NationStates Jolt Archive

The South/North/Midwest/West will Rise Again! (Secession RP)

H-Town Tejas
18-05-2006, 00:20
The year is 2015, and North America is in turmoil. National Guard units are regulary called on to solve problems on the Mexican-American border, and Washington tries to stop it. Calling upon State's Rights, they resist, and bar the federal military from bases or funding by the states. In response, D.C. refuses to fund interstate highways and pulls funding to many projects.

Finally, the state of Florida becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back. Govener Charlie Crist, promises the Cuban exiles he will use national guard troops to get rid of Castro. After a succesful invasion using national guard and cuban exile troops, the Federal government declares martial law. In response, Florida and neighboring states secede. Texas and California follow, bringing nearby states with them.

Spurred by their example, Quebec secedes from Canada, followed by Alberta.

Current Map (

If you want to join, here's ( where to do it. That's where I'll keep all the factbooks.
Spiral Sun
18-05-2006, 00:34
After several fraudulant elections in Ohio, and several guerilla attacks against Huntington and Wheeling in Western Virginia. Greater Virginia invades Ohio, first seizing South Point, and Ironton, home to some of the guerillas. After the State Defense Forces attempts to stop them, Kentukian forces attack, and seize Cincinnati. All over Greater Virginia movements are sprouting up insisting that the land lost during the state cessions be returned to G.V. The occupied area in Ohio is named the Territory of Symmesia, meaning the Virginians are there to stay.
H-Town Tejas
18-05-2006, 00:40

Another cold, winter day in Detroit, and another day under the rule of the the Michigan Revolutionary Worker's Party. MRWP soldiers marched through the snow-filled streets, holding 5.56x45mm QBZ-97s. They wore heavy urban camo jackets and wore gray bomber caps. On either side of them, armored Ford pickups with PKMS machine guns mounted in the beds rolled through the streets.
Few people walked the streets nowadays. They were either in their houses or in factories, building the weapons that kept the PRM armed and able to fight off Fed troops.
Firuza Salehi never thought it would get this far.
It seemed like it was only yesterday when she flew to Detroit from Mashhad and found out something funny.
The American government wasn't that much better to its poor people than the Iranian government was.
When the large wave of secession began, Firuza had taken the poor, working class and overthrown the government in Michigan. A while later, when they were a bit more well-armed, they, along with guerillas in Ontario, took over Ontario province.
'You Westerners are so naïve!' she thought, laughing.
18-05-2006, 01:35
Juneau, Alaska
People's Republic of the Arctic States HeadQuarters (Juneau City Hall)

A man only known to this part of the world has brought together the Native Tribes of the Arctic. In the past few days we have found little resisentence from the local population.
Our troops have assaulted several bases in the area including Fort Richardson, and Fort Waiwright. Taking only a few wounded on both sides.
All around the north the call has been heard by all Natives and white men alike, to join the cause.
Spiral Sun
18-05-2006, 01:49
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 13, 2015

"Mr. Harris!"
"Yes... Burke is it?", replied the President.
"Yes, sir." replied the uniformed man, " Mr. Postman wishes to see you, sir."
"Do we still have a Postmaster General?"
"He's the Secretary of Information, sir."
"Oh, good! Does he know what I'm supposed to do?"
"... He might be able to help you with that, sir"


Entering the Oval Office, President Hickory Harris drops the "lovable and innocent" charade that got him into power, as a puppet (though he is cutting the strings). After Harris sits down at his desk, the Information Secretary rises from an elegant settee, and gets right down to business.
"Mr. President, their are several things that you should keep an eye on, especially the People's Republic of Michigan, and their relations, with the MWA."
"You mean where Michigan attacks Wisconsin, and the MWA goes for the Strait of Makinac, and the Saint Clara and Detroit Rivers?"
Keep me posted on that, I has some questions for you."
"Have the British accepted our offer for Bermuda?"
"They have indeed, sir. We have proceeded to occupy Hamilton."
"What about our attempts at convincing North Carolina and Tennessee to join us?"
"We need them quickly. Well, how is Operation Santa Maria going?"
"It bogged done a bit."
"But we need to reach Erie!"
"You'll have to talk to General Knox about that."
"I think I will."
18-05-2006, 02:11
Juneau, Alaska Dec. 13, 2015

"Sir, the entire native popultions of the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and the Nunavut have joined us , and word of our existence has spread throughout Canada."
"Good, Good. How are is it coming with those Ice breakers we confiscated from the Coast Guard base?"
"Their hulls are being streghtened as we speak for a full trip to Hudson bay."
"Well the work needs to speed up, We have no idea what these others groups might try to pull on Quebec, New Foundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, and we need their support to have some influence in North America."
"Sir, should we move troops into Alberta and Saskatchewan?"
"Yes, but no use of unnecessary force. Presuede the location populace to join, don't use force."
"What if we incounter military forces?"
"Reason with them, tell them to join us etc."
"Yes sir, right away."
The Appalacians
18-05-2006, 02:32
Seattle, Washington; Dec. 11, 2015
10:00 AM
Republic of the Northwestern States Capitol Building (Seattle City Hall)

"Chancellor Roughead?"
"Yes come in," Roughead said to his adjutant, "How is that deal with the Russians coming?"
"Good, sir. They've agreed to supply us with AK-74s and AKMs for a reasonable price. All we need now is for you to get more support from the Pacific Fleet and bring us naval power."
"I've drafted orders calling all captains loyal to me to Seattle. That should bring someone at least."
"Yes, sir. I'll send them out. What about the other countries sprouting up in North America?"
"We don't have accurate enough intelligence to figure out anything about them. Just watch our borders and coastlines and we should be fine."
"Yes, sir."
"We'll probably have to institute a draft if no one volunteers for the Army or Navy. It's unfortunate, but I may have to order it."
"Do you want me to draft the orders for you sir?"
"No. Just put ads out for the Army. Tell the people they need to protect their new nation."
"Yes, sir."
18-05-2006, 22:11
Juneau, Alaska Dec. 14, 2015
P.R.A.S Head Quarters

"Sir, reports are coming in that the troops have entered Alberta and Saskatchewan, and have started convincing the populace to join our cause."
"Good, have they had any resistence?"
"Yes, but they were convinced into joining us."
"Alright, how are the Ice Breakers coming?"
"Their thicker hulls have now been installed are they are on their way. Estimated time in 2-3 weeks with a stop in Northern Alaska and one in the Northwest Territories."
"Ok, well... have we heard anything from these other groups that have popped up across Canada and the United States?"
"Nothing so far sir, but the Russian have contacted us about access over the Bering Straits. They wish to form a deal with us, what should I tell them?"
"Tell them to send a detailed contract with what they offer and what they want from us."
"Yes sir, is that all?"
"Yes, Thank you."
18-05-2006, 22:51
Chicago, Illinois
Soldier Field
President Baki Speaks
...People of the MidWest! Today, we make our claim as a new nation! The United States has abandoned us and left us to die. Today, we rise up!

Philip Baki stepped down from the podium to huge cheers. The stadium was filled to the brim and he was at the center of it all. Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Missouri had all joined his cause. The National Guards came too and had already been sworn in as soldiers of the Middle Western Alliance. 'First we will push West,' he thought. "Daley!"
"Yes, sir."
"Mobilize the Army. We're goin West."
18-05-2006, 22:58
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
"Mr. President?"
"Come in"
"Sir, our troops have taken Iowa and Minnesota without resistance."
"We have reports that Michigan wants to take Wisconsin."
"Have troops sent up to fortify that border. If they try, take 'em out."
19-05-2006, 00:11
Juneau, Alaska
Presidental Order #01

President Jack Whiterstein takes the podium:

"Hello to all who have came out on this cold evening. I have came here to tell you that I have given permmission to government owned oil companys to drill within the wildlife refuge. The drills will be airlifted and driven to their sites within the hour, and drilling will commince by sundown. My head of economy says we should have an excess supply of oil which we may use as a trade resource.
I also bring you news of our brave soldiers success. They have pushed into Edmonton, Alberta and have most of the province under control. Light resistence was taken. They will now move south and eastward into Saskatchewan to help those troops there. By tommorrow morning they should be within miles of Regina and on into the day control the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
We also incourage all citizens to join one of the nation services, be it Army or National Guard. We hope you think about these professions. We wish luck to our troops. Good Evening, and God Bless."
The Appalacians
19-05-2006, 00:29
"Yes Baker?"
"We have reports of hostile Midwestern forces moving West."
"Are they threatening our borders?"
"Not yet but our reports indicate that they have already taken Iowa and Minnesota."
"Did that shipment of weapons arrive yet?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. How about troop strength?"
"Well sir, we have about 20,000 National Guardsmen on our side and about 50,000 new recruits being trained now."
"All right. What have we got in terms of airpower?"
"We have 20 A-10 warthogs from one of the Air National Guard bases."
"Good. I'm going to have to order the draft though."
"I have some good news sir."
"The USS Ronald Reagan just pulled into port."
"Excellent. But it isn't the USS Ronald Reagan anymore. It's the RNSS [I]Ronald Reagan[I]."
"He he. Yes, sir. I'll go draft those orders sir."
Spiral Sun
19-05-2006, 01:27
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 14, 2015

"Mr. Harris!"
"Yes, Burke?", replied the President
A message from General Knox, sir"

Returning to his office Predident Harris reads General Knox'es message.

"The European Union is after the People’s Republic of the Arctic States for invading Danish soil...Manitoba and Saskatchewan have taken the news that we recognize them as the Canadian government quite well. Alberta is rejoining with them, and should help stabilize the area. An alliance with them, and the Maritime seems quite probable... The United States has declared war on the MWA.. We've reached Columbus, then went for Pittsburg... On the 20th Tennessee and North Carolina will vote on wether or not to join us... If they vote yes, they will join January first..."

"Well everything seems to be all right."

19-05-2006, 03:05
Juneau, Alaska
P.R.A.S Head Quarters
December 17, 2015

"Mr. President, Our troops have finally entered Regina and are now securing the Saskatchewan province."
"Good, Have we heard from the Russians?"
"Yes, these are their terms:
Russia wants access to the Bering Strait for merchant and military shiping.
Russia grants access to their weapons manufacturing for as long as they are able to use the Strait.
"Well, It seems like a reasonable offer. Deal."
"Also sir, we were conatcted by the Danish government recently over the ownership of Greenland. What reply should I send them?"
"Tell them that we did not invade Greenland, but that the local populace of Inuit and Eskimo natives took control and passed it to us."
"Alright, I will get right on that. Sir, what should we do about our low military numbers?"
"How low are they?"
"Well, we have currently 5,000 National Guard troops, and 10,000 Inuit and Eskimo troops serving as our Army."
"Well, we might have to hold a draft. Bring me the paper work. Next week we will hold a televisied draft. What are our estimated numbers?"
"Hmm, The numbers would range from 66,000 to 132,000 possible draftees."
"Ok, notify all training facilites on estimated new recruit numbers."
"Yes sir."
Spiral Sun
19-05-2006, 04:08
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 18, 2015

"Burke!", shouted the President.
"Yes, sir", Answered Burke.
"Deliver this to the Information Secretary immediately."
"Right away, sir", said Burke passing the message to a gloved hand, that came from behind Mr. Harris, causing him to jump.
"Mr. Postman! How? Where?... Nevermind, here's the 'low down'. Manitoba and the Maritime are officially Greater Virginian protectorates. We're going to give elections to the remainders of Pennsylvania and Ohio. South Carolina, too. They'll be the same as those in Tennessee and North Carolina. Also, see if someone can get alliances with California, or Texas, or anyone else."
"Yes, Mr. President."
19-05-2006, 21:27
Juneau, Alaska
Television Broadcast Station
Dec. 22, 2015

President Whiterstein has just told the nation that he is ordering a draft.

"...Now, this is how the draft will work. Of the 200,000 known draftees, all those with birthdates between January 1- April 30 are mostly going to be drafted, May 1- August 31 have a lesser chance of being drafted, and finally September 1-December 31 have the less likely chance of being drafted.
Now my secretaries will start the drafting process by pulling names from each bin."


After the draft was completed the President returns to the P.R.A.S Head Quarters.

"What are the results?"
"98,000 were drafted, but only 94,000 will be able to fight."
"What happened with the other 4,000?"
"They were those that were not medicial fit for combat."
"Alright, do all those who were drafted know where to report for training?"
"Yes, Their training will last for 3 weeks then they will be put into military service."
"Any word from these new groups?"
"None yet sir. But, we were contacted again by the Danish government. They want to make a deal for the ownership of Greenland."
"But we already own Greenland."
"Yes, but they threaten us with military action if we don't at least consider their offer."
"Alright, what's their offer?"
"They offer the territory of Greenland in return for the save return of the 6,000 plus European inhabitants that lived in Greenland."
"Hmm, do you know all the countrys where they're from?"
"All over Europe, that's how we are in trouble with the European Union."
"Would the European Union also leave us alone if we agree to the terms?"
"In the Danish transmission I do beleive they mentitioned that they would indeed restrain from any further military actions in the region."
"Then send to the Danish government that we agree to their terms and those inhabitants will be flown to a Danish airport and released."
"Yes sir."
The Appalacians
19-05-2006, 22:14
Address by Admiral Gary Roughead
Dec 22 2015
Seattle, Washington

"People of the Northwestern States, we begin our defense. An Eastern alliance threatens our borders and, in response, we move against them. In order to have any chance at winning this war, I must institute a draft. This is unfortunate, but necessary to the continued existence of our great new nation. Eligible men born from May 1 to August 31 are most likely to be drafted. Do not think of this as a burden, think of this as a way to serve your country and protect those you love. Thank you."

* * *

"Baker, how many did we draft?"
"About 110,000 who were eligible for combat duty were drafted."
"Good. How are our weapons stores?"
"We have plenty of rifles to give the men, sir."
"Yes... What we need is a good general."
"I agree sir, I'll get right on it."
"Oh and Baker."
"Yes sir?"
"Were we able to convert that carrier's fighter complement to ground based aircraft?"
"Yes sir, we have 40 of its 72 fighters in airbases in Montana right now."
20-05-2006, 00:39
The Artic Express Newspaper
Dec. 21- Dec. 27

Major News:
Dec. 22- Training starts for draftees.
Dec. 23- Resistence in Alberta and Saskatchewan has fallen to near zero.
Dec. 25- Large Christmas party is thrown in Juneau for the new nation.

Minor News:
Dec. 27- Three Converted Coast Guard Ice Breakers arrive at Cambridge Bay.
Spiral Sun
20-05-2006, 01:12
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 22, 2015

"Mr. Harris!", called Burke
"Yes?", Replied the President
"The plebiscites are in Greater Virginia's favor! They will join Janunary First! Oh, and the Information Secretary is behind you. He wishes to speak."
"Wha..!! Just tell me about whatever it is, Greyson"
"The Europeans in Greenland refuse to leave. This has resulted in the deaths of 452 of the protesters. Riots have commenced. Also, the Dane who offered the P.R.A.S. that 'demand' has been locked away in an asylum. And our ambassador to the United Kingdom has been able to convince them to support military action. The United Kingdom is firmly against the Artic States for invading their dominion. They are pleased with our protection of the remainder of Canada, and are sending troops and... you know. One more thing. The United Nations is voting on wether, or not to take acton against the P.R.A.S. for violating the sovereignty, of both Canada and Denmark."
"Good. Continue with your work, and have someone tell the Russians the Bering Strait is now international waters, and they have full fishing rights. That should loosen any support they have for the Artic States"
20-05-2006, 02:10
Wisconsin-Michigan Border
December 22, 2015
7:00 PM

"What is it Winfield?"
"Sir, I just saw some movement along that ridge. I think that they are coming sir."
"Alright. Don't shoot back until they make a move. Do they have any armor?"
"Sir, our best intelligence says 2 tanks at the most. Our Bradleys should be able to handle it."
"Thanks for the info, Winfield. Keep it up."
"Thank you si-, Holy Shit!"
20-05-2006, 02:14
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 22, 2015
7:05 PM

"Mr. President!"
"Sir, we just got a call from the Wisconsin Detachment. They came under fire from PRM forces and are in a hell of a fight right now."
"Get Salehi on the phone right now."
20-05-2006, 02:25
Juneau, Alaska
P.R.A.S Head Quarters
Dec. 22, 2015

"Mr. President!"
"Riots have comminced in Greenland!"
"What, when!?"
"A few hours ago, after around 450 of those protesters were killed."
"Hmm, what military troops do we have in the area?"
"None that are officially ours."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it was a local militia that took control of the region and gave it to us."
"Well contact the Danish Government again and tell them that Greenland is theirs, and that a small detachment of troops will remain in the area to keep as much order until their forces arrive. And that the rest of the troops will return to the Nunavut territory with any refugees, after the conflict is controlled then the refugees will be returned to Greenland."
"Alright sir. Also, we are under United Nation review. They will come to a decision on whether or not to take military actions against us."
"Well, send them a message that all military actives in Greenland will be discontinued and that ownership of Greenland will once again be in Danish hands."
"Yes sir."
The Appalacians
20-05-2006, 02:45
Seattle, Washington
Dec. 23, 2015
R.N.S. Headquarters

"Yes, Baker come in."
"It seems that the Midwestern States are busy fighting fores from Michigan."
"All right, keep men stationed there anyway. What else have you got?"
"We have reports saying there are riots in Greenland."
"Ah Damn those P.R.A.S. nutjobs. What have they done this time?"
"They tried to ship Europeans back to Europe and it backfired."
"Ah damn it. What's the UN doing?"
"Reviewing them."
"All right. This goes to number one on our priorities list."
"Yes sir."
20-05-2006, 02:47
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 22, 2015
9:00 PM

"Mr. President, we just got word that the battle is over. We repulsed the attack, although their artillery caused a lot of casualties."
"What about Salehi?"
"He was not able to be reached, sir."
"I want him to know that Wisconsin is ours. What do you suggest, General?"
"Sir, we just received information that Scott Air Force Base, the base of US Air Mobility Command has just committed its planes to our cause. If you want to send a message, use them."
"Do it."

Over Michigan
December 22, 2015
9:30 PM

"Shredder, this is Pixie. We are coming in on target."
"Roger that Pixie."
The two F-22 Fighter-Bombers screamed toward their target at almost twice the speed of sound.
"Initiate Bombing run."
The planes slowed as the factory came into view.
'Hopefully all the Ford employees are at home,' Pixie thought to himself.
"Bombs free."
The Appalacians
20-05-2006, 17:25
Seattle, Washington
Dec. 25, 2015
Admiral Roughead's Office

"Baker what have we got in terms of a Navy?"
"Well sir we have 3 Ticonderoga class cruisers, the Ronald Reagan, and 5 Arleigh Burke class destroyers."
"Good. Any chance of converting those A-10s to operate off of the carrier?"
"I don't think so ,sir. The airframe can't take the stress of landings on a carrier. Why, sir?"
"I was hoping we could send some to Alaska to hit the P.R.A.S."
"We still can, sir."
"If we find a straight enough stretch of highway in British Columbia we can operate them from there."
"Excellent. I want them up there. Now, give all our ships sailing orders to move in and begin a bombardment on Juneau as soon as possible. Order the Ronald Reagan to take half of her fighter complement with her. Get our National Guardsmen and our Draftees to the Northern border of British Columbia. When everything is in place let me know."
"Yes, sir. We're finally gonna make a name for ourselves, sir."
"Yes we are, Baker. But first, get me in touch with the Greater Virginians, We may need their help"
"You got it, sir."
"He he. This can be our Christmas present to them."
20-05-2006, 17:40
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
P.R.A.S Regional Head Quarters
Dec. 27, 2015

"Sir, we just recieved word from the Danish government that they have landed in Greenland and are now handling the situtation. They also want to know who is responsible for ordering the shooting of the protesters, so he can face war crimes."
"Do we know who it was?"
"I'll check in on that with the Regional Commander in the Nunavut. He will ask the militia who gave that order and whoever it was will be detained until further actions can be brought upon him."
"Have we heard any word from the United Nations?"
"We did recieved a transmission telling us that our recent action of handing over Greenland back to the Danish Government will be brought into consideration when they do decide to come to a decision. But they also have to consider why we invaded Saskatchewan and declared war on Canada."
"Well send a message to them that attacks against Canadain owned provinces will be stoped until a decision is made by them."
"Yes, sir. I'll get right onto these matters. Oh, and sir."
"We have word to believe that one of the break-away groups is in British Columbia. Should I try and contact them?"
"Yes, and see if we can start diplomatic relations with them."
"Yes sir."
Spiral Sun
20-05-2006, 19:46
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 28, 2015

"What message you have for me today, Mr. Burke?" asked President Harris
"None but, the Secretary of Defense is here, sir."
"Send him in, Burke."
In came Thear A. Lee, the Defense Secretary.
"What is it Lee?"
"Mr. President, the Maritime is attacking Baffin Island, by land and by sea, and Quebec has increased troop presence in Penisule d' Ungava."
"Yes, triple ammunition shipments to them. What else?"
Greenlanders have followed the Articians on to Baffin Island as well, and are attacking by land."
"Oh, my. They certainly have spunk these days."
"They sure do. Now we have been able to bring British troops into Manitoba, "though one of the ships transporting them was attacked by Inuiti pirates. A rouge group of Inuits soldiers crossed into Manitoba, from occupied Saskatchewan, and has laid seige, and set fire to Barrows in the Porcupine Hills."
"As the protector state, this means war."
"Yes, and speaking of protector states, sir, an eskimo has stabbed the Governor General. This could bring the remainder of the Commonwealth in against the Artic States."
"Put all troops stationed in Manitoba on high alert, until I can write a address to Congress. Wait. Do we still have a Congress?"
"I think that's on Capitol Hill, where we watch new movie release."
"Ah, yes. Have we installed the snow cone machine yet?"
"I hear it should be done by Friday."
"Good. I may need to speak with Greyson now. He has a few connections..."
The Appalacians
20-05-2006, 20:05
Off the Coast of Alaska, Near Juneau
Dec. 29, 2015
NSS Ronald Reagan

"Begin aircraft launching, scramble all Hornets."
"Scramble Hornets, aye. Sir, the other ships have begun their bombardments of the city with Tomahawk missiles."
"Good. How about those grunts on land?"
"They're setting up for a seige."
"The P.R.A.S. won't underestimate us any more."
"That's a fact, sir."
"They ever get those Warthogs in the air?"
"Yes sir, they're supporting the troops on the ground."
"Well, that doesn't leave much for us to do now does it?"
"Of course it does, sir. We're attacking the factories and their Capitol Hill."
"I know, Simmons."
"Oh. Sorry, sir."
"He he he. You really need to learn how to recognize sarcasm, Simmons."
"Yes, sir."
20-05-2006, 20:26
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
P.R.A.S Regional Head Quarters
Dec. 28, 2015

"Sir, We are under attack on Baffin Island by Maritime and Greenland troops!"
"What troops do we have there?"
"Militia, sir."
"Well send a message to troops there to refrain from shooting anyone unless shot at first."
"Yes, sir. Also sir, Inuit pirates have attacked a ship with British troops heading for Manitoba. And, a rogue unit of Inuit have cross the border and have intered Manitoba setting fires in Porcupine Hills."
"Good god man how did the situtation file down to this?"
"Sir, I addvise you to contact the Danish and Maritime governments on these matters. As well as the British government."
"Yes, I will draft a letter to them and tell them that we, the people of the Arctic States, do not agree with the actions of these rogue groups and do not support them in any way, shape, or form."
"Alright sir. I will send them off as soon as you give me them."


Juneau, Alaska
P.R.A.S Head Quarters
Dec. 29, 2015

"General, Tomahawk missles have struck the city. What should we do?"
"Contact the President and update him on the situtation."
"Yes sir."
20-05-2006, 20:47
To The Governments of Denmark, Maritime, and Britian
From The People's Republic of the Arctic States

Dec. 29, 2015

Dear Leaders of Denmark, Maritime, and Britian,

Over the past few days many incidents have occured between our nations. I believe that you all should be angry with me on some of the matters at hand. But, The People's Republic of the Arctic States didn't agree or plan any of the attacks that were carried out in your countries. They were carried out by rogue parties that claimed loyalty to us. We do not agree with them or their actions against your nations. Lives have been lost on both sides and the heartbreak will not stop if we keep on killing each other. I wish to ask each of you for peace on agreeable terms. Please take into consideration P.R.A.S's past action: The complete hand over of Greenland to the Danish government. Now once again we would like to tell you that the acts against each of your governments were committed by rogue parties that claimed loyalty to our country. We deny all attack and send sympathy to the families of that lost loved ones in attacks that these savage groups carried out. Please reply to this letter with a peace agreement, so we can better each of our nations.

Thank you,
President Jack Whiterstein
20-05-2006, 20:54
Radio messages sent to/from Juneau, Alaska to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Dec. 29, 2015

"We are under attack from unknown forces. Tomahawk missiles are hitting the city. No contact with the aggressor has been made. Asking what to do?"
"Try to make contact with the aggressor, and ask for terms of cessfire."
"Yes sir, passing that information on now sir."
"Alright keep me posted on the situtation."
"Yes sir, I will keep...." *Crackling sound*
"Hello?... Hello?!... Hello!"
20-05-2006, 21:59
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 28, 2015
8:00 AM

"Mr. President, the Ford factory in Detroit has been destroyed. We haven't heard anything from PRM yet, but we expect to."
"Good, that should slow them down a little bit. Have you talked to the governors of Nebraska and Kansas yet?"
"We are in the middle of negotiations with them right now. They seem willing to join us. Also, the PRAS and RNWS are in a shooting war right now. RNWS forces have attacked Juneau and the PRAS are suffering heavy losses. They are using an aircraft carrier to bombard the city."
"Let them. It doesn't affect us anyway. How many troops do we have in Wisconsin right now?"
"About 20,000 combat-ready infantry and a platoon of Bradley fighting vehicles."
"Have them push into Michigan. I want it now. Have those planes at Scott support them."
"Yes, sir."
21-05-2006, 01:48
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional Head Quarters
Dec. 30, 2015

"President Whiterstein."
"Yes, what is it?"
"We have a reply from the British."
"What did they say?"
"They offer a peace agreement on the terms that Saskatchewan be returned to the Canadain government. They will also speak with the Danish and Maritime governments about a peace agreement. But, they will station troops in Manitoba, and Saskatchewan to stablize the area."
"Hmm, Alright. Send them the message that we will pull out of Saskatchewan and hand over all claims to it to the Canadain government."
"Yes sir."
"What's the update on Baffin Island?"
"Hundreds of civilains were killed in a bombartment. About 150 militia are dead or wounded."
"Hopefully it will stop there soon."
"We all hope that sir."
"Have those unkown forces attacking Juneau been identified?"
"Yes, they are the RNWS."
"What reason do they for attacking us?"
"I don't know sir. To my knowledge we haven't attacked them or anything."
"Keep trying to contact them for a cessfire. What are our casualties so far?"
"In Juneau, numbers of citizens dead or wounded are about 1,500. The Capitol Building was hit also sir. General Williams was killed."
"Just so much killing has gone on over the past few days. When will it stop?"
"I don't know sir, I just don't know."
21-05-2006, 02:04
December 30, 2015
Republic of Pennsylvania

"This is insane" sighed Governor (soon to be sworn in President) Tom Argen.
"How did we turn into this" said the middle-aged man with his head in his brow.He was at a loss of what had happened in the past few days, but the people needed to be protected.He sent out an order to send remaining Pennsylvania national guard on the borders. "I hope our fledgling republic outlives the Old States, and all we can do now is wait".
21-05-2006, 17:57
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Head Quarters
January 4, 2016

"Mr. President, Peace Agreements from the Maritime and Denmark have arrived signed."
"Good, What about Baffin Island?"
"Greenland Troops and Maritime forces were withdrawn last night."
"Good, What's the news about Juneau?"
"The Tomahawk missiles have stopped for now, casualties are 2,300 citizens dead or wounded."
"No word from RNWS about a cessfire?"
"No contact has been made sir."
"If no contact is made within 24 hours, then we will start moblizing for war."
"Yes, I will put all posts on a 24 hour standby notice."
"Alright, what is the current military standings?"
"104,000 troops in the Army, 5,000 National Guardsmen, and ~ 3,500 militia on Baffin Island and maybe ~ 2,500 in Alberta."
"How many are in training?"
"We have another 10,000 National Guardsmen in training. Should be a week before they're ready to report for duty."
"Alright, keep me posted. And keep trying to contact the RNWS."
"Yes sir."
The Appalacians
21-05-2006, 19:33
Seattle, Washington
RNWS Headquarter
Jan. 4, 2016

"Sir the P.R.A.S. wants a cease-fire."
"No. I'm afraid we can't do that. They've shown their true colors as a miltaristic nation, now they have to pay the price."
"Yes, sir."
"We need armor to really beat them."
"Well sir, then I have good news. The National Guard just gave us 5 M1 Abrams tanks and 20 Bradleys."
"That's great. Do they have trained crews?"
"Yes sir."
"Send them to the front."
"You got it, sir."
"Any additions to our Navy?"
"Yes, sir. A Los Angeles class just pulled in this morning."
"Good, get it to Juneau."
"Yes, sir. Anything else?"
"Yeah, start the next drafting round."
"Yes, sir. I'll make it look patriotic like last time."
"You should put up posters about how horrible the P.R.A.S. is. They killed innocent civilians in Greenland."
"You're right, sir. I will."
"Good. Very good."

* * *

Just Outside Juneau
1st RNWS Army
Jan. 4, 2016

Sgt. Nick Greenford was standing in front of his squad with his AK-74 slung over his shoulder.

"All right, Battallion wants us to move in and secure Spruce St., then we'll move on to the Capitol. Right you know the drill, don't shoot civilians unless they shoot at you."

He then slung the AK off his shoulder and ordered his squad to move in. He took cover behin a half-destroyed building and fired down the street. He heard pops all arond him, indicating the population of Juneau wasn't even close to giving up. Whay does it always fall to the infantry to do the dirty work? he thought. He ordered his man with an AKM up for suppressing fire as he and the rest of the squad flanked and neutralized the target. He sighed as they moved up the street, he knew he would have to do it all oer again soon . . .
21-05-2006, 20:31
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional Head Quarters
Jan. 4, 2016

"Jack, RNWS contacted us, but declined our offer."
"Hmm, Ok. Moblize the Army, send the 94,000 troops to the Yukon/British Columbia border."
"Sir, also reports are coming in of RNWS troops seen in Juneau. What should I do?"
"Send in the National Guard, all 5,000 troops."
"Yes sir."
"What armor do we have?"
"Um, APC's with 30 cal attached. We confiscated some armor from two Canadian bases in Alberta. I beleive 3-4 Leopard tanks and 5-6 Coyote Recon. Vehicles. We also have a anti-armor group there. The Canadians called them "Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry"."
"Did the troops at those bases join us?"
"Yes, they did. I believe there were about 1,000 or 2,000. Plus another 100 mechanics."
"Good, keep me posted on all that's happening at the front."
H-Town Tejas
21-05-2006, 20:41
ooc: Sorry I haven't been on this much. Been doing other stuff. And Kanea, Firuza Salehi is a woman.

"They're doing WHAT!" Salehi shouted at her chief of general staff, banging her fists on the table, "I don't buy you all those brand-spanking new assault rifles so you can LOSE!"
"We're sorry, Great Leader," Curtis Robertson, chief of general staff said, "All of our soldiers are being moved to the U.P. and the Indiana Stateline right now."
"That's not enough," Salehi said, "We're getting a few Shahab-1s from Iran, huh? As soon as they come into the PRM, Chicago should be rubble."
"Yes, ma'am," Robertson said, leaving Salehi to herself.

"Amir! Wake up, bro!"
Amir al-Ibrahim, an MRWP soldier, rubbed his eyes, "What?"
One of his friends, Carmelo Dominguez, stood over him. Gunshots, explosions, and shouting could be heard from outside the tent. This had happened a few times before. The 10,000 soldiers stationed on the Michigan-Wisconsin border often had little border skirmishes with the MWA soldiers.
"The MWA is attacking, bro!" he said, "Get your gun, we gotta go fight 'em!"
"As if I didn't guess?" Amir said as he sat up and grabbed his QBZ-97, hopping off of his cot. Slamming a magazine into the weapon, he walked out of the tent. The battle was on the other side of the tent. He and Carmelo hopped into a technical, along with another MRWP soldier.
'Hope the angels don't call my number this time,' Amir thought, slamming his foot on the gas pedal.
Spiral Sun
21-05-2006, 21:49
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, December 31, 2015


"Da da da da da daaa!", this chant was used by several members of Congress, the Irredentist Party, and the Cabinet, as they made a conga line through the Capitol Building.

Great snow cones!" said the Secretary of State, Waldo Zimmerman, to Hickory Harris.
"Hi Waldo, anything new happening, besides this great party?"
"Diplomatically, quite a lot. Alberta is counting on the RNWS for military support, and Greater Virginian for diplomatic trickery. Oscar Diggs is causing a ruckus in Omaha, so Nebraska won't be joining the MWA any time soon."
"Good. Speaking of the MWA, have you approached them about purchasing Indiana? Heaven knows they’ll need the funds."
I'll get on that in a few days. We’re going to trick P.R.A.S. into think all Maritime troops are withdrawn from Baffin Island. Albert was going to rejoin with Saskatchewan and Manitoba"
"As if we'd let someone who attacks our any protectorates get away that easily. We NEED those client/puppet states."
"True. Also, some fool in Pennsylvania is trying to set himself up as President of Pennsylvania."
"When the ball drops in Baltimore, and we double in size, Thompson Trench's men will arrest him for treason."
At this moment Abe Trike, the Secretary of the Treasury, ran to Harris and Zimmerman saying, "Ambassador Ernesto Schëerskåhøvên is throwing the gelatin mold around like a beach ball. The Attorney General is about to chug a platter of deviled eggs!"
"This I got to see!"
"One more thing, Hickory!"
"A memo you sent, said that if the Artic States don't comply, you'll have Pero Inist burn Anchorage to the ground."
"It also said, this message will self destruct..."
Before they could finish talking, a gelatin mold landed in between the two conservationists.
22-05-2006, 00:11
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 5, 2016

"Sir, your Head of Economy is here."
"Thank you."
"Hello, I'm Francis Thomas, your newly appointed Head of Economy."
"Hello, so what can I help you with?"
"Well, I was wondering about our budget. You haven't touched it since last pay day."
"And, I think we should put some of it into the war."
"Like it what ways?"
"Well, we could contact the German government on purchasing some new Leopard II MBT's."
"Alright, how much do they cost?"
"About 5 million each."
"How much is in the budget?"
"~ 1 billion 5 hundred million."
"Goodness. Where did it all come from?"
"The Alaskan Oil Reserves that you tapped into. They produce 2 million barrels a day. Half a million goes to our needs, and the rest is sold for $50 a barrel."
"Alright, purchase 40 Leopard II tanks from Germany, what else could we buy?"
"Buy $50,000,000 dollars worth of HE rounds for the tanks."
"Ok noted sir."
"How long would this all take?"
"About a day to confirm, and about a week to prepare and deliver."
"Ok, thanks for the update."
"You're welcome sir."
22-05-2006, 00:26
Somewhere in the Yukon Territory on the border with British Columbia
Jan. 6, 2016

"Sir, this is the spot where we were indicated to be at on the map."
"Alright then, dig in. Setup camp here, and station sentries along the line."
"Yes, sir."
"Send this back to HQ:
We have reached the border and are setting up camp. Will report in 12 hours to update statis."
"Yes sir, I'll get on it right now."


Juneau, Alaska
Exterior of the city
Jan. 6, 2016

"Come on boys, let's go help those militia in the city push the enemy back!"
Captain Lawerence Hamilton leads 5,000 National guardsmen into the city, with 15 APC's providing cover with their 30cal machine guns, they are able to hold the advance of the RNWS. But for how long no one knows...
H-Town Tejas
22-05-2006, 00:27
December 30, 2015
Republic of Pennsylvania

"This is insane" sighed Governor (soon to be sworn in President) Tom Argen.
"How did we turn into this" said the middle-aged man with his head in his brow.He was at a loss of what had happened in the past few days, but the people needed to be protected.He sent out an order to send remaining Pennsylvania national guard on the borders. "I hope our fledgling republic outlives the Old States, and all we can do now is wait".

ooc: Hey, bro, you aren't signed up. You need to hit up the signup thread before you can RP here.
22-05-2006, 02:01
Scott AFB
Roselle, Illinois
December 30, 2015
11:00 PM

"Hey, lock up that hangar."
"Whoa, I've never seen this room..."
"Jack, come on."
"What is that?"

Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 31, 2015
6:00 AM

"Mr. President, we just got a call from Scott AFB and we have some very good news."
"What is it?"
"MOAB'S, sir."
"Oh my God. Tell Salehi that we need to talk, now"
H-Town Tejas
22-05-2006, 02:33
Scott AFB
Roselle, Illinois
December 30, 2015
11:00 PM

"Hey, lock up that hangar."
"Whoa, I've never seen this room..."
"Jack, come on."
"What is that?"

Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 31, 2015
6:00 AM

"Mr. President, we just got a call from Scott AFB and we have some very good news."
"What is it?"
"MOAB'S, sir."
"Oh my God. Tell Salehi that we need to talk, now"

Salehi heard a knock on her door.
"It's open!" she said.
"Ma'am, please read this," her secretary said, "It's urgent. The MWA has MOABs."
"Moabs," Salehi said, laughing, "It sounds so damn FUNNY if you don't say 'M-O-A-Bs.'"
"There's nothing funny about..." the secretary began.
"I KNOW THERE'S NOTHING FUCKING FUNNY ABOUT MOABS!" Salehi shouted, going back to insane dictator, "Now tell Baka...I mean Baki, sorry, I watch too much anime, that I want to talk to him. Wherever."
22-05-2006, 22:26
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Reagional HQ
Jan. 8, 2016

"Sir, the 10,000 National Guard troops are finshed with training where should I send them?"
"Send them to Juneau. They need them the most."
"Ok sir, I'll contact the bases now."


Juneau, Alaska
Capitol Hill
Jan. 8, 2016

Two APC's roll down the street with men on the thirty cals. Following closely behind is three squads of National Guardsmen. Bullets from the enemy were hitting all around them. They arrive at the foot of the Capitol Building. It was hit by a Tomahawk missile and was destroyed.
"Setup a perimeter around the building and start searching the rubble."
"Yes sir."
22-05-2006, 22:39
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 31, 2015
12:00 PM

Leaders of the Former United States of America. I want to inform you of a new development. An arsenal of Massive Ordnance Air Burst or MOAB bombs was discovered at Scott AFB late last night. These are conventional weapons with a higher kiloton yield than any other conventional bomb and a satellite guidance system. Because of this development, I ask the People's Republic of Michigan to halt hostilities with our nation so we can negotiate a peace.

To the President of Greater Virginia, no, I will not sell you Indiana. Troops will move into Ohio within the next couple days to occupy it, and I suggest you not interfere.

To the President of the United States, I ask that Federal Troops stop resisting in Minnesota and Iowa.

I do not want to use these weapons, but I am not afraid to. If anyone steps on MWA territory uninvited, they can consider their capital gone. This is a grave situation, but the MWA fears the state of our nation. Let there be a peaceful solution. Thank You.
23-05-2006, 03:22
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regaional HQ
Jan. 12, 2016

"President, the 40 Leopard II MBT's have landed at Edmonton Base, and are being unloaded."
"Good, split them into two groups. One will be the 1st Arctic Tank Group, and the other the 2nd Arctic Tank Group."
"Yes sir. Also sir, we have heard that the MWA have MOABs in their arsenal. They do not wish to use them, but will if they are invaded."
"Who are they fighting right now?"
"The PRM sir."
"Are there any terms of peace between them?"
"Yes, I do believe that MWA wants to make peace with the PRM."
"Good, Hopefully those weapons will not have to be used in such a populated location."
"Is that all sir?"
"Yes, Thank you."
Spiral Sun
23-05-2006, 03:58
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, January , 2015

"Sir, we're burning down St. Louis, and our troops stationed in Manitoba are attacking Minnesota. The British might help for supporting them against the Artic States." said Greyson Postman
"Good, see if Michigan will allow us to move troops through their territory" replie Hickory Harris
"Right. We've decimated Fort Wayne, we're mining the Mississippi, and Des Moines is revolting, as is Minneapolis. And their threatening to destroy Washington."
"The arrogance! Those gangsters don't seem to realize that the remainder of the United States, has about as much of those missles, and NATO might get involved. They should expected quite a few payloads. As for ourselves? It's not as if we don't have anti-missle systems! It's not as if they have the codes or know how to fire them. And it's not as if this is the only place our government is headed from..."
23-05-2006, 04:59
YellowKnife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 15, 2016

"Sir, did you call for me again?"
"Yes Francis come in, come in."
"What do you need sir?"
"I was thinking we need an airforce. So, I say we order some aircraft with some ordiance."
"Alright sir, anything you had in mind?"
"Actually yes, Saab Gripens."
"Alright, how many planes and ordiance?"
"20 planes, and and enough to rearm 20 times."
"Ok sir. I'll call this in and by the 22nd they should be here."
"Alright, also hire 20 Swedish pilots to fly them."
"Ok sir."
"Send in my head of war please."
"Ok sir."
"Yes sir, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes, have we recieved any transmission from the front?"
"Yes sir, they have sucessfully dug in and are ready for an assualt."
"Good, send them my warmest regards."
"I will sir."


- The 1st and 2nd Arctic Tank Groups move to the Alberta/British Columbia border. With a new snow white paint job then almost blend in with the surroundings. Along with them are the 1st and 2nd Eskimo Brigades in snow camoflague. Also moving to the border in the north is the small group of 4 Leopard tanks with same snow white paint job. As well, 6 Coyote Recon. Vehciles, white paint job, move into position in between the 1st and 2nd Arctic Tank Groups.
The Appalacians
23-05-2006, 13:29
Seattle, Washington
RNWS Headquarters
Jan. 15, 2016

"Baker, could you come in here?"
"You needed me, sir?"
"Yeah. Did those RPGs get to the front?"
"Yes, and we trained the new class of recruits to use them."
"Now we have almost 200,000 men up there."
"Well, 100,000 of them are en route in British Columbia along with those abrams tanks and the Bradleys."
"All right. How goes the assault of Juneau."
"There are still a few pockets of minor resistance around the capitol, but most of the city is in our hands."
"Good, wipe out that resitance and set up to defend against a counter-attack."
"Yes, sir."
H-Town Tejas
23-05-2006, 23:20
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago City Council
December 31, 2015
12:00 PM

Leaders of the Former United States of America. I want to inform you of a new development. An arsenal of Massive Ordnance Air Burst or MOAB bombs was discovered at Scott AFB late last night. These are conventional weapons with a higher kiloton yield than any other conventional bomb and a satellite guidance system. Because of this development, I ask the People's Republic of Michigan to halt hostilities with our nation so we can negotiate a peace.

To: El Presidente Baki

I will not write you letters to discuss this matter. I will not have phone conversations like little teenage girls to discuss this matter. I will not have video conferences like corporate fat cats in Deluded West Asia (a part of Asia that for some reason believes it's its own continent, calls itself Europe) to discuss this matter. Either you come to Detroit to talk, I come to Chicago to talk, or we enter a war full of pointless capital leveling, as we will, in a day or two, have Shahab-1 missiles from my home country of Iran.

Firuza Salehi, Chairwoman of the Michigan Revolutionary Worker's Party
24-05-2006, 00:47
Ms. Salehi, I propose that we meet in Chicago. We will discuss peace terms there.
24-05-2006, 00:50
Washington D.C., Greater Virginia, January , 2015

"Sir, we're burning down St. Louis, and our troops stationed in Manitoba are attacking Minnesota. The British might help for supporting them against the Artic States." said Greyson Postman
"Good, see if Michigan will allow us to move troops through their territory" replie Hickory Harris
"Right. We've decimated Fort Wayne, we're mining the Mississippi, and Des Moines is revolting, as is Minneapolis. And their threatening to destroy Washington."
"The arrogance! Those gangsters don't seem to realize that the remainder of the United States, has about as much of those missles, and NATO might get involved. They should expected quite a few payloads. As for ourselves? It's not as if we don't have anti-missle systems! It's not as if they have the codes or know how to fire them. And it's not as if this is the only place our government is headed from..."
OOC: Anyone else think this is godmodding? All of a sudden, his army is in 5 of my states at once and he's winning apparently. Also FYI, a MOAB is dropped from a plane, it is not a ballistic missile.
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 01:38
Ms. Salehi, I propose that we meet in Chicago. We will discuss peace terms there.

This is fine with us. Trust me, I have enough issues to deal with at present, and I'm not talking about my sanity. I can come anytime to talk peace with you.

ooc: And yes, Spiral Sun, Kanea is right. For example, you cannot just say you occupy a city like St. Louis, you have to RP a battle for it with Kanea. But Kanea, this "war" between you and me started because you took over my troops. I'll let it slip because I wasn't being active, but it doesn't happen again. </rant>
24-05-2006, 03:11
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 22, 2016

"Sir, the Saab JAS 39 Gripens have arrived with their ordiances at Edmonton Base. The 20 Swedish pilots are also there."
"Good, get them ready within 24 hours. Send the same message to Cold Lake. Mobilize the three fighter squadrons there too."
"Yes sir."
"Also notify all troops to be on a 24 hour alert. Anytime from now to 24 hours from now they can be put into action."
"Alright sir, it will be sent shortly."


Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 23, 2016

"Operation Juneau is a go!"


Along the Alberta/British Columbia border
Jan. 23, 2016
6:00 A.M.-7:30 P.M.

6:00 A.M.-7:25 A.M.-The 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group rolls across the border into British Columbia to there position east of the enemy. No resistence taken.

-94,000 Army Troops are dug in from west of Watson Lake over to Fort Liard. No resistence occurred.

*6:30-10:00 A.M.-The 1st Arctic Tank Group & 1st Eskimo Brigade move into Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, New Hazelton, and Stewart. 3 tanks and 500 troops move into each. The rest proceed to the main objective of setting up a line to the south of the enemy.

*6:20 A.M.-7:00 A.M.-6 Coyote Recon. Vehciles use their advantage of offroad speed to head to the towns in the middle. Each one goes to either: Prince George, Williams Lake, Bella Coola, Marilla, Kitimat, and Prince Ruppert. Each Coyote has 8 Squad members on them.

*6:30 A.M.-5:10 P.M.-The 2nd Arctic Tank Group & 2nd Eskimo Brigade Have the honor to attack the south. They split and move into Kamloops, Kelowna, Trail, and Cranbrook. Next, a large detachment move into Vancouver. The tanks move into the middle of town with troops taking the streets. Small arms fire cracks from one street and the troops counterattack.
A detachment of tanks and troops move onto Vancouver Island and attack Port Hardy and Courtenay. They split into three part and one moves into Victoria and start incountering slight resistence from citizens.

7:30 P.M.-10,000 National Guradsmen enter Juneau with heavy resistence. 100 were wounded in the first few hours. 25 were killed as well.

6:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.(And on into the night)-20 Saab JAS 39 Gripen aircraft make sure aircraft interference is minimal.

6:30 A.M.-6:30 P.M. (And on into the night)-54 CF-18 Hornet aircraft defend the airspace over Alberta and part of eastern British Columbia.

With air superiority in hand, General John Kinder orders ground attacks on the enemy inplacements. All troops continue fighting into the night.
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 03:26
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 22, 2016

"Sir, the Saab JAS 39 Gripens have arrived with their ordiances at Edmonton Base. The 20 Swedish pilots are also there."
"Good, get them ready within 24 hours. Send the same message to Cold Lake. Mobilize the three fighter squadrons there too."
"Yes sir."
"Also notify all troops to be on a 24 hour alert. Anytime from now to 24 hours from now they can be put into action."
"Alright sir, it will be sent shortly."


Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 23, 2016

"Operation Juneau is a go!"


Along the Alberta/British Columbia border
Jan. 23, 2016
6:00 A.M.-7:30 P.M.

6:00 A.M.-7:25 A.M.-The 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group rolls across the border into British Columbia to there position east of the enemy. No resistence taken.

-94,000 Army Troops are dug in from west of Watson Lake over to Fort Liard. No resistence occurred.

6:30-10:00 A.M.-The 1st Arctic Tank Group & 1st Eskimo Brigade move through Dawson Creek onto Fort St John. After moving through both they split. One heads towards their position south of the enemy force. The other along the road to New Hazelton and Stewart. After quarreling resistence in all the towns, they leave a small detachment and move to their position south of the enemy force. In all 100 were wounded.

6:20 A.M.-7:00 A.M.-6 Coyote Recon. Vehciles use their advantage of offroad speed to head to the towns in the middle. Each one goes to either: Prince George, Williams Lake, Bella Coola, Marilla, Kitimat, and Prince Ruppert. Each Coyote has 8 Squad members on them. 1 man was wounded, 3 died from their wounds on sight.

6:30 A.M.-5:10 P.M.-The 2nd Arctic Tank Group & 2nd Eskimo Brigade Have the honor to attack the south. They move into Kamloops, Kelowna, Trail, and Cranbrook. Next, they move into Vancouver. The tanks move into the middle of town with troops taking the streets. Small arms fire cracks from one street and the troops counterattack.
A detachment of tanks and troops move onto Vancouver Island and occupy Port Hardy and Courtenay. They move into Victoria and start incountering slight resistence from citizens. The rest dig in on the Washington/British Columbia border.

7:30 P.M.-10,000 National Guradsmen enter Juneau with heavy resistence. 100 were wounded in the first few hours. 25 were killed as well.

6:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.(And on into the night)-20 Saab JAS 39 Gripen aircraft make sure aircraft interference is minimal.

6:30 A.M.-6:30 P.M. (And on into the night)-54 CF-18 Hornet aircraft defend the airspace over Alberta and part of eastern British Columbia.

By the end of the day the 200,000+ troops along the border were surrounded by Arctic Forces. But at a cost, almost 3,000 troops in total were wounded, and about 500 to 600 were dead or missing. With air superiority in hand, General John Kinder orders ground attacks on the enemy inplacements.
The only cities left are Victoria and Vancouver. But, with the light resistence they had it would be a couple of days before the cities would fall.

ooc: Hold on, hold on! You can't godmode like that, no, I'm sorry, you'll actually have to wait until The Appalacians gets on to actually RP all the fighting you'd have to do to get that much of British Columbia in one day!
24-05-2006, 03:28
When should we hold the talks Ms. Salehi?
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 03:43
As I said before, any time that's good for you is good for me.
24-05-2006, 03:44
Welcome to Chicago Ms. Salehi. Let's get down to business.
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 04:13
"Yeah, well, you get a prize! You're the first person in Chicago to say that, instead of just give me a dirty stare!" Salehi said, chuckling a bit. Sad part was she wasn't lying.
She sat down in a chair and leaned back. She wasn't one for being formal, hadn't been since she was born. Couldn't really get away with it back in Mashhad, but hell, now, she ruled Michigan and Ontario with an iron fist. It brought out her, "I'll do what the hell I wanna do," attitude.
Her nerves burned. She needed a smoke, but it would probably be even more impolite than she was already being.
"So, about peace, what are you suggesting?" she said, "I don't trust, 'Let's just say it's over, go back to Michigan/the Midwest, the end,' any more than you do, so how about DMZs? Do those work?"
24-05-2006, 04:16
OOC: Ok I changed the post to where it's a little more open ended so we can RP for the cities. Is it ok, or do you want me to change it again?
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 04:27
ooc: Okay, that's fine.
Spiral Sun
24-05-2006, 05:02
OOC: Anyone else think this is godmodding? All of a sudden, his army is in 5 of my states at once and he's winning apparently. Also FYI, a MOAB is dropped from a plane, it is not a ballistic missile.
OOC: You claim, I'M godmoding, while you discover a fully stocked, and functional, nuclear arsenal. And you then threaten everyone, while you invade their territory? And what do you mean by five of your states? I'm not in five of your states. And you might not of noticed, but much of my nation's work is done through espionage, and trickery.
Spiral Sun
24-05-2006, 05:04
ooc: And yes, Spiral Sun, Kanea is right. For example, you cannot just say you occupy a city like St. Louis, you have to RP a battle for it with Kanea</rant>
OOC: I never said troops were burning St. Louis, I have many arsonists, and pyromaniacs. They're needed in a government like Greater Virginia's.
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 13:46
OOC: I never said troops were burning St. Louis, I have many arsonists, and pyromaniacs. They're needed in a government like Greater Virginia's.

ooc: Well, did you say that? No, you didn't. I'm not a mind reader just because I'm running this thing, ne? Did Kanea say he had nukes? No, MOABs are conventional weapons, and as long as I'm around, he's not going to have a lot of them, we're not just going to run around with thousands of 1337 n00ks in this RP.
24-05-2006, 20:49
The President stared holes in his enemy across the table, but kept his composure. "If we had DMZ's we would have to have two. One on the Lower Peninsula and one on the Upper. Would you say 25 km wide?"
H-Town Tejas
24-05-2006, 20:58
Salehi nodded, "I suppose that works. We'll move all the soldiers out of that area when I get back to Detroit. Just give us the time to move all our soldiers in Wisconsin and Indiana back into Michigan, we'll do the same for yours. Then we can build the big, scary barbed wire fences and all that jazz."
24-05-2006, 21:04
"Thank you for your cooperation Ms. Salehi." The President walked out of the conference room, happy that the thing had gone so smoothly. 'Psycho' he thought to himself.
The Appalacians
24-05-2006, 21:53
OOC: Does all that god-modding crap count? Do I have to respond to that? I mean, where did he get 54 hornets in freaking Alberta? Consult me on this Tejas.
H-Town Tejas
25-05-2006, 23:36
OOC: Does all that god-modding crap count? Do I have to respond to that? I mean, where did he get 54 hornets in freaking Alberta? Consult me on this Tejas.

ooc: Equipment-wise, as far as I'm concerned, if he has all that stuff, you have something equivalent.
And having more carefully read that post, Jyul, for RPing as Alaska, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, you have way too many soldiers. At least cut the number down to some extent.The general rule of thumb on NS is that your military can be 5% of your population at most. That goes for everyone, so everyone needs to figure out how many people live in their little de facto states and see if the military they have goes over the 5% rule.
One more thing, I'm going to be gone for a few weeks in Hawai'i. My grandparents' computer is screwed up, so I probably won't be able to post while I'm there.
The Appalacians
26-05-2006, 23:59
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 22, 2016

"Sir, the Saab JAS 39 Gripens have arrived with their ordiances at Edmonton Base. The 20 Swedish pilots are also there."
"Good, get them ready within 24 hours. Send the same message to Cold Lake. Mobilize the three fighter squadrons there too."
"Yes sir."
"Also notify all troops to be on a 24 hour alert. Anytime from now to 24 hours from now they can be put into action."
"Alright sir, it will be sent shortly."


Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 23, 2016

"Operation Juneau is a go!"


Along the Alberta/British Columbia border
Jan. 23, 2016
6:00 A.M.-7:30 P.M.

6:00 A.M.-7:25 A.M.-The 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group rolls across the border into British Columbia to there position east of the enemy. No resistence taken.

-94,000 Army Troops are dug in from west of Watson Lake over to Fort Liard. No resistence occurred.

6:30-10:00 A.M.-The 1st Arctic Tank Group & 1st Eskimo Brigade move through Dawson Creek onto Fort St John. After moving through both they split. One heads towards their position south of the enemy force. The other along the road to New Hazelton and Stewart. After quarreling resistence in all the towns, they leave a small detachment and move to their position south of the enemy force. In all 100 were wounded.

6:20 A.M.-7:00 A.M.-6 Coyote Recon. Vehciles use their advantage of offroad speed to head to the towns in the middle. Each one goes to either: Prince George, Williams Lake, Bella Coola, Marilla, Kitimat, and Prince Ruppert. Each Coyote has 8 Squad members on them. 1 man was wounded, 3 died from their wounds on sight.

6:30 A.M.-5:10 P.M.-The 2nd Arctic Tank Group & 2nd Eskimo Brigade Have the honor to attack the south. They move into Kamloops, Kelowna, Trail, and Cranbrook. Next, they move into Vancouver. The tanks move into the middle of town with troops taking the streets. Small arms fire cracks from one street and the troops counterattack.
A detachment of tanks and troops move onto Vancouver Island and occupy Port Hardy and Courtenay. They move into Victoria and start incountering slight resistence from citizens. The rest dig in on the Washington/British Columbia border.

7:30 P.M.-10,000 National Guradsmen enter Juneau with heavy resistence. 100 were wounded in the first few hours. 25 were killed as well.

6:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.(And on into the night)-20 Saab JAS 39 Gripen aircraft make sure aircraft interference is minimal.

6:30 A.M.-6:30 P.M. (And on into the night)-54 CF-18 Hornet aircraft defend the airspace over Alberta and part of eastern British Columbia.

By the end of the day the 200,000+ troops along the border were surrounded by Arctic Forces. But at a cost, almost 3,000 troops in total were wounded, and about 500 to 600 were dead or missing. With air superiority in hand, General John Kinder orders ground attacks on the enemy inplacements.
The only cities left are Victoria and Vancouver. But, with the light resistence they had it would be a couple of days before the cities would fall.

British Columbia
RNWS Military/Naval Forces
22 Jan. 2016

The defenders of Juneau took only 40 wounded with no dead. A-10 Warthogs were mobilized to attack the enemy forces.

The forces in British Columbia had retreated to Victoria and Vancouver and prepared to defend. Resistance would NOT be light. The 4 Abrams tanks and the Bradleys moved to engage the Arctic Forces tanks and the men had been trained with rpg anti-tank weapons.

The Hornets on both the carrier and on land were launched to engage the Arctic forces jets over Alberta and BC.

RNWS Naval forces resumed the bombardment on Arctic forces outside of Juneau and moved to engage the Arctic forces in BC with bombardment.

OOC: Jyul, please don't godmod anymore. I have to respond to attacks with troop movements. If you let me respond to that I would have retreated anyway because it was a surprise attack.
West Corinthia
27-05-2006, 00:41
OOC: I hate to do this, but I've decided I'm too busy with other things (in my real life) to be able to catch up with this thread. So sadly I will have to say farewell.
The Appalacians
28-05-2006, 23:58
29-05-2006, 02:38
I'm sad to see this thread die.:mad:
Spiral Sun
29-05-2006, 19:27
So am I.
The Appalacians
29-05-2006, 22:52
it ain't over yet.
30-05-2006, 05:00
Victoria, British Columbia
Couple miles outside of Victoria
Jan. 24, 2016

"Dig in here men, fortify the tank enplacements. Bring up the APC's spread them out along the line. Bring the each HE round for the tanks to use."
"Yes sir. Do you want me to radio HQ?"
"Yes, do so. Tell them the current situtation."
"Yes sir."


Vancouver, British Columbia
The Interior of Vancouver
Jan. 24, 2016

"Move forward men! Take that house, cover fire for the tank!"
"Radioman! Come here! Corporal, radio HQ. Heavy resistence is being taken from citizens and military forces alike."
"Yes sir."
"Also, tell them it may take a few days to completely destroy the enemy forces. At most a week."
"Yes sir."


British Columbia/ Washington border
Jan. 24, 2016

"HQ, just radioed in. Says for the 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is to move into Washington and secure Seattle. We will be supported by 5,000 National Guradsmen to the east, and we should have air cover from the 416th Tactical Fighter Squadron."
"Alright, lets move."


Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
PRAS Regional HQ
Jan. 24, 2016

"Sir, the entire RNWS troop garrison has retreated to Victoria and Vancouver. Reports say it will be a tough fight. Their ships have started a bombartment of Juneau again. And The 1st CMBG has recieved its orders and is moving into Washington. They should arrive in Seattle within two too three days, and in a week they should have taken it."
"Good, have the RNWS sent any word of a truce or cessfire?"
"No sir, no such message has been recieved by any post."
"Alright, continue with your plans. Also, send some of those JAS 39 Gripens loaded with Mavericks and Sidewinders and attack those ships. The Mavericks should sink them, of at least cripple them. What is the probablity of sucess?"
"It is very high sir, the Mavericks can be lauched from a good distance away and still hit their target."
"Good, as long as they keep shelling Juneau keep sending out attacks. Their fleet should be crippled in a day or so. Also keep the 410th and 441th Tactical Fighter Squadrons here to provide cover in Victoria and Vancouver. Tell them to engage all enemy targets, be it air or ground."
"Yes sir."
The Appalacians
30-05-2006, 20:32
screw this thread. I'm not gonna be godmodded by Jyul. I've got plenty of other threads I'm working on.