NationStates Jolt Archive

21C-Ethiopia {CLOSED RP}

Sel Appa
05-03-2006, 18:23
Ethiopians joyously celebrated an end to famine in the nation thanks largely to Russian help. The main help that came from Russia was improved farming techniques that would increase harvests. Other than that, cheap seed and some food to bolster supplies until Ethiopia could support itself better was distributed, paid for by Russian citizens. For the first time in years for some farmers, they see their seeds germinating and some greenness poking out of the soil. "I jumped for joy and hugged my wives and almost suffocated them all. I was so happy. I thank Russia so much for their help. Our government wouldn't and really couldn't do much." said one poor farmer. Russian-built hospitals and schools were also seen popping up around the country and still are.

In other news, an election brought moderate Moses Selassie, a descendant of the famous progressive emperor, to be prime minister. He promised a strong Ethiopia that would become a regional power. This made neighboring Eritreans scared, however he invited them to a meeting to discuss peace. He also said Russia will be rewarded well one day for its thought and care. He concluded with announcing an Ethiopian would join two Russian cosmonauts on a future mission. PM Selassie was also at the opening of Ethiopia's first nuclear power plant, which was built by Russia and will be Russian operated until Ethiopians can be trained to take it over. Selassie did admit that Ethiopia would still take years to fully recover.
Sel Appa
07-03-2006, 01:54
The meeting of Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Djiboutan leaders has begun. People in all three nations are hoping and praying that peace can be achieved. Russia has sent a diplomat to arbitrate, if necessary.
07-03-2006, 02:16
PM Adamkus ask the Russsian Government if there is any way they can help them in Ethiopia or any African nation? He also said they might start the same thing the Russians did in Ethiopia, in Djibouti.
Sel Appa
07-03-2006, 02:38
OOC: We're already in Djibouti and Eritrea, but you can join us.
07-03-2006, 02:53
Australian forces are on the borders of Ethiopia and Somalia, protecting the border between the nations and are preparing to eliminate any resistance from the ex-nations Puntland and Somaliland should they proceed back into Somalia.
Sel Appa
07-03-2006, 03:09
Russia has ordered 7500 combat troops to Ethiopia to enforce the border with Somalia and defend against any Australian attacks. Any Somalian refugees being mistreated by Australia are welcome to come to Ethiopia as long as they plan to work.

Ethiopia, with Russian help, has started dozens of projects to employ its citizens. Bridges, factories, power plants, hospitals, fire houses, police stations, train stations and railroads are being built all over Ethiopia. Prime Minister Selassie has thanked Russia again for its strong support and deeply needed help. He hopes the projects will lower unemployment, strengthen the economy, and make Ethiopia a better place.
07-03-2006, 03:16
Australian guards may be watching the border, but has issued that criminals of the warlord (who employed them) from Puntland and Somaliland be brought to justice in order to ensure Somalia peace.
07-03-2006, 03:20
Lithuaninaian Government has sent 500 troops to Djibouti train there army. With them are scientist, teachers, engineers, and many other helpers. They are starting programs very similiar to the Russians programs. The Lithuaniaians are building schools and hopsitals all over the Djibouti. Also five unpaved airports are planning to be paved. PM Adamkus ask if the Russian would be kind enough to build a nuclear power plant for the Djiboutians.
07-03-2006, 03:26
OOC: I just checked...the base in Djibouti is american...and considering the nature of it...

Australia is set to invade the tiny nation of Djibouti to quell this action from happening. If Lithuaninaian set foot on Djibouti soil Australia will declare war on Djibouti and pressure Lithuania to back out immediately from further African missions.
07-03-2006, 03:30
The Lithuanians ask the Australian Government why attack a country that we are trying to help? We are just trying to make this country not be a underdevloped country. We are not doing anything wrong we are just helping Djibouti. Are troops are located in Djibouti. If you attack Djibouti we will be forced to take this to the UN.
07-03-2006, 03:35
Australia sends one final message, "Leave or be destroyed."

Australian troops begin to leave the border of Ethiopia and are headed north.
07-03-2006, 04:10
The Lithuanians ask one question why are you invading Djibouti?
07-03-2006, 04:23
The CBSS would like to know that as well, as this would be the second time austrilia invaded a free state.
07-03-2006, 04:26
Let's make a new thread before we clutter this up....
07-03-2006, 14:17
The Lithuanians ask the Russian if they can make a improved railroad between Djibouti and Ethiopia. It will also make programs to employ the natives of both countries. The railroad will connect the two countries capitals. Also the Lithuanians are planning on improving the factories inside the country.
Sel Appa
07-03-2006, 21:43
We have our own programs in Djibouti! GET OUT! If either Austrailia or Lithuania invades Djibouti, Ethiopia, or Eritrea, they won't see an end to the hell that will come.
08-03-2006, 01:43
No we are helping you in Djibouti. We would like to help you improve the railroad between the the two capitals.
Sel Appa
08-03-2006, 01:45
No we are helping you in Djibouti. We would like to help you improve the railroad between the the two capitals.
OOC: Well, you aren't wanted!...what railroad? who said anything about a railroad? Why is everyone going on about railroads?
Sel Appa
11-03-2006, 06:04
A large influx of Djiboutans fearing Austrailia's possible attack may destabilize what has been going good so far. Negotiations between Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti have concluded that in order to keep sovereignty, they must (at least temporarily unite) with Ethiopia at the helm, backed by Russia. Any threat from Austrailia will be dealt with swiftly.

SECRET: Russia:

Several nuclear missiles at undisclosed locations have been set to target for certain parts of Austrailia, but are largely inactive. (They are targetted, but it would take a day or so...maybe more to get them ready.)
11-03-2006, 06:15
[ooc: i know that's a secret, but aiming NUKES? at Australia? that's being a littttttttle too reckless...]

SIC: France would like to offer its support to the Ethiopian government in the event that Australian forces invaded their country, along with Djibouti and Eritrea. We are planning a coalition to oust the Australian forces from Somalia, and we desire your tacit support in this operation.
Sel Appa
11-03-2006, 06:27
[ooc: i know that's a secret, but aiming NUKES? at Australia? that's being a littttttttle too reckless...]

SIC: France would like to offer its support to the Ethiopian government in the event that Australian forces invaded their country, along with Djibouti and Eritrea. We are planning a coalition to oust the Australian forces from Somalia, and we desire your tacit support in this operation.
OOC: Some general was just preparing for the worse. It probably wouldn't happen though. They still have to be turned on, activated, the technicians prepared and briefed. Actually, it's more a targetting program was made and it just has to be applied.
The Macabees
11-03-2006, 06:28
Encrypted [1024 bit] Communiqué to Ethiopia
The current situation in Somalia is gradually turning into what could be properly termed as a debacle. Spain has already given Djibouti its uncondentional support incase it's in need of a rapid defense. On the other hand, Spain is ready to re-stabalize Africa to its previous conditions by simply ousting the Australian forces from the continent. The operation would be conducted by Spanish mechanized forces, as well as, most likely, mechanized forces from allied nations, such as France. However, a costly amphibious operation onto Somalia is out of the question, even though the Spanish task force to be sent is expected to take command of the seas near Somalia within the first three days. Therefore, knowing that Ethiopian sovereignty is in danger until Somalia returns to be an independent country, Spain would like to begin a series of talks which would gain Spain the valuable right to deploy troops on the Somalian-Ethiopian border. This would, of course, also depend on future talks with Djibouti, concerning the deployment of the Spanish fleet, and using their ports to disembark Spanish troops and equipment. Nevertheless, the military operation would be quick, ruthless, and effective, capturing or destroying the Australian military in the region, and forcing them to reconsider their strategic disposition abroad. Through the use of mechanized forces this is possible, and should Ethiopia want to lend a helping hand, Ethiopian military formations in the invasion are not totally out of the question. In fact, Ethiopian infantry could be used to mop-up an exploitation by mechanized forces, breaking down the remnants of Australian elements left behind. Spain believes that this Somalian crisis is a direct infringement on Ethiopian autonomy, and thus sees a potential benefit of such an operation for the country.
11-03-2006, 13:41
The Lithuanians Troops are ready to fight against the Australians for Djibouti. We hope this wouldn't lead to a War. Also the government personnel we sent with the Russian are working right by the Russian.
Sel Appa
12-03-2006, 06:38
Ethiopia is preparing to authorize plans for a large coalition force that will sustain its sovereignty.

Russia has deployed 25,000 combat troops to help in case of an Austrailian invasion. More will come pending further Ethipoian approval.
12-03-2006, 06:53
The Lithanian Government ask if we can retreat to Ethiopia if we have to? Also can we have 500 troops wait in Ethiopia until we make a decision what to do with them.
Sel Appa
12-03-2006, 06:58
Ethiopia will allow any friendly troops to use its land for whatever purposes, as long as no trouble is caused by your troops(rape, murder, poaching...).
12-03-2006, 07:01
Australia sends a message to Russia concerning the last remaining forces of the Warlord of Somaliland, its from Aramaki.

"Australia urges Russia to take part in a sweeping operation within 50 miles of the Ethiopian border to Somalia, in which the Somililand terrorists are believed to be the highest concentration. If Russia approves, could said terrorists (armed against Australia with specific Ak-47, M-16's, C4, Incendary grenades and other common military weapons) be set up for a transfer, Australia will gladly pay $10,000 per terrorist and $50,000 for a cell leader. These guerilla fighters have been plaguing peace and only Russia has enough influence to route them without Australian invasion."
Sel Appa
12-03-2006, 07:11
Russia and Ethiopia have both stated they are not harboring any terrorists.

OOC: Seriously, we aren't.