NationStates Jolt Archive

The Final Act (Sign-Up)

23-12-2006, 18:14
The nation of Kulikovia has long since been a Socialist nation, and Prime Minister Dantes a champion of Democratic Socialism. The private sector is heavily regulated and watched over, living by a leash. His six year term is coming to an end, thanks to him and the government, the nation has prospered greatly and peacefully; however, there are those in the government and the private sector who don't want Dantes to be reelected. With elections a month away he seems bound to win. A secret group of conspirators have devised an unimagineable plot targeting the highest position in the nation. Their tool: a group of highly trained spec ops who defected from the military. Now, the race to uncover the plot begins. Authorities struggle against a powerful, secret group and highly trained assasins to stave off disaster. If the conspirators succeed, Kulikovia will be changed forever. Will the authorities succeed? Or will Kulikovia fail in its' darkest hour?
23-12-2006, 18:17
Avaliable characters:

Corporate conspirators
Governmental conspirators
MDS Agents
SAO Operatives
Private Investigators
Whatever you can think of

Alright, The SAO (Special Actions and Operations) are a highly trained anti-terrorism force run by the Ministry of Foreign Security which is similar to the CIA. The Ministry of Domestic Security (MDS) is similar to the FBI. A group of SAO operatives, dissatisfied with the government defect and go rogue, soldiers for hire.

Major political parties:
Democratic Socialist Party (ruling party)
Judicial Party (leading contenders)
People's Revolutionary Party
Islamic Union
23-12-2006, 18:19
I'm thinking, but what are your restrictions?
23-12-2006, 18:21
Name: Yuri Andropov
Age: 35
Height: 6'
Weight: 197lbs
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Hazel
History: Yuri is a veteran MDS Agent. His father was a constable in the police force. After a tour in the Revolutionary Guard he entered the MDS and quickly rose through the ranks. He is a hard worker, strong, and smart. Also, he's married and has a daughter. Yuri is an ardent supporter of the government and will do anything to preserve the nation as it is.
23-12-2006, 18:21
I'm thinking, but what are your restrictions?

What do you mean?
23-12-2006, 18:25
Well what can I and can not have with characters? Could I have a mercinary? BTW you have a reply in the Last Gun Slinger
23-12-2006, 18:26
Sure, you can be mercenary
23-12-2006, 18:38
Name: Agent Xaldam (goes simply by either: Agent X. agent M or that crazy gunslinging blond chick)
Age: (estimated at) 25
Height: 6'
Weight: 157lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Lav
History: A somewhat notorious gun for hire, not much is known about agent X/M, other than her skills as a soldier for hire. Many have judged her orgins to be in the war-tron nation of MizthSoxnixa (pron. SOnEEa) in which ethnic cleansing has been commencing in the puppet state for many years. Despite being the questionable soldier for hire, she has been known for several missions is Government aid. She helped track down and Kill a Puppet Rebel Leader in Princstable <---(actual nation/rp) and killed him. Although somewhat to the disamay of Princstable Gov. they still have to give their thanks to the Kanami Government for hiring her to take him out. She's well trained in an variety of arsonal.
East Lithuania
23-12-2006, 19:39
If i'm an assasin, do I have to be aainst the president, or can i help stop the plot aainst him?
23-12-2006, 19:55
Whatever you want
East Lithuania
23-12-2006, 20:13
Name: Mettaliar Yanto
Age: 16
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 220lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel, but turn black for some reasons in certain situations
History: Mettaliar is an assasin/spy for East Lithuania, a communist nation. A strong communist himself, he joined a secret service devoted to keeping socialist/communist and small nations from being oppresed by larger nations or domestic chaos. At age 9, he completed his training and became a member of the force. He has completed many differant styles of infiltration. All being the youngest member of the force.
23-12-2006, 20:15
16? Completed training at 9?
East Lithuania
23-12-2006, 20:20
skilled indeed
24-12-2006, 10:50