NationStates Jolt Archive

An empire reborn...

25-02-2007, 01:24
Powerful and uncompromising; these were the words most commonly attributed to the new Emperor. Gaining as Crown Prince by leading the fragmented and hopelessly unpopular Liberal Party from 8th place in the polls, to seven consecutive electoral victories and the largest house majority in Rotovian history; the Emperor now stood not as the democratically elected leader of the Republic he dedicated his youth to, but as the fearless and divine Emperor of the Commonwealth he would die in service of.

Assembled before him were the most senior men and women of the Commonwealth. They were hear expecting his usual address on the needs of the Commonwealth; lip-service to education, welfare and equality. But, tonight was different, for one, the Emperor had forgone his traditional white business suit, for full military dress attire and sported the Sword of State (which he had collected from the Senate Museum) from his belt.

Generals, Admirals, Doctors, Judges, Prime Ministers, Governors, Dukes and captains of industry all fell silent as the tall and sleek image of the most powerful man in Rotovia began to speak. His dry, yet refined voice was renowned for silencing even the most jovial dinner guest, and tonight was no exception.

The silence was broken with a single word: "Rise!"

There was a moment of awkward shuffling an exchanged murmurs before the swarms of suits and night gowns rose -from dinner tables in the magnificent ballroom of the Palace of Athens- and stared in a mixture of confusion and slight annoyance.

"We call upon all Rotovia to rise..." He continued "We are the Divine Emperor and we see a nation cowed and unrecognisable in her greatness. We see a master of many, a leader of none. We see a people disheartened and a Commonwealth without unity. We see fragmentation and disappointment, where there once was strength and honour. We see a great need and a great hunger within our people. We call for this hunger to fed, and we know the fruit from which to quench our thirst! We must rise up as one united people, let all the Provinces know, let all the aligned states know, let our territories and our republics know, let our men, women and children know, let all the world know... That we will rise up as a united force, that there will be no more disunity, nor threats to our greatness, that we will rise and all the world will kneel! RISE!"

The crowd suddenly burst into a mixture of screams of support and cautious applause... a new chapter in Rotovian history was opened this day...