NationStates Jolt Archive

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge RP (sign up) (open)

Drexel Hillsville
21-08-2006, 03:35
Okay, I really wanna try a character RP based on C&C: RA2: YR. It is a pretty cool game and I think it could turn into a cool RP. Please no multiple Tanya/Borris/Yuri Prime.

Borris - Drexel Hillsville

Yuri Prime - Azaha
Gattling Tank - Jenrak

Tanya - Toopoxia
Carrier - Imperial isa
21-08-2006, 03:40
Since no one else has, I will call Yuri Prime. This sounds interesting, I hope it gets off the ground.
Drexel Hillsville
21-08-2006, 03:46
Since no one else has, I will call Yuri Prime. This sounds interesting, I hope it gets off the ground.

You're in...
21-08-2006, 03:49
Goooooooood... Yuri will be very fun to Roleplay.
Drexel Hillsville
21-08-2006, 03:52
I'm tempted to make a rule that all dialogue must bee done in the lines that the unit says on the game...

I probably won't though...
21-08-2006, 04:03
You mean, if I were to RP a GI, my dialogue would be restricted to, "SIR YES SIR!" "You got it!", and so on and so forth?
Drexel Hillsville
21-08-2006, 04:03
basicly but like i said i doubt i would do that...
Drexel Hillsville
22-08-2006, 00:37
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-08-2006, 00:39
Thats an awesome game. I'll try and pick a character and be it. Right now I'm leaning towards a chronotrooper.
Drexel Hillsville
22-08-2006, 00:43
Thats an awesome game. I'll try and pick a character and be it. Right now I'm leaning towards a chronotrooper.


Comando or Legionaire or Ivan?
Drexel Hillsville
22-08-2006, 18:23
22-08-2006, 18:29
I don't believe it, no-one has chosen Tanya yet, yeah, Tanya please.
Drexel Hillsville
23-08-2006, 01:49
There is nothing Boris can not do!

Sure, you can have tanya...
23-08-2006, 20:56
There is nothing Boris can not do!

Sure, you can have tanya...

yeah, cos' Boris is great, "Hey look at me! I point laser and call in airstrike!"
Drexel Hillsville
24-08-2006, 17:31
yeah, cos' Boris is great, "Hey look at me! I point laser and call in airstrike!"

At least he isn't the moron who try to walk right up to tanks to kill them...
24-08-2006, 17:34
At least he isn't the moron who try to walk right up to tanks to kill them...

Yeah well.... at least.... ah crap :P
Imperial isa
24-08-2006, 17:34
At least he isn't the moron who try to walk right up to tanks to kill them...
OOC oh i love him look at me i can walk up to a tank that shooting at me and kill it
24-08-2006, 17:54
I want to roleplay a Gattling Tank.
Drexel Hillsville
24-08-2006, 17:57
I want to roleplay a Gattling Tank.

24-08-2006, 18:04
No wait, I'll roleplay a Nuclear Silo, if that's okay with you guys:


Drexel Hillsville
25-08-2006, 15:04
Hehe niice one...

Any more people wanna join?

And also I thinl we should pick a map from the game, I say we use Bay of Pigs since everyone knows it...
25-08-2006, 15:21

Ahh . The everfun game of C&C Yuri's Revenge . I'll play as the venerable Prism Tank and Battle Fortress . If the battle fortress and prism combination is already taken , I'll take the Tesla Tank and Demolition Tank combo .
Imperial isa
25-08-2006, 15:24
Hehe niice one...

Any more people wanna join?

And also I thinl we should pick a map from the game, I say we use Bay of Pigs since everyone knows it...
long time ago i play it i take the carrier
25-08-2006, 15:29

Ahh . The everfun game of C&C Yuri's Revenge . I'll play as the venerable Prism Tank and Battle Fortress . If the battle fortress and prism combination is already taken , I'll take the Tesla Tank and Demolition Tank combo .

I meant the demolition truck.
25-08-2006, 15:31
Hehe niice one...

Any more people wanna join?

And also I thinl we should pick a map from the game, I say we use Bay of Pigs since everyone knows it...

Yea ,the bay of pigs would be nice .If I'm not wrong it is a 4-6sided game with plenty of buildings to garrison units in and a airfield plus several oil derricks in the middle.

Btw what type of RP would this be?
25-08-2006, 15:43
Yea ,the bay of pigs would be nice .If I'm not wrong it is a 4-6sided game with plenty of buildings to garrison units in and a airfield plus several oil derricks in the middle.

Btw what type of RP would this be?

A messed up one.