NationStates Jolt Archive

Uprising rebels strike [OPEN]

20-05-2006, 06:33
After numerous rounds of invasions and wars, Leocardia was still a strong, powerful nation, with still special elite forces divisions dormant and ready to be active. Though, the citizens of Leocardia were angry about the recent decisions of President Jason Batista, which made Leocardia face these certain conflicts. A mob was gathered daily, for about a week now, and one had recently formed near the Presidential Palace, where Jason Batista is living for his presidential term. "Mobs rioting." Chelsea said, the teenaged wife of Jason. "Do you think they can harm us? I don't want my parents to get hurt upstairs." Chelsea was a loving wife at 21, but still had a bond with her parents. She needed them to be in luxury in order to feel comfortable herself. "Relax." Jason replied, "Leocardia has one of the best Guardsmen in the world. We're superpower now, relax." Just the moment he finished talking, there was an explosion. "Jay, they're using weapons now. Look!" Jason looked out the window and gasped. The mob was grown into a mafia and now are armed with rifles. "Stay away from the windows, we're safer there."

Leocardian Guardsmen were heard shouting to get into position. The Guardsmen got their equipment ready and ran into position. Fires broke out. The fires lasted for a couple minutes and there was even more shouts. Outside, the Guardsmen were forced to call for backup. Trucks, soon, poured in the street, men came out with their rifles and surrounded the Leocardian Palace. It was safer and sound. A note was found on the grounds of the scene while picking up the dead bodies.

Leocardian Rebels of Civilians[/b]

The title stated. As it went on:

[code]Rebel Leader: Johnathan Geoff

President Jason,

You will pay for the war crimes you've commited for Leocardia. We are powerful, and have plenty of men to fight against your forces. You and your followers will go to hell. All the recent mobs, we claim responsiblity, and we continue to do so until you step down on office.
Rotten bacon
20-05-2006, 07:20
Super power does not determin millitary power. si that really does not mean anything.
21-05-2006, 04:38
Super power does not determin millitary power. si that really does not mean anything.

Who said I determined it? It was just in a conversation.
21-05-2006, 04:45
The next day, smoke was still bursting. The Guards did perfectly to keep the president safe. The mobs withdrew and it was back to peace. Enginneers quickly repaired the damages and the Guards went on high alert. Mobs, in the morning, protested, already, in Kikas, the 2nd Largest City in Leocardia. The mobs were known to be armed, well thats what the International Intelligence of Leocardia (IIL) say. The mobs rioted, but there was no further news on the event.
21-05-2006, 04:50
OOC: Wait, what war crimes?
22-05-2006, 01:40
General Vimar of The Murgerspherian StarAccolomator Battle Ship "Ascendant Justice" in orbit around the planet earth.It was a routin patrol until he picked up several violent clashes going on on the surface and on there hyper sensitive equipment picked up many radio disturbinaces.He was intrigued and he looked at a map of earth."Hmmm",the General said as he pointed to the spot on the map were the fighting was going on."This land seems to be called Leocardia.His advisor said to him"Why bother with this matter.Just another earth war.Lets move on.""Wait"Vimar said,"This could be Murgersphers chance to get a piece of earth and perhaps earn a more powerful ally.His advisor nodded and said"Maybe your right,maybe your wrong.All I know is that it is not wise to intervene in earth matters.It is your call though.Vimar closed his eyes for a moment and said to his communications officer"Get me an uplink to Leonardias Leader and send him this transmission.

Geetings Leonardian Leader.I am General Vimar of Murgerspher.Do not be afraid we are a friendly race coming to a routine visit to earth.We noticed that you are in a bit of trouble and are willing to help you...for a price of course.We only ask in exchange for helping you out with your troubles in whatever they may be we ask that you...

1:Put an embassay of our planet in your country.
2:Start Econoimc trade with our planet.
3:Owe us one "favor"in the future.

If you disagree just ignore this transmission and we will be on our way but if you agree send us back a transmisson describing the problem and what we can do to help.

Good day!

"Transmission sent Sir"The communication officer said."Good" the General said."Now we wait."

OOC:You are a modern times nation and you do live on earth right?
22-05-2006, 07:36
General Vimar of The Murgerspherian StarAccolomator Battle Ship "Ascendant Justice" in orbit around the planet earth.It was a routin patrol until he picked up several violent clashes going on on the surface and on there hyper sensitive equipment picked up many radio disturbinaces.He was intrigued and he looked at a map of earth."Hmmm",the General said as he pointed to the spot on the map were the fighting was going on."This land seems to be called Leocardia.His advisor said to him"Why bother with this matter.Just another earth war.Lets move on.""Wait"Vimar said,"This could be Murgersphers chance to get a piece of earth and perhaps earn a more powerful ally.His advisor nodded and said"Maybe your right,maybe your wrong.All I know is that it is not wise to intervene in earth matters.It is your call though.Vimar closed his eyes for a moment and said to his communications officer"Get me an uplink to Leonardias Leader and send him this transmission.

Geetings Leonardian Leader.I am General Vimar of Murgerspher.Do not be afraid we are a friendly race coming to a routine visit to earth.We noticed that you are in a bit of trouble and are willing to help you...for a price of course.We only ask in exchange for helping you out with your troubles in whatever they may be we ask that you...

1:Put an embassay of our planet in your country.
2:Start Econoimc trade with our planet.
3:Owe us one "favor"in the future.

If you disagree just ignore this transmission and we will be on our way but if you agree send us back a transmisson describing the problem and what we can do to help.

Good day!

"Transmission sent Sir"The communication officer said."Good" the General said."Now we wait."

OOC:You are a modern times nation and you do live on earth right? OOC: Yes, yes he is. Still, you have ships that fly in space. Therefore, you are FT. So I don't think you can join in this.
22-05-2006, 20:53
OOC:yea your proably right
disregard my last post