NationStates Jolt Archive

ZOMGZ random slaughter! Huzzah!

Phyrexia Nine Spheres
17-03-2007, 17:40
10,000 Phyrexians just popped into existance on some planet and killed everybody. Now theres a terrible mess and theyre building scary looking buildings with spikes on.
It seems likely that they plan to do this again.
(What am I forgetting....oh, yes.)
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
The Aeson
17-03-2007, 17:44
........ noob

OOC: It seems to me that this was intentional.
17-03-2007, 17:45
........ noob
17-03-2007, 17:51
.... Thanks Aeson.... Never could have figured that out on my own...:p