NationStates Jolt Archive

Request for Diplomacy

07-03-2006, 18:21
King William of Deltara recognises the fact that diplomacy is essential for the survival of any nation. So for this reason he extends his hand to any nation who would like to open diplomatic relations.

He sends this message:

Deltara is a proud nation, built on the back of war, but nonetheless proud of its heritage. However, we recognise the fact that we will not survive if diplomatic relations are not opened. We have never before seeked to look to the outside world, beyond our own matters. We were, and still are to a lesser extent, isolationist. But we feel the need to open our doors to anyone who is willing to step through.

We hope that diplomatic relations can be opened, and some form of document signed, showing our peace and hope for prosperity, with negotiable terms. We are a friendly nation open to all.

At your request, we can come to some arrangement, as we hope to happen. I look forward to seeing a bright future for both of us.

King William of Deltara
07-03-2006, 18:41
Roman Greece
07-03-2006, 18:53
The nation of Roman Greece would like to come to a agreement with Deltara. We would like to open diplomatic relations with your nation.
07-03-2006, 19:00
The Neo Federation of Spartanox would like to open diplomatic and trade relations with Deltara.

Neil Harling
President of Spartanox
07-03-2006, 19:01
King William formally invites Roman Greece to diplomatic talks within our nation.

OOC: If you set-up a post, or just a TG if you dont feel like something such as that, and we can talk.
07-03-2006, 19:02
OOC: The same would go for Spartanox.
Roman Greece
07-03-2006, 19:03
King William formally invites Roman Greece to diplomatic talks within our nation.

OOC: If you set-up a post, or just a TG if you dont feel like something such as that, and we can talk.

OOC-Thanks for inviting my nation and I sent you a TG.
07-03-2006, 19:16
TO: King William of Deltara
FROM: Robert McKlein, Foreign Secretary, HM Government, Andredswald

The Kingdom of Andredswald would be delighted to enter into diplomatic relations with the Disputed Territories of Deltara.

Robert McKlein
Foreign Secretary
HM Government
07-03-2006, 19:19
Mr. McKlein,

We were pleased to receive your message, and would be happy to open diplomatic relations with your nation. If there is no preference to how, we would suggest a diplomatic envoy to our nation in order to sign an agreement.

King William.

OOC: Basically, the same as the last few. If you dont wish to do it on forum, just skip that all and "sign" it or whatever. Up to you, im easy.
08-03-2006, 01:25
We would also like to see you forth into diplomacy, and start diplomatic ties.
08-03-2006, 07:46
We would also like to see you forth into diplomacy, and start diplomatic ties.

OOC: This would be great, TG me or post here how you think we should do this.
Al Khalidha
08-03-2006, 08:08
We can also open diplomatic relations with your great nation :)
08-03-2006, 08:13
To: King William of Deltara
From: Foreign Minister Moise Karl-i-Bond

We would be happy to exchange
embassies with you.
08-03-2006, 09:50
To: King William of Deltara
From: United States Department of State

We would wish to establish diplomatic relations with your nation. Please inform us of the correct procedures involved.
09-03-2006, 07:57
To: King William of Deltara
From: United States Department of State

We would wish to establish diplomatic relations with your nation. Please inform us of the correct procedures involved.

We are glad to hear of your interest in diplomatic relations with us. Quite simply, a document needs to be agreed upon with anything you feel would benefit us from such an alliance. The basic term of alliance would suffice, but if you feel trade or military support (even with restrictions) should be part of it, then put that in. Embassies can be established but we feel them unnecesary, and can lead to social imbalance within our nation.

King William
09-03-2006, 07:58
We can also open diplomatic relations with your great nation :)

OOC: Great, as with previous posts, what do you want? I would say trade, military support and an alliance.
09-03-2006, 08:00
To: King William of Deltara
From: Foreign Minister Moise Karl-i-Bond

We would be happy to exchange
embassies with you.

Unfortunately, we are not overly happy with exchanging embassies. Since you are paying your ambassadors a wage, they will become notably wealthier than our citizens, and in a loose socialist ideal, thats not too good. Simple diplomatic relations we would prefer.

After all, we look after all citizens within our country with great care. Other nations citizens receive the same care.

King William
The Beltway
09-03-2006, 23:48
To Deltara -
We are pleased by your desire to conduct diplomacy, and therefore wish to open diplomatic ties between our two nations. We understand that you have concerns about embassy exchanges. However, we invite you to set up an embassy in our own nation; please contact us here ( Thank you.
Mark Warner, Foreign Minister of The Beltway
Al Khalidha
17-03-2006, 09:40
To: His Majesty King William of Deltara

From: Walid al Hassan, Minister of Foreign Investment Al Khalidha

Message: As part of our diplomatic relations we have with your glorious country of Deltara, we would like to send a Business delegation to Deltara for future investment oppertunities for Deltara's economic growth and greater trading oppertunities between our countries. We are more than happy to invite a delegation from Deltara to Al Khalidha anytime and they are more than welcome to stay here.
17-03-2006, 19:32
Your delegation would be accepted, as would any guest from your nation. We are always pleased to have a chance for our economy to grow, however, I am sure you can appreciate, I like financial equality within my nation and a stable economy. You could call it socialism. We said from the beginning that you would be trading with the nation.

However, this should not get in the way. Effectively treat our nation as a business if you will. As far as investment goes, you can invest in an area of our "business", and will of course get either product or currency from the transaction.

Thank you for the offer,

King William of Deltara
Al Khalidha
18-03-2006, 06:44
Excellent, the Delegation should visit Solitudine within the next week, there will be 10 induviduals coming, including the son of the Sheikh Abdul Rahman. We hope this would bring many more investment oppertunities between our two countries.
26-03-2006, 13:01
21-04-2006, 12:07
The Nation of Bakey, would be greatly pleased to enter into diplomatic negotiations with Deltara. Many thanks,

Sir Clarke, Head of Foreign Policy,
Chief Diplomat,
Bakey's Royal Council
21-04-2006, 12:21
King Williams Office of Foreign Affairs, replying on behalf of HRH King William.

The proud nation of Deltara would be happy to accept your offer of diplomatic relations. We would propose the following:

Military Protection

All details of trade and our military, and anything else you wish to know can be found in our widely available factbook (OOC: Sig.). Feel free to ask any questions about terms that exist with military protection and anything else, and they will be answered as best we can.

Samuel Danset
King Williams Office of Foreign Affairs
21-04-2006, 12:24
The Kingdom of Strobovia is always looking for new allies and will be glad engage in diplomatic negotiations.

~King Daniel Christian Valdemar Lund III
21-04-2006, 12:37
King Daniel Christian Valdemar Lund III,

The Foreign Affairs Office of King William of Deltara would like to open diplomatic with yourself. We would offer the same as we do to all nations, and anything else you want can be negotiated. This would envolve military support, trade and alliance. There are basic terms, which can be given if you wish.

Samuel Danset
King William's Office of Foreign Affairs
21-04-2006, 13:37
Greetings from the United Peoples of Solisbury!

We are always looking for new allies, and would welcome a diplomatic envoy from your nation. We have much to offer you, in terms of culture, trade, and political support. Whilst we do not intend to leave our region any time soon, we see no reason why inter-regional negotiations cannot take place.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Chereth Cutestory,
Solisbury Diplomatic Relations Officer
on behalf of: The United Peoples of Solisbury Grand Senate
21-04-2006, 22:17
A diplomatic envoy will soon be visiting your nation on behalf of Deltara. We would be interested in trade, military aid, and an alliance. Any other terms may be negotiated (just TG me with what you want and I will add it).

King William
21-04-2006, 22:47
A diplomatic envoy will soon be visiting your nation on behalf of Deltara. We would be interested in trade, military aid, and an alliance. Any other terms may be negotiated (just TG me with what you want and I will add it).

King William

Thank you for sending an envoy so quickly! The United Peoples of Solisbury have little military interest, but would be more than willing to enter into trade negotiations and a diplomatic alliance.

Solisbury Trade Directorate on behalf of: The United Peoples of Solisbury Grand Senate
21-04-2006, 22:49
Whether you have interest or not, in the case of invasion of your nation, we will come to your aid.

King William
21-04-2006, 23:01
From: [/B]Kingdom of Jaguas Foreign Relations Ministry[/B]
To: Deltara State Ministry

It's our people desire to open relations with thine nation with such a powerful and loving story as yours. We wish to further ally and befriend in the sake of building a better future for us and all nations.


Rashid Fernández y Ordóñez
Foreign Relations Ministry of Jaguas
21-04-2006, 23:03
We would also like to open relations with yours, and would follow the same diplomatic course as with all other nations.


King William
Ator People
21-04-2006, 23:06
King William of Deltara,

Our nation, Ator People, would be glad to open diplomatic relations with your country. Though we are not interested in any military agreement at the moment, I'm sure a trade agreement could be reached.

With due respect,

His Highness, The Honorable King Henry Nadroj VI
21-04-2006, 23:21
The Democratic Empire of Cravan would love to open relations with you, but at the moment these meetings cannot be held in person due to some problems we are experiencing abroad.
21-04-2006, 23:29
For the Attention of
The Disputed Territories of Deltara's August Head of State;
King William of Deltara

Dear Sir,

The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN would be exceedingly interested in opening discussions with a view to commencing diplomatic relations - including the exchanging of ambassadors with The Disputed Territories of Deltara.

To this end, we cordially and respectfully invite your majesty to respond to this message, should this proposal be of interest. Although we are currently a small player upon the international stage, we are delighted to be mid-process in our application of membership to the UN, and anticipate the growth of our society, stability and influence to increase rapidly.

The Free Land of NetrikirsteN would also like to extend the hand of friendship and proposes to invite the exchange of ambassadors from nations from which The Disputed Territories of Deltara has the pleasure of hosting embassies, and would welcome any assistance in facilitating these relations.

The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN is not an overtly militaristic nation - but we would like to seek a trade, diplomatic and cultural relationship with The Disputed Territories of Deltara. We are particularly interested in the mutual benefits that cultural exchange offers, especially as our nation prides itself on its musical heritage and contemporary achievements - conservetoires, orchestras, opera-houses and ballet-companies.

We await your reply with interest and in anticipation of your favourable response.

Yours Faithfully,

First Minister One,
The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN
22-04-2006, 10:56
King William of Deltara,

Our nation, Ator People, would be glad to open diplomatic relations with your country. Though we are not interested in any military agreement at the moment, I'm sure a trade agreement could be reached.

With due respect,

His Highness, The Honorable King Henry Nadroj VI

King Henry Nadroj VI,

Thank you for your telegram concerning alliance with us. We would be happy to ally with you. We would also like a trade agreement, which we feel will be beneficial to both nations.


HRH King William
22-04-2006, 10:58
The Democratic Empire of Cravan would love to open relations with you, but at the moment these meetings cannot be held in person due to some problems we are experiencing abroad.

Before we do engage in these kind of relations, we would firstly like to know what trouble you are experiencing abroad. This may be important as to our decision on your application.

Samuel Danset
King William's Office of Foreign Affairs
22-04-2006, 11:17
For the Attention of
The Disputed Territories of Deltara's August Head of State;
King William of Deltara

Dear Sir,

The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN would be exceedingly interested in opening discussions with a view to commencing diplomatic relations - including the exchanging of ambassadors with The Disputed Territories of Deltara.

To this end, we cordially and respectfully invite your majesty to respond to this message, should this proposal be of interest. Although we are currently a small player upon the international stage, we are delighted to be mid-process in our application of membership to the UN, and anticipate the growth of our society, stability and influence to increase rapidly.

The Free Land of NetrikirsteN would also like to extend the hand of friendship and proposes to invite the exchange of ambassadors from nations from which The Disputed Territories of Deltara has the pleasure of hosting embassies, and would welcome any assistance in facilitating these relations.

The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN is not an overtly militaristic nation - but we would like to seek a trade, diplomatic and cultural relationship with The Disputed Territories of Deltara. We are particularly interested in the mutual benefits that cultural exchange offers, especially as our nation prides itself on its musical heritage and contemporary achievements - conservetoires, orchestras, opera-houses and ballet-companies.

We await your reply with interest and in anticipation of your favourable response.

Yours Faithfully,

First Minister One,
The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN

First Minister One of The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN,

I was firstly delighted to receive your telegram. You have quite clearly given a lot of thought to this offer, and it is clear in your reply to that offer. We would firstly like to point of to you that we would rather (although we can be talked round if you wish) not host an embassy within our nation. Our long history shows that we cannot offer security to these embassies. We got into a lot of trouble when, a long time in our past, we were reduced to nothing and all embassies were taken over and destroyed, flags burnt and so forth. We understand if you still want one, since we have secured territory and are in a strong position to keep it under our control, and can cater for you if you wish.

Given what you already know, we will understand if you wish not to open military aid as an option. However, we can assure you, if you wish, that it is of course your own choice if you become involved in our militaristic affairs. Trade can be opened with you of course, as can diplomatic and cultural exchange.

We are a nation of proud people who respect their heritage and enjoy an active lifestyle. We are known for our music, however we cannot say it is of the genre which is associated with ballet and opera. Maybe this is one way we could offer cultural exchange.


King William of Deltara
22-04-2006, 11:20
Whether you have interest or not, in the case of invasion of your nation, we will come to your aid.

King William

King William,
Thank you for your offer of support in time of invasion. The same offer is made to your great nation, and we apologise for any misunderstanding or break-down in communication. We were under the impression the offer was for military trading, which the United Peoples of Solisbury have voted against on several occasions. We are most grateful for the support and trade which we have established with your nation.

Solisbury Directorate for Trade
22-04-2006, 13:24
For the Attention of
The Disputed Territories of Deltara's August Head of State;
King William of Deltara.
A Reply To Your Most Excellent Response To Our Diplomatic Approach

First Minister One of The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN,

I was firstly delighted to receive your telegram. You have quite clearly given a lot of thought to this offer, and it is clear in your reply to that offer. We would firstly like to point of to you that we would rather (although we can be talked round if you wish) not host an embassy within our nation. Our long history shows that we cannot offer security to these embassies. We got into a lot of trouble when, a long time in our past, we were reduced to nothing and all embassies were taken over and destroyed, flags burnt and so forth. We understand if you still want one, since we have secured territory and are in a strong position to keep it under our control, and can cater for you if you wish.

Given what you already know, we will understand if you wish not to open military aid as an option. However, we can assure you, if you wish, that it is of course your own choice if you become involved in our militaristic affairs. Trade can be opened with you of course, as can diplomatic and cultural exchange.

We are a nation of proud people who respect their heritage and enjoy an active lifestyle. We are known for our music, however we cannot say it is of the genre which is associated with ballet and opera. Maybe this is one way we could offer cultural exchange.


King William of Deltara

Your Majesty,

We in The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN would like to extend our thanks to you for your most generous and helpful telegram and your gracious public response to our recent communique (22nd April, AD 2006, 10:29 AM), and our government is delighted to accept your offer of cultural and diplomatic exchange, between The Disputed Territories of Deltara and ourselves, in addition to welcoming you as a trading partner.

We are pleased to intimate that our Automobile Manufacturing industry is particularly boyant - and representatives of said are eager to meet with delegates from your public transportation organisation, as we are aware that this is an area of particular growth in The Disputed Territories of Deltara.

As to military aid - we in The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN, as a small, peace-loving, nation have little to offer in terms of a mutual agreement of military aid. Our military efforts concentrate on defense, and we would welcome assistance in this area, should the need arise.

Please advise on how you wish to proceed. Our government is currently willing to be led by yours in these negotiations.

Yours Faithfully,

First Minister One,
The Free Land of NetsrikirsteN