NationStates Jolt Archive

The PeoplesFreedom shows X-1 Supergun to the World.

The PeoplesFreedom
26-12-2005, 18:53
A Man named Gerry Mantung has created the largest and most lethel Artillery piece in all of human history. Gerry Mustand was orginally a Artillery Officer. When he retired he began working for Advanced Canadian Military Projects or ACMP. He soon became facinated with large arty weaapons. While he worked on the offical project, a new lightweight 155mm gun, he also worked on a 300mm piece in his spare time. After he Completed the weapon, he showed it to the Project Manager, it was a good design. Thus he was put into a top-secret program, the Space Program. Which was the group of men and women who were to help make Canada a Commercial Prime invester. Mantung soon created an idea, he claimed if they built a gun powerfull enouge, they could launch cargo and ships into space at little cost, charging Nations and Private interets for Cheaper than Rockets. It went along as planned, it waas at a prototyple stage, when in an accident during their third test launch, the cargo exoloded, destroying the 2 billion dollar HARP gun, by now Rcokets were becoming Cheap enouge. Thus, the Prokect was Cancelled. Gerry Left Canada to work for the black marktet. During this time, he created a 155mm gun for South Africa, and a 500mm gun for aa unamed source. But the thing that caught TPF's interest was the rumpur that he was creating a 2000mm weapon. TPF was able to find him and indeed the gun was under-countruction in a region unfreindly to TPF. Commanods abducted Gerry and blew up the gun. We gave Gerry am option: serve 50 years in Prison or crete one.
he chose the Latter
The Result is the X-1 Supergun
its barrel is 2000mm and its range is over 1,500 Miles.
It has a Built in Jamming System.
It can fire HE, 10 Kilotin Tac Nuke Shells, 1 Megaton shells, and 10 Megaton shells, along with a biological warhead. The weapon is bulit on a platform in TPF Secret Underground Military Complex. It is not movable, nor can it shoot into space like the 1000mm HARP Anti-sat Rail guns. It proples its shells to Mach 10.
Price:10 Billion Dollers
Stripped down: 5 billion

OCC: Comments on Design Welcome!