NationStates Jolt Archive

The greatest events of your nation

01-02-2006, 17:51
Chief librarian Damon Huost of Nuralla is curretly gathering material for his government-supported book, "Great Events of The World". Here, he will have a collection of big, historical events of every nation he can get knowledge of.

So we, the Nurallain Government, requests that information about great historical events of all nations willing to share, will be sent to the Honorable Damon Houst. We will accept anything, from battles to technology changes, as long as it has some meaning to the nation's history and culture.

Sincerely, The Nurallain Government
01-02-2006, 18:04
Our annual February 11 celebrations are fast approaching. We intend to link you to the festivities (and, of course, the historical events they commemorate) once they start jumping.
01-02-2006, 18:05
We are grateful for your support. The Honorable Damon Houst will be pleased.
01-02-2006, 18:30
Hmm well in a matter of weeks Yurka is planning to begin construction of its first permanent lab on the dark side of the moon. Other than that here are a few other things which happened in our history, though whether they are great or not is really debatable... We'll only add the most important of the things which transpired.


280 BC - Isle of Yurka is founded by a Shamanistic Religious Sect. The Empire begins.

Very Late 20th Century - The people of Yurka flaunt that they use prisoners along with criminals from other nations for their manual labor. War is sparked with the nation of Allanea, eventually ending with numerous nuclear explosions over the capital city, Yurka City, which housed millions of people. The island becomes unliveable and a mass exodus, backed by the remaining naval fleet, takes place.

Late 20th Century/Early 21st Century - Yurka eventually takes control of a small outlaying region, eventually founding an isolationist nation in the region. This goes on for over two generations of technological improvement, most helped by Yurka's extensive spy networks in other nations. Only recently has the nation come out of hiding, and is now at war with the nation of Czardas almost immediately after coming back onto the international stage.

But overall the greatest thing to ever happen to Yurka was our architectural ability to build almost impossibly large cities. Yurka's culture essentially revolves around building massive aesthetically pleasing buildings.
01-02-2006, 18:49
Hmm well in a matter of weeks Yurka is planning to begin construction of its first permanent lab on the dark side of the moon. Other than that here are a few other things which happened in our history, though whether they are great or not is really debatable... We'll only add the most important of the things which transpired.

You do know that there is no dark side of the moon, right? There is a side that always faces away from the Earth, but that side alternates between light and dark just as the side that faces us does.

Tynaria celebrates Inventor's Day, which is a national holiday and exists to celebrate all the scientific and technical achievements of individual inventors and engineers over our history. It is also known in some parts as Engineer's Day, and falls on July 29th, the day that the first powered flight took place in Tynaria in the year 1891.

The government also recognizes the day the first Tynarian entered orbit on June 17th, 1952. Fireworks, military aircraft fly-bys and other visual displays of aerospace technology are common on this day.

Notice: I tend to operate my nation on a technology level comparable to that of modern-day America, advanced to a degree in some areas and retarded in others. We have a significant lead over the present-day United States in the areas of aerospace and nuclear technology, though efficient fusion power has yet to be developed, and no Tynarian has set foot on Mars as of yet (the latter program has been initiated, and should come to fruition within the decade). I don't RP because I lack the time... college requires a great deal of it.

Also, we are an empire in name only - a tradition left over from ages past. There is no emperor - only a President, as well as separate legislative and judicial bodies. The President of Tynaria wields considerably less power than the president of the United States, although our other political structures are comparable to those of modern-day America.
01-02-2006, 19:48
OOC: Yeah but I didn't know how to describe it any other way. Though at least its better than calling it the back of the moon I think. Any idea what I should call the side facing away from the earth in the future?
01-02-2006, 20:15
OOC: Yeah but I didn't know how to describe it any other way. Though at least its better than calling it the back of the moon I think. Any idea what I should call the side facing away from the earth in the future?

OOC: ...the outwards end of the moon?
01-02-2006, 20:23
The greatest event in RB was the May 1, 2004 coup d'etat that brought J.L. to power.
01-02-2006, 20:30
Independence from the eastern half of the US.
Acquisition of Singapore.
And the annexation of Panama canal zone.
01-02-2006, 20:52
Zanrkand recalls the time when it used its orbiting laser satellites to wage war on Propps. We won...mostly.

West Corinthia
01-02-2006, 21:16
1991-The state of Corinthia splinters from the collapsed Soviet Union. It covers the areas of former Georgia (the country), Azerbaijin, Armenia, and the surrounding lands.
1992-Vladimir Demorov is the first democratically elected president of Corinthia.
1998-A military coup is carried out by former KGB agents led by Vasili Kotov. Vladimir Demorov flees to the East, goes insane and proclaims himself Sultan of East Corinthia. The East and West hate eachother intensely for the years that follow. The West gains political, military, and economic strength while the East grows poorer and resorts to terrorist attacks on West Corinthian citizens.
Early 2006-After the assassination of a West Corinthian general by East Corinthian insurgents the government of West Corinthia finally declared war and invaded East Corinthia. They currently occupy most of the country. The former president has not been found though the search is intensifying.
01-02-2006, 21:57
2016: Saharistan launches over 75 ICBM's at Willink, Leveling 3 Major cities and leaving 8 Million dead, more than 450,000 people have died since then in chemically-related effects.
01-02-2006, 22:05
2003: Outlawing of Sex between certain times. Most notibly the times of 10am to 5pm.
01-02-2006, 22:08
The most glorious moment in the history of Antanjyl was...

570 AD - When our Emperor Galf came to us and eventually founded the capital of Antalia. From there he commited massive genocides against our oppressers and eventually led us to our present, after taking a centuries-long exodus.

800-850 AD - The Propher Rashidi is born and helps shape the older religion more, pushing us closer to The Lord Below and worship of Him.

And just six months ago our Emperor was killed. Eventually we plan on having a celebration of his life before the eventual bodyless funeral begins. It also led to our eventually liberation and first elections to ever take place on Antanjylian soil.
The Marxist State
01-02-2006, 22:11
15 OCTOBER 2005: Capitalist terrorist group known as The Eye Of God (Now known as the New Capitalist Freedom Army, since becoming fully organized), steals small experimental nucular device from The Site 57 Labratories, and detonates it in the Metropolis of Red Peace. Leaving 650,000 dead and over 900,000 injured, since then 10,450 people have died from the radioactive effects due to a slow evacuation process.
01-02-2006, 22:17
Official Government Statement
Constitutional Matriarchy of Reloria

Greetings. I hope the Goddess blesses Damon Huost so that his work is a great success -- it will be of benefit to many people for many generations, I am sure!

The history of the Constitutional Matriarchy is very short I'm afraid. For the past six hundred years, we have been occupied by three successive empires who used our country for their own economical gain. Last week, however, the last empire officially withdrew their claim to Reloria and were finally a free nation once again! The election of this new government directly and deliberately coincided with this momentous occasion, and was equally historic because it means that we have the first ever democracy here in Reloria.

This is just a brief summary of the events thus far, if M. Huost needs more elaboration I will be happy to have someone help him along.
Newly-Elected Matriarch Zelella Rocca
Leader of the Constitutional Matriarchy of Reloria
01-02-2006, 22:37
The Lady Ri-an, Guardian and mother of the peoples of the world Ri-an gives you her blesing.

Events in order of most recent, to the beginnings of the world.

Hours ago: Ri-an became unsealed, and is no longer hidden. Proven as fact by captain Biran's journey to the white Tower Via Teleportation by way of Quantum Entanglement.

500 years ago: The temple of the five evils is constucted on the dark moon Remora by the moon tribe.

1000 years ago: Lady Ri-an inspires the Ri-an sorcerer Marxus to create a massive Gravity spell based upon the singularity known as, "Black Holes." Marxus uses this spell to trap the Shadow Lord on Remora, Remora ceases to shine forever.

1001 years ago: The shadow lord escapes.

5000 years ago: an entity known as the Shadow Lord emerges, Details are unclear.

10000 years ago: Ri-an comes into being, and the Lady Ri-an hides it from Creation, and seals it away from everything. Real date unkown. Scientists leave it at 10,000 years, due to lack of details.

There are other events, but no factual information is present.
01-02-2006, 22:55
Greetings from the Glroious Republic of Katangara!

We are proud to share our great history with those who wish to know it - indeed there are many nation forging moments again and again in our history.

the most important event in our history happened in the year 2000, when the terrorist group known as The League revealed their existance violently. many hundreds of thousands of people were killed in a single night of bloody violence, culminating with a vicious sub-orbital attack. The League, using their connections throughout civilian and government agencies, dropped an unused communications satellite on the capital city, levelling it and creating a large crater, where the capital city now sits, rebuilt in all it's glory.
Katangara-City today stands inside the crater, the great city built into the walls of the crater, as well as suspended in the air by great pillars of engineering genius.
Amazonian Beasts
01-02-2006, 23:29
We in the Federation are regretful to admit that our nation has a fairly short history, though here is our most important event.

March 26, 1990: Rebel leader Nathan Wimbush overthrows the previous rulers, the Empire of Four, and establishes the Federation

This set the stage for the current government, and Wimbush is held dear to all Federation citizens.
02-02-2006, 00:24
OOC: Yeah but I didn't know how to describe it any other way. Though at least its better than calling it the back of the moon I think. Any idea what I should call the side facing away from the earth in the future?

OOC: How about, "The far side of the moon."
02-02-2006, 04:35
January 23 Momono Megumi, wife of Gyrobot Lenster the President gives birth to Deus who is the 2 billionith child born and is Gyrobot first child. His son will follow his father's footsteps
02-02-2006, 04:46
September 20-23, 2005 Kanami enters a dispute cold war with the Empire of Stevid. Stevid had ultimatley threatend war against Kanami, b/c of our agressive policey towards their "expelling all muslims" War was ultmiatley avoided, which considered Steven Kollridge's Mission: A Sucessfull Failure.

June 1805-The Republic of Kanami is founded then declares it's independence.
Yasashii Himura is named Kanami Prime Minister, FOunding Mother, Great Liberator the youngest in the nations History

October 2005- Kanami rushes to aid Kurona from harsh weather conditions. Makes peace with our former and bitter enemy Stevid.
02-02-2006, 15:07
We are thankful for all your support. Damon Houst is happy for all this information. Curretly, he and his team of expert historians are making research, combining their results with the information all your Honorable Nations have provided.

As soon as the book is released, all nations that have provided information will be sent a copy/copies for their leader(s).
03-02-2006, 12:37
On January 1st we celebrate Builders Day. This is the day the first mobile waterborn domed arcology was finished by the great architect Damien. It was a day to be remembered in history.
Allied Anime Worlds
03-02-2006, 13:01
The Federation of Allied Anime Worlds offers three events from its history:

Federation Year 3713: Battle of Neo-Crystal Tokyo. A sneak attack on the Federation capitol by the New Dawn results in the razing of Neo-Crystal Tokyo to the ground and the death of Empress Neo-Serenity. The Federation would never recover.

Federation Year 4208: Battle of Neo-Crystal Tokyo 2 and the Flight. President Endymion orders the remains of the Federation to retreat through a dimensional portal, which brought us to this world.

Silver Year 0 (Federation Year -1000): Serene Moon ascends the Silver Throne and begins her reign as Empress Neo-Serenity, presiding over the Silver Millenium.
19-02-2006, 07:04
[OOC: Oops. Sorry. I had promised to link you to my nation's 2/11 celebrations. Here ( ya go!]