NationStates Jolt Archive

Papal States Reformation.

05-12-2005, 05:12
*Communication goes out on holographic network*

*The Papal Flag appears out of nowhere*

General Gathor: Hello. Good news follows; the Papal states are being reformed. Parts Of Italy, the Island of Malta, and many other parts of the world are dedicating land to these great Papal States, even us, Urcea. However, parts of Italy will not join even when told to. They will be delt with. However, we recognize many nations have more than Catholics, but thats ok. Any nation can dedicate land to the Papal States!

*End Transmission*
05-12-2005, 21:15
05-12-2005, 23:00
Your extremism against Islam and now your extremism for Catholicism will not be tolerated. Either dismiss these ideas or we'll simply eradicate the whole concept of religion throughout the named area.