NationStates Jolt Archive

Conquest by other means (FT, closed, Attn: Unified Sith)

Hyperspatial Travel
11-01-2007, 15:21
"And, lord Tyrant, I have invited them to meet with us. I assume I did this correctly."

"Of course! We could hardly risk offending such an organization, especially in the state the Starfederation is in now."

The Tyrant Golheas, of course, spoke of the Galactic Empire. A few days hence, they had entered minor diplomatic discourse - nothing especially major, and nothing frightening, such as the rumours they had heard of them. Although perhaps a somewhat.. rigid form of government, they certainly seemed powerful.

Four hundred systems under the wing of the Starfederation, and fewer true capital ships than that to protect them. True, the majority of them were mining or research installations - a hundred-and-ninety six worlds were inhabited by alien lifeforms of some kind, and Starfederation warning buoys had been placed there, as well as around a hundred and fifty mining operations. There were approximately fifty colonies, none of them with more than a hundred million, and the five coreworlds, which served as the Starfederation proper - the rest of it was merely to make sure no-one set up military bases within their sphere of influence, to tell the truth, and to look suitably impressive on a map.

He sighed. It had been quite the set of journeys - 0.8 parsecs at least, 2.2 at most, to each of the five coreworlds, in order to set at ease their fears about his rule. But that was done, now. The legitimacy of the new government could more easily be established by talking with other nations - once other political bodies acknowledged them as legitimate, it made the Articles of Unification seem more like a constitution of a sovereign nation, and less of a few scraps of paper written by an idealist.

He had sworn off alcohol at the time - he hadn't wanted to run the nation, and had become a drunk as a result. But now, it seemed, a few drinks from time to time did not effect him adversely. After all, as Tyrant, he was supreme ruler - he dictated what happened. And it was easy enough to dictate responsibility for colonial management and law enforcement into lesser hands.

But enough of that. He had to meet with a delegate from this.. Empire. He shivered. There had been the occasional message from other nations at first, but this was a true meeting - he had never done such a thing. He was a poor administrator, although charismatic, he had been told.

He sat at his desk, thinking for a moment, and then stood up, opening a drawer in the desk, taking out a laspistol, and putting it into the inside pocket of his shirt. It paid to be cautious.

He opened the door, and walked down towards the landing pad. From what he knew, they would be landing.. any minute now. And he would be there to welcome them, grandiose, and perhaps even impressive, in the opulent clothing of the Tyrant. After all, he could not afford to make a bad impression.

Looking out a window, he saw a pinprick of light in the sky. That would be the delegates. Seeing it descend, he broke into a run. Ruffled clothes were understandable, but rudeness would not be....
Unified Sith
27-01-2007, 17:53
The shuttle, a pincer of the empire descended upon the world unknown. Above within the boundless reaches of space, an entire Imperial Star Destroyer awaited news of the empires cause, they eagerly awaited word of this civilisations strength, will and endurance, friend or eventual foe?

Glistening in the warm rays of a young sun the silver wings of the Lambada shuttle gently folded as the craft prepared for landing, and within Inquisitor, Maxius braced himself for the gentle shudder that was to be expected.

"We have arrived my lord." The pilot addressed from the cockpit. "Your honour guard is descending the ramp as we speak. You are free to depart at your pleasure." Maxius rose obsidian staff in hand and pulled his crimson hood to mask his scarred facial features.

Walk my servant, go with the authority of the throne. Palpatines voice echoed within his mind.

With each small gradual step, Maxius hunched and crooked met his hosts.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-01-2007, 12:37
The guard walked out, the Imperials meeting the Starfederation guardians below. In full power-armor, standing an imposing fifteen feet high, the guards of the Tyrant were mighty indeed.

The mechanoids themselves were imposing, but the man who stood between them was not. A friendly smile on his face, and rather plain - perhaps businesslike clothes, but hardly opulent, not befitting a ruler of such a nation.

He bowed. "I am Tyrant Golheas. Ruler of the Starfederation. I welcome you to my worlds, and my palace."

He gestured behind him. Like the man himself, the Tyrant's Palace was modest in size, standing perhaps a hundred metres tall, but, unlike the man, it was a work of art. Flying buttresses, and curving stairways, shining bridges between buildings, windows that, in the daylight, one could make out a thousand pictures in. Pinks, greens, golds, and blues shimmered across the palace's walls.

It was almost enough to make one forget the weaponry openly displayed at every entry point into the palace, the turrets, the sensor banks, and the troops, the guards there making an ostentatious show of strength.

Nervously, the Tyrant waited for the Imperials to reply. Of course, a show of strength was necessary. He would not be seen as afraid to showcase his might before the Starfederation, despite the power of the.. well, power, at hand...
Hyperspatial Travel
10-02-2007, 07:45
Coming this summer... one thread is dying. And only one man has the BUMP to save it!

With Eddie Murphy as Mr. Bump, and Vin Diesel as the Spammaster, and Samuel Jackson as the Thread.. this summer, watch Saving An Old Thread - in cinemas 2007.
Unified Sith
12-02-2007, 19:01
Hidden, covered by the shadow eternal Maxius remained shrouded in mystery. A servant of the emperor, slave to the empire, inquisitor and servitor of an empire eternal his message was simple on this, this quaint planet. "The emperor greets you Tierant Golheasssss, I am his speaker, my given name is Maxiussss." The hiss seethed through yellowed teeth, while split, pale skin trickled blood. "My massster, is most interessted in these discusssions. I am told, that the Obsidian throne even now smiles upon ussss......"
Hyperspatial Travel
19-02-2007, 07:22
OOC: Ohhh, jeez. A week without the internets. Never again. Never, never again. Yeah, I'm pushing things ahead fairly fast, but.. y'know. RPing walking into the building and whatnot is simply boring.

"Ah. I greet you, then."

Uncertainty. A bead of sweat, trickling down his forehead. It was not a hot day. Another. He shivered. The man was.. not what he had expected.

"Would you.. care to retire to the diplomatic quarters I have put aside? No doubt we could more adequately discuss matters there."

Without waiting for the man's reply, he pivoted, and started walking off towards the diplomatic quarters. He needed to think. The Obsidian throne.. Palpatine. He remembered reading something of the man's exploits.. something about some sort of peculiar power?

He dismissed the thought, leading the man into the building. It was only a short walk into the quarters, a comfortable, not overly-big, not overly-small building. Room enough for a few guards to stand inconspiciously, and yet not big enough for anyone to hide in. He gestured.

"Please, take a seat."
Unified Sith
24-02-2007, 14:57
Maxius slowly lowered himself onto the soft cushioned chair. "Ahhh, very comfortable." He chuckled heartily as though he were a completely new person. "Imperial shuttles sadly are not renown for their comfort." Two paris of eyes met, as each diplomat struggled to understand the other.... "Well, shall we get this started?" The Inquisitor sat there hands clasped, without a slither in his voice.
Hyperspatial Travel
24-02-2007, 15:08
"..indeed. No doubt you came here to discuss our.."

For a moment, he found it hard to remember precisely what it was he was talking about. His voice cut off.

"Oh, excuse me. My apologies. A brief slip of the mind."

He drew another breath. "You came here to discuss my government's stance on the Galactic Empire, did you not?"
Unified Sith
26-02-2007, 10:49
"Stance?" Maxius looked a tad confused. "Oh no, I came here to discuss your states joining the Galactic Empire." Maxius waved his hand slightly. "I think your nation joining would be best for all, don't you Tyrant Golheas?"
Hyperspatial Travel
26-02-2007, 10:59

Golheas took a breath. "No.. I think..."

The inquisitor spoke. "Don't you,, Tyrant?"

"Yes.. no! No! I am not joining the-"

A third time he spoke, his voice layered with power and menace. "I do not think I made myself clear. Would it not be best? You do want what's best for the Starfederation, don't you?"

"I.. yes..."

His mind swimming with coercion, Golheas could barely think, let alone speak. After all, a man who had never encountered a force-wielder before hardly had a chance of deflecting such an attack.

And thus, the conquest of the Starfederation came to pass. The conversation, then, had lasted but a few seconds - a testament to the duplicity and insidious power of the Sith.

A day later, Golheas waving regally goodbye to the ambassador, an announcement was cast over all of the 'nets - into every home, splayed across the front of every newspage.

Starfederation To Join Galactic Empire - Unification Treaty Concluded

This week, the Starfederation concluded a treaty with the Galactic Empire that many have condemned as controversial and foolish - the farflung Empire seemingly disconnected from the Starfederation at large. However, by doing so, the Tyrant has assured us that no war with the Chronosian Imperium could come about, and that two of our borders, our most vulnerable, and indefensible borders, have been secured. He states that the Empire does not wish to overly change the nature of government in the Starfederation, and seeks only a peaceful unification that will be beneficial for all.

For more information, you can query Newsweb Alukha for information, or send a request for information to Uileas Tyrney, the newly-appointed Minister for Unification.