NationStates Jolt Archive

MSC Inter-race employment drive (Character-based, FT, open)

29-03-2006, 17:54
OOC: My basic idea for this RP, is that your Characters respond to the IC advertisment. You can give them any history you like, and quality of their piloting (Although I don't everyone to have OMG uber-pilots). You can also decide how obediant they are.

In this RP you will find out whether your character successfully joins the MSC (Mole Space Corps) as a starfighter pilot. If they do, please state whether I'll be allowed to use there names, history's etc in future RP's thank you

IC: (Transmitted across the universe)

'Hey you!

Yeah you!

Are you stuck in a dead-end job?

Wages to low?

Under appreciated?

Hate your 'Demogractically' elected Government?

Not a communist?

If you answered YES to these questions then a Career in the Mole Space Corps may be for you!

If you join you will get

- Free training
- A chance to serve in an universally respected space Navy
- The chance to serve the great King Mole
- A oppotunity to see the Galaxy
- The privilege of flying the highest quality starfighters
- The chance to destroy bad guys.

and many more.


Then travel to these co-ordinaters (Inserted here)
29-03-2006, 18:22
29-03-2006, 19:26
29-03-2006, 20:00
Nobody interested?

29-03-2006, 22:11
I'll take the silence as a no then...

29-03-2006, 22:16
The idea is a good one. I have quite enough on my plate already, otherwise I would have taken part - and I'm not even a FT nation! It's a real shame and quite of a surprise if there aren't anyone willing to join. If I was you, I'd keep bumping for once and a while...
29-03-2006, 22:26
OOC: Taggage. Busy now (just stopped in to pick up a CD player), but will join in the fun later tonight or so.
30-03-2006, 08:56

Thanks for the interest you two
30-03-2006, 10:07
30-03-2006, 11:36
30-03-2006, 18:00
*Beats thread with stick*

Attractposters damn it!

stupid thread <_<
30-03-2006, 18:13
A small pod, some three times longer than a person and five times larger in circumference, flickered into being near the co-ordinates that had been sent by the Mole Space Corps. It then began transmitting a looping message.

This is Norman Vaux, requesting pick-up and towing. I wish to apply for the admission to the Mole Space Corps.

ooc: For the record this character is comming from a puppet.
30-03-2006, 18:22
OOC: gotcha ;)

IC: The pod arrived very close to a large space platform. It transmitted the following message

'Confirmed. Stand by for tractor beam'

The tractor beam attivated, pulling the pod towards one of the landing bays on the platform. As it landed a group of troops and an officer waited for the pod to open...
30-03-2006, 18:29
Five minutes after the pod had been brought into the bay, it seemed to crack down the side before the top half swung open with a massive billow of fog.

As the fog cleared, the soldiers could see an exceptionally attractive burnette, in an advanced state of dress, or rather undress as there was not a stitch of fabric on her. In a groggy voice, that still stirred mens souls as well as other parts, she asked, "Am I hear yet?"
30-03-2006, 18:33
OOC: Fortunately we are moles and are not human. Read about what we are in my factbook (linky in sig)

IC: The officer was surpirsed to say the least that the prospective pilot was not wearing any clothing, but he remained professional. After all, who was he to judge peoples from another world?

'Greeting's to training platform X-33. Would you like to follow me please?'
30-03-2006, 18:39
Standing up, she was clothed in smoke alone. As she took a step forward, she stumbled and fell on her rump. Trying to walk around after a time spent in cryo wasn't the best idea all told.

ooc: Have sigs off.
30-03-2006, 18:42
OOC: ok, sorry

IC:The officer was just about able to resist the temptation to laugh. He signalled to two of the troops near him to help the lady to her feet.

'Do you need to be carried until the affects of your journey here pass?'
30-03-2006, 18:47
"No, I'm good." She replied as she got to her feet, this time keeping her balance. "Lead on my diminuative hosts."
30-03-2006, 18:55
The officer nodded

'This way'

The officer walked forward and opened the door that exited the landing bay and headed down a corridor

OOC: I'll assume you follow me ;)

IC: As the officer led, the troops followed close behind him and their guest. (Your character's name) noticed that the troops all looked exactly the same, and so did some of the other troops that were generally patrolling the corridors, and completely ignored the vistor.

However, others looked in the mixture of amusement and curiousity.

After walking for a good few minutes, the officer stopped and pointed to a door

'Go through and get er...'changed' into a uniform that fits you.'

OOC: You'll find a uniform that fits in there. They are brown with the moleland flag on them
30-03-2006, 20:06
"Alright." She replied, "So what's your name?"

She asked the question before heading into the changing room. Norman wondered what was up with the seeming twinness of those who'd followed and guided her.
30-03-2006, 20:10
'My name is withheld until i am promoted. I am merely known as Officer 1235894357.'
30-03-2006, 20:16
a battered one man ship which looked like a small globe with a pair of mini warp nacelles on the back of them approached the co-ordinates.

On board was a Kirisuban. A young man formerly of the defence forces who had gone freelance after his period of service.

"i'm here about the job" he says after opening a channel "Ichiro Yoshinaka's my name, call sign Ronin"
30-03-2006, 20:21
a battered one man ship which looked like a small globe with a pair of mini warp nacelles on the back of them approached the co-ordinates.

On board was a Kirisuban. A young man formerly of the defence forces who had gone freelance after his period of service.

"i'm here about the job" he says after opening a channel "Ichiro Yoshinaka's my name, call sign Ronin"

'Confirmed. Please wait as we tractor beam you in'

Again,the tractor beam activated and pulled the ship in.

When it had safely landed, an officer and two troops waited outside for the latest pilot elect to leave his vessel.
30-03-2006, 20:29
"Fair enought." She replied as she exited the change room, "So how do I look?"
30-03-2006, 20:32
The young Kirisuban opened the hatch to the cramped vessel he called home and climbed out.

The human was of slight build with olive skin, short black hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a dark green all in one flight suit and had a large plasma pistol in a holster on his left hand side. he was short as well. only 5'5".

"Ichiro Yoshinaka at your service formally of the New Kirisubo defence force" he says as he bows.
30-03-2006, 20:46
"Fair enought." She replied as she exited the change room, "So how do I look?"

'Perfect. Now miss, would you follow meto the interview room.'
30-03-2006, 20:48
The young Kirisuban opened the hatch to the cramped vessel he called home and climbed out.

The human was of slight build with olive skin, short black hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a dark green all in one flight suit and had a large plasma pistol in a holster on his left hand side. he was short as well. only 5'5".

"Ichiro Yoshinaka at your service formally of the New Kirisubo defence force" he says as he bows.

'Welcome Sir to Platform X-34. Would please follow me?'

He turned and troops gestured to Ichiro to follow.
30-03-2006, 20:59
Ichiro follows his escorts to where they were leading him.
30-03-2006, 21:02
After walking for several minutes, past the troops which all looked strangely similar, and the other officers and station staff they came to the room.

'You will find a uniform that fits you in here. Please put it on.'
30-03-2006, 21:16
Ichiro considers his new employers as he walks to the changing area. He takes off the holster with his pistol in it and gets changed into the brown uniform.

His first thought was that some of them were clones but he didn't care as he buckles his holster back onto his left side.

A few minutes later he departs the changing room.
30-03-2006, 21:19
As he stepped out the officer noticed his weapon.

'Excuse me, but you cannot carry your weapon with you any further. Please hand it over.It shall be returned to you at a different date.'
30-03-2006, 21:22
"no problem Sir" Ichiro replies "i've nothing to fear here"

He hands over the long barrelled plasma pistol to the mole which is almost as tall as he is.
30-03-2006, 21:26
OOC: to keep this RP moving, Kirisubo has arrived first.

IC: 'Thank you. Now please follow me again.'

The led Ichiro through the platform once more until they reach a room.

'Ok, please enter here.'
30-03-2006, 21:28
Ichiro enters the room and looks round. seeing some chairs he sits on one of them and waits..
30-03-2006, 21:31
Shortly afterwards, a different officer walks, takes a seat opposite to Ichiro and looks at him in silence for a good 10 seconds, although hsi stare makes it seem longer than that.

'What is your name, pilot?'
30-03-2006, 21:35
Ichiro says confidently "Ichiro Yoshinaka, sir."
30-03-2006, 21:53
After clipping the hanger on his entrance, dave the young dannerian fell out of his delapidated nova class starship.

"erm i've come about the job, i got my dannerian pilots licence last month and like the idea of becoming a proper pilot. Where do i sign?"
30-03-2006, 22:19
'Perfect. Now miss, would you follow meto the interview room.'
"Lead on." She replied, "So what does is the interview composed of?"
31-03-2006, 12:44
Ichiro says confidently "Ichiro Yoshinaka, sir."

'Well, Ichiro, why do you wish to join the MSC?'
31-03-2006, 12:47
After clipping the hanger on his entrance, dave the young dannerian fell out of his delapidated nova class starship.

"erm i've come about the job, i got my dannerian pilots licence last month and like the idea of becoming a proper pilot. Where do i sign?"

The waiting officer was looking slightly concerned as the ship clipped off the landing bay entrance.

'Nowhere, as yet. Now sir, would you like to follow me?'
31-03-2006, 12:49
"Lead on." She replied, "So what does is the interview composed of?"

'Just a few questions, nothing serious. You won't be rejected on the basis of the interview. it's just for your trainer to build a pciture of who you are.'

As they approached the room two troops approached. One of them spoke

'Sir, an interview is currently in progress.'

'Hmm... Well then miss, would you like to wait in here?'

The officer pointed to a room across the corridor.
31-03-2006, 18:19
Ichiro replies "i've always liked change and adventure and I feel that that I can find these things in the MSC. I'm also sure that there will be new challenges here as well"
31-03-2006, 18:22
Ichiro replies "i've always liked change and adventure and I feel that that I can find these things in the MSC. I'm also sure that there will be new challenges here as well"

'Interesting... Do you have any experience in piloting starfighters?'
31-03-2006, 18:39
"I piloted atmospheric jet planes while in the Kirisuban Defence Force which would be similar to starfighters. I've also flown shuttles off all sizes and even had the helm station on a system defence ship" Ichiro replies
31-03-2006, 18:42
'Uh-huh. How long do you intend to stay in our ranks?'
31-03-2006, 18:57
"i'm looking at this as a long term opportunity, maybe 2-3 years for starters. Military work is always more secure than freelancing" Ichiro replies
31-03-2006, 19:10
"i'm looking at this as a long term opportunity, maybe 2-3 years for starters. Military work is always more secure than freelancing" Ichiro replies

'How rude of me, I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Commander Tarrick, and I shall be your training officer. Are you ready to commence your training?'
31-03-2006, 19:17
"i'm certainly ready for the training Commander Tarrick" Ichiro answers and asks "sir, which craft will I be training on first?"
31-03-2006, 19:21
'Technically you won't be flying just yet. Youy'll have to prove yourslef in the sim. However, the craft you willl be piloting is the old, outdated Average fighter. This is because it's simple design means you can practice some of the easy controls.

Your first sim will start when your ready, and I shall guide you through the basic controls of a Mole Starfighter. Are you ready?'
31-03-2006, 22:42
Ichiro nods and says "i'm ready for the first lesson"
31-03-2006, 23:59
"That'd be fine." She replied as she took a seat in the indicated room.
01-04-2006, 09:45
Ichiro nods and says "i'm ready for the first lesson"

'Excellant. Would you like to follow me this way then please?'
01-04-2006, 09:47
"That'd be fine." She replied as she took a seat in the indicated room.

As she sat, she could see out fo one of the viewing windows of starfighters flying regular patrol patterns. After a few minutes, the officer returned.

'Ok, we are ready for you now.'
01-04-2006, 09:49
Ichiro follows Commander Tarrick..
01-04-2006, 09:53
After walking for a short distance, they came to a seat with a large helmet with several wires going into it.

'Ok, when you are ready take your seat and we can start the simulation. Take this chance to ask any questions you wish.'

OOC: You cans ask Tarrick Questions like What craft you will be flying, What's the objective of the mission, what opposition will I be facing etc.
01-04-2006, 10:08
Ichiro pops on the helmet and asks "Sir, whats todays mission going to be, the expected level of opposition, what craft and weapons will i have and what level of G's can I expect from it"
01-04-2006, 10:17
'Well, normally I'd give you a mission briefing, but this is merely a warm up mission.I will simply guide you through the basic starfighter controls. Although their will be enemy fighters, they will not be able to attack you as freindly fighters will destroy them. The craft you will be flying is an average fighter designated Gamma 1. You will have no wingman. Your craft is armed with the normal 2 laser cannons. Right, off you go'

Saying that he clicked a switch, and there was a sharp pain in Ichiro's head for a brief moment before he found himself in the cockpit of which he assumed was an average fighters. Looking outside of the cockpit, it appears to be a platform. In front of him was a flight stick with a trigger on it. in front of that were several buttons and monitors that looked horribly confusing at first.
01-04-2006, 21:01
As she sat, she could see out fo one of the viewing windows of starfighters flying regular patrol patterns. After a few minutes, the officer returned.

'Ok, we are ready for you now.'
She nodded and followed the person to the question room.
01-04-2006, 21:03
Ichiro was able to figure out some controls himself but had to ask what the rest of the buttons and monitors were for.
02-04-2006, 10:16
She nodded and followed the person to the question room.

The officer indicated for her to take a seat before he took a seat opposite to her.

'First of all, what is your name?'
02-04-2006, 10:23
Ichiro was able to figure out some controls himself but had to ask what the rest of the buttons and monitors were for.

Suddenly, Tarrick's voice blasted across the radio system.

'Gamma 1, don't touch anything until told to!'

A few seconds later, the commentary continued.

'First of all you shall be taught the engine controls.'

As he spoke, several buttons on the right side of the cockpit lit up.

'First of all, this button set's the engine to full power...'

One of the buttons began to flash

'this one set's the engines to 2/3 power...'

The next furthest button began to flash

'This one to 1/3 power...'

Then the next one.

'And this one the no power.'

The remaining on lit up

Then the two buttons below, one with a '-'on it and the other a '+' lit up

'These buttons will decrease and increase your speed by 3% respectively. Ok Gamma 1, using the flight stick to direct your flight, experiment with these controls now.'
02-04-2006, 13:12
"ok sir" Ichiro responds through the radio in his helmet, hit 1/3 power and banked right while he got used to the controls.

He also did an ascent and a dive on the same power setting before increasing power and repeating the same moves.
02-04-2006, 16:05
"My name's Norman Vaux." She replied
02-04-2006, 17:11
"ok sir" Ichiro responds through the radio in his helmet, hit 1/3 power and banked right while he got used to the controls.

He also did an ascent and a dive on the same power setting before increasing power and repeating the same moves.

As Ichiro carried out his experimentation, Tarrick continued explaining the cockpit.

'You see there's a monitor in the right hand corner of the Cockpit? It depicts a crude filled image of your craft. At the moment, it is green indicated no hull damage. However, as you take damage it will go from yellow to red...

Of course, other craft will have Sheild systems, and these are depicted by semi-cycles.'

'There are two circles in the top of the cockpit. these are your sensor outputs. The one in the top right show targets behind you. The targets are coloured to show you who they belong to. Red indicates Mole craft. and the others will become obvious as a mission progress.

Obviously, the output on the left indicates targets in front of you.'

'Now onto the final monitor, which is the big one directly in front of you.This is the targeting computer, and probably your most important monitor of all. Now, you will learn how to use your sensor's and targetting computer together to find a target. At the moment, the only target is the platform you took off from. To target it press this button or the 'Select next target button'...'

A button near the targetting computer lit up.

'This is does not discriminate against frinedly or hostile craft. As you can see, the Platform is now roughly 2 1/2 kilometres away. The targetting computer is also telling you it's sheilds and hull are at 100%, indicated no damage. You can also see its sytems are opperating at 100%.'

'Now, look at your sensors. The platform is now highlighted on your sensor's by a big white square. Steer your craft towards it now.'
02-04-2006, 17:21
"My name's Norman Vaux." She replied

'I see, and why do you wish to join the Mole space corps?'
02-04-2006, 17:24
"Because it's there to join." She replied with a smile. Her philosophy was best summed up as this 'Why did you climb the mountain ... Because it was there'.
02-04-2006, 17:42
Ichiro steers the fighter towards the square keeping his speed constant.
02-04-2006, 19:01
"Because it's there to join." She replied with a smile. Her philosophy was best summed up as this 'Why did you climb the mountain ... Because it was there'.

'And may I ask, do you have any flying experience?'
02-04-2006, 19:05
Ichiro steers the fighter towards the square keeping his speed constant.

Just as the sensors told him, the platform loomed in front of him, and the distance reading began to get rapidly smaller.

'Ok Gamma 1. Let's see if you can track a moving target'

A small section of the targetting computer let up with the following message

Sensors detect 3 new Mega Fighters at 1km

'Target Alpha 3 using this button..'

A button lit up

'... or the 'Target newest craft'. As you can see, it is friendly and undamaged. See if you can use your sensors to track it.'
02-04-2006, 19:19
Ichiro hits the buttons to aquire the target and boosts the power to close quicker.

he closes to 500 metres and stays alert as checking the scanners as well as looking around him.

While the friendly fighter changes course slightly he maintains the tracking lock but relying mostly on what he can see for himself.
02-04-2006, 19:24
'Not bad Gamma 1

Sensors detect 1 New mega fighter at 4 km

'Gamma 1, a hostile fighter has enter the system! Target using the 'Target nearest enemy button' which highlighted now. See if you can track this target.'

As Tarrrick was speaking, the 3 fighters Ichiro was tailing, sped up and prepared for an attack run on the new fighter.
02-04-2006, 19:36
'And may I ask, do you have any flying experience?'
"Depends on what kind of flying experience you're looking for. Have I piloted a vessel, yes, the fighters you field, likely not." Norman replied
02-04-2006, 19:37
Ichiro hits the buttons which increase power and matches the speed of the the rest of the fighter wing.

He slots in neatly behind them and targets the enemy fighter knowing its not yet in gun range.

He could be patient and waited in his spot in the formation.
02-04-2006, 19:38
"Depends on what kind of flying experience you're looking for. Have I piloted a vessel, yes, the fighters you field, likely not." Norman replied

'One more thing. How long do you intend to be a pilot for?'
02-04-2006, 19:43
Ichiro hits the buttons which increase power and matches the speed of the the rest of the fighter wing.

He slots in neatly behind them and targets the enemy fighter knowing its not yet in gun range.

He could be patient and waited in his spot in the formation.

As the mega fighters drew within 2 1/2 kilometres they each lauched a concussion missile at the new fighter, and it was completely outgunned

'Watch as it's sheild and hull rapidly deplete until...'

Mega fighter blue 1 has been destroyed

'Ultimately it is destroyed.'

Sensors detect 1 new mega fighter at 5km

'Gamma 1, this new fighter is targetting you! Target it using this button'

A button lights up

'This is 'Target nearest attacking threat'. This will never bring up Capital ships. I advise you to drop off and let Mega fighter Alpha deal with the danger.'
02-04-2006, 19:51
Now Ichiro knew how to shoot and target he dived out of the formation and evaded the enemy for now.

While the enemy tried to locate him again Ichiro switches to lasers, aquires the target and fires 2 short bursts at it from behind.
02-04-2006, 19:57
The mega fighter with amazing agility compared to Ichiro suddenly swung round and was directly behind Ichiro. however, 3 missiles form Alpha Flight groups wung in and destroyed it

Mega fighter blue 2 has been destroyed

'Gamma 1, you may fly home now. Set a course for the platform and we'll soon tractor you in.'
02-04-2006, 20:01
"will do sir" Ichiro replies and follows the other fighters home to the platform.

The simulator impressed him. Even his own people couldn't manage one that seemed so real. He could even feel the G-forces as he made the twists and turns.
02-04-2006, 20:05
"will do sir" Ichiro replies and follows the other fighters home to the platform.

The simulator impressed him. Even his own people couldn't manage one that seemed so real. He could even feel the G-forces as he made the twists and turns.

Sensors detect 1 new Mega Fighter at 3km

'Gamma 1! The new fighter is about to attack the platform! Target it by first targetting the platform, then pushing the highlighted button. This is the 'Target nearest threat' button.'
02-04-2006, 20:09
Ichiro follows his instructions pressing one button and then another. he powers the engines to maximum speed and closes quickly.

Still having his lasers selected he's able to blast away at the enemy firing 3 short controlled blasts.
02-04-2006, 20:09
'One more thing. How long do you intend to be a pilot for?'
"Couple years, maybe more, maybe less." She replied
02-04-2006, 20:11
"Couple years, maybe more, maybe less." She replied

'Ok. Just one more thing. You do realise that you maybe the only female pilot in the MSC, right?'
02-04-2006, 20:21
"Enh, not really a problem." She replied with a shrug.
02-04-2006, 20:23
"Enh, not really a problem." She replied with a shrug.

'Excellant. Are you ready to start training'
02-04-2006, 20:33
"Yes." She replied
02-04-2006, 20:37
'Excellant, right this way then please'

The officer led her towards the simulation deck. As they arrived they found an officer waiting for them.

'Sorry, but this simulation room is in use. You'll have to wait a bit.'
02-04-2006, 20:41
Ichiro keeps tracking the enemy fghter sending more laser blasts into it.

Looking at his scanner he can see the shields weakening and fires another blast of laser fire to finish it off.
02-04-2006, 20:44
Ichiro keeps tracking the enemy fghter sending more laser blasts into it.

Looking at his scanner he can see the shields weakening and fires a missile to finish it off.

OOC: You don't have any missiles ;)

IC: The 3 mega fighters joined in the attack and the remaining mega fighter was overwhelmed
02-04-2006, 20:46
Ichiro keeps tracking the enemy fghter sending more laser blasts into it.

Looking at his scanner he can see the shields weakening and fires a missile to finish it off.

OOC: You don't have any missiles ;)

IC: The 3 mega fighters joined in the attack and the remaining mega fighter was overwhelmed.

Mega fighter blue 3 has been destroyed
Primary mission complete

'Well done Gamma 1. You've now learned the basic controls of a Mole fighter. Return to base now.'
02-04-2006, 20:47
'Excellant, right this way then please'

The officer led her towards the simulation deck. As they arrived they found an officer waiting for them.

'Sorry, but this simulation room is in use. You'll have to wait a bit.'
"There's only one simu room?" She asked as she took a seat to wait for whoever was inside to finish.
02-04-2006, 20:53
"There's only one simu room?" She asked as she took a seat to wait for whoever was inside to finish.

'No, but Commander Tarrick likes to meet his recruits before he starts training them.'
02-04-2006, 20:55
"Fair enoguh." She replied as she cracked her neck.
02-04-2006, 21:06
"will do sir" Ichiro replies and returns his simulated fighter to the base.

he lands the craft and brings its to a stop.
02-04-2006, 21:07
"Fair enoguh." She replied as she cracked her neck.

OOC: You have a choice. You can RP out the first training mission, or you could just read through what i did with Kirisubo and pretend you did it as well?
02-04-2006, 21:09
ooc: Either one(but if you want to move it along the second option would be best)
02-04-2006, 21:09
"will do sir" Ichiro replies and returns his simulated fighter to the base.

he lands the craft and brings its to a stop.

Suddenly everything blacked out, and the helmet was clicked back and he was back on the station.

'So how was it?' asked Tarrick

OOC: You can ask tarrick about what you achieved if you want and what you can improve upon.
02-04-2006, 21:13
ooc: Either one(but if you want to move it along the second option would be best)

OOC: Ok then. skipping ahead it is.
02-04-2006, 21:17
Ichiro smiled and said "I've never been on a simulator like that before and that was some fighter. I missed not having missiles but I was always good with guns.

I think I got lucky the first time when they reversed the move on me but thats what your wingmen are for"
02-04-2006, 21:20
After she'd goe throught the sim, she got out of the machine and asked the instructor, "What's next?"
02-04-2006, 21:22
Ichiro smiled and said "I've never been on a simulator like that before and that was some fighter. I missed not having missiles but I was always good with guns.

I think I got lucky the first time when they reversed the move on me but thats what your wingmen are for"

'Indeed, especially when that mission wasn't meant to be a combat training mission. Now, you must take a break. I believe an officer is waiting outside for you. Go and grab something to eat and restfor a bit.'
02-04-2006, 21:26
"thank you Commander" Ichiro replies and leaves the simulator room.

He asks a crewman where the mess hall is and heads there not quite sure what the cusine will be like.
02-04-2006, 21:28
After she'd goe throught the sim, she got out of the machine and asked the instructor, "What's next?"

OOC: Ah! I wasn't ready yet :p

IC: Commander Tarrick was equally impressed with this new pilot. For a woman, her potention was excellant.

'You need a break. i'm sure an officer will find you somewhere to rest and eat.'
02-04-2006, 21:31
"thank you Commander" Ichiro replies and leaves the simulator room.

He asks a crewman where the mess hall is and heads there not quite sure what the cusine will be like.

The mess hall was empty at this moment. In the croner was a machin labelled 'Food generator'. There were no obvious buttons on it.
02-04-2006, 21:35
Ichiro went over the machine and spoke into thinking it was a replicator.

"can I have a cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich please" he asked the machine.
02-04-2006, 21:38
''Cup of coffee' is not in my data base. Would you like to add it?' The machine replied.
02-04-2006, 21:42
"i would like to add it" Ichiro replies "if its not too complicated. what drinks are you programmed for that are suitable for a human"
02-04-2006, 21:46
"i would like to add it" Ichiro replies "if its not too complicated. what drinks are you programmed for that are suitable for a human"

'The porcess is simple'

as it spoke, a crown like object extented from the machine.

'Put your head into the thought loop and think of the product you wish to add.Think of it's textures, taste and temperarture.'
02-04-2006, 22:01
Ichiro put his head into the crown and imagined the best cappachino coffee he'd ever had hoping this would be enough detail for the replicator.
02-04-2006, 22:31
OOC: Ah! I wasn't ready yet :p

IC: Commander Tarrick was equally impressed with this new pilot. For a woman, her potention was excellant.

'You need a break. i'm sure an officer will find you somewhere to rest and eat.'
"I guess I do, lead on." Norman replied
03-04-2006, 10:29
Ichiro put his head into the crown and imagined the best cappachino coffee he'd ever had hoping this would be enough detail for the replicator.

There was a slight burning sensation in his head for a few seconds, before the loop was retracted.

Suddenly, a bright flash appeared inside the food generator. A door opened, and a cup of coffee and cheese sandwich was laying inside

'Enjoy your meal'
03-04-2006, 10:31
"I guess I do, lead on." Norman replied

The officer led on,until they reached the mess hall. It was empty, except for one man standing by a machine.

'The food generator will provide you with anything you need.'

OOC: If you wish, the two of you can have a conversation.
03-04-2006, 12:10
(OOC: I'm expressing interest. I've not the time to post tonight, but I'll post tomorrow.)
03-04-2006, 14:18
"Thank you." She replied as she head over to the food machine. "So how does the machine work?"
03-04-2006, 14:24
(OOC: I'm expressing interest. I've not the time to post tonight, but I'll post tomorrow.)

OOC: ok, gotcha
03-04-2006, 14:27
"Thank you." She replied as she head over to the food machine. "So how does the machine work?"

'Simply ask it for whatever you want.' Saiod the officer before he left the room.
03-04-2006, 20:45
the crown retracts and Ichiro smiles when he sees the woman approaching.

"I've just programmed Cappachino coffee into this" he says "and it wasn't hard.

My name is Ichiro Yoshinaka from New Kirisubo"

he picks up the tray containing the cheese sandwich and the mug of coffee so the replicator is free again.
03-04-2006, 21:20
The waiting officer was looking slightly concerned as the ship clipped off the landing bay entrance.

'Nowhere, as yet. Now sir, would you like to follow me?'

Dave looked back at the rather large dent in the hanger and wondered if he would have to pay for the repairs. He also wondered if he should have packed a change of clothes

"erm.... yeah i guess. Will we get our own uniforms and stuff like that? Or will we have to pass first?"
03-04-2006, 22:36
Norman looked at the machine and asked if it could make a steak sandwiche, medium rare, smothered in chedder cheese and dark chocolate.
04-04-2006, 08:27
Dave looked back at the rather large dent in the hanger and wondered if he would have to pay for the repairs. He also wondered if he should have packed a change of clothes

"erm.... yeah i guess. Will we get our own uniforms and stuff like that? Or will we have to pass first?"

'Don't worry, uniforms will be provided. This way please.'

The officer guided Dave through a serious of corridors, coming across officers, station staff and general patrols until they came to a room.

'You should find a uniform that fits you in here.'
04-04-2006, 08:29
Norman looked at the machine and asked if it could make a steak sandwiche, medium rare, smothered in chedder cheese and dark chocolate.

Their was a birght flash as the new meal was generatorated/

'Enjoy your meal'
04-04-2006, 08:42
Name - Raison Hiraas
Gender - Male
Age - 25
Type - Cybernetic Human
Species - Artifex Persapiens
Distinguishing Features - Has weave of silicon imprints on the right side of his face, as do all from Hakurabi.
Background - Hiraas grew up on Upsilon Andromedae, and joined a military academy for his secondary stage education. However, upon learning that starfighters were not used in the naval forces, left in disgust. Brash and somewhat impulsive, he seeks recruitment as a starfighter pilot as a source of glory, though he never admits it. In all fairness he is a reasonably talented pilot, though the truly exceptional ones are recruited by the military.

I'll be skipping beyond the first test.

IC: Hiraas stepped behind Vaux and greeted them. "Name's Raison, one of your fellow recruits. How'd your simulator trials go? The commander was wide eyed when I came out."

It totally failed to dawn on him that his method of dealing with the megafighter (Firing back using inertia to move) was... unique, to say the least.
04-04-2006, 17:18
Norman had picked up the dripping steak sandwich and taken a large, messy bite when someone 'snuck' up on her and introduced himself. With a bit of juice and sandwich run-off dripping down her chin, she turned and shrugged as she stepped aside so he could get food or drink.
05-04-2006, 07:33
"my mother always said it was bad manners to talk with your mouth full anyway" Ichiro replies to the woman and waits while she gets a drink.

"I wonder where everyone else is" he muses as he drinks some of his coffee
05-04-2006, 09:09
"..." commented Hiraas. How he did this nobody would ever know, but it happened. After puzzling over just how he managed it for a moment, he stepped forward and read the instructions. After rattling off something totally incomprehensible, he donned the crown.

Unfortunately, something interfered with his cybernetic brain and he let out a grunt of pain before falling to the ground and twitched a few times as his mind repaired itself.

He would have to take a time-out, but would be perfectly fine for the next trial.
05-04-2006, 10:10
Suddenly, the door opened and Commander Tarrick entered

'Greetings recruits. How you feeling about training so far?'
05-04-2006, 10:19
Hiraas twitched.
05-04-2006, 10:26
a young sephrion heard the message marcus said im going he suited up in his flight suit his tie inteceptor was launched and headed to the coords
05-04-2006, 14:18
"Fine for now." She replied as she swollowed the last bit of the sandwich.
05-04-2006, 19:14
"Everythings fine sir" Ichiro answers "I've had my first decent coffee in years"

He takes a bite of his sandwich and finds a seat to sit on.
06-04-2006, 10:09
'Excellant. you ready to move on?'
06-04-2006, 18:55
Ichiro takes another bite out of his sandwich and drained his coffee.

"I'm ready now sir" he replies as he rises from the chair.
06-04-2006, 20:24
"Si." She replied
06-04-2006, 22:00
'Fantastic, when you ready, come to the simulation chamber.'

With that, Tarrick left the room.
06-04-2006, 22:06
Ichiro left his sandwich on the table and left the mess hall ready for his next test.
06-04-2006, 22:52
Norman got up and likewise headed down to the sim room.
07-04-2006, 09:27
OOC: If you choose to do the next sim together, it does mean we can't move forward until both of you have responded. That ok?
07-04-2006, 11:27
Heraas stood, shook himself and headed off to the simulation room.