NationStates Jolt Archive

Last member of the Imperial Family, Micheal Trotsky, Dies in Prison

25-05-2006, 18:34
Nerotikan Central News Network, NCNN, Special Report

Micheal Trotsky was found dead in his cell last night, he appeared to have simply died from old age after his 24 years of imprisonment by allied forces during what was called the 'Liberation Conflict'. This conflict lasted two years though military fighting ended rebel fighting continued on for five years after resulting in a seven year war between Nerotikan forces and the forces of Camewot, Credonia, Praetonia and Skinny87. Micheal Trotsky was acknowleged as the cause of this fighting due to his taking of power after the death of former emporer Jason Trotsky, Micheal's cousin. Micheal Trotsky, being big on the idea's of Nazism took power and imediatly declared a purification act that would exterminate many of Nerotika's 'Unwanted' as he said it. Micheal had been tried and convicted of crimes against humanity as well as war crimes causing a sentance of three life sentances, at age 63 Micheal died in his cell strangly of old age but investigators are stuck on an idea of murder. The investigation will take place for the next week and reports will come in as is.

When questioned about his reaction to Micheal's death President Volker had this to say.
"I did not know him well, infact not at all. But I do believe he deserved his prison time. His death is a welcomed sign as it now locks our place as a pure socialistic government. The SSUN looks forward to forgetting the Trotsky family and forgetting the Imperial rules that consticted our minds and our bodies to a family of leaders. As the voice of the people I believe I speak for most if not all when I say I am happy to here about his death."

There will be no funeral for Micheal Trotsky and in an official report from the SSUN office in Marxin, Micheal will be buried in an unmarked grave and in an effort to erradicate the Nerotikan Imperial memory all imperial gravesites will be distroyed.

Thats all for now we will keep your updated as things go on.
25-05-2006, 18:44
Was he assassinated?
25-05-2006, 19:50
Was he assassinated?

OOC: thats what im thinking of doing, like a government coverup kinda thing...ooooo consperisy...