NationStates Jolt Archive

Imperial Preparatory School Rp Thread (MT)

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The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 02:11
The Imperial Preparatory School was full of light as its ancient stone halls were cleared of all the dust and other rubbish that had built up over the summer. Yet, the corridors of it had been cleaned for centuries before it and would remain there long after anyone whom currently worked there died. So thus the endless cycle continued unabated as it had been since before most of the modern nations had been formed. Though now the crowd here had changed from once had been a renowned school meant only for the noble classes of the Scandinvan Empire, but now it was still a very renowned school it now accepted people from all classes, whom could afford, and from other countries as well.

As the building was finished being cleaned the professors, teachers, principals, deans, and all the other staff began to arrive and set up for the upcoming academic year in which a new crop of student would be added and more faces added to their distguinished group of students that would be taught by the school to become the leaders of tomorrow. With the staff finishing their plans and fixing up their rooms with their gathered historical objects and books they now then set to work with the final touches that each felt was necessary for their school rooms.

The teachers being left only with their little chores the gates of the school were now opened to the arrival of student that would usher in the beginning of the next week or so in which students would arrive and in that the students would supposed to get to know the grounds and to meet the other students and to make friends and rivalries also. With that now all what was needed was for the student to arrive at the school…

OOC: So for now feel free to wander the grounds and interact with staff and other students. Do not post on this thread if you are not a member with a template, though it is okay if you submitted a template and I am just not online.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 02:26
Willium got out his limo.He had been in a plane for over seven hours,He asked his butler to get his suitcases and bags and bring them to his room.He closed the limo door and walked up the gates of the school.

Willium opened the door to his room.He was tired and just wanted to rest,he hoped he had a roommate.He couldn't live without someone talking with him.He ordered his butler to help him unpack his clothes and his books.He had studied all year and he hoped that he would graduate from the school.he wanted to follow his father's footsteps in the military right after his education.

Willium and his butler finnshed unpacking and putting everything in place.He wanted to sleep but he would rather tour the school first and look for other students that were arriving.Willium walked out of his room and headed towards the library.He opened the doors and couldn't believe how big the place was.he looked though out the library seaching for his favourite book.He didn't find it but tomorrow he would look again.Willium looked outside he couldn't see any students coming yet but he felt they were coming soon.He quickly walked outside and waited for anyone to come.
26-04-2007, 02:44
John Arnold got out of his taxi, he had only been on the plane for 3.5 hours, and he was wide awake and happy, since he was going to a new school for the first time, and a call from his father reporting he was alive, and had beated his unknown foe (his father couldn't tell him whom he had fought) and was back home.

He walked up to the large gates of the school, and walked in and saw a student, and John said "Hello, how are you, I am the son of Cap.Jack Arnold, who was just in the Lerasian detainment mess in the news, what's your name?" He awaited the response from the student that he had approached.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 02:51
OOC:Are you talking to my guy.

Hello John.My name is Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks.My father is Prince Edward,Third Duke of Sevenoaks i'm also the nephew of Queen Elizabeth III.D you want to be roommates.I haven't seen anymore students in awhile.

Willium could see John was carrying alot of suitcases and he helped John by picking up two suitcases for him.I will lead you to the room.It's very nice and calm.Do you know which classes your taking this year.Because i allready know which ones i'm going to take.
26-04-2007, 02:55
OOC:Yes, I am, who else! :P

"I would like to be your roommate, oh thanks, I am taking Science, Math, History, and all that sort, I hope to be in the Calizorinstan Navy, like my father. Yes, I would love to be shown around, I think there's a book that has my father's ship in it, if they have it. We might have to look in the libray. I think we'll make great roommates. I'll follow you to the room." He followed William down the hall, and to the room, where he started to unpack the suitcases.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 02:56

Outside of the building was the Crown Prince Olaf IV, aged 15, whom was surrounded by a large group of nobility whom literally had encircled and would Olaf did not really seem to care for them as he just kept his place as its center where his close childhood friends who were the only ones to which he spoke freely and that were allowed by the group to come close enough to touch him. Proceeding forward Prince Olaf saw Willium, but for the time he knew he would have to let him approach if the group was to allow him through.

So for the time he decided just to occupy a large number of marble benches near one of the many artificial streams which flowed through the courtyard and fed many the many tress and plants which decorated the garden everything.
26-04-2007, 03:00
Once in the room, John unpacked his suitcase, and looked around and said "Hey William, would you mind showing me around this place, I would love to get used to the school before the classes will start so I know my way around this place."
26-04-2007, 03:09
Walt Oskar walked up to the school. To make a big scene, he was dropped off a block away. The walk was actually pretty nice. From what Walt had seen so far, Scandinvans was a beautiful country. Walt had a Army style backpack that held all his stuff. Stopping for a moment, Walt looked at the school. It looked to be a fine establishment, but he was only here because his parents wanted to straighten him out, and to secretly get rid of him. Walt put down his backpack on the bench, then sat down.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 03:11
I just arrived.John i'm looking though out the school myself,Willium helped John unpack his things and get ready.John i'm going outside,i can see Prince Olaf and he might be needed help.

Willium walked outside and headed to Olaf.He pushed though the nobility around him and got to see him.Hello Olaf want to be roommates,there will be me,you and John in the room.I bet you don't like all of these nobles around you.If you want to come you know where i am.Willium walked back into the hallways and went up to his room.

Willium took out his laptop and started typing a new short story to send to a UK2 publisherback home.He finnshed typing and put away his laptop,he was tired himself but he wanted to show John everywhere around the school.He was waiting for Olaf to join them and he hoped he would.John would you want to go check out the library with me.It's huge and i can barely find anything in there.
26-04-2007, 03:15
John replied "Sure William, I guess when we go in there, I'll ask the libraiean where the book I am looking for is, let's go!" He and William walked off to the libray, and after they checked that out, they would tour the school grounds, and get used to the surroundings and stuff.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 03:21
I just arrived.John i'm looking though out the school myself,Willium helped John unpack his things and get ready.John i'm going outside,i can see Prince Olaf and he might be needed help.

Willium walked outside and headed to Olaf.He pushed though the nobility around him and got to see him.Hello Olaf want to be roommates,there will be me,you and John in the room.I bet you don't like all of these nobles around you.If you want to come you know where i am.Willium walked back into the hallways and went up to his room.

Willium took out his laptop and started typing a new short story to send to a UK2 publisherback home.He finnshed typing and put away his laptop,he was tired himself but he wanted to show John everywhere around the school.He was waiting for Olaf to join them and he hoped he would.John would you want to go check out the library with me.It's huge and i can barely find anything in there.One of the many noble lackies that he had Prince Olaf replied with this quick message,” Sadly, I cannot manage to shack off this massive group of nobility, but as for sharing the room I cannot as my father will not let me and has given me my own ‘essential’ house on the campus and the rooms in it are already filled in by my oldest friends, though you are welcome to come and lounge about it any time you want that is not after curfew.

Though to note next time the nobility that surronds me may will keep you out by force because today I gave them an order not to interefere with any students trying to talk to me.”
26-04-2007, 03:25
John looked Olaf straight in the eye and said "Something's wrong with someone who wouldn't let his own son, talk to other kid's, now I am not critizizing you or your father, it's just odd to me that happens. After all my father let's me talk to whomever I please. Ahh well, that's just the fact of life..." He sighed and re-joined William and said "At least, even if you are a Duke, you let me be your roommate, and I guess you're my first friend at this
26-04-2007, 03:31
John looked at the student who had bumped into him, and helped up and replied "It's okay, my name's John Arnold, son of the Cap.Jack Arnold, he is the captain that was in the Lerasian detainment mess in the news if you heard about it, what's your name?"
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 03:32
Walt Oskar walked up to the school. To make a big scene, he was dropped off a block away. The walk was actually pretty nice. From what Walt had seen so far, Scandinvans was a beautiful country. Walt had a Army style backpack that held all his stuff. Stopping for a moment, Walt looked at the school. It looked to be a fine establishment, but he was only here because his parents wanted to straighten him out, and to secretly get rid of him. Walt put down his backpack on the bench, then sat down.A student was driving to the school in his limo and saw the student just dropped off on the road and then ordered his driver to stop alongside him and said," Hey, kid do you need a ride to the school?"
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 03:35
Willium walked with John and opened the big doors to the library.He was upset that Olaf couldn't be roommates with him and John but he could still talk with him.Him amd John walked in the library.Went to go find a book he was seaching for early.

Willium found the book and couldn't believe it was here.He quickly signed it and went over to John.John i'm going to our room.I'm jst to tired and i need some rest.Maybe tomorrow we can take tours of the school.

Willium walked back to the room and went on his laptop and talked with some of his family members.After talking with them he went into the shower and took along one.After that he put on his bed clothes and jumped into his bed.He fixed his alarm clock to six in the morning.He quickly put the book on his desk and turned off his lamp and tryed to go to sleep.He was tired and wanted to have a nice sleep and a good morning.He hoped John would start working and getting prepared for the classes.
26-04-2007, 03:41
John walked into the libary further and told Willam "You're leaving, that's fine, I'll come back to the room and study after I see this one book I want." He looked and then on a shelf to his left, he found the book he had been searching for: "The Great Calizorinstani Naval Vessals, Vol.1 and 2" They were in a combined set, he quickly signed them, and ran off to the room, once he got their, he found John asleep, but unpacked his Gibson SG and amp and tuned it, and then changed into his night dress, called home and talked with his dad and mom, and then set the alarm clock for 5:30, and then went to sleep.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 03:53
John walked into the libary further and told Willam "You're leaving, that's fine, I'll come back to the room and study after I see this one book I want." He looked and then on a shelf to his left, he found the book he had been searching for: "The Great Calizorinstani Naval Vessals, Vol.1 and 2" They were in a combined set, he quickly signed them, and ran off to the room, once he got their, he found John asleep, but unpacked his Gibson SG and amp and tuned it, and then changed into his night dress, called home and talked with his dad and mom, and then set the alarm clock for 5:30, and then went to sleep.OOC: Some of the books in the library are very old, and the only copies aviable to students are aviable in a new copy of it.

IC: The school was still quite active as the only activities in the morning would be working out, people arriving, and students studying for the beggining of the school year.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 03:53
Willium had woken up when John came into the room.He himself got his laptop and started talking with his cousins on MSN.He missed his family so much,but back home he was part of the UK2 Royal Family which he didn't like.

Willium shutdown his laptop and started reading his book.He set his clock to five in morning to wake up and talk with John before we went on his jog around the school.John do you want to go jogging in five in the morning.It's good for you.Willium got his gym clothes ready for his jog and went back in his bed.
26-04-2007, 03:54
A student was driving to the school in his limo and saw the student just dropped off on the road and then ordered his driver to stop alongside him and said," Hey, kid do you need a ride to the school?"

"Yeah that would be nice." Walt picked up his backpack and motioned over to the limo. Walking over to the limo, he opened the door and got in. Walt quickly closed the door. "I'm Walt Oskar and who would you be?"
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 03:55
"Yeah that would be nice." Walt picked up his backpack and motioned over to the limo. Walking over to the limo, he opened the door and got in. Walt quickly closed the door. "I'm Walt Oskar and who would you be?"The student replied,” I am David Erida simply, and my titles are to long to name. Yet, I do offer you a hand of friendship in this harsh place.”
26-04-2007, 03:58
The student replied,” I am David Erida simply, and my titles are to long to name. Yet, I do offer you a hand of friendship in this harsh place.”

Walt put out his hand shook David's. "Nice to meet you. So this place is harsh. No wonder my parents wanted to send me here. So what House are you in? Also can you tell me a little about the school, just mostly about the people around here?"
26-04-2007, 04:00
John replied "Yah, I would love to go jogging, in fact, I'll change into the Calizorinstani Marine jog suit my father gave me, and then since we have today mostly off, I brought two guitars, and two amps incase we wanted to have some music, and I have really awesome material. I brought my all-in one iMac to along with me, that's why I have so much stuff! I am going to make us water, and a snack when we get back" Jack went and changed into his jog outfit, and waited for Willam.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 04:17
Walt put out his hand shook David's. "Nice to meet you. So this place is harsh. No wonder my parents wanted to send me here. So what House are you in? Also can you tell me a little about the school, just mostly about the people around here?"David shock Walter’s hand and then replied,” Well, the school is rather challenging academically and encourages social strife in order to make the students work hard and to create some of the effects of the world. Further, my house is Erita.”
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 04:20
Walt put out his hand shook David's. "Nice to meet you. So this place is harsh. No wonder my parents wanted to send me here. So what House are you in? Also can you tell me a little about the school, just mostly about the people around here?"David shock Walter’s hand and then replied,” Well, the school is rather challenging academically and encourages social strife in order to make the students work hard and to create some of the effects of the world. Further, my house is Erita.”
26-04-2007, 04:32
"Ah...too bad. I'm in Bragi. So David why did you decided to pick me up of all people? I have heard the stories of Scandinvanians not treating foreigners very well, mostly bullying them or trying to start fights. I'm not a native Scandinvanian. I known that I the natives here, will have to deal with us foreigners." Walt said as he saw the street roll by and the school moving closer.
26-04-2007, 04:36
Aya strolled into her new school confidently and with great enthusiasim. Her parent's bid her farewell at the airport in Kanami and now she was hear. She was a little nervous. She inahled deeply and walked onto the green lawn and through the doors. It was packed with students she walked up stairs to the common room, and into her dorm. She set her suite case down. Some of the others looked like they were pure royalty. Aya was from a wealthy family but not royalty. She laid her things out in a nice smooth pattern

Meanwhile another girl by the name of Maria was starting her first day. Her parents were both there to see her off into school.

Her mother and father both were there both nelt at her eye level

"Maria, I love you, have a nice time we'll see you real soon." Her mother spoke aloud and signed.

Maria signed back *I'm nervous*

"You'll be fine sweetheart, we'll write everyday."

"Ah kiddo," Her father said "You'll be having so much fun soon you will forget your nerves and you will barely find time to even write us."

She hugged both and headed up to the school. She walked into the dorms, it was clear everyone was chatting but it was all silent to her.
26-04-2007, 04:41
Jack strolled out of his room, and started his jog around this school, and listen to his iPod, to the Calizorinstani Marine Cadence, and could be heard chanting as he jogged "Ooaar, the Calizorinstani Marine Corp, hoorah, we're the best Oohrah" and startled several students, and then he sat down on a bench near the dorms, and took a water break, and looked around at his new school.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 04:47
"Ah...too bad. I'm in Bragi. So David why did you decided to pick me up of all people? I have heard the stories of Scandinvanians not treating foreigners very well, mostly bullying them or trying to start fights. I'm not a native Scandinvanian. I known that I the natives here, will have to deal with us foreigners." Walt said as he saw the street roll by and the school moving closer."Most of the nobility of my country, though quite conservative, are acutally quite willing to allow foreigners in and here people are quite open to other peoples if you accept our culture. To say though my people do not really hate foriengners they are quite xenophobic. As for me picking you up I am just a kind person who feels that all people must treated well."
26-04-2007, 04:51
Himeko had arrived. She took a ship through the rough and stormy Xanadou Sea and two airplanes to arive here. She began to walk across the street a car suddenly stopped and honked at her. "Watch out!" "Sorry!"

She would need to get accustomed to the fact she couldn't just cross the street with out fear of being hit by something. Cars weren't around in Kurona, very few of the things that would be available here were around in Kurona, electricity, TV Radio, all sorts of things. Running water was though, oddly enough. She dragged her heavy suite case along and up the stairs.
26-04-2007, 04:51
John saw two other students walking that he didn't know and said "Hi, my name is John Arnold, the Cap.Jack Arnold's son, he's was the captain of the Battleship that was detained in Lerasia. I am pleased to meet you, and I hope we will have a good school year together.
26-04-2007, 04:54
"I'm Himeko Urameshi. It's nice to meet you."
26-04-2007, 04:55
"Most of the nobility of my country, though quite conservative, are actually quite willing to allow foreigners in and here people are quite open to other peoples if you accept our culture. To say though my people do not really hate foreigners they are quite xenophobic. As for me picking you up I am just a kind person who feels that all people must treated well."

"I guess you have a lot of trust. Though I'm not of noble birth or wealth. I guess I will be a prime target of the bullies at the school. David, it was very nice of you to pick me up and I hope we become friends." Walt had no idea why he lied about his parents, but wanted to make a friend not based on who his parents were. But on how they acted together. Nothing more. Nothing less. "So how old are you? I'm 15, 9th."
26-04-2007, 04:58
John replied to the girl "So, Himeko, nice to meet you too, would you like to be my roommate, I already have 1 other, but he's nice and he won't snub you at all. In fact, since basicly we have the day off, I'll show you our room if you want, and let me take your suitcases please, I would be honored to do so."
He and Himeko walked along, heading to John and William's room to talk, and meet Himeko.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 05:01
Aya strolled into her new school confidently and with great enthusiasim. Her parent's bid her farewell at the airport in Kanami and now she was hear. She was a little nervous. She inahled deeply and walked onto the green lawn and through the doors. It was packed with students she walked up stairs to the common room, and into her dorm. She set her suite case down. Some of the others looked like they were pure royalty. Aya was from a wealthy family but not royalty. She laid her things out in a nice smooth pattern

Meanwhile another girl by the name of Maria was starting her first day. Her parents were both there to see her off into school.

Her mother and father both were there both nelt at her eye level

"Maria, I love you, have a nice time we'll see you real soon." Her mother spoke aloud and signed.

Maria signed back *I'm nervous*

"You'll be fine sweetheart, we'll write everyday."

"Ah kiddo," Her father said "You'll be having so much fun soon you will forget your nerves and you will barely find time to even write us."

She hugged both and headed up to the school. She walked into the dorms, it was clear everyone was chatting but it was all silent to her.To Aya came who said," Welcome to the Imperial Prepartory School and if you would follow me I shall bring you to your dorm or if you have any questions just ask?"

As for Maria at the dorm the head mistress of it came up to her and signalled in sign language," Hello, and welcome to the school. Due to your situation we have set up a room with special alarms, light based alarms, and a text based communication device to allow you to talk to other students and to the staff if you need anything.

As for your classes we shall full text readings to you with optional print out."
26-04-2007, 05:01
"Well why not?" She followed them. "So are you from here or from out of the country?"
26-04-2007, 05:04
John replied "Have you ever heard of Calizorinstan, well that's were I am from, and my father is Cap.Arnold, the one and the same captain that was detained in Lesaria, becuase of the revolution there? Well when we get back to our room, don't be suprised if you see William sleeping, because he wants to get a good nap in before the day to study and stuff." They entered John and Willam's room just then.
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 05:05
"I guess you have a lot of trust. Though I'm not of noble birth or wealth. I guess I will be a prime target of the bullies at the school. David, it was very nice of you to pick me up and I hope we become friends." Walt had no idea why he lied about his parents, but wanted to make a friend not based on who his parents were. But on how they acted together. Nothing more. Nothing less. "So how old are you? I'm 15, 9th.""Well, Walter do not hide your status as I saw whom dropped and did some research on your name on the school's private student data base. I know your lineage then I wish to say that I wish I could do the same well and I will not tell your birth right to others and shall not do. So I completely offer you my friendship."

OOC: Good night it is time for me to go to sleep.
26-04-2007, 05:15
John and Himeko walked into his room, and John put her suitcases down and said "If you wish to be our roommate, we have an extra bed over there, and also, I brought an all-in-one iMac, you may use if you do decide to stay with us. I just have to ask you something that relates to myself, have you heard of a place of Lerasia, well if you do, they recently had a revolution. And if you have heard of that, you might of heard of a naval battle, and my father actually commanded the battle, and brought home 8 Lerasian ships that defected. Sorry to bore you, what's your story Himeko?"
26-04-2007, 05:22
To Aya came who said," Welcome to the Imperial Prepartory School and if you would follow me I shall bring you to your dorm or if you have any questions just ask?"

As for Maria at the dorm the head mistress of it came up to her and signalled in sign language," Hello, and welcome to the school. Due to your situation we have set up a room with special alarms, light based alarms, and a text based communication device to allow you to talk to other students and to the staff if you need anything.

As for your classes we shall full text readings to you with optional print out."

"Oh thank you." Aya followed and was shown. She laid everything out

Maria came onto the statley woman obviously someone in charge, possibly Principal or Teacher. She felt relived when she was signed too. She smiled and signed back.

*Oh thank you so much that will be a big help for me. I would like a print out for my classes if that is all right.*
26-04-2007, 12:29
"Well, Walter do not hide your status as I saw whom dropped and did some research on your name on the school's private student data base. I know your lineage then I wish to say that I wish I could do the same well and I will not tell your birth right to others and shall not do. So I completely offer you my friendship."

"It's Walt, but I don't want to be only accepted because of who my parents are.That is sick. Just because they are not born into the right family they are instantly picked on? David I want you to tell anyone about who my parents are. Please..." Walt wondered if someone had put David up to this. Maybe it was all part of a joke to try to get rid of foreigners. Walt couldn't tell, but he would wind up finding out soon or later.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 12:48
Willium had went out jogging and came back into the room to see a girl and John there.Hello there,I'm Prince Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks whats your name.Willium cleaned up the room and picked up some clothes and helped the girl to her bed.

He went into the shower and got ready for the morning.He went onto his laptop and talked with his family for a few minutes.He shut it down and told John he was going to go find something to eat.Willium left the room trying to find where evrything was.
26-04-2007, 16:56
John said to Willam "This is Himeko Urameshi, I met her yesterday, and now I think we have a third roommate now. When you find something to eat, would you bring back breakfast for us. I think since we have today off, I will use my computer, and talk to my family back home." He sat on his computer and started writing a story for Calizorinstan Publications, and infromed Himeko of what he was writing about.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 20:42
Willium was on his laptop.He had brought food for John and there new roommate Himeko Urameshi.He finnshed his lastest book and sent it to a well known UK2 publisher.He searched though his pictures on his laptop and found one of his father.John,Himeko want to see my father,Willium showed them the picture,

This was my father when he was young.Willium wondered if there where only two royal kids in the school ad hoped it just wasn't him and Olaf.
26-04-2007, 20:51
John replied to William "That's awesome,hopefully your dad's nice. on my computer, I'll bring up a picture of my father, and also there are rumors, my great-grandfather was a king in Germany, in Lichenstain, so I have royal blood, or some at least." And John brought up on his laptop to show Himeko, and William the picture:

John said "Thanks for my food Willam, my father just won a battle, in a little place called Lerasia, they attempted to detain my father, but he broke out in his battleship, and fought them and one, losing no ships. I don't mean to brag, but he is a brilliant tactic's person, and they are going to promote him to admrial 4 star shortly. Did any of your relative serve in the military William, or Himeko?"
Pan-Arab Barronia
26-04-2007, 21:00
[OOC: I'll delete this if necessary, just wanted to get the post in if I'm accepted for the RP, before it's too late.]

Her parents stepped out of the car first. One, the President of Pan-Arab Barronia, a Vladimir Putin lookalike, surveyed the school. The second person out was his wife, Sarah. Finally, tentatively, Santina eased herself out. This was her first time schooling away from her parents. She'd been to The Scandinvans before, when she was younger, but it made no difference.

The military guard officer, decked out in the full regalia, had her case.

"Well, sweetheart," began her father. "Don't you think you should go and introduce yourself to the Headmaster? As you know, it's always good to get on a good footing with..."
"Oh, shush. She doesn't need that now," Sarah interjected. "This school will teach her what she needs to know. What she needs now is for us to support her. Come on sweetie, we'll go and see the headmaster. We'll find your room as well."
"Oh, well, okay mum." Santina was finally piping up. She'd been practically silent since they left the plane. The nerves really were getting to her now. Sweats, butterflies, the works.
"Now, sweetie, your father and I are here for a week meeting with the Scandinvan Ministers, so we're on the end of the phone if you need us. Ah, that looks like the headmaster. Well, go on, say hello!"
The Scandinvans
26-04-2007, 21:01
OOC: Sorry rooms are not coed, though the dorms are. To note each house has its own house only dorm, though as new students you do not have to chose till the end of 1st quarter to either stay in the current dorm or move into the house dorm.
27-04-2007, 00:28
John walked around through the grounds after being in his room, suddenly on his LG KE850 phone he got a call, he looked and it was to his suprise his Father! He answered "Hi Dad, I am having a good time thanks, what? I have 2 other roommates now, wow! Thank's I almost forgot it was my birthday, well I'll see you soon, well bye." He hung up and sighed, he had missed his father so much, and to be getting a cake so soon, well that was unheard of! He suspected that his Father sent him the cake to cheer him up, and he walked back to the room.

There he unpacked his Gibson SG, and plugged it into an amp, and said to William and Himeko, "I don't suppose you would mind listening to some rock 'n roll music I made do you?" He went ahead, and strummed his song, and then suddenly he increased the strumming and did a powerslide and got up and said 'What did you think of my song I wrote?"
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 00:42
Yes alot of my family have served in the UK2 military.My Aunt Queen Elizabeth III served in the military.My uncle served in India23 a commonwealth in the United Kingdom2 during a rebel crisis.And a few cousins in my family have served.

Willium looked at more pictures and found a picture of his girlfriend.He knew his father was pushing him into early marriage but he didn't like it.John,Himeko this is the picture of me and my girlfriend,

My parents are forcing me to marry her right after i graduate school and finnsh the military.My parents want her to became the Duchess of Sevenoaks.ut i'm not ready to get married yet you know.It's allright John go and listen to your music.
27-04-2007, 00:52
John replied "That's awesome, Oh, you know that Calizorinstani Naval book that I wanted to show you that had my dad's ship in it, well I found his ship. Look at it, it's the R.C.S Mira Mesa, a Peter the Great class battleship. as powerful as the Musashi, and even bigger. What do you think of my dad's ship, any questions about it?" He looked up at William, and waited for the answer that would come.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 01:31
I've heard of that ship.I think my dad knows you dad in some way in the navy because he talked about that ship when i was ten or nine.Willium got an email from Emily his girlfriend.He wanted to propose marriage to Emily right away but he couldn't do it over an email.

John whats your father's name because i'm talking with my dad on MSN and he said he thinks he knows your dad from the navy.
27-04-2007, 01:48
John replied "My father's name is Cap.Jack Arnold, soon he will be Adm.John Arnold, his ship was built close to the time he mentioned. That's the info I have for your dad. I am excited to see what his response is." John was very excited that his roommate's dad knew his dad, it was an awesome feeling.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 01:58
My dad knows your dad.They went to the same military school.John should i propose to my girlfriend, my whole family wants me to do it and the media is harassing her and everything.Maybe i should leave and help her and come back maybe.
27-04-2007, 02:01
John said "I would, from her picture's she's very pretty, and I have a girlfriend back home too, say hi to your dad from me. If he hasn't heard, tell him that my dad was recently in the Lerasian conflict, and tell him my dad's okay. I think that's awesome they went to the same school. In-fact, hey I think my girlfriend just texted me." He laid down on his bed, and checked his messages and said "I love my new phone here, because it's a touch screen,a nd it has visual voicemal. Her message just says "Hope you're having fun dear, I hope you come back soon."
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 02:15
Maybe i should.I'll do it right now.Willium started typing to his dad and told him what John had said to him.Willium sent an email to Emily proposing to her in marriage.He hoped she would accept it.

She sent back the mail and said yes.He was so happy he started laughing his head off.He sent an email back saying he loved her very much.He quicly sent an email to his mother and father to read.
27-04-2007, 02:17
John smiled and said "See, that's my first piece of advice I have given, and I was right! Yeah, let's have a little party. What did your dad say in response Willam? I am very happy to have that we have 3 roommates all together, it'll never get boring at all!" John got up, and sat down next to William at the computer.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 02:24
My dad said he will help your dad if he needs help and that he will tell my aunt about the propose.Willium was so happy about the wedding.John would you like to be the best man in my "wedding".
27-04-2007, 02:30
John smiled and said "I would love to, tell your dad that my dad is safe back in Calizorinstan, and if your dad wishes to visit, he will give him a tour of the R.C.S Mira Mesa, infact I have wirelessly sent a video of the whole battle my dad was in to your computer on the desktop, the file is Battle of Kulkolva.wmv, and send it to your dad. I infact, proposed also to my girlfriend yesterday William, and she accepted. Will you be my best man?" He smiled, and went to the fridge to grab a couple of Coca-Colas for the momentus occasion.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 02:42
All right i sent it to my dad.I would love to be your best man.Bloody hell the media is harassing her now because they found out about the wedding.He would buy Emily a engagement ring tomorrow and send it to her.He just couldn't wait to marry her.
27-04-2007, 02:47
John smiled, I see it's 3:30 to 4:00 now, so what should we do for dinner William, I don't want to die before the classes starts, Himeko any ideas? I am quite excited about marrying my girl William, she's one of the prettiest and smartest women in Calizorinsta. Not only is she cute, but she's smart, and she play's guitar. So, when your dad respond's to the video, and you tell me what he says,what say you about finding some dinner?" Jack changed into his ROTC (Reverve Officer Training Corps) dress blues, and shoes. And saluted William and said "What do you think of my evening attire?"
The Scandinvans
27-04-2007, 03:06
Outside on the campus grounds Prince Olaf was working out at the track and had just finished running the mile in 4: 52. Continuing he began to do push ups and sit ups.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 03:07
I don't know.We could order in pizza or i could make on for all three of us.My dad's gone asleep so he willl see it tomorrow.I do like your evening attire.Willium turned off his laptop and turned on the tv to BBC news,he wanted to see if the royal wedding was on tv yet.
27-04-2007, 03:11
John replied "That's okay, your dad will see it tomorrow .We should try and make something, I think they gave us basic cooking supplies. You can look through the cook-book they gave us and see if there's anything good. If Emily your soon-to be wife calls, would you let me talk to her, I would love to hear for myself her, because I had a teacher named Emily back in Calizorinstan. I am looking foward to the shooting course tomorrow if they offer one." He sat back and watched the BBC news channel."
27-04-2007, 03:31
"David, can you tell me about the girls in this school?" Walt noticed that the car had stopped. Quickly he got his military backpack and opened the door. It sure was a beautiful. He helped David out and turned back toward him.
The Scandinvans
27-04-2007, 03:42
"David, can you tell me about the girls in this school?" Walt noticed that the car had stopped. Quickly he got his military backpack and opened the door. It sure was a beautiful. He helped David out and turned back toward him."Thank you, and as for the girls they are quite pleasing to the eye, though many of them are noble and rich brats whom stick to their own groups and will not date out of them, tnankfully both you and I can enter the group if we want as we are of the nobility, though you can get away with claiming from coming from a wealthy family descended from the old knight class as that group still exists in this country." Getting out he then looked at the school and said," Well, another year with dealing with this place."
27-04-2007, 03:51
"I'm telling you, David, that I did not want to be accepted purely for being a noble or wealthy. Can you please promise that you will tell no one? I just want to be a regular person." Walt turned toward David. "To the start of a good year. So how about you showing me around this place?"
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 11:32
Willium started laughing and started cooking the pizza.After finnshing it Him,John and Himeko sat down and watched some BBC.After awhile Willium got tired and went into the shower.He had a long and nice shower.He got out wiped himself off and put on his bedclothes.He quickly jumped into bed and fell asleep.

Willium jogged around the school.He had woken up early and not woken up his roommates.He ate breakfast and now he was ready to start running.He waited a few minutes and then he started to run.Willium had a shower and after that he got dressed.Today he would be buying an engagement ring for Emily.He watched BBC nd wondered if anyone was online in his MSN.
St Samuel
27-04-2007, 12:10
Jada Di Appollio stepped out of the sleek black limousine outside the main school building. Her father, Lord Marcus Guiseppe Di Appollio of St Amand and High Lord Admiral of the St Samuel 4th Naval fleet had finally given in and allowed his daughter to go to a school on foreign soil.

Jada had always dreamed of studying away from her beloved country and couldn't wait to start meeting people of different cultures.

The beautiful young lady exelled at languages and her driver struggled under the weight of a pile of books which had various titles such as 'International Politics,' 'Foreign Economics' amongst many others.

She flicked her head moving her long dark brown hair away and looked around. "Hmm, so this is home for the nxt couple of years then."
Jada with her older brother and father
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 13:05
Willium was still watching BBC but he went on his laptop.He was talking with Emily but he stared out the window.He saw a new student arrive he stared at her.He was going to get married soon he couldn't have feelings for this girl like he did for Emily.He quickly found a picture of Emily and printed it out and put on his wall.

He looked at the picture and hoped the girl didn't see him though the window.
St Samuel
27-04-2007, 14:15
Jada looked around as she took the extravagant beauty of the school building in. As she scanned the large windows she saw Willium glance away trying to avoid eye contact and she smiled to herself.

"Would you like me to take your belongings to your room ma'am?" The driver asked Jada obiediently.

"Yes please David. Can you call my father as well and tell him that I have arrived safely, I'm just going to get to grips with the place and find my way around. And tell dad that he dosn't need to keep these spy's on his payroll to watch my every move, I'm not the little girl that my father still see's."

"I'll call him as soon as I've drop your belongings off ma'am." Jada knew full well that David was far too polite and professional to get caught up in a father/daughter debate and wouldn't mention the spying, but she didn't mind.

"Right, let's find this famous library I've been reading about."
27-04-2007, 17:18
John woke up from his sleep, "Good morning William, how are you? I am wonderful, that was a delicous dinner you made last night. Now, what's the first class that we are supposed to attend today?" John grabbed his school clothes, and changed into them and came out. "Now, I am ready, but are you in your school clothes yet?"
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 20:54
There's no first class yet John.We still have a few days.I'm going to the library to put back this book,have you finnshed your book because i'll drop it off there.Willium got his book and went downstairs to the library.

Willium opened the big doors to the library and walked in.He could hear someone looking though the books but he didn't care about it.Willium put his book back and sat down reading another book he had found.
The Scandinvans
27-04-2007, 23:12
Jada Di Appollio stepped out of the sleek black limousine outside the main school building. Her father, Lord Marcus Guiseppe Di Appollio of St Amand and High Lord Admiral of the St Samuel 4th Naval fleet had finally given in and allowed his daughter to go to a school on foreign soil.

Jada had always dreamed of studying away from her beloved country and couldn't wait to start meeting people of different cultures.

The beautiful young lady exelled at languages and her driver struggled under the weight of a pile of books which had various titles such as 'International Politics,' 'Foreign Economics' amongst many others.

She flicked her head moving her long dark brown hair away and looked around. "Hmm, so this is home for the nxt couple of years then."
Jada with her older brother and fatherOOC: Sorry, send an template to this thread and all will be fine then:
The Scandinvans
27-04-2007, 23:19
"I'm telling you, David, that I did not want to be accepted purely for being a noble or wealthy. Can you please promise that you will tell no one? I just want to be a regular person." Walt turned toward David. "To the start of a good year. So how about you showing me around this place?""Well, why not though I can only show you the main buildings well enough as the campus is very large."
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 23:31
Willium signed out his books and wondered who else was here.He walked where the person was and saw that it was the girl he had seen early.Hello my name is Prince Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks whats your name.He knew she had seen him staring out the window at her.
27-04-2007, 23:43
"Well, why not though I can only show you the main buildings well enough as the campus is very large."

"Yeah and some of the notable kids around here." Walt as he picked up his military backpack.
27-04-2007, 23:50
Himeko began to wonder around the campus exploring with great curosity. She ocassionaly bid gooday to passerbyes
The Scandinvans
27-04-2007, 23:55
"Yeah and some of the notable kids around here." Walt as he picked up his military backpack."Well, I acutally am one as I click of people descended from nobility and whom have notable talents.

As for the others the other notable people are a member of great nobleHouse Erida whom controls the the student house Erita.

Then there is Crown Prince Olaf the V, whom shall one day rule this Empire, whom basically controls all the nobles and most of the male houses as his reputation alone gives him more power then any of us will achieve in a life time. As well, he is a great athelte and a good student whose intellect sets the scores on tests, though he does not turn in much homework he gets straight high marks and praises from his teachers."
28-04-2007, 00:24
"Well, I acutally am one as I click of people descended from nobility and whom have notable talents.

As for the others the other notable people are a member of great noble House Erida whom controls the the student house Erita.

Then there is Crown Prince Olaf the V, whom shall one day rule this Empire, whom basically controls all the nobles and most of the male houses as his reputation alone gives him more power then any of us will achieve in a life time. As well, he is a great athlete and a good student whose intellect sets the scores on tests, though he does not turn in much homework he gets straight high marks and praises from his teachers."

Walt started to walk with David and looked toward him. He listened very carefully to what he said. So David was one of part of a great noble family. So that means David was probably part of the popular group. He wondered if their friendship would last. Stopping for a second, he sighed for a moment. "So can I meet some of your friends?"
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 01:27
Willium signed out his books and wondered who else was here.He walked where the person was and saw that it was the girl he had seen early.Hello my name is Prince Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks whats your name.He knew she had seen him staring out the window at her.

Jada looked at Willium and smiled whilst extending her hand to shake Willium's.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I've heard much about you, people back home love and respect your royal family and your polo exploits are well documented, what with polo being very popular in St Samuel."
28-04-2007, 01:55
Himeko's eyes turned to a row of pictures of Destenguished Alumni of the school. "Wow so many of them." She zoned out began to daydream if she could be put on the wall her self. She snaped out of it and read the plaques. "Validictorian....Wow...."
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 02:00
Himeko's eyes turned to a row of pictures of Destenguished Alumni of the school. "Wow so many of them." She zoned out began to daydream if she could be put on the wall her self. She snaped out of it and read the plaques. "Validictorian....Wow...."

Jada stared at the amazing art work in wonder and almost bumped into Himeko.

"Oh sorry, I was just admiring the pictures. I'm Jada, nice to meet you."
28-04-2007, 02:06
I'm Himeko, it's nice to meet you too. Where you from?"
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 02:09
"I'm from St Samuel, where abouts are you from and how are you finding things here?"
28-04-2007, 02:14
"I'm from St Samuel, where abouts are you from and how are you finding things here?"

"Well enough. It's so strange I've never been in such a big school before."
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 02:14
Walt started to walk with David and looked toward him. He listened very carefully to what he said. So David was one of part of a great noble family. So that means David was probably part of the popular group. He wondered if their friendship would last. Stopping for a second, he sighed for a moment. "So can I meet some of your friends?"David responded," Well sadly my friends will not arrivie until tommorrow."
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-04-2007, 02:15
Having had a...short...discussion with the headmaster, Santina finally bid farewell to her parents and headed for her dormitory with her guard. As she climbed the stairs, she saw a group of people all having what appeared to be a rather interesting discussion.

Well, I may as well. Here goes...

"Hi, how do you do. I'm Santina Barron-Verona."
28-04-2007, 02:40
One of the girl's in a group caught Walt. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and looked to be of a high class. He stopped for a second and paused. Walt tapped David's shoulder. "Who is that?" Walt motioned to the girl.
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 02:44
"Well enough. It's so strange I've never been in such a big school before."

"I can't wait to meet all the different people and cultures, im so interested in languages and travel, it's going to be fantastic."
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 02:49
Having had a...short...discussion with the headmaster, Santina finally bid farewell to her parents and headed for her dormitory with her guard. As she climbed the stairs, she saw a group of people all having what appeared to be a rather interesting discussion.

Well, I may as well. Here goes...

"Hi, how do you do. I'm Santina Barron-Verona."A member of the group decided to take the fore front and said," Greetings my lady, I am Gerald te Mesraba. And these are my friends, from left to right, Lawrence, Godfrey, Emily, Edmund, and Elizabeth."
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 02:54
One of the girl's in a group caught Walt. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and looked to be of a high class. He stopped for a second and paused. Walt tapped David's shoulder. "Who is that?" Walt motioned to the girl.David laughed and then said," Well, I will give you her name which is Erin and the rest is up to you."
28-04-2007, 02:56
"I can't wait to meet all the different people and cultures, im so interested in languages and travel, it's going to be fantastic."

"Isn't it really exciting? But still I'm a little nervouse, this is my first time away from home. But this is a school I wanted so I'm here."
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 02:58
Jada bid Himeko farewell and hoped they would talk some more later and continued her walk around the school in search of other students she could talk to.
28-04-2007, 02:59
Himeko waved her off as she left. Himeko contiuned her own exploration around the school.
28-04-2007, 03:03
"Well I might as well try, even if I'm feeding myself to the lions. Just wait here." Walt put down his backpack near a bench. Slowly he walked over to Erin. She was part of a large group. He needed to get her attention somehow. Walt went to a large pole, and thought for a moment. Thinking of a plan, Walt walked closer to her and bumped into her. She tripped over and fell to the ground. "Sorry about that..." Walt put out his hand.
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-04-2007, 03:05
A member of the group decided to take the fore front and said," Greetings my lady, I am Gerald te Mesraba. And these are my friends, from left to right, Lawrence, Godfrey, Emily, Edmund, and Elizabeth."

"A pleasure to meet you, Gerald. It'll be nice to know at least someone here. Erm...Sergeant, do you want to just drop my case off in my room? Thankyou. Then you can head home. Shan't want to keep any longer than necessary."

"Yes m'a'm. Right away."

As he strode off, cases under each arm, she began talking again.

"One of father's bodyguards. And now mine, apparently. It's just the way of being First Daughter - that is, the daughter of the President. I'm here to learn the finer points of etiquette, and a little on international diplomacy that my father can't teach. May I ask about you all?"

OOC: That's right, I'll make it awkward :p
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 03:09
Jada sat on a bench near a patch of perfect lawn and opened the book that she had selected from the library, the cover read 'A History of Scandinvan Empire.' As she read the first chapter she glanced away from the page and watched the constant flow of smartly dressed students, many of them chatting away. Children of king's, lord's, Duke's and minister's, Jada felt at home.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 15:58
Willium wondered how she knew about him.he asked her,How do you know about my family Jada,have you ever been to United Kingdom2 before.He was very shocked because he had never seen this gril before but she knew about him.
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 16:29
"As I said your royal family is very popular in St Samuel and alot of the womens magazines has storys and exclusives on your family."
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 16:51
I never knew that.So most of the people in St.Samuel knew me and my family.It's just shocking to me.So is your family from a noble house or something.
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 17:11
"A pleasure to meet you, Gerald. It'll be nice to know at least someone here. Erm...Sergeant, do you want to just drop my case off in my room? Thankyou. Then you can head home. Shan't want to keep any longer than necessary."

"Yes m'a'm. Right away."

As he strode off, cases under each arm, she began talking again.

"One of father's bodyguards. And now mine, apparently. It's just the way of being First Daughter - that is, the daughter of the President. I'm here to learn the finer points of etiquette, and a little on international diplomacy that my father can't teach. May I ask about you all?"

OOC: That's right, I'll make it awkward :p OOC: Get rid of the guard as I do not want one following you around all day as look as I have my own heir at the school without a body guard.:D

Yet, the school is guarded by a regiment of Imperial Guards.

IC: Gerald replied," Well met then, but yet to say this school only really offers classes and the students here, though one day will be politically powerful, are currently not one whom you should learn etiquette from in the most part. Yet, if you wish I would recommend finding Prince Olaf IV whom you could learn more about my country's mannerisms from and also make a friend whom shall one day run the whole of this nation."
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-04-2007, 17:19
OOC: Get rid of the guard as I do not want one following you around all day as look as I have my own heir at the school without a body guard.:D

Yet, the school is guarded by a regiment of Imperial Guards.

IC: Gerald replied," Well met then, but yet to say this school only really offers classes and the students here, though one day will be politically powerful, are currently not one whom you should learn etiquette from in the most part. Yet, if you wish I would recommend finding Prince Olaf IV whom you could learn more about my country's mannerisms from and also make a friend whom shall one day run the whole of this nation."

OOC: Don't worry, now that the big scary guard has dropped off the cases, you won't see him again :D

ICness: "Well, my father would be impressed that, in the course of schooling, I furthered my nations interests. As much as I don't like doing so, I have a duty and all that.

So, can I ask where I might find Prince Olaf?"
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 17:41
OOC: Don't worry, now that the big scary guard has dropped off the cases, you won't see him again :D

ICness: "Well, my father would be impressed that, in the course of schooling, I furthered my nations interests. As much as I don't like doing so, I have a duty and all that.

So, can I ask where I might find Prince Olaf?"Thinking for a moment he replied," Well, he would most likely be at the track working out right now."
28-04-2007, 17:42
OOC: *cough my post cough*
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 17:50
"Well I might as well try, even if I'm feeding myself to the lions. Just wait here." Walt put down his backpack near a bench. Slowly he walked over to Erin. She was part of a large group. He needed to get her attention somehow. Walt went to a large pole, and thought for a moment. Thinking of a plan, Walt walked closer to her and bumped into her. She tripped over and fell to the ground. "Sorry about that..." Walt put out his hand.Erin's brother seeing the commotion came over, helped Erin up, and then jokingly pushed Walt back and said," What was that about?":p
28-04-2007, 17:51
Erin's brother seeing the commotion came over, helped Erin up, and then jokingly pushed Walt back and said," What was that about?"

"I accidentally bumped into her. I was going to help her up." Walt turned back toward Erin. "Sorry about that...what is your name? I'm new around here."
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 17:54
"I accidentally bumped into her. I was going to help her up." Walt turned back toward Erin. "Sorry about that...what is your name? I'm new around here."Erin seeing the rather corny antics of Walt said," Well, my name is Erin and yours is..."
28-04-2007, 18:03
Erin seeing the rather corny antics of Walt said," Well, my name is Erin and yours is..."

"My name is Walt Oskar." Walt looked at her and fell in love. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Walt looked away, so he would not stare at her. Now he was staring at her brother. "So about bumping into you sister. It was just a simple mistake. Okay?"
Granade Turquesa Isla
28-04-2007, 18:05
"Wait up!" Marta cried after her brother Alex.

"Hurry up we haven't got all day."

"Your a sports player your faster than me."

"Then start."

"I hate sports."

"Cry me a river will you."

They arrived at the bus stop that would take them to the school. Some random person pushed Marta down

"Hey help her up then get lost!"

Alex's agressive side suddenly came out as he grabbed the shirt of the boy that pushed her. "Okay okay, sorry."

The bus had arrived they boarded and rode to their brand new school.

"It's so pretty!"

"Right, come on."
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 18:19
Willium walked up to his room.He cleaned it up and went on his laptop and turned on thetv to watch some BBC.Did he have feelings for Jada he couldn't he was getting married to Emily.He needed to control himself even though she knew him and his family.He hadn't seen John around the room since today.He checked his email and found ten emails from was he going to explain to her.
28-04-2007, 18:19
Aya suddenly woke up. "Ooh I must have dozed off." She decided she should probably get familiar with the campus. Along the way she bumped into Maria. "Oh sorry, my fault I wasn't paying attention." Maria just silently gatherd her stuff and looked at Aya with confused look. "Are you okay?"

Maria searched but she didn't have her pad.

"Hey your from Kanami too?"

Aya could see the Kanami flag on her bag. Suprising Aya's family didn't have much patriosim. They opposed the acts of the Romney Administration.

Of course Maria could not answer. She could understand Aya, unless she slowed down in her speach. It would be pointless to try to speak. Maria just flushed red and ran off/

"Okay, rude." Aya had no clue she was deaf. Aya was confused and perplexied and a little angry. She shurgged and walked on admiring the many art works on the wall, passing the validictorian wall and other pictures.

Maria dodged out into the libary. Chances are she wouldn't embarass her self further. How stupid was she forgetting her pad of paper. Not off to a great start
28-04-2007, 18:43
John ran back in the room exictedly, holding a music book and told William, "I found a rock and roll book, so I can play some more music on my guitar. Have you sent that video to your dad yet, if so, what does he think of the Battle of Kulkova my dad was in? Do have any games we could play on your computer, it would pass the time, say do you know where Himeko is?"

He sat down in the chair next to William.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 19:02
Thats good John.Yeah i sent the video to my dad.He said thats amazing how you dad fought like that.No i don't have on my laptop but i have video games in one of my suitcase's.I've seen Himeko all day.Willium started emailing back Emily.There's this girl Jada that came.I think i have feelings for her in some way.She knows my family and me from magazines.What should i do.
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 19:09
I never knew that.So most of the people in St.Samuel knew me and my family.It's just shocking to me.So is your family from a noble house or something.

"Well my dad is Governor of the St Amand province and a Lord Admiral in the Royal Navy. Pretty much mixed in all the right circles my dad has and that's how I ended up here. No Royal blood but bought up on caviar!"
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 19:15
So Jada wasn't royal but her was a governor.He wondered in his room was he doing the right thing in marrying Emily.He had strong feelings for Emily but for some reason he also had strong feelings for Jada.He need to figure out he had between Jada before getting married to Emily.
St Samuel
28-04-2007, 19:21
With students slowly starting to disperse and make themselves at home around the school Jada returned to her room where she changed into some leggings and a t-shirt. Jada liked to keep herself fit and set out on her evening run which normaly lasted 2 hours.
28-04-2007, 19:29
John looked at William and said "Are you worried about something, if you are, I can play you some music on my guitar to have you feel better?"

John picked up his Gibson SG and strummed "I'm Heartsick and Hungry", and when he finished he said "Did that make you feel better William?"
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 19:45
Yes i am John.I think i might be have second thoughts about getting married to Emily.I don't know why but i think i like someone else.Willium didn't feel better at all.He should try and find out why he wanted to marry Emily.
28-04-2007, 19:51
John looked at William, "Well, why did you want to marry her in the first place, I think she would make a good wife for you. Plus, she's from your own country, I don't think your father would like you to marry someone, not of royal blood in the first place. Second, It would be a terrible thing for Emily, to know that you rejected her, and also it would hurt her feelings. I'm not trying to make you angry William, I am just trying to get you to realize why you love Emily." He sat down and patted William on the shoulder.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 20:12
I guess your right.I wanted to marry her becauseshe is smart,cute and understanding all them time.Andi don't want to hurt her.I just love her so much i guess.I need to keep her and not give her up.Willium hoped it would work.
28-04-2007, 20:24
John smiled and said "Thew, that crisis is over, when this school year term is done, I've been thinking about flying over to Unitedkingdom2 and staying with you guys until the next term, for my dad's already given me permission to stay with you guys. Here's a picture of my girlfriend playing guitar with me, see she's the one with blue eyes and blond hair, and like Emily, she's smart, and cute, and has musical ability." HE sat back and grinned at Wiliam and then said "I'm going to make a cake in celebration of your future wedding, what flavor cake do you like? White or Chocolate?"

OOC:I couldn't find a good picture of a girl so I'll just do it IC.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 20:45
I allready planned for you and your girlfriend to meet Emily.Your girlfriend is very cute too.I like Chocolate but vanilla so you can out both in the cake.Willium went on his laptop and printed out two airtickets.One for you and your girlfriend when this term is over.

OOC:Ok,you can pick a picture from the brtish royal family or something.
28-04-2007, 20:52
John smiled and said "I am quite excited, I shall pocket the tickets somewhere safe, like in my laptop case. I have already have been accepted into the Calizorinstani Navy. Dad has reserved a slot for me, so after this school, I shall be in the Navy like him onboard a ship. Let's tune in to BBC to see what's happened involving the St.Sameul conflict." When John turned on the BBC channel, it happened to be the news and they announcer said "The latest news in the Steven's Bay conflict, Calizorinstan has sent one carrier battle group, consisting of 1 carrier, 3-5 destroyers it looks like, and 2 battleships, and 4 subs. The one battleship we have seen is the R.C.S Mira Mesa, with Cap.John Arnold commanding it, or rather Adm.John Arnold. He has gotten 1 Medal of Honor, and one Iron Cross from the state of Calizorinstan. We will have an interview tonight with him at 7:00." John turned off the T.V and looked at William shocked. "Dad never told me he was going anywhere, odd quite unlike him really. I think we should record the interview for your dad William, I am planning to watch it, what about you?"
He was in a daze at this latest news.
Red Tide2
28-04-2007, 20:53
OOC: This is incase I am accepted, if I am not, ignore this.

Ariga International Airport, seventeen hours earlier...

Keriona sighed as she walked towards the gate, she was alone... her father was busy working and she just wanted to get some rest on the plane. She tensed up as she approached the NKVD agent standing by the planes gate. The NKVD were the ones who viewed peoples tickets and papers, just to make sure no-one was leaving illegaly.

"Papers and ticket..." The AGent said monotonously.

She already everything in her hand and gave it over to him.

"Welcome aboard..." The Agent said and waved her through.

Present Time, Imperial Preparatory School...

Tatiana was wearing her jeans and a regular, brown shirt as she walked into the entrance to the school, towing her luggage behind her.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 20:59
Willium was very shocked.Yeah i'll tell my dad.That was very quickly when he allready was in a battle but now he's in one.My dad has given me a slot in thhe UK2 Royal Force and then the Royal Navy so maybe after this school we might met with each other.Willium went on his internet and saw the same thing on the BBC website.John look at this,it's all over news channels.Wow your dad must be really famous.
28-04-2007, 21:04
John leapt up and said "I can't belive what I am seeing, I think things have changed. And look (he pointed to the to headline) it say's "Calizorinstan Battle Group headed towards St.Samuel, and an exculsive interview with Adm.John Arnold." I am feeling kinda weird, I am going to make my white cake now, and you can update me on the news, as I make the cake." John ran to the kitchen, and got out the bowls, and ingrediants needed to make the cake.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 21:16
Willium watched the tv.He then saw a shocking news flash,breaking news Prince Edward the third Duke of Sevenoaks has been shot down off the coast of Northern Ireland.Willium went on his laptop and started sending emails to his family trying to find out what happened.
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-04-2007, 21:44
Thinking for a moment he replied," Well, he would most likely be at the track working out right now."

"Hmm. Exercise. Ergh. Not a fan of it myself. Either way, it was an unequivocal pleasure to meet you all. I do hope we'll do so again."

She made her way through the school, admiring the architecture of the old hallways and corridors. Masters in old gowns, students in formal uniforms...this was a world she liked. She felt that this was a world of order, of discipline, a world her father had brought her up to feel was right and true.

Crossing the manicured lawns she saw (although she didn't know then) Jada of St Samuel and Willium of United Kingdom2. They seem to be either engrossed in a book or each other in conversation.

Reaching the track, she saw a lone runner finishing his laps. She approached, trying to appear confident; failing miserably.

"Hello, how do you do. Am I right in assuming you're Prince Olaf?"
28-04-2007, 23:21
John relpied out of the kitchen "Who in your family has been shot? Who shot him anyway, ooh!" He felt his LG KE850 phone ring, it was his Dad! "Hallo Dad, yeah I heard about your deployment, wow! You already shelled the suspected troublemaker's in Steven's Bay! How many did you get? Hmm, you say maybe 45-50, and what about the jets? Wow, they have atttacked the bad guys already! You are on BBC now! I am with my roommate, one of his family members was just shot in Ireland. Okay, I will thanks dad, bye." Jack hung up, and told William what his Dad just said, and told William "He and I offer our condolences." He sat back down, hand on head.
The Scandinvans
28-04-2007, 23:57
OOC: This is incase I am accepted, if I am not, ignore this.

Ariga International Airport, seventeen hours earlier...

Keriona sighed as she walked towards the gate, she was alone... her father was busy working and she just wanted to get some rest on the plane. She tensed up as she approached the NKVD agent standing by the planes gate. The NKVD were the ones who viewed peoples tickets and papers, just to make sure no-one was leaving illegaly.

"Papers and ticket..." The AGent said monotonously.

She already everything in her hand and gave it over to him.

"Welcome aboard..." The Agent said and waved her through.

Present Time, Imperial Preparatory School...

Tatiana was wearing her jeans and a regular, brown shirt as she walked into the entrance to the school, towing her luggage behind her.At the school entrance an old woman called to her and said," Young lady please come over so we can sort where you are staying and give you your school clothes."
Red Tide2
29-04-2007, 01:03
OOC: Does your nation speak English?

IC: Keriona walked up to the Old Lady, assuming she was a authority figure.

"Yes, ma'm." She said in accented English.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 01:49
"Hmm. Exercise. Ergh. Not a fan of it myself. Either way, it was an unequivocal pleasure to meet you all. I do hope we'll do so again."

She made her way through the school, admiring the architecture of the old hallways and corridors. Masters in old gowns, students in formal uniforms...this was a world she liked. She felt that this was a world of order, of discipline, a world her father had brought her up to feel was right and true.

Crossing the manicured lawns she saw (although she didn't know then) Jada of St Samuel and Willium of United Kingdom2. They seem to be either engrossed in a book or each other in conversation.

Reaching the track, she saw a lone runner finishing his laps. She approached, trying to appear confident; failing miserably.

"Hello, how do you do. Am I right in assuming you're Prince Olaf?"OOC: Because I would feel awkward typing this in IC to note Prince Olaf basically has an appearance on par with any movie star and also has a carved appearance.

Prince Olaf stopped with his strong body being able to do so quickly he just stopped a couple of feet in front of the girl. Then he replied,” Good day to you my lady.” Bowing he continued,” To answer your question I am Prince Olaf. And to ask a question of my own. May I ask the name of the beauty I am talking to?”
Pan-Arab Barronia
29-04-2007, 02:07
OOC: Because I would feel awkward typing this in IC to note Prince Olaf basically has an appearance on par with any movie star and also has a carved appearance.

Prince Olaf stopped with his strong body being able to do so quickly he just stopped a couple of feet in front of the girl. Then he replied,” Good day to you my lady.” Bowing he continued,” To answer your question I am Prince Olaf. And to ask a question of my own. May I ask the name of the beauty I am talking to?”

OOC: No worries. I'd feel the same way :p


Santina blushed. Being called a "beauty" was unknown to her. Maybe this guy was just a charmer. Either way, it was a nice change.

"Oh, well, erm, my name is Santina Verona-Barron, First Daughter of Pan-Arab Barronia, and future elaborate, I've been told that you're the person to talk to when it comes to Scandinvan history and etiquette. Perhaps, once you're changed, we can take a walk around the grounds and you can tell me a little about yourself and your beautiful nation?"
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 02:57
OOC: Does your nation speak English?

IC: Keriona walked up to the Old Lady, assuming she was a authority figure.

"Yes, ma'm." She said in accented English.OOC: My country speaks English, German, Old Norse, and multiple forms of Valgardian.

IC: The woman replied," What is your name, young mistress."

OOC: To note mistress in my Empire does not have negative implications.
Red Tide2
29-04-2007, 03:21
She wasnt called mistress in her Dacha, usually 'Madam', but it didnt seem to effect her.

"It is Koriana Tapinski, Mrs." She said, somewhat nervous.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 03:41
OOC: No worries. I'd feel the same way :p


Santina blushed. Being called a "beauty" was unknown to her. Maybe this guy was just a charmer. Either way, it was a nice change.

"Oh, well, erm, my name is Santina Verona-Barron, First Daughter of Pan-Arab Barronia, and future elaborate, I've been told that you're the person to talk to when it comes to Scandinvan history and etiquette. Perhaps, once you're changed, we can take a walk around the grounds and you can tell me a little about yourself and your beautiful nation?"Prince Olaf replied,” Give me a minute to change and clean up and we can get right on it.”

After two minutes he came back out wearing his house Erita’s robes with the distinctive Imperial badge on his clothes he then said,” Well, to start the full history of my nations stretches back over 5,000 years and with my family passing the title Emperor being passed from father to son throughout the entire time. To note many of the greatest noble houses were founded by branch members of the direct Imperial family.

Yet, to go into much detail though you have specify on which era want more info as my people’s history has been well recorded and I have had to memorize most of it.

As for etiquette most of it is quite proper with people addressing each other by their titles, bowing when meeting a new person, do not use slang, do not introduce new worlds into a language, and we are known for the fact that we have legal non-lethal physical duels over insults of serve degrees, such as a person harming us physically or dishonoring are kin through hateful scorn.”
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 03:49
Aya suddenly woke up. "Ooh I must have dozed off." She decided she should probably get familiar with the campus. Along the way she bumped into Maria. "Oh sorry, my fault I wasn't paying attention." Maria just silently gatherd her stuff and looked at Aya with confused look. "Are you okay?"

Maria searched but she didn't have her pad.

"Hey your from Kanami too?"

Aya could see the Kanami flag on her bag. Suprising Aya's family didn't have much patriosim. They opposed the acts of the Romney Administration.

Of course Maria could not answer. She could understand Aya, unless she slowed down in her speach. It would be pointless to try to speak. Maria just flushed red and ran off/

"Okay, rude." Aya had no clue she was deaf. Aya was confused and perplexied and a little angry. She shurgged and walked on admiring the many art works on the wall, passing the validictorian wall and other pictures.

Maria dodged out into the libary. Chances are she wouldn't embarass her self further. How stupid was she forgetting her pad of paper. Not off to a great startThe wall was full of pictures of people whom stood proud and noble, in fact many of them were descended from the nobility and a number of them were Scandinvan princes.

At the library the women in charge of rose a pad of paper and a pen at her as she thought she had just forgotten her notebook and was angry at that so she was not paying attention.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 03:59
She wasnt called mistress in her Dacha, usually 'Madam', but it didnt seem to effect her.

"It is Koriana Tapinski, Mrs." She said, somewhat nervous.The lady replied," Do not worry as I am just giving your room assigment in the dorm house of your school house Hammonton and also your clothes with your House coat of arms on it."

She give her keys to her room and a bag full of 12 sets of shirts, 12 school color skirts of her choice of apporaite length, six school sweaters, four pairs of school shoes, three school hats of different types, and a number of ties that she could choose to wear with the school colors.
29-04-2007, 04:27
The wall was full of pictures of people whom stood proud and noble, in fact many of them were descended from the nobility and a number of them were Scandinvan princes.

At the library the women in charge of rose a pad of paper and a pen at her as she thought she had just forgotten her notebook and was angry at that so she was not paying attention.

Maria saw a pad of paper was being held up for her. She grabbed it from the woman and wrote largely THANK YOU and she also signed thank you.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 04:38
Maria saw a pad of paper was being held up for her. She grabbed it from the woman and wrote largely THANK YOU and she also signed thank you.The woman printed out a list of books that were related to the subjects which the girl would be taking and then gave it to her.

OOC: To note I am just doing this automatically and do not want to go into details how.
29-04-2007, 04:47
Maria took the list and gave a big smile to the librian. She found the appropriate books took them in armes and left. She was feeling better but now the girl must think she was a total jerk
29-04-2007, 05:01
John said suddenly after they had been silent, "Hey, let's go outside and meet the other students, that might make you feel better. In honor of recent events involving your relatives and mine, I am going to change into my dress navy blues my father gave me." John went to change, and he came back sharp and handsome, and saluted William. He then marched outside, and walked around the campus looking for students he hadn't yet met.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 05:13
Maria took the list and gave a big smile to the librian. She found the appropriate books took them in armes and left. She was feeling better but now the girl must think she was a total jerkThe libarian smiled back and then went back to her work.
29-04-2007, 05:17
John walked into the libary with his Calizorinstani ROTC dress blues on, and went to the libarian's desk and asked "Do you happen to have a copy, of "The History of Calizorinstan"? Because I would like to do an essay on the history of my own country, if that's okay with the school." He shifted uncomfortably, as he waited for an answer.
29-04-2007, 16:50
Erin seeing the rather corny antics of Walt said," Well, my name is Erin and yours is..."

"My name is Walt Oskar." Walt looked at her and fell in love. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Walt looked away, so he would not stare at her. Now he was staring at her brother. "So about bumping into you sister. It was just a simple mistake. Okay?"
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 17:09
John walked into the libary with his Calizorinstani ROTC dress blues on, and went to the libarian's desk and asked "Do you happen to have a copy, of "The History of Calizorinstan"? Because I would like to do an essay on the history of my own country, if that's okay with the school." He shifted uncomfortably, as he waited for an answer.The librarian simply replied by printing out a sheet of paper with a number of books related to John's nations.
Pan-Arab Barronia
29-04-2007, 17:17
Prince Olaf replied,” Give me a minute to change and clean up and we can get right on it.”

After two minutes he came back out wearing his house Erita’s robes with the distinctive Imperial badge on his clothes he then said,” Well, to start the full history of my nations stretches back over 5,000 years and with my family passing the title Emperor being passed from father to son throughout the entire time. To note many of the greatest noble houses were founded by branch members of the direct Imperial family.

Yet, to go into much detail though you have specify on which era want more info as my people’s history has been well recorded and I have had to memorize most of it.

As for etiquette most of it is quite proper with people addressing each other by their titles, bowing when meeting a new person, do not use slang, do not introduce new worlds into a language, and we are known for the fact that we have legal non-lethal physical duels over insults of serve degrees, such as a person harming us physically or dishonoring are kin through hateful scorn.”

"Wow, it really goes back that far? That's amazing. Barronia only goes back around 500 years, most of it bloodshed, unfortunately. That's the way my father came to power." She shook her head. "It was a revolution of sorts. The people were sick of the Royal family neglecting the country for their own gain. My father was declared Barronia's first President, and, whilst there has been some civil unrest in the early years, it's been generally quiet. There was a bit of scare as of late, a bolshevik uprising in Tunisiana - nearly resulted in both my father and I being killed after the Rebel leader decided to open fire in a conference room. My father assures me that's not common, but he's commissioned an order declaring the uprising as a danger to The Arab League, and ordered it's immediate destruction. Around a quarter of the Army has been mobilised so far. It'll be...interesting. We're working with another nation, Al Khamali, on it, so it should be a short-lived operation.

Anyway, as for your natio-"

Her phone was ringing. Answering it, she held a hand up to stop the prince from interrupting.

"Yes? Oh, father. I'm fine, thankyou. No, I'm nowhere near a terminal. Up in my room. Does it matter who I'm with? Oh? Well, for your information, I'm with the Prince of the Scandinvan Empire. He's telling me a little about himself and the Empire. Nothing more." She mouthed to the prince "I can't believe him!" "Anyway, what's the matter? What? No! The entire complex? What about in Compendiensis? Still fully opinion? But I'm just fourteen! Training? Fine...send in an NBC Regiment, along with Riot Soldiers. Any spare medical personnel to the city. And find out where intelligence failed. Pardon? Oh. Well...thankyou. Bye dad."

She'd gone pale. When asked the matter, she replied:

"A low-yield nuclear weapon has been set off in our main port in Barronia. They say it was the Tunisianian rebels. It's managed to disable all ship-building facilities in the area, and has killed nearly everyone there. you know where I can get to a secure terminal? I need to speak with my father on this...sorry to cut our conversation short. Here, take this -" she tears a piece of paper from a notepad and writes an 11-digit mobile telephone number on it - "give me a phone call when you're free, and you can tell me a little more about the nation. Now, about that terminal..."
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 17:51
"My name is Walt Oskar." Walt looked at her and fell in love. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Walt looked away, so he would not stare at her. Now he was staring at her brother. "So about bumping into you sister. It was just a simple mistake. Okay?"Her brother replied," It quite alright as I was just joking around with you."

Erin then said," Well meet then stranger and who migth I help you."
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 18:01
"Wow, it really goes back that far? That's amazing. Barronia only goes back around 500 years, most of it bloodshed, unfortunately. That's the way my father came to power." She shook her head. "It was a revolution of sorts. The people were sick of the Royal family neglecting the country for their own gain. My father was declared Barronia's first President, and, whilst there has been some civil unrest in the early years, it's been generally quiet. There was a bit of scare as of late, a bolshevik uprising in Tunisiana - nearly resulted in both my father and I being killed after the Rebel leader decided to open fire in a conference room. My father assures me that's not common, but he's commissioned an order declaring the uprising as a danger to The Arab League, and ordered it's immediate destruction. Around a quarter of the Army has been mobilised so far. It'll be...interesting. We're working with another nation, Al Khamali, on it, so it should be a short-lived operation.

Anyway, as for your natio-"

Her phone was ringing. Answering it, she held a hand up to stop the prince from interrupting.

"Yes? Oh, father. I'm fine, thankyou. No, I'm nowhere near a terminal. Up in my room. Does it matter who I'm with? Oh? Well, for your information, I'm with the Prince of the Scandinvan Empire. He's telling me a little about himself and the Empire. Nothing more." She mouthed to the prince "I can't believe him!" "Anyway, what's the matter? What? No! The entire complex? What about in Compendiensis? Still fully opinion? But I'm just fourteen! Training? Fine...send in an NBC Regiment, along with Riot Soldiers. Any spare medical personnel to the city. And find out where intelligence failed. Pardon? Oh. Well...thankyou. Bye dad."

She'd gone pale. When asked the matter, she replied:

"A low-yield nuclear weapon has been set off in our main port in Barronia. They say it was the Tunisianian rebels. It's managed to disable all ship-building facilities in the area, and has killed nearly everyone there. you know where I can get to a secure terminal? I need to speak with my father on this...sorry to cut our conversation short. Here, take this -" she tears a piece of paper from a notepad and writes an 11-digit mobile telephone number on it - "give me a phone call when you're free, and you can tell me a little more about the nation. Now, about that terminal..."Taking out his stranger looking phone that was designed as something more military while still possessing more of the qualities of the most popular cell phone designs he took the phone number down and then said,” Well, if you are in a hurry you can use my phone which is fully secure line if you type in the code of 7852 before the number. The line itself uses Scandinvan Imperial communication satellites which can uproot directly to your nation’s own communication lines with no security problem due to the fact each time it reaches a new satellite if it recoded and then it is descrambled once it gets a secure link with the person you wish to talk to.

As for me having this my father wanted me to able to communicate privately with any Imperial family member without any worries somebody would be listening in us except those that we trusted.”
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 18:18
Willium was upset.His father was alive but he just couldn't believe this would happen.He walked out the room and went outside.He sat down and jut thought to himself.He was getting married and now this. Willium walked into library and got a book and started reading it.

OOC:When does classes start.
29-04-2007, 18:45
Her brother replied," It quite alright as I was just joking around with you."

Erin then said," Well meet then stranger and who might I help you."

"Could we perhaps go to a more private place. It is very urgent." Walt looked at the Erin, and turned a deep scarlet.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 19:12
Willium was upset.His father was alive but he just couldn't believe this would happen.He walked out the room and went outside.He sat down and jut thought to himself.He was getting married and now this. Willium walked into library and got a book and started reading it.

OOC:When does classes start.OOC: When I want it to.;)

Yet, whenever you guys want it to would be alright.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 19:15
"Could we perhaps go to a more private place. It is very urgent." Walt looked at the Erin, and turned a deep scarlet.Her brother replied," What could so important as for you to meet in private."
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 19:15

Willium walked over to sign out the book.He smiled at the librarian and waited for to sign out the books.He was getting bored so he started asking her some questions."How long have you been work at this school".
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 19:16

Willium walked over to sign out the book.He smiled at the librarian and waited for to sign out the books.He was getting bored so he started asking her some questions."How long have you been work at this school"."For about 45 years, young master."
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 19:21
"Thats a long time,you don't have to call me master;my name's Willium".He wanted to ask her so many questions but it would be rude to do so.But he asked her one more question,"Why did you want to work here".
29-04-2007, 19:32
Her brother replied," What could so important as for you to meet in private."

"That is why it needs to be said in private." said Walt as he looked at Erin's brother. He hoped that her brother would stop asking questions, but the only person he wanted to hear answer was Erin.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 20:15
"Thats a long time,you don't have to call me master;my name's Willium".He wanted to ask her so many questions but it would be rude to do so.But he asked her one more question,"Why did you want to work here"."I came to work here in order to be able to help in the education for the future leaders of the Scandinvan Empire and because of the great benefits offered here."
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 20:25
Ok i can see why you came here.Willium gave her another book to sign out.He wondered if John was back in there room but he had to wait for the librarian to finnsh signing them out.He needed to check his email badly and find out about his father if he was ok.
St Samuel
29-04-2007, 20:47
Ok i can see why you came here.Willium gave her another book to sign out.He wondered if John was back in there room but he had to wait for the librarian to finnsh signing them out.He needed to check his email badly and find out about his father if he was ok.

As Jada was nearing the end of her run she came across Willium who was looking down.

"Oh, er, hi Willium. I don't really know what to say, I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. It's on all the news channels back home. I pray every thing is going to be ok. Do you know why or who did it?"

The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 21:00
"That is why it needs to be said in private." said Walt as he looked at Erin's brother. He hoped that her brother would stop asking questions, but the only person he wanted to hear answer was Erin.Erin smugly replied," The mind is a thickle thing and the hearts of the Valgardian nobility hard to win."

With that she turned around and left, much to the grinmace of her brother though whom silently said to Walt," To gain her attention one must first prove one's self to her."
Pan-Arab Barronia
29-04-2007, 21:17
Taking out his stranger looking phone that was designed as something more military while still possessing more of the qualities of the most popular cell phone designs he took the phone number down and then said,” Well, if you are in a hurry you can use my phone which is fully secure line if you type in the code of 7852 before the number. The line itself uses Scandinvan Imperial communication satellites which can uproot directly to your nation’s own communication lines with no security problem due to the fact each time it reaches a new satellite if it recoded and then it is descrambled once it gets a secure link with the person you wish to talk to.

As for me having this my father wanted me to able to communicate privately with any Imperial family member without any worries somebody would be listening in us except those that we trusted.”

"Thankyou. It's really appreciated, it really is."

Taking the telephone, she followed his instruction, inputting 7852 then +193 and then an Interior Ministry telephone number.

"Yes, I'd like to be patched through to the President. Pardon? Authorisation?" Of course. This wasn't within national borders. "Erm...let's see..." she rootled inside her handbag. Authorisation codes, authorisation codes... Her father had warned her that she shouldn't keep them there, but she did so anyway. What if she needed them, like now?

"Right, let's see. Code is:" down to a whisper "seven-bravo-india-papa-juliet-charlie-charlie-niner. Thankyou."

She paused. "On hold?!? What is this? Some mail-order service? Bloody he - oh, hello, dad...yes. No, this line is secure. It's the Prince's telephone. Yes, dad, I promise. Anyway. You said you wanted me to take control. Right. Well, orders are as follows: The Fleet is to commence double-strength bombardment with the Adriatic force included. Any spare aircraft carriers - I want them there. 1st, 6th and 8th Armies are to move to the southern Tunisianan border and move for key towns. General Strom can take care of the details. SSBNs on standby. They want to kill our civilians, we'll just stoop to their level and show them what it's like. Yes, daddy, I know I'm taking a hardline stance. Remember, they leaked a biochemical into the Khamalian river, too - we need to show them who's boss. Nothing less than day-and-night annihalation of these idiots. Thankyou daddy. Yes, I miss you too. I'll see you soon."

She turned back to Olaf. The colour had come back to her cheeks, and she seemed happier, if a little more aggressive.

"There. Nothing like protecting our interests to get the blood flowing. Now, I'll want to get back to my dormitory to get changed into something more proper, these travelling clothes do nothing for me. would you like to take a stroll with me on the way back?"
29-04-2007, 21:34
Erin smugly replied," The mind is a thickle thing and the hearts of the Valgardian nobility hard to win."

With that she turned around and left, much to the grimace of her brother though whom silently said to Walt," To gain her attention one must first prove one's self to her."

"How does one prove himself to this fair ladies' hand? If your hearts are hard to win, then I wanted there to be a fight." Walt stood his ground and gazed at her brother. Now his cheeks were a slight light red. Walt would fight to win Erin's heart. He quickly looked back at David. David was right.
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 21:52
Hi Jada.Thank you very much.They know what happen but they won't tell the news channels anything.I'm going to call my family tonight and find out.Willium just stared out the window to sad to move.
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 21:55
"Thankyou. It's really appreciated, it really is."

Taking the telephone, she followed his instruction, inputting 7852 then +193 and then an Interior Ministry telephone number.

"Yes, I'd like to be patched through to the President. Pardon? Authorisation?" Of course. This wasn't within national borders. "Erm...let's see..." she rootled inside her handbag. Authorisation codes, authorisation codes... Her father had warned her that she shouldn't keep them there, but she did so anyway. What if she needed them, like now?

"Right, let's see. Code is:" down to a whisper "seven-bravo-india-papa-juliet-charlie-charlie-niner. Thankyou."

She paused. "On hold?!? What is this? Some mail-order service? Bloody he - oh, hello, dad...yes. No, this line is secure. It's the Prince's telephone. Yes, dad, I promise. Anyway. You said you wanted me to take control. Right. Well, orders are as follows: The Fleet is to commence double-strength bombardment with the Adriatic force included. Any spare aircraft carriers - I want them there. 1st, 6th and 8th Armies are to move to the southern Tunisianan border and move for key towns. General Strom can take care of the details. SSBNs on standby. They want to kill our civilians, we'll just stoop to their level and show them what it's like. Yes, daddy, I know I'm taking a hardline stance. Remember, they leaked a biochemical into the Khamalian river, too - we need to show them who's boss. Nothing less than day-and-night annihalation of these idiots. Thankyou daddy. Yes, I miss you too. I'll see you soon."

She turned back to Olaf. The colour had come back to her cheeks, and she seemed happier, if a little more aggressive.

"There. Nothing like protecting our interests to get the blood flowing. Now, I'll want to get back to my dormitory to get changed into something more proper, these travelling clothes do nothing for me. would you like to take a stroll with me on the way back?"Prince Olaf calmly replied," Yes, if that would suit you. Yet, might I ask one question before we depart and that is what do you wish to talk about on the way there."
29-04-2007, 21:58
John signed for his book, and walked outside, and saw William talking to another student, John still in his ROTC dress blues walked up to Willam and said "Hi, who's this student? I am ready for lunch when you are!." Suddenly his cell phone rang, it was his Dad "What, woah! You have already captured some terrorist, what's that! WHy whoa! I can't hear you over the roar of the gun's firing! You say pirates attempting to board, they will be cut down by the CIS gun's wont they? AH, I see, thanks for the update Dad bye." John told William the latest news that his Dad brought him from the front.
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 22:05
John this Jada and Jada this is John.Willium waved to both of them and walked back to the room.He turned on the tv and started watching BBC news.They were talking about his father.Willium turned off the tv and went on his laptop and started talking with Emily.Atleast she didn't talk about what happened alot.
St Samuel
29-04-2007, 22:07
Hi Jada.Thank you very much.They know what happen but they won't tell the news channels anything.I'm going to call my family tonight and find out.Willium just stared out the window to sad to move.

John signed for his book, and walked outside, and saw William talking to another student, John still in his ROTC dress blues walked up to Willam and said "Hi, who's this student? I am ready for lunch when you are!." Suddenly his cell phone rang, it was his Dad "What, woah! You have already captured some terrorist, what's that! WHy whoa! I can't hear you over the roar of the gun's firing! You say pirates attempting to board, they will be cut down by the CIS gun's wont they? AH, I see, thanks for the update Dad bye." John told William the latest news that his Dad brought him from the front.

ooc: Calizorinstan, just to let you know the allied forces haven't started the operation in Stevens Bay yet. So this must have happend on route.:)

Jada stared at Willium pitifully and smiled sympathetically. "Well thank God that he is ok. If you need to talk im more than happy, i'm a good listener."

As John came over Jada turned and smiled. "Hi there, i'm Jada. I take it your Willium's friend."

29-04-2007, 22:09
OOC: Yeah, that's why I said pirates, after all there are still pirates around!

John smiled and said "Hi Jada, if you couldn't tell already by my dress blues, I am military stock, let's go to our room and check out William and Himeko and see how they are doing." He lead her through the passageways towards their room.
St Samuel
29-04-2007, 22:13
OOC: Yeah, that's why I said pirates, after all there are still pirates around!

John smiled and said "Hi Jada, if you couldn't tell already by my dress blues, I am military stock, let's go to our room and check out William and Himeko and see how they are doing." He lead her through the passageways towards their room.

Jada stopped just outside the room. "Erm John, I think its probaly best if I leave Willium on his own"
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 22:14
Willium wanted to ask Emily for she wanted to come and visit him for a few days.She answered back yes to him so he got things ready for her.She had said to him tomorrow she would arrive to visit him.Willium was alittle happy but he was glad that he would have someone he cared about by his side tomorrow.
Pan-Arab Barronia
29-04-2007, 22:30
Prince Olaf calmly replied," Yes, if that would suit you. Yet, might I ask one question before we depart and that is what do you wish to talk about on the way there."

She smiled, a sad smile that someone puts on to hide complete and utter shock and disappointment. She liked Prince Olaf. He seemed concerned, but was too polite to ask about what had happened. Having your nation attacked by a nuclear weapon was never a simple thing, after all, was it?

"Yes, I think it would suit me. And, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to ask your advice - even if we have known each other only 10 minutes.... What would you do? As much as I hate to ask, I have no idea. This is a case of being thrown in the deep end and being told to swim, I mean, I have the lives of over 4 and a half billion people in my care. My father said this is my opportunity to show true leadership, to show the people I have what it takes to rule, but...but...I'm not ready!"

A tear welled in her eye, as she searched for words.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go all "emotional overload" on you. How entirely inappropriate" she sniffled. "Look, would it be okay if we didn't talk on the way back? It's really nothing personal, I just need to have the company of a person and gather my thoughts. Please, lead the way."
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 23:10
Willium wanted to ask Emily for she wanted to come and visit him for a few days.She answered back yes to him so he got things ready for her.She had said to him tomorrow she would arrive to visit him.Willium was alittle happy but he was glad that he would have someone he cared about by his side tomorrow.OOC: Note the school has a closed campus and students are only allowed to leave the campus on the weekends.
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 23:29
The Scandinvans
29-04-2007, 23:30
She smiled, a sad smile that someone puts on to hide complete and utter shock and disappointment. She liked Prince Olaf. He seemed concerned, but was too polite to ask about what had happened. Having your nation attacked by a nuclear weapon was never a simple thing, after all, was it?

"Yes, I think it would suit me. And, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to ask your advice - even if we have known each other only 10 minutes.... What would you do? As much as I hate to ask, I have no idea. This is a case of being thrown in the deep end and being told to swim, I mean, I have the lives of over 4 and a half billion people in my care. My father said this is my opportunity to show true leadership, to show the people I have what it takes to rule, but...but...I'm not ready!"

A tear welled in her eye, as she searched for words.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go all "emotional overload" on you. How entirely inappropriate" she sniffled. "Look, would it be okay if we didn't talk on the way back? It's really nothing personal, I just need to have the company of a person and gather my thoughts. Please, lead the way."Prince Olaf continued walking for a minute and then said," At least know that there are far more retrective fates in this world and that not all can ever have a moments peace."

With that he quited and closed his face to all emotion.
29-04-2007, 23:31
John sat down on the couch and said "I am attempting to write a song William, about us and our situation, so you don't mind me writing and playing, for I need to get the chords just right. Oh say, if you want to learn to play guitar sometime, I have my Fender Stratocaster you can borrow. Oh, and say did I read the tickets that you gave me to visit you and Emily, they were in first class, how nice! Well, my father saw some action, even though he hasn't reached St.Samuel yet, some pirates tried to attack, but I presume they were fought off." He wrote some chords, and muttered "C, A minor, E, F# E, C, A minor" And started strumming the song, attempting to get a feel for it, and when he did he said "What do you think of my song William? I quite like it, now I need lyrics, and I can send it off to Calizorinstani Records, for inclusion in the Calizorin Music Store."
United kingdom2
29-04-2007, 23:46
"it's good John".Willium started talking with Emily on his laptop.He wanted to be with her right now but he couldn't until the weekend.He needed to get happy so he listened to some jokes on his laptop to cheer him up.It worked for awhile but Willium just wanted to see his father.
29-04-2007, 23:52
John strummed it some-more, and then put it down and said "I don't know what I'll do for the weekend, my father is goodness knows where maybe 150 miles outside of Calzorinstan, and my mother is well, not dead, but let's just say she's not at her best, and she is traveling to Alcea I presume. And my brother is a captain on the R.C.S Descanso, also goodness knows where, and my sister is a nurse at the new Red Cross going up, so basicly William, I am as glum as you. I know my father will return, nothing will sink his ship, the only thing that would prevent him from coming back, would be if. if" Here he faltred and croaked "If he was nuked, aghhhh!" He fell back onto the couch and sighed, "Luckily, I think I have a car here, that I can use, it's a Van Luxenburg L6 GT 450hp engine, sat-nav, and leather seats. What say you call Emily, tell her to fly here, and meet us at a resturant this weekend, and I can meet her for the first time." He cheered up slightly at this and got up to get a Coke.
United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 00:00
"I allready asked her to come up here on the weekend.Willium started typing some thing when he heard John say something about a Red Cross.Which red cross is it.
30-04-2007, 00:05
John said "Well, it's the United Kingdom2 Red Cross, she's to be the head nurse apparently, she's taking training long ago, and has been a nurse for 5-6 years. Well, I got more snippets from my Dad, he says, they are almost ready to land our Marines, his ship's will provide support, and the jet's will also, hopefully we will win this battle. Hey, William let's turn on BBC and see if they have anything to say about the Calizorinstani Forces nearing Steven's Bay." He sat down on the couch.
St Samuel
30-04-2007, 00:06
Jada sat down in the canteen and opened up a local newspaper. Just as she began to read an article on the Scandinvan pop charts her attention was attracted to the television playing in the back ground.

'Tonights main headline, an International Alliance is preparing it's invasion of Stevens Bay where they will be looking to restore order to the region.'

Jada felt a stir in her stomach. She knew her father would be on his way with the 4th Royal St Samuel Naval fleet. She also knew that John's father too would be on his way. She couldn't help but feel a slight worry.

30-04-2007, 00:08
John said, as William was turning on the TV "Eh, I doubt my father's going to die, his ship cannot be sunk really by planes, and these Fellini fellows don't posses anything that would sink my father's ship, plus, he's an admiral so I don't think they would let him go, unless he would be safe."
Pan-Arab Barronia
30-04-2007, 00:11
Prince Olaf continued walking for a minute and then said," At least know that there are far more retrective fates in this world and that not all can ever have a moments peace."

With that he quited and closed his face to all emotion.

She smiled her sad little smile again. "Well said." From there, it was silence as they walked to the dormitories.

When they split with a simple goodbye, she headed immediately to her dormitories, albeit slowly. As she wandered through the ancient corridors of the school, she overheard students talking about cars, girlfriends, dinner for the weekend. She smiled once again - at least some people are busy making friends. Maybe she'd organise one of her parent's drivers to take her into town at the weekend, let them know how she's getting on. Maybe.

Reaching her room, she got changed into a more simple look - skirt, blouse, and cashmere cardigan - and dropped down on the bed. Opening her laptop, she sent an e-mail or two to important Ministers, and settled down to read her favourite book - Northern Lights.

OOC: I'll figure out what to do with her later. Any of you want to talk to her, feel free to knock on the door
United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 00:34
I hope your dad lives to tell his tales about his.Willium started watching BBC with him.Things were happening so fast he didn't know where to start from.He got up and started to make dinner for him and John.
St Samuel
30-04-2007, 00:37
She smiled her sad little smile again. "Well said." From there, it was silence as they walked to the dormitories.

When they split with a simple goodbye, she headed immediately to her dormitories, albeit slowly. As she wandered through the ancient corridors of the school, she overheard students talking about cars, girlfriends, dinner for the weekend. She smiled once again - at least some people are busy making friends. Maybe she'd organise one of her parent's drivers to take her into town at the weekend, let them know how she's getting on. Maybe.

Reaching her room, she got changed into a more simple look - skirt, blouse, and cashmere cardigan - and dropped down on the bed. Opening her laptop, she sent an e-mail or two to important Ministers, and settled down to read her favourite book - Northern Lights.

OOC: I'll figure out what to do with her later. Any of you want to talk to her, feel free to knock on the door

Jada saw the girl walk past and head for her room and watched the door close behind her. She decided that she needed some female company and went and knocked on the door hopeing to make a new friend.
30-04-2007, 00:42
The dorm phone rang, and John picked it up "Hello, who is this? , Ah, Emily, I've wanted to talk to you for so long, I am your soon-to be husband's roommate. Ahh, I see you know my father, he's been all over BBC lately, I'll hand you over to William, I'll talk to you after he's done." John yelled inot the kitchen "William, Emily's on the phone, so you can come and pick it up."
Pan-Arab Barronia
30-04-2007, 12:00
Jada saw the girl walk past and head for her room and watched the door close behind her. She decided that she needed some female company and went and knocked on the door hopeing to make a new friend.

Santina was getting bored reading. Her mind was elsewhere - Auraliae Aquensi, to be exact. She needed to know what was going on, and the government wasn't giving answers.

Although she didn't want to, she turned on the television and went to ABCTAL (Arab Broadcasting Commission, The Arab League), and observed. It was horrible. Shocking. Disgusting. That people would knowingly do this, shutting down Auraliae Aquensi's main port for more than three-quarters of the year! Not to mention the fact that 750,000 people - civilians, no less - were expected to die, more than 400,000 of which were instantaneous!

She heard a knock at the door. Who would want me at this point... she mused. Answering, she found a 17-year-old at the door - the same one she had seen earlier speaking with the other boy in the grounds.

"Erm...hi...can I help you?"
St Samuel
30-04-2007, 12:13
Santina was getting bored reading. Her mind was elsewhere - Auraliae Aquensi, to be exact. She needed to know what was going on, and the government wasn't giving answers.

Although she didn't want to, she turned on the television and went to ABCTAL (Arab Broadcasting Commission, The Arab League), and observed. It was horrible. Shocking. Disgusting. That people would knowingly do this, shutting down Auraliae Aquensi's main port for more than three-quarters of the year! Not to mention the fact that 750,000 people - civilians, no less - were expected to die, more than 400,000 of which were instantaneous!

She heard a knock at the door. Who would want me at this point... she mused. Answering, she found a 17-year-old at the door - the same one she had seen earlier speaking with the other boy in the grounds.

"Erm...hi...can I help you?"

"Erm hi there, sorry to bother you, it's just people seem to all know each other all ready and I've pretty much been on my own since I got here. I'm Jada. Nice to meet you."

United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 13:03
Willium answered the phone and talked to Emily for awhile.He then told John to pick up the phone.Wilium then finnshed dinner and gave some to John and gave some to himself.Willium finnshed eating and started watching the tv.

Willium was outside jogging.He was trying to get the things that were out of his mind.
Pan-Arab Barronia
30-04-2007, 13:12
"Erm hi there, sorry to bother you, it's just people seem to all know each other all ready and I've pretty much been on my own since I got here. I'm Jada. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, well, hi. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Santina, and where are my manners, would you like to come in? I was just catching the news...unfortunate events in my homeland."
St Samuel
30-04-2007, 13:18
"Oh, well, hi. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Santina, and where are my manners, would you like to come in? I was just catching the news...unfortunate events in my homeland."

"Oh thanks."

Jada stared at the television.

"So whats happening in your homeland?"
30-04-2007, 17:10
John picked up the phone and said "Hi again, well, why do I sound worried you ask? Well, it's a long story, but bascily my father's commanding the Calizorinstani Naval Forces off the coast of St.Samuel. Yeah, oh yeah that's 100% correct Emily. Well, I'll see ya this weekend bye." John sat back down and changed into his jogging clothes as well, and went outside of the rooms to jog a bit, and get the conflict off his mind.
Pan-Arab Barronia
30-04-2007, 20:06
"Oh thanks."

Jada stared at the television.

"So whats happening in your homeland?"

"Well...they say a nuclear device was set off in our main port, by Communist Insurgents from a civil war in a nearby nation. 500,000's a nightmare. My father has said that this should be something I should take care of, and has effectively left it to 14? Can you believe that? I mean, he's here in The Scandinvans on business, yet I'm supposed to take care of it for "training". He wants me to lead the country, you see. Rather unusual for an apparently elected government, huh. He's signed a bill of Absolute Rule, yet the people continue to support's unusual what goes through the mind of some, huh."

She paused. "Say, are you hungry? We should get to know each other better over a spot of dinner. Now what, I wonder, is in the refridgerator..."
United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 20:55
Willium walked up into the room and sat down.He turned on thetv and started watching BBC.He wanted to clean up the place for Emily but he needed help.He wished John was here to help him.
30-04-2007, 22:12
John walked back in to the room and said " I'll help you clean up, and then I have a car here, that was imported here for our use, we can use to drive out and meet Emily. I can't wait to meet her." John started cleaning up the room, and making it more suitable for humanity.
United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 22:31
Willium picked up his things and cleaned up the bathroom."Thats great John but a limo is picking us up".Willium went in to the kitchen to start cooking dinner for him and John.
30-04-2007, 23:31
John smiled and said "Not that I don't like the limo William, but I am going to take the L6, for it will zoom like thunder, and plus I think I want to drive around this new country. When you get picked up by the limo, I'll meet you at the resturant, you can come with me, if you don't want to ride in the limo. My L6 has 450hp, but gets 35-40 m.p.g, because half of the V6 cylinders shut off when I am not zooming around, and it gives it better fuel economy. Plus, it's a stick shift. Have you looked up where we are going to meet Emily, so I can MapQuest it?" He knew that they would meet her tomorrow and wanted to get plans ready now.
The Scandinvans
30-04-2007, 23:42
OOC: Alright to clarify things the buildings and other things on campus are as follow, also to drive in the Scandinvan Empire you have to be thirteen and tall enough to see well over the wheel:

A multi building main school area
Many Dorm Buildings
Multiple Olympic Sized Swimming Pools
Tennis Courts
Riding Paths
Bicycle Paths
A fairly large river
Multiple Creeks and Streams
Polo Field
Soccer Fields
A Parking Facility
American Football Field
Rugby Field
Basketball Courts
Badminton Courts
Shooting Ranges
Scamdinvan Catholic Church
Wrestling Coliseum
Fencing Rooms
Imax Theaters
House Areas
Baseball Fields
Many other Buildings
La Crosse Fields

Sports Offered:
American Football
La Crosse Fields
Long Distance Running
30-04-2007, 23:51
OOC:John is 15 and can see over the wheel.

John flipped over the keys in his hand and asked William "I can take us out for a drive if you want me too, I can show you the resturant I was thinking of having Emily meet us at." He walked into his room, and changed into the Calizorinstani Navy suit his father gave him.
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 01:48
Willium nodded his head and walked towards the door.Willium was outside waiting for John to hurry up.He needed to talk with Emily soon.

OOC:Willium is 15 and see over the wheel also.
St Samuel
01-05-2007, 03:05
Jada looked down the sports list eagerly and added her name to the certain fields that interested her.

Sports Offered:
Long Distance Running

"Hmm, this should keep me busy."

Once she was satasfied that she had checked, and re-checked all the sports on offer she made her way to the stables area in search of a staff member/stable hand that she could talk too.

As she walked into the stables the sight of the regal looking and extremely well looked after horses sent a tingle of excitement through her.

"Hello, anybody about?"
The Scandinvans
01-05-2007, 03:17
Jada looked down the sports list eagerly and added her name to the certain fields that interested her.

Sports Offered:
Long Distance Running

"Hmm, this should keep me busy."

Once she was satasfied that she had checked, and re-checked all the sports on offer she made her way to the stables area in search of a staff member/stable hand that she could talk too.

As she walked into the stables the sight of the regal looking and extremely well looked after horses sent a tingle of excitement through her.

"Hello, anybody about?"A man came out of the back whom was dressed as a common stable hand and said," Yes young lady, who may I help?"
01-05-2007, 03:27
Maria tied her hair back, put on goggles and fired away the riffle. She was a crack shot, her self and her dad often went hunting together. Best part about being deaf is, she didn't have to worry about the gun blast. She could go with out any ear protection, as it really of course didn't matter. She went to the shooting range once a month back home and she drew odd looks from crowds when she went w/o ear protection. Not to mention she was a girl who was a crack shot. Bang! Another dead shot.

Aya however, the opposite, her family was classy, she practiced archery. Aya's black hair was also tied back neatly and she was dressed quite like a traditional Japanese archer. Bull's-eye! "Bull's eye." She took another arrow, and shot again. Not a dead center hit but still good.
01-05-2007, 03:30
John hurried out of the room and said, "My car's the black sleek sports car there (he pointed to his VLT L6, looking sleek in the dusk light) let's go!" He and WIlliam ran to his car, John got in and started the car, shifting into first, the car roared to life. John said "THese are leather seats, here's the sattelite radio, with built in G.P.S if you want to enter the directions to the resturant we're meeting Emily at." He then shifted into 2nd as they got onto the street.
St Samuel
01-05-2007, 03:49
A man came out of the back whom was dressed as a common stable hand and said," Yes young lady, who may I help?"

"Hi there, I was just wondering if it would be ok if I take a look at some of the horses. I must say they look so well maintained."

Pan-Arab Barronia
01-05-2007, 08:39

Santina, browsed the list, and added her name to those she liked. Going back to her room, she grabbed her sailing gear, and headed out to the river.

[OOC: What boats do you offer here? And Santina, at 14, cannot drive. PAB Law permits driving at 17 and above.]
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 20:44
Willium felt the wind in his hair.He wondered if Emily was calling him.He asked John if they where near the the place.He looked at his cellphone and waited for her to call.
01-05-2007, 22:30
John said "Yes, about 1 block to go, why hullo, there it is William, the "Scandanavian Diner, what time did Emily say she would be there?" John pulled them into the Scandanavian Diner, and he stopped the car, and let William call Emily.
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 23:05
Willium looked at the was nice but he wanted another place to take for Emily.Willium used his cellphone and called Emily.He started talking with her.
01-05-2007, 23:20
John pulled out and shifted into reverse and said to Wiliam "Please ask Emily where she want's to go for dinner, because I can't pick, she has to." As he said this he shifted back into first and roared out of the parking lot, looking behind him he saw a Scandavian police car on the other side, a speed trap he thought, so he slowed down, and said "William tell her she has a pick of , McDonalds, Dairy Queen, Fat City Diner, or A&W All American, because that's what we see here. Are we picking her up from the airport, if so I'll turn around in the 7-11 parking lot."
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 23:36
It's fine.She said she will see it first one she comes.Yeah we are going to pick her up at the airport.
01-05-2007, 23:40
John said "Make sure she know's what car we are, can she drive a stick? If so then I am going to sit in the back once we get to the airport, so that you and her can sit together. Tell her we're the black sports car with the driver looking like a naval officer." He turned around into the 7-11 parking lot, set the G.P.S to the airport, and then shifted into 2, and then 3rd as they got on the highway. "Feels good to be out of the dorm, let's turn on some music, what do you like?"
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 23:45
Ok i'll tell her.Lets listen to some music,the dorm has been driving me crazy.Emily said she's allready at the airport so lets hurry.Willium started singing the song and started laughing when he saw John looking at him weird.
01-05-2007, 23:48
John said "Ah, I think this is La Bamba, in which case..." He started singing the Spanish words, and smiling and laughing with William, and he suddenly said "Look's like here's the turnoff, let's do this!, I say, what kind of music do you and Emily like, out of curisoisty." He said this as he turned on the off-ramp towards the Scandiavian Airport.
The Scandinvans
01-05-2007, 23:50
"Hi there, I was just wondering if it would be ok if I take a look at some of the horses. I must say they look so well maintained."

59782"Why thank you for the compliment as I keep and train these, but these horse are breed from the horses of the old noble Valgardian horses and thus they are of the finest breeds of the world due to thousands of years of selective breeding."
01-05-2007, 23:53
John smiled as they got closer, and then he saw the turn-off to the arrival area, and he zoomed not illegaly, but enough to hurry there arrive, and then he parked near the curb to wait for Emily, and put the car in netural, and reved the engine to signal Emily that this was themm.
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 23:55
We like any kind of music.Willium felt the car stop in parking lot and he got out.John you wait here in the car,i'll go get Emily.Willium closed the door and entered the airport and started looking for Emily.
02-05-2007, 00:08
John said "Okie doke, I'll wait here." He felt his KE850 Prada phone vibrate and he picked it up and said "Oh hey dad, oh you are in UK2? Oh, for that terrorist attack funeral huh, dang, well atleast you're out of the danger zone! Oh, what am I doing, I am picking up my roommate's girlfriend now, oh she's Emily Middelton, you've heard of here neat? Well, how many battle's have you been through now? Ah, I see 4 wars you've been, so that's why they pulled you eh? Oh, I've got a slot as the captain of the commissioned R.C.S Sacremento? What's the history, ah, it's a former Lerasian destoryer? Awesome, well' I see William and Emily, I've got to go now bye." He sighed with relief that his dad wasn't killed.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 00:18
Willium was carrying five suitcases and Emily was carrying two suitcases.He opened the car trunk and put the suitcases in.He closed it and locked it.He opened the door for Emily and he closed the door.He went to the drivering spot and changed spots with John.Willium got the keys from John and started the car."Emily this is John and John this is Emily".Willium started driving towards the highway."where to first".
02-05-2007, 00:20
John smiled and said "Hallo Emily, I am Cap.Jack Arnold's son, just now I was given the wonderful news, that I am to command the R.C.S Sacremento, a former Lerasian destoryer when I get out of this school. Technicly they won't let us on to the school grounds, but I've got an idea, we can talk it over at the resturant. Our first port of call is the resturant, so I am going to take you where ever you guys want to eat." They got in, and when every one was strapped in Wlliam shifted into 1st and then 2nd as they drove along the road, and when they got on the freeway shifted into 3rd gear, and they were going 75 mph.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 00:28
We can sneak her on to school grounds John.Willium turned to the diner and parked.He got out and opened the door for Emily.He then told Emily to wait inside while he waited for John.Willium saw John come out the car so Willium turned on the carlocks.Willium went inside the diner.
02-05-2007, 00:31
John sat down with William and Emily and said "Here's my plan, I happened to accidently find some of Himeko's clothes, and from what I see you Emily, happen to look like our roomate Himeko, so we can dress you in her clothes, we can get hair dye, and you can masquerade as her, because I belive she isn't in our dorm right now. How does that sound William?"
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 00:49
Emily would here none of that."I'll just hid in the back of the car".Willium nodded his head and ate some of his fries and his hamburgers.
02-05-2007, 00:55
John replied "Sorry Emily, I think you have the best idea, hide in the car, and then we will smuggle you into our dorm, we have a hidden back room, that nobody will look for you there, I wasn't attempting to offend you or anything just suggesting, oh by the way have you heard of an Adm.Jack Arnold when you were in UK2 or anything?" He started eating his shake and hamburger.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 01:15
"No i don't know Adm.Arnold".Emily ate her hambuger and fries.Willium kissed her and she blushed.
02-05-2007, 01:18
John sighed, and held out a picture of John's father and said to Emily "What do you think of him? Dear god, I have been such an idiot talking to you, agh I feel like a fool! Well, I think we can sneak you into the school, and I miss my girl back home so much, ahh, it hurts me to think." He drank somemore of his shake, and said "Well I feel a tiny bit better, but still, ah well." He sighed.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 01:30
"It's ok".Emily finnshed her food and waited.Willium could see John was upset and tired so he asked with everyone wanted to go back to the dorm.
02-05-2007, 01:37
John sighed, and said "Yeah, I guess so, I think we'll sneak Emily into our dorm, and I think our relations will improve Emily, you just haven't known me well enough." John walked back to the car, and laid down in the back seat and said to Emily "Wake me up at the school okay?"
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 01:53
Willium reached the school in time before the guards closed the gates.Emily woke up John and waited for him.
02-05-2007, 01:57
John said sleepily "Thanks Emily, now let's run, or we'll be caught!" The clandestine party ran through the gates, and got to John's dorm, and managed to get in before the guards' saw them. Once they were in, John locked the door, and pulled down the shades, and showed Emily to her room, and said to both Emily and William "Let's not talk too loud, we don't want people finding us out, so Emily that mean's no loud talking and William, don't tell people who she is if they see her, for we might get reported." John sat down on the couch.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 02:04
Willium nodded.Willium showed Emily where her bedroom was and the shower.He unpacked her things and went to go get the bed ready.Emily went into the bathroom and had her shower.She dryed herself off and put on her bedclothes and went ito her bed.Willium went into the shower and finnshed his shower.He dryed himself off and put on his clothes and went into his bed.He turned on the tv and started watching BBC.
02-05-2007, 02:06
Jack looked at the screen of the T.V and said suddenly to William "Look, there's my dad see, it says "Famous Calizorinstani Admrial visits UK2 for diplomatic matters, and terrorist victim funeral", and it also mentions his actions in St.Sameul too, that's neat Wil. I am going to take a shower and come back out." Jack did just that, took a shower dryed himself and came back out, and sat on the couch with William.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 02:13
Willium looked at the tv.Thats why your dad is in the United Kingdom2.Willium continued watching the the tv looking for more information about it.
02-05-2007, 02:15
John sighed, "Yeah, that's why, just keep me posted, I'll go to bed now." But he was so tired, he walked a couple of feet towards his room, but fell down and fell asleep before he could make it back to his bed.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 02:29
Willium could see John was very tired so he turned off the tv.Willium walked over to Emily and they started to talk quietly between them selfs.
02-05-2007, 02:32
John got up, went to the couch, and laid down to sleep, thinking how nice the day had been, and what they would do tomorrow, he was worried that they would get caught, and both of them expelled, and he went to sleep, setting the alarm clock for 5:30 in the morning for his jog.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 03:01
Willium finnshed talking with Emily and went into his bed.He got his laptop and started looking at pictures of his family and friends.Emily got in his bed and looked at the pictures.They looked at each other and kissed.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 03:03
Willium finnshed talking with Emily and went into his bed.He got his laptop and started looking at pictures of his family and friends.Emily got in his bed and looked at the pictures.They looked at each other and kissed.At the door came a loud knock as the group had come to lay in their beds.
02-05-2007, 03:21
John got up and said "Emily, quick hide, and Will and I will answer this." Emily ran into her bedroom, and John put away everthing related to Emily, and changed into his ROTC dress blues and opened the door.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 03:26
Willium hid all of Emily's clothes.He then sat down in his own bed and waited for the person to come in.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 03:27
Maria tied her hair back, put on goggles and fired away the riffle. She was a crack shot, her self and her dad often went hunting together. Best part about being deaf is, she didn't have to worry about the gun blast. She could go with out any ear protection, as it really of course didn't matter. She went to the shooting range once a month back home and she drew odd looks from crowds when she went w/o ear protection. Not to mention she was a girl who was a crack shot. Bang! Another dead shot.

Aya however, the opposite, her family was classy, she practiced archery. Aya's black hair was also tied back neatly and she was dressed quite like a traditional Japanese archer. Bull's-eye! "Bull's eye." She took another arrow, and shot again. Not a dead center hit but still good.Prince Olaf at the time was also at the range dressed in the fine robes of the rare flax plant of Valgard which was both light and warm and was dyed with the regal purple and glittered with the diamonds of the Empire. Aiming with the ancient longbow of the ancient Valgardian longbow of his ancestors he let fly arrows which all hit the target and destroyed it entirely.

At the same the full glory of his appearance shone as in battle was when people of his blood line must shone.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 03:35
John got up and said "Emily, quick hide, and Will and I will answer this." Emily ran into her bedroom, and John put away everthing related to Emily, and changed into his ROTC dress blues and opened the door.At the door stood a tall man whom was dressed in the Guard armor and then said," We saw you enter without consent and bring a new person with you where is she?"
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 03:37
Are you sure you saw a woman.Willium drank some apple cider to clam himself down.
02-05-2007, 03:45
Erin smugly replied," The mind is a thickle thing and the hearts of the Valgardian nobility hard to win."

With that she turned around and left, much to the grimace of her brother though whom silently said to Walt," To gain her attention one must first prove one's self to her."

"How does one prove himself to this fair ladies' hand? If your hearts are hard to win, then I wanted there to be a fight." Walt stood his ground and gazed at her brother. Now his cheeks were a slight light red. Walt would fight to win Erin's heart. He quickly looked back at David. David was right.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 03:53
Are you sure you saw a woman.Willium drank some apple cider to clam himself down."Yes, as I have a video right here clearing showing a female person entering the grounds in fulll detail."
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 03:55
"How does one prove himself to this fair ladies' hand? If your hearts are hard to win, then I wanted there to be a fight." Walt stood his ground and gazed at her brother. Now his cheeks were a slight light red. Walt would fight to win Erin's heart. He quickly looked back at David. David was right.David just replied," To win the heart of one of my people's nobility one has to stand out and earn the attention of the person they seek to gain the love of."
02-05-2007, 04:32
"Well, then I shall try to find a way." Walt kissed Erin's hand, then walked back over to David. He picked up his stuff, then faced David. His cheeks were once again a deep red. A true passion existed for Erin, and he would try to win her heart. "I guess this is be the beginning of an interest year. So where do we sleep?"
02-05-2007, 04:35
John quietly tipped his navy hat to the guard and William, and said "Good night, gentlemen, I have had a long day today, Sirs and I trust you will not detain me from a good night's rest. And I asssure you, I am of an honorable stock, and would do no such bad thing as what you say. Good night gent's, all will be clear in the morning I 'spect." With that he went to his room in the far back of their dorm room,(further back then Himeko's) and locked his door, and changed into bed clothes, and went to bed, and fell asleep, thinking "I hope we don't get expelled, anyway William started this, and he drove her her, picked her up, and ran this risk. If he questions me, I will present my case." With that he stopped worrying and fell asleep.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 05:10
John quietly tipped his navy hat to the guard and William, and said "Good night, gentlemen, I have had a long day today, Sirs and I trust you will not detain me from a good night's rest. And I asssure you, I am of an honorable stock, and would do no such bad thing as what you say. Good night gent's, all will be clear in the morning I 'spect." With that he went to his room in the far back of their dorm room,(further back then Himeko's) and locked his door, and changed into bed clothes, and went to bed, and fell asleep, thinking "I hope we don't get expelled, anyway William started this, and he drove her her, picked her up, and ran this risk. If he questions me, I will present my case." With that he stopped worrying and fell asleep.Before he went to sleep the man said in a joking tone," You are both lucky as the Prince has granted you dispensation for this offense and has offered to allow Emily to go to this school with him paying for it as well."
02-05-2007, 05:18
John whirled and said "Why thank you, I am going to get some much needed sleep thank you very much, I promise this won't happen again." With that he bowed slightly and went into his bedroom, uncovered the covers, and laid down and went to sleep.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2007, 05:21
"Well, then I shall try to find a way." Walt kissed Erin's hand, then walked back over to David. He picked up his stuff, then faced David. His cheeks were once again a deep red. A true passion existed for Erin, and he would try to win her heart. "I guess this is be the beginning of an interest year. So where do we sleep?"David responded," For the time being you could either sleep in your house's dorms or in my own family's residence here where my family and our friends reside."