NationStates Jolt Archive

The Republic of India (Closed: E20)

25-07-2006, 14:14
The Republic of India

Capital: Kolkata (formerly named Calcutta), also Capital of the State of West Bengal

President: Indira Gandhi (Vanara Sena Party)

Prime Minister: Indira Gandhi (Vanara Sena Party)

Government: Federal Parliamentary Republic (de jure federal, de facto unitary do to Ghandi’s concentrations of power) with a bicameral parliament (also known as the Sansad) consisting of the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

Constitution: 26 January 1928; since amended significantly by various differing Governments (unrecognizably so).

Independence (from Pakistan): July 1964

Click here to for details on the July Vanara Sena Revolution. (

Legal system: Based on English common law; limited judicial review of legislative acts.

Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

Territory: Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, East Bengal, West Bengal, Assam, Sikkim, Nagaland, Chattisgarh Orissa, Maharashta, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,

Population (approximate as of 1971): 425,000,000
Economy: Command Economy
Production Centers: 16 Agra, 6 Hyderabad, 6 Mumbai, 5 Kolkata, 5 Chennai, 4 Delhi, 3 Raipur, 3 Mayyazhi, 2 Bengalūru
Agriculture: 412 food resources, Food Rationing in place, can feed 824 million people.
Shipping and Commerce: 16 shipping units, National Airline, International Airline
Energy: Coal 12, Oil 1, Natural gas 1, 1 hydroelectric
Tourism: 5 points
Nuclear: 1 (Chennai)
Growth: 0%

Indian Military
1 HQ
2 Coastal Patrol Group (80 torpedo boats)
17 Infantry Divisions(average quality)
5 light infantry Divisions(average quality)
Garrison Unit(Agra)
Garrison Unit(Dhaka)
Garrison Unit(Deli)
Garrison Unit(Kolkata)
Garrison Unit(Madras)
Garrison Unit(Mumbai)
2 Flak Group
Hal Marut fighter plane
F4G Phantom fighter bomber
FB111 Aardvark medium bomber
1 Armored Brigade(average quality)
2 Mechanized Artillery Group
6 pilots(average quality)

Treaties India Belongs To
-United Nations (since 1965)
-Indian Subcontinent Neutrality and Trade Pact (1970)
-Indian/Bengal Security Accords (1970)
-The South American-Indian Subcontinent Friendship and Trade Agreement (1968)
-The Indian-Nigerian Trade Agreement (1968)

Current Year: 1971
25-07-2006, 14:48
January 4th, 1965

President Nehru, in ill health for the last two years, is on his death bed (it is possible that the radioactive fallout has something to do with his turn for the worse). He extracts a promise from visiting former New Congress Party compatriots and Satyagraha Party leaders to keep Indira Gandhi Prime Minister “at any cost.” They respectfully agree to honor his dieing wish (political calculations and Indira Gandhi’s popularity playing just as great a role in their decision then Nehru’s emotional appeal).

January 8th, 1965

It is announced by the State Controlled Media that President Nehru has died and an official day of mourning is declared. At his funeral the charismatic Indira Gandhi tearfully reads a select few of the most cherished letters her father had sent her to great emotional effect. She then proceeded to praise her fathers legacy, his efforts to achieve Independence from the United Kingdom along with his later efforts to bring full representation to the Hindu Majority during the periods of Pakistani Military Tyranny and forced minority status.

As there was presently no sitting Vice President (dead), no effectively established Parliament, and no functioning Constitutional System, the rump Parliament, dominated by the Vanara Sena Party, allied Hindu Nationalist Parties, and reformed Satyagraha Party vote to make Indira Ghandi, daughter of the famous Nehru and (due to her role in the overthrow of the hated Ayub Khan) national hero, President in addition to her current position of Prime Minister. President/Prime Minister Gandhi, with the written ascent of her Council of Ministers, wastes no time in declaring a State of National and Financial Emergency, concentrating power in herself, co-opting the fragile/unstable State Governments, and effectively ruling by decree on most matters. (ooc: Throughout 1965 India is under National Effort.) Resources are concentrated on military restructuring, national security, the repairing of infrastructure, assisting the Indian population, and providing aid to India’s improvised educational institutions.

Elections are promised and held at the end of 1965, Gandhi’s coalition, the Vanara Sena Party, allied/dependent Hindu Nationalist Parties (such as the Shiv Sena Party), and restructured Satyagraha Party sweep the elections (which by most Western standards are hardly free and fair given the sorry state of Indian Institutions, but they are representative). It is agreed among the Coalition, dominated by Gandhi’s Vanara Sena, to amend the Constitution before putting it back into effect. In a move much criticized by the ineffectual opposition an amendment is made insuring Gandhi can remain both Prime Minister and President, establishing a permanent system of indirect Presidential election, and extending the Presidential term from five years to eight. She is reelected President by vote of the Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies, afterwards reappointing herself Prime Minister.

(ooc: Nehru died in 1966 in RL, events in the alternate timeline have hastened his death by roughly a year.)

Indian Budgets and Builds (1965-1969)

1965-1969 is a period of consolidation, stabilization, reorganization, and recovery in India.

Budget 1965
Market Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 1.5 production points because of Great Depression): 66 production points + 15 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 19.8 converted food points = 105.8

Social Services: Level III Social Services for 140 million people (42 points), Level II Social Services for 60 million people (12), Level I Social Services for 220 million (22) = 76 points in Social Service costs total.

Builds for 1965
Garrison Unit(Agra): 3 points
Reestablishment of National and International Airlines: 12 points
16 National Command Centers (15 built in each of the 15 Indian State Capitals and 1 exclusively Military Command Center, location secret): 1.6 points
2 Merchant Marine: 6 points
Mechanized Artillery Group: 5 points
2 Infantry Division: 2 points
Total Builds: 26.6 points

Maintenance and Upkeep 1965
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25 points
1 armored brigade (average quality): .25 points
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50 points
Total Maintenance: 3 points

Ghandi announces no aid will be sent to China or the rest of the world as it is too badly needed in India. However India will export food for a price.

Also, no Chinese refugees are allowed into the country as domestic conditions are "far too fragile." Troops are deployed to the less mountainous areas of the Indo-Chinese border to make sure any starving would be refugees stay on their side.

Budget 1966
Market Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 1.5 production points because of Great Depression): 66 production points + 18 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 4 Airlines Commerce points + 19.8 converted food points – 1.15 Border Control = 111.65

Social Services: Level III Social Services for 140 million people (42 points), Level II Social Services for 60 million people (12), Level I Social Services for 220 million (22) = 76 points in Social Service costs total.

Builds for 1966
3 Infantry Division: 3 point
Garrison Unit(Dhaka): 3 points
Garrison Unit(Deli): 3 points
F4G Phantom (purchased from Taxes): 3 points
Establishment of Intelligence Agency (The Research and Analysis Wing, external, and the Intelligence Bureau, internal): 10 points
HQ: 10 points
Total Builds: 32 points

Maintenance and Upkeep 1966
2 Infantry Division: .50 points
Garrison Unit(Agra): .25 points
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25
1 armored brigade (average quality): .25
Mechanized Artillery Group: .5 points
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50
Total Maintenance: 2.75 points

Budget 1967
Market Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 1.5 production points because of Great Depression): 66 production points + 18 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 4 Airlines Commerce points + 19.8 converted food points – 1.15 Border Control = 111.65

Social Services: Level III Social Services for 150 million people (45 points), Level II Social Services for 70 million people (14), Level I Social Services for 200 million (20) = 77 points in Social Service costs total.

Builds for 1967
Reestablishment of National Radar System : 5 points
3 Infantry Division: 3 points
Garrison Unit(Kolkata): 3 points
Hal Marut fighter plane: 3 points
Vanara Sena Party Militia Unit: 2 points
2 Merchant Marine: 6 points
Total Builds: 21 points

Maintenance and Upkeep 1967
Intelligence Agency (The Research and Analysis Wing, external, and the Intelligence Bureau, internal): 5 points
HQ: 1 point
5 Infantry Division: 1.25 points
F4G Phantom: .5 point
3 Infantry Division (average quality): .75 points
Garrison Unit(Agra): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Dhaka): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Deli): .25 points
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25
1 armored brigade (average quality): .25
Mechanized Artillery Group: .5 points
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50
Total Maintenance: 12.75 points

Budget 1968
Market Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 1.5 production points because of Great Depression): 66 production points + 21 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 4 Airlines Commerce points + 19.8 converted food points – 1.90 Border Control = 113.9

Social Services: Level III Social Services for 150 million people (45 points), Level II Social Services for 70 million people (14), Level I Social Services for 210 million (20) = 77 points in Social Service costs total.

Builds for 1968
7 Infantry Divisions: 7 points
FB111 Aardvark medium bomber (purchased from Columbia): 5 points
1 Flak Group: 3 points
Mechanized Artillery Group: 5 points
1 Merchant Marine: 3
Total Builds: 23 points

Maintenance and Upkeep 1968
Intelligence Agency (The Research and Analysis Wing, external, and the Intelligence Bureau, internal): 5 points
HQ: 1 point
8 Infantry Division: 2 points
Garrison Unit(Agra): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Dhaka): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Deli): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Kolkata): .25 points
Hal Marut fighter plane: .5 points
F4G Phantom fighter bomber: .5 points
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25
1 armored brigade (average quality): .25
Mechanized Artillery Group: .5 points
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50
Vanara Sena Party Militia Unit: 0 points
Total Maintenance: 11.75 points

Budget 1969
Market Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 1.5 production points because of Great Depression): 66 production points + 22.5 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 4 Airlines Commerce points + 19.8 converted food points – 2.65 Border Control = 114.65 points

Social Services: Level III Social Services for 150 million people (45 points), Level II Social Services for 70 million people (14), Level I Social Services for 210 million (20) = 77 points in Social Service costs total.

Builds for 1969
2 Coastal Patrol Group (80 torpedo boats): 6 points
Garrison Unit(Mumbai): 3 points
Garrison Unit(Madras): 3 points
1 Flak Group: 3 points
1 Merchant Marine: 3
Total Builds: 20 points

Maintenance and Upkeep 1969
Intelligence Agency (The Research and Analysis Wing, external, and the Intelligence Bureau, internal): 5 points
HQ: 1 point
17 Infantry Divisions: 4.25 points
Garrison Unit(Agra): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Dhaka): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Deli): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Kolkata): .25 points
1 Flak Group: .25
Hal Marut fighter plane: .5 points
F4G Phantom fighter bomber: .5 points
FB111 Aardvark medium bomber: 2 points
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25
1 armored brigade (average quality): .25
2 Mechanized Artillery Group: 1
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50
Vanara Sena Party Militia Unit: 0 points
Total Maintenance: 18.25 points
25-07-2006, 15:05
Maha Kumbh Mela, the City of Prayag (Allahabad), Magha (January/February), 1967

In 1967 Maha Kumbh Mela, held every twelve year cycle, begins in Prayag (Allahabad) and millions of pilgrims from throughout India (and the Hindu world community) congregate. Among them is President/Prime Minister Indira Ghandi herself, protected by Intelligence Bureau Agents and an entire Infantry Division.

The President/Prime Minister is shown on State controlled Television taking part in religious discussions, leading devotional singing, personally feeding holy men and women, as well as the poor, whom she is shown comforting, and those she is comforting are in turn shown thanking heaven that India has such as wise, benevolent, and kind leader. Everywhere she goes she is followed by thousands of Vanara Sena members all chanting her name with non-stop enthusiasm “Gandhi, Gandhi, Gandhi, Gandhi, Gandhi.” Throughout it all Gandhi waves away the praise and attention, claiming she is just doing her job. The President/Prime Minister also gives speeches at religious assemblies where doctrines are debated and standardized.

The following is an excerpt from one of Gandhi’s speeches.

“Thousands of years ago gods and demons made a temporary agreement to work together churning amrita (the nectar of immortality) from the Ksheera Sagara (primordial ocean of milk), and to share the nectar equally. However, when the Kumbh (urn) containing the amrita appeared, the demons ran away with it and were chased by the gods. For twelve days and twelve nights the gods and demons fought in the sky for possession of this pot of amrita. It is said that during the battle, drops of amrita fell at four places: Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik. Thus we observe at these four locations where the nectar fell. At these places the elixir continues to fall from heaven to earth. I repeat what everyone here doubtlessly knows so that I may expand my thoughts on Hindu Nationalism at this most Holy Time.”

“As our ancient recorded history proves, in this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors. We should look at problems from different aspects, not from just one. Only those who are subjective, one-sided and superficial in their approach to problems will smugly issue orders or directives the moment they arrive on the scene, without considering the circumstances, without viewing things in their totality (their Cultural History and their present state as a whole) and without getting to the essence of things (their nature and the cultural relation between one thing and another). Such people are bound to trip and fall.”

“Things develop ceaselessly. It has been only since the start of [insert relevant century using the Hindu lunar calendar, 20th Century using the Western Gregorian calendar] and only three years since the Revolution, but the face of India has completely changed. In another thirty four years, that is, in the year 6002 (2001 AD), or the beginning of the 60th century, India will have undergone an even greater change. She will have become a powerful Nationalist Country once again in touch with itself, its culture. And that is as it should be. India is a land with an area of 3,287,590 square kilometers and a population of over 400 million people, and she ought to have made a greater contribution to humanity during this time. Her contribution over a long period has been far too small. For this we are regretful and shall soon correct.”

“But we must be modest - not only now, but thirty four years hence as well. We should always be modest. In our international relations, we Indian people should get rid of great-power chauvinism resolutely, thoroughly, wholly and completely. We must never adopt an arrogant attitude of great-power chauvinism and become conceited because of the victory of our revolution and certain achievements in our construction. Every nation, big or small, has its strong and weak points.”

“War, this monster of mutual slaughter among peoples, will never be eliminated by the progress of human society, which is why the Indian people must continue to bare sacrifices for the creation of a proper defensive force. Our country and all the other civilized countries want peace; so do the peoples of all the civilized countries of the world. The only ones who crave war and do not want peace are certain perverse hateful ideologues in a handful of imperialist countries which depend on perpetual aggression and expansion for their power, the late General Yahya Khan of the Federation of Asian States and the late General Ayub Khan of the Republic Pakistan for instance…men from the former imperialist country of Pakistan, which had enslaved India through terror and sham democracy… They fought disastrous wars in Central Asia, yet they could not govern or control the areas they conquered, those [I]conquered territories rebelled and fell away, yet the futile wars of expansion continued. Make trouble, fail, make trouble again, fail again . . . till their doom- that is the logic of all imperialists the world over.”

“As for those violent ideological imperialist countries, we should unite with their peoples and strive to coexist peacefully with those countries, do business with them and prevent any possible war, but under no circumstances should we harbor any unrealistic notions about them, view them as any less then dangerous savages who would enslave us if given the chance. Just because we have won a great victory, we must never relax our vigilance against the frenzied plots for revenge by the imperialists. Whoever relaxes their vigilance will disarm themselves politically, militarily, and land themselves in a passive position from which there will be no escape.”

“The world is progressing but the future is dark and no one can change this general trend of history. Yet do not let this shake your confidence in India’s eventual victory. India, unlike most countries, is capable of escaping this dark future if we all work together as one people, as one culture.”

“The new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation. It must not be assumed that the new system can be completely consolidated the moment it is established, for that is impossible. It has to be consolidated step by step. To achieve its ultimate consolidation, it is necessary not only to bring about the cultural unification of the country and persevere in the Hindu Nationalist Revolution, but to carry on constant and arduous social revolutionary struggles and Hindu Nationalist education on all the necessary fronts. Moreover, various contributory international factors are required. All of which will take time, we can only do so much as we struggle to recover from the impoverishment Pakistan inflicted upon us. Patience is a virtue and it is required of the Indian people. In India the struggle to consolidate the Hindu Nationalist system, the struggle to decide whether Hindu Nationalism or backwardness will prevail, will still take a long historical period. But we should all realize that the new system of Hindu Nationalism will unquestionably be consolidated, it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.”

“We must however never adopt an arrogant attitude of great-power chauvinism and become conceited because of the victory of our revolution and certain achievements in our construction. Every nation, big or small, has its strong and weak points. Even if we achieve gigantic successes in our work, there is no reason whatsoever to feel conceited and arrogant. Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. This is a truth we must always bear in mind. Although one must be careful to distinguish proper humility from an Anti-Nationalistic lack of justified pride. An Anti-Nationalistic lack of justified pride leads to a person feeling rootless and causes the person to start being divisive, which harms the Indian People as a whole. It is important for Indians to show proper humility and justified pride.”


The highest spiritual merit is attached to bathing in the Ganges River on the new moon day, when Jupiter is in Taurus and both the Sun and Moon are in Capricorn, and Indira Ghandi, protected by her military/Intelligence Bureau bodyguards and accompanied by hundreds of Vanara Sena Party members, did just that (the event being broadcast on State Controlled Television). Gandhi also immersed the ashes of her father in the waters of the Ganga so as to bring about the remission of his sin of working with the Pakistani’s and allow his soul to attain salvation in heaven.

January 7th, 1970: Excerpts from a Public Address from the Floor of Parliament by Indian President/Prime Minister Indira Ghandi

“Although the Moslems and their Second Mughal Empire have been overthrown, they are still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs, and habits of exploitation and perversion to corrupt the Indian people, capture their minds, and endeavor to stage a comeback. The Indian people must do just the opposite: They must meet head-on every challenge of the Moslems in the ideological field and embrace the ideas, culture, customs, and habits of Hindu Nationalism to change the mental outlook of the whole of society. At present, our objective is to struggle against and crush those persons who are taking the Moslem road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary Moslems academic "authorities" and the ideology of the Moslems and all other invaders and to transform education, literature and art, and all other parts of the superstructure that do not correspond to Hindu Nationalist Culture, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of our Great Society, a return to our Glorious Past before the dark days of Invasion and Foreign Domination.”

"When I speak of Hindu Nationalism I do not mean the old religion of Hinduism, the anti-modern elements of the Hindu religion, or the anti-nationalist elements in the Hindu Religion, all which wish a weak backwards India at the mercy of other powers. I want nothing to do with any religion concerned with keeping people satisfied to live in hunger, filth, ignorance, and weakness... Hindu Nationalism is about strength, it is about progress, its goal is the restoration of Indian Greatness and the ending of hunger, filth, ignorance, and weakness in India. To attain this I will put reactionary priests to work and turn anti-nationalist temples into schools."

“India’s time is now! Europe has committed suicide, Russia is weary, the Moslem world is in turmoil, China has been crippled, and the mighty American Empire is no more. The world is going our way! India shall once again bestride the world like a Colossus, the envy of barbarians everywhere. Progress and its resulting abundance, if we move forward fearlessly, shall come in great leaps and bounds. It is time to begin India’s Great Leap Forward!”


In the aftermath of her January 7th speech, Indira Ghandi’s ideology of Hindu Nationalism is widely disseminated. As part of this campaign a movement begins to rename cities, towns, roads, and buildings that have anything other than pure Hindu names. Bombay is renamed Mumbai and Calcutta is renamed Kolkata. Departments of Astrology are established at every major university.

It is announced by the Indira Ghandi government with great fanfare that the fall in living standards caused by the separation with Pakistan and the Great Depression has been reversed. The Indian Government meanwhile maintains National Effort and takes further steps to insure continued productivity. A wave of carefully planned nationalizations, government buyouts, and collectivization’s begin (planned since Indira Ghandi's government came to power), that effectively transform India's economic model from market economy to command economy over the course of the year. Billboards are erected everywhere with the slogans Baatein kam, kaam zyada, ("Less talk, more work") and Garibi Hatao (“Remove Poverty”). Strikes are banned and it is made clear to labor organizations that any unrest what-so-ever will not be tolerated. Those organizations that cause trouble are closed down and their leaders jailed.

Meanwhile a book, Quotations from Prime Minister Indira Ghandi, also known as The Little Green Book (do to the pocket size production for easy carry), a collection of notable quotations from the Prime Ministers past speeches and publications, is published. The book has 19 chapters and bares the President/Prime Minister’s face on its cover.

Quotations from Prime Minister Indira Ghandi
Chapter 1, An Explanation of Hindu Nationalism: 18 Quotations
Hindu Nationalism must succeed in India, and the route toward such an end is a democratic cultural revolution, which will enable Hindu Nationalist consolidation over a length of time. It is also important to unite with the lower castes, and lift them up so that all Indians stand as one.

Chapter 2, The Vanara Sena Party: 17 Quotations
The Indian Vanara Sena is the core of the Cultural Revolution, and its principles are based on Hindu Nationalism. Party criticism should be carried out within the Party.

Chapter 3, Cultures and Cultural Struggle: 22 Quotations
The Cultural Revolution and the recognition of Hindu Nationalist Culture and Cultural struggle are necessary for the Indian people to overcome both domestic and foreign enemies. There is no simple, clean, or quick struggle.

Chapter 4, War and Peace: 21 Quotations:
The Civil Wars are discussed at length and Imperialism savagely attacked. Ghandi discusses her views on the two Great Wars and how Indians were used as proxies by the Western Great Powers, savaged and impoverished. While no one likes war, India must remain ready to wage just wars against imperialist aggression.

Chapter 5, Serving the People: 20 Quotations
It is the duty of the Government and the Vanara Sena Party to serve the Indian People. Without the people's interests constantly at heart, their work is useless.

Chapter 6, Building Our Country Through Diligence and Frugality: 18 Quotations
India's road to world domination will be built on the principles of diligence and frugality. Nor will it be legitimate to relax if, 50 years later, India achieves its position in the sun.

Chapter 7, Self-Reliance and Arduous Struggle: 13 Quotations
It is necessary for India to become self-reliant in the course of the Cultural Revolution, along the usual lines of cultural struggle. At the same time, it is a mistake for individuals to only see the good or the bad in Indian culture, to the exclusion of all else.

Chapter 8, Dare to Struggle and Dare to Win: 10 Quotations
Fighting is unpleasant, and the people of India would prefer not to do it at all. At the same time, they stand ready to wage a just struggle of self-preservation against reactionary elements, both foreign and domestic.

Chapter 9, The Bloody Bankruptcy of the West: 10 Quotations
The Western Path has been proven by the events of the Fourth World War to lead societies only to bankruptcy and ruin. The war was unnecessary, yet it started in the supposedly civilized West. The time of the West has passed and there is no longer any preeminent power.

Chapter 10, The Islamic Swamp of Culture and Ideas: 10 Quotations
The Islamic Religion and Ideology is an evil belief system that perverts Indian Culture and poisons societies throughout the world. Where ever Islam has appeared and taken root it has been followed by social and cultural decay, leading to weakness, misery, war, poverty, and foreign domination.

Chapter 11, Methods of Thinking and Methods of Work: 41 Quotations
Hindu Nationalism is the best method toward constant improvement. Objective analysis of problems based on the social and cultural consequences of the solutions is at a premium.

Chapter 12, Investigation and Study: 9 Quotations
It is necessary to investigate both the facts and the history of a problem in order to study and understand it.

Chapter 13, Correcting Mistaken Ideas: 15 Quotations
Individual arrogance, lack of achievement after a prosperous period, selfishness, shirking work, and liberalism, are all evils to be avoided in India's development. Liberalism is taken to mean that one may avoid conflict or work in order to be more comfortable for the moment, while the problem continues to grow.

Chapter 14, Unity: 10 Quotations
Unity of the Indian People, the Government, and the whole country is essential. At the same time, criticism may take place along comradely lines, while at the same time a basic unity is felt and preserved. Those who wish to divide the Indian Hindu People are to be opposed.

Chapter 15, Discipline: 10 Quotations
Discipline among the Indian People and the Indian Government must be maintained if the country is ever to become the preeminent world power.

Chapter 16, Women: 30 Quotations
Women represent a great productive force in India, and equality among the sexes is one of the goals of Indira Ghandi’s Hindu Nationalism. The multiple burdens which women must shoulder are to be eased.

Chapter 17, Youth: 7 Quotations
The Indian Youth represent an active, vital force in India, to be drawn upon. At the same time, it is necessary to educate them, and for the Government to give special attention to their problems and interests.

Chapter 18, Hindu Nationalist Culture and Art: 25 Quotations
Literature and art are discussed with respect to Hindu Nationalism, in an orthodox fashion.

Chapter 19, Study: 16 Quotations
It is the responsibility of all to enculturate themselves, and study Hindu Nationalism and Indira Ghandi’s writings deeply. It is also necessary for people to turn their attention to contemporary problems, along cultural lines.

Budget and Builds (1970)

Budget 1970
Command Economy, National Effort (all Production Centers produce 3 production points as the Great Depression is over): 132 production points + 24 shipping points + 5 Tourism points + 4 Airlines Commerce points + 19.8 converted food points – 10.8 points for Border Control = 174 points

Social Services: Level III Social Services for everyone, 3 points are spent on “Promoting Hindu Nationalism”(education, cultural activities) and 3 points are spent exclusively on affirmative action programs benefiting women = 129 points in Social Service costs total.

It is announced by the Indian Government with great fanfare that the fall in living standards caused by the separation with Pakistan and the Great Depression has been reversed.

Builds for 1970
10 Vanara Sena Party Militia Units: 20 points
1 Mechanized Artillery Group: 5
Total Builds: 25 points

The FNS has agreed to provide the Indian Military with 29 Tech 8 Flak Units by the end of the year.

24 points from Nigeria to build a civilian nuclear reactor in the city of Chennai (formerly named Madras).

37 points from China for radar improvement.

264 points from China to construct 11 production centers.

Bengalūru: 2 production centers
Chennai: 1 additional production center
Hyderabad: 1 additional production center
Kolkata: 1 additional production center
Mayyazhi: 3 production centers
Raipur: 3 production centers

24 points from China to repair 2 production centers.

Maintenance and Upkeep 1970
Intelligence Agency (The Research and Analysis Wing, external, and the Intelligence Bureau, internal): 5 points
HQ: 1 point
2 Coastal Patrol Group (80 torpedo boats): .5
17 Infantry Divisions: 4.25 points
5 light infantry divisions (average quality): 1.25
Garrison Unit(Agra): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Dhaka): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Deli): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Kolkata): .25 points
Garrison Unit(Madras): 25 points
Garrison Unit(Mumbai): 25 points
2 Flak Group: .5
Hal Marut fighter plane: .5 points
F4G Phantom fighter bomber: .5 points
FB111 Aardvark medium bomber: 2 points
1 Armored Brigade (average quality): .25
2 Mechanized Artillery Group: 1
6 pilots (average quality): 1.50
Vanara Sena Party Militia Unit: 0 points
Total Maintenance: 19.25 points
25-07-2006, 15:13
The United Islamic Republic is disturbed by these reports coming out of Inida and raises it's defense preparations one level higher.

OOC: expect to see a large influx of Muslims out of India as a result of this
25-07-2006, 15:26
The United Islamic Republic is disturbed by these reports coming out of Inida and raises it's defense preparations one level higher.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the UIR that India has no quarrel with their Government and that Pakistan, the one nation India legitimately resents (as does most of Southwest Asia) no longer exists as an independent entity. It is further pointed out that most of India's military assets are purely defensive. In the words of the Indian Ambassador "You mind your business and we shall mind ours."
25-07-2006, 15:32
OOC: those defensive B-1's!

The UIR must insist that India eliminate Chapter 10 which deliberately inflames the situation by attacking the Muslim religion
25-07-2006, 15:41
OOC: those defensive B-1's!

OOC: Nuclear deterrent, defense by potential of offense...yes, India has nuclear weapons, it acquired them when Pakistan collapsed.


The UIR must insist that India eliminate Chapter 10 which deliberately inflames the situation by attacking the Muslim religion


The book in question is a private publication and the Indian Government claims that it cannot censure it and makes it very clear that it will not be censured. The Government of India does not call upon the Koran to be edited so all references to and calls for the conquest/execution of non-believers and blasphemers, i.e. Hindu's, are removed. It is also pointed out that Egypt and Turkey obliterated each other with nuclear missiles, killing millions of each others citizens in a futile and meaningless conflict, something Chapter 10 touches on in great detail.
25-07-2006, 15:55
OOC: Nuclear deterrent, defense by potential of offense...yes, India has nuclear weapons, it acquired them when Pakistan collapsed.

The book in question is a private publication and the Indian Government claims that it cannot censure it and makes it very clear that it will not be censured. The Government of India does not call upon the Koran to be edited so all references to and calls for the conquest/execution of non-believers and blasphemers, i.e. Hindu's, are removed. It is also pointed out that Egypt and Turkey obliterated each other with nuclear missiles, killing each other in a futile and meaningless conflict, something Chapter 10 touches on in great detail.

The UIR points out that they do not use that section in the Koran to make Hindus seem worse then they are and that all religions are accepted in the UIR while the chapter deliberately attacks Muslims, and the attacks between two muslim nations cannot be used as an excuse.

OOC: Turkey was secular, Egypt had a strong coptic church
Galveston Bay
25-07-2006, 16:01
Texas isn't willing to sell B1 bombers but Columbia is willing to sell F111 bombers. Dixie F4Gs are for sale readily enough. Huron is willing to sell tanks, armored personnel carriers etc, while Columbia will sell helicopters.
Galveston Bay
25-07-2006, 16:04
The United Islamic Republic is disturbed by these reports coming out of Inida and raises it's defense preparations one level higher.

OOC: expect to see a large influx of Muslims out of India as a result of this

Possible, but depends on what happens internally in India. The fact that Pakistan has essentially been annexed by the Persians doesn't excite a lot of Moslem Indians into wanting to move there necessarily.

Burma and Ceylon wish to enter into talks with India to discuss a regional trade policy, as well as environmental matters. The Twilight War has raised awareness regarding acid rain and other pollution factors affected by wind, and a massively industralized India in the future concerns more far sighted leaders in those 2 nations.
25-07-2006, 16:06
Texas isn't willing to sell B1 bombers but Columbia is willing to sell F111 bombers. Dixie F4Gs are for sale readily enough. Huron is willing to sell tanks, armored personnel carriers etc, while Columbia will sell helicopters.

India takes the offered wing of F111's.
25-07-2006, 16:10
Possible, but depends on what happens internally in India. The fact that Pakistan has essentially been annexed by the Persians doesn't excite a lot of Moslem Indians into wanting to move there necessarily.

Burma and Ceylon wish to enter into talks with India to discuss a regional trade policy, as well as environmental matters. The Twilight War has raised awareness regarding acid rain and other pollution factors affected by wind, and a massively industralized India in the future concerns more far sighted leaders in those 2 nations.

So if the situation in India got bad then lots of Muslims would come?
Plus, since it's a democracy they would get representation in the government
25-07-2006, 16:29
The Philippines wonders if India is ready to allow a return of the UIP embassy inside the country. It's still puzzling why our diplomats were kicked out in the first place, but in truth only one country has alienated itself beyond a doubt in the Filipino mind. And as a Catholic Nation we do not really belong to the Hindu/Moslem rivalry. Also we might comment on Chpt 6 and World Domination. Being a former colony we find this statement disturbing.
25-07-2006, 16:30
Burma and Ceylon wish to enter into talks with India to discuss a regional trade policy, as well as environmental matters. The Twilight War has raised awareness regarding acid rain and other pollution factors affected by wind, and a massively industralized India in the future concerns more far sighted leaders in those 2 nations.

India will agree to hold talks with officials from Burma and Ceylon in Kolkata in February regarding regional trade, development, and environmental concerns.
25-07-2006, 16:37
Kolkata (Capital of India): January, 1970, the Floor of the Indian Parliament

President/Prime Minister Indira Ghandi in a Foreign Policy speech makes it very clear that formal relations will not be restored with the Philippines until the Republic of India receives an official apology from President Carlon Wong for the Philippines "grave insult to brave and noble Vanara Sena Revolutionaries who overthrew the foul regime of General Ayub Khan."
25-07-2006, 16:45
An ancient man, in his 80's and dressed in a faded yellow hat, his uniform that of a common laborer during the early part of the century. His diplomatic enterauge was no one, and his aged face took time to feel anything as he spoke low. It was broadcast on the television network.

"Today I have been charged by the President to speak to the people of the Philippines. I am Santiago Horendez. I am 83 years old and I served with the men of the rebellion of 04. We Filipino's are not Imperial people. We have been on the bootheel of two empires, that of SPain, and the United States. Conquered, our revolution ended in a stalemate that we eventually had to listen too. Then the Japanese invaded. Our soul has been tramped upon by invader after invader. And we have prevailed by the grace of God."

He coughed. "Now, another former occupied country wishes for us to apologize for asking them to show us a sense of order. They have taken great insult at our request. ANd they continue to do so. I wonder if we would have taken such insult when we were fighting the Spanish, Americans, and Japanese in our jungles if another country had asked us for order. But..." He looked serious all of a sudden. "We must remember that we are not clean. Our rebellion was bloody. Many innoccents died. Perhaps if television had existed we would have been bothered. The President currently has not the ability to apologize. So, I am here today to do it for the country. An old rebel to a new country, we never meant insult. We did horrible things in a just revolution, you did many horrible things in a just revolution. Therefore, that is what I am here to say. I apologize. Whether India wishes to see an old man as worthwhile to listen too. THen I shall be grateful. May God grant us peace in this time. I have seen too much war." He slowly and painfully got off the stand.
25-07-2006, 16:59
The Indian Government ignores the inane ramblings of some old hick and waits for President Carlon Wong’s apology. (The Indian Government does not say anything positive, negative or even acknowledge the old man, they just remain quiet and keep waiting.)
25-07-2006, 17:05
The UIP removes it's recognition of the Indian government and calls it Illegal.
New Dornalia
26-07-2006, 18:30
As copies of the Little Green Book begin circulating around the University of Seoul, campus administrators become concerned over its content; they have enough to worry about from an angry youth subculture in Korea that could explode at any moment. After first trying to ban it, a riot breaks out at the Campus Bookstore, where six people are injured as students clash with campus police over the University's ban of the Lil' Green Book.

The University men then pressure the Park Government to ban it, but she declines, issuing this statement to Indira Gandhi herself:

"I understand you've put out quite a nasty little piece of political literature in India there. Unless you want it banned in Korea, kindly use whatever powers you've got as an executive to slow or stop production of it from reaching Korean shores. I don't want anymore riots.

Oh and by the way? Insulting Muslims, especially those who are good friends of ours, is not a good idea."
26-07-2006, 18:37
Germany recognizes the new Indian Nation and wishes it good luck.
26-07-2006, 18:56
The French Envoy to the Indian government express their concern at the amount of "political correctness" of the Green Society (Chpt. 9 and 10) and unofficialy insist that some sort of moderation be taken, otherwise relations might prove... uncomfortable.
26-07-2006, 22:41
The Philippines actually incourages it's youth to read the "Little Green Book" and actually puts it in colleges and highschool. THough this might seem insane, for a culture that has been invaded as many times as the Philippines, it's youth culture kind of sluggishly turns away from it. They're parents still have copies of Soviet propoganda, and Japanese propoganda, and all the other books of every despot that the Filipino government has made sure it's populace read. For a people who have been subject before, it's a very humbling experience, they've heard it all before. The statements of peace, while under the table have been plots. And those plots ended in thousands and millions of Filipino deaths.

Some young people see this is non-threatening. It doesn't say a thing against the Catholic or Protestant Church. And being a mostly Christian country (85%) They see nothing wrong with it. But the majority shy away from it. And with no major incentive to crush reading it, youth culture finds nothing to rebel against. Sure they desire the Philippines to recognize India, but the government as the rest of the country is more tuned towards the SOuth Sea alliance, and the remainder of the SCT. India despite it's size has little concern. The only ones really concerned is the Small Muslim community. (10%) Who find the shocking book to be an outcry, but with the government supporting them, no rebellion, no pan-Islamic outcry against the government occurs. (By the way, thanks for allowing me to skirt the Muslim rebellion in the Philippines that started about 10 years from this time.)
26-07-2006, 23:15
"I understand you've put out quite a nasty little piece of political literature in India there. Unless you want it banned in Korea, kindly use whatever powers you've got as an executive to slow or stop production of it from reaching Korean shores. I don't want anymore riots."

Indira Gandhi sends her own note that point’s out that Indian publishers are not the ones exporting it to Korean shores, that her book is being republished in Korea by Korean publishers, and that it is thus none of her concern or that of the Indian Republic (being an internal matter of Korea). Gandhi adds that she does not care what the Korean Government thinks of her writings and she also does not care if Korea bans her book...she does however point out in the note (with a great deal of mirth) that the riots happened because the University of Seoul tried to ban the book and stop people from reading it, not because of the content of her book.
New Dornalia
26-07-2006, 23:23
Indira Gandhi sends her own note that point’s out that Indian publishers are not the ones exporting it to Korean shores, that her book is being republished in Korea by Korean publishers, and that it is thus none of her concern or that of the Indian Republic (being an internal matter of Korea). Gandhi adds that she does not care what the Korean Government thinks of her writings and she also does not care if Korea bans her book...she does however point out in the note (with a great deal of mirth) that the riots happened because the University of Seoul tried to ban the book and stop people from reading it, not because of the content of her book.

Park only says, "Let's not turn this into a matter of the chicken and the egg, shall we? Let's assume they had a good reason to ban it."

In the meantime, the Congress begins debating a law to prevent Korean publishers from reprinting the Lil' Green Book, and banning it in Korea except for use in special high-school and university classes, where it will be analyzed critically along with other potentially dangerous literature (such as Das Kapital and the writings of Kim Il Sung). In the meantime, the riot sparks a new debate about free speech and civil liberties, with radio and TV talk shows featuring lively debates.
26-07-2006, 23:36
In Indochina the Little Green Book is read with intrest by the political idealist student population that had just wrested control of the country for themselves.
It's message is however seen as mostly inapplicable to Indochina.
It does inspire several copycat publications, orginating in some of the major Indochinese university campuses.
These books focus on the rights for the freedom of speech and the individual, mixed with Buddhist teachings of the true path to enlightenment and with a little anti-nationalism thrown in.
26-07-2006, 23:58
Park only says, "Let's not turn this into a matter of the chicken and the egg, shall we? Let's assume they had a good reason to ban it."

In the meantime, the Congress begins debating a law to prevent Korean publishers from reprinting the Lil' Green Book, and banning it in Korea except for use in special high-school and university classes, where it will be analyzed critically along with other potentially dangerous literature (such as Das Kapital and the writings of Kim Il Sung). In the meantime, the riot sparks a new debate about free speech and civil liberties, with radio and TV talk shows featuring lively debates.

Many historical experts will undoubtedly point out that the book is fairly Indian Hindu Nationalist centric and deals mostly with Indian concerns (there are segments were Ghandi is clearly attempting to change/modernize Hinduism and remake Indian society), they also point out that the attacks on Muslim culture are part of the long standing Muslim Hindu rivalry going back well over 800 years (Confucianism and Buddhism are only mentioned in passing, although the references are almost entirely neutral/positive with some minor philosophical criticism).

Two of the chapters of the Little Green Book (and something Indira Ghandi routinely touches upon in her other writings) deal with the failure of the West to live up to its own civilized standards and its bankruptcy (chapters 4 and 9). She attacks liberalism, the theory of democratic peace, the idea that the leaders of western liberal democracies are more civilized then those of non-western nations. It is pointed out that all the nations involved in the Twilight War, what she calls the Fourth World War, all had some form of Republican Government or Democratic Leadership, in most cases a society what many would consider Liberal, and still such an unnecessary tragedy occurred, these societies allowed the mass extermination of human life. She ponders if it is due to Western Nationalism having become too external oriented, fixated on the idea of dominating other nations and distant faraway lands. Nations come to measure each other by how effectively they can bend one another to their will rather then focusing on their own internal majesty, their own unique individual greatness. Indira Ghandi postulates that every culture that has sought to expand outward has eventually crumbled, as they eventually became centered on one level of power (State, Regime, Royal Family) while those cultures that have expanded inward have ceaselessly thrived for hundreds of years as levels of social power being spread out (Hinduism is of course historically praised for being non-expansionistic).

Chapter 16 is also pointed out to be a significant work of what is now being called Feminist thought (ooc: Feminism arising throughout the world starting in the late fifties), calling for the liberation and equality of women.

Chapter 17 is also popular with the youth as it declares them a vital force and calls on the Government to give special attention to their problems and interests.

Chapter 5 is noted for calling for the elimination of poverty.

In the meantime the Indian Embassy and Government remain respectively silent concerning the controversy, although Indira Gandhi does at one point triumphantly mention how her writings have sparked significant debate in other Asian countries during a low key (but televised) speech at an Indian University. She, however, does not specifically mention any one country by name.
New Dornalia
27-07-2006, 00:00
In Indochina the Little Green Book is read with intrest by the political idealist student population that had just wrested control of the country for themselves.
It's message is however seen as mostly inapplicable to Indochina.
It does inspire several copycat publications, orginating in some of the major Indochinese university campuses.
These books focus on the rights for the freedom of speech and the individual, mixed with Buddhist teachings of the true path to enlightenment and with a little anti-nationalism thrown in.

OOC: Had a similar idea earlier, but last post on this.


Some students read the Lil' Green Book, and use it to formulate a Korean version of Hindu Nationalism called Juche, which adapts elements of it to the Korean experience (i.e. the religion in Juche in E20 is Confucianism, with Christian elements in it). Some students try to formulate a Juche Party, but this remains a minor element.
27-07-2006, 00:12
Philippine Genres:

Women's Rights- Women have been apart of the rebel movement against the occupiers for a long time. The rights of women are still shaky though as old Catholic Doctrine, and the need for more women in the workfore takes hold of current issues. THe "Little Green Book" while enuciating and bringing younger women to action at their importance with the phrase "Are we not as good as Indian women." Find a rather apathetic crowd. Older women are too ingrained in old Catholic doctrine, and the middle generations are doing well enough in the business world to not really care. Men on the other hand find the growth of the nation too much of a concern to bother with a movment one way or the other. It seems almost too easy to get the government to listen. The Federalist party even goes as far to prepare to put a female president on their ticket in the 1974 elections. It's a far out there debate.

Youth CUlture: The revolution for youth culture already happened in 1960. The geriatric government of the US was thrown out for the new younger group. Since then both presidents have been in their 30's. Carleton Wong a little younger than his predicessor at 34. Media is actually rather open, editing only done in "Pure taste." Music is kept to certain networks, and editting is limited to different TV stations. One stationed called "El Burro de Romantico" even shows adult filming all the time. It's hard to get outside of QUezon City or Manila.

Older Generations: The LIttle Book is seen as a threat. One more empire saying it's not an empire.

Middle Generations: Sees it as of lesser concern due to the South Sea Alliance.

Government: Doesn't admit that India is even a country and therefore of little concern.
The Lightning Star
27-07-2006, 00:27
The government of Quebec criticizes the new Indian government, first for it's rampant use of Propaganda and revisionist history, and secondly for attacking it's own Muslim community. The Republic believes that the only way for India, and the world, to move forward is throught Secularism, where all religions and cultures are treated the same.

OOC: You have like 100 million Muslims within your border, buddy; radical Hinduism will piss them off, especially when you start blaming all of India's troubles on the Muslims.
27-07-2006, 00:34
The government of Quebec criticizes the new Indian government, first for it's rampant use of Propaganda and revisionist history, and secondly for attacking it's own Muslim community. The Republic believes that the only way for India, and the world, to move forward is throught Secularism, where all religions and cultures are treated the same.

OOC: You have like 100 million Muslims within your border, buddy; radical Hinduism will piss them off, especially when you start blaming all of India's troubles on the Muslims.

I've said that a few times, its falling on deaf ears.

In the UIR, the Green Book is seldom read, and the government puts quiet pressure on booksellers and libraries not to buy any, which they happily comply to. The Islamic High Council bans the publishing and reprinting of the book.

Meanwhile, the writings spark the flame of nationalism, with many muslims putting aside th sunni and shiite differences to join together
The Lightning Star
27-07-2006, 00:39
Quebec points out that the man who free'd India from colonialism, M.A. Jinnah, was a Muslim, and was loved by all of India, Muslims and Hindus alike. Le République wonders if the Hindu revisionist propaganda-powered "republic" will write off his achievements, too, in order to further propell their hate-powered Regime.
27-07-2006, 00:39
(ANd probably makes them feel odd that their Catholic neighbors are the strongest supporters.)
27-07-2006, 08:13
Nigeria officially recognizes the new republic and asks that Nigeria allowed to open an Embassy in the capital as well as establish trade relations. In addition, Nigeria is also interested in setting up a student exchange program so that young people from Africa may see what India is truely like.

It is hoped that this will help foster closer relationships between the two countries, as well as trade.
27-07-2006, 08:19
(ooc: Lets say this occurs around 1965/1966)

Nigeria officially recognizes the new republic and asks that Nigeria allowed to open an Embassy in the capital as well as establish trade relations.

India agrees to the Nigerian proposal to open an Embassy in Calcutta.

In addition, Nigeria is also interested in setting up a student exchange program so that young people from Africa may see what India is truely like.

Nigeria is informed that India does not have the money at present and it should ask again in 1972, when the world economy will have recovered (somewhat) from the events of the Twilight War.
27-07-2006, 08:27
(ooc: Lets say this occurs around 1965/1966)
Nigeria is informed that India does not have the money at present and it should ask again in 1972, when the world economy will have recovered (somewhat) from the events of the Twilight War.

Nigeria agrees and quietly asks wether Muslim students will be problematic.
Galveston Bay
27-07-2006, 08:29
Some world opinion
27-07-2006, 08:30
Nigeria agrees and quietly asks wether Muslim students will be problematic.

"Yes," is the very quiet answer.
27-07-2006, 14:14
"Yes," is the very quiet answer.

Nigeria is inforemd that the UIR will take on any Muslim student wishing to see the region
27-07-2006, 15:52
Kolkata is politely notified by Canberra that Australian peacekeepers in the area around Madras will be withdrawing at the end of 1969. India is wished good luck in its future endevours and it is hoped that close ties will remain between our two nations.
27-07-2006, 17:48
The Democratic Buddhist Republic asks if an embassy exchange with India would be possible along with formalized diplomatic relations.
27-07-2006, 17:56
Rumania recognises India, and inquires as to a embassy exchange.
07-08-2006, 23:24
OOC: as a note, you only have 1 oil
08-08-2006, 17:16
Nigeria offers an Infantry Division to help with the troubles in East Bengal.
08-08-2006, 17:19
(Where is this problem in East Bengel written?)
08-08-2006, 17:19
(Where is this problem in East Bengel written?)

Twighlight War thread
08-08-2006, 17:23
(Gotcha thanks. I am there.)
08-08-2006, 19:51
The Philippines announces that it recognizes the Indian government, and that it will continue to recognize the Indian government no matter what, beyond exteniouting circumstances. (Such as Concentration Camps of Muslims.)

It also stated that it would leave open the desire to set up embassies in India, but that the government of the UIP will not apologize for any statements said during the Revolution, but that it would apologize for acting rashly by taking away recognition. And that if Ms. Ghandi wished, she could make discussions in India with the President if she so desired.
09-08-2006, 09:03
Nigeria quietly informs the Phillipines that should it withdraw it's recognition of India at any point Ngieria will follow suit with the Phillipine and withdraw all diplomatic staff.
09-08-2006, 11:05
OOC: Before I start you first must realise that no matter what political obligations Indochina has, it's people are still sympathetic to India.

Indochinese business men seeing a huge untapped market in India, begin overtures to the Indian government and local Indian businesses about increased trade and transactions between India and Indochina.
Several large Buddhist monastries including the Supreme Patriarch Sangha of Indochina contact the Indian government and the Supreme Patriarch Sangha of India about large scale pilgrimages to Buddhist sites that are dotted around India.

(*Changing IC character now*)

The Indian government is also contacted by Senior ASA officials in Tokyo about participation in the South Asia Satellite network program.
In exchnage for regulary funding (5-10 points) the ASA wll launch and maintain satellite coverage over India.
10-08-2006, 03:11
IC: Indochinese business men seeing a huge untapped market in India, begin overtures to the Indian government and local Indian businesses about increased trade and transactions between India and Indochina.

The Indian Government (which owns all the significant firms directly or indirectly, Command Economy and all) reacts favorably to the Indochinese overtures and proposes an economic conference to discuss investment in India’s largely untapped markets.

Several large Buddhist monastries including the Supreme Patriarch Sangha of Indochina contact the Indian government and the Supreme Patriarch Sangha of India about large scale pilgrimages to Buddhist sites that are dotted around India.

The Supreme Patriarch Sangha of India and (more importantly) the Indian Government agree to allow Buddhist pilgrims into the country to visit India’s many Buddhist sites and holy places, however it is made clear that East Bengal is a closed area and Foreign individuals are not allowed into those two states without special permission.

The Indian government is also contacted by Senior ASA officials in Tokyo about participation in the South Asia Satellite network program.
In exchnage for regulary funding (5-10 points) the ASA will launch and maintain satellite coverage over India.

Officials from the relevant Indian Ministries express their eagerness to participate in the ASA space program; however they point out that at present India does not have enough economic strength (i.e. points) to assist in the program (i.e. no points to spare). They make it very clear however if significant investment were to happen in Southern India (say three production centers), then India would have the ability to contribute regular funding to the ASA. They suggest that be discussed during the proposed economic conference.
10-08-2006, 03:31
(Soo no reaction. Alright.)
10-08-2006, 05:44
(Soo no reaction. Alright.)

OOC: India's government pretty much gives the Philippines the cold shoulder, not saying anything, and refusing to reestablish relations until the Philippines apologizes for everything. In the meantime the Indian Government sees no reason to reestablish relations with the Philippines Government seeing as how it has become so diplomatically isolated and inconsequential, deserted and ignored by former allies.
10-08-2006, 11:39
As part of Economic Investment talks, Indochinese business consortiums offer a package of twenty-four billion dollars (24 points) in exchange for increased trade in India and acess to Indian markets in 1971.

Meanwhile the Indochinese government comments to the Indians on how problems in east Begal and unrest in Burma seem to be linked. Reports of gun and drugs running have been taken notice of and the Indochinese sugest a joint effort from both sides to crack down on these activties. (Stop the guns going into Burma and the drugs (Almost certainly of illegal Indochinese orgin) going into India.)
11-08-2006, 00:25
OOC: THen I might as well forget ever having relations with India. Cause I'm never going to apologize for that. Never. And since I am isolated, yes i am of no concern.
11-08-2006, 10:19
Meanwhile the Indochinese government comments to the Indians on how problems in east Begal and unrest in Burma seem to be linked. Reports of gun and drugs running have been taken notice of and the Indochinese sugest a joint effort from both sides to crack down on these activties. (Stop the guns going into Burma and the drugs (Almost certainly of illegal Indochinese orgin) going into India.)

The Indian Government explains that they are not really bothered by the drugs (ooc: they get a piece of the action) and see no reason to stop UIR guns from being sold to the Burmese rebels, as the alternative would be those guns remaining in India and being used by terrorists and criminals, such as the Bengal Liberation Army, to attack the Indian State (ooc: would Indochina want illegal weapons in its country?). India suggests that the Indochinese Government crack down on the smugglers who are shipping the UIR weapons into India by Burma in the first place and put diplomatic pressure on the UIR in the United Nations to stop all covert weapons shipments…denounce them for contributing to the destabilization of Southeast Asia.
11-08-2006, 22:42
The German Ambassador quietly approaches the Indian Government and informs it that it had nothing to do with UIR plans in India and had no knowledge of the whole events. Germany also reminds India that it simply wishes for peace in South Asia and that he hopes that India is willing to help further peace.
12-08-2006, 07:10
Parthini']The German Ambassador quietly approaches the Indian Government and informs it that it had nothing to do with UIR plans in India and had no knowledge of the whole events. Germany also reminds India that it simply wishes for peace in South Asia and that he hopes that India is willing to help further peace.

President/Prime Minister Gandhi personally meets with the German Ambassador and informs him that the Indian Republic supports the Quebec peace plan but French troops, given that the French Government has sided with the UIR, must withdraw from Pakistan/Afghanistan, and Germany must prove its neutrality in the conflict by criticizing the United Islamic Republic for starting the conflict with India and smuggling weapons into Burma...otherwise German peacekeepers would also be opposed as unacceptable. The UIR must be criticized more then India.
12-08-2006, 07:22
The German Ambassador, more and more understanding the percieved lunacy of the UIP, now begins to understand it...

He replies that Germany does not view the UIR as more at fault than India, since India has also not attempted to halt the arms smuggling into Burma, which Germany feels India should crack down on more. Germany feels that if India is so arrogant as to demand that German peacekeepers, who only desire world peace and stabilization for their allies, then Germany will politely decline the ability for the UN to use German soldiers.
12-08-2006, 14:55
President/Prime Minister Gandhi personally meets with the German Ambassador and informs him that the Indian Republic supports the Quebec peace plan but French troops, given that the French Government has sided with the UIR, must withdraw from Pakistan/Afghanistan, and Germany must prove its neutrality in the conflict by criticizing the United Islamic Republic for starting the conflict with India and smuggling weapons into Burma...otherwise German peacekeepers would also be opposed as unacceptable. The UIR must be criticized more then India.

The UIR points out both actions were commited at the same time, so it is foolish to acuse the UIR of instigating this when both sides are guilty. We also point out that we have no control over our rebels, as was shown with the Assam rebels, while India has full control of the rebels in our country.
14-08-2006, 07:22
November, 1970

On November 11th the Indian Federal Government, announcing it feels no need to wait for the UN, unilaterally holds a snap referendum asking the East Bengal population whether or not they wish for East Bengal to separate from the Republic of India and become an independent State. The electoral practices, due to the sudden nature of the election, are questionable. There are not enough ballots; some polling stations that should be open remain closed, the voter rolls are incomplete, and its never clear if the votes are even counted. Despite all this the government announces 82% of East Bengal’s citizens to be in favor of independence and on November 15th East Bengals independence is granted.

East Bengal is formerly renamed The People's Republic of Bangladesh, Governor Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad (Bangladesh Communist Party) is sworn in as Provisional President, Rajinder Shandar (Bangladesh Communist Party) becomes Prime Minister, and Lt. General Hossain Mohammad Ershad of the Dhaka Garrison Unit becomes Army Chief.

The Bangladesh Provisional Parliament (the renamed State legislature) schedules elections for 1972 and passes several new laws, one declaring the Bengal Liberation Army an illegal terrorist group, banning its members from ever running for or holding public office, and promising to extradite all captured members (present and future) to India for trial for their “heinous crimes,” and another making it so Bengal Hindus are joint citizens of Bangladesh and India, with their own law code and court system.

The Bangladesh Government also signs the Indian Subcontinent Neutrality and Trade Pact, applies to join the United Nations, and agrees to the Indian/Bengal Security Accords which establishes the following:

-The Indian Intelligence Agency shall continue to serve as Bangladesh’s intelligence agency, officially it being a joint agency (ooc: in reality it being entirely Indian controlled).

-All grants of foreign aid must be approved by the Indian Government.

-India is bound to provide East Bengal with a Merchant Marine, International Airlines, pay for its Garrison Unit, and protect it from attack.


The Indian Military withdraws fully from Bangladesh territory, leaving only the East Bengal Garrison Unit, the Police, and the South American/South African Special Forces Units assisting them. (Secret IC: Meanwhile the State Police, now National Police, continue the crack down upon the BLA and all those associated with it.)

(ooc: It should be noted that this Bangladesh only borders India…rather then the RL Bangladesh which has a sliver bordering Burma.)
The Lightning Star
15-08-2006, 00:47
OOC: So when does Bangladesh become an independent state, not a puppet? :p

Also, since Bangladesh doesnt have the Chittagong Hill Tracts (which border Burma), does that mean it doesnt have Chittagong?