NationStates Jolt Archive

Crusader (very open)

Aqua Anu
09-11-2006, 23:52
It was the middle of the ocean in the middle of the day and a boat made from a highly modofied school buss was crusing. But this was no ordinary ocean travel, this was a refugee smuggler. At the helm was a girl who was no older than 18 doing this highly dangerous work. Her name was
Mary-Kathrin Maldoza a devout Christian by the golden Cross dangeling from her kneck and a simple dresser, a tank top and jeens. She had golden chesnut hair that fell past her shoulders. Despite being so young she was an experianced sailor who knew the seas well. Aboard was over a dozen people mostly from poor class many fleeing their homelands for one reason or another. Mary-Kathrin belived it was her Christian duty to help thoes in need, regardless of their Race or background. She snuk into dictatoral countries and found people who desired to leave. At first she was able to do it legally but soon the U.N. got on her case and rejected her from getting Exit Visas. So now she did it illegally, so long as the people would rightfully apply for citizenship she didn't have problems and she could care less what the world thought. "Thoes Atheists care nothing about thoes lower than them."

She had a negative outlook on all thoes who didn't belive in God. An even worse on Secular Nations.

"Miss?" A young mother came to her "How much longer?"

"It will be another day at least. But that's weather providing and it doesn't look like it's going to provide. I can sense a storm brewing."

"Oh dear, this thing, can it survive a storm?"

"I gurantee it, God will get me through anything."

The young mother wasn't sure but she had to put faith. She and her small child would have a much better life thanks to this caring young lady. It wasn't long before the storm hit. Mary-Kathrin was right. The people sat huddled up bracing against the rough seas and icey rain. Many were bundled up in raincoats or winter clothes but Mary-Kathrin was still dressed plainly,. She turned the wheel every which way to avoid the giant waves. The look of fearlessness was her true colors. She always prayed prior to storms and she always got through them. Often people fell overboard and she would jump in and save them. Hours later the storm had passed and land fall was in sight, a country that would provide better freedom and opportunity for these downtrodden people she would have to dodged the Governments and go back for more but it was worth it to her.
10-11-2006, 00:07
What sort of participation are you looking for here, nations to receive refugees, nations to attempt to stop you or both?
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 00:12
both, I would also take people wanting to play Refugees
10-11-2006, 00:13
OOC: Is this happening in the NS or Real world?
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 00:17
NS world
10-11-2006, 00:24
OCC I will join as the nation of Camgo. We have a negitve outlook on refugees.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 00:27
that's fine, I'll try to land on your nation first
10-11-2006, 00:29
OOC: you can count Crookfur as a nation that woudl accept refugees, i wouldn't try taking small boats to the main island of Crookfur but from Africa you coudlr each Covenant Island or the Crookfur protectorate and from eruope raser's Isle might be possible if difficult.
10-11-2006, 00:38
It was a a cooled night. A man walked out of large building he looked only to be about 16.He hopped into a car that had pulled up a minute before.The car drove off about 5 minutes later the car stopped.It had pulled up to the beach the man got out he walked down to the beach.There was 15 shivering imagrants standing knee high in water.Around them where 8 armed troops.The man spoke to the troops I have called the Dictator and he said we have permission to kill them. He walked forward and looked at the shivirng imagrants then turned around and walked away. The troops aimed there guns at the imagrants and opened up killing all of them the women childern and the men.
Red Tide2
10-11-2006, 00:46
OOC: I will be the Corporate Dictatorship of Red Tide. My nation allows refugee's and immigrants in, following the wisdom that more people=more workers/soldiers, but it absolutely refuses to let its citizens leave the country except for special circumstances(ie: Buisness trip) and even then they are monitored.

Also, my nation is very secular.
10-11-2006, 00:52
OCC that wasnt you I was just showing everyone how we deal with imagrants.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 00:57
Oh my mistake
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 01:07
They approached a land, Mary-Kathrin wasn't sure who dwelled on it but they needed to take land. The storm took a lot out of Mary-Kathrin she was very tired and needed sleep. "Okay people prepare for land fall. You know the drills."
10-11-2006, 01:16
A patrol ship moved up to the ship/bus. You are approching the land of Camgo once you land you must show ID or they will be deported(which means death).
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 01:20
"Yeah sure...."

She pulled out a faux passport with a fake organizaiton called C.H.R.I.S.T.
She cut off the engin

"My name is Mary-Kathrin Maldoza, I'm from a humanitarian organization." She was a good liar.
10-11-2006, 01:26
The man gave her a cold stare. Where are these people from. How many people are here. and do you agree to a full search of this ship and people.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 01:35

Everyone was unarmed. She didn't have heart to kill and she only carried food for her self and the others.
10-11-2006, 01:44
He rasied his gun. I will ask you one more time how many people and where are these people coming from.
10-11-2006, 01:44
OOC: Mind if I jump in? I would be a country receptive of refugees.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 01:47
(Laelett-sure welcome)

"There's 40 including me. We came from Xloviakia from the south. Please we just came through a terrible storm we lost a lot of things."
10-11-2006, 01:52
(OOC: Ill join in and put you through an Asylum trial. Kanami is accepting to refugees but not smuggling)
10-11-2006, 01:57
(I'll let you come here, if you can surive the Xanadouien sea in a buss like boat, you must be something special)
10-11-2006, 01:58
Hre looked at her. Follow me in. Dock at 414 there will be troops there to bring you to your next destation.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 02:03
She sighed relived. But she was having second thoughts about this place.
10-11-2006, 02:16
Two men tied the boat to the dock. Two troops walked down the dock with there guns hong around there shoulders. One of the troops said Please follow me . He brought them to a small building on the dock."You all have to get checked for dieses and other things.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 03:12
"Very well. Inspect."
10-11-2006, 03:17
The doctar came over "they all look good" A man came out of a small room and handed out panflits and $5 to each of them. One of the guards comes over please follow me. He led them out onto the beach. In the distance you could see some soliders in waiting with guns at the ready. The guard turned his gun of safety.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 03:18
"What is it now? We've passed the inspections."
10-11-2006, 03:25
The guard grinned line up with your feet I the water it will all be over soon.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 03:27
Mary-Kathrin was scared, she had just led her people to a dangerous situation.

"Your going to kill us? We haven't done anything!"
10-11-2006, 03:33
You commited treason against your country for leaving it. You have come into our country illagly. Do you think we fell for those fake ID and little cristan garbage.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 03:36
"Okay we'll leave if you will let us go."
10-11-2006, 03:38
Hahaha. Just line up and make this easy for us.
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 03:42
"God speed us, everybody run!"

Everyone scrambled, Mary-Kathrin however made a dive for a gun.
10-11-2006, 03:50
The guard put grabbed his gun first and put to her head but didnt fire. The rest of the soldiers ran after the immgrants. Hahaha to slow.
Aqua Anu
11-11-2006, 03:40
some of the poor imigrants were shot down in a flash. Mary-Kathrin wasn't out cold but a little dazed, she kicked away the soldier that beaten her down, and ran for the coast. She and the rest scrambled onto their tiny vessle and began cutting the ropes with meer pocket knives. But the soldiers were getting closer.
11-11-2006, 04:59
The soliders ran after them firing and reloading. Two patrol boats raced for the docks. The patrol boats opened up on the dock where the immgrants where getting out. One of the soliders yelled "Surrender now" Surrender"!
Aqua Anu
11-11-2006, 23:36
They cut off the ropes and cranked up the motor, they had to dodge the patroll boats then they would be home free.
12-11-2006, 00:06
One of the patrol boats hit full speed and raced straight into the ship taking off the front end of it.The patrol boat wasnt hurt by the crash. Then in back the noice of a helicapoter was heard it started to shoot the water became riddled with water.
Aqua Anu
12-11-2006, 00:29
everyone ducked as the boat pulled away and screamed at full spead. Mary-Kathrin was having to throw the whell every wich way to avoid being hit. If they could make it out to open waters, their jurisdiction would be compromised
12-11-2006, 01:10
The helicapoter flew over head and fired. Then in the distance to destoryers blocked off the exit rought they fired there large cannons at the small ship. The two partol boats pulled up along the ship and spook on the load speaker "Surrender now" "before we kill you all"
Aqua Anu
12-11-2006, 01:47
"Never!" She screamed as if she could be heard. She sharply turned to the right, a few miles more. So far they had been lucky no one was hit but she didn't know for how long.
12-11-2006, 02:17
A sniper on one of the partol boats took aim at the girl. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a trank dart and put into his gun and fired it hit her square in the back. Then he reload his gun this time with real bullets and started picking the passagers off.
Aqua Anu
13-11-2006, 01:55
After a bloody and seemingly forever 5 minutes the boat made it into international waters, outside the legal jurisdiction of their forces. She felt like she had betrayed them leading them into danger, but she was hoping to shore up close, the storm had taken a lot out of them.