NationStates Jolt Archive

Constantakis urges voters to consider "third option"

23-01-2006, 00:40
From La Repubblica Oggia
Green Party leader Neros Constantakis (left)
shakes hands with Azazian Green Party leader
Joshua Christiansen in Nortopalazzo Saturday
as the UK politician toured alongside Green
campaigners in the dying stages of the federal
Pacitalian election campaign.

Green Party leader urges Pacitalians to vote for "third option"

By Alessandro Spinodore, Nortopalazzo

Campaigning in Nortopalazzo Saturday, Green Party of Pacitalia leader Neros Constantakis conceded that his party would not form the Official Opposition in the next parlemento in the Constazione Ampoliticato Federali but urged Green voters to stick with the party on Wednesday.

He spoke of a "third option" in Pacitalian politics, that he said was "free of past mistakes, misguidance, corruption, scandal and dishonest corporate-government relations" and "ready to take Pacitalians' real concerns to the government so they could be heard".

"The Green Party is not about staying in power," Constantakis said. "We are about protecting the integrity of Pacitalians, both socially and environmentally. Our first priority is to make sure Pacitalians' voices are heard - if they have concerns, we will take them straight to the government."

The latest polls show the Green Party in third place with between 12-15% of voter support. The FPD has regained a strong lead of about ten points over the PSC, which led the polls for about a week in this campaign because of FPD leader Constantino Sorantanali's perceived misplay on the Space Union debacle. However, the PSC economic platform seemed to jolt the soft FPD support awake and back to their original choice.

Sorantanali seems headed for a bare-bones majority government or a strong minority government in the Wednesday polls. The latest seat projections show Sorantanali will win between 310 and 340 seats, while the PSC and Fernando Chiovitti will take around 175 to 180. The Green Party looks primed to capture around 70 to 75 seats. 324 seats must be won in order for a party to form a majority government.

Meanwhile, in the Senatoro Federali, the FPD is expected to form a solid majority with around 160 of the 293 available seats. The PSC is expected to take 60 seats. This would give Sorantanali a strong mandate for the next four to five years.
23-01-2006, 07:20