NationStates Jolt Archive

The People of the Poorlands Suffer From Crazy Bastard

The Poorlands
07-11-2006, 05:53
OOC-I'm MT, but I don't mind PMT.

The Poorlands was a land of death. The "government" cared nothing for the people, and small villages pockmarked the raped lands. Disease was everywhere, and the birthrate was out of control. Natural resources had long been gone from the area, as the early empire stripped the country clean in order to fuel a massive warmachine that marched right into the center of Elysia. But that was long ago, in the Golden Age of the nation that now suffered from poverty.

Poorlands was left behind by the modern world, to say the least. The nation had yet to launch a satellite, had no modern ships, and stocked it's army and airforce with old World War II era models. And yet the military was massive. Reaching upwards of 15 million, the leader refused to acknowledge that his spending on military were causing everyone else to suffer. Almost all of the food produced by the nation went to feeding the full-time conscripted military, whose moral was so low that it almost seemed that it was a waste to be doing what they were doing.

The leader was.. well, he was a crazy bastard. His name was Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau, and he commanded that all address him by his full name. His ego was so huge that he even put "Supreme Leader" into his name. He was hated by pretty much everyone in the nation, and he brought about three civil wars simply because he was alive. There was a huge rebel network throughout the western part of the nation, away from the coast, which worked to free the enslaved prisoners who had broken some petty law set by the Supreme Leader.

Their numbers were growing, and they constantly tried to make contact with the outside world, attempting to shoot signals at satellites above them. Abeeboo refused to acknowledge their existance, calling it anti-SupremeLeaderAbeebooBalladaleedeelauist propaganda. The guy loved making up his own words in order to sound intelligent, and often did to the uneducated people of the Poorlands.

They still hated him though.

Now it is 2010. 57 year old Abeeboo recently massacred an entire city because one man spoke out against him. He immidiatly labled them as terrorists and bombed the city. Then he bombed what was left of it. Then he bombed the bombed-out bombed things. This cause mass panic throughout the Poorlands and now they are calling for help enmass. The nation is on the brink of civil war, and rebel leader Abdullah Al-Muhammed is calling for all followers of Allah to stand up against the evil Abeeboo.
07-11-2006, 06:22
Location: Livadiya Palace
Prince William's Office

Prince William and his three senior military officers finished looking over the report from The Poorlands.

General of the Army Nicoli Trotski turned to Prince William. "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Rare was it that General Trotski would talk to the Prince without some irreverence in his voice. But this was different. The General was clearly pissed off.

As was Prince William. Upon looking into the information on the state of The Poorlands, he became furious at the blatant corruption and evil of its leader. Action had to be taken.

The Prince turned to the Admiral of the Navy, Vittorio Augustine.

"Launch the 4th Fleet." he ordered. "This tin-pot, cult of personality dictator has to go!"

"Excellent idea, Your Majesty!" said the Admiral, as he bowed and walked out the door to inform his people at the Naval Base in Sevastopol.

With that, the Prince turned to General of the Air Force Salazar T. Sherman.

"General, I want you to deploy the 4th and 5th Air Fleets to provide aerial support for this operation."

The Liberian general stood up. He looked the Prince in the eye and saluted.

"Consider it done, sir."

He turned and walked out the door to alert W.R.A.F. headquarters.

Then Prince William turned to address General Trotski.

"General, I want you to prepare the 3rd Army Group, under the command of Field Marshal Phillip Heinlein, to land in The Poorlands. They are to assist Abdullah Al-Muhammed's forces in their bid to overthrow the so-called "Supreme Leader.""

The Prince sneered. "Some leader he is if he can't even confront the problems of his country!"

The General smiled and laughed. "A new leader must be allowed to take control." he stood up and saluted. "I will mobilize the 4th for immediate departure."

Prince William nodded. "Excellent," he said. "Inform me when all forces are ready for deployment. That will be when I make my next move."

"Yes Sir!" the Prince saluted, turned, and walked out of the office.

The Prince sat down in his seat. His face was grim. The coming conflict had the potential to cause a great deal of carnage and death. Hopefully there would be other nations coming to The Poorland's aid.
Mer des Ennuis
07-11-2006, 07:01
OOC: I'd be interested in taking out this leader. Any information on private life in the country, as well as his immideate security detail, would be appreciated.
The Poorlands
07-11-2006, 22:54
OOC-Sure thing.

The news of what was now coming to be known as "the Massacre of Antatown" brought thousands up in arms. Insurgent attacks were occuring all throughout the Poorlands, and the body count was quickly skyrocketing. Abeeboo was becoming angrier by the second, and was sending out entire forces to quell the coming uprising. Firefights rocked the streets, rockets randomly hit buildings and streets, and the government began secretly poisoning the water supply with the chemical known as "Soman".

Entire cities were suffering and dieing over night, and Abeeboo came to the realization that if news got out, the world would come knocking on his door. He was paranoid as it was, having built up huge trenchworks, bunkers, guntowers, and roadblocks along the coast. Droves of men, tanks, and planes covered them. Artillery lined the backs of the trenches, prepared to fire both normal and gas shells.

And yet Abeeboo was paranoid still. He had an entire mantion-castle-bunker for a home, manned by several hundred men and nearly a dozen tanks. It housed three fighters and a bomber, and artillery was placed in the yard and on the roof. AA guns sat on the outer walls, and Abeeboo himself would move into an underground bomb shelter which was sealed off by an airtight metal door which needed to be taken down by explosives. It's tunnels stretched for two miles until they reached the sewers, where he would move around the city and possibly escape if he needed.

It just went to show just how crazy he was.
Dai Yuddha Ossyria
07-11-2006, 23:34
Official Government Communique
The Poorlands

Dai Yuddha Ossyria

Our dear neighbor to the north, we have received disturbing news regarding the ill-treatment of your citizens. You have committed acts that come frighteningly close to human rights violations and this will surely damage any future relations with our nation and possibly the rest of Elysia if you refuse to cease and desist. The Frontier and Border Force, part of the Armed Forces of Dai Yuddha Ossyria, has mobilized to close off our shared border. The only ones allowed to close will be citizens of your nation seeking asylum. We understand you may be under great pressure and you may even feel that what you are doing to your people is right and good, but you must know that we feel it is not and we will not tolerate your barbarity. Despite this, though, we do hope that your nation is willing to participate in the Conference Regarding the Creation of the Elysian Security Council ( For this we will allow representatives from your nation to cross our border.

Dr. Wilhuff Woodhelm, Federal President
Vinzenz Tal-Utrei, Prime Minister
Achilles Tullio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Yosea Taruba, Minister of War and Home Defense
Maccus Bormis, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Asylum

On Behalf Of

The Most Sanctified and August Sage-Emperor
of All Under Heaven and Defender of All Beings
Markos IV Orlan
Pschycotic Pschycos
07-11-2006, 23:58
Luckily for the people in the Poorlands, a stray Pschycotian targetting satellite had passed over the area shortly after the violence occured. Reasons for this passover were unknown, but computer records would later show a high number of solitare games played by the officer on duty at the time. In any case, the images relayed back were horrific enough that they were brought straight to the desk of Shogun Nakamura Taiki.
"You've got to be kidding me..." he said. "Another crackpot autocrat dabbling with genocide."
"Sir, you're an autocrat..." the officer who had brought him the reports said.
Taiki looked up, "yes, but am I a crackpot?"
"No, Sir."
"Then my point stands." He reached over to a green phone on his desk. "Air Marshal Yoshikuni, I want 20 EB-52's airborne in the next three hours and heading for the Poorlands. Coordinates are being relayed at this time to your commanders. Compliment them with 100 F-14 fighters. Target this asshole's HQ and reduce it to rubbel. Arm the bombers with BLU-92 fuel-air explosives. Take out any military forces that oppose you, and use remaining ordinance on any ground installations that you see." He set the phone down with a click. In times of crisis, he was known to be very short. He next switched to a blue phone, "Admiral Yamamoto, it's an honor to speak with you again. Please dispatch the 8th and 7th Fleets to the Poorlands. Proceed at maximum speed and prepare for combat and humanitarian operations. Resistence is expected to be near zero, but keep on guard. Thank you." He set the phone down again. He had more respect for the admiral because he had been along for a while.

The shogun's orders were carried out, and three hours later, the bombers had taken off. The EB-52 was a specially designed stealth heavy bomber. If the Poorland's equipment was as out dated as they thought, they wouldn't be detected on radar. The F-14s weren't stealth, but odds are they could handle anything with their 6 AIM-9 Sparrow ATA missiles and 20mm cannons

Also, a letter was sent ahead:

To the leader of the Poorlands,

Your oppressive actions have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. Roughly five hours ago, a survelience and targetting satellite owned by my nation detected large acts of violence in your nation, and committed by your government. These actions noticed were wide in variety, and include genocide. We also have suspicions that you are using chemical warfare inside your nation, but further tests have not come back yet. Thus, we hereby order you to have your military stand down, and that you relinquish power immediately to whatever form is most agreeable with the people. If you do not comply with this message, you will face prompt and utter distruction the likes of which you have not seen.

In Grave Concern for Your Nation,

His Exellency Shogun Nakamura Taiki

(OOC: What other information do you have on your nation's geography, cities, people, etc...?)
08-11-2006, 00:52
Prince William sat at his office. Before him were three phones, all connected to each of his three Senior Officers.

He reached for the left phone.

"Admiral Augustine, are you there?"

"Yes, your majesty!" Augustine's voice came over the reciever. "Fleet Admiral Frampton is ready, his ships are ready, and quite frankly sir, he's ready to go kick some ass, sir!"

Prince William laughed at the old Admiral's candid words. "That's great, Admiral, I'll get back to you!"

He put down the phone and reached for the phone in the middle.

"General Sherman, are the Air Fleets ready to go?"

"They are ready." replied the General of the Air Force. "General Briar's forces are assembled. General Miller's craft has been ready for quite some time, due to an unrelated training exercise. The Air Force is ready to go."

Prince William grinned. "Excellent work, General. Please stand by."

He put down the middle phone and reached for the one on the right.

"General Trotski!" the Prince said in a welcoming tone. "Is the 3rd Army Group assembled?"

The General's Russian accent came in over the reciever. "Aye. Field Marshal Heinlein's forces have been loaded into the transports for the trip to The Poorlands. We only await your final orders."

The Prince nodded. "We'll see what happens once I send my message. Stand by, General."

"Yes, sir."

Prince William set the reciever down on the desk. Then he turned to his lap. On the screen was a message that he typed out. He made some last minute edits. Then he clicked "send." The message was sent to the Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau.


Official Message from the Government of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough

Take not thy thunder from us but take away our Pride

From: Prince William Kennedy, Wilhelmsborough
To: Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau, The Poorlands

We have been monitoring the situation in your nation for quite some time now, and needless to say, we are disgusted by what we see. Never before have I seen a more pathetic specimen of worthless refuse holding the reins of power. It is beyond me why your reign wasn't wiped out a long time ago.

Well, as I say, better late then never. With the news of the destruction of the city of Antatown due to the words of a single dissenting individual, the Principality has decided that your hold on The Poorlands is venomous, and that you must be removed from power.

As you read this message, a massive military force has assembled to wipe out your reign. That force is well equipped, well armed and well prepared to defeat you, should fighting break out.

So I say to you, Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau, step down from power. Give up your control of The Poorlands and allow a new government to direct the fate of the country. If you do so, then we will discount your previous crimes and deliver you to a neutral country to live out the rest of your life in peace.

If you don't take our offer however, we will have no choice but to launch an all-out assault on your nation. Any attempt by your forces to stop us will be met with their distruction. And when we find you, and believe me, we will find you, we won't be so generous.

Choose your options wisely. Your life may depend on it.


Prince William Kennedy, Sovereign
Principality of Wilhelmsborough
Crimean Peninsula.


4th Air Fleet
(General Doreen Briar commanding)

3 Trojan II class Airborne Aircraft Carriers
8 Trojan I class Airborne Aircraft Carriers
9 Mako class Airship Bombers
15 Hyperion class Rigid Airships
40 Spartan Fleet Defense Airships

140 Su-47 Golden Eagles
20 CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopters

5th Air Fleet
(General James Miller commanding)

12 Trojan II class Airborne Aircraft Carriers

240 Su-47 Golden Eagles
24 CH-47 Chinook Transport Helicopters


3rd Army Group
(Field Marshal Phillip Heinlein commanding)

576,000 soldiers (Armed with AK-74U’s and Beretta M92 Handguns. Snipers use Galil-model sniper rifles)

1,000 Long Range Acoustic Devices (loaded atop M998 HMMWV Humvees)
2,300 M1A1 Abrams Tanks
1,600 Active Denial Systems (loaded atop M998 HMMWV Humvees)
1,700 9k58 Smerch Anti-Air Vehicles
2,000 Avenger Low Level Anti-Air Vehicles
3,500 M998 HMMWV Humvees
7,500 URAL-43206 Cargo Trucks


4th Fleet
(Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton commanding)

3 Intrepid-class Supercarriers (Flagship Rhapsody)
9 Nimitz-class Aircraft Carriers
36 Kirov-class Battlecruisers
40 Seawolf-class Submarines
52 Slava-class Heavy Missile Cruisers
60 Arleigh-Burke-class Guided-missile Destroyers
70 Oliver Hazard Perry-class Anti-Sub Escort Frigates

1080 Su-47 Golden Eagles
180 S-3 Vikings
30 EB-180 Stargazers
60 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
45 AH-64 Apache Helicopters
The Poorlands
08-11-2006, 02:00
I'm the little dark blue country above the yellow and below the brown. By the way, did those bombers already hit me, and is everyone's forces nearby?
To: Dai Yuddha Ossyria
From: The Almighty, Perfect, and Everlasting Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau

You keep those borders open or you will find swift destruction by our almighty military.


To: Psychotic Psychos
From: The Almighty, Perfect, and Everlasting Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau

I do what I do in the name of the almighty lord and for my people and country. You will never take me or my lands. You will regret ever sending a force at my nation, fool.


To: Wilhelmsborough
From: The Almighty, Perfect, and Everlasting Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau

I do what I do in the name of the almighty lord and for my people and country. You will never take me or my lands. You will regret ever sending a force at my nation, fool.


Immidiatly afterwards, 500,000 men and their old technology massed along the border of Dai Yuddha Ossyria, hoping to make them think again about closing off the border that the two nations shared. The news of at least two invasion forces was not taken lightly, and along with the 10 million men along the coast and the 4 million throughout the country, Abeeboo ordered the conscription of as many people as possible, equipping them with simple bolt-action rifles and AKs. It would probably not happen fast enough however, to take down an assault on the country.

Meanwhile, the 4 million soldiers throughout the country were not only rounding up men to conscript, but they were murdering massive amounts of women and children who do not cooperate. They have nearly beaten the country into submission, and supporters of the rebellion are no longer speaking out. (Note that most of the soldiers do not want to do this, but have no choice. Loyal superiors threaten to kill them if they do not do as they are told.)
08-11-2006, 02:47
To: Wilhelmsborough
From: The Almighty, Perfect, and Everlasting Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau

I do what I do in the name of the almighty lord and for my people and country. You will never take me or my lands. You will regret ever sending a force at my nation, fool.


Prince William smiled wickedly as he read the message from the leader of The Poorlands.

"Oh, you stupid old fool." the 28 year-old laughed while shaking his head. "I'm going to make you wish that you were never born."

He turned to the three phone recievers. They were still off the hooks. The Admiral and Generals were probably still on the line waiting for their orders.

For a second, Prince William considered giving each of them their orders one by one. But he decided against it, and grabbed all three recievers at once.

"GENTLEMEN!" the Prince shouted for all of them to hear on their ends. "SHIP OUT IMMEDIATELY!"

There was a chorus of "Yes sirs" as the three Senior Military Officers went to carry out their orders.

10 minutes later, the 4th Fleet left the Sevastopol naval base with the 3rd Army Group in tow. Flying above them were the 4th and 5th Air Fleets.

They set a course for The Poorlands at full speed.
Pschycotic Pschycos
08-11-2006, 02:52
"Attention allied craft. We've gotten a negative response. All craft are positive for engagement, continue to targets." The call went out over the radio of the Poorland's refusal to surrender.

"Roger, all craft turning to engage the Poorlands. ETA four hours," relpied the mission commander. The huge flight of craft banked in toward the nation, preparing to hit Abeboo's personal palace, as well as pave the way for other forces. The force took on the shape of a flying "V", fighters leading and flanking the bombers to protect them.

(OOC: As you can see, no, I did not strike yet. You have the opportunity to attempt an interception, but anything leftover will continue on toward your capitol...and then strike you.)
08-11-2006, 04:17
A meeting was held in the emergency conference room of the HQ. General Petterson of the Air Force and the Joint Chief's were all there. As everyone sat down Petterson started the meeting. "Alright, from what we know there is mass genocide taking place in the nation known as the Poorland's." A screen came down behind Petterson and a slide show began on a Projector. The first picture was a map of the Poorlands. Petterson continued saying "now this man Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau is responsible for the terrible situation. He spends all of the nations money on the military and feeds his troops with food that is needed by starving civilians." While he spoke the projector showed a picture of the "Supreme Leader" and several smuggled out photos of starving civilians. "Now several nations are already making their move on this guy but I believe we should get involved as well. We need to get in contact with the rebel leader Abdullah Al-Muhammed and try and get some weapons to his forces." Petterson then turned his attention to the projector as another picture showed up. This one showed intelligence reports of enemy positions on a map of the country. It had enemy military bases, Factory's, entrenched positions, AA defenses, etc all put together into an easy to read over all situation. Continuing he said, "Now the Poorlands have a massive military but they are very poorly equipped so we have an advantage there. The Only problem is that the Poorland forces have beefed up their defensive positions thanks to the Supreme Leader being Paranoid. He has defensive positions all along his coast and according to sat. Photos and spy drones he has a massive fortress with everything you can imagine." Petterson pointed to the symbols of defensive positions and a castle looking symbol with HIGH PRIORITY on top of it. "Now I believe we should first start with a massive bombing campaign from both Air Force and naval aircraft so we can cripple this massive conscript military before are ground assault begins." Petterson then walked to the center of the room and said, "Everyone agree?" A series of nods and "Yes's" were seen. Everyone agreed and with that the plan went into motion.

On the island known as Tolvin there was suddenly a beehive of activity as several aircraft started to land at the massive airbase. Meanwhile the fleet started to form at the Harbor, getting larger with every new arrival. The force would move out later.

Near Poorlands:
Meanwhile a Globemaster EIW (Electronic, Information Warfare) aircraft was flying very near Poorland. They were trying to contact the resistance and also they were overriding the poorlands TV broadcasts and sending a message calling for the people of the Poorlands to rise up against there so called "Supreme Leader” and also they told that several nations are banding together to free them including the Republic of Ustia. The aircraft then with escorts flew over the western part of the country and dropped leaflets stating that Ustia is trying to get in contact with the rebels and there hoping that the rebel group does the same.
Aqua Anu
08-11-2006, 05:53
"Another hot day." Queen Subaru said.

"Sure is your Majesty."

"Mother loved heat."

"Your Majesty, your presences is Requested in the Foreign Affairs Department."

Subaru the 19 year old Queen was trying to keep her mothers spirit alive in the nation. Having lost her dear mother two years ago and being declared Queen she hasn't been the same. "Milady, it's good to see you this morning."

"Thank you Lady. What news do you bring me?"

"Well milady, a bit of a crises. There is a nation completly war ravaged, poor, and now every nation is preparing to attack it's psychotic leader."

"Really? How much?"

"A lot your majesty, at least 4 nations are preparing strikes against them."

"They need not our support then. By the time our Navy steams out there, the job could be done."

"Yes milady but do remember there will be the postwar aftermath. You could declare Aqua Anu will head the Post-War Recovery of this nation, and they could back you up."

"That's a very fine idea. Take a letter Lady Nazole."

Offical Decree from the Queendom of Aqua Anu

Dear nations,

Aqua Anu has been following all thoes involved in the current situation in The Poorlands, and the useage of Military Force. The Queendom will stand behind the removal of the psychotic leader in the intrest of restoring order to the nation. For now Aqua Anu has no plans on Military Assitance, unless requested but we are planning on Leading the Post-War Recovery Program. We welcome all nations to join in us when this arises, if you have any questions you may contact the Foreign Ministry of the Queendom and leave a message.

Queen Subaru Akoowa
The Poorlands
08-11-2006, 06:24
The day was still young, and the insanity that drove the Supreme Leader onwards had convinced him that his threatening messages had frightened his enemies enough for them to back down. He sat in his room eating a nice dinner, enjoying modern life, when a messenger entered the room. He was a young man, having worked for the Supreme Leader directly for nearly 3 years. They had become like father and son, the closest to a family the Supreme Leader ever had. (probably because everyone hates him)

He entered nervously and said,"Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau?"

The Supreme Leader looked up, a glare on his face,"What is it?! Did those fools in DaiYuddhaWhatever attack us?!"

"Er.." the messenger swallowed before saying,"Psychotic Psychos has several modern bombers incoming on this position, and Wilhelmsborough has not stood down."

Abeeboo's face turned red in anger. He opened a dresser, grabbed a luger pistol, and began loading it,"Damn the fools. Do they not know who I am?"

The messenger would never answer the question, as the luger rang out into his head and he fell backwards. Abeeboo showed no remorse as he moved out of his room and down a hall, flanked by several soldiers. He moved downstairs and then into a basement. In there was a "sub-basement", and below that was the airtight metal door. He moved into it, and with a dozen soldiers and readied supplies, began moving down the tunnels.

AA was prepared as the news of enemy bombers came, and the three fighter pilots were forced to fly out against the enemy craft. They looked down as they flew away, wishing for a better second life somewhere, wishing for some way out of their failed lives. How sad it was that innocent men would die so that some crazy fuck could move into a safe tunnel system that would eventually lead out of the city and to his safety.

On the roof of the fortress rang an artillery shot that smashed into the city which it overlooked, killing a dozen people who were cramped into the tiny homes and apartment buildings(which were already bombed out).

Death Toll So Far-456,000
Injured and/or Dieing-2,378,000
The Poorlands
08-11-2006, 06:34
Abdullah Al-Muhammed had been alive before the insane Supreme Leader took control. That was back when the nation was beginning to revolutionize it's technology, society, and governmental systems. But alas, it was the nation's fate that some whackjob had to come and take control. Abdullah felt the shame of his people, who hated the man for his mistreatment of his own people.

Now Abdullah did something he had never thought would be needed. He lead a rebellion against the government he once loved. He sat at the top of bombed apartment building, which served as a temporary headquarters. He was meeting with his top "generals" to coordinate a massive strike against the capital. They had little to no vehicles, relying on manpower. This was their weakness, and Abeeboo's government knew it.

Somehow they had gotten ahold of information on the meeting. A scout saw the advancing military group and attempted to warn the leader, but to no avail. He was shot dead as he road horseback to the apartment building. He had only confirmed their position. A tank hit the buildings lowest level as it approached, rocking the entire thing.

Abdullah felt it was the end, and prayed to the lord in hopes of survival. Just then several planes flew above him, dropping hundreds of leaflets. One landed at his feet, and he read the news of help coming to save his people. A tear welled in his eye and he felt happy for the first time in nearly 8 years. He was at peace.

And then the apartment collapsed, killing him and all of his top "generals". The rebellion was to fall.
Pschycotic Pschycos
08-11-2006, 13:47
(OOC: Sorry, no time for a post now. Just know that I am working on it, and one will be up at the end of the day, which is about 8 more hours, if you're on in the meantime.)
08-11-2006, 15:04
[OOC: Is there a way I can insert a special operations team to take out the evil leader? I need to work on my special forces RPing, and this would probably be the best circumstance for me to get involved. Hell, I could have the team meet up with the rebels if you want. Up to you, though.]
Red Tide2
08-11-2006, 23:15
"This is wholly unacceptable..." The Supreme Commander said, "The presence of Whilhelmsborough and Aqua Anu on this continent is completely unacceptable..."

The SC was alone in his officer, staring out towards downtown Ariga.

"We will do something about this... and gain some more land in the process.

Official Statement From Red Tide Goverment
"The Corporate Dictatorship declares the current administration in the Poorlands completely and utterly incompetent and its continual threats towards other sovereign nations forces the Corporate Dictatorship to say this:

The reign of this 'Supreme Leader' is now null-and-void. A state of war now exists between us and the illegitimate warlord ruling over the Poorlands.

Also we must turn down Aqua Annu's offer to lead the reconstruction in any territory that we are able to liberate. We are more then capable of doing that ourselves."
End Message

Simultaneous with this statement, a Carrier Battlegroup left port and began to steam full speed towards the Poorlands, with it were transports carrying an entire Army Corp. In addition, three airborne divisions were put on alert inside Red Tide.

What was the unspoken ulterior motive of course was that Red Tide intended to take any land it gained control of for itself.
The Poorlands
09-11-2006, 00:17
OOC-Go ahead Hailandkill.
TO: Red Tide2
From: Temporary Supreme Leader (ooc-this is just minutes after Abeeboo entered the underground tunnels)

You do not have the right to declare the alimighty Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau's rule null or void. You will be destroyed just as all who oppose us have been before you.



TO: Everyone
FROM: The Poorland's Rebellion

We are falling apart! Our leader, Abdullah Al-Muhammed has been killed along with all our leaders. We will not last much longer! Help us, please!
Pschycotic Pschycos
09-11-2006, 00:46
"Lead, this is Escort 1. Tracking 3 bandits, bearing two-five-zero, 75 miles and closing. Also detecting multiple triple-A emplacements at 80 miles. Over," radioed the lead escort fighter.

"Escort 1, Lead. Engage bandits, over," the lead bomber and mission commander responded. "Flight, Lead. Hold current heading and altitude. Forward bombers, prepare to hit triple-A emplacements, rear bombers, prepare to attack target. ETA to target is 15 minutes. Hold steady, over," he radioed to the other planes. As he did this, the OSO began activating the 30 BLU-92 bombs in the bomb-bay.

Escort 1, having gotten his orders, activated the tracking system for his AIM-9 Sparrows, including live satellite tracking feed. Seconds later, he got a positive lock tone in his helmet. "Escort 1, firing three....Fox 1, Fox 2, Fox 3," he counted off as the missiles lept off their hardpoints, accelerating away and toward the three fighters that were the Poorlands only attempt to defend its leader.

Several hundred miles away, the 7th and 8th Fleets were steaming ahead at close to 35 knots in an attempt to reach the area quickly. In one day, they'd be in range for carrier operations.

Above the earth's atmosphere, not only were targetting satellites moving overhead, but so were broadcast signals. As one, they jammed out the signals on the ground and replaced it with their own signals.

Attention citizens of the Poorlands and the Poorlandian Resistance, this is the Imperial Armed Forces of Pschycotic Pschycos. We are working with all speed to eliminate Abeebo at this moment and free you from his oppressive rule. Stay strong and hold for a little while longer. Abeebo will not leave his palace alive again.

Several other nationalities are also working for this same goal. We ask that you cooperate with them and us if you see any personel in your nation. Again, help is on the way. Please hold on.
Mer des Ennuis
09-11-2006, 00:49
Place holder, doing a "training mission" with this one
Red Tide2
09-11-2006, 00:57
IC: Given that Red Tide and the Poorlands were on the very same continent, it took little time for the Red Tidean 7th Carrier Battlegroup to take up positions 20 kilometers from the Poorlands coast. They had launched Dark Star Reconnasiance Drones to scope out the enemy forces arrayed on the beach.

The Dark Star was a state-of-the-art recon Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, armed with nothing more then a camera, but completely invisible to most modern RADAR and, with its altitude and features, invisible to the naked eye. Of course, since the Poorlands was not expected to have anything better then WW2 RADARs, the Dark Star would be completely invisible to that.

The Dark Star began to find bunkers, artillery emplacements, troop positions, and so-on and so-forth. The first to be targetted where the artillery emplacements, as the big 18 inch ElectroThermal Chemical guns on the Red Tidean five Red Tidean G-Battleships swung around.

The auto-loaders went to work, slamming the shell into the breech of the gun and slamming shut, then one of two gunners sitting at a control position on the G-Battleships bridge pressed the button marked: FIRE.

The G-Battleships guns roared to life, their guns were capable of hurling conventional shells up too 100 kilometers inland, much further if the shells were rocket boosted. The shells hurtled out towards their unsuspecting victims.

Then there was a 59 second wait as the shell reached its target, recorded by the Dark Stars. If the shell missed, the G-Battleships would correct their gun trajectory and try again. If the shell hit, the Battleship would go into what was called 'Fire-At-Will' Mode, in where it would fire as fast as it could until its target was dead. Then it would look for a new target and repeat the process.

OOC: For referrence.

Each G-Battleship contains two main turrets, with four 18 inch guns per turret. In addition, each Battleship contains up to 6 independent 'Dual-Purpose' Guns 122mm ETC Guns, three on each side. These guns are capable of firing up too 40 kilometers inland with rocket-assisted shells, 30 kilometers without rocket-assist.

Here is what a Carrier Battlegroup contains:
1 TSUNAMIS-Class VTOL Supercarrier
2 BLUEBIRD-Class Guided Missile Cruisers
5 G-Battleships
5 M-Battleships
12 TIDAL WAVE-Class Guided Missile Destroyers
24 MOCKINGBIRD-Class Frigates
12 TC-2C ASW Helicopters
70 H/K-1 VTOL Surface Attack Aircraft
30 H/K-2 VTOL Interceptor Aircraft
Assorted supply ships.
Assorted Transports for one Army Corp(175,000 men)
Deep Sea tug boats with modernised versions of the 'Mulberry-harbor' used by the Allies during WW2.
Dai Yuddha Ossyria
09-11-2006, 01:22
Northern Frontier & Border Command
Ossyrian Imperial & Royal Armed Forces (OIRAF)
City of Dahleez
State of the Zartosh
Dai Yuddha Ossyria

"General! We have received word from the Poorlands. Their response was less than what we were hoping for, they have mobilized their own forces along the border. Should we order for reinforcements?" This was Gen. Oro Bormis' first position since his transfer from Southern Frontier Command along the border of Muhasafraq. The General had fought in many border wars with backwards warriors who used antiquited weaponry. This was different, though, more and more foreign nations were getting involved. He didn't like it, and he knew the Emperor, President, and Prime Minister and the Free People's Congress certainly didn't like it either. War wasn't an option anymore, it was fact.

The aide that brought him the message was waiting for a reply when Gen. Dryas Sabazo entered his office demanding to speak with Bormis in private. "Major, issue orders to double our forces along the border. Now leave us so that we may speak." The aide quickly shot out of the office as Gen. Sabazo closed the door behind him. He didn't look too happy and Gen. Bormis felt that he was about to be told news that he didn't like.

"Oro, we have a problem. Red Tide's involved now, and this Queendom of Aqua Anu has requested to lead the post-war reconstruction effort. No one's happy here. It is only natural that we, as the neighbors of the Poorlands, should lead any effort of that magnitude. Anyone else would be a blatant breach of national security."

"We have our orders to close off the border, Dryas. All we can do right now hope the other nations concede to our requests. Since they haven't asked to use our soil to launch an invasion, we aren't in a position to demand anything from them."

"Our options are not so limited. As of right now, Gen. Rondon Dyeus, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, has ordered a massive mobilization of the Naval Forces to be ready to lead a blockade if so ordered and the Aerospace Forces to declare a no-fly zone in the southern third of the Poorlands."

Gen. Bormis looked sombre as he heard the orders. He knew what this meant and while he knew the OIRAF was fully prepared to fight the Poorlands he didn't like it, but he still had to ask, "Are we at war, then? Is this what has been decided in Congress and by the President?"

"Not quite, no official declaration has been made. Your orders are to maintain the closure of the borders and prepare to support an invasion force. Right now, we are keeping a tight lid on this, the government will be trying to contact the foreign governments to try and gain support. We are preparing to drop thousands upon thousands of leaflets throughout the nation prior to the eventual invasion. Good luck, I must return to Central Command and review the intelligence from within the country."


Official Government Communique
The Principality of Wilhelmsborough
The Imperial Shogunate of Pschycotic Pschycos
The Republic of Ustia
The Queendom of Aqua Anu
The Corporate Dictatorship of Red Tide2

The Allied States of Dai Yuddha Ossyria

Noble Nations from around the globe, we are glad to see the outpouring of international military aid. Charity and generosity still does exist in the world. We hope that this is not a wasted effort. In all multilateral campaigns such as this, there requires a formal structure of command in which all participants must act. We hope that you agree and that we can all work together to topple the tyrannical regime of the Poorlands. Working together, we may help to alleviate the some of the pain and suffering that the civilians of the Poorlands will likely be subject to. Please respond as soon as you can.


Dr. Wilhuff Woodhelm, Federal President
Vinzenz Tal-Utrei, Prime Minister
Achilles Tullio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Yosea Taruba, Minister of War and Home Defense

On Behalf Of

The Most Sanctified and August Sage-Emperor
of All Under Heaven and Defender of All Beings
Markos IV Orlan


The Ossyrian Aerospace Forces immediately began to fly above the southern portions of the Poorlands, dropping immeasurable numbers of leaflets to the civilians below.








09-11-2006, 01:52
130,000 feet in the sky, a lone EB-180 Stargazer flew over over The Poorlands. Directing its powerful cameras towards the ground, it snapped several pictures of the coastal defenses.

When they were all done, they sent their information to the fleet.


On board the Intrepid-class Supercarrier Rhapsody, Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton went over the newly acquired information. This wasn't going to be too hard.

If Poorlands technology hadn't even advanced past World War II, then they probably had next to no missile technology. And even if they did, they probably did not have the advanced navigation technology of modern cruise missiles.

The Fleet Admiral went over to the radio operator.

"Switch to a fleet-wide frequency." he ordered.

"Aye, sir," the operator replied, carrying out his orders.

Frampton took the radio reciever.

"This is Fleet Admiral Frampton. We are now within 500 kilometers of The Poorlands coast. A coast which is lined with trenches, bunkers, guntowers, and roadblocks. Basically, what we're looking at is Normandy."

He snickered. "But this Normandy has the same level of technology as the original invasion. And that, my friends, is where our advantage lies."

The Fleet Admiral thought for a moment. Then he gave an order.

"Fire a salvo of cruise missiles at the coastal defenses."

All across the fleets, Armed Box launchers spat out cruise missile after cruise missile.

The sixty Arleigh-Burke-class Guided-missile Destroyers fired 20 Tomahawks apiece. The forty Seawolf-class submarines fired 15 apiece, and the Hyperion, Trojan I, and Trojan II-class combat airships fired 2 apiece. The fifty-two Russian-made Slava-class Heavy Missile Cruisers on the other hand, fired six SS-N-12 Cruise Missiles.

A total of 1,876 Tomahawk and 312 SS-N-12 Cruise Missiles shot into the air towards the coastal defenses of the Poorlands.

As Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton watched the missiles streak eastword towards the coast, he gave a second order.

"Attention all aircraft carriers! Prepare fighters for launch!"
Mer des Ennuis
09-11-2006, 02:19
The Deaths Head. Most associate them with either moths or the particular vile beings that guarded concentration camps. Fewer thought of the officially non-existent Deaths Head Special Forces group. The Deaths Head acted autonomously, and recruited from only the most blood-stained divisions in the Mer des Ennuis Army, and went through the closest thing to hell this side of the River Styx, and had nigh unlimited access to the sum total forces of the Ennuisian military.

For these two sections of the 56th “Deathwatch” Battalion, 10th Regiment, what would take place in The Poorlands would be their graduation, and their diploma sat squarely on the shoulders of Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau.

1st Lieutenant Dragos Mikhailo sat in the poor safe house, the emergency generator required to operate the electronics humming away; power was out for the city block again. The mission objectives were stuck to the wall with a combat knife, and read:

“You are hearby ordered to execute “The Almighty, Perfect, and Everlasting Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau” by any means necessary, and extract yourself from the nation. Leave no bodies. Aid available as last resort. Your continued existence depends on the fulfillment of these objectives.”

The Deathwatch had spent the last 4 months avoiding genocidal attacks, and had been forced to kill several security officials of the Landian regime. Team 2, lead by Command Sergeant Major Klara Mykhaila, had secured an apartment building half a mile from the compound/fortress believed to be housing Al-Balladaleedeelau. Sergeant Major Daniel Czeslaw, in a blackened room near the top floor, poked his Pale Rider Arms M220 8mm sniper rifle out of the tattered window shade; a much more powerful M210 13mm rifle sat ready for use on the floor.

He whispered over the integrated, secured radio in his helmet.
“Golf 5, I have visual. Several anti-air emplacements are gearing up, and the base is going hot. Recommend immediate action against the artillery emplacements, electronics and radar station, and anti-air sections.”
“Rodger that Golf 4, hold position.” Came the reply from CSM Mykhaila. She hit a small button on the side of her helmet, and the small projection on her helmet indicated she was speaking to the command base.
“Victor 1, this is Golf 4.”
“Rodger that Golf 4.” Answered 1Lt. Mikhailo.
“Victor 1, my marksman is recommending immediate action against the target.”
“Rodger that, we have preliminary intelligence suggesting massive assaults on the facility. Order him to mark emplacements for artillery.”
“Rodger Victor 1.” Hitting another button, she went to unit wide. “All units, prepare for artillery fire. Golf 5, target emplacements in the following order: Radar/EW, Artillery, Command Tower, and any and all anti-air batteries.”
“Rodger that, marking targets.” Came the quiet reply.
50 miles away, five semi trucks were parked in a clearing off of an ill-traveled highway, and four men and a woman in trucker garb were leaning on the bumper of one of the trucks, when the order came through.
CSM Alexandru Ioan heard the order come over the secure com unit disguised as a regular hand-held radio.
“Allright, you heard the lady, jump to!” he ordered, and the other jogged to the back end of their trailers, where they hit 15-digit codes into a keypad. Almost simultaneously, the motors hidden within the trailers started up, and hydraulic braces appeared out the now-folding down sides of the trailer, ensuring the stability of the trailer. 30 seconds after the codes were entered, five fully operational hidden PzH-2000 howitzers guided by a semi-autonomous control center were lifted into firing positions, and after quick self-diagnostic check, were totally operational.”
CSM. Ioan broadcasted unit wide.
“All teams, prepare for bombardment.”
Using the targeting data from the sniper, the howitzers fired five rounds each at the selected targets in the order they were given. Five shells, a mix of APHE and HESH, fired through different trajectories, would arrive at their selected targets almost simultaneously, annihilating whatever they hit. Two minutes thirty seconds and twenty shells later, the howitzers packed up and were gone.
09-11-2006, 02:19
Offical Decree from the Queendom of Aqua Anu

Dear nations,

Aqua Anu has been following all thoes involved in the current situation in The Poorlands, and the useage of Military Force. The Queendom will stand behind the removal of the psychotic leader in the intrest of restoring order to the nation. For now Aqua Anu has no plans on Military Assitance, unless requested but we are planning on Leading the Post-War Recovery Program. We welcome all nations to join in us when this arises, if you have any questions you may contact the Foreign Ministry of the Queendom and leave a message.

Queen Subaru Akoowa

Official Response from the Principality of Wilhelmsborough

Take not thy thunder from us but take away our Pride

From: Prince William Kennedy, Wilhelmsborough
To: Queen Subaru Akoowa, Aqua Anu

While we greatly appreciate your moral support in the campaign against Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau, I must object to your request for control over the reconstruction effort. Since you are not sending military support to fight in The Poorlands, I do not see how handing the reconstruction effort over to The Queendom of Aqua Anu makes any sense. After all, it's nations like Wilhelmsborough and Pschycotic Pschycos that are doing all the work! Why shouldn't we be able to reap the rewards of our toil and sacrifice?

Of course, I do not stand for all of the nations that are sending forces into The Poorlands. They still have their say in the matter. However, if you wish to provide support in the reconstruction effort, then the Principality will gladly accept your help. As I write, the Wilhelmsborough Army Corps of engineers is already making plans for the rebuilding of Poorlands farmland. We plan to establish several new farms for the growth of corn, peas, carrots, potatos, tomatoes, industrial hemp, apples, radishes, and other assorted fruits and vegetables.

Now, we have the seeds, and we have the manpower. But what we're lacking is biomass. As you know, the Poorlands landscape is rather barren from all the resources and nutrients being drained out of it by Al-Balladaleedeelau's failed policys. So, in order to make the soil good for growing, we're going to need to make it fertile again. And that requires manure. Lots and lots of manure. If you can supply us with that, then I, as well as the farmers of The Poorlands, would greatly appreciate it.

Yours in Reconstruction,

Prince William Kennedy, Sovereign
Principality of Wilhelmsborough
Crimean Peninsula
09-11-2006, 02:25
[OOC: Just to clarify things, I have FULL permission to take the guy out if I have the opportunity? Also, we might want to work something out for how I get intelligence and such. Maybe a meeting with a rebel leader once I hit the ground?]
Pschycotic Pschycos
09-11-2006, 03:06
TO: All nations involved,

Dear Comrades,

The question of reconstruction has come up already, even before the removal of this Abeebo character. While his removal is, of course, priority, I am glad to see the foresight that is displayed. Personally, I don't not believe in anyone solely leading a reconstruction attempt. However, that doesn't mean I don't believe in a coordinated effort. One nation alone cannot lead a reconstruction attempt, let alone do it alone. That is why I am suggesting a conference of leaders involved to decide how to divide responsiblities of reconstruction once this is over.

It is my understanding that my nation's naval fleet is one of the furthest away, and will most likely not partake in any amphibious assault. However, the guns on the ships are of railgun design, and can penetrate up to 200 miles. Any pressed invasion can be supported by them once in place. Also, our carriers are equipped to handle medium-transport aircraft. Once combat operations cease, I am ordering that they stay there to support logistics operations. All nations may use them.

I hope my two cents have been considered, thank you.

Sincerely and in Hopes of Peace,

Shogun Nakamura Taiki
09-11-2006, 03:19
The force was finally ready. Everything was in place, all that was needed now was the go ahead from the over all commander General Alexander. He made an announcement over the radio so everyone could here it. "This is the supreme commander General Alexander I have an announcement to make." He paused so everyone could listen in. "You are about to sat sail to a foreign nation that many of you have never heard of or cared for. For some of you this is the first time you've ever been away from home but our Fatherland has called us to duty. A horrible dictator lies beyond the sea that has been killing and starving innocent civilians sometimes for fun I imagine. Over 450,000 are already dead by this leader and millions more are suffering. Is it right for us to set back and do nothing? To just enjoy or lives while people suffer! I would think not. In facted I would be ashamed if or Fatherland did not help out in this conflict, not to at least try and help these people. So this is why were here, to not put shame upon are nation. So when the bullets start flying remember what you’re fighting for, remember all those people that have died by this man, the people that will die if we do nothing." There was an even longer pause and then, "That is all, set sail for The Poorlands and remember men." With that the 4th N.E.F (Naval Expeditionary Force) took off towards the Poorlands. They would arrive in a few day's.

4th N.E.F:
2 Illustrious Class Attack Carriers’
4 Valiant Class T.F Battleships
15 Griffon class Guided-Missile cruiser's
12 Warrior Class General-Purpose Cruiser's
25 Judge class Guided-Missile destroyer's.
20 Mason class guided-missile frigates
10 Pandora Class Patrol Combatants’
10 Sabre class (LHMN/CVLN's)
10 bishop class A.A.V
15 Lowe class A.L.D
5 Levett class tender
2 hopper class Sub tender
25 Phantom Class Hydrogen-Cell Hunter-Killer Submarine's
3 Espander class B.M.S

M.E.F (Marine Expeditionary Force)
150,000 Personal
2,000 M20 Mackall Main Battle Tank's
1,000 Self-Propelled Howitzer, Mark VIII, "Sabre's"
600 Multiple Launch Rocket System, Mark IV, "Ballista's"
1,500 M4A2 Spartan Mechanized Combat Vehicle
2,000 Wolf HMMWV's
1,500 UNISUV's
1,000 AH-72 "Viper" Attack Helicopter's

Tolvin Airfield:
The First Strikes began. The First wave would consist of 150 B-52H's, 50 B-2's, 200 BA-74 Arrows, 200 F/A 35 Talons and several squadrons of Wild Weasel aircraft. There targets where the defensive positions along the coastline and any Military bases in the area of operation. The Force was already in the air by the time the order to move out had been given. After the e force refuels mid-flight they'll conduct their attacks. This however will be after a long four-hour flight.

Over Poorland:
Meanwhile the Globemaster EIW dropped of its cargo at extreme altitude. That Cargo was a squad of Dark Agents and another squad from the 1st SOD. (Special Operations Detachment) They conducted a HALO jump (High Altitude Low Opening) plummeting towards the earth at amazing speed. After falling for a few minutes they deployed there parachute's at a very low altitude to avoid detection. Then everyone hit the ground with a "thud". Immediately the SF units disposed of their parachutes and regrouped. Hopefully with the cover of darkness no one noticed them. After regrouping the Agents and the SOD headed out to find better cover.

OOC: The men landed at night just incase you didn't know. Also what kind of environment is the Poorlands? Is it a desert region? Or a grassland? What?
Aqua Anu
09-11-2006, 03:27
Official Response from the Principality of Wilhelmsborough

Take not thy thunder from us but take away our Pride

From: Prince William Kennedy, Wilhelmsborough
To: Queen Subaru Akoowa, Aqua Anu

While we greatly appreciate your moral support in the campaign against Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau, I must object to your request for control over the reconstruction effort. Since you are not sending military support to fight in The Poorlands, I do not see how handing the reconstruction effort over to The Queendom of Aqua Anu makes any sense. After all, it's nations like Wilhelmsborough and Pschycotic Pschycos that are doing all the work! Why shouldn't we be able to reap the rewards of our toil and sacrifice?

Of course, I do not stand for all of the nations that are sending forces into The Poorlands. They still have their say in the matter. However, if you wish to provide support in the reconstruction effort, then the Principality will gladly accept your help. As I write, the Wilhelmsborough Army Corps of engineers is already making plans for the rebuilding of Poorlands farmland. We plan to establish several new farms for the growth of corn, peas, carrots, potatos, tomatoes, industrial hemp, apples, radishes, and other assorted fruits and vegetables.

Now, we have the seeds, and we have the manpower. But what we're lacking is biomass. As you know, the Poorlands landscape is rather barren from all the resources and nutrients being drained out of it by Al-Balladaleedeelau's failed policys. So, in order to make the soil good for growing, we're going to need to make it fertile again. And that requires manure. Lots and lots of manure. If you can supply us with that, then I, as well as the farmers of The Poorlands, would greatly appreciate it.

Yours in Reconstruction,

Prince William Kennedy, Sovereign
Principality of Wilhelmsborough
Crimean Peninsula

From: The Queendom of Aqua Anu

To: The Pricipality of Wilhelmsborough+Allies

Status: Unencrypted

With almost 10 nations sending in forces of their own, to a nation with technology that of the late 1940's it seems like a high waste of resources and time on Aqua Anu's part to steam the Royal Navy all that way to the Nation of Poor Lands to find the job is done, and then to steam back to get the need supplies to help the nation. At least with focusing on the reconstruction we can take the time to build the needed supplies to deliver within good time. Natrually we invite all nations to join in the reconstruction effort and welcome the proposal from PsychoticPsychos.

Queen Subaru Akoowa
09-11-2006, 03:41
TO: All nations involved,

Dear Comrades,

The question of reconstruction has come up already, even before the removal of this Abeebo character. While his removal is, of course, priority, I am glad to see the foresight that is displayed. Personally, I don't not believe in anyone solely leading a reconstruction attempt. However, that doesn't mean I don't believe in a coordinated effort. One nation alone cannot lead a reconstruction attempt, let alone do it alone. That is why I am suggesting a conference of leaders involved to decide how to divide responsiblities of reconstruction once this is over.

It is my understanding that my nation's naval fleet is one of the furthest away, and will most likely not partake in any amphibious assault. However, the guns on the ships are of railgun design, and can penetrate up to 200 miles. Any pressed invasion can be supported by them once in place. Also, our carriers are equipped to handle medium-transport aircraft. Once combat operations cease, I am ordering that they stay there to support logistics operations. All nations may use them.

I hope my two cents have been considered, thank you.

Sincerely and in Hopes of Peace,

Shogun Nakamura Taiki

To: PsychoticPsychos/ militarily involved nations
From: Ustia

I do believe that we should have a conference to discuss how the rebuilding efforts will be done but this early? The war has barely started and will most likely go on for some time. Right now is not the time to discuss what were going to do after the war, now is the time for the militarily involved nations to form a battle plan or some type of leading body that could be put together so an effective alliance can be formed. However if a conference does happen you can expect the Republic of Ustia to be there.
Mer des Ennuis
09-11-2006, 05:22
OOC: I would like to have some forces make (potentially limited) contact with my Spec. Ops team (20 men, heavily armed, safe houses with well-hidden weapons caches, etc.) at some point in this, possibly to instigate additional activities on my behalf into the nation. Anyone interested, OOC respond/TG me.
09-11-2006, 05:27
[OOC: Yeah, I'll do it, but first I want to work out the details of my own spec ops work before we combine. Oh and 20 men isn't a covert team, so I would knock that down to at least something below 10.]
Mer des Ennuis
09-11-2006, 05:46
OOC: Depends on how you use them... of the four teams I have, it would be exceedingly rare for them to meet in one place at any given time, and, as the example I used thus far, one team is scattered about driving hidden artillery pieces (the PZH-2000 CAN actually fit in a semi truck, especially if stripped down a tad). One team coordinates command/intelligence, the remaining two are for assault. If i'm assaulting, say, a medium security facility, I'll probably want some of the additional manpower, and if not, Just involve a pair of fire teams. In addition, if I lose a few men, all is not totally lost.
09-11-2006, 05:51
[OOC: Well, if thats how you want to use them. We can discuss this over some sort of chat program like AIM or MSN so we don't clutter this thread. TG me with a screen name for something if you want to continue this.]
Pschycotic Pschycos
09-11-2006, 23:52
To: PsychoticPsychos/ militarily involved nations
From: Ustia

I do believe that we should have a conference to discuss how the rebuilding efforts will be done but this early? The war has barely started and will most likely go on for some time. Right now is not the time to discuss what were going to do after the war, now is the time for the militarily involved nations to form a battle plan or some type of leading body that could be put together so an effective alliance can be formed. However if a conference does happen you can expect the Republic of Ustia to be there.

TO: Ustia,

It is vital that we decide upon this now becuase this incident will not last long. We are facing a nation with an army that mostly hates its leader. Once the leader is eliminated, most of the fighting will stop. As you can see, there won't be much fighting. And even if there is, we are facing an enemy with vastly outdated equipment. Any fighting will not last long. This is why we must decide now to prevent ourselves from getting caught with our pants down when we don't know what to do.


Shogun Nakamura Taiki
09-11-2006, 23:59
OOC: Is this thread dead? Where is the OP?
Dai Yuddha Ossyria
10-11-2006, 00:24
(OOC: He hasn't been online in two days, but whatever.
Here's an image of my country with The Poorlands shown in the north (

Official Government Communique
The Principality of Wilhelmsborough
The Imperial Shogunate of Pschycotic Pschycos
The Republic of Ustia
The Queendom of Aqua Anu
The Corporate Dictatorship of Red Tide

The Allied States of Dai Yuddha Ossyria

With regards to post-war reconstruction, we in the Allied States would like to ask all involved to let our nation host the conference. We realize that this war is yet to be over, but the reconstruction efforts must be organized as soon as it is, and that means coming up with a plan ASAP. Our nation borders the Poorlands, the only nation involved that has that dubious honor. This would make our nation a natural base of operations for overseeing the reconstruction of our neighbors to the north. To dispel any potential fears or worries that we would use this opportunity to take advantage of the situation and try to seize control of the country, all nations involved in this invasion will have equal say in how the nation is rebuilt from the ashes.

Please respond to this inquiry.


Dr. Wilhuff Woodhelm, Federal President
Vinzenz Tal-Utrei, Prime Minister
Achilles Tullio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Yosea Taruba, Minister of War and Home Defense

On Behalf Of

The Most Sanctified and August Sage-Emperor
of All Under Heaven and Defender of All Beings
Markos IV Orlan
Aqua Anu
10-11-2006, 00:34
The Queendom of Aqua Anu

The Queendom has no intrest in exploting anyone. Our Queendom is a peaceful one, that has only intrest in helping thoes in need. I do need to know when the meeting will being so I can depart for Psy.Psyc. and make it on time.
Red Tide2
10-11-2006, 00:52
Official Statement From Red Tide
"Although we are open to the idea of rebuilding the Poorlands. We must say that we do not wish for a overly large hand in reconstruction in the case of Aqua Anu. They are classified as a possible hostile state due too its alliance with the possible enemy state Kanami.

In the interest of peace, we will allow them to participate in reconstruction... just not too much."
End Message
10-11-2006, 01:10
Official Statement From Red Tide
"Although we are open to the idea of rebuilding the Poorlands. We must say that we do not wish for a overly large hand in reconstruction in the cases of Whilhelmsborough and Aqua Anu. The former was and still is considered an enemy state. The latter is classified as a possible hostile state due too its alliance with the possible enemy state Kanami.

In the interest of peace, we will allow them to participate in reconstruction... just not too much."
End Message

OOC: If you're referring to that thread that I tried to took part in, I don't even recognize it as ever happening, because I did so little, and at the end you kicked me out. In my opinion, IC, I have never met you.
Red Tide2
10-11-2006, 01:12
OOC: Oh... will edit.
10-11-2006, 01:14
To: Ossyria
From: Ustia

The Republic of Ustia supports your host of the conference. If and when this conference takes place you can expect representatives from are country to be there. We'd be glade to help out with post-war security considering are military is very experienced in that field.

OOC:Mer des Ennuis I guess your Spec Ops. could meet up with my Dark Agents and SOD troops sometime down the road. However this depends on a lot of factor's.
The Poorlands
10-11-2006, 01:19
Red Tide2: What are you firing at in the post with the little drone?
Hailandkill: The Poorlands is a barren wasteland. It is a tropic area turned desert.

The Air
The attacking planes were overpowering for the three unfortunate fighter pilots and their long outdated craft. The first fighter at the front was hit head on and exploded immediatly. The fighter to the left was also hit, but the fighter to the right reacted, barrel rolling to the right and accelerating at top speed. He yelled into his com in fractured English, hoping it would reach the enemies.

"Please! Don't kill me! I want to leave this place, please!"

Along the Border of Dai Yuddha Ossyria
The news of enemies massing was not welcomed by the government, which was unknowing of the massive attacks about to hit them. They sent out one last round of orders.

They were forcing the 520,000(the 20,000 were already on the border) to invade Dai Yuddha Ossyria.

Under the cover of long-range artillery fire, thousands upon thousands of men crossed the border along with hundreds of tanks and planes. The point still stood, though, that the Poorland's massive military did nothing to lessen the painful fact that their technology sucked.

Coastal Defences
The Poorland's crappy RADAR had just picked up the Wilhelmsborough fleet when it was filled with nearly two thousand cruise missiles. The news came in less than a minute before the missiles hit, and hundreds of men poored out of the trenches and away from their defences in hopes of survival. It wasn't that they were cowards; these men wanted to defend their country. What they didn't want to do was defend a maniac like their Supreme Leader.

Still, officers surpressed the bulk of the dissertion, threatening with death. That was when the cruise missiles hit, knocking out bunkers, trenches, towers, and killing several thousand. The beach defenses were down, and almost out. Even still, trenches and guntowers stood, and a bunker every once in awhile. The men on the beaches knew they were screwed.

Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau's Castle
(since I don't want to rewrite this, basically his manor collapses and closes off the tunnel, so he is getting away)

OOC-If you haven't noticed, this is Zukariaa. XD
Red Tide2
10-11-2006, 01:19
OOC: Err... are yuo the Poorlands? Anyways, I am shooting first at artillery emplacements the drone can spot, then at beach defenses in general.

Oh, question, what exactly are you using? Russian WW2 tech? American WW2 tech?

I would suggest in your case Russian tech... its probably the easiest to maintain.
10-11-2006, 01:22
OOC-Dagnabbit. I lost a whole part of my post because of that little mishap.

I'm using Russian WW2 stuff.
The Poorlands
10-11-2006, 01:23
OOC-And as you can see, I'm being very forgetful. <_<
Pschycotic Pschycos
10-11-2006, 01:40
The desperate message crackled in over Lead's radio. Immediately he radioed ahead, "Escort 1, disengage! Repeat, disengage!"

"Lead, Escort 1, disengaging, over."

"Poorlandian Aircraft, proceed past our forces toward our naval force. A rescue crew will be standing by should you run out of fuel and need to bail," radioed the Lead. He switched back to the Flight channel. "All bombers, we're a go for attack, repeat we are a go. Bomb doors coming open." The plane shook as massive gears roleld the bomb-bay doors open. Up ahead, the pilot could see the target coming into view. "All craft, prepare for incoming AAA fire." As they pulled over their target at an altitude of 1500 feet, the OSO on the lead bomber pressed the attack button. The plane drifted upward as 20 BLU-92 fuel-air bombs dropped out of the bay. These bombs were not concusion like normal bombs, but spread flames out for a great radius. However, that amount of fuel being ignited did create a concusion wave. The bombs plummeted down onto the palace. Though the first volley might not puncture any airtight structure, 19 vollyes remained. If, at anytime, the airtight seal on Abeebo's chamber was broken, flames would instantaneously intrude and sear anything inside. As each consecutive bomber flew overhead, it dropped its load of bombs. The escort fighters maintained an orbit overhead, to protect against anymore fighters.

For dramatic effect, the satellites once again cut in on the broadcasts and began playing Tchaicovsky's 1812 Overture on every channel....Really just cause they could.
10-11-2006, 02:48
Map of situation: Yellow= Airstrikes, Red=fleet (
The Strike force was closing on there objective. A few miles out the Bomber's gained altitude and formed up. The Arrow's ( would strike first with there laser guided weapons, taking out the enemy artillery and command structure's behind the line. The Wild Weasels were right behind them as they closed in on the coast. When they reached the Coast they split into there attack groups. The flight lead said over the radio "Alright airmen were closing on are targets, take your time at aiming, you don't want a somehow miss with laser precision." the flight leads weapons officer tapped him on the shoulder; he knew that meant they were close. "Alright here we go everyone, good hunting." Everyone then got to work. Each Arrow weapons officer locked on to their targets with FLIR and then released their Laser-guided bombs. The bombs fell towards their unsuspecting targets.

Meanwhile the B-52's moved over the coastal defenses. Their bomb bays opened and everyone waited for the order. The Flight Lead said "now!" and suddenly hundreds of JDAM's fell from the bombers bays. There GPS guided them towards there targets which where the bunkers, trench's and other defensive positions along the coast. After dropping there load the Bomber’s immediately moved out, there job was done and they were heading home.

4th N.E.F:
The fleet was now only a few miles away from The Poorlands. It would be a few more hours until they were in their operation area. The commander of the Expeditionary Force Admiral William Sanders was currently onboard the Aircraft Carrier R.U.S Directus. He was currently going over the daily reports and keeping tabs on the developing air strike. On the flight deck Xeon patrol fighters were returning from another long sortie. The fleet would start their operations soon.

The Poorlands:
"Peter, is your group in order?" asked Richard as everyone huddled behind a sand dune. "Yeah were ok, do you know where we are?" Richard looked at his GPS for a moment and then looked back at Peter. "Yeah were a few miles away from are target." Richard then changed to Satellite photo mode. What they saw was a smoldering crater of what used to be a castle fortress. Richard and Peter weren't surprised considering they knew that one of the allies was planning to bomb it anyways. "Do you think we should go there? " said Peter. Richard sat there and thought about it for a moment. "No, if his still alive then I dought his there. More then likely he has some type of underground escape tunnel or something like that." Peter quickly responded,” so where going to plan B?"
"Yes, get everyone ready." Immediately the two squad's started to take off there gear. Everyone pulled out local civilian clothing and quickly put in on. They also added make-up and put on colored contacts so they could blend in with the population better. When they finished with the disguise's they quickly put all of there equipment in normal bags. The group then headed down the road towards the nearest town.
OOC: I'm guessing your citizens are Middle-Eastern people, right?
10-11-2006, 02:54
OOC: I'm going to give the crazy bastard a fair chance, since everyone is making this a dogpile.

Secret IC:
To aid my dear friend the Supreme Leader, Enkur demands that blood be spilt in the name of sacrifice and power. I will commit to the Supreme Leader a team of Sadicistras and Temsplace to defend his location. Please send a message regarding your location so assistance can be lent.
10-11-2006, 03:04
130,000 feet overhead, the EB-180 Stargazer watched as the massive wave of cruise missiles slammed into The Poorlands coast. There were massive explosions.

Clouds of billowing smoke rose into the air, obscuring, the Stargazer's view of the damage. But it was quite clear that a great deal of damage had been done.

4th Fleet, on board flagship Rhapsody
425 kilometers from the Poorlands Coast

Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton grinned as he reviewed the footage that the Stargazer had sent. The opening salvo had gone off almost flawlessly. The coastal defenses were practically gone, meaning that landing on the coast wouldn't be difficult at all.

But as for cleaning up what was left...

Frampton toggled the radio in his hand.

"Attention all carriers! Launch fighters immediately!"

At once, Su-47 Golden Eagles shot off the flight decks of the fleet's various aircraft carriers.

The three Intrepid-class supercarriers launched 72 Su-47s apiece, while the nine Nimitz carriers launched 24 Su-47s apiece. The eight Trojan I Airbourne Aircraft Carriers launched 6 fighters and the fifteen Trojan II's launched 12 Golden Eagles apiece.

A total of 660 Su-47 Golden Eagles shot up into the air and headed east towards The Poorlands coast. They were armed with a vast array of AA and AS missiles, and were prepared to take down the entire Poorlands airforce if it came down to it.


Meanwhile, in the transport ships, Field Marshal Phillip Heinlein was preparing the 3rd Army Group for deployment on the Poorlands coast.

"Alright listen up." he said to the collection of officers that worked under him.

"That opening wave of Cruise Missiles did a lot to knock out those defenses on the coast," he stated, "but they still have a presense out there. And it's up to us to drive them back."

The officers nodded and listened.

Heinlein continued. "As we're going to be making a landing against a fortified coast, I have decided that we're going to use the same strategy that we used when we landed in West Corinthia."

There a murmur of chatter as the officers realized what was about to happen.

The Field Marshal waited until the officers were quiet again, no doubt in part to the look of absolute seriousness that he was giving them.

"Leading charge to the coast will be our Active Denial Systems. We'll keep them on as they head towards the coast. As they get to within one kilometer of the coastal defenses, their soldiers will start to feel the affects. After 2-3 seconds, they may feel a slight itching sensation. But at 5 seconds, they'll be running like hell, trying to escape the sensation that they're on fire."

Heinlein and the rest of his officers laughed.

"We're also going to be utilizing the Long Range Acoustic Devices for the first time." he continued.

"These devices emit a high-pitched shrill tone, which has a maximum volume of 150 dBSPL per meter, which puts them 50 times the normal human threshold of pain!"

"These LRADs also got a range of about 500 meters, which makes them extremely powerful. They're best used between 300 to 500 meters. But anything closer," he snickered, "and you'll probably blow their eardrums out. Gentlemen, make no bones about it: This machine can deafen you."

The officers shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

The Field Marshal stood up. "Well then!" he said. "That is the plan. Are you all clear?"

"YES SIR!" the officers replied.

"Alright then! Gentlemen, prepare your forces! Dismissed!"
10-11-2006, 03:44

[OOC: Uh, dude, technically I am not in this war yet. Also, when I do land special forces men, your nation won't have a clue as to the fact they belong to my nation.

Ok, and Poorlands, do you maybe have a layout of the bunker that the dictator is in? Also, will you be RPing as the men defending him?

Side note: Like I said to Mer, maybe we should discuss this over some sort of instant messaging program, so if you wouldn't mind TGing me with info for something, we can discuss this. Thanks!]
Dai Yuddha Ossyria
10-11-2006, 04:53
(OOC: HailandKill, my bad, I've taken your name off the message)

The military blockade along the border held for a while before the Poorlands forces were able to leak through. Hundreds of Leopard 2 MBT's were called in to block the advancing soldiers. Northern Command had ordered nearly a hundred AMX Ghibli's took off from airstrips on the Ossyrian island of Lao Nio. They carried in their payload, aside from air-to-surface missiles, 3,800 kg bombs with which to destroy the artillery being used by the Poorlands to fire into Ossyrian territory.

The Ground Forces, along with the Frontier and Border Forces, with the Volunteer guard on standby in the unlikely event that the defenses failed, numbered 4,000,000 total. The number of men assigned to combat duty along the border was approximately 600,000. These men were well-armed, especially compared to the enemy's soldiers. They were armed with Beretta Army M9 Model 92SB's, Franchi SPAS-12's, AK-107's, SIG SSG 3000's, and Thompson M1A1's. Hundreds of Leopard 2 MBT's were engaging the invaders with the infantry. Compared to the bolt action rifles of the Poorlands, they were extremely well-armed.

(OOC: Dammit, I've been having trouble with the forums and they wiped out my post which seemed to take just an hour to write. Anyway, this sums it up. )
Mer des Ennuis
10-11-2006, 08:03
OOC: Hailandkill, i'll catch you tomorrow, WH40k:DC is a harsh mistress. Dai, i'm not officially in the country yet, so you might want to move me off the list. Poorlands: layout/current position/etc. would be cool; even if we don't take him out yet, its still useful.
11-11-2006, 01:00
75 Kilometers from The Poorlands coast

The 660 Su-47 Golden Eagles were getting close to the coastal defense line. Terran-mapping RADAR showed that there were still several gun towers and bunkers that had survived.

It would be up to the Su-47s to clean up what the Cruise Missiles had left still standing.

"Alright everyone!" said the leader, Brigadier-General Stephen Dickenson. "Pick your ground targets and perpare to fire! We're only gonna get one shot at this before we head into enemy territory!"

The fighters were now 65 Kilometers from the coast and closing fast. They could see the coastline through the clouds.

"Alright boys, LET 'EM HAVE IT!"

And with that order, each of the 660 Su-47 Golden Eagles fired 2 Kh-31P Air to Surface missiles apiece.

A grand total of 1,320 Kh-31P's shot down towards the remaining coastal targets.
The Poorlands
11-11-2006, 02:34
OOC-Yes, they are Middle Eastern.

Mer Des Ennuis-I don't have any of that and wont be making it because the tunnel systems are way too huge. Basically, he's moving into about a mile down one of the dozens of paths, and only he knows which one leads to the outside. The others contain gas traps and such.

Did I mention he's crazy?

The City of Al-Girba
The Ustian team would find that they were to be treated like every other citizen under the Supreme Leader. The military was conscripting men and forcing women, children, old, and sick to produce weapons and vehicles in factories. The town was under occupation just like the rest of them.

On the Border of Dai Yuddha Ossyria
The attack by the Ossyrians was devastating, but they would find that it was not enough. Even though the Poorlands was.. well, poor, they had a huge military, and 1 artillery gun was brought in for every two that fell. Still, it was a huge loss, and the commanders planned to make up for it. From the local area came 150,000 conscripts. They were nothing to be amazed with, simply given a gun and forced to march, but there were a lot of them and it was usually a surprise what a scared person with a gun could do.

The forces continued inward, despite huge casualties. Tanks and planes, whether WWII or not, would still be effective enough to cause trouble.

The Coast
The last remaining bunkers and guntowers fell from the attack, but the men that had run were forced back to their trench positions. They would still fight off an invasion, regardless. Just like on the border with Dai Yuddha Ossyria, conscripts were brought in. But a lot more than elsewhere. They brought in 2,000,000 of them to tag along with the normal forces.
11-11-2006, 02:54
[OOC: Two questions, where do the tunnels start? And are the traps numerous and hard to disable?]
Red Tide2
11-11-2006, 02:57
OOC: I am still awaiting casualty reports on my continious shelling.

Oh, and a suggestion, I think you should do background research on Russian WW2 Weapons. Wikipedia is a good place.

IC: As the G-Battleships continued to pound the coastline, the Red Tidean invasion force was assembling. The hovercraft would be bringing heavy equipment such as the MBT-66 tank ashore. If the best the Red Tideans could expect from The Poorland was WW2 tanks like the T-34 and IS-3... then the enemy was as good as screwed against what Red Tide was going to bring to bear.

H/K-1s flew low, armed with rocket pods and bombs to annihilate any enemy positions manually. Troops would quickly find them being strafed. Leaflets were also dropped, they read in Arabic:

"Soldiers of the Poorland! Your fight is futile! Surrender if you wish to live! Do not worry about your superiors! Do you not carry weapons in your hands and outnumber those loyal to your insane dictator? Rebel! Rebel for your families! For your friends! For your country!"
11-11-2006, 07:34
Admiral William called his commanding officers for a meeting onboard the Directus. A Projector showed a satellite photo of the area. William clicked on the coastline using his control board. Immediately the officers saw smoldering ruins of what used to be bunkers and Gun towers. "As you can see are air strikes were very effective in taking out most of their defensive positions. However even though most of their positions are destroyed the enemy forces are still manning there trench's as you can by this close up." The admiral taped the board and the satellite photo zoomed in even more. You could clearly see a lot of soldiers in the varies trench's along the coast. William continued saying, "We must deal with this threat if we want are invasion to be successful. That is why we must begin part II of are bombing campaign." The room got silent, everyone knew how gruesome part II would be. " The plan for part II will be the redaction of the remaining troops by naval fighters and naval bombardment. The M.E.F will prepare to land during this part of the campaign and once part II is finished the invasion will begin. That is all gentleman now get to work."

Onboard the Flight deck the Phoenix's ( were loaded with CBU-105's ( (Cluster Bomb Units) known as "Steel Rain" by the Iraqi's in the gulf. With there weapons loaded 50 Phoenix's along with 60 Xeons ( and 4 EA-6B Prowler's took off towards the smoldering coast. While the Aircraft made there way to the coast the Valiant Class Battleships ( with their four main guns with four barrel’s each readed to fire. They loaded CM rounds. (Cluster munitions) They basically worked the same way the CBU's do except that instead they’re in a shell form instead of a bomb. With the rounds loaded the main guns opened fire. A rumbling noise was heard as the main guns opened up on the coast in an unrelenting barrage. The naval aircraft and bombardment would surely whip the remaining forces out.

The squad said nothing as they moved threw the streets. They would sometimes take a quick glance at soldiers but they mostly just stared straight ahead so they didn't grab anybody's attention. The group would check in to the local hotel one a time threw out the day so nobody gets to suspieces. Peter and Richard were the first to check in. They had plenty of money thanks to the SFC/MCI. (Special Forces Command/Military Command and Intelligence) After checking in they went to there room and closed the door behind them. They would wait until the entire squad was here to begin.
11-11-2006, 09:39
The 660 Su-47s flew in over the beach. Brigadier-General Stephen Dickenson smiled as he saw the fire and smoke rising from the destroyed bunkers and gun towers.

"Well done, men!" he radioed to the pilots. "I'd say that you just made the situation a lot easier for our boots on the ground!"

Suddenly a message came in over Dickenson's radio.

"General! I just swong down to take a look at the beach. It looks like they are massing a ton of soldiers in those trenches!

The General swore. "Damnit!" he smacked the cockpit glass.

"Well, there's nothing we can do now. I'd better tell the fleet that Heinlein's forces might have their work cut out for them."

Wilhelmsborough Task Force
375 Kilometers from The Poorlands Coast
Troopship #115

The soldiers of the 131st Regiment scrambled to prepare for the landing. Armor was donned, guns were loaded, and provisions were checked.

Meanwhile, one confused soldier walked over to his superior officer.

"Erm, excuse me Sergeant, but are we making the first landing?"

The Sergeant looked at the soldier. "Are you wearing ceramics?"

The Private, 1st Class was surprised at the question. "No sir, I'm wearing Kevlar."

The Sergeant nodded, as if he'd expected this answer. "Well then, you're not going to be part of the first wave. That duty has been left up to the 58th, 93rd, and 117th Regiments."

The Private was disappointed, but he didn't let it show. Instead he asked another question. "What does ceramics have to do with it, sir?"

The Sergeant sighed. "Those first three regiments (one regiment=2,400 soldiers) are equipped with Type IV Dragonskin Body Armor. So when those 7,200 soldiers land on the shore, those Poorlanders will be wasting their ammo trying to bring them down, because that armer is strong, and their weapons are old!"

The Sergeant laughed. "Of course that's provided that the LRADs and Active Denial Systems don't get them out of there first!"
11-11-2006, 17:28
To: Wilhelmsborough Task Force
From: Admiral William Sanders (commander of the 4th N.E.F)

I recommand are forces land at these locations. My forces can land to the south of the coast while yours could land to the north. Are combined strength could smash right threw there defence's and then we could drive on towards there captiol. My marine force will be landing after are second bombardment is over so please make a decision soon.

Landing Operational Plan: Red=Ustian M.E.F, Blue=Wilhelmsborough Task Force, Black dot=enemy captiol. (
11-11-2006, 17:56
From: Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton, 4th Fleet
To: Admiral William Sanders, 4th N.E.F

Your plan sounds like a fine idea to me. Wilhelmsborough will strike in the north, while Ustia will strike in the south. As I write this, we are now within a 125 kilometers of the The Poorlands coastline, and closing fast. We should be arriving within five hours.

On a sidenote, my superiors would like to say that it is an honor to work alongside Ustia once again. If the mission in ThePeoplesFreedom was any indication of how well we function together, then we should have problem in this country.

We'll see you on the coast.


Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton, 4th Fleet
Wilhelmsborough Royal Navy
Principality of Wilhelmsborough
11-11-2006, 18:37
To: Fleet Admiral Patrick Frampton, 4th Fleet
From: Admiral William Sanders, 4th N.E.F

I'm glade to see that we have an agreed plan. My M.E.F is readying to depart as we speak. Once the Naval fighters have returned from there air strike we will begin are assault. I'm honored to work side by side an old ally once again. Hopefully this campaign will go as well as the last one.

OOC: I'm not going to be able to get on after one o'clock central time. I'm going to a party and playing paintball, among other things. Won’t be able to post until around two o'clock central time, tomorrow so....see you then.
12-11-2006, 23:42
13-11-2006, 02:02
*bump* (I'm back!)
14-11-2006, 03:38
The 4th Fleet was now within 50 kilometers of the Poorlands coast. It was time for the 3rd Army Group to prepare for combat.

The soldiers and their equipment started loading into the landing craft. They would start unloading as soon as the fleet got to within 2 kilometers of the shoreline.

But until then, the ships continued to steam forward.
16-11-2006, 02:09
OOC: Um... Poorlands are you there?
The Poorlands
16-11-2006, 02:16
OOC-Yes, sorry. I've been busy. Can someone tell me what's happened since I've been gone?
Red Tide2
16-11-2006, 02:17
OOC: Well, mostly we are preparing to invade. I still have not recieved any casualty reports from my continues shelling of your northern coast and my newer air attacks. Also, I suggested you look up some info on WW2 Russian Equipment on Wikipedia.
The Poorlands
16-11-2006, 02:26
OOC: Well, mostly we are preparing to invade. I still have not recieved any casualty reports from my continues shelling of your northern coast and my newer air attacks. Also, I suggested you look up some info on WW2 Russian Equipment on Wikipedia.

1) Why would I do that?
2) I have given casualty reports. Like I said, most defences on the beach are down to simple trenches filled with thousands of men.
Red Tide2
16-11-2006, 02:33
OOC: A: Just to get a better idea of how obsolete the equipment your going to be throwing against us is.

B: Then I would start hitting those trenches...(yes, the Dark Stars Camera's are THAT good).

Oh, and I dropped leaflets encouraging your troops to kill any superiors that showed loyalty to your leader and rebel.
The Poorlands
16-11-2006, 02:44
OOC: A: Just to get a better idea of how obsolete the equipment your going to be throwing against us is.

B: Then I would start hitting those trenches...(yes, the Dark Stars Camera's are THAT good).

Oh, and I dropped leaflets encouraging your troops to kill any superiors that showed loyalty to your leader and rebel.

OOC-I know how obsolete the equipment is. Don't act like I'm stupid.

If you hit the trenches, assume people are dieing. That seems logical.
17-11-2006, 20:50
OOC: Even though Red Tide pretty much sums up what has happened I recommand reading over the posts since you last checked up on it. That's what I always do when I get behind in a thread.
America Democratic
17-11-2006, 21:30
After the United States of America Democratic Constitution was signed, President Carter sat down with his Senate and started to address the issue in the Poorlands.

"Just like any other nation their people have a right to freedom. However their government is corrupt and their Leader is a total nutjob on the run. Excuse my language! I feel that even though our Country is suffering from a possible Civil War, we should try to help and free the public of the Poorlands. I hear by hold a vote in this Senate now whether to send in 50,000 USAD troops into Poorlands."

The votes came back 258 voted yes and 258 voted no. President Carter was stuck with the decision.

"Ok I shall address the situation more. There also are many other nations using this situation as a chance to invade the country. So what I intend to do is send in about 50,000 troops in to help protect the Poorlands public. Not their leader! The public. It will be a very hard struggle for our people but to spread freedom is our goal and we shall pay the price for freedom."

After the President's speech the Senate voted again. This time 515 voted yes and 1 voted no.

So the Secretary of Defence sent 50,000 troops into the South of the Poorlands to help free the public from the nasty invasion and from their nutjob of a leader.
18-11-2006, 04:10
The 660 Su-47 Golden Eagles tore into the Poorlands Mainland with no opposition.

"Good job, everyone!" said Brigadier-General Stephen Dickenson. "Now that we're in, let's get to work! Take out any enemy aircraft, convoys, and military bases that refuse to surrender!"

There was a chorus of "Roger" and "Roger that, sir!" from the pilots.

Suddenly, a blip appeared on the Brigadier-General's RADAR. It was moving very slowly across his screen. It had to be one of The Poorland's piston-powered aircraft.

"Now here's something!" Dickenson remarked. "Alright everyone, break off into your designated wings and go raise some hell. I'm taking my squadron to see if I can't get that pilot to surrender."

The 660 Su-47's broke up into nine wings of seventy-two aircraft and flew off in different directions. Meanwhile, Brigadier-General Stephen Dickenson's Squadron of twelve made a beeline right for the outmatched Poorlands fighter...
The Poorlands
18-11-2006, 06:53
All throughout the Poorland's military emplacements, soldiers were taking control. They were tired of being treated poorly, and were on the rise. They began killing their officers. Radio towers called out for help, informing foreign forces of the situation. Loyal forces and rebel forces now fought throughout the trenches, and the bodies began to stack.

Rogue guntowers fired from their positions into other guntowers, buildings, and the trenches. It seemed like the whole thing was set up from the beginning, as it was all being done simultaneously. That didn't make sense, as the original rebel forces were pretty much annihilated. It was a mystery for now just what was going on. The people didn't know. They just knew that this was their chance to be treated like real human beings once again.

It just happened that the little fighter heading for the Wilhelmsborough aircraft was actually a loyalist, but the sight of the enemy fighters quickly changed his mind. He screamed into his radio in arabic, hoping they knew what he was saying. He was saying he wanted to live, and was sorry for everything he had done.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau moved through his predetermined tunnel path. He was well into them, and was now on the final stretch to entering the sewer system, where he would move topside and out of the city, hopefully out into the wilderness or out of the country all together. He could hear the continuous bombardment of his nation, and then he heard the clicking of a gun behind him. He turned around. One of his guards was part of this "secret rebellion" in the military. The man took his fellow guardsmen by surprise, ripping through their flimsy body-armor. Abeeboo pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the man, but he was too late. The man had a luger to his temple.

"You're coming with me." he said, before knocking Abeeboo out and dragging him into the darkness.

There was something happening in the Poorlands beyond the government or the rebellion. It was only a matter of what..
Red Tide2
18-11-2006, 13:27
The first hovercraft transports rolled across the waves. Each hovercraft carried a company of a hundred men. With 50 hovercraft in the first wave, meaning that the first thing off would be an entire brigade. Some of these transports also carried the armored fighting vehicle of Red Tide. APC=45s, MBT-66s, and, in one case, the monstrous Heavy Advanced Self Proppelled Tank Destroyer Model Zero-One(HXSPTD-01 for short), nicknamed the 'Medusa'.

The first hovercrafts blew ashore, their front doors opened and men and vehicles poured out.
18-11-2006, 21:02
The order was finally given. Suddenly hundreds of landing craft poured out of the assault ships and started to make there way towards the landing zone. The first wave would consist of the M6 Salamander MFV's ( These vehicles could carry up to 24 marines and where well armored. Behind them were the LCAC's. They had UNISUV's (, Mackell's ( all kinds of armored vehicles on them. The Salamander's continued towards the landing zone while Viper attack helicopters ( and Xeons flew over head, covering the invasion force. One of the Vipers was configured with a loud speaker. In Arabic someone was saying "rebel forces, we are the Ustian military. We have come to liberate your nation from your oppressive ruler. We will be landing shortly. Do not fire upon us or we will be forced to fire back. I repeat, do not open fire on us!" The message was repeated over and over again as the First Salamanders landed on the beach. Hundreds of them rolled on to the beach. The ramps fell and the marines disembarked from their Salamanders. Behind them the LCACS were closing in on the beach, fully loaded with there heavy equipment. The Salamanders and Marines advanced moving off the beach and towards the ruins of the enemy defensive positions.

The rest of the team checked in to the hotel and then found their rooms. Peter and Richard contacted the fleet. The fleet informed them about the current situation however there orders were not changed. Richard went to each of the squad member’s rooms saying "Lehren der Nacht und der Schatten." (Rulers of the night and shadows) Each of the men knew what that meant. Each squad member grabbed a combat knife and a modified Springfield M913 pistol ( a silencer and laser sight/flash light attachment. The squad also attached small, practically invisible ear pieces to there ears so they could communicate between each other. One by one they left the hotel and then spreaded out across the town. The squad was scouting out possible targets for air strikes or targets they could take out themselves.

OOC: Other Models of UNISUV's (
America Democratic
19-11-2006, 13:48
As the days sun raged on many of the 50,000 Marines were getting sea sick from the ride over from the ride over here. As America Democratic hadn't improved its disembarking equipment since the Revolution they were using WWII equipment. As they got closer to the coast of the Poorlands the troops strated to get ready to disembark. With only 50,000 troops sent into this War many of them wished they were at home with the rest of the Army (70,000 men). However many Marines were worried about the possible Civil War at home. They finally reached the beach and disembarked, only to be greated with gunfire!
20-11-2006, 01:59
OOC: Ok? You somehow just popped into The Poorlands from absolutely nowhere and you go unnoticed. I dought a 50,000 strong force would be able to somehow get in this country without fighting this nations Millions of troops. Also whose side are you on? You do relies that where the good guys? The whole reason for this campaign is to free the people of the Poorlands from there oppressive ruler and then establish a new government that the people want. I for one have no intention of taking over this country, however I can't speak for other nations. Now I would say this ICly but because of your random popping into the Poorlands I'm just going to ignore you until you delete that post or you revise it so your stating that your 50,000 force is on its way to the Poorlands via Navy/transport aircraft.
22-11-2006, 00:50
OOC: Bumpdy bump bump!
24-11-2006, 03:27
OOC: Bump again! Come on people lets get this thread moving again!
28-11-2006, 23:13
Brigadier General Stephen Dickenson heard the shout of the pilot over the radio.

"What the heck is he saying, sir?" asked Dickenson's wingman.

"I believe that it's Arabic." replied the Brigadier General. "Can anyone translate?"

"I can, sir." pipped up Captain Charles Baker. "Hmm, roughly translated, I believe that he's saying, 'for the love of Allah let me live!'. I think he's trying to surrender, General!"

The General laughed. "Very well then. Radio that pilot. Tell him to land his plane, right down there on that barren field."

"Won't the Poorlands military kill him for cowardice, sir?" asked his wingman.

The Brigadier General shook his head. "When he lands, he'll probably disappear off their RADAR screen. They'll think that we shot them down."

"Ah, I see."


Location: 3 Kilometers off the Poorlands coastline, north of the Ustian landing

At long last, the 270+ craft of Wilhelmsborough's 4th Fleet had arrived. The transports began unloading the landing craft, containing the Active Denial Systems, Long Range Acoustic Devices, and the 58th, 93rd, and 117th Regiments, which had been equipped with Type IV Dragonskin Body Armer.

As the transports carrying the Active Denial Systems began to make a perimeter around the three Regiments, the fleet sent out a message to the Poorlands forces on all frequencies.

"Attention, remaining coastal forces of the Poorlands. This is the 4th Fleet of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough.

"Know this: we have no quarrel with the Poorlands army, or her noble people, but rather its so-called "Supreme Leader." We here in the Principality believe that your country can be made strong again. But first the scourge that is Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau must be removed from power.

"We know that there are those amoung you that dispise Abeeboo for what he has done to his people, and his country. But you do not act out because you fear retribution from his loyalists.

"Well, we have a message for you: We have come to help save the Poorlands. And you Poorlanders, who hate Abeeboo can help us as well! But first, you have to find it within yourselves to stand up against the oppressive loyalists!

"And so, we ask you dissenting Poorlanders to resist. Stand aside and allow the Wilhelmsborough military to enter your country. If your superiors attempt to stop you, kill them. They are obstacles, standing in the way of a greater Poorlands nation.

"Assist us, and we will rebuilt the Poorlands military into a modern fighting force. But if you resist, I can assure you that we will be absolutely merciless against your forces. We will not hesitate to decimate any and all resistance from you. Trust us, that is not in your best interest.

"When you have decided that you wish to assist us, please climb up out of your trenches and come down to the shoreline unarmed. If you have anything that is white, wave it around in the air. We will take it as a signal that you have decided to abandon Abeeboo's oppressive reign. We assure you that our forces will not shell those soldiers that decide to come down. Our Fleet Admiral has given his most solumn word of honor, that those who do not resist will not be harmed.

"Think it over carefully. You have 30 minutes."

With that, the countdown began. What would the coastal defenses choose?
30-11-2006, 00:41
OOC: That's better.

The Ustian N.E.F knew that America Democratic was going to get involved but they didn't know what side they were on. With 50,000 America Democratic marines showing up on the coast the N.E.F decided to proceed with caution towards this nation. So a message was sent out to America Democratic's military forces in the area and there government.

From: Ustian 4th N.E.F (Naval Expeditionary Force)
To: America Democratic forces in Poorlands/Government

According to are Intelligence your military is currently deploying 50,000 military personnel to the Poorlands. We are confused about your intentions in this region so we would like to clarify the reason for your deployment. If you wish to free the Poorlands from their oppressive ruler, Abeeboo Al-Balladaleedeelau then let us be the first to welcome you in the alliance! If you have other intentions then please explain it to us. Until we get a response from you we will have several naval squadrons scouting around your landing zone. Please do not be alarmed as these are only for a precaution, they will only fire if fired upon. We look foreword to your response.

On flight deck of R.U.S Directus:
"Testing, Testing, can everyone hear me?" said Captain Bartlett as his Xeon was lifted up to the flight deck by the Carriers huge elevators. Alvin Davenport, Peter Beagle and Allen Hamilton of the 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron or Grun team responded "Loud and clear Captain." When Bartlett reached the top he saw the 3rd Tactical Fighter-Bomber Squadron (Grau Team) catapulting off the flight deck, they were tagging along with Grun Team. "That’s good, nice to see that everything is working for once." Suddenly the Air Boss was heard in each of Grun Teams radios "Alright guys your next, I want Bartlett and Allen on Catapult 1 and 2, you know where to go Peter and Alvin." Alvin Quickly said back "yeah yeah I'm going. I can't believe you took me off of my lucky Catapult you bastard." The Air Boss laughed and said "Tough shit Alvin, I'm the Air Boss so you do what I say" Alvin snickered and responded "whatever sir." Grun Team Quickly lined up on the Catapults. Everyone went over flight checks and then with a "You’re cleared to Launch Grun team, good hunting" they were off. One by one Grun team catapulted into the sky and off towards the American Democratic landing zone. After everyone was in the air Bartlett said, "Alright everyone form up and lets catch up with Grau team, we have a mission to do."

Above Ustian landing sight:
With the liberation underway the Wardog Commando groups started to close in on their targets. They were coming in with Seahawk and Osprey Helicopters along with several Vipers and Phoenix's for support. Their target was an enemy airfield around the landing zone. They would conduct a Heli born assault on the airfield, capture it and then hold it until relieved by the M.E.F. they needed this airfield so supplies and material can be brought into the country faster. With the Helicopter force a couple miles away from the airfield the Phoenix's and Vipers conducted their attack. The Phoenix's targeted the Defensive positions around the Airfield and then released their JDAM bombs onto them. The Vipers targeted the Guard towers and any armored vehicles there. The AGM-65K Super Maverick Air-to-Surface Missile's flew away from their Vipers and then proceeded towards their target's.

Meanwhile the Wardog's sattled up and readied to land. It would only be a few minutes until touch down so everyone checked their weapons and gear.