NationStates Jolt Archive

The War For Survival And Control (FT; Open; Intro)

07-01-2006, 08:01
OOC: Now, I am planning on doing something I should have done long ago. An intro RP thread on NS. Now, I am doing a complete overhaul of my nation. I am going to have two groups in a divided galaxy at war for control of it all (one fighting just to survive and the other fighting to take control of everything): The United Empires Organization (which I am a part of) versus the Macronesian Alliance. I need someone to come in, perhaps exploring outside their home galaxy or testing an FTL engine that is either experimental or newly built, and find me in a fire-fight. The MA guys will try to capture whoever shows up right away and the UEO guys, my ships, will try to defend them from the MA ships.

The MA will be using standard Star Wars tech and ships.

Info on my ships can be here (

It will help me greatly if anyone will be willing to RP as the bad-guys, the MA, in this thread. Any takers?

IC: The Orthanc Shipyards are hidden on the far reaches of SeaQuestian space near the galactic rim in empty space. Inside the yards can be seen three ships. The I.S.S. Karamen is ready for launch. Her sister ship, the I.S.S. Patriot, is half-way complete. The third ship, the I.S.S. Atlantis 8100, is only a few days away from being ready to launch.
Inside an office in Orthanc Shipyards. A security office filled with monitors and occupied by two elderly security guards (each is around 78 or so); Billy Cougin and Fred Shanks. Cougin yawns.
Cougin: “This is boring. Don’t you think, Fred?”
Shanks: “Sure is, Billy. However, we are tasked with guarding this shipyard. We can’t allow anything to happen to that ship out there.”
Cougin rolls his eyes.
Cougin: “I know, I know.”
Aboard a cloaked shuttlecraft about 50 kilometers away from the I.S.S. Patriot. Two men sit at the controls; John Doe and Jim Smith.
Doe chuckles.
Doe: “Those old goats won’t know what hit them.”
Several lengthy explosions could be seen on the large hulk of the Odyssey class I.S.S. Patriot. Each explosion cut off a piece of the incomplete ship. The fragments of the once mighty vessel don’t go far as the tractor beams of the spacedock are still active. However, the remnants of the bow fall into the atmosphere of the planet below and a large chunk from the aft section, which contained the main reactor, flew into the moon. The impact of the chunk almost tears the poor satellite apart.
Inside an office in Orthanc Shipyards. Cougin and Shanks stare wildly at the explosions that are consuming the I.S.S. Patriot. Shanks spits coffee out of his mouth, choking and panicking. When he regains control, he turns to his partner.
Shanks: “What the hell just happened?”
Cougin: “I have no idea. It looked like the ship just blew up. It felt like that too.”
Shanks: “Must have been the shockwave.”
Aboard a cloaked Lambda class shuttle about 50 kilometers away from the late I.S.S. Patriot. Doe and Smith are laughing.
Smith: “Ahh, the magic of thermite paste.”
Doe: “Another blow struck against the SeaQuestian Empire.”
Smith smiles evilly.
Smith: “Indeed.”
One Imperator I Class Star Destroyer and two Victory II Class Star Destroyers de-cloak 5 meters away from the shuttle. The shuttle docks with the Imperator I. After several devestating volleys, the Star Destroyers activate their Hyperdrives and speed away. They leave behind a massive amount of destruction. An automatic distress beacon had been activated on the Atlantis that would call in any help in the area and the Star Destroyers didn't want to stick around for the fire-works.
07-01-2006, 09:05
OOC: I've just created an FT puppet... and I suppose this will be a good place to introduce them and we'll see them found an independent Bazalonian Colony....
B.S.F.S Hawdon was built from technology that the Bazalonian Space Federation, Bazalonia's national space agency had found after having sent a manned mission to the planet of Mars. After many decades of being photographed no one in the Bazalona Space Control Center imagined that they would find a wreck of a spaceship on the planet. Somehow after all the years it was abandoned on the planet it had camoflaged itself quite well from space but was blatently obvious when viewed from side on. Which by pure chance the landing pod touched down only a kilometer away which gave the Astronauts in the pod a great view. The ship was almost just a pile of scrap apart from the FTL engine which as it was in the back of the ship was in surprising good condition. Though did not work

Many, many years later with secret research and developement Bazalonian scientist finally managed to develope their own FTL engine from the remains of the ship and thus the first Bazalonian Space Federation Ship began was designed and built. The first ship was named after ex-prime minister Hawdon. A visionary Prime Minister that started Bazalonia's Space program.

The ship was fitted with crew quarters, a large galley, engineering rooms, a well equiped hospital, Recreation room and a large docking bay containing a number of space-launced fighter craft...

However the Hawdon was not only the first Bazalonian space ship... It was also the first Bazalonian Colony ship... They had plans to locate and colonise a suitable planet "not too far from home" though in Galatic terms... "not too far away" is a very, very large distace indeed.

The Hawdon was speeding through normal space, the FTL travel system worked not by using Hyperspace but by manipulating the fabric of the universe speeding light up dramatically, but that is just in a very localised area.

The Captain of the Hawdon, James Hawdon, a direct descendent of the, now dead, ex-prime minister was on the bridge of the ship... Everything was normal... well it seemed so until some warning alarms went off...

"What's going on?" He demanded... "The FTL engine is given anomolous readings... I think it's internal field will collapse... and soon." Said the head FTL Engineer as she looked at her console.

"And that means?"

"That the Hawdon will turn tear itself apart."

"DAMN... Shut the engine off..NOW!"

"Already started captain." said the FTL Engineer...

The FTL engine was slowly ground to a halt. The viewscreen showed what was ahead as the Hawdon glided through space. There where two spaceships ahead, involved in a firefight...

"Great, we've happened across an inter-stellar war... Just great. Henry, scan all available communication channels and keep doing it until I tell you to stop or you pick up a decent channel." Said James to Henry the Hawdon's communications officer...

"Aye Captain" he said as they waited to see what would happen.
07-01-2006, 09:20
Five Defender class fast attack frigates phase out of Hyperspace near the damaged SeaQuestian yard. One-hundred kilometers away, three Victory II class Star Destroyers and two Imperator I class Star Destroyers drop out of light-speed facing the Defenders. The Bazalonian ship is near the exact middle between the two groups of ships.

A hail is sent from the lead Defender to the Bazalonian ship. It is in binary code as they don't have the time to take with bothering with language translations.

You may want to move out of the way. You are currently in our line-of-fire.

The lead Imperator II sent its own message to the Bazalonian ship, also in binary:

Surrender your ship or be destroyed.

OOC: Remember, the guys on the Star Destroyers are the 'bad guys'.
07-01-2006, 09:26
Yukatan Expeditionary Fleet

Commander Freeman took great pride in his 10 ship Fleet. The newly christened Battleship Titan headed the fleet as it's Flagship along with the new Battleship the brand new Carrier Fury which added much power to the Fleet. Escorted by 3 Avalanche Class Crusiers and 5 "Fox" Class Frigates, this Fleet was something to be reckoned with.

Comm. Operator Station

Ensign Harper Stared blankly at his screen...untill An alarm went off that is. Harper literaly jumped out of his seat. "Holy, fuck thats loud."
Harper typed into the control panel to determine the source of the Signal that just came out of nowhere. After determining where it came from he Commed the Commander.
"Sir, an unknown Signal which I am interpreting as a Distress Signal is coming through."
"How are we reciving this through Slipspace?, I thought only Data Bursts could get throught."
"I don't know sir, it must be a very powerful signal Sir."
"Very well, where is it coming from?"
"A few AU's from our current position, we should be near enough to go back into Real-Space in about 5 Minutes."

Ships Commander Room

Commander Freeman keyed in all ships on the Inter-Ship Comm. Link.
"All ships we will be entering Real-Space in T-minues 2 Minutes and 55 Seconds, all hands to all Stations."

Seaquestian Space

10 blue blips appeared, which thier respective ships soon filled in.

Commander Freeman looked at his command screen which slowly turned on and filled up.
"Sir, I'm seeing what looks like 2 Fleets..and a Single ship!''
"What is there Situation?"
"I'm seeing traces of Lasers and Plasma particles."
"Great, great..well lets just sit back, don't approach, Put shields to max and heat up the Energy Shells and Nova Cannons."
"Aye Sir!"
07-01-2006, 09:46
With the sudden emergence of more ships infront defending some sort of space building and some ships that are obviously hostile to the defenders behind them there was no real option... They needed to get out away from between these two.... for the sake of the colonists.There was no way that the Hawdon had the firepower to deal with all these ships...

"Start the Inertial Thrusters and get us out from between these ships... Theres going to be a firefight and we don't want to be in the middle." commanded the Captain James Hawdon. "Aye, Captain." said someone on the bridge... everytime he gave an order like that it seemed that someone else answered it... "Bah... I'm going to have to get to know my crew better." James thought as the Intertial Thrusters kicked in and the Hawdon turned to the left and out from in between the two groups.

... "Sir." said Henry... "We are receiving some sort of binary messages from both groups... Though it will take me a while to see If I can work out what they say..."

"Hurry Henry... I just hope that one group has not made us targets..."

Henry starts working to determine the content of the binary messages they are not in the standard Bazalonian code for binary text
07-01-2006, 09:47
(OOC: We're allies, tho I've never actually RPed with you before. Also, I would like to ensure my investment as an ally to you and the rest of the GFFA by giving a few suggestions as to your RPing skill. It would be wise for you to consider a new format of RPing, telling a story is alot better than just saying what the people and things are doing, then having lines that they say next to their names. For an example, look at my post, and the post of the first guy that joined, he has the right idea.)


"God damnit. Why the hell is Taledonian Control so incompetent when it comes to intel these days?" Captain Secundus spat out the words as he turned from the window. He practically knocked his second in command, Lieutenant Xenophanes, to the ground as he began skulking across the catwalk of the bridge. Xenophanes recompossed himself after the initial shock of the charge by his superior, and replied to the Captains question that really didn't herald a response.

"Perhaps" he started timidly, "It's because you slept with the High Admiral's daughter? Regardless of the fact that she is a whore who has slept with most of the high ranking officers in both the navy and the legions."

Secundus stopped and looked back at the man with a bemused smile, then continued his path towards the first small flight of stairs that led down to the command stations of the bridge.

"Well, we might as well complete our mission anyways."

Nodding to the crewman who he now hovered over, a few buttons were pushed, a few swithces flicked, and the Faithful Night, a Typhoon class destroyer. The mighty war vessel moved closer and closer towards the fight that was happening, simply ingnoring it for the most part, for as the Captain had put it "It's nothing more than a few natives fighting amongst each other over the right to fish in the others pond." Besides, the more important issue, the actual mission in which the ship had been given in the first place, was to establish a base of operations in which attacks could be launched against the Rebel forces within the Republic. Also, with all the sqwabbling of the two sides, they probably would even notice the ships moving towards one of the inhabital moons in the system.
07-01-2006, 09:47
OOC: @Taledonia: Understood. That first post is based on an old rough draft for a first episode of an old non-NS RPG I was in. I'm too tired to worry about editing it to my standard levels.

IC: Twelve TIE Boarding Craft with an escort of twenty-four TIE Interceptors swarmed from the Macronesian Alliance ships. They were heading straight for the Yukatanian ships. The same message that the Star Destroyers had sent to the Bazalonian ship was sent to the Yukatanian fleet.

Surrender your ships or be destroyed.

A group of five Raptor class fighters came swooping out of nowhere and started blasting away at the TIEs heading for the Yukatanian fleet. They managed to draw off a group of six Interceptors into dog-fights. The rest of the M.A. TIEs continued to head for the Yukatanian ships with weapons hot.

The lead SeaQuestian Defender sent a message to the Yukatanian fleet.

You going to be able to handle the rest of those fighters on your own, or do we need to send aid?

OOC: Just to clear something up, if the MA defeats SeaQuest (and the NPC's of the UEO), then it will spread to the rest of the universe. They are only interested in conquest, while my guys are just fighting to survive (thus the title of the thread).

OOC: Last post for the night.
07-01-2006, 10:09

"Sir, Incoming Boarding Craft with Fighter Coverage!, also a message was sent in simple Binary!"
"What does the message say?"
"Well roughly it says "Surrender or Die!""
"Like hell we will!, Comm. the Fury, tell them to send out 2 Flights of Raven's"
"Aye Sir...Sir!"
"Some unknown Fighters just took out Six of the Incoming craft, they also sent a message!"
"Interesting, what did it say?"
"They asked us if we needed help of any kind."
"Radio them back That we will be fine, and that is they need any help, I think these guys could be our new allies..."
"Aye Sir."


Pilots of the 1st and 2nd Tatical Fighter Wings scrambled to there Raven Fighters. Soon 10 Raven Class Fighter Left Docking Bay 1, they engaged there Seconday Boosters and screamed in the direction of the incoming enemy Fighters.

1st/2nd Tatical Fighter Wing

Flight Lead Matt Oliver felt very exited to be fighting an unknown enemy.
"Alright guys, Weapons hot, Achive lock on, we have premission to open up."
In every single cockpit a Lock-On tone was heard.
"Alright, let 'em have it!"
Two Leopard Missiles left each Rail of each plane. 10 Missiles rushed at the Incoming Enemy Flight.

Command Room

Commander Freeman watched his display he saw his Pilots closing on the Enemy Flight.
"This should be good."
07-01-2006, 10:54
"Ah... Captain" said Nickolas, the Conn Operater. "There is another fleet that have just appeared... They seem to be standing back and watching for now."

"Well... lets just keep getting out of the way before we try and make contact with anyone..."

"Uh... Sir... One of the fleets have sent interceptors to the new contact."

"Which one? The one that was behind us or infront?" asked the Captain

"The ones behind Captain... "

"Okay... they seem a tad .. aggressive.... Henry hows that message decoding going?"

"I'm nearly there... just a few more minutes... I'm using an old code-breaking method seeing which sequence is repeated the most and ..." As Henry spoke he was interrupted by the captain

"Yes, yes.. go back to the code breaking and tell me later."

"ARghhh...what have we gotten ourselves into...." thought James
07-01-2006, 20:08
OOC: @Yukatania: Anywhere I can get the info on your fighters?

IC: Raptor/TIE Dogfight

"Angel 5, you've got a fighter on your tail."

"I see him. Trying to shake."

"This is Angel 4, I got him."

One of the Raptors blasted the TIE Interceptor that was following its fellow into space dust.

Elsewhere, two Interceptors managed to concentrate fire on Angel 3. The pilot ejected, but only moments before his fighter was vaped.

Raven/TIE Dogfight

The incoming missiles were met with a hail of blaster fire. Some of the missiles would be destroyed by the energy bolts, but some would also get through (OOC: I'll let you decide how many) and the Interceptors would then do suicide runs into the missiles to protect the Boarding Craft.
07-01-2006, 21:46
In a patch of mostly empty space, well out of the way of anything, the SAS (Shofar Agency Ship) Eaquileye sat and scanned. That is what the Sonar class ( was built for. Operated only by the secretive Shofar Intelligence Agency, these ships were the eyes and ears of the Republic throughout their own galaxy. Now with news from Seaquest of the MA growing bolder and bolder, a taskforce of 10 Sonars commanded by the Star Guardian ( SAS Know Thy Enemy had been sent to this galaxy to keep a close eye on the situation.

Eaquileye Monitoring Deck

An eighth class agent watched one of the screens in a seemingly endless row. For hours he had been watching ship movements through this region. Most of the Sonars were closer to the front where the skirmishes took place, but they had been sent to the rear of SeaQuest territory to keep an eye open on the flanks and supply routes. After the attack on the shipyards, the Eaquileye had picked up the distress beacon's signal and relayed it all over the empire. The agent wondered why they wouldn't just let UEO Intelligence give Tidan information, but the Shofar were always ones to take initiative and didn't like relying on others to provide them with information. It was really none of his business, he continued to watch his screen and let the thinking to brass and directors. Besides, his shift was almost over. Soon, he thought, I can relax again and... His planning was cut short as multiple fleets were picked up dropping into one small sector.

"Sir, multiple contacts." The eighth shouted down the row.

The Deck Agent walked down to him. "Anything of interest?"

"Yes sir, MA and UEO squaring off. As well, Yukatanian and Taledonian ships have arrived. I'm also picking up a large unidentified ship. It appears to right between the lines and is burning hard to get out of the way."

The Deck Agent looked over the readings. "Ok, good work. Notify Know Thy Enemy, Commander Elrite might want to get involved. In the mean time, establish a link with UEO Command and provide them with our real-time feed of the battle."

The lower agent saluted, "Yes, Sir." Then went to work. When the Deck Agent was out of earshot he cursed. "My shift was almost finished."

SAS Know Thy Enemy exited hyperspace close to the battle. It moved quickly to get between the MA and the out of place colony ship. It grabbed the ship with a tractor beam pulling it quickly out of the line of fire and behind the Star Guardian's 4km long bulk. Charging its weapons, when the first neutron cannons (sometimes called slicer beams) came online they lanced out at the boarding craft with pin-point accuracy.

Commander Elrite liked to flex the Agency's muscle, and as commander of one of their few true military ships he could. The Star Guardian's role in taskforces like this was to provide protection and command for the Sonars, but Elrite rarely limited himself to this. He despised sitting around listening to stars fart, and though there was no official war between Tidan and the MA he had already intervened in several MA raids.
07-01-2006, 23:17
The door to the bridge opened with the soon to be colony's senior diplomatic representative and the Provisional Prime Minister incharge of getting the colony running before holding some elections.

"Oh great... That's all I need for the moment... bags of wind.." James Hawdon mumbling quietly to himself.

"Is there are problem the FTL engines seem to have gone offline?"
said the Provisional Prime Minister not noticing the view on the screens infront of him.

The FTL Engineer spoke of "Yes... There where ... unusual readings. We need to check the engine out before we can re-start them."

"Then why isn't that happening?" complained the Provisional Prime minister, his name was Randall Morrisett.

"Well.... Randal..... Because of them!" said James pointing towards the view screen that showed the battle "The engine failed just in time for us to be between the two fleets of ships involved in a fight and then that thrid group appear.... We are high tailing it out of here but our normal engines do not take a ship our size very fast"

It was at this time the Tidan ship Know thy Enemy appeared out of Hyperspace...

"Sir, We've got another..." said the Conn operater as he was Interupted as the Tractor beam shuddered the Hawdon. "... contact." he finished.

"We're going to die..." wailed Randall thinking that the Hawdon was hit.

"No weapon fire has been detected... though we may not be able to detect their weapon fire."

"That's not a weapon.... I think it is a Tractor beam... " suggested the Fighter Squadron Controller. "Oh... and I also have already scrammbled the crews of the fighters... They will be ready soon to take off."

"Sir..." said the Conn Operator "... The new contact has placed itself in between us and the aggresive fleet..."

"Are we shielded by it... no We are too low.... wait we are rising.... Sir have you started the up-thrusters?"....

"No.... He's right it is a tractor beam they are lifting us up and covering us from the aggresseors....

"Conn... Can we send our fighters to defend against any attacks at the new contact?"

*Few seconsds pass*

"Yes.. that is well within combat range..."

"Um... shouldn't we keep the fighters back just incase the others attack?" suggested Randall...

"I am not sending them anywhere... just checking if we could go there if I decide it's time. As this is a Military matter and not a civillian one maybe you two could go back to your quarters and I'll let you know if we need you... okay?" said James testily

"Okay... Okay.... Sheesh." said Randall as he left....

"Military-types don't like interference from outside the chain of command and since he is the top of the chain.. you may want to leave military decisions to him." said the chief diplomat to Randall as they both headed back to their quarters
08-01-2006, 00:01
OOC: Nice intro to the thread, Tidan.

IC: Raptor/TIE Dogfight

The remaining seven fighters of Dark Angel squadron joined the remaining four Raptors in their fight with the four TIE Interceptors.

SeaQuestian Fleet

The Defenders surged foward. They looped around, under, and over the Know Thy Enemy and ran head-long at the MA Star Destroyers with torpedo tubes churning shots out as fast as they could. While the enemy's particle shield shields were active to handle the torpedo barrage, the Defenders would close and rake the Star Destroyers' hulls with their lasers.

MA Fleet

In response to the incoming SeaQuestian ships, the MA fleet also move forward with turbolasers blasting. Though, concealed by all the weapons fire, two more Imperator I Class Star Destroyers dropped to sublight and started firing at the Tidan fleet.

Orthanc Shipyards - I.S.S. Atlantis 8100 - Hanger Bay - Control Room

"Sir, Dark Angel squadron is currently engaging the enemy using some of the spare Raptors as their Dark Angel fighters haven't arrived yet. Also, the Rapiers squadron pilots are ready for launch."

"Then tell them to launch when ready. We need all the fighters out there we can get."

"Aye, sir."

The Ensign hurried off to carry out the Lieutenant's orders.


To the Tidan ships:

Welcome to the party, guys. We have to defend the yard until the Atlantis can launch and join the party. We are currently rushing her crew aboard right now. E.T.A. of the launch is in two hours with a skeleton crew. Let's hold them until then.

OOC: You can be added to the UEO roster after this battle (that way you can take the proposal to your government and have them look over it before deciding if they want to sign) if you want. Just let me know IC'ly when we get characters in the same place.
08-01-2006, 01:38
OOC: Its not complete, I deleted some stuff to Re-amp it but it does give you an idea on my Ships.

IC: Raven/TIE Dogfight

Outof the 20 missiles fired at the Incoming Fighters 9 were destroyed by blaster fire. The remaing 11 hit there Targets. The Raven fighters closed into Blaster(For you)/ Cannon (For me) Range.


Commander Freeman Took a look at the Tatical Display and noticed that new ships arrived.
"Who do these new ships belong to Captian?"
"Well Sir, they are Tidan's Ships."
"Oh, good an Ally Send them a Data Burst with all of our avalible information."
08-01-2006, 03:04
OOC: @All: I have a rough map for the Home Galaxy. Everything isn't marked yet, but here is what I have so far:

IC: Raven/TIE Dogfight

The surving TIEs blasted through the debris cloud of their comrads. The ten remaining Interceptors raced towards the Ravens and opened fire. The twelve TIE Boarding Craft continued to race towards the Yukatanian capital ships.

Raptor/TIE Dogfight

With the arrival of the rest of Dark Angel squadron, the enemy TIEs were going down. When its eleven Raptors versus four TIE Interceptors, the advantage was very much in the favor of Raptors.

Defender/Star Destroyer Dogfight

The Defenders had reached close enough to the enemy capital ships to rake their hulls with their Lasers. The green beams fired again and again at the Star Destroyers cutting several grooves into the enemy's hulls. The Star Destroyers were packed so tightly that they couldn't use their heavy weapons without the risk of hitting their sister ships.

OOC: Note, I have updated the map.
08-01-2006, 03:22
Raven/TIE Dogfight

Flight Lead Matt Oliver banked hard right missing the incoming Blaster Fire by Milimeters, the Plane following him didn;t exploding in a ball of fire.
3 more Ravens went down before firing a single shot. Finally they opened fire with thier 105mm Rotary Cannons. Tacers could be seen arching towards the Enemy planes.


Over the intership Comm. One order was givin.
"All ships ready Anti-Fighter Flak weapons, Marines ready for Boarders."

Yukatan Expeditionary Fleet

Marines ran to thier boarding posistions and set up Baricades. They were ready for anything.


2 flights of Raven's left the Carrier and started up Patrol routes within the fleet ready for any straglers that would come through.
08-01-2006, 03:51
OOC: Map in last post has been updated with 3rd version.

IC: Raven/TIE Dogfight

The three Interceptors at the front of the group were chewed to pieces by the cannon fire. The remaining five fighters scattered and began to retreat from the numerically superior Ravens. Five Boarding TIES were destroyed at first contact with the Anti-Fighter Flak weapons. It was down to three by the time they reached the hull of the nearest ship and latched on.

Raptor/TIE Dogfight

The TIEs were easy prey for the advanced tech of the Raptors. Only a single damaged Interceptor was all that was left after the first run through by the new fighters. It fled from the scene as fast as it could only to be vaped by a shot from Angel 7.
08-01-2006, 04:24
Crusier Death

The TIE Boarding craft latched with the Crusier with a loud clank. Marines Inside cringed with anticipation when they heard the noise.

Marine Staff Sergeant Kelso looked at his Squad.
"Well guys we defend this Airlock to the last man."
"Horah, Yes Sir!"
SSG Kelso Slammed a clip into his Assault Rifle and pulled the bolt back with a loud click.

Captain Mark Faulk Commed the Titan.
"Sir, boarders have latched onto our ship!"
"Well let the Marines handle it they are more than Capable."
"Yes sir!"

Raven Flight

Flight Lead Matt Oliver decided not to prusue an unknown enemy in unkown space, instead they headed back for the Carrier to re-arm and refuel.
08-01-2006, 04:36
TIE Boarding Craft

The three craft started cutting in to allow the twelve Stormtroopers each contained. Once the circles were cut out, the troops would come rushing out with rifles blasting.

Dark Angel Squadron

The Angels returned to the Atlantis. The last one swooped near the pilot who had ejected earlier so he could grab on for a quick ride.

Orthac Shipyard

As soon as the last Raptor had touched down in the hanger, the massive Altantis class Advanced Command Battle Cruiser slid from her construction dock. A few systems remained unfinished and she only had a skeleton crew aboard, but her weapons were live and her gun ports were wide open. She got a clean lock on one of the Star Destroyers and opened up with a volley from all of her RAFIT torpedo tubes.
08-01-2006, 04:44
James sat their..... How he hated to be inactive... but if he sent his fighters then that would leave the Hawdon's defense all up to his newly arrived protectors...

It was not that he didn't trust them... but well he didn't trust them... especially since they came out fof nowhere and obviously knew what was happening before they jumped in between him and that aggresive fleet..

But he was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth... He was glad they where there it was just that he didn't know what was going to happen afterwards... And now was not the time to discuss things like that....

James' internal train of thought was disrupted by Henry... the Communictions officer...

"Sir... I've got it.. I've decoded the messages." Henry hands a piece of paper with the two messages on it to the Captain.

In response to the one sent by the defenders.. "Yeah... I did"
and reading the other ... "That's not very nice..."

The Fighter Squadron Controller piped up... "Sir... The Fighters are ready to go."

"Good... Tell them to Standby for Orders... And open the bay doors so we don't have to worry about doing that when time matters..."

"Relaying orders to the pilots and opening bay doors now." confirmed the Fighter Squadron Controller

Well... That's all that can be done for now.... Let's just sit back and see
08-01-2006, 05:02

1st Platoon Of the 344th Battalion set up defensive positions around the area which the 3 TIE Boarding crafts latched on. The Marines could see the holes being cut into thier ship. Machineguns and Assault Rifles were pointed at the Area of the Cuts. The Marines sat there waiting.
08-01-2006, 05:31
Yukatania Ship Death

The plates fell foward and the twelve Stormtroopers in each craft strode foward with blaster rifles firing randomly to provide cover until they had all exited the craft.


The Victory II Class Star Destroyer targeted by the Atlantis exploded in a firey cloud as her particle shields were overwhelmed and went down under the barrage of torpedoes from the SeaQuestian ship. The Atlantis then turned her focus to another Star Destroyer. This time it was a Imperator I Class Star Destroyer. This time, she fired her six long-range SLR-83 "Avenger" high-energy pulse laser cannons and her 4 long-range SLR-84 "Stingray" high-energy pulse laser cannons.

The two newly arrived Victory II Class Star Destroyers continued to fire at the Tidan ships.
08-01-2006, 06:01

5 Marines fell and died to the blaster fire, one of the Marines while dieing squeezed the trigger shooting two of his fellow Marines killing them. The Marines fired back from behind Baricades and from around Corners. Two grenades were thrown near the openings.
08-01-2006, 06:43
<Y'all got room for one more?>
08-01-2006, 06:47
OOC: Up to will have to wait untill he gets back on. At least I think it's up to him. I don't know his definition of Open.
08-01-2006, 07:57
The two newly arrived Victory II Class Star Destroyers continued to fire at the Tidan ships.
(I see I'm a little behind.)

MA Fleet

In response to the incoming SeaQuestian ships, the MA fleet also move forward with turbolasers blasting. Though, concealed by all the weapons fire, two more Imperator I Class Star Destroyers dropped to sublight and started firing at the Tidan fleet.



To the Tidan ships:
Welcome to the party, guys. We have to defend the yard until the Atlantis can launch and join the party. We are currently rushing her crew aboard right now. E.T.A. of the launch is in two hours with a skeleton crew. Let's hold them until then.

OOC: You can be added to the UEO roster after this battle (that way you can take the proposal to your government and have them look over it before deciding if they want to sign) if you want. Just let me know IC'ly when we get characters in the same place.

Message to SeaQuest and Yukatania ships.
Message and information received. Engaging Enemy.

Know Thy Enemy's weapons were fully charged and began opening up on the two new Imperator Is attacking it. The entire broadside of Fusion Beam Cannons fired targeting the two Star Destroyers, and Neutron Cannons fired at will taking advanted of any failing shields to slice through sections of hull. Meanwhile the Star Guardian took the enemy assault in stride, gravitic shielding warped gravity around the ship to refract as much of the fire away from the ship as possible. The fire that scored hits splashed across the poly-crystalline armor which absorbed the damage then began regenerating itself, feeding off the residual energy and energy from the ship.

(OOC: Battle goes on for 2 hours until the Atlantis launches...)

When the Atlantis entered the battle things lighted up for the Tidani ship some what, and they tried to keep their fire concentrated on ships the Atlantis was ignoring at the moment.
08-01-2006, 09:16
OOC: I'm too tired right now to think up an IC post.

@Tidan: I'll let you RP the combat with the Star Destroyers and your eventual victory.

@Gelfland: Feel free to join. Plenty of room left.

@All: Only one MA ship should survive to flee with heavy damage. Good hunting people.
08-01-2006, 09:30
OOC: I'm just gonna finish the battle between your boarders and my Marines.

IC: Death

Blaster fire and Rifle fire could be heard for several more minutes untill a few grenades were thrown at the Invading forces silencing the Blaster fire.

SSG Kelso and the surving men of 1st Platoon policed the dead and wounded and picked up weapons.


"Alright now that, the little skirmish has been taken care on to other bussinese."
"Commander what is our next course of action?"
"We will take up a defensive periemeter around that station there."
"Yes Sir!"
"Open up a Comm. link with the Tidani Forces we need to Consolodate and Plan our next moves."

The 10 Yukatan ships then began to move towards the Station.
08-01-2006, 10:28
"Sir... It seems all hostile activity has ceased... and one of the fleets... The third fleet and the one that hostile fighters had attacked are forming a defensive perimiter around what has now been confirmed to be a Shipyard." said the Conn Operator...

"Ok... Good... Henry broascast a video message to the defenders... Broadcast in both Analog and digital and use no compression or security protocols... We need to be able to communicate with them." said the Captain.

"Aye, Sir.... Just getting it set up now and....... in 3, 2, 1...."

"This is Captain James Hawdon of the BSFS Hawdon. Who am I speaking with? .. but firstly no... My ship is not named after me." Said the captain ending with a slight smirk.

It amazed him when he found out that he was going to captain a ship with the same name as him.... Why didn't people think of these things.... OH well.. There was nothing that could have been done as the ship had already been named before he was assigned to it.

OOC: Just so people know Bazalonia is my main nation. I will change to using my puppet nations account "Nova Bazalonia" once a colony has been founded... Since technically Nova Bazalonia does not exist and the BSFS Hawdon is a Bazalonian Space ship until such colony is made.... And Bazalonia will be like it totally forgot about the FT it has discoverec leaving Nova Bazalonia pretty much on it's lonesome... Well apart from (maybe) it's new allies :)
08-01-2006, 14:35
OOC: you still need someone to RP as the bad guys?
08-01-2006, 18:51
OOC: @CorpSac: Would take some off the load off me. Feel free to if you have the time. If you are still interested, let me know and I'll give you all the info on them.

@Yukatania: Good call. I had forgotten to say you could handle that on your own. You do know, you could have captured some for questioning.

@Bazalonia: Understood.

IC: The Atlantis dove downwards and then cam up under one of the Imperator I Class Star Destroyer with all her weapons ablaze. The Defenders and the Tidans had were keeping the ship busy that the additional fire from the Atlantis carved through her hull like a hot knife through butter. The Imperator I exploded in a firey nova. The Atlantis came soaring straight through the explosion.

OOC: According to my count, that is one Victory II destroyed and one Imperator I destroyed. That leaves one more Imperator I and four more Victory IIs for the rest of you. Good hunting.
08-01-2006, 21:52
The latest explosion burned in the darkness of space, consuming itself doomed to smoulder and die out. Commander Elrite ordered all guns to target the remaining Imperator. Know Thy Enemy's Fusion Beams pounded the Star Destroyer, straining its shields. Neutron Cannons went to work carving the hull through any holes opened in the shields. The pressure was kept up for some time until one of the Neutron Cannons made it through the shield and took out the shield generator. The shields on the Star Destroyer dropped, not wasting any time 10 of the Neutron Cannons fired at once and sliced the bridge section clean off the Star Destroyer. For several minutes power fluctuated on the Imperator as they tried to return command of the ship. With no shields, however, it's time was short. The full broadside of Fusion Beams decemated the Imperator while NCs hit at key systems and turrets. Giving under the punishment three explosions ripped the ship apart from the inside out.

Commander Elrite ordered his pilot, "Turn the ship around. Move the ship we're protecting to port and get our starboard facing those Victorys. Let's give the port side a chance to recover." The side of the ship that had been facing the two Imperators had two large holes in the armor and light hull damage. The hull wasn't in bad shape but the armor would need time and energy to regenerate from the damage it had absorbed. Repair drones went to work repairing the damage to the hull. As the ship swong around into possition it passed the Balazonian ship from one tractor beam to another moving it around the bottom to the far side of the ship. "Alright, target the Victorys with all weapons. Coordinate attack patterns with UEO and Yukatania ships for maximum damage."
08-01-2006, 22:44
OOC: btw... Until all MA ships have been destroyed/driven away please ignore the IC of my last post....


The Tractor beem rocked the Hawdon as it did before...

"Where are we being Taken, Conn?" asked the Captain as he tried to keep himself stable

"The ship is re-positioning itself to attack another ship... They seem to be keeping us away from a direct line of fire." replied the Conn Operator

"Fighter Squadron Controller... Keep the fighter squadron on Stanby. Henry... You may as well keep scanning all frequencies." said James who went back to looking at the viewscreen..... For a military commander he certainly didn't feel like one at the moment.
08-01-2006, 23:10
(OOC: Understood)
08-01-2006, 23:35
OOC: Seaquest I figured that they were generic Stormtroopers that were sent on a last minute suicide mission. So I thought they wouldn't have held much information.

IC: The First ships to Arrive to Help the Tidani Forces were the Frigates Silent Night, Four Horseman, and the Lewis. The two Crusiers that also made it were the Athena, and the Hilos. These 5 ships Attacked the nearest Enemy Ship. Energy Shells, and Nova Cannons opened up. Greenish blobs, and Molten Cylinders impacted the Enemy ship. Enemy Turbolasers washed over our shields causing them to flicker.


Commander Freeman noticed that his ships that were sent to attack were having thier shields pounded by Lasers.

"Relay this message to them.": "Decrease Support and Engine power and reput them into the Shield Generators."
"Aye sir, relaying now."
08-01-2006, 23:52
"Commander, the Yukatania ships are on their way in, but they are getting hit pretty hard." One of the tactical officers reported.

Commander Elrite watched them come under focused fire from one of the Victorys. "Alright let's help them out. Target the ship attacking them. All beams fire!"

A flurry of beams struck at the Victory, lending their strength to their ally's attack.
09-01-2006, 00:14
The men of the 5 Attacking ships cheered as Friendly fire hit the Enemy Victory. Once of the Crusiers pointed it's nose at the ship. You could see the ship shudder as it fired it's MAC cannon. The large 250 Metric Ton Projectile slammed into the Victory at near light speed, Causing massive damage.

The Titan made it into weapons range. It fired her Nova cannons, and her Rail Cannons at a different Ship than the one that the other ships were engaging. The MAC cannon mounted on the Titan was being heated up and would be operational in a few moments. The third Crusier who was at the right of the Titan made it into weapons range and fired her Energy Shells and Rail Cannons at the Same target the Titan was firing at.

The other two Frigates stayed with the Fury who was at the station.
09-01-2006, 02:38
OOC: @Yukatania: Understood. Though, you could have used one to learn about who you are fighting and what motivates them, general stuff about the MA. And, just to clarify, the prefered MA tactic when they encounter someone new is to try to capture the ship and see if they can incoporate their technology into their own fleets.


The I.S.S. Last Stand, a Defender class fast attack frigate, had spent all her torpedoes and her energy weapons were heavily damaged to the point where they wouldn't fire. Her captain sounded an evacuation alert. After the crew had all launched in escape pods and the ship had cleared the cloud of escape pods, her auto-pilot, as the A.I. unit was taken along in an escape pod by the Chief Engineer, drove the wounded ship's damaged engines at full blast straight into one of the remaining Star Destroyers. The Star Destroyer was destroyed in a eye-searing nimbus of flame. The Last Stand came through the other side. Her bow was crushed and parts of her hull were missing, but she was still salvagable.

After such a showing of devotion from SeaQuest and its allies, the remaining MA Star Destroyers cloaked and fled into Lightspeed.

OOC: On second thought, I'll edit it so the Last Stand survives. It is an expensive ship and I can't really afford to loose one right now.
09-01-2006, 03:29
With the treats gone, Know Thy Enemy released the ship from its tractor beam and powered down weapons. It was about this time that they picked up the message sent by the stranded ship.

"This is Captain James Hawdon of the BSFS Hawdon. Who am I speaking with? .. but firstly no... My ship is not named after me." Said the captain ending with a slight smirk.

Commander Elrite read the AI's translation and transmitted his reply.

Hello Hawdon, this is Commander Elrite of the Republic of Tidan. Can we be of assistance?

Message to UEO and Yukatania forces:
The Eaquileye is confirming that the Alliance ships have gone. Do you need any help collecting escape pods?
09-01-2006, 04:27
"Sir... We are recieving a reply to our boradcast from our guardian angel... the one with the tractor beam. It is an audio broadcast..."

"Is it too much to hope that it is in Bazalonian?" hoped the captain outloud.

"I'm afraid so, sir... But if you haven't forgotten we have that language analyser and tranlsation program."

"Oh yeah... Run it through the Analyser and translate it Henry... Fighter Squadron Controller... Tell the pilots to stand down and close the docking bay doors."

"Aye, Sir!" they both answered, Henry, of course, had already started the analysation process...

"Hows the FTL engine?... How long will it take to repair?" said the captain as he asked the FTL engineer for an update on the engine.

"Not sure captain.. I am still receiving updates from the engineering team... It could be as simple as a Calabration or we might need to find a replacement part."

"We have replacement parts on-board don't we?" asked the captain...

"Yes and no..." replied the engineer

"Uh... that does not sound good... What's the issue?" puzzled the captain.

"Well... Yes because they are listed on our inventory... but no because they were not able to be loaded before we had to leave..."

"Great..." exclaimed Hawdon.... Not there was anything that could have been done on thier home planet...

"Captain... The Translations complete... It's on your control screen..." stated Henry as he sent the text to the appropriate console

The captain looked at his control screen and read the message

Greetings small shrub, Admiral Elrite of the Republic of Tidan. We provide Assistance?

"Great the analysis/translation program is buggy... can we rely on it?" asked Hawdon ...

"Well all I can say is take everything with a grain of salt... Though I do think the 'small shrub' comment is related to the derivation of your name..."

"Get some computer scientists to re-write the translation program... The program as well as nearly everything on this ship was rushed... Well I suppose I better reply..."

"Are you ready?... same as before."

"Yes... Okay in 5... 4 ... 3.... 2... 1..."

"Thank you for your offer... Our engines required for intergallactic travel are in need of repairs. Our engineers should be able to repair it given time. Also it would be appreciated if you could arrange a meeting between a representative of ours and someone associated with your diplomatic corp. Thank you for the protection that you provided during the recent encounter."
09-01-2006, 05:49
(OOC: good job noticing I forgot to translate my message back. I enjoyed that.)

"Thank you for your offer... Our engines required for intergallactic travel are in need of repairs. Our engineers should be able to repair it given time. Also it would be appreciated if you could arrange a meeting between a representative of ours and someone associated with your diplomatic corp. Thank you for the protection that you provided during the recent encounter."

With the second larger message the AI would be able to reliably translate into their language. Decoding wasn't as hard considering the exposure they have had to various human languages, but encoding from a very small sample could get sticky.

Commander Elrite read over the and considered his options. "Thyen?"

The ship's AI formed itself on the holopad next to his chair. "Yes Commander?"

"Prepare a translation of this message." He keyed in his message, and Thyne's eye closed as it processed.

"Ready Commander."

"Thank you Thyne. Sergeant, send that back to the Hawdon."

"Done Sir." The Sergeant replied.

"Now open a channel to the UEO forces."

Your situation is understood. We will be towing you back to our ally's shipyard in the hopes you can conduct quick repairs there. This region of space is not very safe these days. When there we could all get to know each other.

The Hawdon is in need of repairs. We will be towing their ship back to your shipyard so they can repair their ship. Is this alright? Also I might be a good idea to call in a diplomatic team if you have one near by.
09-01-2006, 06:31

"Sir, The enemy Forces are Retreating."
"Good, Alright status report on all ships."
"Well sir, Titan: 100%, Fury: 100%, Silent Night 82%, Four Horseman 79%, Lewis 90%, Athena 90%, and the Hilos 99%, Death 99.9%, Sound 100%, Murphy 100%."
"Good, good better than I thought."
Send this to the Tidani Forces.

We would like to know is this one of your stations, and if not you seem to know who's it is. We would like all of your avalible information on the origonators of these unknown ships. Also we are coming in to the Station to seek minor/major repairs.

The 10 Yukatan ships started converging on the Station.
09-01-2006, 07:24
OOC: just TG me what i need to know
09-01-2006, 07:56
OOC: @All: I added a few lines to my last post. With my budget, I can't really afford to waste a ship and lose it in a ramming, so I just gave it extremely heavy damage.

@CorpSac: Understood. I'll gather up my various documents I did up, collate them, and send you a rough summary. Though, it will take a few messages to send it all over.

IC: Messages

In response to the Tidan message:

Any help you can give in collecting survivors would be most helpful. If you find any Mac pods, bring them in. We want them alive for 'questioning'. As for repairs, we will do what we can. The enemy knows this yard is here now and we must pull out of the area soon. You have until we leave for repairs. After that, I recomend you come with us to Altera. The Macs won't be able to penetrate that far into our space.

In response to the Yukatania message:

We are currently getting ready to pull out of here. The Macs know that this yard is here and will be coming back with more than just a simple 'scouting' fleet. You have until we leave for repairs. After that, I recomend you come with us to Altera. The Macs won't be able to penetrate that far into our space.

SeaQuestian Fleet

One of the four lightly damaged Defenders speared the Last Stand with a tractor beam and towed her towards a Hyperspace Jump Gate on the other end of the star system. The other three moved into formation around the Atlantis which took up a position overlooking the entire area.
09-01-2006, 19:20
This station belongs to SeaQuest. The ships that attacked us belong to a group called the Macronesian Alliance. The Alliance is aggressive and bent on conquest. Lately they have become even bolder in their cross boarder raiding and out right attacks. We will send you all the data we have gathered so far.

Know Thy Enemy brought itself in over the cloud of escape pods and began picking up pods with its tractor beams and landing them in the bays.

I see. What we do with these strangers is up to you since this is your territory. If you don't mind them entering your home system we can take them there, or we can leave them with you.
09-01-2006, 20:13

In response to the Tidan message:

Altera would be the safest place right now for any of us. We will lock the Hyperspace Gate behind us. It will take the Macs a long time to figure out the unlock code. They wouldn't there destroy it, or any other Jump Gate, as that might bring the Neutrals in on our side. This close to the border is technically in the skirmish zone and that ship you protected wouldn't be safe in this area anyways.


Everything that was moveable was transferred to the Atlantis, which had moved closer to aid in the transfer process. The bodies of the dead were put into stasis tubes for later burial in the standards of the SeaQuestian Navy.

SeaQuestian Fleet

The remaining three Defenders took up a triangular formation above the area with around one full kilometer between each.
09-01-2006, 21:08
We have confered with our allies and decided that it is not safe here. We will take you to SeaQuest's home system where you can repair.

Know Thy Enemy finished collecting escape pods. Now it returned to the shipyard where SeaQuestian ships were preparing to abandon the facility.

Meanwhile the repair drones were making progress on repairing the hull damage. Soon it would be suitably patched and the armor could regenerate freely.
10-01-2006, 00:19
"Okay... As much as I don't like the man... You better get Randal and the Diplomat... They should be here for any further communication..." ordered the captain as he got up and started to walk around the bridge.... He had been sitting for too long. That and walking around helped him think... He needed to think

"Okay Sir, they have been paged ans should be here in a minute or so.......
Captain we are receiving another broadcast from the Tidan ship." looking up from his console towards the captain and then back down again.

"Okay, Henry feed it through the buggy translation program again.... let's see if it provides something of use..." instructed the captain...

"Sir... It's in Bazalonian... We don't have too. I'm sending the text to your console now."

"Well at least we know theire technology is at least reliable."

Your situation is understood. We will be towing you back to our ally's shipyard in the hopes you can conduct quick repairs there. This region of space is not very safe these days. When there we could all get to know each other.

"Good... though I don't like the tractor beem the faster we can get going the less time those ships have to regroup and come back at us."

The bridge door opened.. Randall and the diplomat where standing outside...

"Come in, Come in" said the captain as they did not seem to want to enter.

The captain briefed them on the current situation and plans..

"So what do you think?" asked the Captain

"Why do you think we can trust them?" asked Randall... As a politician he was always paranoid

"It's down to a matter of choices... simply we don't have any.
We could just stay here and wait for those ships to return... oh and here is a message that those ships sent ... " said JAmes as he paused for the message

Henry quickly sent the message to the Provisional Prime Ministers Personal Device... A multi-functional device that had quite a good screen for something of it's size.

"or... We can go with these people that gave us protection from these people. I don't trust them fully but which choice is better... It's a no-brainer really." James continued

"Okay.. Can I have a look at the communcations log?" asked Randal...

Henry looked over to the captain to ask for his repsonse.... The Captain nodded... and so Henry sent the received and sent messages to the Provisional Prime Ministers PD.

"Well You guys mose well stay here and see what happens now..." said the captain with little enthusiasim..."

"Captain We are getting another broadcast..." called Henry

"Send it to my console and the PM's PD." instructed the Captain as he went back to his chair and looked down at the console...

We have confered with our allies and decided that it is not safe here. We will take you to SeaQuest's home system where you can repair.

"Well..... It looks like we will enjoy some hospitality then..." said the Captain.

"We still have no other options?" asked Randall

"Well actually.. yes we have one more option.... We could send fighters and try to destroy everyone else before they do the same to us... noting that we don't actually have major weapons installed in the ship..." commented the Captain... rolling his eyes at the suggestion.

"Oh... I see your point... Well SeaQuest's home system it is then..."

"Henry.. Get ready to send a message.... the usual settings" said the captain

"Okay....... Ready in 5... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."

Message received and understood. Awaiting a tow to SeaQuest's home system.

10-01-2006, 00:23
79 light-years away

A fleet of fifty MA ships was in-bound for the SeaQuestian shipyard. Composed of Victory Is, Victory IIs, Imperial Is, Imperial IIs, Imperial IIIs, and led by an Executor I (the 7 km long version) Super Star Destoryer.

SeaQuestian Shipyard - Long-Range Sensors Station

"Sir, we've got incoming!"


*Long Pause*

"Let me have, son."

"Negative, sir. According to the outlines, they can only be enemy capital ships, sir. E.T.A. is at the end of the day."

"That's only 8 hours from now. Sound the alarm."

"Aye, sir."

Atlantis - Bridge - 4 hours later

"Commander, we have gotten all the evacuees off the station and locked everything down we can't take now. Plans are in place for a Ferengi Consortium ship to come out here and lay claim to it and the wreckage for us in case we ever get a chance to come back."

"The Mac's have to be onto that tactic by now."

"Its possible, but I doubt they would attack a nation that not only supplies them with stuff, but could also rally the neutral nations into this war against them."

"Good point. As soon as the umbilicals are finished transfered all fuel and atmosphere from the station, unhook us and take us to the Jump Gate."

"Aye, Commander."

Messages - 1 hour later

Broadcast to all ships from the Atlantis:

The Atlantis will take point for the trip through Hyperspace. Do not stray from the path behind us or you risk being lost in there forever.

Exterior - 2.5 hours later

The Atlantis sped away from the shipyard and headed for the Jump Gate. The other ships would take position behind her, and the Defenders would form up to the port, starboard, and aft of the fleeing group of ships.

Jump Gate - 0.5 hours later

The Atlantis sent the coded Tachyon signal that opened the red-orange vortex to Hyperspace known as a Jump Point. The ships would enter single file due to space constraits laid down by the emitters of the Gate. As soon as the last ship had gone threw, the Jump Gate would lock down until the correct five layer, ten digits each, code was sent.

OOC: I hope you don't mind my speeding up things a little. I want the Mac ships to arrive just as the Jump Gate is closing.
10-01-2006, 01:16
"Sir, Atlantis is going for the gate now."

"Collect the Hawdon and follow them in Sergeant." Commander Elrite ordered.

Know Thy Enemy's gravimetric engines came to life and the ship accelerated very quickly for its size. It angled in over the Hawdon and caught it in a tractor beam. Then it continued off after Atlantis.

A breif message was sent to the teathered ship.

We have incoming enemy ships. We will try to protect you if they get here before we can escape but we suggest preparing yourself for a battle just in case.

Know Thy Enemy was right on Atlantis' aft when it headed into the jump gate.
10-01-2006, 02:04
OOC: This will be a speedy post. I will leave out some stuff to bring it up to speed.

IC: The drones and Men of the Yukatan Ships repaired there damaged hulls and equipment. Suddenly an Alarm was sounded.
"What is that?" Commander Freeman exclamed while looking over a tatical display.
"Sir, the station reports Incoming contacts ETA 8 hours."
"So then we will be leaving soon, finish only critical reparis and then bring the drones in we will be leaving with them."
"Sir, were staying with the presumably Friendly fleet?"
"Yes I would like to meet these new "friends". And possible we could talk Naval Command to help with thier war, that they seem to be having."

The drones were retaced and the 10 Yukatan ships fell into a Single file line and made a great pace towards the Gate.
10-01-2006, 02:20
The Hawdon rumbled as again it was caught up in the Tidan Tractor beam as it was being towed behind into the jump gate.

"Sir... Multiple contacts appearing... They look to be of similiar design of the enemy... who ever they are..." stated the Conn Operator

"Fighter Squadron Controller... Scramble the pilots and get ready but do not open the docking bay door..... We don't know what going through here might do if we leave the docking bay door open."

"Sir Message from Know Thy Enemy sending to you and the PM" said Henry as he sent the text through

We have incoming enemy ships. We will try to protect you if they get here before we can escape but we suggest preparing yourself for a battle just in case

"Ready a reply..."

"Okay.. in 5... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1..."

"We have placed our fighters on alert."
10-01-2006, 02:30
"We have placed our fighters on alert."

A reply message was sent as the ship continued to race for the jump gate.

Keep them secured for now unless we are unable to escape. I would hate for us to leave any of your pilots behind.
10-01-2006, 02:48
Keep them secured for now unless we are unable to escape. I would hate for us to leave any of your pilots behind.

The Hawdon received the message and the Captain sent the following message in reply...

Understood.... It is better to have something and not need it then to need it and not have it. Hopefully they will not be needed
10-01-2006, 09:44
"sir! no sign of the skeksis ship."
"understood, I want a full scan of the area, leave no asteroid unturned, they might be nearby."
"sir, couldn't they have suffered catastrophic failure midjump?"
"possible, but let's assume they're here until we know for sure."
"I'm getting some very unusual readings on hyperwave, too prolonged to be a ship's drive. and I'm not seeing anything to indicate a natural phenomenon."
"launch a probe, all hands, standby, it might be a diversion."
<ooc: my battle group is about a million KM from the gate, at roughly a right angle to the MAC fleet's approach vector, and arriving during the evacuation.>
10-01-2006, 20:46
OOC: @Gelfland: On my side, or the Macronesian Alliance (M.A. or Macs) side?
10-01-2006, 22:05
OOC: @Gelfland: On my side, or the Macronesian Alliance (M.A. or Macs) side?
<probably yours, but that would depend on a number of factors, your response to the probe, possible translator issues, (Synthetic emotion capability, although very useful in establishing translation, also tends to make the computer system less reliable.)
the nature of ships in the area:
response of M.A. to communications

the following ship types have been previously associated with the skeksis empire:
SC Zerg
B5 Shadow
FS Leviathan
WH40K chaos (possible allied power)
ST ferengii (exact relationship unknown, repeatedly seen departing skeksis
installations. communication attepts have been unsucessful.)

ship types of Prior TDF/Crusader allies:
TM jurai tree
TM cabbit
SW rebel alliance
SC terran

star destroyers are common enough to warrant treatment on a case-by-case basis.
10-01-2006, 22:11
OOC: @All: I don't have the time for an IC post right now, got class in a few minutes. I'll post one when I get back.

@Gelfland: Understood. As its your probe, you can say when it gets into sensor range (my ranges are listed per class in my Fleet Database Thread (link is in first post)).
11-01-2006, 02:16

"Sir, were getting a lot of Chatter between the Tidani ship and the still unknown target."
"Hail the Tidani ship I want to know all of the players in this little skirmish."

We have noticed a A ship, within tow of your ship. In the essence of Information gathering within this operation we would like to know who they are.
11-01-2006, 04:17
(OOC: I thought they sent a message to everyone.)

Commander Elrite had the Hawdon's original message transmitted to the Yukatania ships.

"This is Captain James Hawdon of the BSFS Hawdon. Who am I speaking with? .. but firstly no... My ship is not named after me." Said the captain ending with a slight smirk.

Their FTL drive broke down in the middle of the battle and they are stranded here.
11-01-2006, 05:51
OOC: @Gelfland: How long before the arrival of the MA forces is your group arriving?

Atlantis - Bridge

A Lieutenant came running up to the Commander of the Atlantis.

"Commander, I've been going through the last sensor logs that were made of the incoming enemy fleet. I think I've identified the lead ship of the fleet. The only ship it can be is the Pact With The Devil."

"Damn! That ship has been a pain in our side ever since she started leading raids across the border."

The Lieutenant nodded before responding, "Its a shame that we don't have the Captain here. What did happen with him anyways?"

"His trip was delayed by the higher ups for some classified reasons. Last I heard, he was still at New Cape Quest on Altera, and that was just yesterday."

14-01-2006, 08:52
OOC: Bump-age.
14-01-2006, 08:55
OOC: Has the gate been opened and are we leaving or what I am a little confused on the matter?
14-01-2006, 09:28
Jump Gate - 0.5 hours later

The Atlantis sent the coded Tachyon signal that opened the red-orange vortex to Hyperspace known as a Jump Point. The ships would enter single file due to space constraits laid down by the emitters of the Gate. As soon as the last ship had gone threw, the Jump Gate would lock down until the correct five layer, ten digits each, code was sent.

As far as I understand ... SeaQuest and the Tidani forces are going through the portal at the moment (Me being in tow)
16-01-2006, 01:50
OOC: @Yukatania: Yes, the Gate is upon. Feel free to come along, unless you want to stand up to the large fleet of incoming MA ships.

@Bazalonia: Pretty much right on the money.

@All: Map updated:
17-01-2006, 08:00
OOC: Bump.
20-01-2006, 07:36
OOC: Bump.
21-01-2006, 01:57
OOC: Yukatania and Gelfland?.... Hello you guys out there?
21-01-2006, 03:47
OOC: Sorry Jolt wouldn't let me log on this account.

Yukatan Battle Fleet

"Sir, should we enter the gate and follow our Tidani Allies?"
"Well whats the alternative?"
"Well sir, our sensors are picking up many Signatures incoming."
"Are they Allied?"
"We don't know yet Sir."
"Shit, then get us in that gate!"
"It seems we can only go in one at a time, as that's what the other forces are doing."
"Alright form up into a single file line."
"Where will this take us sir?"
Freeman rubbed his chin, "I don't know."
21-01-2006, 23:23
OOC: My Home Galaxy map has been updated:
21-01-2006, 23:49
(ooc: should we forget about Gelfland for now and keep going?)
22-01-2006, 01:37
OOC: Yeah, I'd think that would be best.
22-01-2006, 09:07
OOC: Yeah let's get this RP back on the Road... Ps.... Not sure why I now have [NS] infront of my forum name.... *shrug*
22-01-2006, 09:44
OOC: why is your post count at 2 now? When it was at 99....weird.
22-01-2006, 10:37
OOC: why is your post count at 2 now? When it was at 99....weird.

OOC: It seems I have two forum accounts for my main nation.... [NS]Bazalonia (which was just recently created) and Bazalonia.... And don't Forget Nova Bazalonia...... Which has yet really get a proper post in.
22-01-2006, 21:49
{ooc: Sorry I couldn't get on yesterday, back now. If you don't mind.}
Sir! report from the probe, None of the ships are of types in our database, although many bear some resemblance to the designs of the Mon Kalamarii.

do they seem hostile?
no response to our probe as of yet, infrared indicates at least one ship has a number of small craft readied for launch.
an invasion?
possible, although the apparent distribution of ship types seems to make this unlikely, we shall run a tactics simulation.

Sir! one of the sentinels reports contact at edge of sensor range.
the plot thickens, how long until we have data on the inbound?
depends sir, it could be a small craft at half a megaklick or every ship in the skeksis empire at a significantly greater distance.

well, this seems to reenforce the evacuation idea.
agreed, attempt to open a channel with the nearby ships.
23-01-2006, 00:26
(ooc: See, I knew all we had to do to get him back was talk about him ;D Now to figure out who my characters were in this story...)

"Commander, I am detecting a communications ping. I have tracked it back to a small ship a ways out, looks too small to be inhabited, possibly a probe." One of the officers broke through the usual background noise.

"Macronesian?" Elrite asked.

"It doesn't match any known profiles or signatures."

"They usually shoot first and ask questions later anyway." Elrite turned to his left and tapped a button on the holopad. "Thyen, link up with the Eaquileye, feed them a scan of the probe and find out if there is a mothership for it out there."

Thyen appeared in the air above the pad. "Connected, transmitting request." A few seconds passed. "Eaquil has detected a fleet of vessels with similar profiles and signatures to the probe. They are approximately a million klicks out."

The data appeared on Elrite's station. "Thank you Thyen." The holographic avatar of the ship's AI nodded and then disappeared. "New commers to this region of space? Strange... Major, see if you can't connect with them."
23-01-2006, 02:57
OOC: Mhm. You never said that!

IC: "Sir, I'm getting a small Lidar signacture."
"Any ID tags on it?"
"No sir."
"Well were about to leave anyway, lets just leave it be." "How far out is that fleet of ships?"
"About a million klicks sir."
23-01-2006, 05:11
"Sir.. I think we just got pinged." said Henry..

"pinged as military usage of a sound wave to identify range to target?" asked the Captain....

"Not sure, Sir.. I need to analyze the signal and where it came from..."

"Okay.. do that.."

*A few minutes passed*

"Get a detailed scan of these co-ordinates..." Henry said to the Conn operater sending a set of co-ordinates to his console...

"Scanninging now..." the Conn Operator replied.

"There seems to be a small probe in the area sir....." stated the Conn Operator....

"Can we get a wider scan in that general area?" asked the Captain...

"Yes sir.." But I think I'll have to re-route some power... Ah yes... I can take the power from the supposed AI that we have..." stated the Conn Operator....

"Let me guess the AI is even more buggy than that translation program we have?" asked the Captain.

"Yes all it does at the moment repeatidle says "FTL Engines Offline." and we can't get it to stop. "...

"What was it doing before?" asked the captain...

"Repeating 'All's fine' sir..." replied the Conn...

"Okay.. re-route the power and do the scan already..." said the Captain...

"Sir we are now picking up another ship... It's is about 1 million kilometers away. No obvious hostility." said the Conn...

"Okay... let's continue on with our plan... The fighters are still on Alert and we're being towed through this... stargate, of sorts." said the captain in a finalising tone of voice.
27-01-2006, 03:07
OOC: Bumpety Bump Bump... This is a call to all those out there,,, Bump
27-01-2006, 11:30
Sir. we have incoming communications signals, direct transmission.
It would be too much to hope they use a known language, wouldn't it?
yes, that might be a stretch.
analyse, and get to work on jump calculations, I don't want to try and work out translation over these distances. and check the likely harmonics, they might just have a hyperwave system we can make sense of.
are we sure that hyperwave signal is from a transport device?
the probe data indicates the kind of radiation signature you'ld expect from a sustained interface, of course, theory also predicts such a feild would be impossible to sustain.
Unless a method was found to prevent resonant feedback, it seems they have found a way.

of course, if you use the metaether model for travel as well as FTL communications, the resonance problem does not emerge.

true, but I'd like to think of our jump engine as a well-anchored rope, not a paddle.
28-01-2006, 20:29
Bazalonia']OOC: Bumpety Bump Bump... This is a call to all those out there,,, Bump

OOC: We can only hope that little "slug fest" with the GE doesn't distract some of the others.
29-01-2006, 21:24
OOC: Home Galaxy Map Updated:
Mark VIII:
Mark IX:
Mark X:
29-01-2006, 23:30
Sir. we have incoming communications signals, direct transmission.
It would be too much to hope they use a known language, wouldn't it?
yes, that might be a stretch.
analyse, and get to work on jump calculations, I don't want to try and work out translation over these distances. and check the likely harmonics, they might just have a hyperwave system we can make sense of.
are we sure that hyperwave signal is from a transport device?
the probe data indicates the kind of radiation signature you'ld expect from a sustained interface, of course, theory also predicts such a feild would be impossible to sustain.
Unless a method was found to prevent resonant feedback, it seems they have found a way.

of course, if you use the metaether model for travel as well as FTL communications, the resonance problem does not emerge.

true, but I'd like to think of our jump engine as a well-anchored rope, not a paddle.

(ooc: I thought you were trying to send us a message)
30-01-2006, 21:30
{ooc: in either case, the following step would speed up communications greatly}
we have calculated a jump that should get us into practical communitations range, and still be safe in case we miscalulated their gateway.
very well.
in a somewhat disconcerting event, for a period of roughly three seconds, the gelflandii ship appears to be in two places at once. before settling into a position roughly 100,000 km from the gate.
{ooc: and, of course, those ships with the proper sensors detect the jump directly realise the cause of this phenomenon.}

"We appologise for any inconvenience our manuver may have caused. but we felt it a prudent step given your apparent situation."
30-01-2006, 23:30
(ooc: lol this has got to be the longest escape ever.)

Know Thy Enemy continued toward the gate. The fleet they had detected jumped right up to the gate and contacted them.

This is SAS Know Thy Enemy of Maritime Republic of Tidan. There is a hostile warfleet inbound. We are evacuating the system before they arrive, and suggest you do the same.
31-01-2006, 01:42
OOC: This is the longest escape ever.

The Yukatan Expeditionary Fleet moved ever closer to the Gate. Following the Tidani Ship they heard a Outgoing message from the Ally ship.

Originally Posted by Know Thy Enemy to unknown ships
This is SAS Know Thy Enemy of Maritime Republic of Tidan. There is a hostile warfleet inbound. We are evacuating the system before they arrive, and suggest you do the same.

"Well I guess more people are joining this escape. Continue to the gate."
31-01-2006, 02:21
OOC: Hehe


"Henry... check that the Tractor been is still on us... this seems to be taking a long time."

"Yes, sir it is still definately on us..." answered Henry

"I'm thinking that even our Inertial Thrusters would be faster than this..." the captain was interrupted by the Conn Operator...

"Sir, that new unknown ship has just materialezed not too far away... I'm reading 95,536 kms away." stated the Conn Operator

"So what, they where 1 million kms away then suddenly there 100 thousand?"

"Around abouts sir, it would definately be possible with ships that can travel faster than the speed of light, though.."

"Well still that doesn't answer why this evacuation is taking so long..."
31-01-2006, 21:17
{perhaps we should fast-forward then...}

"sir! the advance element of the enemy fleet should be within range of our outer sentinels shortly, should I authorise an attack?"

"any sign the enemy has detected them?"

"unknown, we havn't detected any active sweeps here, but you know as well as I that it's possible to mask your short-range scans from a distant observer, if you know where he is. "

"Sir, one of the sentinels reports enemies in range."

"what is the evacuation status?"
01-02-2006, 08:13
Bumpage? Since I have no idea what my characters should do at this point?
01-02-2006, 10:55
OOC: Is there anything that the MA forces are going to actually do before we get through the Jump Point? or should we just have our entry to the SeaQuestrian home system... maybe SeaQuest would RP that it

Seaquest, Tidan Yukatania, me and from what I understand of Gelfland's RP they are in the line for evacuation as well

"Let's get this party, started"
01-02-2006, 20:40
(ooc: SeaQuest, Tidan, Yukatania, and Bazalonia are evacuating. Gelfland just showed up so I don't think SeaQuest would just let him into this home system. As for what the MA does when they arrive is up to SeaQuest. I think SQ needs to post before we can go furthur.)
02-02-2006, 02:59
Bazalonia']OOC: Is there anything that the MA forces are going to actually do before we get through the Jump Point? or should we just have our entry to the SeaQuestrian home system... maybe SeaQuest would RP that it

Seaquest, Tidan Yukatania, me and from what I understand of Gelfland's RP they are in the line for evacuation as well

"Let's get this party, started"
[as for my part, an attack carrier involved in an unrelated war misjumped while pursuing an enemy ship. (frequently, the end of such battles.) and found the evacuation, their calculations and sensor readings counter-indicated a military action. The inital contact distance was too great for any serious communications, so they moved inwards.and the last we heard, the lead elements of the MAC fleet were just coming into the range of my outpost fighters(specialised Gunstar variants modifed for long-range operations)
02-02-2006, 03:19
OOC: Sorry about the wait. I kept missing this thread when it got bumped by a post.

IC: Macronesian Alliance Fleet - M.A.S. Pact With The Devil - Bridge

"Sir, long range sensors indicate that the enemy is fleeing the target area. Also, we are picking up several non-SeaQuestian ships in the area."

"That new ship they launched from those she still there?"

"Yes, sir. Scans show that the Atlantis is sitting next to that infernal Hyperspace Jump Gate and allowing the other ships to go through first."

"How long till weapons range."

"Thirty minutes, Admiral."

"Good. Notify me the moment we drop to sub-light, Captain."

"Aye, sir."

OOC: Yep, that's what this was all about. The Macs wanted the tech I have in the I.S.S. Atlantis.

IC: Hyperspace Jump Gate - I.S.S. Atlantis - Bridge

"Commander, any idea why the Macs would launch an attack this far into our space after keeping to themselves for a decade?"

"None at all, Captain. The only possible explanation is that they want this ship."

"Most likely. The Atlantis is the most advanced ship built by the SeaQuestian Navy at this point in time."


Broadcast to the Gelfland ship(s):

Get through the Jump Gate. We'll talk en route.

OOC: Home system's Jump Gate is outside the Mine Field in the Oort Cloud.
02-02-2006, 05:05
Know Thy Enemy passed by the Atlantis and entered the gate with the Hawdon in tow. (ooc: finally heheh)

We're going though. Once safely in the Alteran System we will take you where you can repair your systems.

See you on the other side.
02-02-2006, 05:42
"Well, Sir, progress is being made... it seems where just about to enter this gate..." said the conn Operator...

"good.. It's about time..." stated the captain as he stopped pacing around the bridge and sat back at his console....

"Sir.. We're receiving a message from the Tidani ship.." stated Henry as he transfered the message to the Captains console.

We're going though. Once safely in the Alteran System we will take you where you can repair your systems.

"good ... prepare a message in reply, Henry." stated the Captain

"Yes sir...... in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Understood... Who's system is it?"
02-02-2006, 05:50
IC: I.S.S. Atlantis - Bridge

"Captain, scans are showing signs of stress on the ship's framework. Looks like we'll need a refit."

"Any idea what caused the damage?"

"Must be that the materials used weren't strong enough, sir. Can't think of anything else."

OOC: According to my timetable and due to the age of this thread, the refit has already happened outside this thread.

IC: Messages

In response to the Tidan message:

Acknowledged. Atlantis will cover your rear while everyone gets through the Jump Gate then we will enter ourselves and join up with you.

OOC: Got to wait till everyone else posts about entering the red-orange nebula-like expanse of a dimension known as Hyperspace.
03-02-2006, 05:23
OOC: Finaly were going through.

IC: The Yukatan Fleet one by one went through the gate..the Titan was last to go through.
"Sir do we even know where were going?"
"I trust our new found friends on where we are going."

We are entering the gate now, see you on the other side.
03-02-2006, 05:48
Sir! the evacuation is nearly complete, they indicate we should proiceed their last ship through.
any report from the probe?
no, we lost contact as it entered the gate, last transmission indicates the inside of that thing looks a lot like the outside.
very well, any idea what that'll do to our drive?
can't say,
very well, power down, that should minimise the chance of reaction.
power down the core? with hostiles in the sector? we'd be sitting ducks!
If we were battling the skeksis, yes, but this MAC seems to prefer different tactics, and it's our best hope of getting through this gateway without incident.
it'll take hours to restart.
I thought the fighters did it all the time, and they seem to have no problem getting up and running quickly afterwards.
the fighters have far less volume, and use a simpler system.
understood, time until shutdown?
powering down now, core should be safe by the time the sentilels get here.
no time for docking, we'll have to try to wakeride.
if that even works.
metaether theory says it does. think, this could be the breakthrough we need. imagine, battles ending when we want, no more chases across systems waiting for someone to slip up.
04-02-2006, 01:02
Once again Randal Jackson, the Provisional Prime Minister barged onto the bridge of the Hawdon.

"What's going on?" He demanded

The Captain got up from his console and faced Randal....

"We are about to go through this... stargate. An we've already gone over this... From a military standpoint we do not have any options, we have incoming hostile forces that will arrive any minute and these guys have shown that they are atleast good-natured. Don't worry I've asked for some official diplomatic you and Whatsitsname are sure to test your diplomatic muscles so don't worry." ranted the Captain...

"Okay... Okay..." Randall said as he went to head out of the Bridge... but then he remembered something and turned to the captain."By the Way JAMES, His name is Jacob , Jacob Peters...."

And with that he was about to go back out of the bridge in a bit of a huff but before he did that the Hawdon entered the Jumpgate behind the Tidani ship Know Thy Enemy... The view screen showed an orange-coloured swirling tube-like mass that was all around them... everyone in the Bridge looked at it in Awe....

"What's this?".. spluttered the Captain.... nearly mesmorised by the scene

"Hmm... Is it Hyperspace... Yes It must be Hyperspace" commented the FTL Engineer

"Hyperspace? What's that..." said the Captain with a puzzled look on his face

"Well... Hyperspace was only a theoretical concept, we where just starting to look into it before we found the wrecked space-ship on Mars.. though we never got anywhere and we all where re-assigned to unlock the secrets of the device." said the FTL Engineer

"But that didn't answer what it is..." complained the Captain...

"Theoretically... it's like a different plane of existence... Where the rules that confine us in 'normal space' no longer apply and this means that we can obtain speeds in Hyperspace that are impossible in 'normal space' even with the mucking about that or engine does with the speed of light... there is only so much you can speed up light." lectured the FTL Engineer

"Okay.. let's just sit back and enjoy this specticle while it lasts..." commented the Captain....

Silence invaded the Bridge and had established a base... well at least until the Hawdon came out of Hyperspace
06-02-2006, 00:41
OOC: Anyone left that needs to go in?
06-02-2006, 03:11
OOC: Bump.
06-02-2006, 05:17
"we have cleared the gate, no problems are evident."
sensor report.
" it's pea soup on hyperwave, otherwise, just as you see, EM intensity falls off exponentially with wave energy."
"as would be expected in interdimensional space."
"any theories on that color?"
nothig solid, spculation indicates either it's the cosmic background radiation, or zero-point fluctations."
"keep monitoring it, and compare it to known maps, we should at least see if those fluctuations correspond to anything outside."
10-02-2006, 20:17
OOC: Mind if I use Fluid Time to get everyone into and through Hyperspace and out through another Jump Gate in the network?
11-02-2006, 01:51
OOC: Mind if I use Fluid Time to get everyone into and through Hyperspace and out through another Jump Gate in the network?

not at all.
11-02-2006, 01:54
OOC: Mind if I use Fluid Time to get everyone into and through Hyperspace and out through another Jump Gate in the network?

OOC: I just want to have the next IC: and I am done untill we are out of Hyperspace...


While the Bridge seemed to be a stronghold of silence as all the crew on the bridge had been practically mesmorised by the sight of Hyperspace, the sensors on the Hawdon where not. Most of the sensors where for use in navigation, but there where a few sensors that where just for detecting particles and what not around the ship, these (including some of the navigational sensors) are recording data, data that would be the start point for the colonies first research project.... Hyperspacial Awareness... gaining understanding about Hyperspace after which they hope they will be able to get access to Hyperspace.
11-02-2006, 02:01
OCC: Time to get Fluid (lol, that just sounds funny, IMHO).

IC: Alteran Star System - Outside Oort Cloud - Hyperspace Jump Gate - 12 hours later

The Jump Gate swirled to life and spat the allied fleet from its gaping maw.

I.S.S. Atlantis - Main Bridge

"Inform System Command that we are friendlies. And ask them to clear a path through the Mine Field in the Oort Cloud."

"Yes, ma'am. Transmitting friendly message now."

Few minutes later...

"Captain, we have been cleared for System Approach Lane #3."

"Inform the rest of the ships."

"Aye, sir."


Broadcast to all friendly ships:

Attention, everyone. For your safety, please follow us on our course through the Oort Cloud. It is heavily mined and we wouldn't want you to leave the path that has been cleared for our use.
11-02-2006, 02:30
Know Thy Enemy responded quickly.
On your six.

Then drawing in the Hawdon close to the underside of the hull they followed the Atlantis in tight formation directly behind her.

We are moving through a dangerous area, and it is best that you keep up with the group. To this end we will continue the tractor beam until we are in safe space, as long as this is acceptable to you.
11-02-2006, 03:50
Henry recieved the message from the Tidani's and had forwarded it to the captain...

"Hmmm... They probably have mined the area, that is probably what I would have done in this situation." said James as he looked out at the view screen and saw the Oort cloud.

"And about the tractor beam?" Randall asked who was still getting sent the details of communications between the Hawdon and the Tidani ship, as well as still being on the Bridge not wanting to leave.

"Ah, yes... What do you think? try and navigate behind Know Thy Enemy or trust their Tractor beam?" the captain asked Randall... not really wanting his advice but at least making it seem that Randall was not totally ignored.

"Well... It uh, seems that, ah, our, um, ah.. our engines.. ah um.. quite weak ,ah, compared to the um Tidani's ship. and uh what if we umm, get too far behind them." said Randall as he was not comfortable at this, he didn't want to get the answer wrong.

"Conn... Can we chart the course that Know Thy Enemy is going to take and duplicate that?" asked the captain... he thought that the feature was on the plans but he thought it porbobaly was not installed.

The Conn officer replied... "Sorry sir that feature was planned but It never got around to being installed, since the rush and everything."

"Okay, well tractor beam it is... Hen.." said James as he was cut short by what Henry is about to say.

"I'm ready when you are..." said Henry

"okay.. get the countdown started." stated the Captain.

"5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."

The Tractor beam is acceptible. On another matter, would it be possible to speak with some of your diplomats as well? Possibly in a three-party conference?"
11-02-2006, 04:18
The Tractor beam is acceptible. On another matter, would it be possible to speak with some of your diplomats as well? Possibly in a three-party conference?"

"We are not diplomats among, but as seekers of knowledge we are quite capable of conducting first contact meetings. When we arrive at the SeaQuest station, we would be happy to have such a meeting."
11-02-2006, 04:26
OOC: More Fluid Time to speed things up.

IC: As the last of the ships in the mixed fleet made it through to the interior of Oort Cloud and was a safe distance away, the mines that had lain dormant to allow their safe passage through were reactivated.

The 'fleet' would be taking a 'tour' of the majesty of the nine planets of the Alteran Star System on their way to the third planet in the system, Altera itself.

Altera - Orbit - Later

The Atlantis slipped into place next to the damaged Last Stand in a framework style dry dock that orbited near a Type II repair yard. One of the other Defender class frigates that had left the Orthanc Shipyard area earlier, the I.S.S. Sentinel came floating over to the group as they approached the Golan III station that orbited the planet.
12-02-2006, 06:29
As the planet of Altera was displayed on the Hawdon's view screen, Captain James Hawdon could not help but think of their home planet... What it could have become if it was not for the sun... which probably had exploded by now.

He particularily enjoyed the tour of the nine planets, this started him off on the remeniscience... their home solar system also had nine planets... well, astronomers where now saying 10 but it would always be the nine planets to him.

Henry interupted the captains thoughts by asking "So... What do you want to do captain?"

"Well... First let's thank the Tidani's for the tractor beam and then ask to switch it off... I think we'll be able to manage. Then we need to prepare for meeting the SeaQuestrians and the Tidanis face to face."

"Okay, Henry. Read for the message?" asked the Captain

"Yes sir... in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."

Thank you for helping us through the use of the Tractor beam, However it is now unnecessary and we ask that it now be switched off. See you on the station

"So what's next?..." said the captain as he asked the rhetorical question "Ah. Henry, can you load the Analysis/Translation program on our PD's?"

"Um, whose PDs in particular sir?" wondered Henry

"Mine, Randal's and uh... Whats-its-name... The diplomat." stated the captain, in a somewhat uncertain tone for the last person on that list.

"Andrew Johns, Sir, The Diplomat's name is Andrew Johns." stated Henry..

"Yeah okay.. his too. Even though the programs are buggy they are better than nothing." said the captain, annoyed at himself for not remembering Andrew's name."Oh and get Andrew up hear I'll need to tell him what's going on with the Translator programs." finished the captain, not as annoyed as he was.

"Do you want to send a message to the SeaQuest ship/station?" asked Henry

"Oh yeah.. send this to the orbiting space station....... Okay I'm ready"

"In 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."

This is the BSFS Hawdon, Captain James Hawdon speaking. Request leave to send a delegation to the orbiting space station for diplomatic interaction.
12-02-2006, 06:58
A reply message was prepared and sent to Hawdon.
Of course, we will disengage the tractor beam now, and meet with your delegation under any terms the SeaQuestian authority provides.

"Alright, shut it down." Commander Elrite (ooc: I keep having to go back to remember who my characters are.) ordered as his ship maneuvered into orbit above Altera. "Prepare Agent Ocass to attend the meeting with the Bazalonian representatives."

By now the battle damage to the ship was mostly repaired. The hull had been patched with reserve tidanium by the repair drones, and they were now finished stimulating the regeneration of the crystaline armor. As the ship's wounds healed a small shuttle preped for launch as soon as a meeting was arranged.
13-02-2006, 09:38
Once emerging from the Gate, the Yukatan fleet was immersed in a wonderous display of Alien ships and worlds. After following thier new found friends to a Orbital station over a large planet Admiral Freeman made a decision that had to wait untill saftey was reached.
"Communitcations Officer, open a channel with our "friends" who lead us here."
"Yes sir."

(Directed at Seaquest)
This is Admiral Freeman of the Yukatan Fleet. I belive it is high time we have introduced ourselves. We have fought in battle with you and we have been lead into one of your systems. We would like to exchange a hand of diplomacy and to open a long and prosporus channel between our Empires.
13-02-2006, 17:43
IC: Messages

Broadcast to all ships:

A Conference Room aboard Balance Point, the Golan III, has been set aside for a face-to-face meeting between everyone's representatives. Land a shuttle in the Hanger, make sure to watch out for outbound traffic on your approach.

Feel free to request any help you need for repairs from any of the SeaQuestian personnel up here. You will be able to make use of our repair facility while you ships are in orbit of the home world.

Oh, and just to be on the safe side, the large ships will have to be careful, we haven't finished clearing up the stray debris from when the second of the four moons was destroyed by the Shadows of Z'Ha'Dum. A few stray chunks may still remain in orbit.

OOC: Just land the shuttles and we can all Fluid Time to the Conference Room.
13-02-2006, 22:25
Agent Ocass' shuttle arrived in the landing bay of Balance Point. He exited the shuttle, and was met by a SeaQuestian aid. (ooc: since we are going to go straight to the conference room I took the liberty of using an aid from your station, will change if you request.) He quickly introduced himself and was led to the room that had been reserved.
13-02-2006, 22:41
OOC: An aide is fine. Diplomats definitely have tons of those. Reason I'm doing this is mainly, the route from the Hanger to the Conference Room isn't that interesting. Got some great external views, but that's about it. Doesn't go near the trade area.
13-02-2006, 23:59
Henry received the message from the Seaquestrian station and forwarded it to all the usual places.

"Oh, that's right where is the FTL Engineer? I don't see her in the bridge." asked the Captain...

"Ah... She snuck down to see what happened to the engine first hand." replied Henry as he punched up the locator on her PD.

"Oh... will our PD's work in the oribital station?" he asked Henry.

"Should, but I'll boost the power output, just to be certain." asked Henry as he pressing buttons on the command console to get the power out put boosted.

"Okay... Fighter Squadron Controller... Is the shuttle ready?" asked the captain...

"Not quite yet, but will be in a few minutes.." stated the Controlller

"Okay.. Let's go, by the time we get the the Docking Bay it will be ready... I'll send a message to Andrew to meet us there."

The Three of them, the Captain, the Provisional Prime Minister and the Diplomat met at the Docking Bay, they entered the shuttle and the pilot, closed the hatches. The bay doors opened and the shuttle was on it's way to the station. It easily dodged some kind of small craft leaving and landed with out any real incidents.

The Three representatives left the shuttle, the pilot stayed behind. The Three of them where introduced, they had to use the translation program on their PD's and where shown to the conference room.

OOC: Unless there is something in the conference room that does the translation for me, assume some time passes, as the translator records the sound, translates it then the representatives interpret it. I'll try and give you the text the PD displays all the time.
14-02-2006, 00:17
Conference Room

As the Tidani representative walked in, Ambassador Belloc stood up and bowed in greeting. After escorting the Tidani to the room, the aide scurried off at a wink from Belloc.

"Welcome aboard," he said returning to his seat around the circular table and watched as the Bazalonian representatives come in and take their seats, "I'm Ambassador Belloc.

"Refreshments can be found on the table on the far wall," he continues as he gestures at the table he means, "You may or may not find food or drink you like on there.

He switches from the form of English known as the Universal Standard Language to Alteran (OOC: Sounds like Latin). After his few words in Alteran, the dome in the middle of the table and its corresponding dome in the ceiling directly above it started to glow with a easy pattern of lights and colors. This was all designed to put humanoids at ease as this would decrease the number of flare-ups and allow a more smooth meeting to take place.

OOC: Choose a circular (donought-shaped to be specific) table because, technically, it has no head to sit at, thus not putting one person in a place of importance above the others.
15-02-2006, 02:50
OOC: Bump.
15-02-2006, 03:58
The Yukatan Diplomat exited the shuttle and followed the Tidani Diplomat into the Conference Room. Once entering the room Jack Turner took a seat and waited for the others to sit.
15-02-2006, 05:06
As the three members of the Bazalonian delegation entered the conference room, they where greeted by the Seaquestrian Ambassador, Belloc. His name was... amazingly the Bazalonian language was not dis-similiar to the Universal Standard Language... This is how the Bazalonians heard it in their own language, well some of it required some trying to decern words that did not exist in the Bazalonian language but did have the oppprtunity for the derivation of such words if the situation was right.

Welcome on plank, I'm Diplomat Belloc. Cordials can be located on the table at the far sheer. Such will or won't be edible or drinkable to your taste

Captain James Hawdon who sat with Randal Jackson on his left and Andrew Johns on his right whispered to Randal first and then to Andrew.

"I think we may not need our translators, they probably would produce worse results than what we can understand anyway."

This was confirmed by the following output by the translation program as it recorded and then translated the statement by the Ambassador. Here is what it outputted.

Greet board, I'm Talker Belloc. Edibles under wall close to table. can or can't be liked by your tastebuds

Even if the translation program had a method of translating Bazalonian into other languages, they would not trust it. Their best bet is to hope that the Universal Standard Language is close enough for them to understand.
15-02-2006, 05:23
OOC: As it is the most common language for NS nations, English is considered the Universal Standard Language by SeaQuest.
Oh, and I have a little surprise planned for later in the meeting (allows a small look into Alterans as a people and not just as diplomats).

IC: Belloc got up and walked over to the refreshments table. He poured himself a cup of freshly roasted coffee before returning to his seat.

"Now," he started as he took a sip of his coffee, "anyone have any questions before we begin?"
15-02-2006, 05:35
Jack Turner turned to face Belloc and asked the question that has been in his mind since this engagement begun.

"Now it seems that your Familiar with the Tidani's, as we are. How is it that a large Race as yourself and ourselves have not met within this universe?"

"Also it seems that our Tidani Allies have picked up a newcomer midist the skirmish, we would like to keep full Diplomatic Relations after this meeting is over."
15-02-2006, 05:39
Belloc put his cup down on a coaster so as to not stain the wood of the table before responding.

"We met the Tidani when we were sending ships out to explore the universe one galaxy at a time. We haven't been doing that lately because, as you can see, we've been quite busy with the Macronesian Alliance lately and haven't had the time or resources to devote to many non-military missions these days.

"Of course, the last time anyone saw one of the Asgard was when they left for the Neutral Territories. We sent them a signal asking them to be here, but we don't know if they'll even come."
15-02-2006, 08:43
(ooc: just so everyone is aware, Tidani speak telepathically (they can only speak their own language orally). This means you will hear it in you own language as it is only in your mind and no actual noise has been made. They cannot read minds however, it is only for speaking.)

Ocass sat, watching and listening. He fit the mold of a stereotypical agent; quiet, observant, logical, and seemingly cold.

"Yes, we are most grateful to SeaQuest for their friendly contact and for introducing us to the GFFA, even if we did not join right away."

Ocass noticed the Bazalonian men toying with the translator. "Captain Hawdon, greetings. I am pleased that we could finally meet you after the recent events. If you have problems understanding the discussion at any point please let me know. My species' gift makes us natural translators."
16-02-2006, 00:24
As the three men where listening to what was being said around the table, the men where able to decern most of it, and what they could not decern they where able to make pretty accurate guesses... When it came to the Yuktanian Delegate's last comment, this is what they heard

additionally it appears that our Tidani Brothers have attached the newcomer up in the centre of a fracas, we would like to keep full Communcatory Relations after get together."

While certainly weird; the statement made perfect sense, the men continued to listen and getting interesting results from the translator as they let these groups of seemingly well established space-farers. And then the Tidani representative spoke... well not spoke but as good as, without the moving of his mouth the three of them heard.. it was like their brain was speaking. Now it was time to speak...

"As the Tidani delegate has alluded to I am Captain James Hawdon of the BSFS Hawdon, This is the Provisional Prime Minister Randal Jackson and our Chief Diplomat Andrew Johns." said the Captain..

Now Andrew Johns spoke up "First up we would like to thank everyone, firstly for agreeing to meet and discuss, and for the offers and protection that has been provided to us mainly by the SeaQuestrians and the Tidanis. And we do aplogise if you can't understand us properly."

All three of them hoped that the others would be able to understand them.

The captains PD beeped.... it was a message from the FTL Engineer.... (ooc:Stay tuned for more.. :P.)
16-02-2006, 03:02
"so, we got anyone who speaks their language on board?"
"sort of, they seem to use a galach-2 derived language, our best-guess of g-alpha is required training for certain essential positions in our fleet.
very well, have the computer monitor communications, we can certainly improve translation as we understand more about them."
--{the representative's flight is only unremarkable in that the shuttlecraft transforms into a small animal after the representative disembarks.}--

"I greets you all, although our ship encountered your many in a condition of battle, we seek no fight but that we left before/upon arrival" {machine transcript indicates double tense due to heisenberg's uncertainnty principle.}
"our two wars be certain unconnected, about our enemy worry not unless it is found to be as one your enemy our enemy. indeed, to have good relations our goal."
I greet you, our ship was in combat-ready state when we encountered your fleet,
due to an ongoing war between our race and another, and the problems inherent
in FTL travel under such conditions.
thus far, it appears your conflict is unrelated to ours, but we are not opposed
to the idea of cooperation, should it be decided that such is of benefit to
all our peoples. at the very least, we can probably agree that further wars would
be of detriment to both our races.
16-02-2006, 03:58
OOC: @Gelfland: I'll have to assume you are in orbit of the planet in my star system just like everyone else.

IC: Messages

In response to the Gelfland message (sent in Universal Standard Language (English)):

Feel free to send a shuttle containing a representative over to the station. A meeting between all nations that arrived from Orthanc Shipyards is currently getting started.
17-02-2006, 22:11
OOC: Bump.
18-02-2006, 00:02
OOC: @Gelfland: I'll have to assume you are in orbit of the planet in my star system just like everyone else.

IC: Messages

In response to the Gelfland message (sent in Universal Standard Language (English)):
OOC: already done.
18-02-2006, 01:31
OOC: I'm lost now. Anyone got the full list of who is where?
18-02-2006, 01:36
(ooc: Everyone is in orbit, and everyone has representatives in the meeting room.)
18-02-2006, 04:51
(ooc: Everyone is in orbit, and everyone has representatives in the meeting room.)

OOC: Thanks.
20-02-2006, 00:58
OOC: Bump.
21-02-2006, 12:39
OOC: Bump... Yeah... um.. anyone there?
22-02-2006, 01:01
{yep, can't really add anything at the moment, that is, anything constructive.}
25-02-2006, 00:08
OOC: Bump.
25-02-2006, 00:18
(ooc:ok someone needs to get this going again.)

"Greetings Gelfland, now we know some things about you, you should learn some thing about us. We come from a water world known as Aquila. We are called Tidani, and represent the Maritime Republic of Tidan."
25-02-2006, 00:29
The SeaQuestian Ambassador tapped a few controls. A holographic representation of the globe of Aquila projected from the holo-emitters.

"This image of Aquila was recorded the last time a SeaQuestian ship was in orbit."
25-02-2006, 05:31
The message read on the Captain's Personal Device(PD) read...

We've found the problem, there was a bolt that came loose which interfered with the Manipulation Field Generator. The bolt has been screwed back in and tightened, but we are going to have to spend at least a month here going through a full diagnostic check, something that it seems was not done back home. And then once we've done that, we need to do some calibration which will take another week to perform.

James read it as he waited for the Gelfland delegates to sit and say the things they had to say... he was busy reading the PD to take notice... but Randal and Andrew where.

"eh, sorry.. I wasn't paying attention...Nice planet... who's is it?" James whispered to Randal as he noticed the Holographic display.

Randal replied in a whisper... "That's the Tidani's it's called Aquilla, I thought you would have heard them telling you that in your head?"

"I was concentrating on the message from the FTL Engineer.. here have a look.. James forwarded it to Randall and Andrew... and then he spoke to the other delegates

"It seems that our failed FTL Engine, which was how we managed to get caught between those hostile forces and the Seaquestrians is going to require a full diagnostic and calabration performed. Our engineers estimate 1 and a half to 2 months for them to accomplish these tasks...." said James..
25-02-2006, 05:57
"Then," came the reply, "your people will have a chance to get off-ship and get some R. & R. on the planet below. Last I checked, it was almost time for the annual antique sailing ship race."
25-02-2006, 08:04
OOC: Bump.
28-02-2006, 00:13
01-03-2006, 03:18
OOC: Well... since I was planning on using this thread as an intro for me as well... and since it has stalled so badly. I'll assume the following happened.. Hawdon was fixed and a full diagnostic check, calibration was performed and will be working perfectly...

Such a planet was found and we where guided there by the Tidani's and Seaquestrians and gave a strongly worded request for anonymity as that would be the best form of Defense that we have at the moment.

We named the planet Nova, in memory of the Nova that drove us from our home as well as it being a place for a new begining and called ourselves Nova Bazalonians (OOC: All of my FT posts from now on will be as "Nova Bazalonia")

The basis of the Colony was formed... intial; elections where held and who would have thunk it but Randall Jackson won.

Nova is pretty much a virgin planet.. and every day the Nova Bazalonians explore more of the surface on foot.. but the do have air craft but on foot is the best way to find out what is actually on the planet and many years after Nova was inhabited the Nova Bazalonians find something on the planet...the planet is not virgin after all... but that is for another RP

EDIT: If by a miracle this thread gets going again... please ignore this :p

EDIT2: Seaquest... could I have some sort of time reference for this? when was all this meant to have occured? Just so I can RP an appropriate amount of population/tech etc in other threads. Thanks

EDIT3: added skeksis..
02-03-2006, 22:23
{works for me, we'd probably have given you some of our data on the skeksis so you would be able to make more informed decisions, should you ever encounter them.(Tg me with any questions about them.)}
03-03-2006, 12:53
OOC: Bump...

I'm going to wait a few more days and then get going on my own RP's ... Thanks