NationStates Jolt Archive

The Most Exquisite Irony...(Attn Chron, SQ.)

Mini Miehm
04-03-2006, 04:31
The Terrans had recently purchased a Gate Address Book. Now they had had a brainstorm. The Chronosians and the Khurganate knew much of the Warp. Stargates gave instant transportation from point to point. Open one within the Immaterium, and who knew what Daemons might pour out of it? Open one within, and set the destination to an opposing world, and then see what worlds would be corrupted by the powerful influence of Chaos...

Communication to the Emperor:

Glory to the Empire, and long live the Emperor. The Emperor of the Dominion has a proposal for you. We have seen the Stargates sold by the SeaQuestians, and purchased several. Now we propose to deposit them within the Immaterium, and then open them, releasing the Daemons onto the worlds of our choosing. We know the locations of 100,000 worlds. This can be the beginning of our Crusade. But assist us in depositing these Stargates in the Warp, and we will gift to you a dozen, a score, a hundred ripe worlds. Glory to the Empire, and Glory to the Emperor can be the only results of this course of action. Let us destroy all who would oppose us. Let us use the tools of pour enemies as the instruments of their destruction. They will know the Gods of Irony, and Murphy who is their Prophet. It will be EXQUISITE.
05-03-2006, 00:31
The Emperor chuckled, such a simple plan; a marvellous idea. The gates were, of course, for all intensive purposes unbreakable. Active; forced into the warp; they would carry the glory of Chaos to countless worlds, and leave the Seaquestrians with a most interesting dilemma to solve. It would test the race, and doing so would prove to the Imperium whether or not they were worthy of existing. It would prove amusing, a decent sort of sport...

A fine and inspired idea; Tzeentch himself would be ecstatic at such a proposal. To bring Chaos to countless worlds by a single action; to let the Warp pour forth across worlds, to change and liberate. Yes...We shall do this. Bring your technologies to us; let us plan and execute this. Let us rend reality; let us bend the rules of nature till all are set to madness and burning. The Balance shall be rent on a dozen worlds; and the mortal races tested. It shall be a good pain; a trial by warp-fire. They shall live or die and thus be judged....
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 00:43
The Emperor chuckled, such a simple plan; a marvellous idea. The gates were, of course, for all intensive purposes unbreakable. Active; forced into the warp; they would carry the glory of Chaos to countless worlds, and leave the Seaquestrians with a most interesting dilemma to solve. It would test the race, and doing so would prove to the Imperium whether or not they were worthy of existing. It would prove amusing, a decent sort of sport...

A fine and inspired idea; Tzeentch himself would be ecstatic at such a proposal. To bring Chaos to countless worlds by a single action; to let the Warp pour forth across worlds, to change and liberate. Yes...We shall do this. Bring your technologies to us; let us plan and execute this. Let us rend reality; let us bend the rules of nature till all are set to madness and burning. The Balance shall be rent on a dozen worlds; and the mortal races tested. It shall be a good pain; a trial by warp-fire. They shall live or die and thus be judged....

Indeed Lord Remiel. Meet with us above Korhal, and we will choose the first world to be purged. The Gates for which we have payed have been delivered, and we are colledting them even as we speak. All that remains is to select our target... We have a list of known and suspected Seaquestian Worlds. The only one of which we are certain liues within the Cluster, but there are many other worlds on this list that they so gracuiosly sold us. I suggest their world in the Cluster first, and then selecting anbother target from there.
05-03-2006, 00:56
The Chronosian flagship tore into being above Korhal, the great and decrepit hulk of the Pestilant Pleasure. Remiel had sent his most trusted and foul lieutenant to do his will; his Brother, the Primarch Lucian, Chosen of Nurgle. The great and pestilant lord sat upon his throne of disease, idly spinning the mighty Daemonscythe, his Manreaper, Blightshadow. He chuckled softly, nearly inhumanly.

Terrans, you are cleared for docking and delivery; we shall discuss matters when you are...Safely onboard our vessel. Once we have readied the Warp drive; the first test run of the system can begin; and worlds shall burn; the very cosmos shall bleed and rend...We shall have glory this day; glory in the name of the Emperor
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 01:14
The Chronosian flagship tore into being above Korhal, the great and decrepit hulk of the Pestilant Pleasure. Remiel had sent his most trusted and foul lieutenant to do his will; his Brother, the Primarch Lucian, Chosen of Nurgle. The great and pestilant lord sat upon his throne of disease, idly spinning the mighty Daemonscythe, his Manreaper, Blightshadow. He chuckled softly, nearly inhumanly.

Terrans, you are cleared for docking and delivery; we shall discuss matters when you are...Safely onboard our vessel. Once we have readied the Warp drive; the first test run of the system can begin; and worlds shall burn; the very cosmos shall bleed and rend...We shall have glory this day; glory in the name of the Emperor

A single Heavy Cruiser approached bearing the first gate. It was easily dwarfed by the massive Chronosian vessel, and it was the smallest ship they posessed that could be used for this operation. As soon as the gate was deposited in the Warp they would open it, and then they would see what happened.


Lord Lucian, we are securing the Stargate right now. We will transfer the Gate Control Device to your ship when we bring over the address book. Glory to the Empire and the Emperor, and may all our enemies know the glory of Chaos.
05-03-2006, 01:27
As you wish; proceed to the fullest. Our tech-priests stand ready to aid you in this grand endeavor. Simply give the word and we shall initiate the warp-jump; we are extending the vessels gellar field to envelop you; thus protecting you while in the warp.
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 01:33
As you wish; proceed to the fullest. Our tech-priests stand ready to aid you in this grand endeavor. Simply give the word and we shall initiate the warp-jump; we are extending the vessels gellar field to envelop you; thus protecting you while in the warp.

We are greatly appreciative. The Stargate is ready for deployment, and the Dialing Computer is onboard. We may enter the Warp whenever you are ready.
05-03-2006, 01:40
The ship initiated its warp drive; rending the fabric of the physical universe as it slid, effortlessly into the warp. Energy crackled and danced upon waves of infinite possibility; waves of raw power surged and moved. It was like liquid; like fire, like everything and nothing all at once; and now the gate was there; suspended amongst the fires; held in sway by the Chronosian vessel; which had bound the gate with chains and attachments; which held it too within the grasp of a stabilising tracter beam, lest it be lost forever...Not that it would matter much.

The dialing began...The location filtered in in seven symbols, the energy dancing across the gate stopping for a moment, as it locked, and engaged...The gate opened; and the howling, limitless energies of the warp surged against it; pouring forth, a tide of almost living flame; daemons dancing in the midst of the hellfire, as it shook and struggled.

It had begun
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 01:46
Lord Lucian. How will we know when the Daemons have begun to assault the world? Our sensors cannot penetrate this maelstrom...

OOC: Your move SQ.
05-03-2006, 01:48
Nothing is unknown to the Masters of the Warp; we are transmitting Chronosian sensor telemetry to you now; what you see should confirm or deny your thoughts....
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 01:56
Nothing is unknown to the Masters of the Warp; we are transmitting Chronosian sensor telemetry to you now; what you see should confirm or deny your thoughts....

That is MOST illuminating. Could you identify what we're seeing for us?
05-03-2006, 04:49
OOC: Sorry about the delay. Only just found this thread.

IC: Neo Roma, Botany - Stargate Facility

The standard automated message came over the base's intercom: "We've got an unscheduled off-world activation. Closing Iris, activating Shield, deploying defenses, and sealing blast doors."

Gate Room

The Iris irised shut over the event horizon of the incoming wormhole and the Shield activated as back-up. Slabs of meter thick solid Tritanium slammed home hermetically sealing the room into an air-tight enviroment. Even the windows of the Control Room and Conference Room were covered. Only coverage was through sensor strips mounted high on the wall.

Control Room


"We've got an unscheduled off-world activation, General. According to the databanks, its a Mini Miehm address!"

"Hmm, activate contingency measures. Set the facility's auto-destruct, but don't activate!"

"Aye, sir!"

Gate Room

As more slabs of solid Tritanium sealed off everything above ten meters from the floor of the Gate Room, water began to pour in and would eventually fill the sealed chamber.

OOC: Don't tell me you didn't expect me to cover my rear. Though, compared to what I've got defending the Gate on Altera, this is nothing.

Check. Your move.
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 05:35
"Sir, I think the Daemons are beginning to cross through..."

"Any signs of difficulty?"

"No sir, none. From what I can tell, based on my very limited understanding of the Chronosians devices, it's almost like the SeaQuestians didn't have any defenses in place..."

"I'm sure they have defenses, they just have all the wrong kinds..."

OOC: Technically speaking the power of Chaos and the Warp is now flowing out of the gate, and Daemons will soon follow, unopposed by the requisite Gellar Field. Without a gellar field the warp will run rampant through your base, and Daemons are liable to follow as mutation begins...
05-03-2006, 05:39
OOC: Hmm, lets see how they handle Contingency Plan #2. *Evil Laugh*

Oh, and any energy emissions through the wormhole are being absorbed by the Naquadah of the Stargate. Its cannon.

IC: Control Room

"Sir, we've got a massive energy build up in the Gate!"

"Let me know when it gets close to the red-line!"

"Aye, sir."

OOC: Looks like we both need info. You need info on Stargate tech, and I need info on Warhammer tech. As it is apparent we know very little about what the other is using.
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 06:00
OOC: Hmm, lets see how they handle Contingency Plan #2. *Evil Laugh*

Oh, and any energy emissions through the wormhole are being absorbed by the Naquadah of the Stargate. Its cannon.

IC: Control Room

"Sir, we've got a massive energy build up in the Gate!"

"Let me know when it gets close to the red-line!"

"Aye, sir."

OOC: Looks like we both need info. You need info on Stargate tech, and I need info on Warhammer tech. As it is apparent we know very little about what the other is using.

OOC: I'll let Chron do the explaining for the Warp and the workings of Chaos as it pertains to NS. I play Necrons RL. And we don't have any Chaos players around here to ask quuestions. I have a pretty good idea what will happen when the PHYSICAL energy of the Warp i absorbed by the Gate. Specifically, a massive explosion. What matters more is the CORRUPTING energy, the kind that manifests itself in non-physical manners, or the kind tht causes Mutation. Because if this direct exposure to the Warp lasts too long, your guys are gonna start sprouting extra limbs, and other various bizarre changes. And when the first Bloodthrirster walks right through that Iris, your guys are liable to have a heart attack.
05-03-2006, 06:03
OOC: I've done some research. According to my info, by powering your Gate through Chaos, you are quite highly likely to overload it and cause it to detonate. Remember, these are precision instruments and not weapons of war.

I checked with a friend who has the Warhammer rule books when you said you could send things through the Gate's defenses unhindered, but, according to him, the Gate would absorb a lot of the energy, on both ends. Thus, their is a high chance of detonation on both ends.

Oh, and don't forget the Gate Room is flooded with water.

IC: Control Room

"Sir! Something is starting to come through the Iris! It must be out-of-phase with this reality!"

"Quickly, beam it into space on a trajectory that will pass it through the sun's corona!"

"Aye, sir."

Gate Room

As the first of the Chaos creatures began to emerge from the Gate, it dissapeared in a flash of light as the transporter activated. It reappeared in orbit. The transport imparted just enough momentum to the Gate to set it on its way.

OOC: Lets see how these things handle solar radiation at that range. That is, if the Gate doesn't detonate from the overload of energy you are feeding it first.
05-03-2006, 13:10
"How amusing, for all their technology; they panic as frightened children; using trickery as opposed to true warfare. In the days of the Imperium, the entire facility would be fighting for its life; an exterminatus would render it all to dust and ashes. The days of the mighty Empires of fear and superstition are gone...But in a sense, we must bring them back."

Upon the deck, sorcerous incants were brought forth; a psychic choir wailed in unison, the same one that fuelled the vessels warp transit and astropathic communications. "Focus the Warp emanations; force the wave through directly; they cannot hold back the tide forever; they cannot seek to defy the power of the warp."

Daemons poured through with the raw stuff of the Immaterium; thrumming and hissing as they slid through the iris, greasy with the flames of chaos. They howled and bellowed like great seething beings of tyrannous hate. Bloodletters moved in droves, red skinned goat men, brandishing foul, shimmering axes. They could not hope to defeat them all by trickery. The Iris seemed to crackle and seeth; something grander than these mere servants threatened to force it's way through; the tremendous energies must surely have been taking their toll upon the Iris, the ferocious power of the warp thrumming and hissing. They plunged into water, the liquid boiling even as they walked through it, it would take more than this to quench the fires of the ether.

In the depths of space, the Warp entities faded back into the Immaterium; not so much from the radiation; it barely bothered them, but rather from intense seperation from the Warp itself.

"My Lord; we are reading that the gate is becoming, to an extent overloaded.

"Extend the Gellar field; the first wave has done it's work so far; we shall wait.."

The energies of the warp were seeping like corruption from a wound; a sickness coiling from the gate in insidious tendrils. Whether there was a catastrophic incident or not, the taint would remain; and that was one of the things Lucian was counting on.
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 16:51
What do we do now Lord Lucian? Simply wait and see if the Daemons re-emerge through the gate? Or do we send forces in after them to see how they have fared?
05-03-2006, 16:55
We wait...If we send through troops, it will be to take advantage of the inability to manage every gate in existence. I trust you have other gates, and other addresses...I trust you can provide us with doorways to richer...newer worlds. If not...Then what else have you to offer us, Sons of Terra?
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 17:05
We wait...If we send through troops, it will be to take advantage of the inability to manage every gate in existence. I trust you have other gates, and other addresses...I trust you can provide us with doorways to richer...newer worlds. If not...Then what else have you to offer us, Sons of Terra?

We can offer to you every address known to the SeaQuestians. Some worlds will be barren, others will be so rich that it is beyond imagining. The Embassies and Trade Worlds of a dozen nations. 100,000 worlds we have the addresses for. ALL can be yours given time my Lord.
05-03-2006, 19:08
The Gate continued drifting on its course towards the Botany star system's sun's corona.

Control Room

"Scans of the Gate indicate it is getting quite close to overload. We were lucky to get it off planet when we did as, unless they stop the incoming wormhole, it will detonate."

"What about the other end? A Stargate is a precision instrument not designed to take this much energy flow."

"I know. Most likely the Gate on the other end will have its circuits fused from all the energy, if not detonate itself."

1.) Its not every world I know of. Just the non-security risks, trade worlds, and embassy worlds.
2.) Its 10,000 Address. You added an extra '0'.
3.) The Scandinvans have a world on that list. I would like to see how you'll handle Eternal defenses.
4.) Read my previous posts and edit your post to show the correct circumstances. Chrono, the Gate is no longer on the planet anymore. So, your post seems a bit close to godmodding/wanking, IMHO.
05-03-2006, 19:16

Tag for further reading. M.M., why the fuck didn't I think of this in the first place.... Wanna set some up in Huntarian space?
05-03-2006, 19:17
OOC: Please, can you go through one RP without becoming smug and lecturing, hm? I misread your post, deal with it. I've editted.

The gate was tumbling in the void; alone and untamed in the savage void; the warp creatures that tumbled forth held onto tenuous reality from the warp energy seeping forth; the iris was losing its sway. What should have been acted out upon reality was now to be acted out upon the tyrannous canvas of space. The ravenous void, that consumed all offered to it. Forever would their folly blight the Cluster.

The Gellar field was lowered as the warp flooded forth, an untamed sea; before the shield was reconfigured, tunneling it through the gate, avoiding the edge, forcing the raw energy forth and into the void. It pooled and seethed and forced free, an immense warp-disturbance, etching itself upon the fabric of reality. Staining the very star that it approached; the ravenous fires of the immaterium bubbling forth in uncontrolled catastrophe. The gate would soon overload, but if it did not, then it would meet the star, and the warp would flood forth, a catastrophic reaction between materium and immaterium. They could very well sunder the fabric of the material plane.

Lucian cared not; cared not if suns died or worlds burned, only that the experiment be tested to its furtherest limits; that the tide of the Immaterium infect and infest other portions of the galaxy.

He wondered if, in their arrogance, the Seaquestrians had any comprehension of that which they invoked...
05-03-2006, 19:22
1.) You are forgetting about the Shield that is also in place around the Gate and has been from the get-go.
2.) Both Gates, the one you are using and mine, are very close to detonating due to the amounts of energy your putting into them. Are you that willing to risk your entire ship for this?
3.) I'm still waiting for descriptions and explanations of all this 'Chaos' gunk. As I have no freaking clue about Warhammer/Battlefleet Gothic stuff. Its not my cup of tea, as the saying goes.
They plunged into water, the liquid boiling even as they walked through it, it would take more than this to quench the fires of the ether.

You forgot a part. No water in space. The Gate was beamed into space at the first sign of something trying to come through.

IC: Control Room

"How long 'till the Gate detonates from the power overload?"

"Unkown, sir. Most likely less than a minute."

"Sensors are still reading things trying to come through. The Iris is holding alot back, but its not a serious block."

"If anything gets through, target the Ion Cannons on it and fire."

"Aye, sir."
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 19:33

Tag for further reading. M.M., why the fuck didn't I think of this in the first place.... Wanna set some up in Huntarian space?

OOC: Dunno Huntaer, but if you contact me ICly we most certainly CAN set something up. I approached Chtron first because he was the only one I had IM access to the day the idea hit me. If I'd been on MSN it would have been Khurgan, then Chron, then anyone else that liked the idea.

@SQ: It was a typo, gimme a break...


Shall we return to the Materium and discover what we may from our outposts in the Sector? Or shall we simply see how long it is before the Gate overloads and the taint ceases its corruption? The Terrans could easily see what was happening at such relatively close distances, and they knew the signature of The Warp in real space. They would knoiw if the taint had taken root...
05-03-2006, 19:33
OOC: The warp is energy pure energy, unfathomable amounts of energy. Its an entire dimension of raw, seething emotionally charged energy. The Warp is a reflection of the Material Plane, its soul in some ways; and as such it is affected by the physic emanations of the races of the galaxy. In the beginning it was placid, but the events of the fabled "War in Heaven" between the C'tan led Necrons and the Old Ones and whatever races they had created changed it. Warp entities became baleful predators; and the most powerful emotions engendered what would become known as the Gods of Chaos.

Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle were born from the raging emotions of those early days, but it was not until the hedonistic excesses of the Eldar triggered the Fall that Slaanesh was born.

Daemons serve the Gods of Chaos, they themselves being lesser warp beings who serve and function as extensions of the will of the Gods of Chaos. Chaos can be tamed and used by "psykers", psychics who possess genes which allow them access to the warps power. While a normal being is a candleflame, the psyker burns like a bonfire in the warp, attracting warp entities. These entities can manipulate the Psyker and allow themselves to be called forth, or be called forth by willing subjects, such as Chaos sorcerors. In short, the Warp is Chaos itself, a vast corrupting power. A well-spring if you will.

Now, when that gate detonates, its going to be very unpleasant for the sun; our gate is now shielded from the warp by the gellar field, and is, in effect, being channeled directly into the gate. How can it continue to overload if we don't allow it to touch the gates physical presence? I'm not willing to risk my ship; I'm willing to risk your gate. :)


The Gate was disconnected; let to fly into the warp, lost, for all intensive purposes, but still to fulfill its duty. If the Terrans were to be believed, they had many that could replace it; and so they cast it into the yawning, howling depths of the warp; they themselves moving along its astral currents, moving towards Chronosian space; guided by the mournful cry of the Astropathic choir.

"The experiment showed that their most precious gates are heavily defended. That they prize their own lives over their technology; and that the gates, as a functional device, are inherently flawed. A Warp immersion of the Gate prevents the gate from being used...In short, we could use this measure to seal them off; if we so wished." He chuckled lightly. "It is beyond our hands now; a tool of glorious Tzeentch...However, it occurs to me that my patrons gifts would be better used through such a method. We have ways of making them surrender and yield to us; we have keys that can force the locks that bind them...And no key is more grand nor skeletal than terror. Let them see how they deal with the pandoras box we have created; let us see how they sunder the fabric of existence. The Eye, the Maelstrom; shall these black crevices in the fabric of reality have a new brother?"
05-03-2006, 19:44
for all intensive purposes

OOC: Its "for all intents and purposes", intensive purposes makes no sense. Sorry a pet peeve of mine.
05-03-2006, 19:46
OOC: Its "for all intents and purposes", intensive purposes makes no sense. Sorry a pet peeve of mine.

Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 19:56
OOC: The warp is energy pure energy, unfathomable amounts of energy. Its an entire dimension of raw, seething emotionally charged energy. The Warp is a reflection of the Material Plane, its soul in some ways; and as such it is affected by the physic emanations of the races of the galaxy. In the beginning it was placid, but the events of the fabled "War in Heaven" between the C'tan led Necrons and the Old Ones and whatever races they had created changed it. Warp entities became baleful predators; and the most powerful emotions engendered what would become known as the Gods of Chaos.

Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle were born from the raging emotions of those early days, but it was not until the hedonistic excesses of the Eldar triggered the Fall that Slaanesh was born.

Daemons serve the Gods of Chaos, they themselves being lesser warp beings who serve and function as extensions of the will of the Gods of Chaos. Chaos can be tamed and used by "psykers", psychics who possess genes which allow them access to the warps power. While a normal being is a candleflame, the psyker burns like a bonfire in the warp, attracting warp entities. These entities can manipulate the Psyker and allow themselves to be called forth, or be called forth by willing subjects, such as Chaos sorcerors. In short, the Warp is Chaos itself, a vast corrupting power. A well-spring if you will.

Now, when that gate detonates, its going to be very unpleasant for the sun; our gate is now shielded from the warp by the gellar field, and is, in effect, being channeled directly into the gate. How can it continue to overload if we don't allow it to touch the gates physical presence? I'm not willing to risk my ship; I'm willing to risk your gate. :)


The Gate was disconnected; let to fly into the warp, lost, for all intensive purposes, but still to fulfill its duty. If the Terrans were to be believed, they had many that could replace it; and so they cast it into the yawning, howling depths of the warp; they themselves moving along its astral currents, moving towards Chronosian space; guided by the mournful cry of the Astropathic choir.

"The experiment showed that their most precious gates are heavily defended. That they prize their own lives over their technology; and that the gates, as a functional device, are inherently flawed. A Warp immersion of the Gate prevents the gate from being used...In short, we could use this measure to seal them off; if we so wished." He chuckled lightly. "It is beyond our hands now; a tool of glorious Tzeentch...However, it occurs to me that my patrons gifts would be better used through such a method. We have ways of making them surrender and yield to us; we have keys that can force the locks that bind them...And no key is more grand nor skeletal than terror. Let them see how they deal with the pandoras box we have created; let us see how they sunder the fabric of existence. The Eye, the Maelstrom; shall these black crevices in the fabric of reality have a new brother?"

Are you saying that we have just created a new Eye of Terror? That the Warp will simply tear through and corrupt the entire system? We can make MORE direct connections to the Materium and the Immaterium using STARGATES... And Terror? What kind of Terror Lord Lucian?
05-03-2006, 19:59
The gate will detonate, and once it does, we shall see what effect the raw power of the warp has against the fabric of reality. When that detonation takes place; warp tainted as it is, in the midst of space, so close to such a radiant body...Who knows what shall occur; a real-space to warp overlay is simply....Favorable. As for terror; the terror of ones children in flight and death, is oft enough to make one misjudge, miscalculate...Every parent has a weakness, and they claim to have parented humanity
The Scandinvans
05-03-2006, 19:59
OOC: See this is why I created my own transportation system and why I never really wanted to use Stargates in my FT nation. As well this is one of the reasons why all Eternal tech is genetic locked so only people of pure Eternal DNA and energy can use it.
05-03-2006, 20:00
OOC: Smart man, that is.
05-03-2006, 20:02
1.) If I seem in a bad mood, forgive me. I've been dealing with someone I don't get along with in another thread.
2.) @MM: I wasn't making anything out of it.
3.) @Chrono: Thanks for the info.
4.) If you are not feeding your Gate power, there is no way to keep a wormhole open. Power is drawn from the source of the incoming wormhole, so you'll need a connection to some sort of power supply. From what I understand, you were powering your Gate via the Warp/Chaos. Blocking that from the Gate automatically cuts the power supply, thus turning it off.
5.) @Scandinvans: Good point. May have to do something similar as an IC result of this. Though, I do know that all SeaQuestian Stargates will be taken off-line and put into storage after this incident becomes known.

IC: Control Room

Noises could heard as the massive Ion Cannons started churning out bolt after bolt of destructive energy at things that had come through the Gate while it was en route to the sun's corona.

"General, sir! According to these readings, we have no more than ten seconds until the Gate detonates!"

"Damage prediction, NOW!"

"Minimal shockwave damage predicted. Its too far away from us for the Naquadah explosion to cause us any harm, sir."

"And the sun?"

"Detonation will occur within five light minutes from the star's photosphere. Just outside the danger radius. We may have intense solar activity for a few weeks, but that's about it."

"Five light minutes, that's cutting it close."

"I know, sir. But we can't do anything to accelerate the process from our end. The Gate is drawing its power from the source of the incoming wormhole."
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 20:18
1.) If I seem in a bad mood, forgive me. I've been dealing with someone I don't get along with in another thread.
2.) @MM: I wasn't making anything out of it.
3.) @Chrono: Thanks for the info.
4.) If you are not feeding your Gate power, there is no way to keep a wormhole open. Power is drawn from the source of the incoming wormhole, so you'll need a connection to some sort of power supply. From what I understand, you were powering your Gate via the Warp/Chaos. Blocking that from the Gate automatically cuts the power supply, thus turning it off.
5.) @Scandinvans: Good point. May have to do something similar as an IC result of this. Though, I do know that all SeaQuestian Stargates will be taken off-line and put into storage after this incident becomes known.

IC: Control Room

Noises could heard as the massive Ion Cannons started churning out bolt after bolt of destructive energy at things that had come through the Gate while it was en route to the sun's corona.

"General, sir! According to these readings, we have no more than ten seconds until the Gate detonates!"

"Damage prediction, NOW!"

"Minimal shockwave damage predicted. Its too far away from us for the Naquadah explosion to cause us any harm, sir."

"And the sun?"

"Detonation will occur within five light minutes from the star's photosphere. Just outside the danger radius. We may have intense solar activity for a few weeks, but that's about it."

"Five light minutes, that's cutting it close."

"I know, sir. But we can't do anything to accelerate the process from our end. The Gate is drawing its power from the source of the incoming wormhole."

The gate detonated. It wasn't a simple detonation either. A massive spike of Warp Energy was the only warning the Seaquestians would have, before the devastation began. Massive and glorious beyond imagining, the energy streamed for like a deadly beam, but it was far more dangerous than any weapon. A Warp related detonation, inside a dimensional rift, this near a stellar body? There were only a few possible outcomes, and this was the one of the worst.

There would be "increased solar activity" for a very long time. Beautiful, horrible, glorious, and wonderful, all at once, the ever shifting and rippling glory of the Warp was overlain on the Materium. A Warpstorm had been formed when the energy of the detonating gate and the energy of Chaos had interacted. This system would be cut off by something more horrible than simple FTLi. A Warpstorm like none in recent history. The Roaring Deeps. The Wellspring of Corruption. The Font of Change.

Lucians Maw...
05-03-2006, 20:36
1.) Its not the energy that detonates, its the Naquadah the Gate is made of that explodes because it absorbed to much energy. Gates are nothing more then giant super conductors of energy. No matter what energy you put in, it will convert it into the form it uses.
2.) A Gate exploding automattically closes any outgoing or incoming wormhole. Nothing else would come through. And the detonation would be nowhere near rift forming yeild.
3.) You saying what my Gate's can and can't and when do vears toward godmodding/wanking, IMHO.
4.) Its my Stargate, I get to say when it explodes and what happens.
05-03-2006, 20:38
ooc: sry for the intrusion; mini, you need to reply to my thread asap.
05-03-2006, 20:40
OOC: Aww, come on, cut us some slack. Your gates aren't flawless; it just detonated, overloaded with Chaos energy, horrible, icky warp tainted energy; thats gotta have some kind of effect. Everyone loves a warp rift, makes the skies more interesting. You can't dodge out of ever getting hurt in this RP, you already threw it into space, now you'll have to deal with the consequences.

You making so that nothing EVER harms you or does something that you don't like, veers towards godmoding, IMHO, now we can talk about this in TG and IM, and keep it civilised, or we can just continue with the RP. Sometimes things have to be sacrificed for the sake of fun; spacial integrity is one of these things.
05-03-2006, 20:47
OOC: You obviously know very little, if anything, about Stargates.

A Chaos Rift would form on your end if your Gate detonated because that is the one that was being fed the Warp energy. The one on my end was being fed the converted energy through the incoming wormhole.

I've acknowledged the Iris may not be a 100% effective barrier to these critters coming through, but you are forgetting I had a Shield in place as well the whole time.

And I've had Botany's Tollan Ion Cannons (cannonly, just one shot from one of these can destroy a Ha'tak class vessel) firing at anything that did manage to get past the Shield and the Iris.

I've done nothing uncannon in this thread.

Please, know the technology your working with before trying something like this.

It is apparent that I know way more than either of you about Stargate tech.

You want to try 'hurting' Botany, then send ships.
All through the Cluster it would have been easily noticed. The formation of a new Eye would be impossible to miss. The Maw would be a new wonder throughout the area. A wonder, a terror, and an object of worship all at once. The glory of Chaos had been visited upon the Cluster, and things would be very interesting for quite some time...

Unless you know something about Stargates I don't, which is highly doubtful, that rift didn't form. If any rift formed, it would be on your end where the Warp/Chaos energy was being fed into the Stargate.
Mini Miehm
05-03-2006, 20:57
OOC: You obviously know very little, if anything, about Stargates.

A Chaos Rift would form on your end if your Gate detonated because that is the one that was being fed the Warp energy. The one on my end was being fed the converted energy through the incoming wormhole.

I've ackowledged the Iris may not be 100% effective barrier to these critters coming through, but you are forgetting I had a Shield in place as well the whole time.

And I've had Botany's Tollan Ion Cannons (cannonly, just one shot from one of these can destroy a Ha'tak class vessel) firing at anything that did manage to get past the Shield and the Iris.

I've done nothing uncannon in this thread.

Please, know the technology your working with before trying something like this.

OOC: We were not feeding the energy TO your gate, we were feeding the energy THROUGH the Gate for the most part. Even if a Warp Rift DIDN'T form, you still have to deal with the icky Chaos Tainted radiation that your sun will now be sending down on your planet. Either way you look at it, we've already won.
05-03-2006, 20:58
OOC: yes, evidently you know so much more about a fictional programme, revolving around fictional physics, in a situation that would never ever take place

Honestly; you don't know if it is possible or not; you have no clue whatsoever, do you? You're also not willing to sacrifice ANYTHING for the sake of RP, dear god when the Gate Builders delegate tried to punch you, you pulled superior reflexes...Really, if you didn't allow us to do the original plan, you could've at least given us this, but you insist upon being stubborn. *yawn* You bore me with your inability to bring yourself to lose anything of worth.
05-03-2006, 21:07
1.) If you don't want to deal with the facts, then leave. We can always slap an ignore sticker on this thread.

2.) In regards to the TGB thing, I only said my character dodged. It was up to TGB to say if he wanted the dodge to be successful or not. He said nothing.

3.) Dude, check the price tag on my Stargates. You want me to loose something of value:
a.) My expensive Stargate just exploded;
b.) Botany currently has no access to a Stargate to evacuate civilians off-world and military forces on if someone attempts an attack from space.

4.) The Gate detonated BEFORE it reached the star.

5.) MM, you can't feed energy to the Gate on the other side. You can send energy through the wormhole, but its the Gate on your side you feed energy to to open the damn wormhole in the first place. No energy = no wormhole. Get it?

6.) Just think, guys. Botany doesn't have a Stargate. If you act fast you can send ships to attack from orbit and test them against the Tollan Ion Cannons I have in place on the planet. Use your brains and don't get stuck up on the fact the battle was lost.

7.) I'm still waiting results of firing my Tollan Ion Cannons at the things that did make it through the Gate before it detonated.
Icecrown Glaciar
05-03-2006, 21:11
OOC: Technically there was no battle; technically it was an experiment to see the effect of forcing the warp through a gate; something you attempted to thwart at every turn; now I posted warp energy leakage, and some Daemons managed to force through, but honestly; all we want is a little warp aperture resulting from our little test; it won't bother you that much, now is it so much to ask? The warp wasn't meant to be fuelling the gate, it was meant to be being forced through; raw, pure, warp energy; to corrupt whatever lay beyond.

That was the aim.

Now we must be able to reach some form of compromise over the matter; I've compromised plenty through this experiment, simply because you kept innovating to make sure you didn't 'lose' but theres only so far you can push that envelope; you have to do something for us now; now, as I suggested we could take this to IM or TG, lets not do this here. Lets do this as men, not with fire, not with venom. Eh?
05-03-2006, 21:20
OOC: Technically there was no battle; technically it was an experiment to see the effect of forcing the warp through a gate; something you attempted to thwart at every turn; now I posted warp energy leakage, and some Daemons managed to force through, but honestly; all we want is a little warp aperture resulting from our little test; it won't bother you that much, now is it so much to ask? The warp wasn't meant to be fuelling the gate, it was meant to be being forced through; raw, pure, warp energy; to corrupt whatever lay beyond.

That was the aim.

Now we must be able to reach some form of compromise over the matter; I've compromised plenty through this experiment, simply because you kept innovating to make sure you didn't 'lose' but theres only so far you can push that envelope; you have to do something for us now; now, as I suggested we could take this to IM or TG, lets not do this here. Lets do this as men, not with fire, not with venom. Eh?

OOC: First question, who da hell are you?
Second question, how are you even involved in this?
Icecrown Glaciar
05-03-2006, 21:22
OOC: I'm not; I was just leaving my two cents. My opinion, if you will. It wouldn't be the first time that you had done such, and it shan't be the last time that I ever do. I simply think that both parties should reach some form of compromise; talk about it, somewhere away from the IC and OOC aspects of this thread.
05-03-2006, 21:27
OOC: I'm not; I was just leaving my two cents. My opinion, if you will. It wouldn't be the first time that you had done such, and it shan't be the last time that I ever do. I simply think that both parties should reach some form of compromise; talk about it, somewhere away from the IC and OOC aspects of this thread.

1.) I am trying to compromise. Both MM and Chrono won't listen. Its their way or the highway it seems.
2.) If both sides knew anything about tech both the other was using instead of just the basics, this would have gone easier and smoother.
3.) If Chrono or MM wants to start an OOC thread where we can discuss it, fine. Until then, the facts stay here where all can see.
05-03-2006, 21:32
Gotta comment here...

2.) In regards to the TGB thing, I only said my character dodged. It was up to TGB to say if he wanted the dodge to be successful or not. He said nothing.

No, actually its your responsibility to take the hit. Besides, it would have helped your case if you suddenly started sporting a shiner.
05-03-2006, 21:33
05-03-2006, 21:37
Gotta comment here...
No, actually its your responsibility to take the hit. Besides, it would have helped your case if you suddenly started sporting a shiner.

OOC: My bad then. I actually thought it worked the other way around and that when someone says they attempt to dodge a punch, the other guy says how successful it was, if at all.
05-03-2006, 21:46
Newp. Its pretty much "I throw punch at you, you say how much it hits."

Besides, this thread would've had serious comedic potential. God knows how reality would have messed with the critters that came through.

You honestly could have been facing off with a swarm of confused gerbils.
05-03-2006, 21:48
Newp. Its pretty much "I throw punch at you, you say how much it hits."

Besides, this thread would've had serious comedic potential. God knows how reality would have messed with the critters that came through.

You honestly could have been facing off with a swarm of confused gerbils.

OOC: Like I said, I know next to nothing about the Warhammer/Battlefleet Gothic universe.
05-03-2006, 21:50
You don't stop to wonder why there aren't more demons roaming around? Its a two way street for the most part. A critter going into the warp might have some freaky things happen to it, but a critter coming from would as well.
Mini Miehm
07-03-2006, 00:46
The gate detonated. It wasn't a simple detonation either. A massive spike of Warp Energy was the only warning the Seaquestians would have, before the devastation began. Massive and glorious beyond imagining, the energy streamed for like a deadly beam, but it was far more dangerous than any weapon. A Warp related detonation, inside a dimensional rift, this near a stellar body? There were only a few possible outcomes, and this was the one of the worst.

There would be "increased solar activity" for a very long time. Beautiful, horrible, glorious, and wonderful, all at once, the ever shifting and rippling glory of the Warp was overlain on the Materium. A Warpstorm had been formed when the energy of the detonating gate and the energy of Chaos had interacted. This system would be cut off by something more horrible than simple FTLi. A Warpstorm like none in recent history. The Roaring Deeps. The Wellspring of Corruption. The Font of Change.

Lucians Maw...

OOC: The editing has happened, we may now restart the RP.
07-03-2006, 05:46
OOC: The editing has happened, we may now restart the RP.

OOC: Bring on da Chaos Critters. I've got some new guns I want to try out.
08-03-2006, 01:53

Somewhere it sounds as though reality is screaming; like the mewling whimper of a scared little girl. Somehow it sounds as though everything stretches and strains. A structure moves and resettles; as some native beast howls and howls, and howls; and then whimpers, something silences it. The entire world seems to freeze, holding in place; the sky is a tapestry of torment. A howling bleeding thing, dominated by the festering wound in the fabric of reality that hangs above it like a vast and angry bloodshot eye.

Psychic agonies descend upon a world ripe in its own terror; festering in the stench of its own fear. A child cries out in half-realised potential; reality twists and murmers, fed by his insatiable horror-haunted mind. Older, more capable psykers, attract things that bite and hiss like moths to candleflames, like butterflies in the midst of an inferno.


Watch as they slip through the cracks, drawn to the mortal ilk who burn like bonfires and seeth like candles; who twist and writhe in their own dark secret dreams. It begins to rain; fire and blood touch the streets as though the gods themselves had decided to cast their excremental fury upon the surface of this world; the wind howls, deeper, darker than it should; the air itself crackles and stirs with whorish static, a sensation alive in the fabric of things.

Reality sunders in a dazzle of warpflame; Daemons emerge into reality, rending from the skin of the materium like parasites. A man claws out his own eyes to escape the horrors that escape from his burning, overactive mind; a woman watches her house sunder itself in a cacophany of dazzling light; the universe seems to flip; as these abominations walk the earth and nature itself seems to go mad with feverish revulsion. Blood stains the sidewalks, running in foul, decaying rivulets. A Great Unclean one bursts free from the seething earth, nurglings cavorting about its exposedm, diseased organs, giggling insanely as even vermin flee from their depravity.

A Bloodthirster replete with Bloodletter escorts, tears into the air on wings of fire; a great red-scaled beast of tyrannous hate and limitless fury. A Lord of Change emerges, crouched upon a rooftop, whispering prophecy; hissed foretelling to those mad enough to listen.

A leather and chain bound monster stalks the shadows, Daemonettes like so many gilded whores flirt about the ankles of the Keeper of Secrets; it's gaze rending desires from mind and flesh; its every breath an undulating murmer of excitement and yearning. These are the faces of Chaos; this is the beginning; the slow beginning; of all the horror that will pour like so much corrosive poison from Lucian's Maw.
10-03-2006, 20:21
OOC: Ahh, fudge it. I'm just going to base my response off the parts I do understand and I'll work on understanding the rest later.

IC: Neo Roma, Botany - Stargate Complex - General's Office - 1 hour later

"Sir, we are getting reports of strange, non-native creatures appearing on the surface and killing people."

"Seal the mountain and send up some U.A.V.s to check things out."

"Aye, sir."

Surface - Exterior

Several blast dors came down and otherwise slid into place effectively sealing the mountain. The complex even switched over to its internal power source and supplies. Meanwhile, a small door opened half-way up the side of the mountain, spat out five U.A.V.s, and closed.
06-04-2006, 01:01
The rampages of the Daemons would be plain for them to see; the bloated, pestilant glory of the Unclean One; the foul excesses and whispered temptations of the Keeper of Secrets; the foul machinations wrought by the Lord of Change, and the mindless bloodlust of the Bloodthrister. They and their minions had descended, a cleansing horde in the name of glorious, unstoppable Chaos.

Hell itself seems wrought upon the tapestry of the world; setting it to decay; setting it to burn. This is madness, this is Chaos, this is death given form and flesh; the constant corrupt radiation that blights the sky giving them strength, enforcing their will upon the material plane. The howls echo; the roaring call of judgement descended upon Botany.