what? We might as well make all of this IC since this has to do with the thread's subject.


"I apologize my allies from the World Soviet Party, but I fear I shall have to back up my Questerian Allies on this one. There have been absolutely no Communist Democracies in recent times, particularly in the Soviet Union era. However, while there are many Free-Market Dictators as well, the percentage ratio is much higher in favor of the Capitalists as far as democratic forms of Government are concerned. Thus, nine times out of ten, and I am being very much so overly generous with my ratio, Communism does in fact equal a dictatorship. Its simple history."

"Overlooking the fact that the world has yet to see a truly communist nation, the USSR, China, Korea, Vietnam, etc. are not worthy of being called communists. I would like to state, that if you look at TWSP, hell, at most of my allies too, you'll see that they are democratic, in fact, more democratic and fair that some of the nations YOU call 'allies'.
Perhaps you could ask the Questarians why do they think draft is fair? Or the Clandonians why minimum wages are not necessary for them? Or TPF'ians why war is good?
Thought so, now, I do not wish to argue with you, for the good of our people and Nova Europa, we must not fight each other, else the outsiders will take advantage of us.
That's all I can say"
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2007, 04:08
OOC: Oh, like the USSR invasion of Afghanistan in the 80s? The Cuban invasion of Angola? The Cuban invasion of Grenada?

Communist nations are no less guilty of warmongering than Capitalist ones, in NS and in RL.

OOC: But all around, they have caused less wars than their capitalist counterparts.
North Calaveras
23-06-2007, 04:10
great words TWSP:)
23-06-2007, 04:10
Maybe because Capitalism has existed since basically the dawn of time and Communism as a theory being implemented in a state has... never existed? Besides, the Soviets were plenty aggressive during the cold war. There's also the fact that they never realy had an opportunity - they turned down foreign intervention about as equally as the US did, they just had less need to do it.
Southern Odinia
23-06-2007, 04:23
Southern Odinia would like to send a delegate from the Island regions of our nation. Name is Manuel Perez Martinez age 68, a man who was at one point a member of a Stalinist guerrilla insurgency. He has renounced his Communist ideology and would be able to provide some wonderful insight into the issue.
Southern Odinia
23-06-2007, 04:26
Southern Odinia has actually decided to withdraw the delegate. This "conference" is turning into nothing but a flame war.
23-06-2007, 04:35
OOC: Lol. This has gone downhill. Questers, if you ever need money in your upcoming fight, give me a call. I have more than enough lying around... Just TG me if you need it.
23-06-2007, 04:51
[Outside New Prussian Empire Airspace]

The representatives of the Allied Union Federal Defense Forces danced through the clear skies of the early afternoon, their deep blue wingtips painting sharp white streams of contrails across their azure canvas while holding a tight delta formation. Low bypass turbofans warped the airspace directly behind them, the extreme heat of a potential hundred thousands dry pounds of thrust distorting the air to a twisted blur behind them. They were a quartet of raptors, birds of the prey both graceful and deadly, protecting the fragile bird lying in the center of their flock like the fierce eagles they were.

"Air Force Three, this is Backstop One, we are approaching Imperial airspace, over?"

The radio crackled with the transport's response.

"Roger that, Backstop Flight, we've just entered the Imperial air defense umbrella, you're cleared to return to base, over."

"Copy that, Mother Goose, we're breaking off in five, see you back home. Over and out."

Within the alloted time, the four fighters suddenly and swiftly broke into four separate directions, their contrails cutting into the sky, while their charge continued to calmly cruise towards the welcome coastline.

Several hours later, Baker Air Force Base

Pretty low profile, really. The tilt rotor transport in Federal Air Force markings touched down without incident or much of anything out of the ordinary at the foreign air base, its turboprops stuttering to a near halt as it crossed into the black tarmac of the taxiway, its dominating propeller blades slowly shifting to a position perpendicular to the ground. Once she and the ground crew had become properly acquainted, she settled into a hanger, allowing her to disgorge her cargo. Five men emerged from her now open rear loading ramp, dressed in crisp black suits. Four of them wore black sunglasses, their manner and posture consistent with most modern military disciplines. The fifth, in the center much like his aviary counterpart still lying in the hanger, was much more fragile appearing, his manner much more relaxed and civilian in nature as he and his entourage stepped into a waiting automobile to be taken to the conference.
23-06-2007, 09:59
"No communist democracies?" Questioned a newly returned Leninya Bopara. "Beddgelens live communally, share the profits of their labour, manage their own workplaces... we are communists. Beddgelens elect our public servants and subject them to referenda-enabled recall, we make local decisions communally, and all local, regional, state, and national legislation is made subject to enforcement or cancellation by popular referenda... we are democrats.

"How, then, being as Beth Gellert is a communist state and a democracy, can it be right to say that there are no communist democracies? Is this attributable to a mental defect shared by all attending parties with our sole Soviet exception?"
Alexandrian Ptolemais
23-06-2007, 13:16
Prime Minister Ward arose to speak, it felt to him like being in the debating chamber all those years back fighting against the Communists

"If Beddgelens are the prime example of Communism, then it is clear that from the very start Communism is a bad idea. Ladies and Gentlemen, I can imagine life within Beddgelert; there would be the need for a referenda to decide whether or not I can go to the toilet.

Why do we have Parliaments? Why bother to have the elected representatives of the people? We have them to make decision making simple. The Parliament of the Empire goes through nearly ten million pages of documents; the laws that were brought in last year were enough to fill my bedroom - twice. Imagine if we had to have a referendum on all those laws? Nothing would get done. That is why we are there, and if you don't like us, then you can vote us out when the next election comes.

Perhaps there are Communist democracies, but there are democracies ladies and gentlemen, and there are democracies. We can have stupid democracies where every fart needs to go to the ballot, and we can have smart democracies where the people are properly represented."
23-06-2007, 13:37
The Velkyan delegate leaned back in his chair, and spoke up, if only for a moment, adding to the previous comment.

"Surely, my Beddgelertian friend, you cannot sacrifice power for efficiency? As much as I hate to admit it, the average citizens aren't qualified to make governmental decisions, that's why we aren't anarchists, and that's why governments exist in the first place."
23-06-2007, 15:41
Prime Minister Ward arose to speak, it felt to him like being in the debating chamber all those years back fighting against the Communists

"If Beddgelens are the prime example of Communism, then it is clear that from the very start Communism is a bad idea. Ladies and Gentlemen, I can imagine life within Beddgelert; there would be the need for a referenda to decide whether or not I can go to the toilet.

Why do we have Parliaments? Why bother to have the elected representatives of the people? We have them to make decision making simple. The Parliament of the Empire goes through nearly ten million pages of documents; the laws that were brought in last year were enough to fill my bedroom - twice. Imagine if we had to have a referendum on all those laws? Nothing would get done. That is why we are there, and if you don't like us, then you can vote us out when the next election comes.

Perhaps there are Communist democracies, but there are democracies ladies and gentlemen, and there are democracies. We can have stupid democracies where every fart needs to go to the ballot, and we can have smart democracies where the people are properly represented."

"My main concern with Communism is the very nature of it inhibits civil liberty. The reason for this is the fact that Communist societies have no privately owned businesses, something which I believe to be a Civil Right to create your own enterprise."
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2007, 18:08
"My main concern with Communism is the very nature of it inhibits civil liberty. The reason for this is the fact that Communist societies have no privately owned businesses, something which I believe to be a Civil Right to create your own enterprise."

"I'm not going to argue that, but, should you check our fine nation, The World Soviet Party, you would see that there are, in fact, privately owned businesses. And that is a proof, a very good proof, that New Socialism works."
23-06-2007, 19:24
"Ha! The accusation was that there are no communist democracies, and this was leveled as a criticism. First fact.

"I refuted this accusation.

"Next, an attempt to scupper my defence... how was it done? By attacking democracy!"

Leninya was far from impressed with the Velkyan and Alexandrian parties. They had opened their mouthes merely to prove her correct and to identify themselves as supporters of dictatorship. What an achievement.

The Soviet delegates had sat through numerous outbursts, so far, and had yet to hear a single effective point put against communism, while its detractors had made themselves sound stupid and dictatorial. How frightfully far from expected!

Gurbmatix remained indifferent while Leninya's tone became ever more haughty and spiteful as the reactionaries worsened their dirty case with every ill-considered word. How can their peers be so incapable of over-throwing these dolts? she wondered.
23-06-2007, 19:30
Gurbmatix is a little ruffled by the so-called World Soviet Party in their delegation's support for private enterprise.

"What's this? Theft legal in your lands? What's this private business? How is private economic control made communistic?" The big Celt seemed more likely to start a fight with supposed comrades than he had with any of the conservatives and reactionaries that had so far attempted to provoke him. "Is new socialism equivalent to New Labour? Where new means not, but give us your vote, anyway?"
The World Soviet Party
24-06-2007, 01:22
Gurbmatix is a little ruffled by the so-called World Soviet Party in their delegation's support for private enterprise.

"What's this? Theft legal in your lands? What's this private business? How is private economic control made communistic?" The big Celt seemed more likely to start a fight with supposed comrades than he had with any of the conservatives and reactionaries that had so far attempted to provoke him. "Is new socialism equivalent to New Labour? Where new means not, but give us your vote, anyway?"

"Not exactly, you'll see, ALL of the vital enterprises, such as water, energy, public transportation and the likes are under goverment control, and, other, more frivolous sectors of the industry, such as pornography, electronics (though the goverment owns almost 30% of this sector as well), and other things like that can be private.

However, they are subject to many regulations to prevent pollution, massive unemployement and other issues. For example, a CEO can only earn 2 times more than the common worker, and foreign companies cannot own more than 5% of a Soviet Corporation, if any at all, since we are very protectionist.

I think you'll agree with me in saying that this prevents a total dictatorship taking over, as well as protecting people's economic rights, to a point"
24-06-2007, 06:43
"Ha! The accusation was that there are no communist democracies, and this was leveled as a criticism. First fact.

"I refuted this accusation.

"Next, an attempt to scupper my defence... how was it done? By attacking democracy!"

Leninya was far from impressed with the Velkyan and Alexandrian parties. They had opened their mouthes merely to prove her correct and to identify themselves as supporters of dictatorship. What an achievement.

The Soviet delegates had sat through numerous outbursts, so far, and had yet to hear a single effective point put against communism, while its detractors had made themselves sound stupid and dictatorial. How frightfully far from expected!

Gurbmatix remained indifferent while Leninya's tone became ever more haughty and spiteful as the reactionaries worsened their dirty case with every ill-considered word. How can their peers be so incapable of over-throwing these dolts? she wondered.

Derrick finally decided to stand up and speak. He himself was not even close to a communist, but he knew his allies werent getting any points through to these people.

"I shall not deny that I myself am a Fascist. However, in my opinion the basic premise behind communism is good. In all plausible theory the people would be equal. In practice however, the ideologies of Communism and Fascism often, although not 100% of the time end up being more similar than diffrent. In the Empire we have been ruled by a family of monarchs stretching back some two thousand years. Our lives have been disrupted by wars and strife, as all others, but the Imperial family has managed to keep the empire on a level of equailty very rarly seen in authoritarian states. All races and people are equally treated as is an ideal behind communism. We simply do not belive that such a nation that is truely communist itself is practical and that such a nation where everyone is equal can also allow each person to have liberties that some people consider basic." Derrick sat down again. He disliked argueing and was trying to be less frontally confrontational than his allies.
Worldwide Ministries
24-06-2007, 08:44
Glad to see both sides living together and not just one rulling.

The Communist Union of Worldwide Ministries
Alexandrian Ptolemais
24-06-2007, 09:00
Ward arose to speak; he was now extremely annoyed and he was out to prove a point.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot speak for Velkya, however, the Empire is proud to be a democracy. To suggest that we are a dictatorship simply because we do not follow the Beddgelen model of democracy is completely and utterly ridiculous. The people of the Empire vote for people to represent them in Parliament because the people know that it would be much better for them; imagine Ladies and Gentlemen if you were an Imperial Citizen in a nation that followed the Beddgelen model of democracy.

You wake up in the morning, and you make your way to the tram stop. You see a tram coming by with slogans saying things like

"Vote for tram route extension A"
"Vote for the construction of Apartment Block B"
"Vote for the undergrounding of the Power Lines"

You are on the tram, going to work. You work your eight hour day, and come back home - oops, I forgot. You must do the daily task first of voting in the referendum, so you vote. You arrive home after doing your democratic duty completely exhausted and without time to cook the dinner and do other things.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the people would get exhausted; resources would be wasted and to be quite frank, it would not work. Delegating every decision to a referendum would be a waste of time, money and effort."
24-06-2007, 09:11
(OOC: There's a chance I may be disappearing for a few months, at very short notice. My Australian visa is running out and I have to do some regional agricultural work to extend it, so I've no idea whether I'll have internet access or time for NS for anything up to three months. Just wanted to say that in case the Beddgelens suddenly stop responding and nobody knows why.)

The Soviet delegates have really two major purposes here. The Commonwealth must learn more about potential threats to its future, and the Soviets must advertise their case.

Gurbmatix and Leninya are beyond keen to express their nation's staunch opposition to Bolshevism, even to the general concept of revolutionary vanguardism. Also their strict reservations over democratic centralism and command economics.

Gurbmatix especially is willing to explain Indian Soviet history. In 1947 the Indian National Army finally drove the British from the sub-continent after several years of desperate fighting. From then until 1982 the whole place was ruled by right-wing dictator Prince Llewellyn of the Geletians who spent his long reign attending to the disproportionate bourgeois needs of a small middle-class and suppressing anarchist, Maoist, and Marxist-Leninist insurrections.

In the May Revolution of 1982 the banned Communist Party of India launched a major Kremlin-backed offensive against Madras, over-running the Prince's garrisons there and forcing Llewellyn to evacuate his government to Sri Lanka, which he renamed Victoria and Salvador (for his intended salvation and victory). The Shieldian Empire of Iansisle sent a fleet of warships to back Llewellyn's planned counter-offensive, but Communist Party Chairman Sopworth Igo -son of the famous left-wing theorist Graeme Igo- had secured a shipment of new Russian anti-ship missiles, and, at the famous Battle of Salvador, the Iansislian advance fleet was wiped-out in a terrifically one-sided battle. Llewellyn lost credibility and held on to power until 1989 only by increasing acts of repression and reliance on foreign aid. On the mainland Sopworth's CPI launched two Five Year Plans that industrialised India rapidly but failed to seriously address grievances over centralisation of power and alienation of the masses. In the peaceful February Revolution of '89 Graeme convinced his son to surrender power to the popular Soviets, and the Communist Party was outlawed. Llewellyn was unable to contain the Sri Lankan masses any longer and fled abroad, leading to the reunification of India and Sri Lanka.
In 2007 the new Indian Soviet Commonwealth, A.K.A. the 4th Commonwealth, was raised on principles of direct democracy and Igovian market-socialism.

Leninya will be pleased to explain that the Soviet economy uses command procedures and public works to carry out vital infrastructure expansion -such as the current irrigation of the Thar Desert- and uses public ownership and management in sectors where competition is impractical or dangerous (public transport, where only one train can run on one track at one given time, so competition is a ridiculous fallacy; healthcare, and basic mass communications and power generation et cetera) while worker-managed Soviet enterprises compete freely with minimal barriers to entry for socialist products and an intranet-enabled standardisation that combine to create something relatively close to perfect competition. People live in pantisocratic phalansteries -democratic communes- with local businesses, and many job-share in the 24 hour cities. It is up to individual businesses, Leninya will explain, to decide whether to pay every worker equal wages -which a few do-, or to profit-share in proportion to a worker's seniority -encouraging loyalty- and complexity of task, all based on democratic decision making in regular (often quarterly) general meetings. The Soviet Commune simulates market forces by increasing prices to encourage production, or decreasing prices to encourage consumption, while a capital tax plays a part in replacing interest rates. Nothing is left to chance, but direct planning has been recognised as impractical in the long-term since 1989.

"Obviously" Leninya scoffs, "the only reason that capitalists hate us is that they are not allowed to control our productive energies from their ivory towers over-seas. Rich men want to profit off Indian labours, but we see no need: our mutual co-operation and risk-sharing enables us to go without corporate investment from your multi-nationals. We do not hurt the masses of your nations, we do not steal from you, we merely profit from our own works! What is wrong in that? Have you really grounds to hate us?"

Her comrade puts in, "We are even prepared to sell goods in your market places, and, potentially, to import your produce. It need only be qualified by the Soviet Commune as product of socialist labour and it is free to compete in the Indian marketplace. If any enterprise in any of your nations puts control in the hands of its workers it has the chance to export to more than nine billion Indians. But you would, it seems, prefer to fight? We Celts aren't adverse to the odd scrap, I'll tell you that, too!"
24-06-2007, 09:31
"Ha!" Bopara looks to the Alexandrian. "Evidently you have not heard of Switzerland! A poor argument even amongst straw-men!"

Gurbmatix chipped in with a puzzled look, "Eight hours? Blimey, I haven't worked an eight hour day in seventeen years!"

"And I haven't cooked dinner since the start of the Bengal Development Plan. I bought some spices for last Tuesday's evening meal at the commune, I suppose."
Alexandrian Ptolemais
25-06-2007, 05:12
"Yes, I have heard of Switzerland. At least they have referenda on important issues; such as caps on government spending, not on stupid issues such as whether I can have a glass of water right now or not.

Also, colleagues, do not let the Communists make you think life in their country is a bed of roses. Yes, I agree, you have not worked an eight hour day in seventeen years - that, ladies and gentlemen, is because in Communist countries, they work fourteen hour days plus overtime to keep up with ridiculous quotas set by bureaucrats trying to impress their leaders.

My colleagues, I bet you that the Bengal Development Plan was a cut power to Bengal Plan; obviously you cannot cook dinner if you do not have electricity, or for that matter if you lack wood or coal, and about the spices - ladies and gentlemen, what do spices do? They disguise the taste of foul tasting food - naturally all there is to eat in Beddgelert is foul food, as who would grow food when all that happens is that it is taken away.

We would all be fools to believe that the Beddgelen life is no work and all play; it is more like all work, no play and complete suffering."
25-06-2007, 07:42
Now Gurbmatix, the more relaxed Beddgelen, was losing patience. He made a show of slowly walking to the nearest wall and repeatedly banging his head against it before returning to the conversation.

"Are you quite done making a fool of yourself?" He asked, in an even tone. "What ever is the point of making things up on the spot and bothering to share them with all these people?

"To the best of my knowledge there has never been a referendum on a glass of water, a trip to the toilet, or anything else of the sort. Not in Soviet India, anyway. Why in the world would there be? Why would you say such a silly thing, when it is ever so simple for anyone to find out the untruth of it? What has this ridiculousness to do with anything?

"As we have already explained to you, a referendum is called only when somebody decides to form a petition demanding it, and acquires a number of signatures equivalent to a certain percentage threshold in respect of those it concerns. When the referendum is called, I might add, there is absolutely no legal obligation to take part, even if you put your signature to the petition.

"Now, as my comrade just spent several minutes openly telling you..." Gurbmatix's tone was briefly stressed; this was ridiculously hard work, especially for somebody accustomed to dealing with the graduates of a competent education system (evidently lacking in Alexandrian Ptolemais). “Beth Gellert’s is a simulated-market economy, not, primarily, a command economy. And yet you still speak of quotas as if they should be of some interest to a Beddgelen. It is very rude to ignore a lady, especially when she is trying to help you understand something that –as expressed by your presence at this conference- is of particular interest to you. Please, try to pay attention.”

“The Bengal Development Plan” Leninya broke in, “was one of the economically unusual instances of planning in the Soviet economy. It enhanced irrigation and drainage to increase agricultural output by twelve percent, created and improved several hundred kilometres of road and rail, increased power generation by more than two hundred percent in the short term –expansion continues at a less radical pace- and delivered electricity to several hundred million comrades, raised scores of new communes to house hundreds of thousands and give them all at least partial employment, and so on and so forth. If you doubt this you may visit Bengal and try to deny the Kolkata-Dakar railway while you ride one of its wide-gauge trains past one of its giant stations.”

“You can not possibly be surprised by the success of the project. Look at Hungary’s transformation from rural to industrial nation in a few years, the USSR’s rise from feudal backwardness to industrial powerhouse almost over night, Socialist Yugoslavia’s tenure as home to the world’s fastest-growing economy, and so forth, which all amply demonstrated the one-off power of command in development from a low base. Bengal was a rural backwater, and the development plan turned it into an industrial territory. Once development goals were reached there was no attempt to plan the economy beyond the Soviet Commune’s regular and considered adjustment of consumer prices.

“Raipur does not tell workers what to produce, and does not tell them how much of it to produce. The –elected and accountable- authorities merely provide incentives such as the opportunity to turn a tidy profit or the chance to acquire a good deal.”

The pair then explained that job-sharing in Soviet India leaves the economy with negligible natural unemployment, sustains a twenty-four-hour society, leads to greater production and consumption, and leaves workers with more free time than their peers in, say, Western Europe, not to mention greater flexibility in terms of working hours. Of course there are those who work longer hours, and they do so out of choice, possibly because they enjoy it, possibly to earn greater profit, possibly because they feel pride in and obligation to the revolution.

As to food they’ll be happy to say that a blend of Indian and Celtic traditions leaves the consumer with a great deal of choice, and recent organic legislation makes much of it tastier and healthier than it used to be.
25-06-2007, 16:10
"This is the latest we have ever been to any conference....ever." complained Gerhardt Volckner as the Greater Prussian Private 747 taxied down the runway in the New Prussian Empire.

The plane on which he had been scheduled to fly had been delayed for three straight days, and then finally his flight was declared cancelled. Ever since the Dersconis had taken over the Airports and everything is in New Geneva, everything had gone to pot. This was not in line with Volckner's ideas and experiences of Greater Prussia under the Bonaparte Emperors. Efficiency was the word, and nothing and no one...especially one of the most famous and important officials in the Empire got swept under the rug.

After several irate calls to the Dersconi run airline produced no results, he finally called Marechal Brune who ordered one of the blasted jets out of midair, pulled the passengers off, refunded their money, and sequestered the aircraft for Imperial usage.

"Damn Dersconis dont know how to run a whore house, let alone an international Empire!" he sighed to himself as he tipped back the last sip of scotch from his tumbler.

Unlike many of the officials of Greater Prussia, Gerhardt Volckner, the one time Arch Duke of Reichsburg, and current Mayor of New Geneva lacked a great deal of verbal finesse. He lacked a great deal of refinement as well as he hadn't grown up in the noble classes like so many of his colleagues. Luckily, the selfsame Marechal Brune that sequestered the aircraft for him opted to attend the conference himself, and he indeed was a world class diplomat of the Old School of Prussian diplomacy.

Marechal de l'Empire Alexandre Brune was appointed Marechal by Emperor Napoleon IV for whom Brune fought for the better part of his 25 year reign. He had successfully commanded entire fronts in no less than four Greater Prussian military campaigns. After the Emperor was assasinated and Reichskamphen plunged into turmoil, he along with Dr. Peter Graves of the Presbyterian Church established a Protectorate government to restore order and fight the invading Dersconi troops. After doing so successfully, and restoring order to Reichskamphen, Brune was re-installed as an Imperial Marshall under the current leader of the Prussian government in the absence of any Emperor. He now served as the Empire's face to the world as well as the commander of all Imperial Military forces that were put under joint command.

Brune and Volckner had collaborated a great deal during the years of the Protectorate when Volckner served as a great force for the preservation of order and began his tenure as Mayor after the Dersconi's captured most of his territories.

"Alex..." Volckner called out to the Marechal as they exited the plane. "I heard tell of a gaggle of Commie huns attending this conference. Are you sure an anti-Communist conference full of Communists is really worth our time?"

"It's really not our business how they choose to run their conference, but I suppose everyone deserves a right to be a point that is."

"Sure." Volckner replied sarcastically. "Can you imagine a pro-Communist conference where they would let you and I speak??"

Brune snapped his head about in a very aristocratic fashion...something that pissed Gerhardt off to the extreme. "Gerhardt, you do realize that speaks to the logical soundness of our position. We aren't afraid of cognitive dissonance as our principles are well founded and based on fact and logic, and even on Holy Scripture. They have to defend their principles by maintaining that same ignorance that first gave them breath."

"I sure hope they send us a car, because I have no idea how to find this place." Volckner mumbled.

"Thats what maps and taxis are for...just incase they don't." Brune replied.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
26-06-2007, 03:55
Ward was looking completely stunned, and thought to himself

"Either these people are awfully well looked after as some propaganda mission or they face the threat of torture back home. Oh well, back to my discussion."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the impression I was getting is that there is a referendum for everything - certainly I agree with the Beddgelens that referenda are a good idea, although we must say that there is a time and a place for them. Let me turn your attention to a little known nation.

The nation of New Zealand has had citizen's initiated referenda for a decade now. The very first referendum was about dealing with a private employment dispute - a private employment dispute. If the Beddgelens have any sense, then they must agree that this referendum was ridiculous.

Now, I suppose that I need to explain how our own system works. We, like the Beddgelens, have a system of referenda. Citizens can request a referendum so long as they have the signatures of 10% of eligible voters, as well as the signatures of 10% of representatives (representatives is defined as Members of Parliament, Members of the Executive Council, Members of Local Councils and Mayors). They then have to go through the Justice and Electoral Select Committee to ensure that they are not about vexacious issues, for example, deciding if the Prime Minister can go to the toilet or not.

Now that I have that dealt with, you openly state that "Beth Gellert’s is a simulated-market economy, not, primarily, a command economy." In that case, would that not make you the very antithesis of Communists? Communists support such things as Five Year Plans, as evidenced by Communist nations such as the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China and so on. A market economy is a capitalist construct. Needless to say, Beddgelert is a very confused country with contradictory economic constructs.

I am also glad to hear about the Bengal Development Plan. Needless to say, I can also see the gun that is being pointed at the members of the Beddgelen delegation. The Five Year Plans of the Soviet Union failed miserably, the Five Year Plans of the People's Republic of China failed miserably and so on. The only reason why people believed that progress had been made was because you would be sent to a Gulag if you suggested otherwise.

Furthermore, as much as I appreciate the invitation to Bengal, I must decline. All these things have happened in the Empire with next to no state interference. Perhaps the Beddgelens would like to visit the Empire and see what happens within the Empire.

After the 1988 election, when the Nationalists were re-elected into power (ironically enough, we did have the Communists acting as a minor coalition partner in the government prior with near disastrous results); we formed the business/government committee. Essentially the government and business would say what they desired and things would be done depending on the viability of the projects.

Firms wanted easier freighting links between the city of Ptolemais and Alexandria, and as a result, Empire Railways expanded the Ptolemais-Alexandria Line from four track to eight track as part of a multi-billion Gold Denarii project; as well as providing a thousand new locomotives - prior to this, there were only half a billion tonnes being transported on the line daily. Last year, there were two billion tonnes being transported - daily. Firms desired a more secure source of power, and so the New Ulster electrical company constructed a hundred gigawatts of extra electrical capacity. The private sector and government can work together, and you do not need a flawed idelogy to achieve that.

Of course, you bring up the Soviet Union - their industrialisation came at a massive cost - millions died because of the failure of collective farming, and much of the industrial expansion was foundated on fear - if you did not work hard enough, you would sent to the gulag. At least in a capitalist system, you do not have that fear. We have no need for development plans, or five year plans. We find within the Empire that getting people around the table works much more effectively than forcing them to do things that are commercially unviable and stupid.

No entity within the Empire tells anyone what to produce, and it is clear that Beddgelert does not do that either; therefore, it is clear that you are mistaken as to your ideology; you are not communists, you are capitalists, just with a bit more state control and central planning. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are capitalist. Say it with me

We are capitalists and proud of it."
26-06-2007, 06:32
"Ah" said Gurbmatix, "but we are not capitalists when you consider that Beddgelen capital belongs to the state. Competition is not anti-communist, simulation of market conditions is not anti-communist. At most these things may be anti-Marxist, or anti-Marxist-Leninist. But we are not Marxists of any sort, not since the February Revolution of 1989 and the outlawing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) and the minority Bengal-based Indian Communist Party (Maoist).

"The Fourth Commonwealth, which exists today, would have sent troops to Russia in 1921 to repulse Leninist and Trotskyist Red Army forces that attacked anarchist, communist, and left-socialist forces and civilians. We would have been fighting Marxists, yes, but in doing so we would have been shoulder to shoulder with anarchists, communists, and socialists of many varieties.

"One thing that I should like the anti-communist delegations at this conference to take home with them is the realisation that communist did not begin with Karl Marx. To the best of our modern knowledge the term arose in France, not Germany. It was certainly recorded by Etienne Cabet (though we Beddgelens are no Icarians, either) before Marx and Engels even began their collaborations, and it was almost certainly in common use to describe radical left offshoots of the Republican movement even before Cabet's slightly loopy writings."

"Yes, please understand" said Leninya, "that Marx is not the father of communism. Still more important is it to understand that the Indian Soviet Commonwealth considers Bolshevism singly the most effective anti-communist force in history. Not only because it so damaged communism's reputation by its excesses and failures, but because it actively and unashamedly attacked -politically and physically- organic grass-roots communist movements wherever it encountered them. Trotsky had people shot for calling for new elections to the Soviets, and Igovians shed no tears on the anniversary of his assassination."

To Beddgelens, Communism means a liberal communal lifestyle and political equality with a real sence of camraderie, nothing more or less. Socialism means economic democracy, without which Igovians (named for Graeme Igo, primary architect of the Indian Soviet ideology in its current form) consider no democracy legitimate or effective. This script was prepared for the delegates by a committee of the Final Soviet.

In the end, most Soviets compete in an extremely free market, but their management is entirely democratic and accountable, and their capital is owned by the state -not a private citizen- and subject to a capital tax. Sectors unsuited to competition are run publically. Life is lived in commune. The Igovians are tired of anti-communism from capitalist quarters and tired of Bolshevism in equal measure. Their system is inarguably more effective than any command economy, and at the same time they will defend their superior democracy -political and economic- in the face of any capitalist slanders.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
27-06-2007, 04:30
Ward was sitting at his seat stunned. "Communists that think that Marx was not the father of Communism? What idiots. Even the Commies back home are able to quote Marx. I still remember the time when I managed to get one of them to quote page 78 of the Communist Manifesto," he thought to himself. "Ah well, time to show the world that these people are deranged idiots."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you see how idiotic Communists really are; they fight amongst themselves - themselves for goodness sake. As the Beddgelens stated, they would have sent troops against Lenin in 1921; they have banned Communist parties and although they claim things are state owned, in reality, all that is being practised is a form of capitalism where everything happens to be owned by the state.

The word Communist may have been used by another person prior to Marx, Ladies and Gentlemen, however, the Beddgelens must agree that terminology is often modified. The word Liberal originally meant a right-wing person, yet today, it means a left-wing person. Communism, therefore, refers to the ideology first devised by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, and no matter how much you deny it, means that to be Communist, you must follow that ideology. It would be like me insisting that I am a Libertarian, when in fact, I am a Conservative - the facts speak for themselves more than what I claim.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we believe the issue is simple; the Beddgelens are confused - they are trying to be part of the Communist crowd and so are claiming to be Communist, although their actions suggest otherwise. Thank you for proving to the world that Communists are indeed idiots."
Grosse Reich
27-06-2007, 09:56
The Zweite Reichskanzler (vice president), Franz Müntefering, of Grosse Reich arrived to the conference.

Grosse Reich is the youngest member of The New Prussian Empire, and the Bundesregierung felt it was necessary to attend to the conference, hence they sent Mr. Müntefering to Liberty City, TPF. Not so much for the sake of defeating the communists, but to make closer ties with the new allied nations.

Franz ordered some coffee in the bar, and went to a comfy armchair.
North Calaveras
27-06-2007, 10:01
allot of anti-communism is being directed at my country :(
27-06-2007, 11:05
"HA!" Spits Leninya as Gurbmatix groans heavily and cries, "Oh, this fool thinks that he can make me bash my head, again, if he continues to spout such absolute twaddle! Well, I'll bash his, next time!"

In the end, everyone knows that the Beddgelens are right. They're the communists here. Ward's suggestion that the ISCBG practices a form of capitalism is sure to upset many of his peers as he attempts to justify state ownership of all capital goods.

While trying to tell communists that they are in fact capitalists, Ward is quite clearly turning himself into an advocate of socialist economics.

"How many more outs must we offer him, comrade?" Bopara asks the big Celt, who merely shakes his head and props his huge sandled feet upon a table.