NationStates Jolt Archive

" Uh sir, it happened again"

28-08-2006, 01:14
Zackaroth is no stranger to the werid and paranormal. Two years ago a zombie attack occured in one of the nation's big cities causing alot of death and millions of dollars lost. The next happened a year ago when Zackaroth was involved in a hellish nightmare in which strange creatures appeared and attacked a private military base causing more death and more money to be lost.

But thinking it had learned from it's mistakes they found a seemlying uninhabited island and placed a science research center there. What went on was unknown. But now for a third time it has happened again. something went horribly wwronf. what though is unknown and not even the goverment knows about it.

Communcations was somehow cut. But a team of sciencetists was able to build a make shift. The messages though would only carry so far. There second to last message was " For god sakes Henery look out! There busting the door!. Wait look out from the vents!" THe next few sounds are screams of terror and a wet sound. These are the last things heard before the radio went out

OOC: I want this to be sort of like horror/doom rp without the doom monsters and instead using monsters from other various vidoe games(( mostly half-life)). I'd like people to play a passing military, fishing or random boat passing by the island and picks up the last message from the crew. The island itself is medium size and dense with jungle. The facilty is right smack in the middle.
28-08-2006, 01:45
28-08-2006, 02:15
Sounds cool. I could have a Patrol vessel or some type of naval vessel pick up the message and have a search party be sent via Seahawk helicopter.
28-08-2006, 02:18
Cool. I dont quite know how I would participate, but I would like to.
28-08-2006, 02:29
OOC: Ustia thats good. And Starenell make like a passing plane or ship pick up the message.
28-08-2006, 02:31
Okay. I will not actually be from Starenell, but okay.
28-08-2006, 02:35
OOC: Ok you guys can begin any time. Oh and reccomend you listen to that link i have given you. It can give you a small insight on how bad things are.
28-08-2006, 02:36
What do you want people to RP in this thread? Like for instance are there any survives that someone can RP or maybe RP the monsters or something.
28-08-2006, 02:43
OOC: I'll rp the monsters. People are free to play surving sciencetists or secuirty guards. BUt sciencetists are unarmed and just that sciencetists and secuirty guards are only armed with handguns.
28-08-2006, 03:00
OOC: Alright sounds good. I'll begin now.

It was a normal patrol Onboard the R.U.S Dinsmer. Captain Louis Zimmer was going over the day's reports from Patrol craft when the Comm's Officer picked up something. "Uh sir... you might want to here this." Louis looked from the reports and said "What is it Officer?" "I don't know sir but it doesn't sound good." Louis got up and grabed some of the head phones while the Officer played back the message. He heard the screams and the wet sound which confused him and the Officer.
"Where did this message come from?"
"Sir it came from a jungle island not to far away from here."
"Hmm...send a marine squad to check it out. I need to inform the admiral."
"Aye sir!"
Moments after the captain gave the order a marine squad grabed there gear and headed for the Seahawk Helicopter.
Valley of the Giant
28-08-2006, 03:00
((I never listened to what they were actually saying.
Oh, and read my sig.))
"Hey, hey Kren'adan! Come and listen to this!" Dip'edar shouted to his friend. They listened to the screams of the poor monster, streaming for his God to help him from whatever hell he was experiencing.
"Oh, that's fucking AWESOME! We need to send this shu to the Pain Block or something!" Kren'adan said. They sent the transmission to a popular television block on the Midless Drow Entertainment channel, the most popular channel (With a whole 261 regular viewers in the whole country!) which included the insanely popular Wheel of Torture game show (With over 500 regular viewers!)

They left the message at that and went back to pretending to be a fishing vessel. Dip'edar fell asleep at the radio while Kren'adan attended to teh fishing nets with the others in disguises that would only fool a human from a distance. Dip'edar nearly bonked his head on the table, which could have killed him, as the radio startled him awake and he fell over.
"Dip'edar! Get your t'zarreth on the radio!"
"Yes, Ilharess Sut'rinos! I'm here!" he said, in a rather paniced voice. It was obvious he was sleeping on teh job, but she ignored that.
"You know that transmission you sent earlier?"
Dip'edar cursed underneath his breath.
"We want you to investigate it. Look for anything familiar."
Dip'edar cursed again.
"Yes, Ilharess Sut'rinos."
He knew that most of the Commanders, Nobles, and Mages were eager to find anythign from their original plane of exsistance. Other than what was already in their city, their searches had been fruitless but undeterred. He relayed the orders to the captain, who went inland towards where they guessed the transmission came from. Six Drow Warriors, armed with Saimese-bought weapons, grenades, and plenty of ammo, they moved inland with their fishing boat well hidden (And armed by slaves at the machine guns.)
Moving silently and swiftly, the Drow warriors moved inland until they found a small building...
((Don't kill the named characters. For translations...
Go here. (
28-08-2006, 03:20
The jungle was strangely quiet with only the chirping sounds. There was a sound though deem in the jungle. Somebody was running. A security guard had escaped the madness in the lab. His suit was cut and torn and his face full of cuts. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He heard something moved and raised his gun.

A small rat ran across and the man smiled knowing it was just a little mouse. Suddenly something from a tree latched on to his head. HIs screams where muffled as the thing on his face became one with him.
28-08-2006, 03:53
The Seahawk flew a few hundred feet above the water as they made there way to the island. Several Viper Attack Choppers ( came along with the Seahawk just incase things got a little ugly. Sergeant Scott Nolan was the leader of the ten man squad. He received a message from the Captain; a little screen came up on his FFW gear ( visor showing Captain Louis standing on the bridge. “Sergeant we have confirmed the message has come from some facility in the middle of the island." Sat photos came up on the visor showing various pictures of the facility. "You orders are to enter the facility and find out what happened. Rules of engagement are to fire if fired upon, do I make myself clear?" Scott quickly responded "Yes sir!" the screen went blank and Scott informed his men of the situation.

OOC: Is there a helipad at the lab?
Valley of the Giant
28-08-2006, 03:56
A shot rang out and the creature was mortally nicked, with a large portion of its uppoer body blown off. The creature jumped off of the security gaurd and scurried away, still bleeding and eventually teh monster died a few yards away in the jungle.
"Nice shot."
"Thanks. Did that thing look familiar?"
"Naw, not ugly enough."
"Oh, well. Wait, who's that?"
"I don't know, but he's ugly enough to be familiar!"
This led to much laughter from the Drow as the security gaurd stood there, gazing at the Black-Skinned, long-eared, white-haired creatures that saved his life. Some sort of odd residue and fang marks could be see on his face, not to mention a lot of blood, but other than that, he was fine.
"Just a human. An ugly one, by the looks of it. What should we do with him?"
"I don't know. Ask him something."
"What language."
"Pick one."
One of the Drow approached him and said in Chinese,
"What's your pencil?"
28-08-2006, 05:20
OOC: No. There is one at the docks though. The lab is completely underground.

THe security looked at the freaks. They had saved him from a fate he had saw but damn where they ugly. He stepped back not under standing one of them. " What-hnngg!" he said a long tentacale thing wrapping around his neck and bring him up into the concealed foilage of the tree. There was a muffles scream and some blood dripped down. There seemed to be a satsfied burp.
Raven corps
28-08-2006, 05:32
OOC: I am sorry but this looks alot like my Genetis center RP's - check sig.

I have been trying to get the third installment to it running... Blast you for getting yours
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-08-2006, 05:40
OOC: ROFLMAO AHaHAHHAHAHHAAHAHa, I'm sorry, but I have to say this. I clicked the link, and it started playing on my itunes, and it was freaky and shit, but as soon as it ended, "Push it real good" by salt n pepper came on. I found it hilarious.
28-08-2006, 05:42
OOC: Yes but according to mine mine was made before you.;)
YOu know it help if i could actuall read everything on in a post. Stupid pinkeye
Valley of the Giant
28-08-2006, 05:47
Dip'edar laughed at the misfortune of the human. He stepped back and identified the area where it had eaten the human. Di'edar pulled out a grenade and threw it haphazardly into the foilage, but landed it there nonetheless. There was a satisfying explosion and a few chunks of flesh flew about.
"RUN!" Dip'edar shouted, knowing that explosion would likely attract more monsters. One of the Drow warriors tripped on a root, but was nabbed by something as he tried to get back up. The others didn't seem to notice. Eventually, after about two kilometers of running, they slowed and eventually stopped. Curious on teh sudden change in their group, they concluded they always had five members on the boat and there was no loss, mostly due to teh fact two of the Drow were of a rival house and the other three just plain didn't care. None of tehm had really noticed that one anyways.

They rested for a while, but still on their gaurd with their darkvision and cat-like hearing. Drow were not known for their modern military abilities, but with a blade and close range they were unmatched. They had no idea they were literally on top of their intended destination.
Raven corps
28-08-2006, 06:12
OOC: ROFLMAO AHaHAHHAHAHHAAHAHa, I'm sorry, but I have to say this. I clicked the link, and it started playing on my itunes, and it was freaky and shit, but as soon as it ended, "Push it real good" by salt n pepper came on. I found it hilarious.

What link?
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-08-2006, 06:17
The one with the guy like moaning and begging 4 help nd shit, right in the begginning.
28-08-2006, 06:22
Near the drows was a poorly lite warhouse which held boxes upon boxes of stuff and the elvator that went down to the main lab. The suddenly the large door on that leadinside was broken off. An army about ten things made its way torwards the drows screaming loudly and wanting blood. THey seemed to wearing very bloodstained white shirts and blue jean pants. There cries sound extactly like the ones from the radio message.

Valley of the Giant
28-08-2006, 06:32
The Drow were a bit surprised, but not totally. These seemed to be creatures with the things that attacked the human on their heads. Nothing they couldn't handle. The creatures weren't too far away, and so their shots weren't too inaccurate. Two Zombies against one Drow wasn't much to them, and the Drow warriors weren't overwealmed as they started shooting the creatures.
The Lone Alliance
28-08-2006, 08:51
OOC: Ok you guys can begin any time. Oh and reccomend you listen to that link i have given you. It can give you a small insight on how bad things are.
OOC: HL2 Zombie being set on Fire, reversed. That creeped the heck out of me in Ravenholm.

-Lone Alliance Department of Unsual Incidents-
"Sir we've intercepted a horrifying message from somewhere in Zackaroth."
"...Zackaroth where have I heard that name." "We observed them when they were in a conflict with Pantera over the forced deportation of Pantera's elves." "Oh yes now I remember, our very first military confrontation as a nation."

"Back on the subject, it seems that they might be able to handle this but we should at least observe." "When our predessors first settled here they thought that they could 'handle' the blight of this region, we have to stop this before it begins, get me the HECU."
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 08:55
OOC is there room for guard whos not dead or one of those things?
28-08-2006, 17:37
OOC: Yes but they be trapped in the labs

The irony of The Lone Alliance's statement was that in the main land Zackaroth had no clue what was going on and assumed all was well at lab since it reported in for it weekly check up two days ago before it happened. And since commucations where cut on the island it did not seem the goverment would know that it's own base was being overrun by creatures.

Meanwhile the zombies where slow and shambling and rather getting killed easily. Some of the creatures on the zombie's head though latched off and attempted to jump at the druids trying to create the first ever Drow zombie.
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 17:39
OOC so i can post and what tech
28-08-2006, 17:42
OOC: This Tech is mostly MT with tiny tiny bits of expermential PMT
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 17:47
jack was hiding for now go over what happen and thinking to himself
:you take a job to make same money and this happen: as he checks the shotgun and glock 18
28-08-2006, 18:17
OOC: Ok you guys can begin any time. Oh and reccomend you listen to that link i have given you. It can give you a small insight on how bad things are.

OCC: the link is kinda creepy.
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 18:24
OOC its off HL2
28-08-2006, 23:31
OOC: Yo Zackaroth, how's this for a monster?
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 23:39
OOC: Yo Zackaroth, how's this for a monster?

OOC bloodly hell
"take this" said jack as he kills a monster with the shotgun he was looking for other that may be a live
Valley of the Giant
29-08-2006, 02:22
OOC: Yes but they be trapped in the labs

The irony of The Lone Alliance's statement was that in the main land Zackaroth had no clue what was going on and assumed all was well at lab since it reported in for it weekly check up two days ago before it happened. And since commucations where cut on the island it did not seem the goverment would know that it's own base was being overrun by creatures.

Meanwhile the zombies where slow and shambling and rather getting killed easily. Some of the creatures on the zombie's head though latched off and attempted to jump at the druids trying to create the first ever Drow zombie.
((They're not Druids, they're Drow Elves, and only one Priestess among them.))
The creature jumped at Dip'edar, who was quick in reacting, drawing his sleek, quick knife and slicing the creature in half. White blood dripped from the blade, which he used to decapitate another Zombie. Before they knew it the Zombies were all dead.
"Naw, not familiar at all. Ugly little Shus, however."
They all agreed and raided the bodies and found a few keycards, a gun, a magazine, and a condom. Not knowing what the condom was, they figured it was a baloon of some sort and blew into it and stapled it to Dip'edar's ear despite his objections and bleeding ear. They entered teh elevator, their weapons raised and ready as it went down into the facility.
((We're only a few years new to this plane of exsistance, so...))
29-08-2006, 03:09
"Alright we should be coming on the source of the message right!" The Seahawk stopped with a jerk irriartating Scott and the squad. Scott looked down below but saw nothing but jungle. "What?....It should be right here!" The squad keep looking around for anything that looked like a building or entrance. Suddenly one of them saw the warehouse, "Sarge I see something!" Scott moved over and looked down looking where the marine was pointing. "It looks like the facility is underground, alright were going down! Get the ropes!" A couple of marines grabed the ropes and tossed them down into the jungle tieing the ends onto the chopper. "Alright go! go! go!" The squad ameditaly begin the fast rope descent hiting the ground and siting up a base of fire. Scott was the last down. He looked up at the chopper when he landed, the crew had pulled up the ropes and were starting to leave the area. He looked back down and staired at the warehouse noticing the various dead bodys. "Alright lets go." They moved out in two by two cover formation steping over the mutant bodys and stoping at the elevator. Scott recieved a message from the captain. "Sergeant have you arrived at the facility?" Scott quickly responded, "Yes sir but it seems to be underground so we might lose Comm's sir."
"I understand, proceed with caution sergeant and good luck."
"Yes sir but I have question."
"Is anybody else on the way?"
"Yes sergeant another marine squad will secure the entrance you have found don't worry."
"Yes sir."
The screen went blank and Scott went back to business. Suddenly everybody realized that the elevator was moving. Everyone staired down the long shaft trying to see anything.
Valley of the Giant
29-08-2006, 03:29
The Drow were surprised that they met little resistance in the beginning. It was just a warehouse and they spotted a few creatures munching on corpses and whatever what was in the boxes. The Drow Elves spotted a few more of teh Zombies and the bug things but started no fight with them. As tehy went deeper into teh warehouse, one of teh Drow warriors turned back as teh elevator door opened and several Human Special Ops moved in.
"We got humans here!" he hand-signaled to the others, and they hid behind the boxes, waiting to sneak up behind them and strike a small alliance.
29-08-2006, 03:45
OOC: Wait you went down the elevator didn't you? because thats what it says on your post and I never said I went down the elevator considering I thought your guys were useing it.
Valley of the Giant
29-08-2006, 04:18
((Oh, I thought you had used it after we did. My bad. Should I edit, or will you make do?))
29-08-2006, 04:30
OOC: Nay, we can just say you already went down and my men went afterwards being very cautious.

The elevator suddenly stopped and the doors opened. The 10 man squad quickly got off looking around for possible targets. Lasers were being pointed all over the place from there weapons. "Activate your heat vision." The squad touched there little control pad's activating the heat vision. Suddenly targets popped up on there heads up display all over the place, most of them where the monsters but a few looked human. "Come on out, we know your there!" Scott waited a little and then said something else. "We wont hurt you, please come out."
29-08-2006, 04:43
The elevator lead down to darkened lobby lite only by red emergencey lights. Sprawled on a desk was a dead secuirty guard who's stomach was torn open. THere seemed to be blood everywhere. Behind the desk was a large door that was open showing a tram that lead to the main labs.

A door to the left was suddenly being banged on. OUt came a horrible looking creature. It looked like a beefed version of the zombies outside. It was joined by a friend and they both let out a shrill. ONe of them dug into the chest and threw what looked liked acid blood at the soilders and the other charged torwards them quickly ready to slice and dice anything that got to close.
Valley of the Giant
29-08-2006, 04:44
The Preistess leading them cursed at the Humans and their technology. Almost negated the Drows' natural superiority...
She stepped out from behind the box and spoke.
"There's a lot of monsters about," she said in English, "So keep your voices down. I am War Priestess G'eldurae Fre'iryn, and this is my sqaud. We lost a member of our party back in the woods," she said, glaring at the two who had suggested they never had a sixth member, "and we're here to investigate this place. We're looking for-What was it, Dip'edar? Familiar things. No doubt you are here to find out what's going on. It seems there has been a naut-elghinyrr thrityh ( here. Walk lightly and aim for the head."
The Lone Alliance
29-08-2006, 09:18
-Lone Alliance, Outside Citizen Residence 12#-
"Visceroids!" One of the soldiers shouted as a large blob oozed over the hill above them." "Take that MF down!" A handful of soldiers in Urban camo ran up and opened fire with Automatic Rifle grenades blasting the thing to a globs, while nearby a bunch of dog like things were quickly gunned down by gattling fire."

Their commander stood to the rear watching the group finish up, soon nothing was left but the corpses of the freakish creatures that had been bothering the local populace. As the commander gave a signal to return to camp the personal Military phone rang. Picking it up the commander went. "Yes? Zackaroth? Okay we can be there within 6 hours."
Imperial isa
29-08-2006, 18:02
jack was still runing around look for other people that may be a live
29-08-2006, 18:06
OOC: Alright sounds good. I'll begin now.

It was a normal patrol Onboard the R.U.S Dinsmer.

OOC: Sounds familiar;)
30-08-2006, 02:57
OOC: Indeed it does NE. For everyone else its a long story.

Before Scott had time to respond to the Priestess he looked over her shoulder and saw the huge creatures charging towards them. "GET DOWN!" shouted Scott as he pushed the Priestess out of the way just before the acid blood hit his arm. The blood sizzled on his body armor and started eating away the material. As he tried to get his shoulder armor off he yelled "Fire at will!" and his squad opened up on the freaks of nature blasting away with there UMI-32's (, XM8 MG's and other weapons literally tearing the creatures apart. Scott was lucky to get his shoulder armor off before the acid completely ate threw it. He then walked over and held out his hand to the priestess saying "I'm Sergeant Scott Nolan, are you alright?"

Surface, Entrance to the elevator:
Meanwhile two more squads arrived by Seahawk helicopter quickly seting up a defensive perimeter around the entrance of the elevator. No one else was going down there.

Onboard R.U.S Dinsmer:
"Are you sure this is correct officer?"
"Yes sir, I'm positive" said the intel officer hopeing for a nice response from Captain Louis. "Alright then get back to work"
"Aye sir!" Louis got on the horn and contacted the Admiral. He picked it up and said "This is the Admiral, what do you have Louis?"
"Sir intel confirms the island is under the control of a nation called Zackaroth."
"Zackaroth? Never heard of it captain."
"I have sir, they've had a lot of weird things happen to them like a zombie outbreak in one of there citys."
"Zombies huh? Well we need to find out whats going on at that facility and I think the only way is to contact Zackaroth and tell them about this message. They'll probabable understand what it means."
"Aye sir, what do you want us to do?"
"continue your search mission captain, I'll handle Zackaroth."
"Aye sir."
The Lone Alliance
30-08-2006, 16:14
-Few hours later, Location:Oceans near facility-
-Amphibious Assault Vessel-
Over 40 soldiers stood at attention wearing Urban BDUs stood at attention in a large briefing room, while the captain of the operation stood at the front.

"Okay soldiers, we are in a complete unknown when it comes to whatever the situation is at this location, what we assume is that something hostile is active in the area."

"Aside from you Armored vests, we will have to be using international weapory," a couple of sighs sounded, "Yes I know, but if this turns out to be an illegal operation we can't have it connected with our nation."

Another officer came up.
"You're standard weaponry will be the M16\203 models while some of you who perfer other weapons can have the SPAS-12 and MP5s, while support troops will be equipped with M-249s and ATGM-4000s. We will be dropping you in by V-22."

More sighs. "We've greatly improved on the model."

"We will be dropping you by V-22 over what we believe would be the center of the Facility, it will be up to you to find a way in."

"As of yet you have no other support but we are working on that."

(OOC: Okay Urban BDUs, V-22 Osprey, M16s, M249s, anyone getting who I'm implying? Oh and look up the term HECU under google to make it even clearer.)
30-08-2006, 18:52
OOC: I do. I played enough half-life to know this Hazardous Environment Combat Unit:p
Imperial isa
30-08-2006, 18:57
jack was lone and low on ammo
he need to find a ammo locker like yesterday
The Lone Alliance
30-08-2006, 19:07
OOC: I do. I played enough half-life to know this Hazardous Environment Combat Unit:p
OOC: I knew you would. But yeah I figure if the setting fits. Besides I was planning on making a military force like that anyway. I just don't know if they'll have the same objective when it comes to 'witnesses'.
Imperial isa
30-08-2006, 19:13
OOC: I knew you would. But yeah I figure if the setting fits. Besides I was planning on making a military force like that anyway. I just don't know if they'll have the same objective when it comes to 'witnesses'.

OOC so if jack see your people he should shoot them an run for it?
Valley of the Giant
31-08-2006, 05:27
The Preistess was almost tempted to shoot the man for pushing him aside like that, but resisted temptation. She would make it clear to him later that he is not to touch a Drow Priestess again. With skill and grace, she recovered from teh toss and pulled out her .37 magnum and fired, hitting one of the creatures and tearing a large piece of its arm off, rendering the limb useless. The other four Drow Elves fired their rifles with plenty of inaccuracy to go around, hitting teh creatures a few times and turning several wheels of cheese into Lead Swiss before reloading their guns again. One of the creatures charged the Drow squad, tossing Acid clumsily, before actually reaching them and getting chopped to bits.
02-09-2006, 01:13
The massive firepower from the Marines and the Elves slaughtered the monsters before they even got close. A couple men in the marine squad walked up to the huge body's lying on the floor and put a couple rounds in there skull just to make sure. After the brief fire fight Scott tried to contact Louis. "This is search 1 calling mothership, do you read mother?" Scott waited for a response . He got something but it was really choopy, " 1, what........situation?" It was really bad and Scott barily understood it. "We read you mothership, current situation as follows. Have made contact with unknown creatures, no survivors spotted so far but we have meet some Elves, yes Elves. We don't really know why there here but were working togther. Did you get that mothership?" There was a long silence before finally.."We can'" The communication went dead. Scott was pissed,"Damn radio!" said Scott as he stomped his feet.

Above Island:
The Ustian navy put togther an extensive exculsion zone around the island. TSF-620B Xeons flew regular patrols around the island making sure nobody else got on the island. On the sea Pandora Class Patrol Combatant's completely sealed off the island for any vessel. The message was clear "no one comes in, no one comes out."

They Admiral quickly sent a message to the Zackarothian goverment. Along with the message they sent a copy of the message that started this whole situation.

To: Zackaroth
From: Ustia

Dear Zackaroth,
One of are vessels intersepted a message being sent from a facility under your control. The message that was intersepted well be sent to you along with this message. All we are really asking is for info on what this facility is and if you know, what is currently going on there. Right now we have quarantined the island and a marine squad was sent to the facility to investigate the mystery. Please we need to know what where dealing with .
The Lone Alliance
02-09-2006, 02:48
OOC: It takes time to start an exclusion zone Ustia, more than the 6 hours that I said my troops would arrive in.

...Few hours before the placement of the Exclusion zone...


Hunter 5:Watch your vector Goose 3 you're getting a little low there.
Goose 3:Copy that Hunter 5...
Goose 2: This is Goose 2 anyone got a good view of the LZ yet?
Hunter 5:Negative Goose 2 still no Activity.
Goose 2:Goose 3 you're getting a little low again.
Hunter 5:This is Hunter 5 I'm picking up some activity in the trees.
Goose 2:Watch it Goose 3! you got something coming up from below!
Goose 2: That thing just rammed itself into the rotors!
Hunter 5:HOLY SHIT! Goose 3 down Goose 3 down!
Goose 3: Mayday mayday we're going in hot, position Bravo Bravo Zulu!" ####
Goose 2: What the hell was that thing?
Hunter 5:You'll have to find out for yourself! we're over the drop zone.
Goose 2: Roger preparing combat drop, all units drop and prepare for Search and rescue of Goose 3.
Goose 2: Combat drop complete, returning to base.
Valley of the Giant
02-09-2006, 07:30
The Drow Elves looked about, rather confused. Elves? There were Faeries here? Impossible! Their most hated enemies were here on the Terra Material Plane? The War Priestess stared at the Sargeant.
"You've heard of Elves before? Where are the Faeries? You must tell me!" she demanded.
Imperial isa
02-09-2006, 07:53
jack use his keys to open the locker and was helping himself to the ammo
03-09-2006, 00:04
Scott was confused as well and a little irritated. "I just guessed what you were. I've never really seen any intelligent creature besides humans before so cut me some slack here, and no there are no Elves here, well as far as I know anyways. Now can we please move on?"

The Security team around the elevator saw some smoke come up. They relayed the information to the fleet. "This is security team to mothership, mothership respond."
"This is mothership, whats the situation?"
"We've spotted some smoke coming up, possibly a crash."
"Roger security team, well send a squad to investigate."
"Roger that mothership, security team out."
On board the R.U.S Dinsmer a marine squad was mobilzed. They piled on the Seahawk and took off towards the rising smoke. A couple Vipers came along for the ride just in case. They would arrive at the area shortly.

OOC:That's acceptable Lone Alliance. It would take awhile to get something like that togther. I just want make it harder for you:D
The Lone Alliance
03-09-2006, 07:21
-On the Ground-
The group of around 30 Soldiers quickly landed from the above transports and unloaded their supplies. Names were un important to this group, they simply went by their code names.

The comander Alpha 1 began the briefing:"Okay, listen up, Bravo you and Delta get to the crash site and see if you can recover anyone from Echo, When you find them try and get them back here as fast as possible." "Go fully loaded, I don't know what that thing was but there might be more of them."

Alpha1: The rest of you try to find some way to get inside the facility, use the Siesmic sensors and try to locate an Air vent, or something."

-Crash Site-
*Spark* *Sizzle* *Crack*
There were only a handful of survivors that remained of what was Group Echo, the first to awaken was the group's second in command Lt.Davent
and Co Pilot 2nd Lt. Toole. The pilot was so lucky, one of the rotors had gone through the front side of the plane... Bisecting those in the front left side.They quickly began to try and find out if anymore of the passengers had survived.
03-09-2006, 19:53
The Seahawk and Vipers raced towards the rising smoke. One of the marines grabed a pair of Binoculars to try and get a better look. He couldn't really see anything because of the smoke but clearly there was some sort of crash. When they arrived they saw the trashed V-22. No movement could be seen from the trashed helicopter so the Seahawk crew got the loud speaker going. They said "Hello? Is anybody alive down there?....Is anybody there?" The Vipers took position's around the crashed V-22, ready to fire at anything that could be considered a threat.
Valley of the Giant
03-09-2006, 21:52
Scott was confused as well and a little irritated. "I just guessed what you were. I've never really seen any intelligent creature besides humans before so cut me some slack here, and no there are no Elves here, well as far as I know anyways. Now can we please move on?"
The War-Priestess cursed. Even Faeries would be a nice sight...
"Yes, let's find out what mistakes you humans have been making lately," she said, and signaled to the others to follow. It was surprisingly quiet in the warehouse...It made the humans nervous, but the were Drow relaxed. Quiet was good, since one could usually figure out where teh attackers came from from whatever noise they make...If any at all...
04-09-2006, 02:34
"Uh....alright then lets go." The group moved out heading towards the door the creatures came in. They went threw the door and turned left. The door down the hall had been bashed threw by the huge creatures. The marines moved down the hall in a line formation which covers the group from all sides. Hopefully they could find a control room or map so they knew where they were going.
Valley of the Giant
04-09-2006, 21:05
The Drow warriors suddenly stopped.
"Halt!" the War-Priestess whispered to the Marines. The sound of electricity buzzed through her ears, and she could see a reddish glow with her natural infared darkvision.
"There's something really big around that corner, and it invovles electricty. I think it's alive, too."
Suddenly, they heard some odd form of gibberish from around the corner. A tall, 7-foot creature walked out. It was insectoid and had four arms, two legs, and several spikes coming oyt of its back. It held was looked to be a cockroach on its left arm. It made a high-pitched scream and fired several electric bolts at the Marines.
Imperial isa
04-09-2006, 21:11
jack had found same need toys and was using one now
"eat plasma shit head"yelled jack as he killed it
07-09-2006, 04:50
OOC: I don't know if I should respond to Imperial Isa's post. He isn’t a very good RPer considering He writes single sentence posts and makes many grammar and spelling errors in the process.
(No offense but facts are facts.)
Imperial isa
07-09-2006, 05:05
OOC: I don't know if I should respond to Imperial Isa's post. He isn’t a very good RPer considering He writes single sentence posts and makes many grammar and spelling errors in the process.
(No offense but facts are facts.)
OOC how many times you post kiling things or talking oneself
and iam dyslexia i dont get grammar and spelling i just copy and paste and do my best
The Lone Alliance
07-09-2006, 09:05
OOC how many times you post kiling things or talking oneself
and iam dyslexia i dont get grammar and spelling i just copy and paste and do my best
(Spelling isn't the important thing, at least to me, it's the fact that they are one sentence posts, If I can deciper it I'll fix the spelling, but at least try to have a paragraph.)

-Crash Site-
Something jumped out of the trees howling in a hanting howl, actually leaping several stories up on to one of the Vipers, the thing was like a skeletical Humaniod except with one of those things on it like the other zombies. It quickly started smashing it's claws on whatever looked to be vulunable on the Viper. Two more began to leap on the same aircraft, while below them more cries sounded that more were coming to stop the Airborne intruders.

The soldiers had laid 'dog' when the Seahawk circled overhead, they knew their orders, no contact, as they pondered what to do they heard the same Howling, knowing that there could be an ambush, they waited until the smoke obscured the view from the sky, and made a run for it. Whoever it was above them, they had bigger problems to deal with.
08-09-2006, 02:28
"Jesus Christ!" yelled the pilot and weapons officer of the Viper. The skeletical monsters literally started tearing the helicopter apart. One of them was on the cockpit window while the others started tearing up the two hard points. The pilot pulled out his MEU M1911 ( and fired at the creature above him. The weapons officer took control of the helicopter and started throwing the Viper back and forth to try and shack off the creatures.

Meanwhile the other two choppers saw what was happening. "Holy crap did you see that thing jump!" said one of the marines in astonishment. Quickly everyone realized they were in trouble so they quickly gained alitude hoping to god that those monsters couldn't reach them. When they reached a certain height the marine squad sniper took aim at what he guessed was the head of the monster standing on the left hard point. When he got a clear shot he fired his M40A3 (
10-09-2006, 01:44
Imperial isa
10-09-2006, 08:19
jack had made it to command post when he look inside it was not nice the things got to the personnel before they know what was going on
so jack made same space and close the door and lock it and now was working on a pc with a gun near hand trying to get the auto defance guns on line which only do that if sameone sound the alarm
jack just got the cameras up and he can see gourps of soldiers fighting the things who were not form the base
"who the hell are they"he ask himself as he watchs
OOC jack did not know of the sos at this time
two days to get this right
The Lone Alliance
10-09-2006, 09:15
OOC: Much better!

-Forested Area-

Bravo and Charlie, the two groups continuing on their mission found what was thought to be a ventalation shaft into the underground portion of the base. They quickly prepared to rappel down the long shaft and enter the base.

-Near Crash site-
The survivors kept running as more of those things ended up attempting to attack the helicopters. They didn't stop to look back until the finally met up with Bravo and Delta halfway between the two landing zones.

The freakish things eventually got the point after gunfire started knocking them off the Viper, still they managed to get a few more hits in before fleeing. As one of the pilots looked at the body hanging morbidly off of part of the helicopter, he noted that it had once been human, not to mention the large crab like thing on what would be it's head. (Nothing creepier than Fast Zombies, but nothing more annoying than posion zombies)
10-09-2006, 19:01
"Child 2 to Child 1 are you guys alright?" There was a long pause, then the pilot respond "This is Child 1 were alright but the chopper is acting funny, I'm going to have to head back."
"Understood Child 1 will clean this mess up Child 2 out." The Viper that was attacked headed back to the fleet; meanwhile the other two choppers started the "Clean up process." To start off the Viper destroyed what was left of the V-22 by firing a Mace Kinetic-Energy Anti-Tank Missile at the Osprey which would completely destroy it. Next they had a Phoenix drop a couple cluster bombs onto what was left of the crash site. Then finally the choppers overhead searched for anything that could be left. After that was finished the two helicopters headed back to the fleet.

Underground facility:
Scott and the rest of the squad knew they were in trouble when the huge creature turned the corner. They started to back up but then the creature screamed and fired several electric bolts at them. The bolts hit the first two guys in the front, they screamed in pain for only a few seconds and then dropped to the floor dead. There bodies were literally fried from the electric bolts; you could even see steam coming up from their bodies. Scott immediately yelled, "Fall back! Move, Move!" The squad fired at the creature while running backwards. Scott Pulled out a couple grenades and pulled the pins. "Fire in hole!" yelled Scott as he threw them at the creature while at the same time moving back.
Imperial isa
10-09-2006, 19:15
jack was still working on the pc had now got the PA work
he picks up the microphone and speaks into it
"er hello this thing on this jacbzzzzzzz" as the PA goes out
on pc the words :error in file 234qwty: came up on the screen
"what the fuck wrong now"jack said to himself as he read it
Valley of the Giant
10-09-2006, 19:16
The Drow Elves didn't stop firing until they heard "Fire in the Hole!" at which time they made best haste away from the creature. The grenade exploded, sending shrapnel about, adding to the creature's wounds and effectively killing it. It slouched over, but the weapon it held jumped at the War-Priestess! Acting quickly, she grabbed the creature in one hand. It struggled, but eventually found out how the creature worked the thing, and slid it on her arm. She fired a few bolts at the ground and smiled.
"Hmm...Interesting little crites."
Imperial isa
10-09-2006, 19:32
jack is working away at the pc when there is a boom at the door
jack stop working and picks up the plasma rifle and turns to the door and aim at it
with his right hand he moves the mice and clicks on a file and brings up the camera outside on a near by screen he looks at it and see that a steam pipe had blown
"thank god for that"said jack

OOC the gun is the one out of halo 1 and 2 that is been tested at the base
10-09-2006, 20:09
Scott looked at the thing the War-Priestess had on her arm. He examined it for a little but only said, "Cool" and then walked away. A couple of the marines were looking at the dead creature on the ground; one of them nudged it with his foot seeing if it was still alive. The squad medic was examining the fried marines. Scott looked over at him and saw him shake his head and stand up. The medic walked over to him and said, "Their dead sir, most likely they died instantly." The sergeant sighed and responded "alright.... grab there ammo and lets go."
"Yes sir." The squad quickly regrouped and Scott motioned to the War-Priestress to come on.
Valley of the Giant
10-09-2006, 22:33
The four Drow soldiers talked amongst themselves about the neat Shock-Roach as they were now calling it. Despite this seeming relaxed state, they remained aware of their surroundings and ever-vigilant. Should an enemy try to surprise them, they would return the surprise with a battle-ready state.
11-09-2006, 20:45
The Lone Alliance
13-09-2006, 16:25
Inside Underground Base...
A large ceiling tile collapsed in an explosion into one of the darkened halls of the damaged research bunker. This was soon followed by rip cords as the soldiers decended down the ventilation shaft armed to the teeth. The 6 man squad of Alpha team had sucessfully made entre into the base.