NationStates Jolt Archive

The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength :: The Revival

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Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 00:00
Nations of the world:

I am Emperor Titus Celmaetus, leader of the United Empire of Comatica for six years now. Myself, and my allies, Emperor Alaric Tan'it of Xeraph, and President Israel Azullias of N Y C have fought the evils of the Black & Grey Imperium, dealing a blow to our nations. We have become great and close allies, and now wish to spread that out. Xeraph, which was a member of the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength in it's heydey, seeks to rebuild that alliance, however in colossal proportions. Comatica and Xeraph now announce the opening of GAPTS.

The Official Charter for The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength [GAPTS]
As drafted by the Comatic Imperial Senate

Section A: Preamble
Article 1: GAPTS ideals
The purpose for the formation of GAPTS is to maintain peace and order throughout the world. Through strength is the how this alliance chooses to perform that task. Whether it be through diplomatic talks, sanctions, intimidation, or military action, each member must be fully aware of the role of GAPTS in the world.

Section B: Applying and entering
Article 2: Requirement upon entry
All nations applying for entry into GAPTS must have a current incorporated population of at minimum 2 billion persons. Military power is not a factor in entry consideration.

Article 2a: Pending status
If a nation that wishes to enter is not above the 2 billion persons limit, it will be placed on the Pending list, in which it is not an active member and is not entitled to the benefits occuring in the alliance, but once it reaches it's population where it is within the 2 billion limit, it will be entitled to those benefits.

Article 3: Rejection
A nation applying for entry into GAPTS may be denied entry through the Celmaetus Process, as devised by Emperor Titus Celmaetus of Comatica. A member nation may voice it's disapproval of an applying nation, with a solid reason. Then, all active nations in GAPTS will receive a voting form via telegram. This voting form will be for the entry of the nation that was disapproved of by a member. Each nation will vote on whether this nation should be granted entrance to GAPTS. If 1/2 of the members in the alliance vote against the nation's entry, it's application will be denied.

Otherwise, nations with all government types will be accepted.

Section C: Interacting with alliance members
Article 4: Embassies
All nations must exchange embassies with all member nations, if it has not been done already. This is to improve the relations between each member. (OOC: Doesn’t have to be RPed)

Article 5: Trade
Free trade between each member nation is strongly encouraged and recommended, but not required.

Article 6: Acceptance of other members
Each member should be accepting of another member's culture and way of life. A member shall not attempt to change another member nation's society or culture.

Article 6a: Conflicts upon entrance
Members will not be allowed to be involved in military conflicts with each other. Decisions will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis. If a nation applies, and has an ongoing military conflict with a current member, the applying nation will be placed on the Pending list, unless the conflict should be resolved.

Article 6b: Conflicts after entrance
Military conflicts among members will not be tolerated, and may result in the expulsion of the instigating members from GAPTS, unless the conflict was absolutely necessary.

Section D: Benefits and duties of GAPTS members
Article 7: Military conflicts
Member nations may seek the assistance of other members in military fashion, depending on the situation.

Article 7a: Defensive wars
Should a member nation be invaded by a foreign power not in GAPTS, said nation may seek the military assistance of another member. Members may assist other members on their own merit, and are not required to come to the aid of one in need, though it is recommended. This assistance may be in the way of providing military forces to defend a member's land, providing military forces to attack the invader's land, or providing logistical supplies for the member nation that has been attacked.

Article 7b: Offensive Wars
Should a member invade or attack a sovereign nation offensively, it may seek the military or logistical assistance from other member nations. Members may assist other members on their own merit, and are not required to come to the aid of one in need, though it is recommended. This assistance may be in the way of providing military forces to defend a member's land, providing military forces to attack the defender's land, or providing logistical supplies for the member nation that is attacking.

Article 8: Peacekeeping army
Member nations are required to contribute forces to a small peacekeeping force operated by the alliance, called the GAPTS Peacekeeping Task Force. A contribution must be at least 10,000 troops. They will be placed on a “Common Territory,” to be designated at a later date.

Article 9: Restricted list
All members on the Restricted list do not have several of the same benefits as full members. Restricted members may not receive aid for an offensive war. Also, they may not partake in any of the events described in article 3, and therefore cannot use the Celmaetus Process. This shall only be used for punishments.

Section E: Offenses
Article 10: Punishable offenses
The following are actionable offenses in GAPTS, and are followed by their respective punishments. Only co-founders or moderators may issue punishments. (All times RL)

•Engaging in a military conflict with another member nation. For Instigator || Minimum: Indefinite suspension--Maximum: Expulsion

•Passively aiding an outside nation in a conflict with a member nation. Minimum: Two month suspension, followed by five months placement on restricted list--Maximum: Expulsion

•Failure to contribute set amount of forces to GAPTS Peace-Keeping Task Force. Minimum: Six month placement on restricted list--Maximum: Indefinite suspension until troops are contributed

•Failing to cooperate with article 6. Minimum: Placement on Restricted list for 4 months--Maximum: One month suspension

Section F: Conclusion
The above charter must be agreed on in all it's entirety by an applying nation before entry may be granted.


Include in application:
1. Full name of nation
2. Ruler’s full name/rank
3. Government type
4. Current incorporated population
5. Current military population
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...)

Comatica (Co-founder)
Xeraph (Co-founder)
N Y C (Co-founder)
Black Shadows
The Grey Phoenix
West Cedarbrook
Tree Hugging Lesbians
The Grey Legions
United Earthlings

Restricted Members

The Beltway
Mandalore Prime

*moderator positions will be given to senior members later on.
27-02-2006, 00:27
I am indeed pleased to be a part of the revival of this Alliance. GAPTS has a long history of involvement in the world, and the restoration of the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength will seek to sustain that involvement.

Full Name: The Empire of Xeraph
Type of Government: Enlightened Dictatorship
Ruler: His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Alaric Tan'it
Population: 10.15 Billion
Military Population: 141 million: 105,750,000 active in all branches, 35,250,000 support in all branches. 12,000,000 AI Units. 26 million Mandalorian Clone Warriors.
Land Mass: Island Continent, numerous out-islands. Military bases in approximately ten nations, embassies in approximately fifty nations. Presently settling/developing six planets off-world ( four in the Typhon Expanse, two in the Taiuuen Expanse).
Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 00:44
Excellent. I am placing my information for reference purposes.

Full name: The United Empire of Comatica
Ruler's name: Emperor Titus Celmaetus
Government type: Democratic empire with elected senate and limited powers for the emperor.
Population: 2.3 billion
Military population: ~35 million
Landmass description: Peninsula on the western edge of the Barrow Sea continent, in complete control of all 18,000 islands in the Barrow Sea, various large and small claims and provinces throughout the world; mostly islands.
27-02-2006, 00:54
The Kingdom of Auralinia seeks admittance to The Grand Alliance. We would be honored to be accepted.

Full Name: The Kingdom of Auralinia
Type of Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Ricala
Total Population: 2.8 billion
Military Population: 63 million on combat duty, 21 million non-combat.
Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 00:56
The Kingdom of Auralinia seeks admittance to The Grand Alliance. We would be honored to be accepted.

Full Name: The Kingdom of Auralinia
Type of Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Ricala
Total Population: 2.8 billion
Military Population: 63 million on combat duty, 21 million non-combat.

Of course! Welcome to GAPTS, Auralinia.
27-02-2006, 01:23
1. Full name of nation: The Pure Democracy of Jarridia
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: President Kasilyn Joan Branam
3. Government type: Direct Democracy
4. Current incorporated population:4.389 Billion
5. Current military population:172 Million
6. Description of land mass: A nation sharing a continent with others. Stretched between two seas and controlling multiple islands.

I have been long time allies with Xeraph, as he is also a member of the WWA. I do have several real world claims in addition to my NS national map.
Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 01:25
1. Full name of nation: The Pure Democracy of Jarridia
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: President Kasilyn Joan Branam
3. Government type: Direct Democracy
4. Current incorporated population:4.389 Billion
5. Current military population:172 Million
6. Description of land mass: A nation sharing a continent with others. Stretched between two seas and controlling multiple islands.

I have been long time allies with Xeraph, as he is also a member of the WWA. I do have several real world claims in addition to my NS national map.

Excellent. You application has been approved. Welcome into GAPTS.
The Beltway
27-02-2006, 01:40
We request your support in an unprovoked war with Gilabad ( We also would like to at least become pending members. Our completed form:
1. Full name of nation - The Provisional Federal Parliamentary Republic of The Beltway
2. Ruler’s full name/rank - Prime Minister Timothy Michael Kaine
3. Government type - Representative Democracy
4. Current incorporated population - 306 million
5. Current military population - 1.1 million
6. Description of land mass - Coastal territory, centered around the Chesapeake Bay; territory consists of Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware.
Thank you.
PM Timothy Kaine of The Beltway
Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 02:01
We request your support in an unprovoked war with Gilabad ( We also would like to at least become pending members. Our completed form:

Thank you.
PM Timothy Kaine of The Beltway

The Beltway has been added to the "pending" list. And, as for the conflict, I am considering intervening myself...I'm not certain about my allies as of yet.
27-02-2006, 02:08
Name of Nation The Empire of Newtdom
Current Leader and full title: His Royal Highness, Emperor Newt XX, King Winchester, Lord of the Realm.
Government Type Monarchy, with a House of Lords and regional government. Oversight by the Emperor
Current Population6.087 billion
Military Population 400,500,000 (factsheet explains the breakup, police are included as are what other nations consider to be civilian organizations)
Description of Landmass Continental, eastern areas are coastal, along with many barrier islands.
Present Day Comatica
27-02-2006, 02:12
Name of Nation The Empire of Newtdom
Current Leader and full title: His Royal Highness, Emperor Newt XX, King Winchester, Lord of the Realm.
Government Type Monarchy, with a House of Lords and regional government. Oversight by the Emperor
Current Population6.087 billion
Military Population 400,500,000 (factsheet explains the breakup, police are included as are what other nations consider to be civilian organizations)
Description of Landmass Continental, eastern areas are coastal, along with many barrier islands.

It is with great honor that I announce your acceptance into this alliance.
The Beltway
27-02-2006, 02:13
Thank you. Although not a sizable nation ourselves, we in the Republic of The Beltway hope to one day be truly useful members of your alliance. We appreciate your decision to consider intervention in our conflict.
Timothy Kaine, Prime Minister
27-02-2006, 03:02
Thank you. Although not a sizable nation ourselves, we in the Republic of The Beltway hope to one day be truly useful members of your alliance. We appreciate your decision to consider intervention in our conflict.
Timothy Kaine, Prime Minister

PM Kaine,

Although you are not as yet an official member of GAPTS, you ARE allied to Xeraph. The Emperor and his Defense Council are at present discussing whether or not it is necessary to intervene on your behalf. It seems that there are far more nations who sympathize with The Beltway than not, and so as a result you have at present more than sufficient means to wage both an offensive and defensive war without Xeraph's assistance.

What the Emperor will undoubtedly decide will be to deploy two CBGs (48 naval vessals) to the waters off Gilabad, just outside their territorial waters, in an effort to ascertain what, if any, involvement Xeraph will pursue.

I will update you as event unfold.

General John Strickland, CMDR Xeraphian Forces
The Grey Phoenix
27-02-2006, 03:44
The Dominion of The Grey Phoenix wishes to join this illustrious alliance. We meet the minimum criteria, and feel we would benefit it.

Full Name: The Dominion of The Grey Phoenix
Type of Government: Benevolent Dictatorship
Ruler: Vlad II
Total Population: 2.75 billion
Military population: 67.2 million active/on duty, 19.1 million support
Land Mass: Island Sub-Continent
Black Shadows
27-02-2006, 04:33
Emperor Titus,

Black Shadows is interested in becoming a member of GAPTS. We were actually a member of the original GAPTS and now seek to renew our ties to the Alliance.

I noticed in the Charter that all member nations will be required to provide troops for a Peace-Keepers Force, to be located in a Common Territory. If there has not yet been a territory selected, might I suggest the island of Nirvania, approximately 145 miles off of our coast. It is at present uninhabited, and we would be happy to donate the island to the Alliance.

Nirvania is about 200 square miles in size, with a number of natural bays suitable for the berthing of ships, both commercial and military.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sethanis, King of Black Shadows

Full Name: The Dominion of Black Shadows
Type of Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Lord Sethanis
Total Population: 3.1 billion
Military Population: 60.45 million active, 33.55 million support.
Land Mass: Island Nation, a number of smaller islands.
27-02-2006, 05:26
The Kingdom of Auralinia seeks admittance to The Grand Alliance. We would be honored to be accepted.

Full Name: The Kingdom of Auralinia
Type of Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Ricala
Total Population: 2.8 billion
Military Population: 63 million on combat duty, 21 million non-combat.

Addendum: Our government is currently overseeing the day-to-day governing of the Borderlands of Dark Visions, one of the nations of the defeated Black & Grey Imperium. In just a matter of days, we will be naming the new leadership of Dark Visions, and will strongly suggest they ask to be included in GAPTS.
27-02-2006, 17:22
Full Name: The Imperial Land of Findan
Type of Government: Constitutional Centrist Monarchy
Ruler: Emperor Samuel David Thomas Vandaland III
Total Population: 2.608 billion
Military Population: 59.76 millon active, 30 million reserve.
Land Mass: Large nation waith coastline equivenalnt to the length of coastline from Portugal to Hamburg in the north and the Adriatic sea's coastline in the southwest.
Present Day Comatica
28-02-2006, 02:36
All nations which have applied in my absence, Findan, The Grey Phoenix, and The Black Shadows, are welcome into GAPTS. And I believe we will accept Black Shadow's generous donation of Nivaria. As soon as we can get our proverbial act together, Comatica will send crews to construct a preliminary base. We urge all GAPTS members to contribute to the island's fortifications.

Specifically, Comatica will supply 1,500 Governmental Task Force Alpha troops for the Peace-Keeping force, as well as 11,000 GTF Beta troops. Also among the contributed will be a troop carrier, a Jester Class destroyer, two Franses Class frigates, and one Cryptic Class aircraft carrier, equipped with 25 units of the recently-declassified Blackrod Z311 Fighters and 15 Telex fighting helicopters.
Present Day Comatica
28-02-2006, 02:38
OOC: Just in case you didn't're a co-founder, which means you can approve membership applications just can't add them to the list.
West Cedarbrook
28-02-2006, 04:12
The Kramden of West Cedarbrook values it's ties with this alliance, through co-belligerence during the Black and Grey Conflict, and our ancient agreements with Jarridia during the original Earth III.

Ernest Klein,
Secretary of External Affairs,
Kramden of West Cedarbrook

{{Formal Application}}
1. Full name of nation: The Kramden of West Cedarbrook
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: Louis Steinberg, President
3. Government type: Libertarian Democracy
4. Current incorporated population: 4.14 Billion
5. Current military population: 115 Million
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Continental, with costal region. Mostly prarie and dry plains.

OOC: Missed most of the conflict after our declaration of war: Major big-deal RL crap.
Present Day Comatica
01-03-2006, 02:41
The Kramden of West Cedarbrook values it's ties with this alliance, through co-belligerence during the Black and Grey Conflict, and our ancient agreements with Jarridia during the original Earth III.

Ernest Klein,
Secretary of External Affairs,
Kramden of West Cedarbrook

{{Formal Application}}
1. Full name of nation: The Kramden of West Cedarbrook
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: Louis Steinberg, President
3. Government type: Libertarian Democracy
4. Current incorporated population: 4.14 Billion
5. Current military population: 115 Million
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Continental, with costal region. Mostly prarie and dry plains.

OOC: Missed most of the conflict after our declaration of war: Major big-deal RL crap.

Excellent. Emperor Titus will be glad that our ally against the Black & Grey will be joining this fast-growing alliance. Your application has been approved.

--Cornelius Durantum, Minister of International Relations.
West Cedarbrook
01-03-2006, 03:02
... "In other news tonight, President Steinberg announced the accession of West Cedarbrook to the GAPTS. In remarks at the dedication of Veterans Hall in the rebuilt section of Ironton, he said":

{Film Clip of Presidential Speach}
We join this alliance with old friends and allies to secure the hard won peace, and promote freedom throughout the world. This is a small measure of honor to the memory of our fallen in the Black and Grey War.

... Return to newscaster
"The Department of External Affairs has announced the appointment of Ambassador Andrew Cary to the GAPTS. An initial peacekeeping force consisting of the 105th Mechanized Infantry division and the Carrier Group Bardiu is being transferred to GAPTS Peacekeeping Command."
02-03-2006, 14:38
OOC: Just in case you didn't're a co-founder, which means you can approve membership applications just can't add them to the list.

ooc: yeah, I know, but I don't have access to a computer most of the time while I'm driving. Weekends are better.
02-03-2006, 21:47
Present Day Comatica
03-03-2006, 02:24
OOC: Bump
03-03-2006, 03:25
TO: The nations of GAPTS
FROM: The Empire of Xeraph
RE: Peace Keepers

The Emperor has decided to contribute 12,000 Royal Marines to the GAPTS Peace Keeper Force. In addition, Xeraph will provide one platoon of Beowulf MBTs ( 35 ), one squadron of F300 King Cobra fighter/bombers ( 12 ), and a 3-vessal complement of naval units, to include one Light Carrier ( 26 F100 Rattlesnakes and 12 Comanche HCGSs ), one Missile Destroyer ( VLS equipped ), and one Attack Cruiser ( VLS equipped ). One Xeraphian CBG will dock every 60 days for one week.

Once the Xeraphian portion of the base is constructed by the Royal Engineers, a single MASH Unit and a single FireBase Construction Team will also be based on Nirvania. Housing for the families of the military personnel will also be constructed.

Xeraph extends it's thanks to Lord Sethanis for the contribution of the island.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
03-03-2006, 19:21
Present Day Comatica
03-03-2006, 22:29
OOC: Bump
04-03-2006, 21:49
06-03-2006, 17:29
The Imperial Land of Findan shall send 25,000 Imperial Marines, Airborne and three destroyers from the Imperial Fleet.

Emperor Samuel III

Lord Sir Reginald Cooper, Defense Minister
06-03-2006, 19:55
On behalf of the nations of GAPTS, I wish to thank Findan for it's contribution to the GPKF ( GAPTS Peace Keeping Force). Construction of the various bases is progressing smoothly. Soon there will be naval berths, airfields, and ground-unit bases on the island of Nirvania for each of the present members of GAPTS. At present, there is room for approximately 20 nations to base their forces there. If in the future GAPTS should need additional land, there are numerous other islands near Nirvania, albeit smaller.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
07-03-2006, 00:48
Present Day Comatica
07-03-2006, 03:36
I am proud to announce that the Comatic portion of the base on Nivaria is completed. The defenses and various mechanisms on the island include 6 permanent-mount SAM missile batteries, 12 mobile SAM batteries, 18 anti-aircraft flak guns, 4 long-range SSM batteries, 2 APM launch pads, 1 ICBM launch pad, 3 landing strips (1 logistical, 2 military), 2 radar and observation stations, and other defenses.

Thank you,
Emperor Titus Celmaetus
07-03-2006, 04:59
07-03-2006, 22:18
We shall also send a Fighter-Bomber Wing of B-52's, and F-35's and C-117's.

Defense Minister Cooper
Present Day Comatica
08-03-2006, 02:55
We shall also send a Fighter-Bomber Wing of B-52's, and F-35's and C-117's.

Defense Minister Cooper

The GPKF thanks you whole-heartedly.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus
08-03-2006, 23:40
Present Day Comatica
09-03-2006, 03:24
OOC: bump
09-03-2006, 05:11
09-03-2006, 15:17
10-03-2006, 15:28
Mandalore Prime
10-03-2006, 18:51
Cabbage Patch Girl

HAAAAAA...I knew it....
10-03-2006, 19:40
Cabbage Patch Girl

HAAAAAA...I knew it....

hmmm......Verboten Luftewaffe: Strike One
Acamar Prime: Strike Two
Mandalore more strike and he's a three-time loser:rolleyes:
Present Day Comatica
11-03-2006, 02:07
OOC: Bumped.

C'mon, NS....
11-03-2006, 02:11
Pythogria wishes to join this noble alliance, once it can.

Full Name: The Empire of Pythogria

Government Type: Democratic Dictatorship Look in Gameplay for my constitution, it explains this.

Ruler: Khonsu Izakabad

Population: roughly 600 million

Military: Varies (military is a secondary job; soldiers are only soldiers when needed or on patrol. They work other jobs when not on active duty.)
Present Day Comatica
11-03-2006, 02:25
Pythogria wishes to join this noble alliance, once it can.

Full Name: The Empire of Pythogria

Government Type: Democratic Dictatorship Look in Gameplay for my constitution, it explains this.

Ruler: Khonsu Izakabad

Population: roughly 600 million

Military: Varies (military is a secondary job; soldiers are only soldiers when needed or on patrol. They work other jobs when not on active duty.)

OOC: Hmm...It might not be a good idea to put you in the alliance just yet...after any military conflict we may have is over, and tensions and things have simmered down, then I'll put you on the pending list.
11-03-2006, 18:20
el bumpo
The Grey Phoenix
11-03-2006, 19:39
Attention all members of GAPTS!

We have received a communication from the Black Katanas via secret courier. They have inquired as to whether it is a suitable time for the Katanas to be considered for inclusion into GAPTS.

The Prince's view is that with the recent upheavels in the Black Katanas, some additional time should pass before GAPTS membership approves their membership.

The former ruler of the Katanas, Lord Ghengiz, has not been captured, and is still at large. We do not know how many, if any, followers he has. There are rumors that he has formed yet another national entity with two other former members of the defeated Black & Grey Imperium. Details are few and sketchy.

Also, the newly appointed leader of the Katanas, Prince Vyossae, is hard at work rebuilding all aspects of his nation. It is our opinion that the added responsibility of membership in GAPTS would be spreading him too thinly.

We therefore vote that another three months are needed to evaluate the Black Katanas readiness to assume the responsibilities of membership to GAPTS.

Baron Ch'thlu, Provincial OverLord
11-03-2006, 19:43
OOC: Hmm...It might not be a good idea to put you in the alliance just yet...after any military conflict we may have is over, and tensions and things have simmered down, then I'll put you on the pending list.

Understood. It'll be a while before I can join anyway.
Present Day Comatica
11-03-2006, 20:29
Attention all members of GAPTS!

We have received a communication from the Black Katanas via secret courier. They have inquired as to whether it is a suitable time for the Katanas to be considered for inclusion into GAPTS.

The Prince's view is that with the recent upheavels in the Black Katanas, some additional time should pass before GAPTS membership approves their membership.

The former ruler of the Katanas, Lord Ghengiz, has not been captured, and is still at large. We do not know how many, if any, followers he has. There are rumors that he has formed yet another national entity with two other former members of the defeated Black & Grey Imperium. Details are few and sketchy.

Also, the newly appointed leader of the Katanas, Prince Vyossae, is hard at work rebuilding all aspects of his nation. It is our opinion that the added responsibility of membership in GAPTS would be spreading him too thinly.

We therefore vote that another three months are needed to evaluate the Black Katanas readiness to assume the responsibilities of membership to GAPTS.

Baron Ch'thlu, Provincial OverLord

I agree. I have full confidence and trust in the leadership Emperor Alaric Tan'it has placed in the Katanas, and would not fear for Comatica's safety should they enter, but the reconstruction effort must not be hindered. The membership would indeed be spreading him thin, and the slower the rebuilding of the Katanas, the more suseptable it would be to a hostile takeover.

On that note, I would like to add that the 85th, 86th, and 88th Engineering divisions are being prepared for departure to the former Imperium, the bulk of them concentrated in the Katanas and the Grey Legions. They are to aid in the physical rebuilding of infrastructure, as well as providing social stability. Also, the Ministry of Treasury is wiring 2 billion USD to the former Imperium states, for reconstruction purposes.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus
11-03-2006, 20:37
I agree. I have full confidence and trust in the leadership Emperor Alaric Tan'it has placed in the Katanas, and would not fear for Comatica's safety should they enter, but the reconstruction effort must not be hindered. The membership would indeed be spreading him thin, and the slower the rebuilding of the Katanas, the more suseptable it would be to a hostile takeover.

On that note, I would like to add that the 85th, 86th, and 88th Engineering divisions are being prepared for departure to the former Imperium, the bulk of them concentrated in the Katanas and the Grey Legions. They are to aid in the physical rebuilding of infrastructure, as well as providing social stability. Also, the Ministry of Treasury is wiring 2 billion USD to the former Imperium states, for reconstruction purposes.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus

Your Majesty,

Are you speaking of the territories in Comatica occupied by Imperium forces, or the former Imperium lands themselves? If the latter, I would advise not entering the Grey Legions, as they are part of the the Empire of Eternity, not the Xeraphian Empire. Also, the Grey Legions never formally surrendered, and the Duke, Avan Astran, would vigorously defend the Legion territory should any nation seek entry unnanounced.

Vlad, Prince of the Empire
11-03-2006, 20:40
The Incorperation wishes to join this allience. We are a group of islands and coastal areas located in the continent of Irathria. The Incorperation has a population of about 2 billion, although we have not reached that point yet (I should in a couple days..) Our goverment consists of a one party system, where only stockholders of corperations who participate in that party may vote. We have a smaller military of about 2.4 million, however this is expected to increase sevenfold in the next couple years. We hope you consider our application.
President Brendon Statton
11-03-2006, 20:43
President Statton,

The members of GAPTS would be honored to accept you into this alliance.


Alaric Tan'it, Emperor of Xeraph
Present Day Comatica
11-03-2006, 21:00
Your Majesty,

Are you speaking of the territories in Comatica occupied by Imperium forces, or the former Imperium lands themselves? If the latter, I would advise not entering the Grey Legions, as they are part of the the Empire of Eternity, not the Xeraphian Empire. Also, the Grey Legions never formally surrendered, and the Duke, Avan Astran, would vigorously defend the Legion territory should any nation seek entry unnanounced.

Vlad, Prince of the Empire

Then, if you wish it, we will not send troops to the Grey Legions. All former Imperial land that have surrendered, and are in Allied control, will, however, receive the aid of which I spoke earlier.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus
Present Day Comatica
11-03-2006, 21:02
The Incorperation wishes to join this allience. We are a group of islands and coastal areas located in the continent of Irathria. The Incorperation has a population of about 2 billion, although we have not reached that point yet (I should in a couple days..) Our goverment consists of a one party system, where only stockholders of corperations who participate in that party may vote. We have a smaller military of about 2.4 million, however this is expected to increase sevenfold in the next couple years. We hope you consider our application.
President Brendon Statton

As my Xeraphian counterpart said earlier, welcome into the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus
11-03-2006, 22:21
Present Day Comatica
12-03-2006, 17:48

12-03-2006, 23:23
13-03-2006, 04:01
13-03-2006, 15:42
13-03-2006, 21:57
14-03-2006, 13:46
14-03-2006, 22:24
The Reich is interested in entering this alliance. How ever, we have an on going conflict with one of the member states, The United Empire of Comatica. We are willing to enter peace talks with them, how ever, to bring about an end to the conflict.

-Reich Foreign Ministry-
14-03-2006, 23:18
1. Full name of nation: Stowian Republic of Pananab
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: President
3. Government type: Republic
4. Current incorporated population: 985 million
5. Current military population: Approximately 4,925,000 (I think was it .5 or .05?)
6. Description of land mass: Inland with coast
15-03-2006, 02:00
OOC: Sorry I've taken so long

Full name: The Metropolitan Republic of N Y C
President's name: Israel Azullias
Government type: Democracy with signifigant socialist policies(think Scandinavia)
Population: 2.2 billion
Military population: ~26 million
Landmass description: Two major landmasses and surrounding islands with a temperate climate. Numerous small holdings worldwide, mostly islands used as resorts, strategic trading points or military installations.

N Y C is greatly pleased to be a member of this alliance to help bring peace and security to the world. If an additional base is needed, we have an island discovered just before the war and currently a large defence installation located a fairly equal distance from the three founders that would help us coordinate actions in the area.

Currently, we have three armies and two fleet numbering about 12,000 personell in total based on the island and would gladly make the entire package our contribution to GAPTS
Present Day Comatica
15-03-2006, 03:44
1. Full name of nation: Stowian Republic of Pananab
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: President
3. Government type: Republic
4. Current incorporated population: 985 million
5. Current military population: Approximately 4,925,000 (I think was it .5 or .05?)
6. Description of land mass: Inland with coast

On behalf of the GAPTS administration, I would like to thank you for your interest in this alliance. You will be placed on the Pending list, until your incorporated population meets the current GAPTS stardard.

Thank you indeed, N Y C, our respected ally, for your contribution to the GPKF.

The following is an official message to the Reich Forgeign Ministry in Tocrowkia.

It has been long since we have spoken directly, with official communiques. We apologise that this conflict has escalated to it's current status, but the United Empire did what had to be done. We are more than willing to initiate peace talks, perhaps in the capital of a neutral nation? I will call upon GAPTS to offer a ground for compromise, respectively.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus
West Cedarbrook
15-03-2006, 03:45
I agree. I have full confidence and trust in the leadership Emperor Alaric Tan'it has placed in the Katanas, and would not fear for Comatica's safety should they enter, but the reconstruction effort must not be hindered. The membership would indeed be spreading him thin, and the slower the rebuilding of the Katanas, the more suseptable it would be to a hostile takeover.

On that note, I would like to add that the 85th, 86th, and 88th Engineering divisions are being prepared for departure to the former Imperium, the bulk of them concentrated in the Katanas and the Grey Legions. They are to aid in the physical rebuilding of infrastructure, as well as providing social stability. Also, the Ministry of Treasury is wiring 2 billion USD to the former Imperium states, for reconstruction purposes.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus

West Cedarbrook is in agreement with Comatica's position. We are also announcing that The Sternberg Clinic will be constructing meidcal facilities in the Katanas, with financing underwritten by the Cedarbrook Export Commercial Trust.

Ernest Klein,
Secretary of External Affairs
Kramden of West Cedarbrook
Present Day Comatica
15-03-2006, 03:58
Nations of GAPTS:

I would like to bring to your attention, if it is not already there, that there has been a series of warmongering threats from The Essenian Dynasty, directed squarely on the nations that fought the Imperium in the BG World War. Specifically, the member nations of West Cedarbrook, Xeraph, N Y C, and Comatica were directly addressed. They seek vengeance against them, in addition to Fourhearts, for fighting the Black & Grey, and, with former Katanas dictator Ghengiz at their side, they plan to wage war upon them. Also backing them up are the late-joiners of the Imperium, GothReich and Baael. Those three nations have so far not taken any military action, but proceeded to initiate a saber-rattling match between the Essenian Dynasty and Fourhearts, which has a grasp on the situation as of now, threatening sactions and other diplomatic solutions. It cannot be completed alone, so I urge those threatened member nations of GAPTS to back up Comatica and Fourhearts.

Emperor Titus Celmaetus.

OOC: I posted, but it was lost in the "Jolt Post Crisis of March '06." So know that I'm fully aware of the situation.
15-03-2006, 03:59
To: The august leaders of Tocrowkia and Comatica:

The Emperor has directed me to offer to the nations of Tocrowkia and Comatica a neutral meeting place so as to discuss the Terms of Settlement between your two countries.

The Duchy of Valtane is an island in a chain of islands connecting the two major land masses of the region of The Mercenary Lands. It was given to Eric Valtane over 50 years ago as a 'thank you' for the aid given by Valtane in the Xeraphian/Kothite war.

The Duchy is currently semi-vacant, as Valtane's heirs have not moved into the castle there. If you wish, the Emperor would be pleased to have Tocrowkia and Comatica meet there. King Ricala of Auralinia has offered to 'referee' the talks....just to keep them on an even keel.

If this is amenable to the two of you, please let me know.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
Present Day Comatica
15-03-2006, 04:25
To: The august leaders of Tocrowkia and Comatica:

The Emperor has directed me to offer to the nations of Tocrowkia and Comatica a neutral meeting place so as to discuss the Terms of Settlement between your two countries.

The Duchy of Valtane is an island in a chain of islands connecting the two major land masses of the region of The Mercenary Lands. It was given to Eric Valtane over 50 years ago as a 'thank you' for the aid given by Valtane in the Xeraphian/Kothite war.

The Duchy is currently semi-vacant, as Valtane's heirs have not moved into the castle there. If you wish, the Emperor would be pleased to have Tocrowkia and Comatica meet there. King Ricala of Auralinia has offered to 'referee' the talks....just to keep them on an even keel.

If this is amenable to the two of you, please let me know.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.

I find these terms most acceptable. I do not know about my Tocrowkian counterpart, but I would find it convenient to schedule the talks to begin on Saturday, March 18th. I will alert my allies, Velkya and No_State_At_All, of the peace talks, as they have been aiding me in this conflict. I personally shall attend, along with Emperor Titus, and Chief of Ministry Mundatus Veldaem, with the proper aides and security officers.

Cornelius Durantum,
Minister of International Relations
15-03-2006, 16:33
The Empire of Xeraph is aware of the threats of the Essenian Dynasty, and therefore the Emperor has stepped up the Empire's alert status to DEFCON-3. As we are unaware of the Dynasty's full strength, all Imperial units are on call-up status.

We do know that the Dynasty and their allies are comprised of not only the individual nation's military, but the remnants of the forces that invaded Northern Sushi and Comatica. These remnants include the still-operational units of the navies of Dark Visions and the Grey Legions, and the ground forces of Dark Visions, the Grey Legions, Vhammpyr, and the Black Katanas. Available armor is unknown.

The Emperor wants to make it clear that the renegade remnants of these countries do not represent the true and loyal leadership of the nations named above, with the possible exception of The Grey Legions. The rebels should not be looked upon as citizens of these nations.

Updates to the rebel troop strength will be made as recon is gathered.

Prince Vlad
15-03-2006, 21:27
Update to Essenian Dynasty situation:

We have become aware of the defection of the Armed Republic of Pharex to the region of Kharnalia. This adds another member of the House of Tanith to the aggressors. Their military strength is approximately 240,000 active and call-up.

Preliminary estimates of the entire LOKI military strength is at 630,000 active and call-up. LOKI has approximately 113 fighter jets of various designations, 19 naval vessals including five carriers with full complement of 50-65 fighters each, four destroyers, three battleships, five missile ships, two submarines.

We would all do well to remember that the Grey Legion forces in LOKI are not currently in communication with the Grey Legion leadership. We do not know if the Grey Legions will enter on the side of LOKI.

Gen Strickland
Mandalore Prime
15-03-2006, 21:39
Being a Looooooooooongtime Ally of Alric/Xeraph...The Military Forces of Mandalore Prime will stand by his side. If he should ever need us.
With that we have initiated our Armed forces to DEF CON 3

We Currently have 2 Legions standing by...Our Embassial Guard Units are also included in the endeavor...As of 1600 today...Our 3rd Fleet left harbor and is steaming towards Xeraphian Terr. Waters to await his Enlistment
15-03-2006, 22:13
Being a Looooooooooongtime Ally of Alric/Xeraph...The Military Forces of Mandalore Prime will stand by his side. If he should ever need us.
With that we have initiated our Armed forces to DEF CON 3

We Currently have 2 Legions standing by...Our Embassial Guard Units are also included in the endeavor...As of 1600 today...Our 3rd Fleet left harbor and is steaming towards Xeraphian Terr. Waters to await his Enlistment

We thank our oldest ally and friend, Mandalore Prime. Though you have a long way to go to being included in GAPTS, you ARE a stalwart ally of Xeraph. We welcome your troops and Third Naval Fleet.

Gen. Strickland
15-03-2006, 23:33
Tansmission to all Forces:
Due to the ongoing Kharnalia crisis the Emperor has arised the readness of all miltray units to DEFCON 3
Levinson Major General
16-03-2006, 01:10
DEFCON 2 Readiness Alert:

The following forces have been deployed to the embarkation points in Imperial waters:

The 73rd and 71st CBGs are assigned embarkation points off of the north-eastern coast of Xeraph.

The 26th and 88th CBGs are assigned embarkation points off of the eastern coast of the Dominion of Black Shadows.

Black Shadow CBGs #16 and 18 are assigned embarkation points off the coast of The Grey Phoenix.

The 10th, 14th, 54th, and 66th Xeraphian Legions are assigned embarkation point Alpha, Cassari Battalion Base, Xeraph.

The sixth and 12th Royal Xeraphian Marine Battalions are assigned embarkation point Charlie, StormGuard Marine Base, Xeraph.

Additional troops will be called to deployment in the coming days. Total of troops planned at this point: 450,000 marines, army, legionnaires.

All Xeraphian, Shadow, and Phoenix AirWings on the east and north-east of the region are being held at High Readiness Alert.

Should hostilities commence, Armored Divisions will be assigned embarkation points for transport.

Gen. Strickland
West Cedarbrook
16-03-2006, 03:15
/* Code Algol-60 A.3.12 */
The West Cedarbrook Civil Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Government's request for declaration of Essenian Dynasty as a hostile nation. All assets of Essenian concerns are now undergoing impoundment by the Defense Intellegence Organization.

The West Cedarbrook Navy has been ordered to tow all Essenian shipping found in our territorial waters to port for impoundment. The Carrier Group Evanston has been dispatched to Xerpah waters to join with the Xeraph fleet, destination to be relayed to us by C in C Xeraph Navy.

- West Cedarbrook General Command

/* End Coded Message */
16-03-2006, 07:34
To: The august leaders of Tocrowkia and Comatica:

The Emperor has directed me to offer to the nations of Tocrowkia and Comatica a neutral meeting place so as to discuss the Terms of Settlement between your two countries.

The Duchy of Valtane is an island in a chain of islands connecting the two major land masses of the region of The Mercenary Lands. It was given to Eric Valtane over 50 years ago as a 'thank you' for the aid given by Valtane in the Xeraphian/Kothite war.

The Duchy is currently semi-vacant, as Valtane's heirs have not moved into the castle there. If you wish, the Emperor would be pleased to have Tocrowkia and Comatica meet there. King Ricala of Auralinia has offered to 'referee' the talks....just to keep them on an even keel.

If this is amenable to the two of you, please let me know.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.

The Reich finds these terms to be acceptable. The Stewardess her self, Isabella Reinhard will attend, along with the minister of foreign relations and the Minister of Defense.

-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Mandalore Prime
16-03-2006, 17:41
The Duchy of Valtane is an island in a chain of islands connecting the two major land masses of the region of The Mercenary Lands. It was given to Eric Valtane over 50 years ago as a 'thank you' for the aid given by Valtane in the Xeraphian/Kothite war.

The Duchy is currently semi-vacant, as Valtane's heirs have not moved into the castle there. If you wish, the Emperor would be pleased to have Tocrowkia and Comatica meet there. King Ricala of Auralinia has offered to 'referee' the talks....just to keep them on an even keel.

My Lord Alaric...I Have Known of the Duchy for quite some time...As per an earlier discussion...I have had Repair & Restoration crews working night & day

The Duchy in all it's glory will be fully restored in time for your sponsored conference...To make sure of this...I have assigned 3 more Crews to the restoration of the Castle...I have also started sending provisions over and a full staff...

Signed w/ Deepest Regards

Alejandro Valtane
Ceasar of the Mandalorian Contingent...
16-03-2006, 17:58
M'lord Caesar,

We of Xeraph, Tocrowkia, and Comatica thank you. I'm sure the castle and surrounding area will be glorious to behold!

The Black Katanas
16-03-2006, 19:31
The frenetic pace Vyossae had been keeping during the rebuilding of the Katanan nation was beginning to show. He and his senior staff had hardly slept more than a couple of hours a night for the past eight months as they strove to get the economy straightened out. It, along with just about everything else, had been trashed by his uncle, Ghengiz, when he embarked on his misguided quest for Empire.

The economy, the Katanas diplomatic ties with other nations, and the military were in shambles eight months ago. Over 70% of the military had been used in the rebellion, and the remaining 30% were left ill-equipped to defend the country in the event of an invasion. Vyossae had recently become aware that about 100,000 of the rebels were still alive, and serving his uncle in the Essenian Dynasty. Vyossae found it difficult to understand the hold Ghengiz had on the rogue Katanan troops.

Nonetheless, he had a job to do. Alaric of Xeraph, Ricala of Auralinia, and Sethanis of the Black Shadows had pledged and provided billions of dollars in the Katanan reconstruction. Manufacturing plants had been brought up to maximum efficiency, the ports and railyards repaired and improved, and the judicial system placed back in their proper position. The time had come to revamp the military.

The Black Katanas before the war had had about 45 CBGs, 30 airwings, and two divisions of armor. The standing army had been at around 19 million, including reserves. They would be the hardest to replace.

Alaric had given the Katanas 14 CBGs from their surplus fleet along with a division of armor, to include 300 MBTs, 25 missile tanks, and a bunch of Humvees. As the army was presently at just 4 million active and support strength, Alaric had sent the 16th through the 44th Xeraphian Legions to bolster the Katanan ranks until Vyossae could draft native Katanans. And Sethanis had given him 3 CBGs, 100 MBTs, and 75,000 Shadow Guards.

Ricala, who was also Lord Director of the Xeraphian Space League, was providing protection of a different sort. He had three orbiting battle stations in constant watch over the struggling nation, and two Kalet'a Class heavy attack cruisers, which were presently hovering 1/2 mile above the capitol, photon torpedoes and lasers fully charged and ready to fire.

West Cedarbrook was aiding in the rebuilding of the nation's hospitals. He was very grateful for that, as Ghengiz had never had much concern for the sick.

Prince Vlad of The Grey Phoenix had provided 4 CBGs, 6 airwings, and 50,000 armored troopers.

Vyossae's main goal now was to bring the Katanas up to sufficient strength so as to allow them entrance to GAPTS. It would be a while yet, but it would come.

" M'lord Prince, a message from Alaric."

Vyossae turned to his commscreen, where the image of his uncle, the Emperor, was seated at a desk. " Greetings, Vy. I want to give you an update as to the build-up of the Essenian military. It's still quite sketchy because they seem to have some kind of natural shield keeping us from penetrating their atmospere, perhaps an ionic-magnetic anomaly. Anyway, we're estimating their numbers to be around three million in arms, active and reserve. But....we have a developement. Your cousin, Carrion, has defected to Ghengiz. That give LOKI another nation, Pharex, to add to to their defenses. This greatly affects their naval and air abilities. Almost doubles it, in fact. Add to this the fact that no one has heard anything from the Grey Legions, we may just have a serious situation on our hands. Ghengiz has promised a stealth war. We're doing all we can to minimize any sneak attack. All Imperial units are at DEFCON 3 until further notice. Keep me abreast of your progress."

Vyossae was stunned. Carrion had gone over to Ghengiz. Unbelievable. He had just talked to him a few days ago. Nothing seemed wrong.

Well, what will be will be. He had to get back to work...there was still much to be done.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
16-03-2006, 21:11
Since the death of it's previous alliances, THL has been seeking ties to the international world. We believe we have found the ideal one in GAPTS.

1. Full name of nation: The Federal Republic of Tree Hugging Lesbians
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: President Naomi Roderica
3. Government type: Federal Republic:
4. Current incorporated population: 2,209,000,000
5. Current military population: 1.90 Million
6. Description of land mass: (My country is just like the US, geography wise)
16-03-2006, 21:19
President Roderica,

On behalf of the membership of GAPTS, I welcome you to our alliance. We are planning a " get to know you" state dinner in the near future, and we hope to see you there.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
16-03-2006, 22:49
To all commands, we have been officialy raised to DEFCON TWO
From IMPCOM Levinson Maj. Gen.

The following units have been mobilized other than the GAPTS forces:

1st Infantry Div.

3rd Infantry Div.

9th Marine Airborne Div.

16th Airborne Div.

4th Amour Div.

6th Amour Div.

7th Tank Destroyer Brig.

8th Artillery Div.

11th Artillery Div.

17th MASH

34th MASH

12th Engineers Div.

15th Quartermasters Div.

23rd Quartermasters Div.

134th Ordinance Battalion

5th Imperial Guards Regiment

3rd Special Forces Group

7th Marine Div.

9th Marine Armor Div.

11th Air Assault Div.

12th Transportation Div.

31st Transportation Div.

9th Signal Corps Bat.

7th Signal Corps Bat.

1st Fighter Wing

3rd Fighter Wing

9th Fighter Wing

6th Bomber Wing

7th Bomber Wing

20th Bomber Wing

12th Fighter Bomber Wing

13th Transportation Wing

14th Transportation Wing

1233rd Meteorological Squadron

3rd Fleet (OOC: Ships of Line to Come Later)

4th Fleet
17-03-2006, 01:26
17-03-2006, 06:47
17-03-2006, 17:33
18-03-2006, 01:20
Present Day Comatica
18-03-2006, 10:26
OOC: Yes...bump.
19-03-2006, 03:48
Tree Hugging Lesbians
19-03-2006, 10:34
The Federation's portion of the base on Nirvana has been completed. It includes:

2 Doplar RADAR Warning Stations
2 LADAR Warning Stations
6 Nuclear ICBM Launching Pads
6 Airfields(Five Military, One Civilian)
1 Naval Facility
12 Chemical-Laser ABM Stations

As far as base personnel and assets go:

5th Armored Calvary Division(150 Tanks and their respective crews and repair teams.)
6th Mountain Division(20,00 Troops, 50 Attack Helicopters, 60 Light Scout Vehicles, 15 APCS)
12th Heavens Gate Division(60 F-40 Angel Fighters + 240 Arrow-Class Tactical Nuclear Missiles, 40 Neutron Bombs)
3rd Heavy Bomber Division(300 B-52's, 300 B61 thermonuclear bombs)
Present Day Comatica
19-03-2006, 14:19
The Federation's portion of the base on Nirvana has been completed. It includes:

2 Doplar RADAR Warning Stations
2 LADAR Warning Stations
6 Nuclear ICBM Launching Pads
6 Airfields(Five Military, One Civilian)
1 Naval Facility
12 Chemical-Laser ABM Stations

As far as base personnel and assets go:

5th Armored Calvary Division(150 Tanks and their respective crews and repair teams.)
6th Mountain Division(20,00 Troops, 50 Attack Helicopters, 60 Light Scout Vehicles, 15 APCS)
12th Heavens Gate Division(60 F-40 Angel Fighters + 240 Arrow-Class Tactical Nuclear Missiles, 40 Neutron Bombs)
3rd Heavy Bomber Division(300 B-52's, 300 B61 thermonuclear bombs)

On behalf of the GPTF, I would like to thank the Federation for their contribution to GAPTS.
20-03-2006, 15:46
23-03-2006, 17:08
26-03-2006, 07:45
Present Day Comatica
26-03-2006, 16:32
OOC: Bumpppp
26-03-2006, 17:31
(OOC: Man, I want to join this. You should lower the age to 1 billion, or give an RP test.)
Mandalore Prime
27-03-2006, 00:42
Hell I'd fail
Present Day Comatica
27-03-2006, 22:43
(OOC: Man, I want to join this. You should lower the age to 1 billion, or give an RP test.)

OOC: I know, it's killing me not to let you in. I'll discuss this with Xeraph, see if we can allow some sort of 'test.'
29-03-2006, 21:32
31-03-2006, 03:25

Mandalore Prime has set up a Forum just for GAPTS. Take some time and check it out.

ooc: link is in this thread somewhere. My computer is effed up so I can't post it.
Mandalore Prime
31-03-2006, 06:09
It's in my Signature...
Mandalore Prime
01-04-2006, 01:01
Nations of the world:

I am Emperor Titus Celmaetus, leader of the United Empire of Comatica for six years now. Myself, and my allies, Emperor Alaric Tan'it of Xeraph, and President Azullias of N Y C have fought the evils of the Black & Grey Imperium, dealing a blow to our nations. We have become great and close allies, and now wish to spread that out. Xeraph, which was a member of the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength in it's heydey, seeks to rebuild that alliance, however in colossal proportions. Comatica and Xeraph now announce the opening of GAPTS.

The Official Charter for The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength [GAPTS]
As drafted by the Comatic Imperial Senate

Section A: Preamble
Article 1: GAPTS ideals
The purpose for the formation of GAPTS is to maintain peace and order throughout the world. Through strength is the how this alliance chooses to perform that task. Whether it be through diplomatic talks, sanctions, intimidation, or military action, each member must be fully aware of the role of GAPTS in the world.

Section B: Applying and entering
Article 2: Requirement upon entry
All nations applying for entry into GAPTS must have a current incorporated population of at minimum 2 billion persons. Military power is not a factor in entry consideration.

Article 2a: Pending status
If a nation that wishes to enter is not above the 2 billion persons limit, it will be placed on the Pending list, in which it is not an active member and is not entitled to the benefits occuring in the alliance, but once it reaches it's population where it is within the 2 billion limit, it will be entitled to those benefits.

Article 3: Rejection
A nation applying for entry into GAPTS may be denied entry through the Celmaetus Process, as devised by Emperor Titus Celmaetus of Comatica. A member nation may voice it's disapproval of an applying nation, with a solid reason. Then, all active nations in GAPTS will receive a voting form via telegram. This voting form will be for the entry of the nation that was disapproved of by a member. Each nation will vote on whether this nation should be granted entrance to GAPTS. If 1/2 of the members in the alliance vote against the nation's entry, it's application will be denied.

Otherwise, nations with all government types will be accepted.

Section C: Interacting with alliance members
Article 4: Embassies
All nations must exchange embassies with all member nations, if it has not been done already. This is to improve the relations between each member. (OOC: Doesn’t have to be RPed)

Article 5: Trade
Free trade between each member nation is strongly encouraged and recommended, but not required.

Article 6: Acceptance of other members
Each member should be accepting of another member's culture and way of life. A member shall not attempt to change another member nation's society or culture.

Article 6a: Conflicts upon entrance
Members will not be allowed to be involved in military conflicts with each other. Decisions will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis. If a nation applies, and has an ongoing military conflict with a current member, the applying nation will be placed on the Pending list, unless the conflict should be resolved.

Article 6b: Conflicts after entrance
Military conflicts among members will not be tolerated, and may result in the expulsion of the instigating members from GAPTS, unless the conflict was absolutely necessary.

Section D: Benefits and duties of GAPTS members
Article 7: Military conflicts
Member nations may seek the assistance of other members in military fashion, depending on the situation.

Article 7a: Defensive wars
Should a member nation be invaded by a foreign power not in GAPTS, said nation may seek the military assistance of another member. Members may assist other members on their own merit, and are not required to come to the aid of one in need, though it is recommended. This assistance may be in the way of providing military forces to defend a member's land, providing military forces to attack the invader's land, or providing logistical supplies for the member nation that has been attacked.

Article 7b: Offensive Wars
Should a member invade or attack a sovereign nation offensively, it may seek the military or logistical assistance from other member nations. Members may assist other members on their own merit, and are not required to come to the aid of one in need, though it is recommended. This assistance may be in the way of providing military forces to defend a member's land, providing military forces to attack the defender's land, or providing logistical supplies for the member nation that is attacking.

Article 8: Peacekeeping army
Member nations are required to contribute forces to a small peacekeeping force operated by the alliance, called the GAPTS Peacekeeping Task Force. A contribution must be at least 10,000 troops. They will be placed on a “Common Territory,” to be designated at a later date.

Article 9: Restricted list
All members on the Restricted list do not have several of the same benefits as full members. Restricted members may not receive aid for an offensive war. Also, they may not partake in any of the events described in article 3, and therefore cannot use the Celmaetus Process. This shall only be used for punishments.

Section E: Offenses
Article 10: Punishable offenses
The following are actionable offenses in GAPTS, and are followed by their respective punishments. Only co-founders or moderators may issue punishments. (All times RL)

•Engaging in a military conflict with another member nation. For Instigator || Minimum: Indefinite suspension--Maximum: Expulsion

•Passively aiding an outside nation in a conflict with a member nation. Minimum: Two month suspension, followed by five months placement on restricted list--Maximum: Expulsion

•Failure to contribute set amount of forces to GAPTS Peace-Keeping Task Force. Minimum: Six month placement on restricted list--Maximum: Indefinite suspension until troops are contributed

•Failing to cooperate with article 6. Minimum: Placement on Restricted list for 4 months--Maximum: One month suspension

Section F: Conclusion
The above charter must be agreed on in all it's entirety by an applying nation before entry may be granted.


Include in application:
1. Full name of nation
2. Ruler’s full name/rank
3. Government type
4. Current incorporated population
5. Current military population
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...)

Comatica (Co-founder)
Xeraph (Co-founder)
N Y C (Co-founder)
Black Shadows
The Grey Phoenix
West Cedarbrook
Tree Hugging Lesbians

Restricted Members

The Beltway

*moderator positions will be given to senior members later on.

The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them

In order to more effectively achieve the objectives of this Constitution, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Nationstates shall be considered an attack against them all; and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by the Constitution of the Global Alliance for Peace Through Strength (G.A.P.T.S), will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the Nationstates area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

One common military that everyone donates, say, .5% - .75% of their household troops to be supported by a yearly tax of 2% of each member nation’s military budget. Said dues shall be deposited in an account on NS run by DMG. This Fund will be used to outfit said military & any other outreach program deemed by council...i.e... International Aid, Rewards...Loans to smaller nations to bolster military & whatnot

Dammit... Posted this then I reread the entire thread...Ohh Well Maybe you guys can Incorporate some of it...
Anyway you guys can lower the entry say 500 Million to be... Say Probationary members or Pleebs
Present Day Comatica
01-04-2006, 20:51
OOC: I was thinking about lowering the entry requirements to, say, 1.25 billion, but I'm not sure how Xeraph and N Y C feel about it.
01-04-2006, 22:08
OOC: I was thinking about lowering the entry requirements to, say, 1.25 billion, but I'm not sure how Xeraph and N Y C feel about it.

ooc: If it is really an issue, we should put it to a vote after some discussion. Frankly, I feel very strongly that it should remain at 2 billion. We have a solid core of very qualified RPers, with a combined military strength that rivals any other alliance. Since all are equal in a minimal size, providing a minimal total military presence, do we want to be running to every little war that starts with lesser populated nations? In my experience, that type of situation quickly gets out of control. But, as I said, let the nations of GAPTS vote on it.
02-04-2006, 02:53
Present Day Comatica
02-04-2006, 03:07
ooc: If it is really an issue, we should put it to a vote after some discussion. Frankly, I feel very strongly that it should remain at 2 billion. We have a solid core of very qualified RPers, with a combined military strength that rivals any other alliance. Since all are equal in a minimal size, providing a minimal total military presence, do we want to be running to every little war that starts with lesser populated nations? In my experience, that type of situation quickly gets out of control. But, as I said, let the nations of GAPTS vote on it.

OOC: Perhaps. Actually, I think it is a very good idea to have a population limit, but I think that it should be lowered to at least 1.5 billion, if not, 1.75 billion.
02-04-2006, 03:36
ooc: OK..what about this idea? If nations who are under 2 billion want to join, why don't we create a region for them to move to? We can call the region " Lesser GAPTS", which will be sort of a staging area for all who want to join. If they REALLY want to be part of GAPTS, then they'll show it by moving there. They dont have to stay there, but it shows their intent. Then we can "lend" them enough troops to bring their military strength up to the amount they would have if they were at 2 billion, i.e. approx 40 million total in all branches.

For example, if nation 'A' has a pop of 1.5 billion, then we would lend him 10 million soldiers, sailors, pilots, etc.

Actually, there's a nation selling miliary clones. We could buy them, 'lend' them to the nation in question, and when they reach 2 billion, they can give them back, and we have not only a new member, but a shitload of new units for OUR armed forces.
Present Day Comatica
02-04-2006, 13:56
ooc: OK..what about this idea? If nations who are under 2 billion want to join, why don't we create a region for them to move to? We can call the region " Lesser GAPTS", which will be sort of a staging area for all who want to join. If they REALLY want to be part of GAPTS, then they'll show it by moving there. They dont have to stay there, but it shows their intent. Then we can "lend" them enough troops to bring their military strength up to the amount they would have if they were at 2 billion, i.e. approx 40 million total in all branches.

For example, if nation 'A' has a pop of 1.5 billion, then we would lend him 10 million soldiers, sailors, pilots, etc.

Actually, there's a nation selling miliary clones. We could buy them, 'lend' them to the nation in question, and when they reach 2 billion, they can give them back, and we have not only a new member, but a shitload of new units for OUR armed forces.

OOC: Interesting...I may add that to the charter.
Mandalore Prime
03-04-2006, 05:23
Each Main Member Nation will have a seat...Title of Senator...they will then Elect a Chair to oversee all Senatorial discussions & the like

Chair = House Majority Leader...Something along those lines

The only non senator will be the Legate from the house of representatives...
or Non voting member of the Senate

Their leader or Chair will be the House Minority Leader

Larger Nations are the Senate
Small Nations are the House of Representatives or maybe Congress

Senate has final say on all issues

House has final on small nation issues...can be overridden(Veto'd) by Senate
03-04-2006, 21:17
OOC:Could work.
04-04-2006, 22:41
Present Day Comatica
05-04-2006, 02:09
OOC: Yes...bump.
05-04-2006, 08:14
As there is no peace between our selves and Comatica, we would like to join this alliance. If we have already be admitted as a result of our peace, then let the following information be a matter of record.

Full Name: The Divine Imperial Reich of Tocrowkia
Type of Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Her Exellency, Stewardess Isabella Kastvina Reinhard
Population: 3.68 billion
Military Population: 32 Million
Land Mass:
05-04-2006, 16:10
05-04-2006, 16:23
As there is no peace between our selves and Comatica, we would like to join this alliance. If we have already be admitted as a result of our peace, then let the following information be a matter of record.

Full Name: The Divine Imperial Reich of Tocrowkia
Type of Government: Autocracy
Ruler: Her Exellency, Stewardess Isabella Kastvina Reinhard
Population: 3.68 billion
Military Population: 32 Million
Land Mass:

On behalf of the members of GAPTS, welcome to GAPTS.
Present Day Comatica
06-04-2006, 00:54
Mandalore Prime
06-04-2006, 02:11
Full Name: The Republic of Mandalore Prime
Type of Government: Republic
Ruler: Khan Alejandro Valtane
Population: 365 Million
Military Population: 7.3 Million
Land Mass: Island...Part of an Archipelego

Yes I know i don't meet the requirements...wish to be put on the pending list...
Present Day Comatica
06-04-2006, 12:16
Full Name: The Republic of Mandalore Prime
Type of Government: Republic
Ruler: Khan Alejandro Valtane
Population: 365 Million
Military Population: 7.3 Million
Land Mass: Island...Part of an Archipelego

Yes I know i don't meet the requirements...wish to be put on the pending list...

Welcome to GAPTS, my good friend.

--Titus Celmaetus--
08-04-2006, 21:53
Present Day Comatica
08-04-2006, 22:17
OOC: Bumpppp
08-04-2006, 22:20
His Imperial Majesty Alaric Tan'it wishes to set forth a proposal, to be reviewed by all members of GAPTS, and to therefore be voted on.

Ever since the end of the Imperium/Allied Coalition War, the nation of Dark Visions has been without a ruler. King Ricala of Auralinia has been over-seeing the country for some time, but the time for that must end.

The proposal is as follows: It has been a tradition of The Xeraphian Empire that all subject-nations be ruled by a member of the House of Tanith. The Emperor wishes to continue this tradition by having Caesar Alejandro Valtane of Mandalore Prime take the reins of leadership in Dark Visions. Caesar Valtane is an indirect descendant of the Emperor through his grandfather's wife, therefore fulfilling the tradition.

What has this proposal to do with GAPTS?

Mandalore Prime has applied for full membership into GAPTS upon meeting the population requirements. However, if Caesar Alejandro becomes ruler of Dark Visions, the combined populations of Mandalore Prime and Dark Visions would enable the two nations to be admitted to GAPTS.

Please review, ask questions, discuss, and vote.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
09-04-2006, 05:05
We support the Xeraphian proposal.

Sir Thomas Wilmoore, Findanian Ambassador to GAPTS
09-04-2006, 23:03
10-04-2006, 16:25
10-04-2006, 18:05
We vote in favor of the Xeraphian proposal.

-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Mandalore Prime
11-04-2006, 03:29
National Flag of Mandalore Prime

Stepping out from a concealed door…Alejandro approaches the conference room filled with reporters from all across the region.

Stepping up to, the Podium…Alejandro straightens his Armani Suit with a coupla deft stroke & clears his throat…

“Ladies & Gentlemen of the Press…I stand before you today with News of my apparent regency of the Nation of Dark Visions. When King Ricala first suggested that, I assume the regency. I was taken aback with the enormity of the task... At first, I was hesitant…Then after consulting my advisors & holding lengthy talks with Alaric & Ricala. I have come to the decision. That Dark Visions can only prosper under my rule…So from this day forth…I shall designate a dual Capitol…Mandalore Prime will continue to be ruled from Valtane Keep…And Dark Vision shall be ruled from Mount Tantalus… A Pre Exodus fortress built jointly by Alaric & my Father Eric Valtane.

The Forces of Mandalore Prime shall takeover the duties of Protection. Until such a time as I can reassemble The Armed Forces of DV. I do ask the current Nations of G.A.P.T.S to send military units to assist in the defense.
I also ask them for assistance in rebuilding the infrastructure.
Once DV is brought back up to par with the rest of the world… I formally request that all G.A.P.T.S members sit down for a formal conference in DV to finalize our illustrious alliance & make it a force of peace & prosperity that the world has yet to see.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a rather full plate before me do to the extremely large task set before me… I regretfully must cut this news conference short.
Thank You for your diligence… Long live the Alliance”

With that, Alejandro turned & strode from the room… Leaving the assembled roomful of reporters staring at his back.
11-04-2006, 16:26
ooc: MP, just to let you know, DV has approx 1/2 of it's former strength militarily, or about 7 million men at arms, both active and in support. Eight CBGs (16 ships per CBG), 1 division (350) of armor (MBTs, missile tanks, etc), 13 air wings ( 6 squadrons per airwing, 12 aircraft per squadron), and 12 MASH units.
United Earthlings
11-04-2006, 17:56
We, the govenment and people of United Earthlings hereby apply for membership within the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. We understand the terms and agree to them.

1. Full name of nation: The United Kingdom of United Earthlings
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: King Winston I
3. Government type: Constituational Monarchy
4. Current incorporated population: 3.531 billion
5. Current military population: N/A (OCC: I am currently working on reforming my military. When its done, I post the information.)
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Made up of the countries of Canada, United States, and Mexico.

We await your response
11-04-2006, 18:08
We, the govenment and people of United Earthlings hereby apply for membership within the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. We understand the terms and agree to them.

1. Full name of nation: The United Kingdom of United Earthlings
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: King Winston I
3. Government type: Constituational Monarchy
4. Current incorporated population: 3.531 billion
5. Current military population: N/A (OCC: I am currently working on reforming my military. When its done, I post the information.)
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Made up of the countries of Canada, United States, and Mexico.

We await your response

On behalf of the membership of The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength, I welcome you to GAPTS. You have joined an elite Alliance, and we all look forward to enjoying relations with The United Kingdom of United Earthlings.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire of Xeraph, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor and the members of GAPTS.
15-04-2006, 23:16
The Grey Legions
15-04-2006, 23:42
To the members of GAPTS:

My name is Reichard Schneider. I am the President of the Free Republic of the Grey Legions, formerly known as the Dominion of the Grey Legions.

We are seeking admittance to The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. I and my Vice-President, Daniel Tallent, have revamped the Legion governmental structure, which now resembles a republican form of government.

The former ruler of The Grey Legions, Duke Avan Astran, has been executed for treason and crimes against humanity. He was, along with other rebels of the Black and Grey Imperium, responsible for the deaths of millions and widespread destruction of many nations. His nobles and generals have also been executed by firing squad. We are aware that remnants of the former Dominion allied themselves to LOKI, and were again defeated. However, we have evidence that thousands of Legion renegades are still at large, seeking a haven in which to live.

Please consider our request. We meet all requirements, and seek to move beyond our past.


R.K. Schneider, President of The Free Republic of the Grey Legions.
Present Day Comatica
16-04-2006, 03:43
Mr. Schneider, we wholeheartedly welcome the new Grey Legions to GAPTS. We look forward to improving relations between our two nations.

--Emperor Titus Cemaetus


Since Mandalore Prime has done so much for the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength, even when they were not a full member, I believe it a crime not to consider them one. I support Emperor Alaric Tan'it's proposal with full force.

--Emperor Titus Celmaetus
16-04-2006, 21:17
N Y C completely supports the Xeraphian proposal and thanks Mandalore Prime for its support. If Alejandro approves, an N Y C fleet stationed quite close to DV would be pleased to assist with any naval opperations there. We are very pleased with the way this alliance is strengthening, especially due to the fact that many new members were so recently despotic enemies. May this wonderful progress continue!
Israel Azullias, President of the Metropolitan Republic of N Y C
16-04-2006, 21:57
By the way, as a pacifistic nation, albeit one that knows war is sometimes necessary, N Y C would like to see a code of War Conduct added to the charter that states that all GAPTS members should strive to only go to war with justification and that member may be expelled for commiting war crimes and/or humanitarian offences (obviously, we'd have to make some guidelines or too many nations would be forced out)
17-04-2006, 15:38
I've joined in the fight aginst Kraven. I would like to ask you all to do the same and together we can destory the Kraven menece once and for all.
17-04-2006, 17:34
I've joined in the fight aginst Kraven. I would like to ask you all to do the same and together we can destory the Kraven menece once and for all.

ooc: what's the thread?
17-04-2006, 21:28
ooc: what's the thread?
OOC:forget what I said its closed, sorry.
19-04-2006, 15:44
22-04-2006, 21:04
23-04-2006, 02:21
23-04-2006, 02:34
Requesting permission to join the GAPTS.
23-04-2006, 02:46
Requesting permission to join the GAPTS.

Thank you for your request. As stated in the Charter, nations wishing to be members must have a minimum population of two billion. However, I will put it forth to the existing members to add you to the list of Pending Members.

Prince Vlad
23-04-2006, 02:49
I knew about that, I just wanted to have faith that'd I'd have allies when Whytheica (or w/e) invades my small penninsula.
23-04-2006, 02:50
Attention members of GAPTS:

The nation of Angland has requested membership to GAPTS. As they are under the minimum population requirement, I propose that they be added to the Pending List.

Prince Vlad
23-04-2006, 02:51
I knew about that, I just wanted to have faith that'd I'd have allies when Whytheica (or w/e) invades my small penninsula.

That you will............
23-04-2006, 02:55
Then, since I and Findan are members of the GASN, I propose an alliance exist or friendly relations exist between the two since we both have the same enemy.
United Earthlings
23-04-2006, 16:39
Under Article 4: Embassies
All nations must exchange embassies with all member nations, if it has not been done already. This is to improve the relations between each member.

We hereby submit our embassy form ( for our fellow allies to establish an embassy in our nation if they have not already done so.

OCC: I understand it doesn't have to be RP'ed but I would perfer if it was. If you can provided a link to your embassy or send me TG of the link- that will be fine.


We hate to impose restrictens on any nation, but we feel for nations even to be put on the pending list they have alteast a population of a billion people. Were willing to put this to vote, if other members of the GAPTS approve.

Since the nation of Anglad only has 16 million- we think they should be allowed to grow more before they join the GAPTS. Their nation is young and is still just a child compared to most members of the GAPTS. That is our opinion.
23-04-2006, 20:20
we have no problem whatsoever about allowing Anglad to be a pending member.
23-04-2006, 21:03
While we agree with United Earthlings as to the billion-level mark, we have in the past added nations with less than a billion population to the Pending List.

However, as this is an evolving alliance, I propose that we do impose another minimum population number, that being one billion for Pending Status.

23-04-2006, 21:07
Then, since I and Findan are members of the GASN, I propose an alliance exist or friendly relations exist between the two since we both have the same enemy.

"Friendly relations/diplomatic ties" are no problem. If there is to be an official alliance between GASN and GAPTS, it must be decided upon by the members of GAPTS via vote.

23-04-2006, 21:10
I'd say yes.
Present Day Comatica
24-04-2006, 00:06
"Friendly relations/diplomatic ties" are no problem. If there is to be an official alliance between GASN and GAPTS, it must be decided upon by the members of GAPTS via vote.


I would be in full favor.
24-04-2006, 01:17
Xeraph also stands in favor of Full Alliance with GASN.

If there are no objections, I think we can consider GASN and GAPTS fully allied.

If there are objections, members of GAPTS will have one (RL) week to post them. Decision for full alliance will be posted as an announcement thread.

24-04-2006, 04:29
Hi guys, just wanted to repost my proposal since I havn't gotten a response. Oh , and I support the GAPTS/GASN alliance.
By the way, as a pacifistic nation, albeit one that knows war is sometimes necessary, N Y C would like to see a code of War Conduct added to the charter that states that all GAPTS members should strive to only go to war with justification and that member may be expelled for commiting war crimes and/or humanitarian offences (obviously, we'd have to make some guidelines or too many nations would be forced out)
24-04-2006, 17:29
Hi guys, just wanted to repost my proposal since I havn't gotten a response. Oh , and I support the GAPTS/GASN alliance.

Sorry that your proposal was overlooked. I think that what your'e getting at goes without saying. If any member of GAPTS acts unilaterally in an aggressive manner, the other nations have the right to call him on it. Given the "maturity" of our members (which is why I insisted on the 2 billion pop) I don't see a problem with any of us attacking and destroying any nation just because we can.
26-04-2006, 17:36
TO: Invitation Council and Acceptance Committee
FROM: Mr George A. Loak, 3rd Emperor of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Upon recieving a telegram from Xeraph a few days ago, we have decided that we will accept the invitation from Xeraph to join the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. Below is the information that we feel is required to join this alliance. May god be with us now and in the future.

Full Name: The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Type of Government: Socialist Democracy
Ruler: Mr. George A. Loak (Recently elected as the 3rd Emperor)
Population: 3.373 Billion
Military Population: Total: 95,184,650 || See Breakdown Below
Land Mass: Island Nation with 3 protectorates/colonies.

General Military Breakdown:
Marines: 75,000,000
Special Operations: 7,500,000
SCS Special Operations: 2,000
Air Force: 105,000
Imperial Navy: 400,000
Aerospace Fighters: 63,000
Reserve Troops: 12,114,650
26-04-2006, 20:00
TO: Invitation Council and Acceptance Committee
FROM: Mr George A. Loak, 3rd Emperor of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Upon recieving a telegram from Xeraph a few days ago, we have decided that we will accept the invitation from Xeraph to join the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. Below is the information that we feel is required to join this alliance. May god be with us now and in the future.

Full Name: The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Type of Government: Socialist Democracy
Ruler: Mr. George A. Loak (Recently elected as the 3rd Emperor)
Population: 3.373 Billion
Military Population: Total: 95,184,650 || See Breakdown Below
Land Mass: Island Nation with 3 protectorates/colonies.

General Military Breakdown:
Marines: 75,000,000
Special Operations: 7,500,000
SCS Special Operations: 2,000
Air Force: 105,000
Imperial Navy: 400,000
Aerospace Fighters: 63,000
Reserve Troops: 12,114,650

Your Imperial Majesty, Emperor Loak,

On behalf of the membership of GAPTS, I welcome you to The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength.


Alaric Tan'it, Emperor of Xeraph
26-04-2006, 20:14
Is there a GAPTS forum site at all?
26-04-2006, 20:24
Is there a GAPTS forum site at all?

ooc: check TG
26-04-2006, 20:28
The United Imperium of Crossman, long time ally of Xeraph would like to state its interest in the revived GAPTS, though we are not yet ready to officially apply for entrance into the alliance. The United Imperium has been in a long period of isolation and is slowly coming back into the realm of foreign affairs. Though we feel we should at the least express our interest in GAPTS.

- His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Alan Robert Ezriel Crossman II
Ruler of the United Imperium of Crossman

(OOC: Just a quick check, GAPTS is multi-tech right? I wouldn't mind being a member but I only RP as FT.)
26-04-2006, 21:30
The United Imperium of Crossman, long time ally of Xeraph would like to state its interest in the revived GAPTS, though we are not yet ready to officially apply for entrance into the alliance. The United Imperium has been in a long period of isolation and is slowly coming back into the realm of foreign affairs. Though we feel we should at the least express our interest in GAPTS.

- His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Alan Robert Ezriel Crossman II
Ruler of the United Imperium of Crossman

(OOC: Just a quick check, GAPTS is multi-tech right? I wouldn't mind being a member but I only RP as FT.)

Emperor Crossman,

I thank you on behalf of the members of GAPTS. It is good that you are emerging from isolation, and we look forward to your official application for membership in GAPTS.


Alaric Tan'it, Emperor of Xeraph

ooc: yes....all techs.
27-04-2006, 19:09
Someone needs to activate my username on the forums.
27-04-2006, 22:37
I lost the forum link. Could someone tg it to me? Thanks in advance
27-04-2006, 23:03
I lost the forum link. Could someone tg it to me? Thanks in advance

I was told to look at MP's signiture. The link is in there.

Still need account activated.
28-04-2006, 00:04
I was told to look at MP's signiture. The link is in there.

Still need account activated.

ooc: MP = Mandalore Prime...
28-04-2006, 00:11
Mandalore Prime
28-04-2006, 07:11
I was told to look at MP's signiture. The link is in there.

Still need account activated.

Forums should be Open for all new Signups...Temporarily disabled the Admin Confirmation area...Should be able to post whenever
28-04-2006, 18:40
29-04-2006, 21:50
02-05-2006, 21:53
03-05-2006, 23:03
GAPTS members, see thread regarding Fourhearts.
United Earthlings
04-05-2006, 04:37
GAPTS members, see thread regarding Fourhearts.

Which one?- I count atleast 3 or 4.
04-05-2006, 04:55
The Thread you should see is the one called, Broken Hearts
United Earthlings
04-05-2006, 05:35
The Thread you should see is the one called, Broken Hearts

Thank you- I go take a look at it now.
06-05-2006, 22:10
07-05-2006, 00:19
07-05-2006, 02:39
07-05-2006, 04:51
07-05-2006, 12:10
To: The Governing Body of The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength
From: Minister P. Sweetwater
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag

The Grand Duchy of Tarlag wishes to apply for membership in the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength at this time.
Due to the fact that Tarlag is a current Allie of Xeraph and is currently involved in the Fourhearts / Axis Nova conflict my Government feels it is time to apply for membership.

Nations name The Grand Duchy of Tarlag
Rulers full name The Grand Duke Ozgood The Third
Government Type Father Knows Best State as per Nation States
Actual type Constitutional Monarchy
Current Population 1.985 Billion
Current Military strength of the Tarlag Defense Force
Army 3,695,287
Navy (including Naval Infantry) 2,131,982
Air force 1,103,984
Military Reserve Active 4,100,632
Military Reserve Casual (The Green Coats) 8,253,483
Military Support Service 10,231,428
Land mass Tarlag is made up of Four large islands and about 231 smaller islands The largest island is Delorin East which is 1600 miles long by 820 miles wide.
07-05-2006, 12:42
To: The Governing Body of The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength
From: Minister P. Sweetwater
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag

The Grand Duchy of Tarlag wishes to apply for membership in the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength at this time.
Due to the fact that Tarlag is a current Allie of Xeraph and is currently involved in the Fourhearts / Axis Nova conflict my Government feels it is time to apply for membership.

Nations name The Grand Duchy of Tarlag
Rulers full name Ozgood The Third
Government Type Father Knows Best State as per Nation States
Actual type Constitutional Monarchy
Current Population 1.985 Billion
Current Military strength of the Tarlag Defense Force
Army 3,695,287
Navy (including Naval Infantry) 2,131,982
Air force 1,103,984
Military Reserve Active 4,100,632
Military Reserve Casual (The Green Coats) 8,253,483
Military Support Service 10,231,428
Land mass Tarlag is made up of Four large islands and about 231 smaller islands The largest island is Delorin East which is 1600 miles long by 820 miles wide.

Minister Sweetwater,

On behalf of the members of GAPTS, I welcome you to our organization. You are now a part of an exclusive alliance.


Alaric Tan'it, Emperor of Xeraph
08-05-2006, 01:11
Official Directive from The United Capitalist Republic of Jaghur


Jaghur wishes to apply for membership in the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strenth, mainly due to the fact that Jaghur is an ally of co-founder Xeraph. We would be honored to join this prestigious alliance.

1. Full name of nation: The United Capitalist Republic of Jaghur
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: Prime Jaghuran John W. Ralanson
3. Government type: Capitalist Democracy
4. Current incorporated population: 2.747 billion
5. Current military population: approx. 10 million (active duty)
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Large peninsula extending off of large landmass


Robert Kruger
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Andrew Thurston
Minister of Defense

Joseph Greyson
Jaghurian Army

John W. Ralanson
Prime Jaghuran
Aloria, Jaghur
08-05-2006, 01:21
Official Directive from The United Capitalist Republic of Jaghur


Jaghur wishes to apply for membership in the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strenth, mainly due to the fact that Jaghur is an ally of co-founder Xeraph. We would be honored to join this prestigious alliance.

1. Full name of nation: The United Capitalist Republic of Jaghur
2. Ruler’s full name/rank: Prime Jaghuran John W. Ralanson
3. Government type: Capitalist Democracy
4. Current incorporated population: 2.747 billion
5. Current military population: approx. 10 million (active duty)
6. Description of land mass (Island, cetera...): Large peninsula extending off of large landmass


Robert Kruger
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Andrew Thurston
Minister of Defense

Joseph Greyson
Jaghurian Army

John W. Ralanson
Prime Jaghuran
Aloria, Jaghur

Ministers Kruger, Thurston, and Greyson,

On behalf of the member nations of GAPTS, I welcome you to The Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. You have joined an elite group of nations.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
08-05-2006, 19:22
10-05-2006, 23:54
Axis Nova
11-05-2006, 10:08
tag for intelligence purposes
13-05-2006, 21:09
20-05-2006, 22:08
28-05-2006, 16:22
I'd like to call the attention of GAPTS to the situation developing in Ruvitio ( Without any prevocation, Kraven has invaded the nation, with the intent of making it yet another slave of its empire. This is a severe threat to freedom in the region, and I think we should decide immediately what action to take. The nation being invaded is small and, I fear, there is very little time to act.
President Israel Azullias, Metropolitan Republic of N Y C
28-05-2006, 21:05
I'd like to call the attention of GAPTS to the situation developing in Ruvitio ( Without any prevocation, Kraven has invaded the nation, with the intent of making it yet another slave of its empire. This is a severe threat to freedom in the region, and I think we should decide immediately what action to take. The nation being invaded is small and, I fear, there is very little time to act.
President Israel Azullias, Metropolitan Republic of N Y C

ooc: Looks like it's too late. The Prez and General are dead, and Kraven has already begun it's invasion. Other opinions?
28-05-2006, 21:18
ooc: Looks like it's too late. The Prez and General are dead, and Kraven has already begun it's invasion. Other opinions?
No, I think we could still get in, try to prevent it becoming a puppet government.
28-05-2006, 21:20
No, I think we could still get in, try to prevent it becoming a puppet government.

ooc: I'm ready....let's get a few more members involved.
28-05-2006, 21:21
Yes a war of liberation would work and I am kinda itching for a war occly.
01-06-2006, 21:42
03-06-2006, 21:45
10-06-2006, 21:24
16-06-2006, 17:29
Present Day Comatica
23-06-2006, 17:55
Uhh, guys, don't hate me for my extended absence. I'm planning on being active again, so....the much needed updates will be performed. So, new members are...


And Anglad on the pending list. Any others I missed?
25-06-2006, 23:07
Present Day Comatica
26-06-2006, 23:23
02-07-2006, 22:23
Present Day Comatica
09-07-2006, 01:27
United Earthlings
09-07-2006, 07:09
Uhh, guys, don't hate me for my extended absence. I'm planning on being active again, so....the much needed updates will be performed. So, new members are...


And Anglad on the pending list. Any others I missed?

You were absence, I never noticed. Nah just kidding- welcome back.

Have you given any more thought to the idea I proposed of limiteding those nations that can get on the Pending list to say a billion population or so.

Also, another idea- since this Alliance is growing to be a big one- maybe we should form our own region?

Let me know my fellow members what you think?

11-07-2006, 21:09
You were absence, I never noticed. Nah just kidding- welcome back.

Have you given any more thought to the idea I proposed of limiteding those nations that can get on the Pending list to say a billion population or so.

Also, another idea- since this Alliance is growing to be a big one- maybe we should form our own region?

Let me know my fellow members what you think?


Point # 1 sounds OK to me. But we should keep those already on the list.

Point # 2: I really don't think that most members would want to leave their region. I wouldn't. My region is comprised of all of the nations of my Empire. Moving to another would have the effect of weakening the region. BUT, perhaps a region made up of elements of all of the member nations would work.
11-07-2006, 21:12
I concur. I really like my current region. I can't move.
United Earthlings
14-07-2006, 00:17
Ok, we stay where we are is fine with me. I was just throwing out an idea.
16-07-2006, 11:58
20-07-2006, 02:36
Assuming anyone in this alliance is still active, I invite you all to this war:
06-08-2006, 01:08
06-08-2006, 01:49
Why does no one in this alliance use the offsite forums?

I sware, every time i go on them, even in the middle of the day, i am the only one signed in...
06-08-2006, 03:22
Why does no one in this alliance use the offsite forums?

I sware, every time i go on them, even in the middle of the day, i am the only one signed in...

To tell you the truth, I use TGs to communicate w/most allies.
07-08-2006, 09:36
21-08-2006, 06:53
17-09-2006, 02:30
03-10-2006, 13:02
To: The nations of GAPTS
From: Grand Duke Ozgood the Third
Grand Duchy of Tarlag

To all GAPTS members the Grand Duchy of Tarlag would like to make a formal request for military aid in our struggle with the Northern Colonies and their allies.

This conflict started when the Colonies attempted to trick the region of Reformed Oceania to which Tarlag belongs, into entering in their conflict with Farmina and the Hawk alliance. Then for some unknown reason they attacked and destroyed the Red O'Shay a Tarlag registered natural gas tanker killing all 27 of her crew. The Northern Colonies are also suspect in an attack on a Tarlag registered airliner and backing the terrorist group the Warriors of God.

Tarlag can no longer sit on the side lines and let these attacks and insults happen. The Northern Colonies have threatened to bring in their allies and crush my great nation I can not let this happen.

I request that GAPTS members send forces to Tarlag to aid in our defense.
If the Northern colonies have no allies then your forces will just aid in my peoples defense, but if their allies show their ugly heads on the battle field
then your forces will be called into action.

Thank You
Grand Duke Ozgood

Occ Please post your troop deployments here then we will move to the thread when the actual combat will take place.
04-10-2006, 12:32
bump for help
04-10-2006, 18:55
I would have to read the thread before I contemplate any troop deployment to the region.
Militia Enforced State
05-10-2006, 20:44
Militia Enforced State
Private Communique

To: Nations a part of the GAPTS Alliance.
From: Jason Snyder, Grand Director, Militia Enforced State.

To all leaders of the GAPTS.

My name is Jason Snyder. I am the current leader of the Militia Enforced State. You have probably heard a large amount of critism and downright personal character assasination of myself and my administration. I come to you with this communique, to set the record straight.

Our nation was lead by a number of corrupt 'Force Commanders', the second generation of Force Commanders, replacements of the effective General system which our founders started as. This corrupt group got us involved into the diplomatic affairs of Farmina, and in the end, caused the death of one of their very own, as well as the loss of Messian equipment and personnel.

I came in to repair our damaged government system, and have set things straight. You may have heard from the Hawk coalition that we attacked them first with the Northern Colonies. That is far from the truth.

First of all, our strike was designed to go against the heavily corrupted Liberal party, which has known to be a substancial backer of the now defunct Reaction Corps, who did an audacious attack against our own fleet, as you can see from the video included in this message. We attacked to force regimine change, and with the war, we succeeded. Right now their government is in legal turmoil, which will make it harder to organize a terrorist cell like the Reaction Corps.

Secondly, the Northern Colonies joined us in this attack, because of both the attacking R.C. fleet because they flew N.C. flags before attacking. They also attempted to assasinate the Northern Colonist Prime Minister and his senior advisors. In the end however, it turned out that the threat ended up not against Farmina, but the Northern Colonies. The Northern Colonies is currently lead by a very corrupt neo-conservative party, who's only reasons for not giving in to minor sanctions and going to full out war, was to simply save political face. This, along with crimes against humanity, we are trying to remove this other corrupt power structure.

As a solitary nation, I ask your nations: should we work together to help one of your fellow members? Take care of this insolent rogue nation? Protect your interests? As well, I ask your nations, should I join your rightful cause, and give my strong army to this powerful body of nations?

I bid you goodday. I hope you will consider my offer.

- Grand Director Jason Snyder
Militia Enforced State
06-10-2006, 05:19
I would have to read the thread before I contemplate any troop deployment to the region.

OCC:Unfortuantely most of the action has taken place over several threads and the Reformed Oceania forum so reading about the situation in a single thread is impossible.

To The Leadership of GAPTS
From Grand Duke Ozgood the Third
Subject Response to the MES communication

Now what the Northern Colonies did to Farmina and the MES has some bearing in what I am doing and I have allied myself with both nations, but Tarlag plans to carry out our own war plans against the Colonies. I am asking for GAPTS aid for the simple reason Tarlag may need backup. If I can bring sufficient force to bear I may be able to bring the Northern Colonies to the negotiating table and have a peaceful resolution to the conflict. If this is not possible the we would have sufficient forces in place to overwhelm them with a minimal loss of life on both sides.
08-10-2006, 01:50
Duke Osgood,

You can rely on the nations of Auralinia and Xeraph to come to your aid against The Northern Colonies. The Emperor is at present consulting with one other Imperial nation, The Black Katanas, as well as my own government as to how we are to go about neutralising this upstart nation.

As a preliminary estimate, the four above names countries are prepared to send 880,000 Armored Troopers to your nation for deployment to the territory of The Northern Colonies. Total number of CBGs and aircraft are presently being decided upon, although you can rely on at least 10 CBGs (24 vessals per CBG) and at least 6 AirWings (96 aircraft per airwing) including a 7th AirWing comprised exclusivly of Python Bombers.

I will be updating you as events progress.

Vlad, Prince of the Empire, regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
08-10-2006, 02:01
Militia Enforced State
Private Communique

To: Nations a part of the GAPTS Alliance.
From: Jason Snyder, Grand Director, Militia Enforced State.

To all leaders of the GAPTS.

My name is Jason Snyder. I am the current leader of the Militia Enforced State. You have probably heard a large amount of critism and downright personal character assasination of myself and my administration. I come to you with this communique, to set the record straight.

Our nation was lead by a number of corrupt 'Force Commanders', the second generation of Force Commanders, replacements of the effective General system which our founders started as. This corrupt group got us involved into the diplomatic affairs of Farmina, and in the end, caused the death of one of their very own, as well as the loss of Messian equipment and personnel.

I came in to repair our damaged government system, and have set things straight. You may have heard from the Hawk coalition that we attacked them first with the Northern Colonies. That is far from the truth.

First of all, our strike was designed to go against the heavily corrupted Liberal party, which has known to be a substancial backer of the now defunct Reaction Corps, who did an audacious attack against our own fleet, as you can see from the video included in this message. We attacked to force regimine change, and with the war, we succeeded. Right now their government is in legal turmoil, which will make it harder to organize a terrorist cell like the Reaction Corps.

Secondly, the Northern Colonies joined us in this attack, because of both the attacking R.C. fleet because they flew N.C. flags before attacking. They also attempted to assasinate the Northern Colonist Prime Minister and his senior advisors. In the end however, it turned out that the threat ended up not against Farmina, but the Northern Colonies. The Northern Colonies is currently lead by a very corrupt neo-conservative party, who's only reasons for not giving in to minor sanctions and going to full out war, was to simply save political face. This, along with crimes against humanity, we are trying to remove this other corrupt power structure.

As a solitary nation, I ask your nations: should we work together to help one of your fellow members? Take care of this insolent rogue nation? Protect your interests? As well, I ask your nations, should I join your rightful cause, and give my strong army to this powerful body of nations?

I bid you goodday. I hope you will consider my offer.

- Grand Director Jason Snyder
Militia Enforced State

Director Snyder,

Well does the Empire and the members of GAPTS remember MES's involvement in the war against the Black and Grey Imperium. I consider it an honor to aid you and Tarlag in your war against The Northern Colonies. You can count on the help of Xeraph, Auralinia, The Black Katanas, and The Grey Phoenix.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
10-10-2006, 20:20
Militia Enforced State
11-10-2006, 03:35
OOC: I read it already. It's just not something I can reply to. :P
12-10-2006, 05:10
To: Auuralinia Military Command
From General Gayland Cox
Commander TDF

The TDF ( Tarlag Defense Force) requests that the naval units being sent to aid Tarlag proceed to the Forbidden Bay naval anchorage where they will make up the second wave of the attack.
To help quarantined the war with the Colonies Admiral Dayron our chief liaison officer with GAPTS will take charge of the second wave.
Admiral Dayron has requested that the MES send a Military representative To meet with the Admiral and the Auralinia Officer in charge of their task force to quarantined the war effort.
15-10-2006, 08:16
To: Auuralinia Military Command
From General Gayland Cox
Commander TDF

The TDF ( Tarlag Defense Force) requests that the naval units being sent to aid Tarlag proceed to the Forbidden Bay naval anchorage where they will make up the second wave of the attack.
To help quarantined the war with the Colonies Admiral Dayron our chief liaison officer with GAPTS will take charge of the second wave.
Admiral Dayron has requested that the MES send a Military representative To meet with the Admiral and the Auralinia Officer in charge of their task force to quarantined the war effort.

General Cox,

The Emperor has ordered our commanders to rendevous with the TDF as requested. We have worked with Admiral Dayron in the past and feel secure under his direction.

We are sending Vice-Admiral Tkak-Sirn to meet with Admiral Dayron and the MES rep.

The Emperor requests clearence for the AirWings to be based on Tarlag territory.


Prince Vlad
15-10-2006, 13:30
Clearance is granted for your aircraft to be based in our territory along with any material support you will need.
We would like to set up a meeting between MES and their allies and the GAPTS forces to coordinate our actions.

Thank You
General Gayland Cox.
16-10-2006, 06:45
Clearance is granted for your aircraft to be based in our territory along with any material support you will need.
We would like to set up a meeting between MES and their allies and the GAPTS forces to coordinate our actions.

Thank You
General Gayland Cox.

ooc: I think at this point we need a seperate/new thread to continue so we don't clog up this one. Maps maybe....?
Militia Enforced State
16-10-2006, 07:29
Militia Enforced State
Private Communique

To: Tarlag, Auralinia.
From: Reagan Hamilton, Second Director, Militia Enforced State.
CC: James Palmer, Greater Republic of Farmina

To the leaders of Tarlag and Auralinia.

I will be co-ordinating most of the assault against the Northern Colonies. I will be attending the meeting, as soon as we are given the co-ordinates and location of where you wish to meet.

I am looking forward to working with a new ally.

- Second Director Reagan Hamilton
Militia Enforced State
16-10-2006, 14:30
OCC: Please got to Allies meet in Tarlag for the planning session.
18-10-2006, 22:38
October in Tarlag was very pleasent. Early fall, just beginning to get a little on the cool side in the evening. Commander Riker stepped out of the armored transport and took a quick look around, then motioned to the people inside the vehicle.

Two men stepped out of the transport. One was Ricala, King of Tribal Auralinia, the other, Alaric, King of Xeraph and Emperor of the Xeraphian Empire. They were first cousins, though two different personages would be hard to contemplate.

Ricala, the thinker, diplomat, statesman. Known for his sense of justice and mercy. Appointed by the Emperor as Director of the Xeraphian Space League, he had taken the fledgling League from a few shuttle craft to a first-rate Space Fleet in just 82 years. The Typhon Expanse and the Taieuun Expanse were now about 23% settled, with six inhabited planets in each Expanse.
As Ricala glanced around the wooded setting, he heard his cousin grunt, letting out a soft curse. " Problems, Alaric?", he asked with a wry smile.

"No problems, Ric. Just getting a bit old. Can't seem to jump around like I used to." Alaric Tan'it, King of Xeraph, Protector of Avignon, Scion to the Scandinvan States, Imperator of the Xeraphian Empire, came and stood by his cousin.

He stood 7'2", sturdily muscled, garbed as was his custom in the armor of the Shadow Legions, long hair tied at the nape of his neck, swords and sidearms glistening and ready for use. "You know I hate this stealth shit. I prefer to just show up and deal with what ever comes along."

"Yes, but this time we have reports of possible terror units trying to gain entrance to the meeting with Tarlag and MES. Precautions were necessary."

"Does Ozgood know we're here?"

"He will in...10 seconds."

The transport had arrived undetected by anyone in a heavily wooded area just south of the Tarlagian capitol. A quick scan showed that there were no biologics within eight miles of the LZ.

"Explain to the Duke that our arrival this way was necessary. What with Azulun on the prowl, no one's safe."

As he finished speaking, Alaric heard off in the distance the hum of dual Triton engines. "Ah, the gunships come. The Duke...ever efficient. Are we ready?"

Ric and Commander Riker were. He was handed his AK47mkIII and the trio stepped out into a small clearing, awaiting the HCGSs which would take them to the meeting................
18-10-2006, 23:00
There were three others who were as anxious to get into Tarlag as were the Xeraphians, but they were having difficulties doing so, as they hadn't the technology possessed by Xeraph to slip in undetected.

To call them "men" would be misleading. They were Hominis Nocturnis, men of the night......vampires. And not just any vampire led them. Azulun, former High General of Vhammpyr, renegade Lord of Baael, rebellious leader of the Black and Grey Imperium which had nearly conquered Comatica and had caused the death of millions of GAPTS citizens, was scowling as he tried to bypass the detection units around the capitol of Tarlag. " Fucking garbage", he growled. "Alaric once again evades me. But one day."

"My Lord Azulun, there are two Tarlagian helicopters headed for a site in a wooded area south of the capitol. Orders?" This from Rahon, General of the Horde, also a renegade of the Black and Grey Imperium. The third creature was Tsaphon, the Unknown One, sinister OverLord of the Pagan Borderlands. All three were blood-thirsty, merciless warriors who would stop at nothing to see the demise of the Xeraphian Emperor and the ruin of his Empire.

"No, Rahon, there is nothing we can do at this point. We will just keep on tracking them and the other rulers of that pig-empire of theirs until the perfect situation shows itself. Patience, patience........"
19-10-2006, 04:57
A naval communications officer hurried into the Duke's privet chamber.
" My Lord I have just received a report from Logistical Command that
Emperor Alaric and King Ricala have landed in a small transport several miles from here."
Grand Duke Ozgood looked up from the computer monitor where he was following the meeting between Admiral Dayron and General Wilcox.
"Alric is up to his old tricks again I see, we spend billions of Grots on detection gear and he can land on our door step with out being noticed.
Commander have Alric's Party brought here then prepare my personal transport to take us all to the H.D.S. Saratoga and the meeting."
"My Lord I thought you were going to have Dayron handle that meeting?"
"The Emperor of Xeraph has just bumped that meeting up a notch.
Also put DEST on alert and inform the Knights of Ironhold of what is going on if Alric is in town trouble is sure to follow."
19-10-2006, 16:21
The gunships found them waiting in a small clearing. One of them continued to circle the immediate area, the other landed about 200 feet from the trio of Xeraphians. Alaric turned to Riker and said, "Commander, stay here with the transport. I'm sure Ozgood will want to leave a small contingent here also. And Commander, if you engage them in a friendly game of poker, keep it on the up-and-up. These people are not only allies, but friends. We don't need any international incidents."

"Aye, sir, understood. No fleecing of any Tarlagians. Got it", Riker said with a mischievious grin.

Alaric shook his head as if sensing trouble, then turned to Ricala. "Let's go, Ric. We don't want to keep the Duke waiting." They both saluted the captain of the HCGS and hopped aboard. As the gunship lifted off, the other that was circling got into position to land. The last thing Alaric saw was Riker waving to the Tarlagians, a pack of cards in his hand............
21-10-2006, 14:14
The Gunship landed on the heli pad out side of the Duke's Keep.
Alaric and his party were greeted at the base of the pad by a Captain in the Crimson Ravens ( The Dukes personal guard). " My Lords I am Captain Richard Swiftblade and I wish to welcome you to Vashon Keep. If you will please step this way."
As the party moved forward the escort of four more Crimson Ravens armed with micro Galils fell into step. They entered the keep through the east gate into the Moon Garden which was alive with color this time of year. The party soon came to the great brass doors of the main manor house. The guards at the doors came to attention as the party approached. The great doors swung open as if by magic and framed within them was the Grand Duchess Ellen.
The Duchess gave the approaching men a huge smile " Alaric, Ricala what a pleasant surprise please come in Ozgood is expecting you in his inner sanctum. " As the Duchess turned to lead the men into the house it became oveous that she was with child, at least 4 months pregnant. " It is great to see you both here but I wish you had told us you were coming I would have prepared a very warm welcome after all the hospitality you have shown us." Soon after going up the grand staircase they came to a cypress wood door with dragons carved into them. The Duchess knocked and a muffled come in was heard.
Ozgood stood up from behind his desk and walked over to shake the hand of both men. "God it is good to see you both. Please sit down before we leave we have somethings to discuss. First what is this about a possible terrorist attack?"
21-10-2006, 16:22
The Gunship landed on the heli pad out side of the Duke's Keep.
Alaric and his party were greeted at the base of the pad by a Captain in the Crimson Ravens ( The Dukes personal guard). " My Lords I am Captain Richard Swiftblade and I wish to welcome you to Vashon Keep. If you will please step this way."
As the party moved forward the escort of four more Crimson Ravens armed with micro Galils fell into step. They entered the keep through the east gate into the Moon Garden which was alive with color this time of year. The party soon came to the great brass doors of the main manor house. The guards at the doors came to attention as the party approached. The great doors swung open as if by magic and framed within them was the Grand Duchess Ellen.
The Duchess gave the approaching men a huge smile " Alaric, Ricala what a pleasant surprise please come in Ozgood is expecting you in his inner sanctum. " As the Duchess turned to lead the men into the house it became oveous that she was with child, at least 4 months pregnant. " It is great to see you both here but I wish you had told us you were coming I would have prepared a very warm welcome after all the hospitality you have shown us." Soon after going up the grand staircase they came to a cypress wood door with dragons carved into them. The Duchess knocked and a muffled come in was heard.
Ozgood stood up from behind his desk and walked over to shake the hand of both men. "God it is good to see you both. Please sit down before we leave we have somethings to discuss. First what is this about a possible terrorist attack?"

The Duke liked to live well. It was obvious that a woman's touch had been applied to the decor, but not overly so. The rich carvings, tapestries, marble statues....all very impressive. 'I'll have to liven up the place when we get back', Alaric thought. 'Too much macho shit back home. Maybe I can get Priscilla to help.' Now THERE was a pleasent thought. He hadn't seen the Duchess in quite a while. He made a mental note to contact her.

He brought his attention back to the Duke and Duchess. "Congratulations, m'lord. Looks like it won't be too long before you have an heir." He nodded at the Duchess, who blushed and stifled a giggle.

"I see your guards are carrying Galils. How do they match up to the AK's?"
21-10-2006, 18:29
Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for so long. It seems we have a war. Hmmmm...not sure what to do.
22-10-2006, 03:44
Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for so long. It seems we have a war. Hmmmm...not sure what to do.

Hey N Y C...welcome back. Yeah, another war. But it's about time GAPTS got back into the swing of things. If you want to join the fun, just start posting. BTW, Auralinia has temporarily taken the place of Xeraph. I haven't been able to log Xeraph onto the forums for almost 3 months because of the JOLT mess.
22-10-2006, 04:41
"Ever the warrior Alaric, Most of my troops us H&K products G-36's, G-33,
G-41's, MP-5's and MP-53's. The Commander of my personal guard prefers the Galil so that is what they go with. We have never been huge fans of the AK's due to the lack of accuracy and H&K of Tarlag never went after the license for the AK."

"So gentelmen may I offer you a drink?"
22-10-2006, 04:53
OOC: Tarlag; if you want them to post in your thread, normally it helps to give them a link. He wants you to attend here:
The Grey Phoenix
22-10-2006, 06:35
29-10-2006, 01:44
17-12-2006, 07:48
Mandalore Prime
17-12-2006, 09:15
Bumpity Bump Bump
17-12-2006, 20:59
Bumpity Bump Bump

I see your bumpity bump bump, and I raise you a bumpity bump and one swift kick in the ass......:rolleyes:
The Burnsian Desert
17-12-2006, 21:37
Burnsian State Administration
Office of Foreign Relations

The Burnsian Desert would like to apply for admittance to this alliance.
17-12-2006, 21:48
Burnsian State Administration
Office of Foreign Relations

The Burnsian Desert would like to apply for admittance to this alliance.

On behalf of the members of GAPTS, and at the direction of Emperor Alaric Tan'it of Xeraph, I welcome our old and dear friend The Burnsian Desert as a member of the Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength. We look forward to renewing our ties to TBD.


Ricala, King of Auralinia, Director of the Xeraphian Space League.
The Burnsian Desert
17-12-2006, 21:52
OOC: Damn, Xer, how many puppets do you have...? :)



The Burnsian Desert is elated to know that our friend Xeraph is still a player on the world stage. Know that the Xeraphian submarine base north of Twin Cities is still fully operational, and we look forward to seeing Xeraphian ships arriving soon.

As to GAPTS matters, what should our nation do to get started?
17-12-2006, 23:56
OOC: Damn, Xer, how many puppets do you have...? :)



The Burnsian Desert is elated to know that our friend Xeraph is still a player on the world stage. Know that the Xeraphian submarine base north of Twin Cities is still fully operational, and we look forward to seeing Xeraphian ships arriving soon.

As to GAPTS matters, what should our nation do to get started?

ooc: up until about 6 weeks ago, I had just 1 'puppet': The White-Robed Monks. Then, two anally-retentive nations made a big deal over the fact that most of the nations of Mercenary Lands were posting from the same bank of computers. Basically, I was accused of 'dog-piling' and the poor things didn't want to play with me. The actual 'owners' of the other 7 nations ( all relatives of mine) were so disgusted by the paranoid antics of these two nations that they told me that they were quitting NS and that if I wanted their nations to survive, that I would have to take them over. I have made several announcements to that effect over the past couple of months. The only nation in ML I don't control is Vhammpyr.

IC: The Emperor is gratified that our 'missing' sub-base is still operational. And rest assured, all of TBD's forces are alive and well and esconced on Burns Island, 47 miles off of the north-west coast of Xeraph.

Prince Vlad has directed Generals Wilcox and Garcy to relocate RXCBGs 29 and 67 to ports in TBD. As a Xeraphian CBG includes BattleCarriers, also included are Mamba, Rattlesnake, and Cobra fighters as well as Comanche and Apache HCGSs. RX Battleships and Missile Destroyers also carry 575 Royal Marines on each vessal.

As TBD is now a full-fledged member of GAPTS, the only thing we ask is that you be ready to respond to a call for help from another member, or from a non-member who seeks our aid. If from a non-member, you must post a request for a concensus/vote after explaining the non-member's situation.


18-12-2006, 01:17
The Burnsian Desert
18-12-2006, 02:44
ooc: up until about 6 weeks ago, I had just 1 'puppet': The White-Robed Monks. Then, two anally-retentive nations made a big deal over the fact that most of the nations of Mercenary Lands were posting from the same bank of computers. Basically, I was accused of 'dog-piling' and the poor things didn't want to play with me. The actual 'owners' of the other 7 nations ( all relatives of mine) were so disgusted by the paranoid antics of these two nations that they told me that they were quitting NS and that if I wanted their nations to survive, that I would have to take them over. I have made several announcements to that effect over the past couple of months. The only nation in ML I don't control is Vhammpyr.

IC: The Emperor is gratified that our 'missing' sub-base is still operational. And rest assured, all of TBD's forces are alive and well and esconced on Burns Island, 47 miles off of the north-west coast of Xeraph.

Prince Vlad has directed Generals Wilcox and Garcy to relocate RXCBGs 29 and 67 to ports in TBD. As a Xeraphian CBG includes BattleCarriers, also included are Mamba, Rattlesnake, and Cobra fighters as well as Comanche and Apache HCGSs. RX Battleships and Missile Destroyers also carry 575 Royal Marines on each vessal.

As TBD is now a full-fledged member of GAPTS, the only thing we ask is that you be ready to respond to a call for help from another member, or from a non-member who seeks our aid. If from a non-member, you must post a request for a concensus/vote after explaining the non-member's situation.



OOC: Damn. Lots of stuff happened since I was gone... wow.



Very well. Thank you again; we can only hope that the Marines on Burns Island will not harbor any hard feelings against us.

OOC: That might make a good RP, the Marines there getting pissed off and rebelling...