NationStates Jolt Archive

A Meeting Of Leaders [EFJ Only]

04-06-2007, 17:06
The time was right. Honakon had been out of the international scene for too long, a nation internally working with its resources and only it’s own. Now Honakon had to make allies, not just people who would say, sure, we’ll be your friend – but ones they could trust, develop diplomatic relationships with – sign pacts with. HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois had selected the countries he most wished to invite to this meeting – the first time a leader from another nation had been in Honakon since 1890 – because of their geographical location, their governments, economy, resources, and strength – a number of reasons.

Firstly the nation’s leaders would fly to Folli airport, one of the largest international airports in the world, where they would then take a luxury flight in HRH’s The King’s personal jet to see the sights of Honakon – mostly Benelux, a vibrant city of forty million that light up the sky and at night has been described as “the most beautiful metropolis of the world” and then on to Duska, a smaller city of a mere eight hundred thousand, where the King had relocated his palace and they would meet. He did not expect all to accept his invitation, he did not expect all to leave as his allies here – but Honakon needed really trustworthy leaders and nations – he could said a telegram to them discussing whether they should sign an NAP, or whether they should trade – but that would not make them allies. This meeting, he hoped, would improve Honakon foreign affairs largely.


To The Honourable <Insert Nations Leader here for Granate, Amazonian Beasts, Calizorinstan, Futuris, Machiavellian Heaven, Animarnia>

The King has long admired your nation during our long period of isolation. You are, in his eyes, a potential friend of Honakon. He would like to personally invite your leader and any members of his/her government to talk and meet at his Imperial Palace in Duska, Les Corées (OOC: North Korea) about issues such as alliances, trade partnerships, what our nation, and your nations, goals our so we understand each other and make sure we don’t rush into an alliance with ‘untrustworthy nations’, and the possible threats of this world. He will understand if you do not wish to come, however would like reasons for your refusal, and advises you not to come if you have no real desire to enter a diplomatic friendship and alliance with our nation.

- HRH King Nicolas R. Dubios,
Supreme Monarch and Ruler of The Honakon Empire
- Mrs. Catherine Kult,
Advisor for Foreign Affairs of The Honakon Empire

END DATE - 25/6/07


Nicolas R. Dubois, HRH King of Honakon,
HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois

HIM Jack Slovick IV, Ruler of Calizorinstan,
HIM Jack Slovick IV

Andrei Klienheart, HRM King of Granate,

OOC: I've invited a lot of nations to this, and it may seem a lot, but I'm not expecting all to leave as allies - though I'd prefer it if you only came if you actaully have an interest in a close friendship between our nations - and the other nations coming possibly (though that is NOT needed).
04-06-2007, 17:29
The King himself understood the need for friends in this troubled time. Be that as it may, his choice of friends with other nations were almost universally shared with the rest of the Granatian people. So when this telegram came from Honakon, he was ecstatic. Honakon was among his choices for friendship with the Republican Monarchy and their eagerness for allies was equally shared by Granate. He immediately set out to write back.

To: HRH King Nicolas R. Dubios
From: HRM King Andrei Kleinheart

We have received your message and we will be come to the Imperial Palace to speak with you. I myself will be coming along with my wife, Queen Lucia, and a small group of aides and Republican Guards for my protection. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

His Royal Majesty
Andrei Kleinheart
04-06-2007, 18:04
To:HRH King Nicolas R. Dubios
From: HIM Jack Slovick, the IV.

We are pleased to accept your invitation, and I and my wife, and a few Calizorinstani Special Service's guards will be coming, the guard's for my protection. You can easily identify us, we have a Concorde HSST for our transport, we look forward to meeting with you soon,

HIM Jack Slovick the IV.

Jack Sloick thought it wise to send the letter the Nicolas, for he knew he could gain a valuable ally if he played his card's right, and thus he prepared for his flight to Folli airport, and he and his wife, and guard's headed out to the BAC Concorde for their flight....
04-06-2007, 19:16
Reply on Behalf of President Rene Shondel.
As Miss Shondel is busy at the moment it falls to me to answer your diplomatic message in her steed; President Shondel would be honoured to meet with your people to discus potential treaties and trade pacts though like we told the people of Marxkhan we do not enter treaties or alliances lightly but the alliances we do make are held strongly. We don't know what to expect from your people but we will approach with an open mind.

- Edward Benton
Home Secretary
05-06-2007, 01:56
John Mandrake

To The Imperial Monarchy of Honakon,

I am pleased that we have recieved such an invitation, and I will be in fact going in person along with my bodyguard. We have always viewed your nation as a little timid in the international scene - indeed, we are ourselves very outgoing in this world where the slightest misstep could turn out deadly. Therefore, establishing such a close contact with another nation is crucial in today's political survival. I hope that this meeting is only the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between our two great countries.

The World Empire of Futuris
05-06-2007, 23:43
To All Who Replied,

We are glad you have accepted our invitation. You will be met by our best plane in Folli in 24 hours time. They will take you on a tour of some of the sites of Terres D'est (RL Eastern China) from the sky, before arriving in Duska for question time with HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois.

- HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois,
Supreme Monarch and Ruler of The Honakon Empire
- Mrs. Catherine Kult,
Advisor for Foreign Affairs of The Honakon Empire


24 Hours Later, Folli, International Airport

Folli International And Internal Airport was the largest in the Honakon Empire, and one of, if not the largest, in the world. Millions of passengers filed through it every year - and even more now that the borders had been reopened and the period of isolation had stopped.

Terminal 7 had been closed for the day, and outside a luxury jet, one of the King's own, was waiting. It had enough room to comfortable fit one hundred - and when they say comfortably, they mean in the most beautiful clean surroundings, with wildly expensive leather seats, and an array of bedrooms, offices, entertainment areas, a bar and various other wonderful things to be expected of such an expensive vessel. However, the flight to Duska was only four hours, so many of these things would not be needed. They had been instructed to guide the people firstly over the rolling plains of Terres D'est (RL Eastern China), and on to Benelux, the largest metropolis in the world and a beautiful sight at night, and finally to land in Duska, a tranquil, royal city.

The pilot had sent two greeters to check for oncoming passengers (who would have to get through about ten heavily armed bodyguards as well - not the best greeters, but needed) and they could just see the first international delegation arriving after there long trips to Folli...

OOC: Tomorrow I'll write about the plane journey swiftly and hopefully go into the meeting soon - I don't want things to drag on. However, you can write about arriving, seeing other leaders now etc. (you'll all be going on one plane, so you can chat I suppose).
05-06-2007, 23:52
Jack Slovick, and his wife Jenny Slovick, along with their son John Slovick, boarded the airplane, and sat in the front, and Jenny sat behind Jack and John, so that a leader could sit next to Jack, and Jack Slovick looked very distinct indeed, in his dress blue's, he could've been mistaken for a Calizorinstanian Marine General in dress blue's, but no, he was the leader of Calizorinstan. Jenny was in her fanciest pair of dresses, and high heel's, and makeup and lipstick, and John was in his dress blue's also, but the Air Force variety.
06-06-2007, 22:32
OOC: You need not RP you were on the plane, I assume you where. Also, AB and MH, once the meeting starts you cannot join, but you can still do so now. I would go further but a) I have revision to do for a test tomorrow so I don't have the time and b) AB has still not responded, and I'd prefer not to start the meeting without him. The first thing of the meeting will be us asking questions of each others countries, systems, cultures and stances on issues so we are not totally clueless as to who we could possibly be going into a close alliance with. You may RP talks on the plane between people etc.

The plane had taken off with its important passengers on board. The worried pilots thought for a second – inside this plane they had the world leaders, of, bar a few, the world’s most powerful nations. The pressure on them to fly well, show off the sights of Honakon, and not crash was immense.

First they flew low over the rolling Eastern Hills. A sight that you would expect in a country with the geography of France, the lush green grassy hills blended into the cobbled streets of 17th century European style towns, to wine coves and the rich gold mines of the area. Passing on through that the scenery began to completely change.

As they grew closer to Benelux the passengers could observe out of their window massive housing projects, to keep the some one hundred million that lived in the Benelux and surrounding areas in good homes. They passed the Long River Natural Park, one of the largest city parks in the world, which dominated the most populated of the suburbs, Creston, and moved onto the most wondrous sight of the inner city Benelux at night. A skyline covered in lights it was dressed like a vibrant red flashing Christmas tree, and they flew the scenic route, taking in the massive exhibition centres, skylights, skyscrapers and homes of forty million people of the leading metropolis in the world.

“One hour till landing” Said the pilot over the loudspeaker, as the crowd in the plane chatting amongst themselves.
07-06-2007, 05:53
His Royal Majesty King Nikako Kutz XXII was late getting to this bit of diplomatic information, he had been sick lately and it was assumed by his closest ministers that he was dying. He sent an RSVP and could only hope that it would reach Honako in time.

Official Diplomatic Note from Droskianishk

His royal majesty, King Nikako Kutz XXII, is saddened to inform you that he himself cannot attend, however he would like to send President Abdullah, the future ruler of the kingdom, in his place. If this would be acceptable to the Emperor of Honako, we request a response.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kalied.

OOC: Did you even read the first post? It clearly stated that only certain countries were invited. Your country, unfortunately or fortunately, was not invited.
07-06-2007, 16:40
OOC: PLEASE READ: Beyond this point you will have to RP your own people.

Six black Limo's lined the streets outside Duska's Royal Private Airport (reserved for the King and "friends") and one by one the leaders of the nations invited left the airport and entered the Limo's. There was no meet and greet at the airport, that would be done at the palace. The delegates seemed quite impressed by the scenic plane journey, if a little quiet.

Outside the airport one hundred or so journalists gathered, snapping pictures of the prelude of an historic event in Honakon - the first time International Leaders had stepped on their soil in 110 years. As the Limo's whizzed away, the press tried to give chase, but were soon dispersed by the imposing black jeeps that surrounding and protected the delegates.

And in a little more than ten minutes they were at the palace, making their way through the historic gates and into a large courtyard, outside the home of the King. This courtyard was not for the public, huge walls circled it in an effort to keep it away from outside viewing, something hard to do when in the centre of a city. It was filled with hanging gardens, mazes, courtyards where men played harps and small children who seemed to have no relation to anyone their played. And as the delegations unloaded themselves from their swish stretch limos onto the pavement, laid down before the steps which lead inside the palace, a woman's voice, Mrs. Catherine Kult, sender of the letters, spoke to them.

"The King awaits you. Please, follow me."
07-06-2007, 16:48
Jack Slovick nodded and and he and Jenny followed Ms.Kult and thought how wonderful it was to be on the ground again.
07-06-2007, 17:35
Rene swung herself out of the Limo; she was wearing her typical 'power suit' that consisted for a grey skirt, powder blue blouse and a grey jacket. With Curly dirty blonde hair that came down to just above her shoulders topped off by a pair of thin glasses and a smile that could melt men. Rene was a picture of loveliness that seemed to encase like an outer shell the sometimes-cynical shrewdness of her personality.

She admired the beauty of the courtyard the flowers of all colours like a tie-dye of all kinds along with the gentle harp music. It was really something. Possibly one of the best diplomatic visits she'd ever been on. She nodded curtly and smiled at the woman she recognised as Mrs. Catherine Kult and followed her inside.
07-06-2007, 17:38
Jack Slovick saw the Animarnian repersentive and said "I am Jack Slovick, president of the Confederate States of Calizorinstan, pleased to meet you, and this is my beautiful wife Jenny." He shook her hand, and so did Jenny.
07-06-2007, 18:08
Mrs. Kult went on into the hallway, a large marble room which was the size of an average house in Honakon, and noted the guests who had arrived. They were both some of the more important people present at the meeting - Calizorinstan delegate Jack Slovick was the head of, economically, the most powerful nation in the world, and Animarnia had brought along the beautiful Rene - they had much talking to do about the development of Plasma Fusion and the tense situation with Marx.

The second problem was one for all nations present to hear and discuss, but the first could be talked between the two to begin with. Kult walked over to the two delegates, who were speaking.

"Sorry to interrupt, may I speak with you Rene" She smiled politely and took her to one side, stopping infront of an hundred year old painting of the first King of Honakon "The idea of Plasma Fusion has been much discussed between our two nations in correspondents, now I wish to finalize it here - the King, who will be with us when all arrive, has asked whether you would like to talk about perhaps introducing Plasma Fusion into other countries present at this meeting - when the time is right. Anyhow, we still wish to have your help in constructing plants and the aide of your scientists in training ours - we have high up scientists who can run the plants, it is more the lower workers who work their we need training in large numbers...would you be willing to provide us with some help in this, for a fee of course?"
07-06-2007, 19:33
Andrei stepped out of the limo and stretched his muscles. His blue-suede suit was in almost pristine condition from the limo ride. He surveyed his surroundings and took a deep breath of the fresh air. He liked what he saw and he liked this country more and more. He then helped his wife, the Queen, out of the Limo. She was as beautiful as ever in her very casual dress.

The followed the Animarnian Represenetive, but held back quite a bit to take in the architechture and the flora and fauna. They loved every minute of it.
Amazonian Beasts
07-06-2007, 20:37
OOC: Assume an affirmative reply was already sent-I'd rather just get right in.


The C-141 ride for Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow hadn't been particularly great, but at least it had been fast, rather than get some gaudy luxury flight vehicle to transport them. Both were former special-ops soldiers, and had moved up the ranks through their own subterfuge before three years ago, each had been selected along with three others to become the Apprentices to the Emperor. Droma himself almost never left the Dominion, and generally sent the five men directly beneath him in the Dominion chain of command, and Ragnos and Sadow were those two today.

Sadow cursed as he got out of the limo-he wasn't a big fan of style or glamour, and he also didn't like the fact that they seemed to be the last ones arriving-behind foreignors, to make it worse. He hated being behind. Ragnos stepped out behind him, impassively scanning the surroundings. Sadow was always careful around Ragnos-he was the most dangerous of the Apprentices, Sadow always figured. In what essentially was a five-way race to which all but four would eventually be killed in the race for Droma's successor, picking your temporary allies was something done with much planning between the men.

Like the Apprentices and the Emperor himself, neither Sadow nor Ragnos had a wife-or a family to speak of at all. Sadow, after breaking friendly contact with his family after a feud, had personally slaughtered his entire brood. Ragnos had simply had his family-not derived from any special line-disappear. Better to cut them loose, rather than keep on odd ends that could slow down the pursuit of power, and Ragnos was shrewd enough to know when to cut his losses-especially ones he cared very little about.

Both men wore dark blue and grey-two of the Dominion's four colors. They had no accompanyment-no bodyguards were required; both men could handle themselves better than the average elite soldier in precarious situations. Neither had weapons, but both were very "good" with their hands-Ragnos had personally ripped out the juggular vein of a would-be-assassin eight months prior with his bare hands in the dead of night. However, while mutually suspicious, the two men were some of the best diplomatic assets in the Dominion-unlike the other three Apprentices, both Ragnos and Sadow knew how to compose themselves for big events like these-and realized how different the rest of the world was.

"There's two going inside," Sadow said abruptly, spotting Rene going in. "Let's follow them."

Ragnos simply nodded, his two dead-blue eyes a stark contrast to his darkened brown hair. Sadow's eyes were a complete opposite-two black orbs staring out menacingly at the surrounding architecture and beautifully-mastered landscaping. Sadow had been too well bred to notice beauty any more-he was an agent of darkness. Ragnos was not the evil presence that Sadow exhumed-he considered himself a "neutral"-balancing himself between good and evil like a tightrope walker. He was an all for one, power-hungry man-but he knew how to conduct business.

Both walked into the entrance, spotting Andrei and his wife slightly ahead. Both walked quietly-thoughts running, but mouths not.
07-06-2007, 21:00
John Mandrake stepped out of the limo last, observing the scene with a mixture of amusement and wonder. How lavishly we sugarcoat our lives when the money could be spent on so much else... but no matter. This was a diplomatic mission, and it was essential to look in-style. He nodded curtly to the woman and proceeded inside.
07-06-2007, 21:53
Whilst Kult dealt with the Animarnian leader, she noticed all the diplomats had arrived. It was time for the King to greet them, and start the talks.

And so, as if almost in line with her thoughts, the large grand doors at the far end of the hall swung open, and row after row of men came out. All dressed in lavish red, velvet and royal clothes, each one looked like King's, but infact they were the Imperial King's Guard, 25 highly trained, some called indestructible men of force who protected the King. And soon they parted and revealed their Leader, HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois. Most of the delegations could probably not see him from the far end of the massive hallway, but as he walked closer his features became noticeable.

His face was scarred and his look rugged, he did not have the appearance of a royal man, but one who looked like, despite never having done so, had fought in wars. He was lean and had a deep menacing brow, a short scruffy beard and equally short messy hair. Overall he, to some, looked more like a thief than a King. However, his sharp extraordinarily expensive grey suit and tie at least made him look like a thief with taste. He looked at the leaders once he was close enough, smiled and spoke.

"Bonjour fellow leaders, I am HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois, Supreme Ruler of the Imperial Honakon Empire" His accent was thick and French - you did not become a Royal in Honakon without the purest French blood. Also, he always said his title - he was not a boaster, but proud "You, my hopefully new friends, are some of the first - well, the first - diplomats to set foot on Honakon soil in 110 years. This is history for us. Now please, follow me to where we shall talk in the boardroom."

He stepped forward into a large boardroom, a less interesting room with a long dark oak table and numerous old royal paintings hanging on the walls. He gestured for the diplomats to take their seats, minus Rene who was still outside talking, but in earshot, and spoke.

"Welcome again to my Empire. Just, beautiful isn't it..." He stopped himself from continuing "Now, there are many issues I wish to discuss at this meeting. My main objectives are energy efficiency, climate change, the increased global conflict, the threats of more powerful yet possible rogue nations, any other issues you throw onto the table - but more importantly for me, the forming of alliances between some, if not all of our nations, with either just my Empire or as a more united front. You see, I have chosen all you as the people I would most like to be my allies in this world where real diplomatic friendships will not last and be trustworthy. Honakon, as a nation coming out into the open again, needs trustworthy allies. But, before we commit to discussions - I am sure you wish to know more about me, unless you are willing to possibly, and I say possibly to not pressure, ally yourself with a nation you know little about? So, please, ask me what you want."
07-06-2007, 22:43
Rene bowed politely and smile shaking the mans hand and his wife's; "Mr Slovick, Mrs Slovick" she said with a polite not; "I'm Rene Shondel; President of The Kingdom of Animarnia" she said with a smile. The fact that it was still called a Kingdom was an odd fact that dated back to before the monarchy was dissolved and was kept for posterity along with the 'Royal' armed services and her personal guards being the 'Royal Dragons'. Before she had chanced to explain any of this however; the young woman who had let them in tapped her on the shoulder.

Rene admired the painting for a moment; it was labelled as the first king of Honako; he was a large regal man in robes with a dignified beard and crown. "Plasma fusion is hardly something I am qualified to speak on; Miss Washu is far better at this things than I' but we'd be more than happy to help train your staff in the operation of the reactors. Each Plant will cost roughly 8 Billion USD to build though we can train your people for roughly $2500 a head. Though for the exact figures Miss Washu would have to speak to you but I'm sure numbers would be just a formality if our nations can authorise such a deal at a high level." Rene smiled.
07-06-2007, 23:35
"Construction will commence as soon as possible, and I will speak to your scientist again about training and the more scientific side of the, you may go to the meeting, the President is taking questions or, if there are no takers of them, beginning discussions."
08-06-2007, 01:14
Rene walked in; and spoke up almost immediately; "Your Highness; We would like to know a little about your nation; its history and some of its domestic polices on Education, Healthcare and Social Welfare" she said with a smile taking her seat.

"And I think I can say for most of us here we'd like to know your stance on Foreign policy particularly in situations we find ourselves in recently with the USSM?" she added a moment later.
Amazonian Beasts
08-06-2007, 01:22
Ragnos was simply noting mental jots to himself on all the others present-he would leave that to the more vocal Sadow. And vocal he was-with no other diplomat speaking, Sadow began it.

"What's your view of free speech?" Sadow asked brashly. It was a broad question, but it would provide the two ranking Amazonians with plenty of content.
08-06-2007, 01:30
Jack Slovick stared at Marka Ragno's and said to him "Hi, I am Jack Slovick, the president of Calizorinstan. You know, I think my son played a game called Jedi Academy, and you were the final boss, which he defeated, never thought I'd meet you."
Amazonian Beasts
08-06-2007, 01:44
Ragnos turned his head only towards Slovick.

"Should I be flattered to star in the game?" he asked.

If anything, Ragnos loved the antagonist role, no matter what the device.
08-06-2007, 01:48
OOC: AB, does your guy resemble Marka Ragno's in name only, or in name and form?

Jack Slovick said firmly "I hope we could work out an alliance between our two nation's while we're here, you might have some valuable thing's that we could trade for." He was amazed that he met Marka Ragno's.
Amazonian Beasts
08-06-2007, 02:00
OOC: Name only. His appearance I model after Darth Bandon from KOTOR, except without the goatee and with hair. He even wears pretty close to the same sort of suit that Bandon wears.


Ragnos was taken aback slightly-and thankfully, Sadow hadn't noticed yet. The man was still seemingly stuck on the issue of free speech...all the better.

"Certainly-the Dominion is the third-most powerful economic nation on Earth, and while our military is smaller than some, it is one of the best-trained and technologically advanced forces on the planet," Ragnos said, looking for attractiveness. "With your nation...I believe an alliance could be done. I would like to speak to you afterwards...without the attention of my friend here."

Ragnos nodded with his eyes towards Sadow, who sat with arms folded and his emotions seemingly pouring from his ears. The man seemed perpetually angry to was a little scary, in the wierd way.
08-06-2007, 02:06
Jack nodded and said "Afterward's is a good idea Marka, I'll think of idea's then." He listened to what the King of Honako was saying.
08-06-2007, 02:40
Andrei just sat back and watched all that happened before him. Taking in whatever was going on around him. He had questions of course, but they were second to the actions of those around him.
08-06-2007, 18:16
HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois tried to remember the questions being directed at him. After a short pause, he spoke.

"In reply to Mr. Sadow' question, speech is free in Honakon however does have a past, and present of being monitor in some forms..." He thought what to say - he did not want to sound like they were formaly a controlling dictatorship "Honakon was a very powerful, large Empire during it's 100 year isolation, and people were allowed to speak freely on the street about their opinions - but our King's had to keep them in control, so anyone who talked of the Monarchy badly could sometimes be consider to be a member of sympathiser of the Democratic Liberation Army, a curse that tries to overthrow my supreme power..."

"So, for many years, books, the press and the newly formed things such as the internet where banned from displaying anti-monarchy methods. However - I changed that. My people became tired, so in 1995 a new law was passed - the growing internet was allowed to have anti-monarchy opinions expressed on it, however all sites that focused on an anti-monarchy stance were banned, books were allowed to express thoughts against our ideals but could not provoke anger against the country, and finally news from the outside world was allowed on our news networks, and the free press was formed - currently 10% of all media in this country is free, and 80% of that government endorsed, so we have improved."

"So that is a bit of history, currently my view is that free speech should be present as long as it does not conspire with anti-Honakon, and anti-me groups. We did not want our people being so restless."

He then turned to focus on Shondel "In answer to your question - the entire history of Honakon would take me years to tell you! However, I will say in brief. In the 17th century mainland Honakon (RL China, The Koreas) was found by the French, and colonized. They killed much of our indigenous Asian population, and created the largely European, Arab and African society you see today. In the 18th century however, the British invaded our South Eastern areas of the current Empire (RL Thailand, Laos, Vietnam) though were eventually removed in 1790, when we were at the height of our French ruled power...though in the 19th century our population began to rebel against the French, and eventually in 1853 they decided to install a French monarchy, and, well, buggered off. However, we had weakened, and a series of loses against the Mongol's and Russika in wars embarrassed us, and in 1890 we began a period of isolation.

"Education and Healthcare are both free and easy to get in our country, Education is compulsory up to 16 and has exams are 10, 14, 16 and 18. We also have many Universities, and acclaimed ones, though fees are needed to enter all but the "lesser" ones. However it is believed that some of our population is unable to read, manly due to our massive size and population making it impossible to teach all. Again, around 5% need Healthcare, and this is a problem as we cannot supply everyone. It is estimated nearly 95% of the people in need in our country live in the lowly populated Western Honakon (Western China) - we try to help them. Social Welfare is present in our country but high monitored and check to make sure that the person is deemed 100% in need, and so it can sometimes take a long time for claims to process..."

"And finally, our view on Marx - we see him as a threat, if we are honest. He overestimates his power and flaunts it, and his regime is unstable and one I would not proudly call communist. His power seems to be mostly in the hands of his leader, not his people - it shows again that when put in practice it has failed. We operate a socialist economy, though we know it does not help our growth, it is for the benefit of the people. Anyway, as for his threats to you - we cannot fully understand why he would come out with such a thing, and we will certainly be applying diplomatic pressure on him to cease his grand ideas of invasions, particularly on either side of where he is."

"So friends, anymore questions? If not, do you have any issues you wish to bring up at this meeting...oh, and to Calizorinstan, I have a question, what is your current diplomatic relationship with Marx?"

OOC:..oh my that took forever.
08-06-2007, 18:18
Jack Slovick answered and said "It's not warm, but it's rather cold, we've have had talk's, and we aren't too much similar, our government is less socialist then his, but it's still somewhat socialist."
08-06-2007, 18:25
"We'd rather not have relations with them." Andrei said.
08-06-2007, 18:27
Jack Slovick answered and said "It's not warm, but it's rather cold, we've have had talk's, and we aren't too much similar, our government is less socialist then his, but it's still somewhat socialist."

HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois was surprised.

"We had been informed you had a binding friendship and that your nation was highly socialist. It seems the USSM propaganda machine has either managed to work it's way into our government, or our intelligence officers should be fired. It seems you are quite similar to us in your partly socialist principles..."

"Could you perhaps go further into any binds or treaties you have signed? Everyone in this room is allowed their own allies obviously, I am just interested and if the socialist countries are a plotting, which I had been led to believe from reliable sources, as it affects my foreign policy with them. Nations such as the USSM, I have made efforts to be friendly too, but have got little but coldness from them to me and my diplomatic friends."
08-06-2007, 18:28
Jack Slovick said "I made a slight mistake, we do are on good term's, our goverment style is alot like yours now I think about it, we've signed a NAP, an an economic alliance with the USSM. And we might sign a military alliance too."
08-06-2007, 18:40
Jack Slovick said "I made a slight mistake, we do are on good term's, our goverment style is alot like yours now I think about it, we've signed a NAP, an an economic alliance with the USSM. And we might sign a military alliance too."

"You have signed all these things with a nation you have not visited? I hope you know of their motives, as that could backfire - signing a military alliance, hell, even an NAP with someone is confirming you have close allying relations, which means if the USSM does something foolish, you could be dragged into it. Though of course you know that. You are obviously a very, very trustworthy person...however, I hope we do reach a similar agreement at the end of this conference."
08-06-2007, 18:42
Jack Slovick shook his head, "I haven't bothered to sign the NAP and economic alliance yet, I believe that as you say, I haven't met him yet, I am only saying I will, to see what he's like. I haven't yayed or nayed it, I am very cautious of the USSM. I probably will reject it, only because I don't think I would care to associate with the USSM."
Amazonian Beasts
08-06-2007, 22:24
"Indeed, it could backfire," muttered Sadow from his throat.

Finding that Calizorinstan was socialist-and allied with the Dominion's longtime rival nation-was not good news at all to either of the Apprentices attending. The Dominion was strictly an Imperial Democracy, but the "democratic" part of it was small-it was more Imperial than anything. Emperor Droma had awesome power-and socialism was inconcievable to the populace. Droma allowed a highly capitalist economy, taking his hands off of economic affairs to derive a lasseiz-faire style business sphere-these socialists-they disliked that, and they wanted so many civil rights...bah...

"I can confidently say that the Dominion's stance on the USSM is entirely negative," Sadow blurted out.
08-06-2007, 22:37
"As the victim of barely thinly vailed threats from the USSM we feel that they are a belligerent regime; a playground bully as it were trying to throw its weigh around and see who jumps for them" Rene said with a less than flattering tone.

"I am hardly one to beat the 'die commie, die' war drum we too have socialist leanings I certain areas of our polices. This is not an anti-Communist thing from us; we merely refused to sign a treaty with the USSM government until we had closer relations and were met with threats" Rene spoke.
08-06-2007, 23:54
"The USSM issue will be dealt with when it comes to you Animarnia - I say when, as with the indication that is likely. He is surrounded, and you are, by supporting nations, plus I feel your highly trained well equipped army can do much damage to ten million teenagers with AK-47's if their lucky. Now, unless there are further questions I wish to move on to discussions about the global conflict, and global warming crisis. As you know, in recent weeks many nations have seen it in their interests to invade old nations of the Empire. It was also my original plan to reclaim Mongolia, a country that has long been in my sights ever since my fathers fathers father lost it in the war with Russika in 1890. What would be your opinions of this move, I do not wish to viewed as a warmonger, however if what other nations have said it seems that a peaceful handover is unlikely?”

"As for the conflict we are facing, minus my concerns over the Shakal invasion, I approve of all yours; orhave no opinion on the matter at least. And, with the concern of global warming...Futuris has recently found some abnormal activity where he is, has anyone else in this room done so also? Please is sure getting hot in Les Corees (The Koreas), but apart from that I have noticed little. I heavily invest in renewable energy, though I fear that we could have damaged this earth."
09-06-2007, 18:19
"Of Course" Rene said with a nod; it was refreshing to meet a king that was so frank and honest; many Royal's she had met in her life were pompous and far to much up there own arse; to say she was impressed would be a good description. The delegate from Calizorinstan however had lost some credibility in her eyes back peddling so quickly to abandon the USSM despite it being to her advantage. They would have a lot to do to earn her trust.

"We have no opinion on the situation in Mongolia; if you were to launch such a campaign we would neither applaud or condemn you; your highness. It is simply not our place"; she said with a smile. "We have no interest in getting involved in a war in Mongolia for either side; we are primarily a defensive nation looking out for our own interests first however we would come to the aid of allies if we were needed. For us to call someone an ally they are like blood family. We consider them brothers and sisters; we would fight and die for them" she said simply. Animarnians were deeply honourable and proud people.

"As for your proposals of Climate change; as you know we make use of Plasma Fusion for our power needs which is entirely green friendly and our cities make heavy use of Solar Glass. Unlike the honourable Honako Empire however, we haven't employed Hydroelectric in mass due to concerns about fish stocks. Since fish and sea food is one of our primary food sources and exports we are concerned about the adverse effects Hydropower could have on fisheries as well as coastal bird habitat." Rene added simply; "for more detail than this however you would need to talk to our science director at Light hall"

"As for Climate; it is always hot in Animarnia we average a temperature of 88 degrees all year round with a 5 degree deviation up or down; with the exception of the north where it can get colder in the winter time and even snow" she added.
09-06-2007, 18:31
"Of Course" Rene said with a nod; it was refreshing to meet a king that was so frank and honest; many Royal's she had met in her life were pompous and far to much up there own arse; to say she was impressed would be a good description. The delegate from Calizorinstan however had lost some credibility in her eyes back peddling so quickly to abandon the USSM despite it being to her advantage. They would have a lot to do to earn her trust.

"We have no opinion on the situation in Mongolia; if you were to launch such a campaign we would neither applaud or condemn you; your highness. It is simply not our place"; she said with a smile. "We have no interest in getting involved in a war in Mongolia for either side; we are primarily a defensive nation looking out for our own interests first however we would come to the aid of allies if we were needed. For us to call someone an ally they are like blood family. We consider them brothers and sisters; we would fight and die for them" she said simply. Animarnians were deeply honourable and proud people.

"As for your proposals of Climate change; as you know we make use of Plasma Fusion for our power needs which is entirely green friendly and our cities make heavy use of Solar Glass. Unlike the honourable Honako Empire however, we haven't employed Hydroelectric in mass due to concerns about fish stocks. Since fish and sea food is one of our primary food sources and exports we are concerned about the adverse effects Hydropower could have on fisheries as well as coastal bird habitat." Rene added simply; "for more detail than this however you would need to talk to our science director at Light hall"

"As for Climate; it is always hot in Animarnia we average a temperature of 88 degrees all year round with a 5 degree deviation up or down; with the exception of the north where it can get colder in the winter time and even snow" she added.

"Well, we hope at the end of this meeting we can call ourselves allies." HRH King Dubois smiled "If I do choose to advance on Mongolia, I can see little need for allied assistance unless another nation assists them, so you need not worry about that issue."

"And as for our climate, think Southern France, basically everywhere. Cool, mild winters, hot summers - we, to be honest, have also seen little change - one hot summer does not make us be in fear of the mother earth...however, we still, like you, wish to keep this earth safe. Which is why we are working on making Plasma hold up and over 20% of our energy supply as soon as possible, and working to creating a 50% Plasma Fusion energy supply and a 50% other renewable resources supply."
09-06-2007, 23:18
OOC: bump. If you don't want to talk about any of those issues, bring up your own, or state what you would require for their to be an alliance between our nations.
Amazonian Beasts
10-06-2007, 00:54
Sadow scoffed quietly-enough for Ragnos to hear, but none of the others.

"The of little issue to the Dominion at the time. All but Sakhalin are humid and hot for the majority of the time, and Sakhalin is often cold-neither seems to be changing any time soon. The Earth has its natural cycles of hot and cold, it does not seem to me to be in any rush to go about and reversing that trend. Let the environment play its own course, and we can go about our business like the master species that we are."

"About Mongolia-certainly the Dominion can overlook that in return for some overlooking on the rest of the international community on the Dominion's own more...exclusive...affairs. Quid pro quo-a true standard to live by in today's world."
10-06-2007, 14:00
The King sat down to think in the strange silence. Perhaps it was time to push the alliance thing? He could think of little else to cover which hadn't been objected to, so he thought it best to maybe enquire...

The King stood up to speak "As you well know, you were specially invited here to, at the end of this and after much discussion, be allies of my Empire. I understand some may be eager to do, and some less so, so here is your opportunity - you have found out about me and some of views, however, if there is anything further you wish to know - please say now. If not, do any of the nations I have invited here today express the same interest in forming a close, trusted diplomatic friendship as I do?"
10-06-2007, 19:59
OOC: bump
Amazonian Beasts
10-06-2007, 20:41
Sadow chuckled softly, with a hinting undertone in his voice.

"I'm not sure anybody is truly happy joining forces with what's pretty much an autocracy," Sadow said bluntly. "Big events will be happening in the Dominion soon enough, and we'll let Honakon make a judgment then on whether they'd like to be a part of it. Of course, we have no issues in at least a loose guard here in the East-but it will be your decision."
10-06-2007, 20:44
Jack Slovick said to the King "My nation is very much interested in an aliinance with your nation, a close one like you said, we share similar view's and value's and thus think you would be a valuable ally."
10-06-2007, 21:25
"An Alliance is something we would not enter lightly; but we are open to the idea of closer ties for the moment with Honako your Highness; Mainly we would like to discuss the possibility of Economic Trade as you may know we have a large amount of resources as my Home Secretary would say The basics of any Economic Trade deal is supply and demand. Thus what can you supply to us and what do you wish in return with the exception of our Oil; we operate a free trade system and are willing to trade in kind for valuable goods and services. " Rene waited a moment for this to sink in.

"Our Largest deposits of Natural resources are quartz Crystals the finest you will find anywhere; we also have a large supply of water and timber. We also have small deposits of lignite, copper and cobalt with if you excuse my language damn hear huge deposits of iron ore, natural gas, titanium ore and chromite. We also operate a number of diamond and Uranium Mines. With moderate deposits of gypsum, calcium carbonate, salt, limestone, manganese" she spoke outlining the main resources.

"Another Resource we have is in one that is irreplaceable - Knowledge specially in the growing field of hydropower like yourselves though not as largely applied as our Plasma Fusion Reactors which feed our energy hungry cities. No one can deny our ample supply of Oil and all that comes from it and a Mired of other things."

"The only thing we cannot trade at this moment is our military technology; as we only export our military units to close allies; that isn't to say we won't develop that kind of relationship in the future but for the moment our military technology is off the table unless we develop export specific variations with removal of 'sensitive' items" Rene added with a smile.

"Though we feel you should probably ask a little about our nation too for us to be good friends; friendship comes from our understanding of each other; and strength comes from our diversity and differances united as one"
10-06-2007, 22:15
(Hardly an invasion..theres not really anyone there just changing the Decore and thanks for that link)
10-06-2007, 22:43
HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois was angry at what the Amazonian's had said. The other one seemed quiet, content and well informed, whereas he disliked the more vocal Sadow by the minute.

"Our country is not an autocracy Sadow, I suggest you read up more on our government system" He said, trying to sound nice but speaking through his teeth slightly "Your words are very vague, how is Honakon to judge these events if we are not informed. If they are so big, I would request I hear them out at some point here - unless it is your wish to test me to see whether I will stand by your nation in times when you do "big things" as you say - but I would not like that one bit, surprises are not my thing. I hope an alliance, or at least developing a closer friendship between our two nations, considering your country was possibly my primary target for a friend, may happen at this meeting."

His mood improved as he replied to the other two nations "Slovick, my leader of the rich lands, it seems you are by far the most willing of nations to open up talks of alliances here. I must say however, that your closeness with Marx is worrying, though as long as we know that you do not plan on acting on whatever schemes he is creating, we will overlook that. Is there anything further you wish to know about our country? If not, we will discuss and draw up papers later - possibly the signing of mutual defence pacts etc., though like others we do not go into alliances too lightly, we feel safe enough to do so. I, though possibly looking at myself in a greater light than I should, would class us in terms of economic power, as the world superpowers, so this alliance could be very beneficial."

OOC: Your soon A, I just need to do some homework…
10-06-2007, 22:43
"We too, wish to further our relations with you. Although we may not be as enthusiastic about it as some, we still feel roughly the same." Andrei said.
10-06-2007, 23:14
Jack Slovick stood up and responded "Marx doesn't know this, but we've stopped talking of alliance's, for our people heard that and protested, so we thus changed our thinking, we are a bit socialist, but not the USSM type, so you don't have to worry about us. We are quite willing to draw up an aliiance with you, we are satisfied with the info you've given us."
12-06-2007, 19:41
"Well, Animarnia, we hold a vast number of natural resources as I'm sure your aware, and in respect to companies in our nation - we have arguably the biggest shipping companies in the world, plus many ones that offer cheap goods to your nation - and many that offer luxury ones too (read factbook really). We are highly interested in improving relations with you - we desire allies in the Middle East and you seem a sane and noble choice, so we shall do what we can to improve our friendship."

"Calizorinstan, I am pleased with your response. I don't wish to be dragged into any unnecessary wars, so before I officially confirm you as a trusted friend of the Honakon Empire, the second closest relationship stance, I ask, do you have any conflicts planned which may concern or anger me? I mean, I care little about Central America, however Asia is under my watchful eye."

"And finally to the nation of Granate - please, expand on what you said as it seems somewhat vague to me? Do you wish to formally improve relations here, or like Animarnia do it over a time period? I mean, to me, I see all this process of improving relations as pointless - our allies are the ones who will defend us and help us when we are in need, not necessarily in bind by pacts - but however I will adhere to this formal process and ranking system the Honakon Foreign Office has created."
12-06-2007, 19:47
Jack shook his head "None that will concern or anger you, if we have any, it's more in Central America then in Asia, we aren't touching asia at all sir, you'd be pleased to know that." He thought happily that he would gain a valuable ally for his nation.
Amazonian Beasts
12-06-2007, 19:50
HRH King Nicolas R. Dubois was angry at what the Amazonian's had said. The other one seemed quiet, content and well informed, whereas he disliked the more vocal Sadow by the minute.

"Our country is not an autocracy Sadow, I suggest you read up more on our government system" He said, trying to sound nice but speaking through his teeth slightly "Your words are very vague, how is Honakon to judge these events if we are not informed. If they are so big, I would request I hear them out at some point here - unless it is your wish to test me to see whether I will stand by your nation in times when you do "big things" as you say - but I would not like that one bit, surprises are not my thing. I hope an alliance, or at least developing a closer friendship between our two nations, considering your country was possibly my primary target for a friend, may happen at this meeting."

For as "subdued" as his reactions had been (for his usual self), Sadow couldn't keep it any longer. He absolutely cracked up laughing, tears welling in his two yellow eyes.

"Oh, you think I was calling your nation an autocracy?" he said still trying to get over the moment. "I was referring to mine. Your nation isn't even close to what occurs in the Dominion, and frankly, that's why I asked about freedom of speech-I feared you were far too liberal when I first arrived here. And that alone should indicate exactly what's in store for the nation. Of course, I can't tell what's going to happen-that's classified. You've already heard more than our civilian leadership has-naturally."

Ragnos rolled his eyes as the three-year younger Apprentice spoke. Ragnos was 29-but acted far older than his age implied. He had remained quiet through the entire affair, and simply watched Sadow more than anyone else. He was wondering if he would need to enlist the man, rather than kill him first...perhaps...when the Succession began.
12-06-2007, 19:50
"You have caught the jist of it, but it seems you are also slow to agree to it. Good of you to be cautious, especially in these dark times. Well, I guess I should tell you what Granate has to offer. We have an abundance of natural resources, literally more then we could ever use, and argricultural products, we are first on our Continent, and we also have many budding companies that are quickly growing into fruitition." Andrei said.
14-06-2007, 20:43
"Well, Sir, we desire your resources, as well as your friendship." The King paused and darted a look at Sadow - he had embarrassed him, and His Royal Highness was more than furious. "We do not been to be cautious, as with your invite here came the assurance that you are one of a select few nations in this world we do trust, and one we wished by the end of this meeting to build and begin a lasting alliance. We will go by your terms, though will be prepared to defend your honour and country in wars as we see you as quite a just nation so to speak, and one that operates some similarity in principals to us, and who we would greatly like to call our allies..."

The King drivelled on for about a couple of minutes, saying the general great things about Granate he had read from a folder. However, behind all the cringe worthy compliments that were completely different to his normal behaviour he did very much want this nation as an ally - they were one of his three primary targets, two of which had expressed so far they wanted to take relations slowly. He prayed that Granate would at least show they trusted Honakon, and would consider an alliance with there nation. He did not see an alliance as a signing of papers, but as a nations word. Perhaps that was the old fashioned ways of the King’s before him however that had meant they had little allies to rely on in there history…

"As for resources, we are also bountiful in them. Agricultural products are always needed and your country is a prime producer of many fruits and vegetables our people take for advantage. As for natural resources, perhaps if you express an interest in any of ours we can talk about either a lowering of tariffs or a trade so to speak of specific resources without tariffs."

"And finally, I presume you are well aware of the situations in the Federation of Ambrose-Douglas - and I must say, one of my Governors has expressed a deep concern for what happens there. He is from Jamaica itself and views the Federations attempts at trying to make there conflict seem 'just' as a laughable matter. As much as I value him as an advisor, I'm not sure whether it would make sense to send my military across the world to assist a small island nation. However, may I ask your opinion on his attempted invasions?"
Amazonian Beasts
14-06-2007, 20:52
Sadow had gone from laughing to half asleep, snoozing with his eyes open and a drastically bored look on his face when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He looked around-the only one who had noticed, as usual, was Ragnos to his right. The other Apprentice didn't seem the least bit concerned-as if he already knew what was happening.

Sadow picked the phone from his pocket-it was a text message from Sion, the last of the "big 3" Apprentices, and the only one at home. He was stuck alone with Nihilis and Kressh-the two that seemed to be undermining things. The text message was short, but informative.

almost time kressh and ni forcing my hand lord droma ailing federals uppity

Sadow was about to click the phone shut, but Ragnos's peering grey eyes were already scanning the message. Sadow left it open long enough for Ragnos to read-after all, he was in on it. Droma wasn't ailing naturally, and Sion knew that as well-but he wasn't taking chances for the phone falling to the wrong person. The message was clear, however: the Civil War that had been long in the works was about ready to begin, where the chosen Five would have their numbers cut down.
15-06-2007, 22:51
Bump and tag for future post.
15-06-2007, 23:34
OOC: Sorry I've been gone, but I can never find this thread...


John, who had been sitting aside for the whole time, decided to jump in.

"Our nation too, does not take to alliances and NAP's too lightly. However, relations with Honakon are something that our government has been looking at for years - and now that the time has come, it seems like a good choice. I wish to inquire about your foreign policies on imperialism."
16-06-2007, 19:58
"We agree with out counterparts in Futaris; an alliance may take time but we certainly would like a close friendship with our friends here in Honako" Rene said simply as her phone went off on vibrate she fished it out of her pocket and checked the number.

"If you excuse me your highness; I have to take this call" she said leaving briefly and flipping the phone open.

"Yes" she said listening to the person on the other end talk; "This better be good; you interrupted a high level meeting with a king no less Ed" she added.

"Damn; Iraq and Lebanon too?" she asked; "Ok Take us to Defcon 4 and mobilise the National Guard out the Drosk Borders in the south and east" she ordered and returned to the meeting
16-06-2007, 20:06
"The invasions in the Caribbean are saddening. We do not agree with this "Federation on many things, namely their handling of the canal. For three decades Granatian Military vessels used that canal without being hampered. Now they impose this new treaty that forces use to sail south through the Lucian Straits. It is most displeasing. But, back on topic. Their handling of these invasions is most shameful, we ourselves have atleast had communications with the Government of Sanayug. They seek to increase themselves through warfare and treachery. What is more sad is that we are nearly powerless to stop them. Our Navy is too stretched to handle them right now. Please, tell your governor that I am sorry." Andrei said.
16-06-2007, 20:50
"The invasions in the Caribbean are saddening. We do not agree with this "Federation on many things, namely their handling of the canal. For three decades Granatian Military vessels used that canal without being hampered. Now they impose this new treaty that forces use to sail south through the Lucian Straits. It is most displeasing. But, back on topic. Their handling of these invasions is most shameful, we ourselves have atleast had communications with the Government of Sanayug. They seek to increase themselves through warfare and treachery. What is more sad is that we are nearly powerless to stop them. Our Navy is too stretched to handle them right now. Please, tell your governor that I am sorry." Andrei said.

"The invasions in the Caribbean are, to say the least, surprising. The whole region is becoming a hellhole for anyone living there - Honduras, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and even Jamaica - all are falling victim. I have half a mind to send a fleet there and try to keep peace, or at the least, secure an island as a refuge for civilians and the likes. However, without assistance from anyone, we cannot try and fight three other nations at once. The situation in the Caribbean must at the time be ignored in the way of military action - but as I said before, humanitarian efforts can be taken." said John.
16-06-2007, 20:59
OOC: Sorry I've been gone, but I can never find this thread...


John, who had been sitting aside for the whole time, decided to jump in.

"Our nation too, does not take to alliances and NAP's too lightly. However, relations with Honakon are something that our government has been looking at for years - and now that the time has come, it seems like a good choice. I wish to inquire about your foreign policies on imperialism."

Dubois smiled.

"The Imperial Honakon Empire is a nation built on expanding and growing in size. From 1750 - 1850 we started out with half of Mainland Honakon (RL China) and invaded all the other regions you see in the Empire today, plus rid ourselves of our French rulers. However, we have never colonized or invaded countries which were not near us and willing to embrace the Empire to some extent. Imperialism is not our policy now, and we frown upon it."

"And as for the Caribbean, I must discuss with my other governors what we are to do there. However, I may authorize military action, or diplomatic sanctions, in order to prevent the invasion of Jamaicia. My Governor of Huis (RL Thailand) has close relations to that country, and we view it as a friend."

"The world is full of unsettling conflicts, but it seems one had appeared that could stir me at least to act. We are getting Intelligence Reports that the Drosk people are planning on annexing the country of Babylonia. The reports are unclear, and we cannot be certain - however, no military action in Asia is ignored by Honakon, and we will act if they try to overcome the Babyloni power."
21-06-2007, 20:02
"People - I shall present you with a choice. I have a pact, a treaty of Duska, though a better name shall be thought of later which will bind us to a non-aggression pact, an economic deal which will see lowered tariffs and access for Honakon, and likewise to all that sign, to our and your resources, and mutual defence act. However, for some these clauses may be too much, especially the latter - but we are willing to sign these with all of you, you seem trustworthy."

"And another option is to merely sign a non-aggression pact and/or economic deal, which is, as I said before, an act that allows access to resources and lowered tariffs. I'd hope all of you would at least do this. A final option is for you to conduct your affairs with us in private, over time to gain our trust - we are a picky nation on who we say is our friend, though I know some of you are even more, not picky, but cautious over relations and we respect that. I don't like these pacts and desire for formal relations, but to me they at least show a sign of secured, and legal alliance between two nations.”

"Though finally, I think we should take steps to explore each others cultures - for the first time in many years Honakon will allow any skilled workers from your nations into our country to bring new cultures, we also wish to form twin-cities and international plans possible for energy, conservation and education - plus maybe a co-operation of militaries in order to make the finest equipment."

"These are my plans, every one of them. You may not agree, but currently we are all quite isolationists - and other nations have jumped, the African conference for one could try and challenge some of us here today's power. It is up to you whether you wish to commence great relations with us, by the signing of my first suggestion, but I hope all of you will at least decide you wish to co-operate ecomically and pledge to non-aggression"
21-06-2007, 20:06
Jack Slovick said "Our nation would be willing to sign the Durska treaty, we are interested in a relationship with Honokan..., we agree to the term's that you have laid out, and thus we have come to the conclusion the Druska treaty, will benefit us all"
21-06-2007, 21:46
Mr. Mandrake paused, before speaking.

"I want to congratulate you on doing something that many of us have tried to do for the past couple of years - coming out and just saying it. This pact will prove to be lasting, hopefully, as well as powerful. I will agree to the full deal. We also invite the people of Honakon to our already multi-cultured cities and lands."
21-06-2007, 22:38
OOC: I'll reply to this soon - I'll give it about 24-48 hours maybe until all leaders have made a choice, then you can leave finally. :p
21-06-2007, 22:40
"We will gladly sign this treaty." Andrei said.
21-06-2007, 23:09
"We can agree to this treaty though we have some stipulations; we would ask that in the mutual defence pact that the treaty be specifically defensive in nature for example if Honako or Animarnia engaged in an offensive war we would not expect the other to come to our aid. Unless the other was willing to do so; however in the event of a defensive war brought on from no fault of our own each would be expected to come to the aide of the other" Rene spoke hoping to convey what she meant.

"For example if Animarnia invaded Drosk; we would not expect Honako to do the same; but if Drosk invaded us for no reason we would expect Honako's aid" she clarified.

"Other than that stipulation we are in agreement with the treaty" Rene said with a nod
21-06-2007, 23:23
OOC: Arm, I'll probably make all the treaties like that really - more like a pledge that you'll defend Honako and Honako will defend you if war is declared against your nation, though aiding the nation when invading another is encouraged, it is not binding.
23-06-2007, 18:07
OOC: Well, consider Amazonian Beasts is the only one who hasn't replied, and that's cause he's away - we can do this. He can always sign it later, hopefully. IC post will be edited in here or posted below soon.
25-06-2007, 15:50
The Honakon King Nicolas R. Dubios signed the Duska Treaty - this treaty would bind Granate, AB, Futuris, Cali and Animarnia as allies - maybe not to each other, but at least the Empire. He turned to the delegates, and read the conditions - cheap trade and access to resources, mutual defence pact, cultural co-operation and the twinning of all capitals with both Duska and Benelux, and military co-operation in new projects.

"Can you please sign, and you can leave." The King said, smiling. "As soon as you sign, you will by our trusted ally, and we would expect you to view us as the same."
25-06-2007, 17:58
Jack Slovick stepped forward and signed his name, it was a good sized signature for he wanted his "John Hancock" to be the biggest, and he shook the king's hand after he wrote the signature and smiled and said "This is just the beginning of a era of co-operation between our nations..."
25-06-2007, 18:09
Andrei wrote his name just under the man from Calizorinstan. He wrote in the stylized script that Granatian were famous for, atleast they thought they were.
25-06-2007, 21:14
Rene stepped forward and smiled; signing the document in the Animarnian way with pretty curves on some of the letters and held a chuckle in at seeing the signature of the Cali Delegate. They really did have to do things bigger than everyone else does still it mattered not the size of the signature to her; the commitment was the same. She shook the king's hand; the document wasn't as good as an Animarnian Blood bond but it was the next best thing. She doubted the king was ready for that particular Animarnian ritual few people outside the country understood the blood pact rituals that Animarnia practised.
25-06-2007, 22:06
John Mandrake went right away and signed without hesitation this time. He had looked over the agreement, and found it good.

When he had done so, he signaled to everyone else, "I really must go," he said in his British accent. "Things are unfolding rather quickly in Eastern Europe, as we are well aware...the Vice Monarch, Brom Heldfast, back home, has done a good job so far handling the African crisis, but as we are all aware, sometiems it is better to get things in our own hands. I enjoyed my time here, but must now head back home. Goodbye, and good luck."