NationStates Jolt Archive

Official Annoucement & Early Days of Government

Imperial Autokratie
10-01-2006, 12:50
In accordance with our new Government's decree, the Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie is releasing the following offiicial documentation, detailing our environment, political system and politicial personell.

Official Documentation and Record

The Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie was founded following the Glorious Revolution in December 2005. The Revolution removed the highly unpopular and corrupt Autokratie Republic government and replaced it with the more effective ‘democratic’ Elected Dictatorship government, with the Autokratie Nationalist Party in power, under the leadership of His Imperial Majesty Grand Lord Marcus I.

The Glorious Revolution took place in December 2005 and resulted in the removal of the old Republic and the establishment of the Dictatorship. For many years since the abdication of Autokratie’s last monarch (King Louis XII in 1592 following the Civil War, 1579-92) the Republic had been the governing body of Autokratie. During its final decades it had become increasingly corrupt and it is clear that the Republic Bureaucracy was effectively in charge. The people of the nation were not being represented properly and their voices remained ignored. In early 2005, Baron Marcus Julio of the Imperial Order of the Garter established a resistance movement against the Republic. Eventually, the resistance gained the support of such notable generals as Gaius, Decius and Mario, and with the support of the majority of the nation (Autokratie is based on the theory of Utilitarianism) Baron Julio stormed the Republic Palace in Kratika. The nation was caught up in an internal war for two weeks, before the Republic finally surrendered. The President and her Councillors were put on trial and later executed. From then on, the Dictatorship of the Imperial Autokratie was established and ruled over by Grand Lord Marcus I and His Majesty’s High Cabinet.

After analysing the reasons for the fall of the Republic the Grand Lord and the High Cabinet came to the conclusion that much of the problem with the system was the distressing level of apathy across the nation. Political apathy had fallen following the Glorious Revolution, but in order to sustain a stable government, His Imperial Majesty introduced compulsory voting.

Elements of the monarchy that predated even the Republic are still present in the Dictatorship. The Imperial Order of the Garter is an example of this. The Order consists of a number of Barons, of whom Grand Lord Marcus I is Baron Superior, who had been granted their positions by the ancient Kings and Queens of Imperial Autokratie, and the former Presidents of the hated Republic. Following the Glorious Revolution, His Imperial Majesty carried out a purge of the Order thus removing any old Republicans. Grand Lord Marcus I retains the power to appoint new Barons to the Order as well as removing Barons from the Order, but has not utilized this power since the end of the Revolution. Other elements of the ancient monarchy of Autokratie are the Royal Palace of Louis XII (used as the Republic Palace and now an Imperial Residence) and the treasures stored at the Imperial Treasury and Bank of Autokratie.

Imperial Autokratie is a medium-sized cold nation found in the Grand Empire of Righteousness region (the Grand Empire was first established back before the abdication of the Autokratie monarchy). The Dictatorship suffers from incredibly long dark winters. The harsh weather has only helped the citizens develop are strong outlook on life and has made them a proud nation as their forefathers managed to survive the low temperatures. The Dictatorship is divided into 39 regions; each region is controlled by an appointed Governor in Parliament overseeing five constituencies – there are 195 constituencies in total in Imperial Autokratie (each represented by an elected ‘Rep’ in Parliament).

The capital city of Imperial Autokratie is Kratika. Kratika is an enormous sprawling city where the government centre can be found. Kratika is famous for its colonnades, grand avenues and Roman-style marble/white-stone architecture. The governmental palaces, ministries, departmental offices and other assorted administrative buildings can be found at hub of the city. Near the administrative centre is Embassy Plaza – an enormous district of the city dedicated to the embassies of other global nations. The University of Kratika is considered to be the greatest of the Dictatorship, if not the best in the Grand Empire. Kratika is also home to the many guild and union halls, libraries, museums, Imperial palaces and residences, and departmental buildings, as well as the head offices of corporations, businesses, the High Imperial Court of Law and Justice and also Bank of Autokratie.

The national flag of Imperial Autokratie is blue with a white and black cross across it. The symbol of Imperial Autokratie, the former emblem of the Autokratie Nationalist Party and the new seal of the Elected Dictatorship government, is situated in the top right square of the flag. The national animal is the eagle (which is depicted also on the governmental seal) and the Dictatorship’s currency is the credit.

The national motto of the Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie is: “Imperium in Aeternum” (‘absolute power for eternity’)

The Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie is ruled over by His Imperial Majesty, the Grand Lord Marcus I and his High Cabinet from the capital city of Kratika. His Imperial Majesty and the High Cabinet act as the executive and the highest legislators and judges. The High Cabinet lasts as long as the reign of the Grand Lord does. His Imperial Majesty has the power to dismiss and appoint members of his Cabinet at any time. He can choose to appoint members of the Governors’ Council, Representatives from the Chamber of Commoners, and Barons of the Imperial Order of the Garter, military personnel or anyone else of his choosing to the High Cabinet. Many Cabinet members were loyal supporters of Baron Marcus Julio during the Glorious Revolution. The High Cabinet has often been referred to as a ‘House of Lords’ as all members of His Imperial Majesty’s Cabinet are indeed Lords.

On the world stage the Dictatorship is a member of the United Nations (the UN Ambassador sits on the Cabinet). The UN makes laws and legislation, but often the Grand Lord and the High Cabinet choose to ignore UN laws that will impede the Dictatorship’s superiority and sovereignty. As well as belonging to the UN, Imperial Autokratie belongs also to the ancient region; the Grand Empire of Righteousness. The Grand Empire is made up of two other nations. Every few years the region’s member states will vote for a regional delegate to the UN. The region is headed by a voluntary and advisory High Council which coordinates trade and military alliances between regional countries. Imperial Autokratie’s Regional High Councilman is also the nation’s Regional Delegate (Elect), and is the brother of His Imperial Majesty.

The Dictatorship does have a representative body; which is the Chambers of Parliament in Kratika. Parliament is split into two houses – upper and lower. The lower house of Parliament is the elected and the upper house is appointed. Parliament acts as a legislative and advisory body in the Elected Dictatorship government. The Grand Lord retains the power to dissolve the Parliament, as the Leader of the Imperial Autokratie Parliament.

The citizens of the Dictatorship are represented in the lower house of the Chambers of Parliament – the Chamber of Commoners. Here their voices are heard, and the Grand Lord and the High Cabinet will hear their views and grievances. It is here that High Cabinet policy is presented and debated. His Imperial Majesty does not have to adhere to his Representatives arguments and has the power to dismiss the lower house. The Chamber consists of some 390 Representatives (two to every constituency, known as a ‘Rep’) who are elected every five years by their constituents. The lower house is led by the Master of the Chamber of Commoners who is a member of Cabinet.

The upper house of Parliament is the Governors’ Council. The Council is made up of 40 members, 39 appointed lifelong Governors (one Governor per five constituencies) and the Grand Vizier (who is the Governor of Kratika). They oversee their constituency and ensure that Parliament acts, legislation and High Cabinet policy are enforced correctly. Governors have some control of their constituency’s police and military garrisons also. The Governors’ Council is led by the Chairman of the Governors’ Council who is a member of Cabinet and often the Chief Advisor to His Imperial Majesty (Grand Vizier).

Apart from the judicial decisions of His Imperial Majesty and the High Cabinet, the supreme law court of Imperial Autokratie is the High Imperial Court of Law and Justice. Like many other governmental institutions of the Dictatorship, the High Imperial Court can be found in the nation’s capital, Kratika. The High Imperial Court will hear all cases of national importance (assassination attempts, treason, etc). Occasionally the Court will hear cases from lower Regional or Constituency Courts if these cases affect the Grand Lord or Cabinet members. The Court is led by Chief Justice of the Imperial High Court, a Cabinet member, who is often also Minister of the Home Police Department, with the Grand Lord as Supreme Judge of the Highest Courts also present. There are ten other judges in the High Imperial Court who are all appointed by the Chief Justice or the Grand Lord. His Majesty does have the power to dismiss any judges or block the Chief Justice’s recommendations.

Grand Lord Marcus Julio I of Imperial Autokratie
His Imperial Majesty was born Marcus Julio in the nation’s capital, Kratika, in 1952. He was educated in Kratika and later attended the prestigious University of Kratika, along with many others who would later form his Cabinet. Against the wishes of his father, the Socialist Republic Councillor Sextus Julio (of the Republic President’s Council), the Grand Lord joined the Autokratie Nationalist Party in 1974. His political career was exceptional and after much pressure from the media he was made a Baron of the Order of the Garter in 1986. He became a popular figure of the Autokratie public and his speeches on reform and society were revered and respected by all. Before long he was elected as the leader of the Autokratie Nationalist Party, and by default the official leader of the Opposition. In 1991 he was elected as an honorary High Judge of Kratika. However, he soon became aware of the Republic’s incompetence and the levels of corruption in the administration and bureaucracy. From as early on as the late 1990s, the general public became increasingly distressed with the corruption of the Republic and by 2002 the media had cottoned on to the issue. Baron Marcus Julio always remained loyal to the public and in January 2005 established a resistance force that would eventually overthrow the Republic. The resistance gained support and along with generals such as Gaius, Decius and Antonio. In early December 2005 the Glorious Revolution began; civil war again erupted within the streets of the cities of Imperial Autokratie. By mid-December the Republic Palace was stormed and the President and Councillors were arrested and later executed – all but Councillor Sextus Julio who was forgiven by the Grand Lord for his lack of judgement in supporting the Socialist Republic and made a Governor of one of the Dictatorship’s rural regions. The Grand Lord’s younger brother, Julius, who supported his older brother during the Revolution, was granted the position as Imperial Autokratie’s Grand Empire Regional High Councilman and Regional Delegate (Elect) – he holds a position in the High Cabinet. The Elected Dictatorship government was founded with His Imperial Majesty and his High Cabinet as the Dictatorship’s leadership.

The full title of His Imperial Majesty is: “His Imperial Majesty, the Right Honourable, Highest Autocrat, the Grand Lord Marcus Julio I of the Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie: Archduke of the People, Leader of the Imperial Autokratie Parliament & High Cabinet, Grand Warlord of the Imperial Armed Forces, Baron Superior of the Imperial Order of the Garter, Rector of the University of Kratika, and Supreme Judge of the Highest Courts.”

Members of the High Cabinet:
Similarly as with the Grand Lord, all members of the Dictatorship’s High Cabinet are honoured with the ‘the Right Honourable’ before their name. Following the Glorious Revolution all appointees to the High Cabinet are granted the title of ‘Lord’ (often the High Cabinet has been referred to a ‘House of Lords’).
• Leader of the High Cabinet of Imperial Autokratie: His Imperial Majesty, the Grand Lord Marcus I
• Chairman of the Governors’ Council & Chief Advisor to His Imperial Majesty: Grand Vizier Lord Octavo, Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• Master of the Chamber of Commoners: Lord Benito, (Rep)
• Minister of Finance and the Imperial Treasury: Chancellor Lord Titus, Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lord Pullo, Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• Minister of Defence and War: Field Marshal Lord Gaius
• Minister of Intelligence & Commander of Secret Police: Commander Lord Lucius
• Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda: Lord Doctor Francesco
• Minister of the Home Police Department & Chief Justice of the Imperial High Court: Justice Lord Giuseppe
• Minister of the Imperial Civil Service: Lord Tito
• Minister for Unions and Guilds: Lord Aulus, (Rep), Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• Minister of Trade, Industry and Work: Lord Quintus (Rep)
• Minister of Education and Health: Governor Lord Flavius
• Grand Empire Regional High Councilman & Regional Delegate (Elect): Lord Julius
• United Nations’ Ambassador for the Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie: Lord Porcius
• Supreme Field Marshal-General Governor Lord Decius, Commander of Imperial Army & Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• Grand Admiral Lord Mario, High Lord of the Seas, Commander of the Imperial Navy & Baron of the Imperial Order of the Garter
• High Lord Air Marshal Lord Antonio III, Master of the Skies & Commander of the Imperial Air Force


[as I have seen in other posts, there are role playing things in which someone starts of an incident, e.g. story of sorts, and people carry on writing it. Here's goes, my one, 'Early Days of Government']


Trumpets blasted out triumphant fanfares. Military brass bands marched down the Grand Avenue of city, as the citizens of Imperial Autokratie waved flags, cheered and threw confetti. Despite the cold of this mid-December morning, absolutely nothing could dampen the spirits of the newly liberated people – after all, it was always cold in Autokratie.

The Revolution was over! The corrupt Socialist Republic had finally been overthrown and replaced with a stronger government ruled and governed by the people.

That’s what he wants them to think at least, thought David Disraeli as he stood amongst the crowd watching the procession of bands and ministerial open-top black Volkswagens pass by towards the Parliament building at the end of the Grand Avenue. Him ¬– the ‘savior’ of our nation; the man who started it all, the man who ended it all also.

They have no idea what they’ve letting themselves in for…

When the final Volkswagen delivered its occupant to the steps of Parliament, a burgundy Mercedes drove steadily down the Avenue to deliver its very special passenger.

It came to a gentle halt before steps of Parliament. The crowd fell silent. Both national and international television crews came closer. A white suited attendant stepped forward and slowly opened the door of the car and saluted to its sole occupant.

A shiny black-shoed foot stepped onto the red carpet leading from the parked Mercedes, up the steps of Parliament and to the single podium before the doors of the building.

Finally, with press cameras flashing and brass bands playing the national anthem, the passenger rose. He turned, arms outstretched and smiling. The crowd erupted in jubilant applause and cheers.

David looked away. The beloved Republic had been removed and for no reason apart from cleverly created propaganda along with false accusations and promises. Autokratie’s – sorry, Imperial Autokratie’s – new leader had promised that he would discover and reinstate the rightful heir to the throne when he came to power as well as completing reforming the state and government.

By the time he glanced back at the Chambers of Parliament building the new leader had arrived at the podium, the sixteen Volkswagen passengers standing smartly behind him.

A voice spoke out over a speaker once the euphoria had died down. “Ladies and gentlemen of Imperial Autokratie! Your attention please. Let us remain in silence for our leader – His Imperial Majesty, the Right Honorable, Highest Autocrat, the Grand Lord Marcus Julio I of the Dictatorship of Imperial Autokratie: Archduke of the People, Leader of the…”

David listened in disbelief as the loud speaker announced ‘His Imperial Majesty’s’ numerous pompous self-appointed titles as the crowd erupted in more applause despite the announcements request for silence.

Then he spoke.

“Thank you! Thank you all so very much! The Revolution is over!”


“These past to weeks will go down in history for ever more. They shall be remembered for when the people rose up and removed the scourge that was the Republic!”

More applause.

“Henceforth, the old Republic offices will be reorganized into a new conservative capitalist government! A government ruled by the majority. A government with a sovereign leader chosen for life…”

And the speech went on. The Grand Lord was merely reiterating what was already mentioned in the Nationalist Party’s manifesto. Plans to reorganize the old Republican Congress and replace it with the Chambers of Parliament, with an upper house of the Governors’ Council and a lower house of the Chamber of Commoners. This would act as the legislative body of government, while the newly formed High Imperial Court of Law and Justice would carry out all judicial decisions. Plans for annual elections meaning better representation in government. Further plans to rediscover and then reestablish the monarchy were also mentioned. Until the rightful heir could be found the government would be ruled by the theory of ‘elected dictatorship’ – after all, that’s what the majority of the citizens wanted. In theory, this would all lead to a stable government. However, what the Grand Lord neglected to mention was how what the citizens was agreeing to was a far more corrupt government than the Republic had supposedly been. The public could only vote for two Representatives to the Chamber of Commoners per consitutency. Their legislative roles were only advisory ones as the Grand Lord could easily be ignored. Apart from that, the Governors of the Parliament’s upper house and Justices of the High Imperial Court would be all be directly appointed the Grand Lord and his Cabinet. Separation of powers? Didn’t exist. All government branches overlapped and were controlled by the executive.

However, as David realized, the people either hadn’t realized this yet or simply didn’t care. By the time they did come to realize, it would be too late.

“…These gentlemen standing before you,” the Grand Lord carried on, indicating the sixteen men behind him, “are your new Ministers of State and will form the High Cabinet of Imperial Autokratie. Along with me, they will act as the executive branch of government and…”

David could stand no more. He turned and began to weave his way through the dense crowd towards the car park.

When he reached his car, he heard over the loud speaker the Grand Lord shout at the top of his voice the new national motto of Imperial Autokratie: “Imperium in Aeternum.” Latin was not taught in many schools and those who had been taught at them had either been Republics and ‘removed’ or were now forming the new government. David had taught himself Latin however and new what the motto meant – ‘absolute power for eternity.’

He opened his car door, slammed it shut – shutting out the noise – and started the engine.

“Long live Marcus Julio!” The loud speaker said.

* * *

“Well, that went very well, don’t you think?” Lord Pullo, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, said to the four other men in the room as he sat drinking from his whiskey glass.

“Old Julio did very well out there… those stupid sods were lapping it all up. They’re putty in our hands.” Lord Doctor Francesco, the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda responded. He looked at his colleagues, one of whom was looking agitated. “What’s the problem, Flavius, you dopey prick?”

“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all, my Lord.” Lord Flavius, Minister of Education and Health murmured nervously. Despite being educations minister he was something of an idiot, his appointment being something of a mild joke. “I was just wondering…”

“Wondering about what?” Lord Tito, Minister of the Imperial Civil Service, said suspiciously. “Wondering can be dangerous, Flavius.”

“Sorry, my Lord. I will remember in the future not to wonder… or indeed worry.”

“Worrying now are we? Go on, tell us now otherwise we’ll have to beat it out of you like we used to at school…” Doctor Francesco said, smiling maliciously.

“Well… it’s about the monarch… I mean monarchy. We’ve been in power for a week now and His Imperial Majesty has done nothing to discover the rightful heir… I mean he did promise the people after all… we can’t afford to…”

“‘…upset the plebs.’” Tito finished for him.


“There’s no need to worry about that, you dick.” Francesco said downing his whiskey in one and reaching for the bottle.

“Not at all, Lord Flavius.” Supreme Field-Marshal General Governor Lord Decius, Supreme Field Marshal-General, the fourth other room’s occupant, a member of Cabinet and Commander of the Imperial Army said. “We have no intention of worrying about the monarchy anymore. The Grand Lord will be making an announcement in the news next week – ‘the rightful heir was assassinated by the Republic’s President six years ago’ – that sort of thing. The real heir is being dealt with by Lucius and his Secret Police. Exiled, I believe. Besides, if I were you, I wouldn’t complain too much. You’re lucky to hold the Ministry you do. Not to mention that you, like me, have been made a regional Governor on the Council. Don’t make too much noise, Flavius, otherwise not only will you loose the Ministry, but your place on the Council and if Lucius and his men get you, then maybe your life…”

“Oh… right. I see now.” Flavius said, physically gulping. “I will keep my thoughts quiet and will stick to policy.”

“Now there’s a good boy.” Lord Pullo said. Francesco opened his mouth to say something, no doubt offensive, but with the raise of his hand Pullo silenced him. “Now to other business gentlemen. The Grand Lord has requested that I suggest who he should appoint as our UN ambassador and who as our Regional Councilman. I thought his younger brother as Regional Councilman, but who as our UN messenger-boy?”

“How about…. Junior Minister Porcius from the Civil Service?” Tito suggested.

“Someone from your Ministry, Tito, you bastard? Piss off! Why not from mine!” Francesco burst out in rage.

“Quiet, good Doctor… Yes, Porcius would be a good enough, indeed. He’s young and easily influenced. I’ll suggest him to the Grand Lord. Are we all agreed? Should we have Porcius go to the UN?”

Francesco glowered; the other three nodded their heads in agreement.

“Good. Government is going to be so easy.”

* * *

[Carry on where I've left off - ENJOY!!]