NationStates Jolt Archive

Nest of the Aracoix[MY]

13-12-2005, 18:18
Aracoix: A race of legendary birdmen, the Aracoix fear and mistrust any and all enlightened beings different from themselves. They posess profoundly ordered minds, and tend to be highly meticulous, fastidious, and stubborn.

Basic info:

CITY: The Aerie-City of Aven
LEADER: Queen Asmira and Lord Kirtar
POPULATION: Over Six Thousand
RELIGION: The Law-a strict compilation of laws, rules, and customs that dictates every aspect of an average Aracoix's life.


Perhaps the greatest and most obvious feature of the Aracoix is their ability to fly. The Birdmen's broad wings can easily carry them into the air, even when fully armed and equipped. Aracoix fly faster than a Human can run, and are capable of brief bursts of speed where they can outrace a horse at full gallop. Their wings have freed them from any concerns about terrain, and hunting wings of Birdmen can move faster than any grounded army, for they travel as the crow flies. Masters of hit and run tactics, the Birdmen disdain large engagements, preferring to wear their opponents down through lightning raids.

Most Aracoix carry at least one heavy spear and a couple of throwing javalins, as well as a long saber. Many Aracoix are also equipped with crossbows that can devestate enemy armies on the ground. Axes, Lances, Pikes, Slings, Throwing Knives, Moon Scythes, Staves, hammers, and many other types of weaponry are common among Aracoix troopers. Aracoix fight in highly organized squardrons called Kh'ree. Masters of hit and run tactics, the Birdmen disdain large engagements, preferring to wear their opponents down through lightning raids.

The Aracoix mantain a regular army of about four hundred elite troopers, but in times of serious war the Aracoix forces can amass to over one thousand.

The Aerie-City of Aven:

The The Aerie-City of Aven is a massive, solitary, fortified mountian surrounded by several layers of tall and thick walls that give the Aracoix a suberb defence advantage. Over Six Thousand Aracoix live in this city regulary, with a good deal of Aracoix from other Aeries visiting frequently. Flight is one of the central aspects of Aracoix architecture: the many small Aeries within the city consist of tall towers with elaborate landing platforms and walled compounds without gates.


The Aracoix economy is advanced, based on a Tri-Metal system of Gold, Silver, and Copper. The Aracoix coin is small-about two inches in diamiter. The Law puts a set price on all products made in the city; thus, Aracoix merchants are extremely hard to haggle with.

On the Queen and Lord:

Queen Asmira and Lord Kirtar are the wise rulers of Aven and stewerts of the Aracoix race. Asmira tackels the domestic issues within the city, while Kirtar leads the army into battle and searches for new territory. Both are dedicated fiercely to The Law, but are fair and just rulers. Although Asmira feels that allies are essential, Kirtar is overly wary of anything foreign to the Aracoix-especially magic; He thinks that the Aracoix need to be free of all outside influences.