NationStates Jolt Archive

Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija (CW '07)

29-05-2007, 11:27 (

Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija
Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија

"United we stand!"

Area: 255,804 km2
Population: 31,604,000

GDP: $553.07 billion
Per Capita: $17,900
GDP Growth (2007): 3.8%
Industrial Production: +6.6%
Inflation Rate: +3.0%
Industries: Vehicles, airplanes, ships, machine parts, weapons, chemicals, steel.

Exports: $76.3 billion
Imports: $72 billion
Foreign debt: $16.55 billion

Military expenditures:$27.8 billion
Branches: Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) (Serbian and Macedonian: Југословенска народна армија - JHA), Border Guards, Yugoslav Air Force, Coastal Defence Force.

Capital: Belgrad
Government: Federal Socialist Republic
Head of State: Stjepan Mesic
Head of Government: Vojislav Kostunica

Currency: Yugoslav Dinar

Official Languages: Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Hungarian.


History from 1989

Yugoslavian Socialist Federal Republic went through a series of small "revolutions" after the death of Josip Broz Tito in the 90's. Croatia and Bosnia-Hertzegovina attempted to gain independence, and the old socialists of Tito's staff were unable to answer this challenge. Economy had been declining for two decades already, and nationalism had gained more and more support around the country. Military refused to obey these fossils when they ordered it to suppress the people, splintering unit by unit and changing its allegiance to the new republics, according to each unit's nationality.

However, despite the economical troubles and such, people were still rather happy with the democratic federal socialism. Problems were mainly economical authoritarism and the need for the minorities to become more self ruled. Trusting this to be the case, a group of few dozens of younger officers, representing all the nationalities living in Yugoslavia, made a succesful coup d'etat in June 1999. They managed to keep the opposing forces - Croats, Slovenians, Bozniaks and Serbs - separated from each other with the troops still loyal to the Federation, long enough to arrange a great conference, in which all the problems and disputes were to be solved.

Several times it seemed like this would prove impossible, but each time the Unionist Cadre (as the young officers were called) managed settle these fiercely patriotic nationalist down to the table again, treathening them with the horrors that civil war (and, most likely, a strong foreign intervention from both NATO and Warsaw pact sides) would cause to all of them.

Finally, in October 12th 1999, a new constitution was signed. Economically, old authoritarian government-centered system gave way to a more freemarketish one, that was in fact more anarchosyndicalist than socialist anymore. Each "productional unit" was to split it's profits within itself, instead of giving that job to the government, while of course paying taxes to the federal government. Each factory, communal farm of whatever was now officially owned by it's workers, instead of the government.
Politically, federation now gave much more liberty to republics that formed it. While their foreign policy and trade, defence and taxation were still in the hands of the Federal government, they were domestically quite independent. In fact, power was projected downwards throughout the whole of society, back towards the village/town/county level.

People were, after these reforms, left with a much stronger feeling about their own importance to the society, their ability to decide about their own lives grew massively, and the new economical system restored their feel of responsibility, as each and every person was partially owning his working place.

Yugoslavian economy was boosted considerably, and the growth has continued without a stop through the first decade of the new Millenum. Although it has somewhat slowed down now, Yugoslavian's GDP/capita shows clearly how great a succes this "Syndicalist-Unionist-Militarist Revolution of 1999" has been.

At the moment, Yugoslavian Socialist Federal Republic is a neutral country, leaning towards the Soviet block but still maintaining cordial relations with the West, too. It has strong trade relations with many of the third world countries, from which it benefits greatly, as well as with the Great Powers, both side of the Iron Curtain.

Future looks bright for the Flower of The Balkans!
29-05-2007, 12:07
The Communist Party of Albania want to know what your views are on us and our Peoples Republic.
Already you probably know about how we purged our party of Titoists in the late 40's, you also know that you are our sworn enemy, Our propaganda is always critizising your nations as Crypto Capitalist and full of Revisionists and Traitors to the cause! well this is just Albania's View and it has been our view from 1948 to present day.

BUT if you are willing to recognise us then we will recognise you, Recognition is the first step in better diplomatic relations.
29-05-2007, 12:22
You little Stalinists in you little caves are just too pathetic and unimportant for us to even bother to come up with an official answer.

Some random dude on the radio
30-05-2007, 05:27
ok fine, i guess you wont mind then if we go on another round of purging titoists!
30-05-2007, 06:12
GDP So high? Yugoslavia is a poor country...
30-05-2007, 06:30
The Worker's Republic of Mexico

We request that this fellow communist state will let us create diplomatic realtions with you. We also have an embassy waiting for you in Mexico city
30-05-2007, 13:21
They did what?!?!
Greek President Karolos Papoulias stormed into the closest office, just in time to see the news:
I am proud to inform also, that two new nuclear reactors were started today, and both work just the way they should be working. These are the 10th and 11th nuclear powerplants within our nation
The Yugoslav president was talking in Serbian, but on his phone, foreign affairs minister Dora Bakoyannis was doing the translation:
Furthermore, just few hours ago our parliament agreed to the new build-up program for our navy. Three, yes, THREE new Partizan IIB nuclear submarines are to be built during the next two years, thereby doubling our number of these marvelous vessels!"

The Earthquakes...

From: Greek Presidential Office
To: Yugoslavian Presidential Office
Notes: Private
Greetings, Mr. Mesic. I would say: welcome to the world, but we think the world didn’t need another nuclear power. But then again, anyone is entitled to defend his country. That’s why this message. We were happy with just minding each other borders. Should we fear more? Are those bombs (who, I might add, were tested in the mountains closed to our borders, without a warning, causing earthquakes and raising questions about the environment) more then defense? Because you know that the existence of Nukes so closed to a NATO country is bound to raise some mutual defense related questions.
Karolos Papoulias, President of the Hellenic Republic
31-05-2007, 05:57
A massive crowd of Albanian's took to the streets of Tirana they were chanting and yelling. with their Red scarfs around their necks they held up Portraits of President Çomo Bashkim.
They Chanted
"Down with Revisionists! The Yugoslavs! Down With Revisionists, the Treacherous, Aggressors! Down with the Yugoslavs!"
The crowd then began burning Yugoslav's Flag in central Scanderbeg Square with the President and senior party members watching on from the Balcony of the Central Committe Building. The Police were also out on the streets but cautiously monitoring the demonstrators.

"Contact Greece" said Liri Paçrami "Çomo wants to know what the situation is"

To The President of Greece
From Çomo Bashkim President of Albania

Greetings, I have heard that Yugoslavia has gone nuclear! This is outragous we always knew that from 1948 Yugoslavia would be a treacherous and horrible nation bent of World Domination. We must work together to control the Yugoslav threat!
ps I am ready to talk if you want to speak about the Greeks in the south and we can help thier living standards and treat them better IF you will help us in finacial, economic aid.