NationStates Jolt Archive

Blue Orc (PT)

27-03-2006, 19:44
A single torch wafted in the breeze as Goredash layed back against his Cave, there three present, his favorite General, Gritsnak the Linguist, his pet Grobble and a Noomian Raider by the name of Gozfar, Goredash coughed once more and the Grobble lept up to wipe off the blood which trickled down the Kings cheek.

The King looked around the room, he saw three potential hiers, Gritsnak was a great leader and a great diplomat, but he would have the Kingdom strech far beyond it's capabilities, the Grobble was barely a choice but in his delerium Goredash actually saw a thin piece of potential, the people would never go for a Grobble ruler, it would be foolish, lastly was Gozfar, he had proved to fight with ruthless efficiancy and gather resources far greatly then any Goblin raider, with his dying breath Goredash managed the final words "King...... Gozfar!"

Gritsnak leant inwards in time to hear the final words, he felt the Kings grip slip off, he rose and looked over at the Orc, the action was quick, subtle and violent, Gritsnak took his Pistol, turned to the Orc and let a bullet fly out through the eye of the watching Orc.

**** **** ****

- A Time Passes By -

"Lord King Gritsnak, your Supporters to the West report that the false lord Grotzk has fallen, his supporters now fly under your banner!" The messenger Goblin ran up to his lord before dissapearing off to report on other things, mainly the large scale battle taking place before his eyes.

Humans had found themselves caught up in this maelstrom, fighting on the side of King Graasha, they were, in Gritsnaks opinion, useless, this was the last line of protection before Gritsnak could take back the mighty city of Toophium which had fallen when he was blind.

A rock fell beside the King as he saw a catapult enter the playing field, a device which had long been antaquated by the Gritsian Trebuchet, which let lose a shot from long behind the lines, it flew across the field and smashed into the Catapult, a fantastic sight.

**** **** ****

"Sah, laytiz ripurt tellz us tha' wez gutz 300 men, an' 1000 Grobblez!" This was Noomi, a great place from which to launch an attack, and a great place for the rightful hier, Gozfar II, to take his place, he had heard how his father had been murdered by Gritsnak the betrayer, Grobbles don't have the intelectual capacity to lie.

Most of the Goblin Kings had scoffed at his claim, an Orc would never amount to Kingship, but so far he had trained his men to the point that they were worth almost as much as any King, escpecially Gritsnak who had managed to take almost a half of the former Kingdom.

Gozfar looked out at sea, on a good day you could see the coast of the cold land, but on this day a thick mist made sight only 20 foot at maximum, Gozfar looked at the raft moored on the coast, and then at the great boats lined up beside it, this war was a new war for the Toops, newer and greater technology, this war was Gozfars war!
27-03-2006, 20:14
The three dozen four-decked, large black ships sailed forward, having stopped three times previously during storms, and losing a full dozen of their fleet on their way over the Western Continent(North America). The ice had been hard on them, and even with the massive amount of slave rowards and gunpowder, used to blast away smaller portions of ice which they couldn't bypass, the moon for all of the soldiers was the same; desperation.

Their faith in their God, the Emperor Galf, was the only thing the thousands of soldiers aboard the ship had left. The huge winged demon on their sails, kept clean despite the dilapidated look of the ships themselves, was proof of this. They had stuck to the north, and the cartographers were growing board with endless ocean... Untill it finally appeared in the distance, it was fog.

"We have fog!!!" One of the sailors at one of the crow's nests shouted, waving a longspear in the air as cheers began to bellow through the air in the harsh Antanjylian language.


"Captain Daggoth. We're running straight forward towards fog. Aren't you worried that we might hit some rocks?" The captain's advisor said quietly as he walked into the large, dimly lit room. As he walked over to the bed, to the captain who was being nursed by a group of the ship's women, he slowly kneeled, "Perhaps we should send rowboats, or wait for the fog to lift?"

The captain was aboard one of the missing ships that had gone missing, and half of his face was now covered in bandages from the ordeal. They managed to retrieve him, as his shouts went on for hours untill they found the man clutching a dead slave. As he opened his blue eye at the man, a sudden chill filled the room.

"That is alright... The front ship... It is full of our slaves... a necessary loss..." He whispered hoarsely as one of the nurses brought forward a cup of stale gin, "They can swim... Besides, our rowboats are too badly damaged."

"A-aye captain. I shall inform the others."

"F-for the Emperor..." The man muttered...

"For Galf..." The advisored chimed back as he stood up and walked to inform the crew.

As the ship hit shore, smacking against the coastline a sudden horn blew, alerting the entire fleet that it had run aground and was stuck, but since there was only one, it meant that they'd hit an actual coastline... The Antanjylian Fleet had come ashore.
27-03-2006, 20:25
(OOC: I'm guessing you landed on the isle of Noomi, otherwise ignore this post)

There were very little Orcs on the East coast of Noomi, but those that had been stationed as such heard the almighty crash of wood on rock, almost immediately 20 Noomian archers stood on the cliff pointing down at the wreckage, waiting for the possible enemy to make the first move.
27-03-2006, 20:39
OOC: Essentially the Holy Knights look like this (, while the typical officers wear armor like this ( Due to the normal climate most Antanjylians have lighter features or are pale. We also carry women aboard our ships. IC:

There was a slight pause as the first ship crashed ashore, though it was slowly followed by the massive silhouette of two more, and behind that more were also making their way through the all-encompassing fog. The large, four-deck high ships were actually pushing themselves up against the beach, as they could afford to have the slaves push them off afterwards. Of the three dozen massive ships, only two dozen came ashore, as the rest sat anchored outside of the fog belt and at ready, their crude engines ready to fire at anything hostile.

It took a few moments for the first gangplanks to come crashing down onto the sandy(or rocky?) beach, as black armored Holy Knights in full armor, similiarly armored Dark Knights, and a throng of slaves dressed in common clothes followed behind them. The other ships did likewise, as a black wave of ominously armored men and a few women filled the beach. A moment later a rowboat came ashore with an older looking gentlemen, half of his face bandaged, yet he still wore Holy Armor from the waist down as he walked forward, saluted by all.

"...This looks like a nice spot."
27-03-2006, 20:40
King Clauro sat silently listening, peering into the fire as the noble spoke.
"Your majesty. I have come before you first, to obtain your permission, before beginning my mission."
Clauro remained silent, his face blank.
"I wish to offer my service to one side of the Toopian conflict, a conflict that we as Frozopians have remained excluded from. Till now."

Again King Clauro was silent.

"I will lead several other nobles with me: We hope to aid one side of the conflict while....."

At last the aging King spoke:
"Why do you lie to me Darrek?"

Darrek licked his lips. It seemed King Clauro had seen straight through his plan.
"Why- what do you mean your majesty?"

"Give up the pretense Darrek. You have always been jealous of William, and now you wish to make your own conquest. But you have always lacked the popularity among the lords, have you not? So instead you must take dishonourable and cunning means to gain your ends. For you could never gain the allies and nobles to yourself, at least not to the extent as William has."

Darrek turned away.
"I must do this! Glory will be brought to Frozopia! We will be expanding the empire! Let the Hanese know that we are more than their equal!"

"Foolish, foolish Darrek. Do you really think you will succeed?"

"I do, your majesty."

"Then let it be so. I permit you to go to the Toops. Do what you must do. But failure will mean death, Darrek."

"I....I know your majesty."

"Good. Now begone."

Roared the captain, cutting through Darrek's thoughts. Darrek lifted his own telescope to his eye: It was land, that was true. Mainland Toops.
27-03-2006, 20:43
With the booming voice coomon on all Orcs the leader shouted out down the cliff to the sandy beach, "Trezzparsaz, 'denttify yerselfz or we'll be shootin's!" The leader threatened, in this time of civil war one could not be too lax.
27-03-2006, 20:49
King Zargnatz controlled a small sliver of the Eastern coast, he knew he had the advantage in wealth but not in power, day by day he lost followers and men to other rival Kings, most to Graasha and Gritsnak, he had heard the faint rumblings of a Noomian rebellion but had so far failed to proove anything.

On this night he took a stroll across the tall cliffs just outside his lands, a Ship came to within sight, he immediatly recognised it, Frozopian, he had heard tales of these people from Gritsnak, "Quickly! Prepare the Warriors!" He beckoned over to the nearby garrison, if these Frozopians already had contact with Gritsnak then they very well could be working for the enemy King.
27-03-2006, 20:56
The armored men, women, and slaves alike looked up at the cliffs, some pulling forth preloaded crossbows before a shrill whistle filled the air, emanating from the captain. Daggoth slowly walked forward, raising a single hand as all weapons arced downward. Most of the Antanjylians didn't understand anything the orc had said, so obviously took it as a threat. In fact the voice seemed almost inhuman, which was the actual reason Daggoth had stopped them.

"Etz tilieth, Danour." Daggoth whispered to one of his translators, who was wracking his brain to figure out what was being said, "...Hmm... Tilieth Lazalea."

Finally, the young blonde haired man spoke up, recognising some of the words that were said by the orcs from his teachers from Eastern Europe, which is sounded vaguely like, "We come in peace! We are foreigners from the Holy Lands of the Far East! Our God has sent us here!"
27-03-2006, 21:03
"Thaz speekin' Toopish! Shall we killz 'em nar?" One of the Noomians asked, the leader shook his head, afterall the Noomi spoke in Toopish aswell, "Orllrite, wez beleef yoo, wesis in er war right 'is minit so'z yoo gonna stay or yooz gonna leef?" the Leader had the right to purchase mercanaries, and infact was asked to do encourage it, any men could be useful for the underdogged Orcy side.
27-03-2006, 21:05
After some whispers between the two men, the translater nodded and shouted back up at the cliffside, "We have no choice but to remain here! We are far from our home, but we are all soldiers! Perhaps we can come to some agreement if you tell us more of this war?!" The man waved a hand as all eyes from the Antanjylians rested on him, not sure what he was saying.
27-03-2006, 21:15
The Frozopians through the anchors overboard and began to descend into the small boats, so useful for landing quickly in difficult areas. Pushing through the rough waters, the strong Frozopians rowed with all their might, getting closer and closer to shore.

Later Darrek hoped to unload more important things such as horses and supplies, but Darrek hoped he could secure a docking area, through peaceful or non peaceful means as needs be.

And maybe a little bit of treachery.
27-03-2006, 21:31

(OOC: I'ma be using English now as it's way easier to type)

"We're fighting the rule of the Goblins who have had us as their whipping boys for many centuries, when our King Goredash died he passed the rule of the land onto Gozfar, when Gritsnak the Linguist heard of this he murdered Gozfar and claimed rulership for himself, of course Goblins crave power and many other Generals also claimed leadership, this civil war began and we became assets rather than people, so we took Blue Noomi (East Island) and now it is time for the Orc King to rule!"


"Small boats incoming!" A fellow crossbowman whispered to his neighbour, "Do we fire now?" He asked, the Crossbow leader was watching through the night and could see the waves part, he raised his hand as if to say "get ready" with a snap the hand was lowered and bolts began to flit through the night.
27-03-2006, 21:54
Darrek swore as the bow fire whipped around them. No peaceful landing for them it seemed (OOC: how many have you got firing?). Immediatly all the boats extinguished any torches they had lit, reducing the enemy visibilty, allowing the darkness to hide them untill they got closer.

100's of Longbowmen in the little boats reached for their boats and sent arrow after arrow in retaliation, using their memory to remember where the enemy had been positioned. Between the gaps of the longbowmen reloading, the Frozopians lifted their shields, blocking the enemy fire.

At the same time, Captain Trapens, watching the battle unfold, ordered his ships to turn and give a broadside of cannon fire at the shore where he reckoned the enemy to be. The other lords ships followed suit: Soon the ships were aiming ballistae, catapaults and cannons at the shore line......
27-03-2006, 22:06
(OOC: i'ma say 100, not too many in any case)

"Keep firing, aim for where you last saw them!" A few of the Goblins leapt out in pain as they were struck by the bows, "Prepare the Cliff men!" Seeing the possibility of an enemy landing it would be wise for the hand to hand soldiers to get themsleves in a position to fight the enemy.
27-03-2006, 22:14
The Frozopians got closer and closer to the shore, 5000 men ready to land and by the looks of it, they more than outnumbered the enemy.

Darrek scanned the men around them. They were ready.

As the first boats pushed to shore, the men waste deep in water charged forwards, seeking the enemy to destroy.....
27-03-2006, 22:28
"Switch to hand weapons!" Came the call from across the beach, and all around Goblins drew Hatchets and Daggers, some even managing to produce Swords, "Charge!" The varied Goblin soldiers ran into the cold waters waving and screaming as they bundled into combat.
27-03-2006, 22:50
The two lines collided, the Frozopians with no time to form a shield wall fell into the melee screaming their war crys and swinging their swords.

Darrek drew his own blade and charged into the fray, immediatly slamming into a couple of the foreign creatures. Slamming his shield into the first ones face, he drove it downward into the water and then swung his own sword into the other, splitting its chest wide open. Bringing the sword above his own head, Darrek drove it down into the stunned beast. Ignoring the loud screech, Darrek searched for his next prey.

Across the water the Frozopians superior weaponry and numbers drove the enemy backwards, aided by the longbows who remained in the boats and took careful aim at the enemy beasts.

As the Frozopians reached dryer land, they formed together in one shield wall and slowly pushed forwards.....
28-03-2006, 00:01
Crossbowmen at the top of the cliff began to hail fire down upon the advancing Frozopians, Swordsmen ran down slopes to the beach and joined in the fray
28-03-2006, 16:39
The Frozopians calmly swung to face the new threat, the shield wall effortlessly turning and taking the brunt of the attack. At the same time, the longbowmen sighted the enemy crossbows, aiming high so that the longbow arrows fell vertically with maximum velocity.

Darrek smiled. This battle was over. The enemies disordered attack had been halted, and now the Frozopians were viciously grinding into the enemy ranks, their discipline such that the Toophians were killing few.

The only problem was the crossbows: Turning the shield wall again, the Frozopians advanced on the enemy position.
28-03-2006, 16:46
Toophium Moon

Graasha shooed away the Human followers who had come to seek guidance from the King, afterall, he who controlled Toophium obviously controlled Toops, this was not the case as Gritsnak's forces hid just outside the city.

Gritsnak looked down upon the Capitol from the ridge at the forefront of the Goblin line, although it was known as a city it was little more than a Cave with a few small shelters dotted around it, the City itself was surrounded by a rocky valley which provided a perfect advantage for the attackers.

From a short distance behind the ridge, on a semi level plain, was a single Trebuchet, there was room for only one of the machines and it stood on a small incline, having gained the signal from Gritsnak the weapon fired flinging a large chunk of slate across the ridge and over into the City.

White Golden Pass Moon

After this long trek up the side of a mountain the Blood Plain warriors had finally made it to the other side of the line which split the Kingdom, the Mountain descended into the blackened ground of the Gritsnak Faction, a blow here could shake the foundations on which Gritsnak stood and Chieftain Korblod could take the throne.

Sickles at the ready the Blood warriors eyed up the small vilage around the drinking pool, a meager garrison, 20 capable soldiers, 4 Grobbles and 15 women and children, easily done.

The warriors lept out of hiding and ran full pelt at their enemy, they fought with viscious fury, hacking, raping and pillaging, after just 30 minutes the village was in flames and the remaining villagers had become Korblods slaves.
28-03-2006, 16:50
"The Beach is lost, move out!" Zargnatz cried out, if he fell back to other locations then the enemy might just move through the line into Graasha's territory, then he could retake his territory and have the Graashans in chaos.

Goblins fell back and fled into the night, running from the advancing enemy and letting lose with bolts as they ran.
28-03-2006, 17:05
Darrek watched the enemy fleeing, and immediatly the Frozopians gave chase, hunting down those at the rear and capturing a few of the strange creatures, to be brought back to camp. At last giving up, the Frozopians returned to the shore line, looting the enemy dead for valuables.

At the same time Darrek sent several of his skilled warriors to stealthily track the enemy: Darrek hoped they would lead him to a port or town: Somewhere to disembark the rest of his force and supplies.
28-03-2006, 17:19
In all of Toops there were but two Towns, one was Toophium, the Capitol, the next was Noomi on the island of Noomi, the rest were nomadic settlements or Caves, the Toop expecially had no need for Ports as the most advanced vessels were rafts which could easily embark and disembark from beaches.

The fleeing warriors had made it to a Cave settlement where the Golden Mountain Range met the sea, there were poorly made tents with most of the fleeing troops stationed there.
28-03-2006, 19:13
OOC: I've just been wondering, would the humans of the area welcome the Fellow human Frozopians? Also what are your losses?

Darrek listened to the news.
This country is a hell hole.
It seemed the scouts had found no sign of a permanent town, just a rough tent. Very disappointing.

Turning away from the scouts he approached the fire where 5 Frozopians sat around one of the strange creatures. One of the men grabbed the beast and slammed his dagger into its arm, ignoring its scream. Another of the men held up his spear, which he had been holding over the fire. The head was red-hot. Pushing viciously into the poor beast, it gave another agonising scream.

John, the Toophian translator, asked the question:
"Where is the nearest city!? Tell me! Where is there a harbour!?"
28-03-2006, 19:20
(OOC: hmmm, I dunno, the first generation slaves may want to be freed but every generation after that have lived in Toophian territory thier entire lives, maybe if you showed them Frozopia is better than Toops, i'ma say 100 Toops, sound fair?)

"Human pig! I will tell you what you need, Toophian is the nearest City, it is West!" The Goblin coughed up blood and writhed in pain, he thought about the word "Harbour" In Toopish there was no such word, but he translated that as "Landing spot" any soft beach area would be that landing area, "You have just taken the largest landing area in Toophian territory!"
28-03-2006, 19:24
OOC: Ok. I would put my own at.......40 maybe? ok?

"Tell me then. How many Toops are able to fight for Toophian city!? How far is it from here!?" Grabbing the strange creature by the neck, John shook him viciously, slamming his head into the sand, before pausing to allow it speak.

Darrek turned away. Heading to one of his men, he whispered in his ear. It seemed it was time to land the whole army.
28-03-2006, 19:28
"I don't know, I've never been there and Graasha has control over the City!" The Goblin shouted back at the torturer, he spat out some more of the blood before being shoved into the sand.
28-03-2006, 19:58
After half an hour of torture, John was confident the fiend spoke true. So the Frozopians binded his wounds: He would remain a prisoner for Darrek hoped to use him further. Those once tortured were easier to take information from, their fear clouding their courage.

Soon the Frozopians were ashore and marching west: Their destination the capital of Toophium. 30,000 soldiers were with the force: 5 thousand riders (4000 light, 1000 heavy), 10,000 longbows and 15000 men at arms. Darrek was confident it would do.

OOC: Will type more later. Stuff to do.
29-03-2006, 19:30
The translator eventually responded after a small talk with their leader, as they had no idea what these orcs were, as they could not see clearly over the cliffs, "Well in that case perhaps your ruler would be interested in the help of our men? Perhaps we can talk with him?"
29-03-2006, 19:59
"Unfurtinuntlee ar leeda 's plannin' tha 'tak on a Mainland, i'ma hav ter do, oi 'av jurisdikshun ter 'ire wateva assistenz kumz dis way!" The Orc bellowed back sending chunks of phlegm flying across the cliff.
29-03-2006, 20:15
"Currently, we will work for whatever your people can spare. In particular we are searching for maps for the region, as we come from the Far East, acorss the ocean and from the Holy Empire of Antanjyl. With our mighty God behind us we cannot lose, for Galf watches us always!" The blonde haired man shouted, leaping back from some phlegm as his eyes concentrated on the massive shadowy figure overhead, "Together we number nearly five thousand strong!"
29-03-2006, 20:30
Toopish maps had come so far as to list the world as being Toops encompassing all of the map and a small sliver of land named "Walled Humans" but all the same most maps provided an accurate portrayal of the land that Toop controlled.

"We 'gree!"
29-03-2006, 20:42
The Frozopians were marching. Darrek hoped to do the impossible: To capture the enemy capital with the smallest of armies. But he hoped to bolster it further.

"Humans! Do you serve these beasts!? Are they your superior!?" Darrek pushed the little goblin forward, still bloodied by the torture it had suffered. The town centre was full of curious and cautious people.

"Do you bow your heads before them!?"

Kicking the goblin to the floor, Darrek scanned the human audience around him.

"You are humans, we are humans. We are far superior to these fiends! So now is the chance to prove your superiority! To throw of the shackles of slavery! Join me! Join us in the human crusade! For I promise you riches, women but most importantly pride! You no longer need suffer under the rule of these fiend!"

Darrek hid a smile. He hoped to repeat this speech for all the humans of Toops, he hoped to gather a army.
29-03-2006, 20:59
An old man climbed to the top of a rock, he shouted the audiance of Humans "Fellow Men, I have been told of a kingdom which existed long ago, King Luni and his Kingdom ruled these lands for millenia and we were beaten by slaves, Strangers, we will Fight for you, but we will not find ourselves ruled by another foreign nation, today we fight for our independance!" There was a proud roar from the small group, "I proclaim myself King of these men, and I have valuable information about Graashas movements and human enslavement areas, will you follow us?"

(OOC: oooh, i'm liking the possiblity of Human rule over Goblins, k, now i'm trapped between wanting a Human or an Orc king)
29-03-2006, 22:14
For now Darrek would allow the Toophians their foolish sense of independence. But when the time came, the Frozopians would take all. And if that was not possible, humans ruling Toops would be very grateful to the Frozopians. Very grateful indeed.

"Then join us! You shall be King! You shall lead your people, and we shall help! Humans will rule this land, once again!"

The crowd was clearly behind the man. Then let it be so. Taking the man too one side, Darrek spoke to him:
"Tell us what you know. We will fight alongside you, and you shall be king of this land."
29-03-2006, 22:19
"To the South lie the Blood Plains, the most fertile of lands in all of Toops, there you will find the hardy Blood Plain Warriors, elites, tough as Orcs through much training, below that are many hundreds of Human camps which are constantly raided for goods, the North has nothing but Ice and Wind, but the West contains Toophium, more Human camps and King Gritsnak's forces, we would like to free more of our brethren, maybe an attack to the west would be wise?"
29-03-2006, 22:46
"Then let us proceed. West is where we go. Tell me do you know of the forces that guard the city of Toophium?"
29-03-2006, 23:02
"I have never been, though Graasha is fond of his human slave army, I expect that the guard can be turned."


With the sounds of distant battle going on in the background Gritsnak found his way into the Kings Cave, Graasha was there waving his sword in a nervous fashion, "I will not let you take these lands! I am King as was promised to me by Goredash!" Gritsnak sighed, of all the Kings who claimed such a thing only one was telling the truth and he was dead, Gritsnak pulled out his pistol and blasted a whole in the head of the cowering King, Graashas followers would soon turn to him, when they saw the head of their lord.
30-03-2006, 15:47
The Frozopians advanced westward, gathering more humans to their banner and assisting in arming them with some of the spare weapons they possesed. What little free time the army had, was spent training the new recruits. Normal Frozopian infantry were raised to the rank of captain and given groups of men under their power: The language barrier was a difficult, but the Toophians were taught basic orders.

Darrek doubted they would ever be a disciplined force, but they would serve in battle. What they lacked in experience, many made up for in zealotry. And besides, every enemy goblin they kill will mean 1 less for the Frozopians.
30-03-2006, 16:25
every enemy orc

(OOC: Goblin)
31-03-2006, 14:02
Eastern Shoreline

The large axe swang down upon a helpless Goblin, Orcish soldiers had made landfall on the mainland, the Hatchets of the Goblins made little defence against the large Broad weapons the Orcs wielded.

Graasha needed this province to get the seas, and Zargnatz needed this province after he had lost the main head to the Frozopians, all three Kings made thier presence felt as Gozfars men had forced the two rival Kings to forgo the differences for the victory over the Orc king, a victory which was little assured.

Gozfar had made his way through a petty Human regiment, he could see how the Humans had been defeated before, it was a long charge before he hit against another regiment of Goblins, more difficult but still well below Gozfar's skills.
31-03-2006, 19:10
As the Frozopians travelled further and further West, the ground became boggier and the progress slower, but at last the city was in the marching armies line of vision.

Before them was a shabby walled city, consisting of what looked like caves and huts. Although the Frozopians are not exactly lovers of luxury, Darrek felt a sinking disapointment feeling. There was little plunder here.

But the Frozopians had marched the distance. It was time to take the city.
The enemy would have little time to react. Little time to respond. One sudden rush and it would all be over.

"Ladders!" Darrek roared.
All along the columb the ladder carriers advanced forwards. For each ladder bearer there was another man or two with a shield to protect them. Darrek was confident he could take the city in hours.

As the Frozopian infantry advanced forwards, the Longbowmen began to unleash thousands of arrows into the walls and behind them, so that the enemy saw a cloud of arrows, descending from the sky.......
31-03-2006, 19:25
(OOC: I wanna get to RPing humies soon so here what i'ma doing, I'ma say Gozfar has vanquished Zargnatz and has crippled the remaining Graashan forces into a retreat to the capitol which they assume is thiers, at the same time the Blood plainsmen have chased down a large Gritsnak army into the capitol, this will be the big climax, 6 sides in one valley)


Gozfar had followed down a path he recognised, this was the road to Toophium, he was sure of it, the Human Goblins must have been wanting the security of the walled City, he couldn't blame them, "Double speed, March!!!" The Orcs picked up pace and began to run down the well trodden road.


As more humans flooded into the scene the Humans began to realise more and more that Graasha was dead, the final sign was the tosing of Graashas corpse over the city from one of the trebuchets, this was it, Gritsnak to the West and Gozfar to the East, but in the distance the men could see, an army of strong fighting men who could easily aid the Humans, King Luni's ghost was looking over them today, with one order the Humans charged down into the City.

Blood Plainsmen

The best Goblin warriors marched North up Toophium Valley, the simpleton Goblins would not have faced death on the battlefield now they face death cowering in thier homes, the sounds of sickles made the army sound like a machine.


Arriving just before the Frozopians the Gritsnak forces had hidden themselves deep within the City, the more forces present at the final battle the more chance of success, which was imminent.

As the large army looked down the valley they could see the smear of enemies, fearing the Plainsmen the Trebuchet shot out.
31-03-2006, 22:56
OOC: Wait are the humans going to defend the city now?
31-03-2006, 22:59
OOC: Wait are the humans going to defend the city now?

(OOC: what no, Gozfar is heading in from the East, Graashas men have realised he is dead and have decided to aid in the fight for freedom made possible by the Frozopians, the Plainsmen are just behind the Frozopian army and Gritsnak has just been joined by a small cache of forces)
31-03-2006, 23:11
Darrek watched the first ladders slam heavily onto the walls before the first Frozopians began to pull themselves over the battlements. Darrek did not envy them the slightest: god knows what lay beyond those walls.

Hearing the gallop of hooves, he turned around to see a Frozopian horseman bearing in on him. As the horse pulled to halt, the rider began a rapid burst of dialogue.
"Lord! Lord! There is an army following! More of those beasts! But they are strong lord! Strong! I saw them a few miles back!"

"Are you sure!?"
"Yes milord."
Swearing Darrek turned back to the walls. The Frozopians were climbing over, without any sort of combat. It seemed the enemy had abandonned the walls, and soon the Frozopians were cheering. For what they saw was another force of humans, attacking the city from the other side. It seemed humanity had seized the city.

Grinning, Darrek turned back.
"It matters not. Tell Lord Simon to gather his horses and to hide them. I want all 5000 of you to hide to the East of here. When you hear the horn blare 6 times, Lord Simon is to charge. We are going to defend these walls, and stop whoever it is that pursues us. When the horn blares, Frozopian cavalry will ride them down like the dogs they are."
31-03-2006, 23:29

The Human army reached the Toopish Artillery and were tearing down the trebuchet emplacement, some of the strongest had even gone off to fight Gritsnak who was slowly being overwhelmed.


The Orcish army ran down the valley and into the city, they smashed onto the Human wall, outnumbered 10-1 they fought with all might and ability but had little to defend themselves from a barrage of weapons, they were simply getting cut down and pushed back.


Seeing Gritsnak mobbed to death the Goblin general knew the Goblin's time was over, he shouted over the battlefield, "Full retreat! Get outta here!!" He ran and was followed first by fleeing Goblins and then by the Humans.


The frenzied sickle wielders were foaming at the mouth for combat, they charged at the walls, waiting to break though into the bloody melee inside, they didn't care who they fought so long as they actually got to fight.
01-04-2006, 13:54
"FIRE AT WILL!" The Frozopian longbowmen unleashed arrow after arrow into the hoard of plainsmen, as the longbowmen fired from behind the wall, their arrows falling vertically upon the enemy. Darrek was in a good mood. Luckily the Frozopians had pulled the ladders up with them once they had crossed the wall, leaving the plainsmen to suffer at the bottom under the might of hundreds of arrows.

The Frozopians were spanning out on all the walls, preparing to defend the city to the last. No non-human would enter the city now.

Now was time to do the business. To kill the human king. Several Frozopians had been ordered to scoop up Goblin or Orcish weapons, spears and swords and daggers. Now they had to find the king, and assasinate him. Concealing their weapons, the 10 assasins followed humans who were overwhelming Gritsnak.

To avoid any suspicious glances, Darrek ordered 500 men at arms to help assist the humans attacking Gritsnak. It would look like assistance, but the 10 assasins hidden in the group would be the Toophish humans bane.
04-04-2006, 20:47
Gritsnak was currently pinned under a barrage of Humans taking out agression on the Goblin, he had been badly beaten and stabbed, he wanted to die but somthing was keeping him there, he could see some other Humans over the shoulders of the crowd, he recognised them instantly as Frozopians, the quiet eastern neighbour, they had him betrayed.

with little to no forces left in the region the rest of the Kings were beggining to see that there was little point in remaining in the capitol, many had already fleed and the Humans had turned on them, Gozfar had remained but had been hacked down by goblins and humans.

In realising the futility of the attack on Toophium the Plainsmen began to flee to a safe distance so that they could watch on for any weaknesses and then they would move, with much of the number dead there was little point in fighting on now, a small section were sent off to get reinforcements.
04-04-2006, 21:38
The Frozopian nobles were using the opportunity to take as many slaves as possible. They were not the normal breed of slaves: After all they wern't even human! But they fell quickly and soon the coallition under Darrek were making a fair penny.

As the Frozopian group stumbled upon the so called "King" several grabbed him, pushing aside the other humans. He would be held prisoner. For now. The 500 began to search for more goblins to enslave, but 10 of those warriors looked for a certain king.......
04-04-2006, 21:43
Gritsnak was carted away kicking and screaming, the peoples looked on in shock as having themselves barged to the floor, they didn't mind as they had finally rid themselves of a dictator.

King Yusef had been unnofficially named King and he was busy at the top of the valley looking down on the lands which he now owned, now finally he could have the Luni Kingdom back as one.
04-04-2006, 21:51
OOC: The human one. And we wouldnt have ambushed him. Just killed him with the goblin weapons in secret. So you might wanna change that.

Sorry I didnt make that clear.
04-04-2006, 21:53
(OOC: lol, got it the wrong way round, thought you'd kidnapped Human King and were looking for Gritsnak, I'll edit that now.)
04-04-2006, 22:01
The 10 men approached the king, scanning the area around them. It seemed the king had foolishly chose to spend some time alone.
"Your higness?"
As the king spun, one of the men thrusted forward one of the goblin spears.
04-04-2006, 22:06
The King spat as the stick was thrust through his chest, he looked up at the tretcherous people and managed one final word "give..." the first part of the sentance which was meant to say "give my peoples thier deserved freedom!" unfortunantly history will never even remember the word give as all were busy in celebration of the victory at Toophium.
04-04-2006, 22:11
One of the Frozopians swung a goblin blade downwards, cloving into the kings head and killing him. It was the end. Discarding the weapons used by the goblins, they progressed down the hill.

Later Darrek would send a Toophian human to find the king, avoiding any suspician that the Frozopians had taken part in the assasination. And then it would be the time for the Frozopians to rule all the lands of the Toops....
04-04-2006, 22:19
(OOC: *assumes it's later* )

Nikolai Kroschev clambered up the hill, he had been sent out by the Frozopians to search for King Yusef who had been seen in this area, he stumbled on what he thought was a rock, landing in a puddle he quickly brushed himself off and turned to kick the inannimate object, he stopped when he could see the expression of pain in the face of his King Yusef, quickly Nikolai took the body and dragged it down the hill, dropping it at the feet of the stunned crowd.
04-04-2006, 22:33
Darrek approached the now very quiet crowd.
"Whats going on here!? What?"
Pushing through the last of the humans, he gaped at the dead king.
"How....? What.....?" Darrek glanced around the crowd, seeing the expressions of sadness, grief and anger. Taking a closer inspection at the wounds, he spoke strongly and clearly to the audience.

"It was Goblins who did this! Look at the wounds! We must have vengeance! Who shall join us Frozopians!? Every Orc will suffer! Who is with me?"

Overall, he thought it was a good act.
05-04-2006, 11:57
There was a quiet muttering amongst the crowd, not to say that the people did not want to fight but without a voice they had no-one to advise them, Nikolai timidly stepped forward and grabbed a Goblin Hatchet and muttered "I'll fight." A few more men walked forward and the crowd slowly came round to the idea, leaving around 1,000 children, women and cowards to defend the lands.
05-04-2006, 13:03
The Toophians were brocken. Without leadership, they could be lead to a point till they were more Frozopian than Toophish. Darrek had plans.

The Frozopians would split into two groups: 1 group would remain and guard the city of Toophium, guarding the new slaves and reordering the city, clearing out the enemy dead as they did so. The walls need repairing, but within time it would be what it once was. With these would be the humans too cowardly to fight or unable to, such as women and children.

The second group would head southwards: The wealthier lands to the south needed to be secured: Darrek would lead all the Toophium humans willing to fight and roughly 20,000 Frozopians. Darrek was confident of victory.

Within months 1000's of Frozopian settlers would be pouring from Frozopia: They would be too slow, with the land promised to the coallition of nobles who joined David. However they could find work as builders, farmers and 100's of other things.

Within time the land would show no remenants of its Toophish heritage, its citizens just as loyal to the Frozopians as they were ever to the King Nikolai Kroschev.
05-04-2006, 20:27
(OOC: Nikolai wasn't King, he was just the guy who found the body of the King, and even he wasn't King he was simply the person the Slaves trusted in most)

The Blood Plains were mostly empty, barring large piles of the dead who had died to whichever Plainsman Chief had killed them, there were infrequent human bodies who had simply been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Those alive had little time to notice the army which crept upon them, there was still much fighting going on and no Chief had shown that he had the ability to take leadership over these lands, and even if they did they would no doubt be crushed by one of the other northern Kings, and so still they fought purely for the reason that they could.
05-04-2006, 22:23
oops wrong name

The organised force of Frozopians and Toophians sweapt southwards, crushing all before them. The ragged enemy stood little chance, despite the furiousity with which they fought.

As the Frozopians headed further and further south the Toophian and Frozopians became more and more closer, with Toophians being drilled untill they could fight in the shield wall as well as any Frozopian. Their armour was Frozopian, their weaponry too. Within time so would their heart. With growing loyalties and camarederie between the warriors who fought together against the common enemy, the once slaves were learning what it was like to be Frozopian.

Darrek doubted the enemy would get organised and fight as one army, but he hoped they would. The sooner the enemy was crushed the sooner Frozopia could estabilish itself: Already settlers were spreading from the city of Toophium, constructing small settlements and bringing civilisation to the land. They were heavily protected by the Frozopian army: Any goblin that contested their right was enslaved or killed.

At the same time nobles were making themselves rich. 100's of goblin slaves were being transported to Frozopia, to be sold into rough slavery in the mines or to work the harsh frozen lands.
05-04-2006, 22:37
(OOC: rather than waste a lot of time RPing pointless mop-up battle's i'ma skip ahead a little, if you don't mind, just say and I'll delete this post)

Toops was a name little heard in the past months, and the people had even began to forget what a Goblin was, Toophian Human culture had gone from barely existing to being replaced by these Frozopian standards, men and even young men joined the Frozopian army in quashing any Orc or Goblin strongholds and the people seemed generally fine with the current situation.

"LIARS!!!" The doomsayer shouted out the street, he had a large crowd following his words, "These Frozopians never intended for us to be free!" He cried out, the people were both shocked and interested in these words, realising what they had forgotten, they wished to be free "The spirit of the King Luni spoke to me in a dream, he told me these things!" In Toops you don't doubt the dead, more and more joined this mans cause, each one adding to the riotous nature of the crowd.
05-04-2006, 22:46
you still have to pay me the 5 trillion from the treaty ending the toops-1010102 war.
05-04-2006, 22:47
you still have to pay me the 5 trillion from the treaty ending the toops-1010102 war.

(OOC: yeah thats FT, this is PT)
05-04-2006, 22:48
i know that. i want my money damn it!
05-04-2006, 22:52
i know that. i want my money damn it!

(OOC: stop spamming, this could have been resolved via TG, you realise I can't actually give you money from my coffers, I have to RP it and show that my nation is up to it's eyeballs in debt, but since I'm not RPing FT anymore ((not that there'd be much point being as my debt would stop any major plans)) there is absolutely no problem)
05-04-2006, 22:53
im sorry for spamming.
07-04-2006, 11:57
OOC: Cool with me.
The Frozopians had been split across the country, with large forces garrisoning the large city of Toophium and a few other larger towns that were being built in the lands of the south. The rest of the Frozopian army was still fighting goblins with nothing but success. Within time peace would reign in Toops, or so Darrek hoped.

The 50 men-at-arms was sent once news of the troubles reached the ears of the local garrison. Approaching the crowd, the Captain Joseph spoke clearly and calmly, one of the Toophium troops translating for him:

"Why do you lie!? You know not what the dead say, nor does anyone else."

Turning to the audience, Joseph scanned them carefully. "Are you not free? No longer cattle but free men! What you earn is yours! What you see around you." Joseph indicated the roads, quickly turning into civilisation with efforts being made to make it stone. "Is yours!"

Pointing at the loud mouthed trouble maker, Joseph looked each man in the audience in the eye: "This man is trouble! He wants you ruled by goblins again! He wants you to be a slave! He is a coward! With us nations working together, we can finish off the last of the goblins and estabilish Toophium together!"

Pausing, Joseph pointed at the man translating for him.
"Look at this man. He is of Toophium, he has fought the goblins, he is a warrior! Or this man!" Joseph pointed at a Toops soldier, and another, before 15 of 50 men took of their helmets to reveal themselves. They were the local young men of the area, recognised among the crowd. Joseph was confident the Toops would not fight there own.
"So do you not see! We are toghether! Why listen to the liar!?"
07-04-2006, 12:39
(OOC: I am Toops, I'ma just test driving my puppet)

"Can you people not see? these are no longer Toophian humans, they are Frozopian, how many of you can tell me who our King is?" There was a murmer around the crowd as no-one had actually asked about the leadership of the nation, they had all been too busy tending to the improving of Toops or Hunting for Goblins.
07-04-2006, 13:58
"A king will be chosen!" A puppet more like, Joseph thought to himself, "A Toophian who is capable of leading. A hero! Not a fraud like you!" Joseph jabbed his finger at the liar. "Who only wants the throne for themself!"
07-04-2006, 14:10
"No doubt this King will be chosen by Frozopian overlords, I say we choose our lord!" The Prophet had a name in mind, young Nikolai Kroschev had shown great skill in being able to lead from the moment that he discovered the body of the former King, the Prophet believed Nikolai to be off on the isles of Noomi fighting Orcs.
07-04-2006, 14:15
"When the time comes, a king will be chosen. By both Frozopians and Toophians. A leader cannot be chosen by you: A petty little fraud!"
07-04-2006, 14:24
"And when the time comes, the people will realise Luni and will leave these lands!" Realising that he could not end this argument with his winning he walked off the stage and off Westwards towards the nations border with wild lands.
07-04-2006, 14:33
The Frozopians watched the man go.
Trouble maker
"Nothing to see here!" Joseph shouted in Toophian, loud for the crowd to hear.
"Move along!"
07-04-2006, 15:04
(OOC: starting the Exodus on a new thread, dunno if the Frozopians will want to hunt down the deserters.)
07-04-2006, 15:07
OOC: Probably not. What % of your population will go (its 5 million population isnt it?) and will some of the people be my recent recruits?
07-04-2006, 15:28
(OOC: 100, people, the number will increase and decrease with each post as people die and new people are turned.)