NationStates Jolt Archive

The Land of Graecius Constantinia

Graecius Constantinia
19-06-2006, 22:51
The nation of Graecius Constantinia is connected with Constantine Graecius, founder of the New Christians, the majority faith of the land. He was raised in the Middle East and traveled around, learning about many things. His movement split some time after his death, the Graecians (Trinitarian) and the Tawhidists (Christians professing Islamic Monotheism). The Graecians took power in Graecius Constantinia, though some Tawhidists live here as well. Tawhidists do not borrow anything else from Islam really, they do not prostrate in their prayers really.

One famous Tawhidist was Al Rashid, who was one of the men responsible for turning the group to Islamic Monotheism. Tawhidists do worship in churches and only accept the Bible.

The current leader of Graecius Constantinia is a Emperor, Emperor Demetrios XII who is a Graecian.

The Mausoleum of Constantine Graecius is located here, it is visited by many. It is where the body of Constantine Graecius lies in peace.

The capital is Graecianople and it is where the Emperor resides. The Cathedral of Grace (a Tawhidist Cathedral) is located in New Bethany.
Graecius Constantinia
19-06-2006, 23:04
I am a newbie to NS. Can people show me around? I found this website and I thought it would be interesting to join up on NS.
The World Soviet Party
19-06-2006, 23:28
Alexander, Chairman of the World Soviet Party picked up his pen and started writing:

Hail Emperor Demetrios XII,
I think I speak for all the people in our country when I warmly welcome you and your nation to the wonderful world we inhabit.
I am, due to political duties, obliged to ask if your country would like to join us to form a trade alliance (think Mercosur, or EU), thing that would certailny benefit both our countries.
Anyways, Im running short on time so I must finish here, Im sure we'll be able to communicate later with better means.

Alexander, Chairman of the World Soviet Party Council