NationStates Jolt Archive

National Incident

28-03-2006, 09:02
Two weeks back, a group of fanatical, violent, left-wingist youths attacked the headquarters of the opposing, ruling right-wing party. They shot eleven party officials dead.

The group was aprahanded and are now being trialed at the nation's Supreme Court. A large crowd appeared in the square of the Court, which quickly grew to a massive crowd of a dozen-thousand left-wing activists in the nearby streets - who fight law enforcers and loot small buisinesses.

The government has placed over thirty machine-guns on the roofs, and has deployed large military forces outside the city. But before the government orders to fire, they wish to hear the opinion of other nations....

More can be found at:
in the "In the News" section.
28-03-2006, 10:07
The Democratic Republic of Hamilay is saddened to hear of the situation in your nation. We advise the Republic of Rexxarae not to act too hastily, but if all non-lethal methods of disposing of these dissidents have failed, unfortunately we would have to advise you to open fire. Peaceful protest is one thing; rioting is another. Violence against law enforcement personnel and against innocent bystanders is not tolerated in Hamilay, and will be met with lethal force. If Rexxarae requires international assistance on this matter, we would be happy to send peacekeeping forces.
28-03-2006, 10:37
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds has heard of the situation faced in your nation and notes of its importance because you announced it to the NS Community and therefore we will volunteer to send a peacekeeping force of 100 Vanguard Troops , 100 Clone Troopers and 8 Hover Tanks in a Imperial Star Destroyer . The forces aboard the ISD can also render additional assistance if needed . Please respond as soon as possible ...
28-03-2006, 10:43
OOC: I think he's MT
28-03-2006, 12:10
We, His Majesty King Daniel III of Strobovia, can only agree with The Democratic Republic of Hamilay. We advice to get rid of these criminals.
28-03-2006, 13:13
Two things to do:

1st, shoot those who are moving against the government. If you let this spread, anything can happen, Play it safe and slaughter all of the traitors.

2nd, dismiss and destroy all unreliable political parties, in other words those who aren't on your side. Especially the right wing one. There is no need for such thing, "right wing" - The whole word is just a discuise in attempt to hide fascism and burghers - and it's understandable that many of your people are against it. This is no excuse for opposing the government though.

If you have difficulties to achieve these goals alone, Madnestian Securit Forces, the famous SEJEM, are ready to support.

Sincerely yours,

Warchief Tamujid, The Minister of Everything in
Heavily Armed Republic of Madnestan
28-03-2006, 13:41
Two things to do:

1st, shoot those who are moving against the government. If you let this spread, anything can happen, Play it safe and slaughter all of the traitors.

2nd, dismiss and destroy all unreliable political parties, in other words those who aren't on your side. Especially the right wing one. There is no need for such thing, "right wing" - The whole word is just a discuise in attempt to hide fascism and burghers - and it's understandable that many of your people are against it. This is no excuse for opposing the government though.

If you have difficulties to achieve these goals alone, Madnestian Securit Forces, the famous SEJEM, are ready to support.

Sincerely yours,

Warchief Tamujid, The Minister of Everything in
Heavily Armed Republic of Madnestan

The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds fully agrees with Madnestan on this issue and would once again like to remind that we would offer assistance if necessasary .