NationStates Jolt Archive

Mationbuds Factbook and News Outlet

20-04-2006, 11:59
This is the factbook for the Galactic Empire of Mationbuds . It will be updated regularly but for the most recent and updated version , please go to HERE ( .

Feel free to post any comments ...

Latest News
-Mationbuds is still open to diplomatic relations and to set up military bases abroad . Military contracts still up for grabs
-Shocking movement by the Dictator as he kicks out the advisers of the different ministries and appoints them with Sith Apprentices , now the Imperial Army , Navy and Government is a Sith Leadership .
-Dictator Darth Matter injured in battle
-Rebellion Starts , main keyfigures are Jasmine ,
-Dictator appoints newly annoited Sith Lord Nejaa Halcyon as Grand Admiral of Obliteration Fleet , all Jedis have changed to Sith . Empire Protectorate Starfleet formed
-Launch of new Tyrant Class Super Star Destroyer as flagship for Dictator Darth Matter and Mation National Fleet
-Upgration and Expanding of Imperial Army and Navy announced and starts immediately


The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds
Type : Imperial Government
Leader : Dictator Darth Matter , Dark Lord of the Sith , Commander in Chief of Imperial Army and Navy , Commander of Sith Assasin Squads 1 and 2 , Field Marshal of Mation National Fleet
--The dictator controlls all matters that happen in Mationbuds . There are no Ministries because everything is run by him , however he has advisers for each ministry to help him .
*Grand Adviser 1 : Martin Luther (also Secretary of Dictatorial Office)
*Grand Adviser 2 : Sith Lord Bane (Grand Admiral of Protectorate Starfleet and Commander of Sith Assasin Squad 3)
*Vice-Head Adviser 1 : Sith Lord Marcus Periera (Grand Admiral of Retaliation Fleet and Commander of Sith Assasin Squad 4)
*Vice-Head Adviser 2 : Sith Lord Bror Jace (Grand Admiral of Viper Fleet and Commander of Sith Assasin Squad 5)
*Vice-Head Adviser 3 : Sith Lord Nejaa Halcyon (Grand Admiral of Obliteraion Fleet and Commander of Sith Assasin Squad 6)
*Vice-Head Adviser 4 : Sith Lord Wikud James (Police Chief)
*Vice-Head Adviser 5 : Sith Lord Leon Fortunato (Grand Admiral of Avenger Fleet and Commander of Sith Assasin Squad 7)
*Adviser of War : Sith Apprentice Ralph Naderen
*Adviser of Defense : Sith Apprentice Gerald Fitzergen
*Adviser of Finance : Sith Apprentice Kate Wonter
*Adviser of Foreign Affairs : Sith Apprentice Eliot James
*Adviser of Education : Sith Apprentice Darren Ignatius
*Adviser of Internal Security : Sith ApprenticeJoel Daman
*Adviser of Environment : Sith Apprentice Michael Simtr
*Adviser of Public Works : Sith Apprentice Ysanne Isart
*Adviser of Public Welfare : Sith Apprentice Susan Whilcok
*Vice-Commander In Chief of Imperial Army : Sith Lord Wilhuf James (Field Marshal)
*Vice-Commander In Chief of Imperial Navy : Sith Lord Eugene Nero (Field Marshal)
*Assistant Vice-Commander In Chief of Imperial Navy and Army : Field Marshal Jong

2)Nation Related
Population : 465 Million (At last count <20th April 06> and growing)
Location : Dictatorial Region --- Mation Solar System
Planets :

*Maten National City (Its actually a planet)
Population : 380 Million (and whatever number from 465 Million above)
Terrain : Earth Type
Military Presence : Mation National Fleet , Defender Fleet , Mationbuds Imperial Army HQ

*Maten II
Population : 30 Million and Growing
Terrain : Swampy and Forest
Military Presence : Droid Army Fleet , Viper Fleet

*Maten III
Population : 20 Million and Growing
Terrain : Dessert Terrain
Military Presence : Retaliation Fleet , Avenger Fleet

*Mationbud City (Planet)
Population : 30 Million and Growing
Terrain : Forest Planet
Military Presence : Empire Protectorate StarFleet , Task Forces 1-15

*Mations City (Planet)
Population : 5 Million
Terrain : Ice Planet
Military Presence : Task Forces 16-20 , Expeditionary and Scouting Force (All 4)

3)Ties and Relations
--Military Bases and Orbital Stations in :
*The Dictatorship of 1010102 (Orbital Base , Land Base)

--Member of :
*Sith Confederation
*Confederation of Independent Planets (CIP)
*The Galactic Empire
*Interstellar Alliance of Worlds
*Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations (GASN)

--Embassies and Ties with :
*San Haven
*Nova Bazalonia
*Pure Evil
*Gran Cienaga
*Nova Boozia
*Roman Republic
*The Beltway
**All nations in the CIP
**All nations in the IAW
**All nations in the GE


--The military consists of 6 Fleets , namely the (frm Largest to Smallest) Mation National Fleet , Defender Fleet , Droid Army Fleet , Viper Fleet , Retaliation Fleet and Avenger Fleet . It also consists of ?? Divisions of Ground Forces with Air Support and Ships . We also have 4 Expeditionary/Scouting Forces .

--Each fleet has its own commander but all report directly to the leader of the Mation National Fleet , who is the Dictator Darth Matter himself .

--Note that each ship carries the amount the troops/equipment it specifies , therefore making a Fleet more powerful than a Ground Force and together they are near to impossible to stop .

--Combined Imperial Navy and Army Chief is the Dictator Darth Matter . Followed by the Imperial Navy and Army Chiefs followed by Field Marshal Jong .

*Mation National Fleet :
+ 1 Tyrant Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Dictator, Headquarters for Field Marshal Jong)
+ 4 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (2 for the Sith Assasin Squads 1 and 2 , each have their own Sith Infiltrator Starfighters)
+ 8 Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 8 Wraith Class Super Star Dredanaught
+ 12 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 80 Vindicator Class Heavy Cruiser
+ 200 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 100 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 150 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 80 Strike Medium Cruiser
+ 100 Escort Carriers
+ 120 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 100 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 50 Venator Class Star Destroyer (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 60 Mon Calamari Class Cruisers
+ 60 Invincible-Class Heavy Dreadnaught Cruiser
+ 80 VictoryII Star Destroyers
+ 70 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 100 Czardas Class Cruisers
+ 12 Twilek Class Motherships
+ 2 World Devastators
+ 1 Planet Destructor Class Super Battle Station (Under Construction)
+ 2 Death Star Class Battle Station (1 Still Under Construction)
+ 1 Sun Crusher
+ 1 Galaxy Gun
+ 20 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 30 Vindili Class Multi Purpose ships

*Defender Fleet (Land and Air to defend Mationbuds, does not include attack forces .)
+ 1 Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Sith Lord Grand Admiral Brandon Whiltby)
+ 4 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 30 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 15 Vindicator Class Heavy Cruiser
+ 50 Corellian Corvettes
+ 30 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 30 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 30 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 15 Escort Carriers
+ 20 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 10 Mon Calamari Class Cruisers
+ 10 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 15 Victory Class Star Destroyers
++ 30 Sqaudrons of TIE Fighters
++ 15 Sqaudrons of X-Wings
++ 10 Sqaudrons of Y-Wings
++ 10 Sqaudrons of B-Wings
++ 15 Sqaudrons of A-Wings
++ 25 Sqaudrons of TIE Interceptors
++ 20 Squadrons of TIE Defenders
++ 10 Sqaudrons of Skipray Blastboats
++ 10 Sqaudrons of Assult Gunboats
++ 40 Sqaudrons of Droid Tri-Fighters
++ 100 Golan Planetary Turbolaser Batteries
++ 80 Golan Planetary Ion Cannons
++ 30 Golan Planetary Heavy Ion Cannons
++ 50 Planetary Tractor Beams
++ 100 Planetary Quad Turbolaser Cannons
++ 40 Proton Torpedo Launchers
++ 30 Concussion Missile Launchers
++ 20 Cluster Mine Launchers
++ 20,000 Vanguard Troops
++ 50,000 Battle Droids
++ 10,000 Super Battle Droids
++ 5,000 Droidekas
++ 5,000 Black Guards (Elite)
++ 100 AT-ATs
++ 100 AT-TEs
++ 500 Hover Tanks
++ Golan Planetary Shield System 1
++ Sienar Corporation Planetary Shield 2
++ Mationsbuds Corp Protective Defense Barrier 3

*Droid Army Fleet (Totally Droid Controlled)
+ 4 Wraith Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 25 VictoryII Star Destroyers
+ 30 Modified Escort Carriers (Tri-Fighters instead)
+ 30 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 40 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 4 Droid Hive Ship (20,000 Battle Droids , 10,000 Assult Droids , 5,000 Super Battle Droids , 1,000 Droidekas , 6,000 Sniper Droids , 500 Droid Tanks , 30 Droid Carrier Crafts , 10 Sqaudrons of Droid Tri-Fighter)
+ 20 Droid Carrier Crafts (Each carrying 1,500 Battle Droids , 500 Super Battle Droids , 10 Droidekas , 1000 Assult and Sniper Droids , 20 Droid Tanks and 2 Sqaudrons of Droid Tri-Fighters .
+ 30 Eliminator Class Droid Destroyers
+ 4 Vindili Class Multi Purpose Ships

*Viper Fleet
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Bror Jace and Sith Assasin Squad 5)
+ 4 Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Sovereign Class Dreadnaughts
+ 40 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 40 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 40 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 20 VictoryII Class Star Destroyer
+ 18 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 18 Vindicator Class Heavy Cruisers
+ 30 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 20 Escort Carriers
+ 30 Czardas Class Cruisers
+ 18 Mon Calamari Cruisers
+ 8 Venator Class Star Destroyers (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 6 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 8 Vindili Class Multi-Purpose ships

*Retaliation Fleet
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Marcus Periera and Sith Assasin Squad 4)
+ 4 Wraith Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Sovereign Class Dreadnaughts
+ 40 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 40 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 40 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 20 Victory Class Star Destroyers
+ 18 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 30 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 20 Escort Carriers
+ 18 Mon Calamari Cruisers
+ 20 Strike Medium Cruisers
+ 20 Czardas Class Cruisers
+ 4 Venator Class Star Destroyers (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 6 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 8 Vindili Class Multi-Purpose ships

*Obliteration Fleet
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Nejaa Halcyon and Sith Assasin Squad 6)
+ 4 Wraith Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Sovereign Class Dreadnaughts
+ 40 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 40 Nebulon B Frigates
+ 40 Adjudicator Cruisers
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruiser
+ 20 VictoryII Class Star Destroyer
+ 18 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 30 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 20 Escort Carriers
+ 18 Mon Calamari Cruisers
+ 20 Strike Medium Cruisers
+ 30 Czards Class Cruisers
+ 4 Venator Class Star Destroyers (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 6 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 8 Vindili Class Multi Purpose Ships
+ 2 Twilek Class Motherships

*Avenger Fleet
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Sith Lord Grand Admiral Leon Fortunato and Sith Assasin Squad 7)
+ 4 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Invincible Class Heavy Dreadanught Cruiser
+ 20 Sovereign Class Dreadnaughts
+ 40 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 40 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 40 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 20 Victory Class Star Destroyers
+ 16 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 25 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 25 Escort Carriers
+ 16 Mon Calamari Cruisers
+ 20 Czardas Class Cruisers
+ 20 Strike Medium Cruisers
+ 3 Venator Class Star Destroyers (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 4 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 6 Vindili Class Multi-Purpose ships

*Expeditionary and Scouting Task Force (4 such forces)
+ 6 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 8 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 10 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 10 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 1 Venator Class Star Destroyer (carrying 500 Vanguard Troops , 1 AT-AT , 1 AT-TE , 20 Hover Tanks , 1 Clone Turbo Tank , 1000 Battle Droids , 20 Droidekas , 30 Lambada Class Shuttles and 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters/X-Wings and 2 Squadrons of B-Wings)
+ 12 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 10 Adjudicator Class Cruiser

*Task Forces (20 Such Forces)
+ Force No 1 : Sith Apprentice Commander Holmes
+ Force No 2 : Sith Apprentice Commander Samuel
+ Force No 3 : Sith Apprentice Commander Jackson
+ Force No 4 : Sith Apprentice Commander Charlene
+ Force No 5 : Sith Apprentice Commander Raegan
+ Force No 6 : Sith Apprentice Commander Douglas
+ Force No 7 : Sith Apprentice Commander Marc
+ Force No 8 : Sith Apprentice Commander Justin
+ Force No 9 : Sith Apprentice Commander George
+ Force No 10 : Sith Apprentice Commander Isard
+ Force No 11 : Sith Apprentice Commander Antilles
+ Force No 12 : Sith Apprentice Commander Vishnu
+ Force No 13 : Sith Apprentice Commander Jonathan
+ Force No 14 : Sith Apprentice Commander Darren
+ Force No 15 : Sith Apprentice Commander Fariz
+ Force No 16 : Sith Apprentice Commander Darklighter
+ Force No 17 : Sith Apprentice Commander Ackbar
+ Force No 18 : Sith Apprentice Commander Donna
+ Force No 19 : Sith Apprentice Commander Tarken
+ Force No 20 : Sith Apprentice Commander Matthews
+ Each Task Force consists of :
- 12 Imperial Star Destroyers
- 10 Victory Class Star Destroyers
- 10 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
- 15 Interdictor Cruisers
- 20 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
- 20 Nebulon-B Frigates
- 18 Czrads Class Cruisers

*Empire Protectorate Starfleet (Main Role : To enforce Empire rule on all Planets under Mationsbuds control)
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Bane and for Sith Assasin Squad 3)
+ 4 Wraith Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 20 Mon Calamri Star Cruisers
+ 25 VictoryII Star Destroyers
+ 25 Victory Star Destroyers
+ 30 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 30 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 30 Czards Class Cruisers
+ 25 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 30 Adjuciator Cruisers
+ 5 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 5 Venator Class Star Destroyer (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)

**Mationsbuds Green Berets (5 such battalions)
+ 5,000 Elite Vanguard Troops
+ 500 Black Guards
+ 10 Clone Turbo Tanks
+ 40 AT-TEs
+ 40 AT-ATs
+ 12 AT-XTs
+ 50 AT-APs
+ 30 AT-STs
+ 120 Hover Tanks
+ 20 SPHA-Ts
+ 6 Seismic Tanks
+ 4 Venator Class Star Destroyers (to transport army)
+ 8 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 10 VictoryII Star Destoryers
+ 15 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 15 Carrack Class Light Cruisers

**Mationsbuds Human Division (20 of these such divisions)
+ 10,000 Vanguard Troops
+ 150 Black Guards
+ 180 Hover Tanks
+ 20 SPHA-T
+ 4 AT-XTs
+ 20 AT-ATs
+ 20 AT-TEs
+ 3 Venator Class Star Destroyers (to transport army)
+ 6 Victory Class Star Destroyers
+ 10 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 8 Escort Carriers

**Mationsbuds Clone Division (25 of these such divisions)(totally clones)
+ 12,000 Clone Troopers
+ 200 Hover Tanks
+ 25 SPHA-Ts
+ 25 AT-TEs
+ 25 AT-ATs
+ 5 AT-XTs
+ 30 HAGs
+ 50 Republic Assult Shuttles
+ 4 Venator Class Star Destroyers (to transport army)
+ 8 Victory Class Star Destroyers/Imperial Star Destoryers
+ 8 Escort Carriers

**Mationsbuds Droid Contingent (60 of such contingents)(totally droids)
+ 100,000 Battle Droids
+ 50,000 Super Battle Droids
+ 10,000 Droidekas
+ 50,000 Sniper and Assult Droids
+ 1,000 Droid Tanks
+ 500 Homing Spider Droids
+ 20 Sqaudrons of Tri-Fighters
+ 40 Droid Carrier Crafts (to transport army)
+ 10 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 20 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 30 Eliminator class Droid Destroyers

**Mation Defender Force (defends the nation from military threats)
+ 200,000 Vanguard Troops
+ 100,000 Black Guards
+ 10,000 Elite Black Guards
+ 1,000,000 Battle Droids
+ 500,000 Super Battle Droids
+ 300,000 Droidekas
+ 250,000 Clone Troopers
+ 8,000 Hover Tanks
+ 400 AT-ATs
+ 400 AT-TEs
+ 500 Homing Spider Droid
+ 300 Clone Turbo Tanks
+ 60 AT-XTs

**Mationbuds Police Force
+ Police Chief : Sith Lord Wikud James
+ 20 Sith Aprentices
+ 20,000 Police Officers
+ 18,000 QREU Units (Quick Response Emergency Units)
+ 10,000 Landspeeders
+ 1000 Z-95 Headhunters
+ 900 Skipray Blastboats
+ 200 Hover Tanks
+ 200 AT-RTs

**Dictator Protection Force Home (DPFH)
+ 500 Elite Black Guards
+ 100 Dicter Warriors
+ 50 Modified Hover Tanks
+ 2 AT-RTs
+ 10 AT-APs
+ 50 Clone Commandos

**Dictator Protection Force Overseas (DPFO)
+ 2 Executor Class Star Dreadnaughts
+ 15 VictoryII Star Destroyers
+ 15 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 20 Strike Medium Cruisers
+ 8 Venator Class Star Destroyers
+ 16 Vindicator Class Star
20-04-2006, 12:01
3)Military Statistics (Info and Technology) :
-----------------------------------------------Ship Mounted Weapons :

1)Quad Lasers : Quad lasers are the most common defensive guns found on a capital starship. They are designed to lay down an overwhelming amount of fire to prevent bombers from attacking their ship. Though the damage is fairly light, the number of turrets and the sheer amount of firepower they bring to bear on a target often makes up for the damage they do.

2)Turbolasers : Turbolasers are the immensely scaled up versions of the blaster and laser cannon ; even the smaller ones are able to eradicate fairly large asteroids in a single shot. They can also be planet-based weapons, with power to match their immense proportions. Turbolasers are the standard weapon on most cruiser-sized or bigger ships, including Victory, Venator, Imperator, Executor, and Eclipse-class Star Destroyers. Massive ships, such as the Eclipse-class Star Destroyers, carry gargantuan numbers of turbolasers and are capable of bombarding the surface of a planet into a flaming ruin. This type of orbital bombardment is known as "Base Delta Zero". This is fairly easy, as medium turbolasers fire approximately one megaton per discharge, and about twenty-two megatons for heavy turbolasers. Turbolasers require vast amounts of energy and are therefore powered by individual power generators instead of smaller, dispensable power packs like blasters. Some of them also have slow fire rates. It takes a huge amount of energy to get sustained rapid fire. Turbolasers are primarily used for capital ship combat since their targeting computers normally are not fast enough to track the smaller craft like fighters and bombers.

Despite their immense firepower, turbolasers are not entirely effective against fighters. Skilled pilots can dodge the heavy bolts and it takes time for the turbolaser to rotate, while the fighter can also use superior maneuverability. In addition, turbolasers fire slowly. It is more effective to "take them out ship to ship" that is, send out other fighters.

Turbolasers are best used against slow or stationary or targets that have poor maneuvering abilities.

3)Ion Cannons : Ion cannons are designed to knock out electrical systems. Firing bolts of ionized energy, they can disable everything from propulsion to life support systems. They are often used on capital starships to facilitate the capture of enemy vessels. They can also be planet-based weapons, as seen in the Battle of Hoth when the Rebels used one to disable a Star Destroyer, allowing a transport to escape through the Imperial barricade. Rebel Y-wing fighters carry a pair of light Ion cannons, useful for disabling freighters and convoy ships that would ordinarily be severely damaged by a laser bolt barrage or a proton torpedo.

4)Planetary Ion Cannon : The Planetary Ion Cannon is a massive weapon developed by Kuat Drive Yards. It can temporarily or permamently disable electrical systems and penetrate shields. Its power source is usually a dedicated reactor sunken into the ground and it can be erected in several hours.

5)Tractor Beams : Tractor beams are used by ships to bring small ships into the docking bay of large vessels. They are used by large ships, such as Star Destroyers or even the Death Star, to snare smaller craft. Typically, tractor beam generators are too large for fighters or bombers to carry them.

6)Gravity Well Projectors : While not weapons in the classic sense, gravity well projectors are used to artificially project a strong gravity field in an area of space where no major stellar bodies usually exist, making it impossible to use hyperspatial engines. The main function of any Interdictor Cruiser is to use this effect to foil hit-and-run tactics and keep outmaneuvered enemies from escaping. Interdictor Cruisers work just as well in reverse: Grand Admiral Thrawn used them to drag his own ships out of hyperspace in pinpoint combat formation, catching opposing New Republic forces off-balance.

7)Cluster Missiles : Cluster missiles are similar to concussion missiles can target multiple starfighters and do the same amount of damage as a concussion missile.

8)Concussion Missiles : Concussion missiles are high-explosive missiles used by ships ranging from starfighters to Star Destroyers. They have greater armour piercing capibility than Proton Torpedoes .

9)Energy Torpedoes : Energy torpedoes are a cheaper and less powerful version of proton torpedoes.

10)Proton Torpedoes : Proton torpedoes are projectiles carried by starfighters or capital ships. They have also been known to be fired from ground level or from space stations. They are most commonly used by star fighters against capital ships although they are usually a sure shot for destroying another fighter. Proton torpedoes are self propelled nuclear or thermonuclear warheads. The torpedo is usually guided by an astromech or by a guidance system in the torpedo itself. When an attack on a capital ship is intended pilots tend to turn off the guidance system seeing as it is possible for it to be scrambled or the intended target can be mistaken for another target such as a star fighter. This is known as target confusion. It is also possible for the intended target to use counter measures to throw the torpedo off course. When a pilot elects not to use a guidance system, this is called dumb firing and is all around more effective then using the system itself.

11)Superlaser : The superlaser is a weapon of incomprehensible destruction. The Death Star was created to house this superweapon since the weapon required a titanic reactor core and focusing channels. The superlaser was designed primarily for the destruction of an entire planet and the weapon did so with frightening efficiency. Fortunately for the galaxy, the weapon was used only a few times. The weapon was operated by top Imperial gunners and the gunner stations were under the heaviest security since the superlaser could become a extremely potent threat to the Empire if it fell under the wrong hands. A smaller, less powerful superlaser was found on board the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer and had roughly two-thirds the power of the Death Star's superlaser. Its ability to destroy a planet came from its ability to drill into the planet's core causing it to super-heat and destroy the planet.

12)Sun Crusher Torpedoes : The Sun Crusher Torpedoes can currently only be found in the Tyrant Class Super Star Destroyer . These torpedoes when launched , travel at sub-sonic speed towards their designated targets . Upon impact , these torpedoes generate a huge amount of heat and energy , causing a massive explosion and creating a mini and controllable black hole that will suck in any nearby ship within its pull radius , totally engulfing it into nothingness and it will simply disappear . the black hole will only stop once its generator runs out of power or a stop signal is sent from the firing console .

13)Truncheon Torpedoes : These torpedoes can be found almost on any fighter except the basic TIE Fighter . These torpedoes will penetrate through the enemy ship while scattering explosive charges all over inside the ship before the missile itself explodes , followed by the explosive charges . Although usually used against capital ships , they can also be used to destroy underground enemy bunkers or such . It can also be used like a cluster bomb .

------------------------------------------------------Military Ships :

1)Imperial Star Destroyer
Manufactured by: Kuat Drive Yards
Length: 1,600 meters
Crew: 36,810, gunners: 275, skeleton: 5,000
Passengers: 9,700 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons , 1 Prefabricated Base
Weapons: 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 60 Ion cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, Proton Torpedo Launchers , Concussion Missile Launchers , Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 wing (6 squadrons) of various TIE-class starfighters for a total of 72 and 2 Squadrons of Scimitar Assult Bombers
Other carried vehicles: 12 landing barges 20 AT-AT walkers 30 AT-ST walkers 8 Lambda-class Imperial Shuttles 15 Stormtrooper Transports 5 Assault Gunboats.

2)Victory-class Star Destroyer
Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive
Length: 900 meters
Crew: 4,798, gunners: 402, skeleton: 1,785
Passengers: 2,040 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons
Weapons: 10 Quad Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Double Turbolaser Batteries, 80 Concussion Missile Tube Launchers, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, 50 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE-class Fighters for a total of 24 and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bombers

3)VictoryII Star Destroyer :
Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive
Length: 900 meters
Crew: 5,881, gunners: 226, skeleton: 2,100
Passengers: 2,040 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons
Weapons: 20 Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, 80 Concussion Mssile Tube Launchers , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE-class Fighters for a total of 24 and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber

4)Invincible-class Heavy Dreadnaught Cruiser
Manufacturer: Rendili/Vaufthau Shipyards Ltd
Length: 2,011 meters
Crew: 23,014 gunners: 144, skeleton crew: 12,795
Passengers: 6,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 700 metric tons , 1 Prefabricated Base
Starfighter Complement: 1 Wing (6 Squadrons) of any class of starfighters
Weapons: 30 Turbolaser Cannons, 50 Quad Laser Cannons, 100 Concussion Missile Tubes, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors , 80 Truncheon Missile Tubes

5)Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Type: Converted Star Cruiser
Length: 1,200 meters
Crew: 5,402 (688 officers, 4734 enlisted)
Troops: 1,200
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons
Weapons: 48 Turbo Lasers, 20 Ion Cannon, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors , 80 Concussion Missile Tubes , 50 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 36 Fighters, 24 Bombers, 4 Shuttles

6)Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive
Type: Medium Cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 16,113, gunners: 97, skeleton: 9,000
Passengers: 3,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Weapons: 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 10 Quad Laser Cannons , 60 Concussion Missile Tubes , 40 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class fighter and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber

7)Interdictor Cruiser
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 2,783, gunners: 24, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 80 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 5,500 metric tons
Weapons: 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 4 Gravity Well Projectors
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class Fighters
Other Craft: 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, 3 Stormtrooper Transports

8)Escort Carrier
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Type: Heavy starfighter/shuttle carrier
Length: 500 meters
Crew: 3,485, gunners: 20, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 800 (troops)
Weapons: 10 Twin Laser Cannons
Starfighters: 1 Wing for a total of 72 TIE fighters of any mix.
Other Vessels: 2 Assault Transports 2 shuttles
Info : Meant to carry extra TIEs into battle

9)Strike Medium Cruiser
Manufacturer: Loronar
Type: Strike-class Medium Cruiser
Length: 450 meters
Crew: 1,972, gunners: 140, skeleton: 800
Passengers: 340 (troops)
Weapons: 30 Turbolasers, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors , 40 Concussion Missile Tubes , 20 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 1 squadron of TIE-class fighters
Info : Used as a Assult Ship

10)Carrack Class Light Cruiser
Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing
Engine: Ion sublight engines
Lenght: 350 meters
Crew: 1,007
Troop capacity: 142
Cargo capacity: 3,500 metric tons
Weapons: 10 heavy turbo lasers, 20 quad lasor cannon, 5 tractor-beam projectors
Starfighters: 4 TIE recon fighters/scouts

11)Nebulon-B Frigate
Length: 300 meters
Crew: 920 (78 officers, 842 enlisted)
Passengers: 75(Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Weapons: 12 Turbolaser batteries, 12 Quad Laser cannons, 2 Tractor beam projectors
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE fighters

12)Corellian Corvette
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Length: 150 meters
Crew: 30-165
Passengers: Up to 600
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 metric tons
Weapons: 6 Double turbolaser cannons

13)Venator Class Star Destroyer (Republic attack cruisers)
Length: 1,137 meters
Crew: 7,400
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base
Speed: 30,000 m/s²
Weapons: 20 heavy turbolaser turrets, 10 medium dual turbolaser cannons, 52 point-defense laser cannons, 4 heavy proton torpedo tubes, and 6 tractor beam projectors, 10 Truncheon Torpedo Launchers
Starfighters: 400 upwards (192 V-Wing starfighters, 192 ARC-170 starfighters, and 36 Eta-2 Actis Jedi Interceptors)\
For ground operations: 40 LAAT/i gunships and 24 AT-TE walkers were carried for ground operations
Additional Info: Capable of working within planet's atmosphere and can land to disembark/retrieving ground forces

14)Vindicator Class Heavy Cruiser
Length : 600 meter
Weapons : 25 light turbolasers, 20 light quad turbolasers, 10 point-defense laser cannons, 20 light point-defense ion cannons, and 3 tractor beam projectors
Crew : 400 troops and a crew of 2,551
Starfighters : 1 Wing (6 Squadrons)

15)Lancer Class Frigate
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Type: Heavy Starfighter/Shuttle Carrier
Length: 250 meters long
Crew: 810 Crew and 40 Gunners
Weapons: 20 Quad laser cannons
Shield: Unknown
Hull: Unknown
Crew: 850
Troop Capacity: 100 Imperial stormtroopers

16)Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
Length: 19 kilometers
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases
Weapons: 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors, 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 80 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 144/216/"thousands" of fighters

17)Eclipse Class Star Draednaught (a.k.a Eclipse Class Star Destroyer/Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer)
Length: 17.5-kilometer
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases
Starfighters: 600 TIE Interceptors and 96 Scimitar Assult Bombers, divided into 58 squadrons
Weapons: Thousands of Turbolaser and Heavy Turbolaser cannons , 10 Gravity Well Projectors , 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 300 Ion cannons, 1 Superlaser, 150 Concussion Missile Tubes , 100 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Ground Assult: 150,000 Imperial Stormtroopers, 100 AT-ATs,
Crew: 700,000

18)Sovereign Class Dreadnought (aka Sovereign Class Star Destroyer/Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer)
Length : 15 Kilometer
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases
Weapons: 500 heavy turbolaser cannons, 500 turbolaser batteries, 75 ion cannons, 100 tractor beam projectors, 5 gravity well projectors
Crew : 605,745

19)Death Star
Vessel Type:Deep-space mobile battle station
Primary Designer:Bevel Lemelisk
Diameter:120,000 meters (equivalent to a Class IV moon)
Maximum Speed:1.2c
Superlaser Range:47,060,000 kilometers
Fuel:Compressed stellar hydrogen
Surface Weapons:Turbolaser batteries (5,000), Heavy turbolaser batteries (5,000), Laser cannons (2,500), Ion cannons (2,500), Tractor beam emplacements (768)

20)World Devastator
They would land on the surface of a planet, and the tractor beams would literally tear the planet beneath them apart, and then consume it.The deconstruction of the planet and its resources would then be used for both fuel for the Devastator and for manufacturing starships, starfighters, and droids over a period of a few months. Eventually the planet would become a debris field. these machines' shields were so strong that not even concentrated turbolaser fire could penetrate them, and most times any conflict with another enemy ship would result in the consumption of that ship by the World Devastator. The only way to destroy a World Devastator is to use another to destroy it .

Weapons : 125 heavy turbolaser cannons, 200 blaster cannons, 80 proton torpedo tubes, 15 ion cannons, and 15 tractor-beam projectors.
Crew : 25,000

21)Sun Crusher : The utterly devastating Sun Crusher could fool most uninformed people. Appearing to be an ordinary starship, the Sun Crusher was actually another one of the Empire's superweapons. A little larger than a fighter, the Sun Crusher was almost indestructible. It sported four lasers and quantum-crystalline armor that was compacted into layers seven times, making the craft able to take heavy turbolaser fire, and it even survived a blast from the Death Star. The main armament of the Sun Crusher was its eleven plasma-charged warheads. Once launched, the warhead would protect itself in a shell of plasma making the warhead look like a heavy laser bolt. The warhead would then travel near light speed into the center of a star where the warhead would arm and release extremely dense and enormous amounts of energy, causing a supernova. The resulting explosion would take out entire solar systems.

22)Galaxy Gun : Another one of the Imperial superweapons, the Galaxy Gun was another weapon of colossal destruction. The Galaxy Gun was actually a massive starship that surrounded the enormous weapon. It fired gigantic missiles that were astonishingly fast in both sub-light and lightspeed realms. The missile was designed to destroy entire planets but its particle disintegrator warhead could be programmed to take out certain strategic locations such as cities or military bases or plants.

The warhead was a particle disintegrator and upon detonating, it would explosively convert all matter into energy. The Galaxy Gun's advantage to the Death Star was that it was able target a specific planet in just same location or planet it orbit allowing the weapon to stay in that location without actually going close to targeted planet to fire the its weapon, this give the superweapon the ability to fire at any rebellious planet anywhere in the galaxy without having to go through hyperspace. A massive Imperial fleet always surrounds the gigantic weapon, making any attempt to raid and destroy or sabotage it suicidal for anyone.

23)Twilek Class Mothership
Class : Mothership Vessel
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 20 kilometers
Cargo : 3 Prefabricated Bases
Crew : 702,000
Weapons : 600 Turbolaser Batteries , 300 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 200 Ion Cannons , 80 Heavy Ion Cannons , 20 Tractor Beams and 100 Quad Turbolaser Batteries , 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters : 15 (90) Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 10 Squadrons of X-Wings and 5 Squadrons of B-Wings .
Misc Ships : 10 Shield Web Generator Ships (To surround fleet and create a massive and strong Shield Web capable of withstanding heavy enemy fire and disintegrates foreign objects upon entrance)
Ground Assult Force : 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 20,000 Battle Droids , 15,000 Super Battle Droids , 200 Droidekas , 15 AT-ATs , 20 AT-TEs , 40 AT-STs , 50 AT-PTs , 500 Hover Tanks , 50 Clone Turbo Tanks , 50 Lambada Class Shuttles and 40 Republic Assult Shuttles .

24)Czardas Class Cruisers
Class : Ship to Ship Assult Cruiser
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 700 metres
Crew : 2,000 + The Individual Starfighters and Ships Crew
Weapons : 80 Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Ion Cannons , 10 Heavy Ion Cannons , 4 Tractor Beams
Starfighers : 4 Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 3 Squadrons of X-Wings , 2 Squadrons of A-Wings
Specialised Ships : 30 "Hull Braching Boarding Ships" , 5 "Explosive Laden Attack Crafts"

25)Wraith Class Super Star Destroyer/Dreadnaught
Length : 15.6 km
Complement : 295,152 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , 520 Heavy Turbolasers , Turbolasers 1,154 , Laser Cannons 3,172 , 576 Ion Cannons , Missile Tubes 1,384
Fighters : 20 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Legion

26)Enslaver Class Super Star Destroyer
Length : 1.78 km
Complement : 34,056 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , Heavy Turbolasers : 64 , Turbolasers : 132 , Laser Cannons : 340 , Ion Cannons : 68 , Missile Tubes : 160
Fighters : 2 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Division (Around 10,000 Troops)

27)Tyrant Class Super Star Destroyer
-Designer and Builder : Kuat Drive Shipyards , Mationsbuds Corp and Rendili Stardrive
-Length : 30 kilometers
-Weapons : 2 Super Lasers , 8 Sun Crusher Torpedo Launchers , 2000 Heavy Turbolasers , 4000 Turbolasers , 7000 Laser Cannon , 2500 Ion Cannons
-Fighters : 50 Wings of Starfighters , 100,000 Swarm Battle Droids
-Cargo : 4 Prefabricated Bases
-Troops : 4 Legions (1 Legion is around 5,000 to 6,000 Troops)
-Secondary Bay 1 : World Destructor A
Secondary Bay 2 : World Destructor B
Secondary Bay 3 : Enslaver Class Super Star Destroyer
Secondary Bay 4 : Venator Class Star Destroyer
Primary Bay : Empty
-Others : 2 Repair Docking bays
-Secondary Armanment : Tip Crytaline Enhanced Super Titanium Drill Head -- This drill head is hidden in the front of the ship , it will come out when needed and is used to ram through enemy ships .
-Hull : Titanium Composite , Steel , High Density Titanium Hull (highest grade of Titanium and makes it extremely strong after treatment , then studding it with bits of diamonds to further increase its damage resistant capacity) , quantum crystalline armour
-Shields : High Density Regenerative Energy Shield , Gravitational Shield Wedging
-Reactors : Ion Engines , Nuclear Reactors (much better than the ones currently used in RL) , Cold Fusion reactors , Hypermatter Reactor
-Other Equipment : Sith Lightning Amplifier (This machine , constructed by Darth Matter himself can amplify the Sith Lightning generated by a Sith and multiply its power . It can be used to direct a concentrated blast of Sith Lightning at enemy ships and wipe out all life-form in it . It can also be used to clear planets of their life-form . This uses significant ship power and the Sith's force endurance) .
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28)Mobile Repair Dock
Length : 2,100 meters
Complement : 21,776
Turbolasers : 10
Laser Cannons : 200
Info : Used to repair ships away from dock

29)Adjudicator Class Cruiser
Primary Designer and Builder : Rendili Stardrive
Type : Heavy Cruiser
Length : 625 Metres
Crew : 2,034
Troops : 3,500
Weapons : 12 Heavy Turbolasers , 20 Turbolaser Batteries , 16 Double Laser Cannons , 4 Tractor Beam Projectors , 20 Concussion Missile Tubes , 10 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters : 3 Squadrons of TIE Fighters

30)Vindili Class Multi-Purpose Ship
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 500 Metres
Crew : 1,500
Troops : 800 Vanguard Troops
Weapons : 8 Heavy Turbolasers , 10 Turbolaser Batteries , 12 Double Laser Cannons , 2 tractor Beam Projectors , 25 Concussion Missile Tubes , 15 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Defensive Systems : EMP Wave Guns (For disabling electronic equipment - targeting sys etc and enemy missiles) , Anti-Missile Shield Systems (Able to absorb most enemy explosions) , Heavy EMP Wave Guns (shoots a high frequency wave of EMP which is capable of disabling starfighters and even small warships)
Starfighters : 2 Squadrons of X-Wings
Primary Equipment : 2 Cloaking Device Generators , 1 Holonet Jamming Device
Info : Used to cloak whole fleets and can also jamm enemy communication lines .

31)Eliminator Class Droid Destroyer
Primary Designer and builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 1,000 Metres
Crew : 2,500 Droid Pilots , 5 Droid Control Terminals
Troops : 40,000 Battle Droids , 10,000 Super Battle Droids , 100 Droidekas , 1,000 Droid Battle Tanks , 500 Spider Droids
Weapons : 25 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 40 Turbolaser Batteries , 40 Ion Cannons , 20 Heavy Ion cannons , 30 Quad Turbolasers , 40 Concussion Missile Tubes , 20 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters : 1 1/2 Wings (9 total) of Droid Tri Fighters and Droid Assult Gunship , 8,000 Swarm Battle Droids

32)Planet Crusher
-Vessel Type : Super Deep-space Mobile Battle Station
-Primary Designer:Mationsbuds Corp , Dictator Darth Matter
-Diameter : 200,000 meters
-Maximum Speed : 1.0c
-Superlaser Range : 52,083,000 kilometers
-Reactors : HyperMatter Reactor , Cold Fusion Reactor , Nuclear Reactor
-Surface Weapons:Turbolaser batteries (10,000), Heavy turbolaser batteries (8,000), Laser cannons (6,000), Ion cannons (5,000), Tractor beam emplacements (900) , Truncheon Torpedo Launchers (2,000) , Concussion Missile Launchers (5,000) , Quad Turbolaser Batteries (6,000)
-Superweapons : 2 Superlasers , 2 Sun Crusher Torpedo Launchers , 1 Planet Destructor Missile (The missile fires a small superlaser which destroyes any shields and cuts a hole into the planet's ground which the missile enters and de-stabilizes the planet's core , causing it to explode)
-Cargo : 1 Eclipe Class Super Star Destroyer in Main Hangar (Station splits into half and the Eclipse Comes out ,then the station rejoins itself) , 2 World Devastators (In Secondary Hangars) , 6 Imperial Star Destroyers , 10 Prefabricated Bases

----------------------------------------Troop Carriers/Starfighters :

1)Assult Shuttle
Manufacturer: Telgorn Corp
Length: 30 meters Crew: 2, gunners: 3, skeleton: 1
Passengers: 40 (spacetroopers)
Cargo Capacity: 5 metric tons
Weapons: 4 Light Turbo Cannons, Concussion missiles, 1 Tractor Beam Projector

2)Lambada Class Shuttle
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Engine: Ion/Hyperdrive engines
Lenght: 20m
crew: 4
Troop capacity: 20 *
Cargo capacity: 80 tons of cargo *
Armor: light, deflector shield
Weapons: 3 double blaster cannons, 2 double laser cannons
* The shuttle can carry 20 passangers or 80 tons of cargo, not both

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation
Engine: Incom 4L4 Fusial Thrust Ion Engines
Lenght: 12.5 meters
crew: 1 (pilot) , 1 Astromech Droid
Armor: light (deflector shields)
weapons: 4 laser cannons, 2 proton torpedo launchers , 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers

Manufacture: Koensayr
Engine: Ion/Hyperdrive engines
Lenght: 16 meters
crew: one
cargo capacity: 110 kilograms
Armor: light, deflector shield
weapons: 2 laser cannons, 1 twin proton torpedo launcher, Ion cannon (rotating) , 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers

5)B-Wing (Heavy Assult Fighter)
Manufacture: Slayn & Korpil
Engine: Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust Engines
Height: 16.9 meters
crew: 1
Cargo capacity: 45 kilograms
Armor: light, deflector shields
Weapons: 3 mediun ion cannons (fire-linked), 2 proton torpedo launchers, 1 turbo laser cannon, 2 laser cannon , 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers

Combat Designation:Long Range Fighter/Interceptor
Crew:1 pilot
Power System:MPS BPr-99 power converter and fusion reactor
Propulsion:Twin Novaldex J-77 "Event Horizon" engines (rated at 400 KTU)
Weapons:Two Borstel RG9 laser cannons (single fire or fire-linked), Two Dymek HM-6 concussion missile launchers (six missiles each)
Defense:Forward/rear projecting Sirplex Z-9 shields, Titanium alloy hull

7)TIE Fighter (TIE stands for Twin Ion Engined)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Length: 6.3 meters
Weapons: 2 SFS LS-1 Cannons, 6 Proton Torpedoes , 2 Truncheon Missiles
Shield: none
Crew: 1 pilot

8)TIE Interceptor
Manufacture: Sienar Fleet Systems
Engine: twin ion engine
Lenght: 6.6 meters
crew: 1 (pilot)
Weapons: four laser cannons

9)TIE Defender
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Specification: Fleet Defender
Length: 9.6 meters
Weapons: 4 SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons, 2 Borstel NK-3 ion cannons, 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Shield: Novaldex Shields
Hull: Titanium hull with Quadanium Radiator-Panels
Crew: 1 pilot
Top Speed: 155 MGLT, assuming no power is being diverted from shields or lasers

10)TIE Bomber
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Type: Light Bomber
Length: 7.8 meters
Weapons: Laser Cannons, proton bombs
Shield: none
Crew 2
Cargo Capacity: Ordnance

11)Skipray Blastboat
Crew : Pilot, Co-Pilot/Sensor Officer, 2 Gunnery Officers
Weapons : 3 Mendar Arms Dar-2 ion cannon, 2 Senko Systems 5000x2 "Tru-Lok" Laser Cannons, Port-mounted Concussion Missile Launcher, Starboard-mounted proton torpedo Launcher
Additional Info : Hyperspace Capable

12)Assult Gunboat
Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks
Type: Meant for Assulting Capital Ships
Length: 15 meters
Weapons: 2 Taim & Bak KX5 medium laser cannons, 2 Borstel NK-3 ion cannons, 2 warhead launchers
Shield: Forward/Rear Projecting Cygnus 4K7 Novaldex Shields
Hull: Quadanium Steel Armoured Titanium Hull
Crew: 1

13)Explosive Laden Attack Craft
Designer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Type : Remote Controlled Mass Ship Destruction (Splash Damage)
Length : 25 metres
Weapons : 2 Laser Turrets , 1 Concussion Missile Lancher , Explosives twice the Size of Atomic Bomb
Objective : This ship has heavy shields and amour to protect it from enemy fire and heads towards a crucial enemy ship or enemy flagship before ramming into it , damaging/destroying it and nearby ships . It also will cause many Shrapanel (Large for Ship Damage) to lancuh and damage enemy Starfighters and even Ships !

14)Hull Breaching Ship Boarders
Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Type : Hull Breaching Modified Mole Miners
Length : 30 Metres
Weapons : 4 Laser Turrets and 2 Proton Torpedo Lanchers
Crew : 2 Pilots
Attack Crew (to assult enemy craft from within) : 30 Vanguard Troops , 50 Battle Droids , 2 Droidekas and 20 Super Battle Droids .
Objective : This heavily armoured and shielded craft will ram and drill into a enemy vessel before unloading its attack crew which will try to overtake the ship . If the troops mission fail , the mole miner will ram through the enemy ship , destroying it .

15)Scimitar Assult Bomber (a.k.a Advanced TIE Bomber)
Length : 8 Metres
Weapons : 4 laser cannons, 2 concussion missile Launchers , thermal dotonators, proton bombs , proton grenades and 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Crew : 2

16)Sith Infiltrator (Used by Sith Lords or Sith Assasins)
Manufacturer : Mationsbuds Corp , Dictator Darth Matter
Length : 9.8 metres
Weapons : 4 SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons, 2 Borstel NK-3 ion cannons, 2 Truncheon Missile Launchers , 2 Concussion Missile Launchers , 1 Thought Bomb Cannon (To be guided with force)
Crew : 1 Sith as Pilot
Hull : Titanium hull with Quadanium Radiator-Panels , Quantum Crystalline Armour Plating
Shield : Gravitational Shielding , Novaldex Shields , High Density Regenerative Shields
Other Systems : EMP Defensive Ray Guns , stygian crystal-based cloaking system , Sensor Distortion System
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17)Swarm Battle Droids
Manufacturer : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 3 Metres
Weapons : 4 Laser cannons (360 Degrees) , 2 Ion Cannons , 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher
Hull : Titanium Hull
Shield : High Density Regenerative Shield
Info : They are normally controlled by a command console and are usually used in swarms to overcome enemies up to the size of a Star Destroyer .

-------------------------------------------------Ground Vehicles:

Vehicle Class: All Terrain-Armored Transport
Height: 16 Meters
Maximum Speed: 60 Kilometers Per Hour (Over Even Terrain)
Crew: 3
Troop Capacity:40
Weapons: Two Heavy Laser Cannons, Two Fire-Linked Medium Blasters

Vehicle Class: All Terrain Scout Transport
Height: 6.3 Meters
Maximum Speed: 90 Kilometers Per Hour (Over Even Terrain)
Crew: 2
Weapons: One Twin Blaster Cannon, One Twin Light Blaster Cannon, Concussion Grenade Launcher

Vehicle Class ; All Terrain Attack Pod
Crew : 2 Drivers and 1 Gunner (mounted swivel blaster)
Weapons : Large Laser Cannon (in front), Anti-Personal Blaster Cannon (bottom of fuelselage), Mounted Swivel Blaster

Vehicle Class : All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport
Crew : 1
Weapons : Anti-Infantry Laser Cannon
Additional Info : Usually in groups of 3-6 .

Vehicle Class : All Terrain Scout Transport
Crew : 1 Pilot , 1 Gunner
Length : 8.6m
Hull : Blast Resistant amor plating
Weapons : 2 medium laser cannons (chin-mounted), 2 light blasters or 2 concussion missile launchers (cheek-mounted, 1 on each side)

6)HAVw A6 Juggernaut (aka Clone Turbo Tank)
Weapons : 3 heavy laser cannons, 1 medium blaster cannon and 2 concussion grenade launchers
Troops : Up to 300 troops or several light military speeders, speeder bikes and other small repulsorcraft.

7)Homing Spider Droid
Weapons : 1 heavy-duty homing laser underneath , 1 smaller top mounted laser

8)Hover Tank
Weapons : missile launchers, laser cannons and a beam cannon on the top of the tank
Crew : 2/3

9)NR-N99 Tank Droid (aka Snail Droid)
Weapons : 2 Laser cannons (one on each side)

10)Seismic Tank
Weaponary : Creates a seismic wave that knocks all infantry to the ground fatally . Before they can recover , the tank sends another wave , killing them .
This is a droid tank .

11)SPHA-T (Self Propelled Heavy Artillery- Turbolaser)
Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering
Specification: Self Propelled Heavy Artillery - Turbolaser
Type: Self-propelled artillery
Length: 30 meters
Weapons: Heavy turbolaser cannon, ion cannon, or concussion missile launchers (depending on variant), 12 antipersonnel blaster cannons (some variants)
Shield: None
Hull: Armor plating
Crew: 15 clone troopers, 25 on models with blaster cannons

Manufacturer : Mationbuds Corp
Weapons : 2 Heavy Projectile Cannons , 8 Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets , 4 Concussion Missile Launchers , 4 Truncheon Torpedo Launchers , 1 Heavy Bombardment Plasma Cannon (Power up to 6 Battleship Cannons)
Shield : Regenerative Electromagnetic Shielding
Hull : Heavy Titanium Crystalline Plating
Crew : 2 Pilots , 1 Spotter , 6 Gunners
Passengers : Up to 40 Vanguard Troops

Manufacturer : Rothana Heavy Engineering
Length : 12.4 meters
Weapons : 1 heavy projectile cannon , 6 laser cannon turrets (4 forward-mounted, 2 rear-facing)
Shield : Electromagnetic shielding
Hull : Heavy armor plating
Crew : 1 pilot, 1 spotter, 5 gunners
Top Speed : 60 km/h (40 mi/h)
Passengers : Up to 20 clone troopers

13)TIE Crawler
Manufacturer : Santhe/Sienar Technologies
Length : 6.7 meters
Weapons : Two medium blaster cannons, light turbolaser cannon
Crew : 1 pilot
Top Speed : 90 kilometers per hour
Troop Capacity 1
Passengers : 0

14)Prefabricated Garrison Base
-Manufacturer : Mationbuds Corp
-Troops : 1720 base personnel and 1280 combat troops , 30 Starfighters & 5 Scimitar Assult Bombers, 10 AT-ATs, 10 AT-STs, 40 Speeders Bikes, 60 Landspeeders, 100 Miscellaneous Vehicles (construction vehicles, cargo vehicles, maintenance vehicles etc.)
-Weapons : 3 heavy twin turbolaser turrets, 6 heavy laser turrets, 8 tractor beam projectors
-Info : Dropped from orbit by capital ships on planets in ready made pieces , then assembled on site by droids and engineers .
-Levels : 8 levels , topped by a sensor and communications tower. Levels one through to five, all identical in size and shape, consisted mainly of the large surface vehicle bays where all the surface vehicles were stored, maintained and deployed from. They also contained most of the personnel quarters as well as the armoury, detention cells and most other key base areas. Level six held the officer's quarters, TIE Fighter Pilot's quarters, command rooms and so on. Level Seven consisted entirely of the TIE fighter hangers. Level Eight was the deployment chutes and control rooms for the base's TIEs. TIES were launched, retrieved and manipulated by the base's powerful suite of tractor beam projectors. Garrison Bases also had underground sub-levels which contained the generators and main infrastructure.
-Defensive Systems : Anti-infantry and anti-vehicle minefields and a 10 metre high electrified 'death fence'. This had variable power settings, so it could either severely shock an individual or fry them outright in an instant, depending on the base commander's choice.
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20-04-2006, 12:03
-----------------------------Hand Weapons/Droid Troops/Human(Clone/Normal) Troops :


1)A-280 Blaster Rifle
Standard-issue blaster rifle among the soldiers of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic.

2)Bryar pistol
The Bryar pistol is a modified version of the Bryar rifle with the rifle's stock and muzzle sawed off. The Bryar pistol has gained the reputation of being a standard and relatively accurate blaster pistol. The pistol also carries a secondary function of being able to ability to charge to release a stronger blast. Using this secondary function does not seem cause any type of decline in performance or accuracy with the exception being that charging the weapon uses more amunition than a standard blast.

3)DC-15 Series
common weapon used by the Republic clone troopers. The DC-15 uses magazine cartridges filled with tibanna gas which results in blue laser bolts when fired. The DC-15 uses two types of ammunition in conjuction which is the tibanna gas cylinder and the charge magazine. The tibanna gas cylinder stores enough gas required for 600 rounds while the charge magazine usually only stores 60 rounds. This forces the user to change the charge magazine much more often than the tibanna gas cylinder. The DC-15s also use a rechargeable battery that lastes for 7 subsequent shots before the weapon pauses to recharge.
---DC-15A - long-barrelled blaster rifle used as the standard issue clone trooper weapon, but also suitable for snipers
---DC-15s - A pistol blaster used as a side-arm
---DC-15B - short-barrelled blaster carbine with a folding rifle stock

4)Blastech DH-17 blaster pistol
The Blastech DH-17 is a weapon used by both the Imperial Navy and Rebel Alliance/New Republic Navy officers. It is primarily designed for ship use, where it can pierce blaster armor although not a ship's hull.

5)DN Bolt Caster
The DN Bolt Caster, originally known as the Phoenix II plasma disruptor, developed by Drever Corp is primary used as a tool by special ops commandos to breach locked doors. However, Republic troopers improvised and began using it as a weapon. The plasma disruptor's effectiveness against the CIS droids prompted Drever Corp to develop the expensive yet effective DN Bolt Caster plasma disruptor.

6)E-11 blaster rifle
The E-11 blaster rifle is the standard-issue weapon for Imperial stormtroopers. The E-11's plasma gas cartridges allow for over 500 shots, while the weapon's power cells last for about 100. The basic E-11 is 438 mm long and weighs 2.6 kilograms.

7)FC-1 flechette launcher
The Golan Arms FC-1 fires a spray of metal flechettes. This is very effective at close range, and especially as an antipersonnel weapon against soft targets. However, the flechettes have little effect on most combat armor. The flechette launcher also has a secondary firing mode in which it fires two proximity grenades.

8)Heavy Repeater Light Blaster
A devastating weapon used by Imperial troops, the heavy repeater sprays a torrent of metallic bolts at an extremely high rate of fire. A secondary indirect fire mode allows the gun to fire an orb of concussive energy. The heavy repeater is valued by the Imperials for its rate of fire and effective suppression fire capabilities.

****Grenades/Mines etc****

1)DEMP 2
The Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse 2, or the DEMP 2, is a gun with a cone-shaped muzzle that fires an electromagnetic pulse. It severely damages droids and other electrical systems, and is also capable of doing light damage to living tissue.

2)Concussion Grenades
There are two varieties of concussion grenades. One of the two is a fairly standard grenade. It explodes with a small blast radius and expels a sonic shockwave that stuns anybody just outside its blast radius. The other kind does not detonate in a traditional sense. It causes only the shockwave, stunning anybody hit by it rather than killing or wounding them.

3)Cryoban Grenades
Upon exploding, cryoban grenades release a heat-absorbing chemical into the air, causing most liquids in their vicinity to freeze, and potentially causing frostbite in organics.

4)Det Packs
A det pack is a small explosive with a remote activator that can be triggered by the user. The pack is set in place or thrown and is then detonated whenever the user desires. Typically this is used to ambush enemies or blow open doors that are otherwise sealed to the user.

5)Flash Detonators
Much like real-life flash-bang grenades, flash detonators emit a blinding flash of light and ear piercing noise in a contained radius, temporarily stunning and disorienting targets.

6)Sonic Detonators
Sonic detonators emit violent sonic waves upon explosion, damaging nearby organic beings and potentially rupturing internal organs.

7)Thermal Detonators
Thermal detonators are highly unstable grenade-like weapons used primarily by bounty hunters and mercenaries. The material used is called baradium, which is a highly unstable compound prone to explosions.They cause enormous damage by initiating a fusion reaction upon detonation, with a blast radius of 20 meters or more. Some detonators have an even greater radius, although stormtroopers carry miniature 5-meter ones. Thermal detonators have the unique ability of creating a blast that only goes as far as its blast radius. After that, the blast field collapses, and anything even slightly beyond the blast radius is left unharmed.

They can be set to detonate in several ways: on impact after being thrown, after a pre-determined time period, or upon the release of a fail-deadly trigger. Thermal detonators are not usually used as grenades due to their highly unstable nature. Instead, they are often used for demolitions work.

A thermal detonator whose baradium is stabilized with ytterbium burns at extremely high temperatures rather than exploding, which is used similar to a real-life thermite charge to melt sensitive equipment.

8)Thought bomb
A thought bomb destroys all thought sensitive beings within a certain radius. Not even single-celled organisms survive.

9)Trip Mines
Trip mines consist of a beam projector affixed to a shaped explosive casing. The laser activates once the trip mine is placed, extending a beam from the charge to the nearest surface that intersects its path. If this beam is broken or the charge is fired upon, the mine will detonate and damage anything caught within its radius.

****Misc Guns****

1)Hapan Gun of Command
The Gun of Command is a pistol capable of mild brainwashing via an electrical discharge.

****Heavy Weaponary****

1)Assault Cannon
A weapon that fires multiple blaster shots to create a shotgun effect. Used primarily by Dark Troopers, the weapon is very deadly at close range, or for firing at a concentrated group of enemies.

2)Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System
The PLX-2M is an extremely powerful weapon that fires Arakyd 3T3 missiles. The sheer explosive power of the PLX-2M makes it dangerous to fire blindly in close quarters, but is extremely effective when used as a 'smart' tracking weapon. The PLX-2M has two 'smart' firing modes - the first causes the missile to home in on the magnetic emissions from the repulsorlifts of speeders, and the second causes the missile to home in on infrared heat sources, allowing the user to attack landspeeders, airspeeders, and even low-flying spacecraft. The launcher also has an unguided firing mode for manual aim.

3)Rail charge launcher
Rail charge launchers fire bullets or pellets at an exceptionally high velocity via magnetic acceleration from alternating polarity super-conducting rails. This particular launcher can also fire guided "mini-missiles," which seek targets after being launched. Because of their speed, this tracking is only accurate at long range.

****Melee Weapons****

1)Electro Staff
An electrostaff is a melee weapon which looks like a staff, but conducts energy fields at its ends which can cause severe damage to living tissue and inanimate objects alike. They are impenetrable to most weapons, even lightsabers. This is supposedly because they are made of rare Phrik alloy.

2)Energy Sword
The energy sword is an ancient development in weaponry, consisting of a plasma charged blade powered by a power cell in the hilt, with a pair of Velmorite crystals used for focusing. While similar to the lightsaber of the Jedi Knights, the energy sword is not comparable in strength to the Jedi weapon, although it is deadly precise.

3)Stun Baton
Similar to a billy club, this short metal weapon has a high-voltage electrical charge that can sting or kill. These common weapons are used by planetary police forces for crowd control and to stop un-armed criminals, but they're little use against a blaster. Security officers on the asteroid prison of Oovo IV commonly use these.

****Droid Army****

1)B-1 (Standard) Battle Droids : tall , skeletal and armed with blasters . Combat Infantry
2)Pilot Droid and Engineer Droid : blue shoulders and chest . operates starships and mans vehicles (Shotgun Weapons)
3)Battle Droid Commander : yellow forhead and shoulders . Receivers orders and gives them to Battle Droids
4)Assult Droids : Red Shoulders . Uses Missile Launchers
5)Droid Sniper (Assasin Droids) : Green Shoulders . Uses Sniper Rifles .
6)B-2 Super Battle Droid : broad chested , silver metalic bodies . Built in Blaster Arm and Wrist Rocket Launcher
7)Droideka : inscet like , metalic body , transforms . Heavy infantry with twin cannons and deflector shields , rolls into a ball for swift movement .
---Pilot Droids can pilot Droid-TriFighter .

****Force Abilities****

1)Both :

*Telekinesis - This ability is used to lift objects and move them, including the wielder and enemies, in a desired direction.

*Force Push/Pull - Telekinetic abilities to pull or push objects away, as well as enemies. The greater the user's aptitude, the heavier the object that can be manipulated or the more wide the arc or radius of the force 'wave'. It can be used to pull weapons from enemies.

*Force Strike - To a large extent, Force Push and Force Strike are the same power, with Strike being the more destructive version

*Force Leap/Jump - Uses the Force to augment the user's natural leaping ability. Force users adept in this can perform incredible vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity.

*Telepathy - The ability to mentally communicate over small or vast distances.

*Burst of Speed - Makes the user able to maintain sprinting speeds (even moving in awkward directions like backwards) for as long as the effect lasts.

*Force Sense - Used within the Jedi Order to sense the future, possible danger, a person's location, or the presence of the Dark Side.

*Seeing - Enhances the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls. Trained users can have their sight amplified to the point that they are able to counteract Persuasion and Blinding.

*Farsight - Makes the mind of the Jedi fly through space and perceive all around. This is a key ability, as it allows the user to see events over great distances that are occurring.

*Psychometry - The mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it.

*Precognition - Certain devotees of the Force are gifted in the ability to sense extreme danger however subtle it is, and receive ample warning to defend against the threat.

*Force Suppression- Certain Force powers are not instantaneous in effect, but last for a period of time on a target. Examples of such powers include but are not limited to Force Aura, Burst of Speed, and Energy Resistance. Force Suppression instantly cancels such powers on the target. The greater the user's skill in this ability, the stronger the removed powers active on the target. This power completely breaches any Force defenses on a user, and is thus unaffected by things like Force Resistance or Immunity.

*Saber Throw - Throws the lightsaber in a boomerang fashion, cutting its way through objects, and returning to the hand of the caster with Force Pull.

*Cloak - Rarely ever used, this power channels the Force to bend light around the user, rendering him invisible to others.

*Battle Meditation - This power can influence the course of an entire battle, raising the morale of allies, and sapping the will to fight from enemies.

*Battlemind - Through the focus of this power, one's morale and fighting spirit is augmented

*Morichro - A power not taken lightly by the Jedi for its fear of misuse, it is nonetheless a neutral ability that puts an opponent in a suspended state by shutting down particular bodily systems.

*Force Resistance - This power offers protection from some direct Force Power attacks, possibly entirely negating their harmful effects. Greater user aptitude can make the user almost immune to enemy attacks with the Force, although the effects of this ability are brief and costly in either case.

*Energy Resistance - This power shields the user from various energy attacks, whether they are in the form of fire, electricity, etc. It does not shield users from Force powered attacks, and quickly fades.

*Force Block/Force Strip - This power is never fully named, but described as a "force blocking power" or "cutting one off from the Force." The user either effectively forms a wall around an opponent using the Force and renders them powerless and blind to the Force or is removed from their connection to the force completely.

*Beast Trick - This is a universal ability that distracts a feral creature, making it easy for the user to sneak past it.

*Force Body - Although technically a neutral power, use of this potent yet dangerous ability requires that the user exercise caution. Force Body enables the user to drain his own health reserves to partly fuel his Force powers for a brief period of time.

2)Jedi Powers

*Malacia is a rare Jedi power that induced extreme nausea and dizziness in its victim. The ability was completely incapacitating but did not cause any lasting damage.

*Cure/Heal - The Jedi Healer uses the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly for a short duration. Initial levels require meditation, but greater aptitude usually grants faster regeneration, without need of meditation. Greater levels of attainment are also able to mend far more severe injuries, even complete damage to flesh and bone.

*Empathy - A related Light Side version of Force Sense. The Force endows the user with the skill to read the thoughts and emotions of another being.

*Combustion - The ability to cause an object to explode through concentration.

*Affect Mind or Persuasion - This power can confuse and persuade others, making them bend to the user's will. It usually only works on those who are weak-minded.

*Projection - Creates an inanimate apparition that looks like the caster.

*Illusion - The ability to make animated apparitions not limited to the image of the wielder.

*Force Stealth - This versatile power can not only be used to mask one's physical presence, but also one's Force presence. With this power, the bearer can, in effect, turn almost completely invisible. It is very useful in planning surprise attacks or avoiding dangerous confrontations.

*Enhance Ability - The Force boosts the user's abilities, empowering his or her strength, dexterity, and endurance.

*Alter Environment - Various techniques that allow the user to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of such phenomena as Force whirlwinds or fog over limited areas.

*Force-Meld - This is a technique where number of Force users join their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other.

*Force Aura - This power temporarily strengthens a Jedi's defense and ability to resist most forms of attack, be they physical, energy, or Force related, lessening the damage if any. Increasing expertise strengthens the effect, until the Force shields the user in a protective armor so powerful that very few things can penetrate it.

*Hibernation Trance - This is an ability of a Force user to go into a very deep hibernation state. This slows down the Force user's metabolism and breathing to a standstill.

*Protection - A power generally only achieved by high-ranking Jedi masters, Force protection will make the bearer invulnerable to a wide range of physical weapons, energy weapons, and Force powers. The ultimate in terms of defense.

*Dissipate Energy (or Absorb)- The ability to disperse Force energy, and to even absorb or redirect it. A trained Jedi may contain the energy of all kinds of Force attacks used against them. As the energy used to perform Force-related powers is limited, a Jedi can use the enemy's attacks to their own benefit, instead of receiving damage from them.

*Blinding - With this power, a Jedi can obfuscate any person's vision, making it very difficult for the Jedi to be spotted, targeted, or defended against. This power can be countered by Sense

*Animal Friendship - The ability to calm an animal.

*Force Valor - This potent ability increases the physical and mental attributes of the user and all allies around him for a very brief period. The greater the expertise of the user, the stronger the effect.

*Stasis Field - Unless the targets resist successfully, all hostile creatures within a certain radius of the Jedi become completely paralyzed and vulnerable to attack. However, even those that manage to shrug off this power become slowed, unable to attack or defend effectively in battle.

*Disable Droid - This uses the power of the Force to temporarily stun, deactivate, or even destroy an enemy droid, or a group of droids concentrated in a relatively small area. Certain droids are capable of resisting this power, and take less damage.

*Force Barrier - Creates a weak shield that protects the Jedi from minor physical damage, lessening the effects of even powerful blows. As usual, greater aptitutde imparts greater protection.

*Revitalize - This ability is rarely used, but its payoffs are tremendous in potential, rekindling the life energies of fallen allies, bringing them barely back to consciousness.

*Electric Judgement - Apparently the same ability as Force lightning

3)Sith Powers

*Force Grip - Often believed to be an enhanced combination of the two neutral force-powers Force Pull and Force Push, Force Grip can be used to grip a target's neck (and/or constrict their trachea). Stronger users can lift the target off their feet, choking them until they suffocate, optionally slamming the target into a wall or sending them flying over a precipice. While the attacker can quite simply break the target's neck, death by strangulation appears to be favored by the Sith .

*Crush - This deadly Force ability lifts the opponent, whose body literally implodes as it is crushed inward.

*Force Lightning/Sith Lightning - Force Lightning is a purely energy-based specialty attack of the Sith. Force energy, in the form of lightning bolts exits the Force-user's body through their fingertips. The greater the user's aptitude, the more power the lightning bolts possess and the more they fork, allowing the possibility of striking multiple foes at once.

*Force Lightning is often used as a form of torture; not only does it cause severe physical damage, but also extreme agony to the victim. However, a single powerful blast may be sufficient to kill a person instantly.

*Chain Lightning - This variant of Force Lightning is different in that now the target is one and there is a chance that the lightning will move to another person.

*Rage - For a short time, this power augments the speed, strength and fierceness of the caster, at the expense of health and defense.

*Insanity - This causes the targets to suffer from extreme doubt and fear, such that they flee from the user or become catatonic and cower on the ground.

*Force Throw - Causes objects to be hurled towards a target.

*Drain - Same as Heal, except that the user drains the target's Force reserve and/or health to fuel the regenerative process, or to replenish their own strength in the Force. Greater aptitude allows exceptional execution speed and the ability to drain multiple target at once.

*Plague - This malicious power causes the target to suffer as though afflicted with a terrible poison.

*Destruction - Certain gifted Sith warriors are able to perform devastating explosive attacks upon their enemies. This ability, fueled by the Sith's hatred, can create a massive energy field and throw it at any direction.

*Deadly Sight - This power of the Dark Side is capable of allowing Sith Lords to inflict damage upon enemies merely with their sight. With this power, the user can damage entire groups within their field of vision.

*Storm - Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine was able to generate and control, to a degree, self-sustaining storms of warped spacetime of a limited duration. These storms could range from the size of a small starship to huge maws capable of obliterating entire starfleets. The smaller storms are more easily controlled, and can be manipulated from greater distances.

*Mind Control - A more advanced, and more malicious, form of "Persuasion/Suggestion", allowing one to enter another's mind and control brain activity.

*Force Scream - If a Dark Jedi is being beaten and frustrated by his foe, he may let out an enraged scream, amplified through the Force, that triggers shock waves that ripple through the Force, devastating both the Dark Jedi and those who are unfortunate enough to be in close proximity. The Force Scream has been called “a wave of hatred, amplified and fueled by the Dark Side, that is capable of smashing through mental and physical defenses with ease”.

****Troop Descriptions****

1)Clone Trooper
-Weapons : DC-15A Blaster Rifle , DC-15s Sidearm , 2 Concussion Grenades , 2 Flash Detonators , 1 Mini Viroblade
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Built in Gas Mask on Helmet

2)Vanguard Trooper
- Weapons : A-280 Blaster Rifle , Heavy Repeater Light Blaster , 2 Concussion Grenades , 2 Trip Mines , 1 Mini Viroblade
-Armor : Composite Shrapanel Resistant Body Armor and Composite Blaster Resistant Helmet
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Gas Mask , Fusion Cutter/Det Pack

3)Black Guard
-Weapons : E-11 Blaster Rifle , Bryar Pistol , Blastech DH-17 Blaster Pistol , 2 Cryoban Grenades , 2 Concussion Grenades , 2 Flash Detonators , 2 Mini Viroblades
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full) and Composite Shrapanel Resistant Body Armor
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Gas Mask (Built into Helmet) , 2 Det Packs

4)Black Guard Elite
-Weapons : E-11 Blaster Rifle , Bryar Pistol , Heavy Repeater Light Pistol , 2 Cyroban Grenades , 2 Concussion Grenades and DEMP 2 Gun and 2 Mini Viroblade
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full) and Composite Shrapanel Resistant Armor (Full)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Gas Mask (Built into Helmet) , Distress Beacon , 2 Det Packs

5)Clone Commando
-Weapons : DC-15B Blaster Carbine , DC-15s Sidearm , Heavy Repeater Light Blaster , 2 Concussion Grenades , 2 Cyroban Grenades , 2 Flash Detonaters , 2 Mini Viroblades
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Built In Gas Mask and Distress Beacon

6)Dicter Warrior
-Weapons : Force Pike/Electo Staff , Fletchette Gun , DEMP 2 Gun , 2 Cyroban Grenades , 2 Sonic Detonators , Energy Sword
-Armor : Blaster Deflection Energy Shield (Body) , Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full) and Composite Shrapanel Resistant Alloy (Full)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Built in Gas Mask , Distress Beacon , Assult Cannon
-Additional Info : Trained in Close Range Unarmed Combat , Sharpshooting and Sword Combat (Form I)

7)Dicter Warrior Commando
-Weapons : Electro Staff , Fletchette Gun , DEMP 2 Gun , 2 Cyroban Grenades , 2 Sonic Detonators , Energy Sword and Rail Charge Launcher
-Armor : Blaster Deflection Energy Shield (Body) , Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full) and Composite Shrapanel Resistant Alloy (Full) --- All Integrated Into 1 Armour with Hydraulic Arms/Legs to give extra strength
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Built in Gas Mask , Distress Beacon , Assult Cannon
-Additional Info : Trained in Close Range Unarmed Combat , Sharpshooting and Sword Combat (Form II)

8)QREU Unit
-Weapons : E-11 Blaster Rifle , DC-15s Blaster Pistol , 2 Flash Detonators , 1 Mini Viroblade
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Full , Blue Coloured) , Composite Shrapanel Resistant Alloy (Body)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Built in Gas Mask , Assult Cannon/DN Bolt Caster

9)Police Officer
-Weapons : DC-15s Blaster Pistol , 1 Mini Viroblade
-Armor : Composite Blaster Resistant Alloy (Blue , Body)
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Gas Mask

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8)Sith Lord Marcus Periera (Grand Admiral of Retaliation Fleet)
-Weapons : Red Coloured Lightsaber , Heavy Repeater Light Blaster and 1 Sonic Detonater
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask and Underwater Breather
-Training : Form V Lightsaber Combat
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Cloak , Force Resistance , Energy Resistance , Force Block/Strip , Beast Trick , Force Strike , Force Grip , Force Crush , Sith Lightning , Rage , Insanity , Force Throw , Drain (Heal) , Mind Control , Force Scream .
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9)Sith Bror Jace (Grand Admiral of Viper Fleet)
-Weapons : Red Bladed Single Sided Lightsaber , Bryar Blaster Pistol and 1 Flash Detonator
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask and Underwater Breather
-Training : Form III Lightsaber Combat
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Cloak , Force Resistance , Energy Resistance , Force Block/Strip , Beast Trick , Cure/Heal , Empathy , Affect Mind (Persuation) , Illusion , Force Stealth , Enhance Ability , Alter Environment , Force-Meld , Hibernation Trance , Dissipate Energy (or Absorb) , Blinding , Animal Friendship , Stasis Field (Force Paralyze) , Disable Droid , Force Barrier , Revitalize , Sith Lightning , Force Choke , Plague , Deadly Sight .
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10)Dictator Darth Matter (Ruler of Mationsbuds and Leader of Mationsbuds Armed Forces and Mationsbuds Imperial Fleets)
-Weapons : Red Coloured Double Sided Lightsaber , Fletchette Launcher , 2 Thought Bomb and 2 Cyroban Grenades
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask , Underwater Breather , First Aid Medkit
-Training : Form IV Lightsaber Combat and Form VII Lightsaber Combat
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Strike , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Seeing/Farsight , Precognition , Force Suppression , Saber Throw , Cloak , Battle Meditation , Battle Mind , Force Resistance , Energy Resistance , Force Block/Strip , Beast Trick , Force Body (increase force powers) , Force Grip , Crush , Sith Lightning , Chain Lightning , Rage , Insanity , Force Throw , Force Drain (Heal) , Plague , Destruction (explosive attacks) , Deadly Sight (kill by sight) , Force Storm , Mind Control , Force Scream .
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11)Sith Lord Nejaa Halcyon (Grand Admiral of Obliteration Fleet)
-Weapons : Red Bladed Single Sided Lightsaber , Fletchette Launcher , Bryar Blaster Pistol
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask , Underwater Breather
-Training : Form V Lightsaber Combat
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Cloak , Force Resistance , Energy Resistance , Force Block/Strip , Beast Trick , Force Strike , Force Grip , Force Crush , Sith Lightning , Rage , Insanity , Force Throw , Drain (Heal) , Mind Control , Force Scream .
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11)Sith Lord Wikud James (Police Chief)
-Weapons : Red Bladed Single Sided Lightsaber , 2 Bryar Blasters
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask
-Training : Form III Lightsaber Combat
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Cloak , Force Resistance , Energy Resistance , Cure/Heal , Empathy , Affect Mind (Persuation) , Force Stealth , Hibernation Trance , Dissipate Energy (or Absorb) , Blinding , Animal Friendship , Stasis Field (Force Paralyze) , Sith Lightning , Force Choke
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12) 20 Sith Apprentices (Police Force)
-Weapons : Red Bladed Lightsabers , 1 DC-15s Blaster Pistol
-Training : Form II Lightsaber Combat
-Equipment : Radio Communicator , Distress Beacon , Gas Mask
-Force Abilites : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Energy Resistance , Cure/Heal , Affect Mind (Persuation) , Force Stealth , Hibernation Trance , Dissipate Energy (or Absorb) , Blinding , Force Choke
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13)Sith Assasin Squads (7 Squads , 40 Each)
*Sith Assasin Squad 1 and 2 (Led by Dictator Darth Matter and resides with Mation National Fleet)
*Sith Assasin Squad 3 (Led by Sith Lord Bane and resides with Empire Protectorate Starfleet)
*Sith Assasin Squad 4 (Led by Sith Lord Marcus Periera and resides with Retaliation Fleet)
*Sith Assasin Squad 5 (Led by Sith Lord Bror Jace and resides with Viper Fleet)
*Sith Assasin Squad 6 (Led by Sith Lord Nejaa Halcyon and resides with Obliteration Fleet)
*Sith Assasin Squad 7 (Led by Sith Lord Leon Fortunato and resides with Avenger Fleet)
**All Assasins :
-Weapons : Red Bladed Lightsabers/Electrostaffs/Light Whip , 2 DC-15s Blaster Pistols/1 Fletchette Gun , 4 Concussion Grenades , 2 Flash Detonators , 1 Det Pack
-Training : Form III Lightsaber Combat , Sabotage Work , Assasinations
-Force Abilities : Telekinesis , Force Push/Pull , Force Leap/Jump , Telepathy , Burst of Speed , Force Sense , Force Seeing and Farsight , Precognition , Saber Throw , Energy Resistance , Cure/Heal , Affect Mind (Persuation) , Force Stealth , Hibernation Trance , Dissipate Energy (or Absorb) , Blinding , Force Choke , Force Combustion , Sith Lightning
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-----------------------------------------------------Misc Ships :

1)Enjoyer Class Super Holiday Craft
Designer and Maker : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 600 Metres
Crew : 2,000 Crew/Servants
Passengers (troops) : 200 Elite Black Guards , 500 Black Guards , 1,000 Clone Commandoes
Passengers (Others) : Up to 2,000 Other passengers
Commodities : 5 Star Round the Clock Chefs , 2 Olympic Size Pools , 4 Baskateball Courts , 4 Tennis Courts , 4 Badminton Courts , 1 Soccer Field , 2 Artifical Snow Rooms - Skiing , 4 Theathres (up to 200 people each) , 10 Shooting Ranges , 20 Bowling Lanes , 1 Cassino
Weapons : 2 Turbolaser Batteries , 2 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 10 Truncheon Torpedo Tubes
Hull : Quantum Crystalline Hull , Titanium Crystalline Hull
Shield : High Density Regenerative Shield
Info : Used by the dictator for non-military trips , recreation and for hosting guests . It is usually escorted by 2 Enslaver Class Super Star Destroyers , 6 Imperial Star Destroyers and 4 Mon Calamari Cruisers

2)Enjoyer Class Holiday Craft
Designer and Maker : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 400 Metres
Crew : 1,500 Crew/Servants
Pessengers (troops) : 200 Black Guards , 150 Clone Commandoes , 300 Vanguard Troops
Passengers (others) : Up to 1,000 other passengers
Commodities : 5 Star Round the Clock Chefs , 1 Olympic Size Pool , 2 Baskateball Courts , 2 Tennis Courts , 2 Badminton Courts , 1 Soccer Field , 1 Artifical Snow Room , 2 Theathres (Up to 100 people each) , 5 shooting ranges , 1 Cassino
Weapons : 2 Turbolaser Batteries , 2 truncheon torpedo tubes , 4 Concussion Missile Tubes
Hull : Titanium Crystalline Armour
Shield : High Density Regenerative Shield
Info : Used by the high ranking military officers (grand admirals above) or high ranking government officials (Advisers above) for recreational purposes or hosting guests . It is escorted by 5 Imperial Star Destroyers , 2 Interdictor Cruisers and 2 Mon Calamari Cruisers
Nova Boozia
21-04-2006, 19:29
I think you should take me off the diplomatic ties list, since, thanks to the ever tactful Captain Menkeln and the incidents of the Animarnia war, my nations policy on yours is "Kill. Maim. Burn. More beer." Additinally, just having a diplomatic tie doesn't meen an automatic embassy, thats the next step on the road to alliance.
The Solarin League
21-04-2006, 20:25
So, umm... You make these ships from cardboard? Right? Cause if not there's some serious number-wankery happening here. US is a monster, and he has exactly TWO Eclipses, and one DS.
Nova Boozia
22-04-2006, 14:42
I just noticed the phrase "Gravitational shield wedges". Meihm will not like this, not one little bit... oh, and I agree with Solarin. How can you have twice as much as Palpies empire when your smaller the me!
23-04-2006, 09:28
If you'd look around , you'd find that there WAS a nation called Mationland which joined earlier than NB and that was I . However I was kicked for some reason and I rejoined .
Nova Boozia
23-04-2006, 11:14
But Mationbuds is still smaller. And I think I might know why you were kicked out. I'm still calculating, but under the "droids are people too!" rule, you probably have at least 25% of your people in the military. Not logictically possible.