NationStates Jolt Archive

The Founding of the First Dominion Colony (Hogsweat's Colony 'Region')

20-11-2005, 01:35
OOC: This pertains to this: thread (
If you didn't post there, do not post here.
Important Link (

Official Press Release From:
The Dominion of DMG

In an unanticipated and surprising move today, the government has announced its plan to create the first Dominion colony. Citing that many allies and other nations have established similar colonies in the area, the cabinet thought it wise to follow the trend and establish a colony to be proud of.

It has recently been announced that the name of the newly founded colony will be: Eborall. Though why the name has been chosen for the colony remains a mystery to all.

To begin the colonization of the newly founded island, the government has activated the 7th Fleet and sent them to the area. They will surround the small island and provide defense against any hostile intentions as well as help in the actual construction and colonization.

The contract to begin construction and colonization of Eborall has been given to Mar’ki Ticron and his two major companies, DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries. The contract was rumored to be worth between four and five hundred billion dollars. Though no time schedule for the final colonization has yet been released, it is expected to take begin within two weeks and be fully operational in no more than six months.


Colonial Population:
c. 25,000,000

Eborall's Colonial Military
-5x Imperial Legions (5000x men each)
-6x Special Forces Teams (50x men each)
-500x King Zeus Main Battle Tanks
-50x Impact MLRS
-100x Bull Warrior Fighting Vehicles
-250x Legionairre S-15s
-100x Avengers
-400x Elusion Class Vehicles

-200x F-90 Guardian Angels
-50x F-44 Interceptors
-100x AH-12 Phoenix
-100x B-2 Spirits
-40x Falcon 680B
-100x F-117 Nighthawks

-3x DMI Carrier Battle Groups (31 ships each)
-2x Carrier Battle Group (36 ships each)
-1x Submarine Carrier Group (6 submarines each)
20-11-2005, 01:45
"More prospectives... You know the usual message."

"Of course, Commissar."

Attention prospective interest. We have opened our ports to inter-colonial trade relations.

What can we offer? This desolate meager island does not look much, but it has a substantial mineral reserve under it's frozen crust. There is literally billions of tons of minerals, of all kinds waiting to be mined. We will not say that it is all availible to us, but we are able to produce enough for outsourcing.

Care to help our meager colony? With small loans, or gifts, you can help us expand our mining capabilities. The more machines we have, the more minerals we can produce. The more minerals we can produce, the more we can trade away. The more we can trade away, the more you are able to recieve. We can garantee that all money loaned to us will be repaid in full, and much much more due to either money made by trading, or the minerals themselves.

For an additional fee, we can smelt the minerals into the proper metals. Steel, titanium, and even some plastic-metal mixes can be created by us. If you wish to learn more information, please contact our Forign relations minister.

For an even greater fee, we can create the exact parts you need. With enough funding and resources, we can build an entire navy, given enough time.

Please consider this for your future interests. We are but a small colony, of a little over five million civilians, on a desolate rock. We may be small, but we can provide the metals you need for your day to day life.

-The Imperial Colony of Azaha Foreign Relations office.

The commissar turned to the acting ruler of their own colony, and gave him a quick glare. "If we cannot get clients, we will either have to take land, or vacate the island, and the second choice is not acceptable."

"I know commissar, I know."
20-11-2005, 02:45
Colonization Phase: 2/4

[Southside of the Island]

As soon as the 7th Fleet arrived at the island colony, a scouting party was immediately deployed, consisting of: ten thousand Royal Marines in Legionnaire S-15s, and thirty F-90 Guardian Angels. Three orbital satellites were also pointed towards the island to create preliminary geographic and topographic maps.

Transport ships carrying heavy machinery and DMI/DCI contractors arrived shortly after the scouting party was deployed. Landing on the south side of the island, they deployed quickly and brought their machinery ashore. Two command posts were quickly set up at the landing site, one for the contractors and one for the interim government.

With preliminary maps and scouting reports in hand, the contractors began designating the locations and designs of major instillations and cities. The capital city, which remains unnamed at present time, was decided to be located on the southern shore of the island where the landing site was. It was being designed to be a fortified port city where major trade and businesses could be set up to prosper.


[Center of the Island]

At the center of the island the first major construction began. Within a few days, the Eborallian Colonial Research Center was established and became fully operational at 12:17 am on November 26. The research center was setup to be the core of the venture to explore and examine the island, above and below ground – however until any other major instillations were completed, it served as the central command for the colonial interim government.


[Eborallian Colonial Research Center]

A young insipid looking recruit walked across the floor of the main room towards a closed conference room. Knocking on the door he entered and walked over to the interim governor and whispered into his ear, “Sir, we have received a transmission from another colony in the area: The Imperial Colony of Azaha.”

He proceeded to enlighten the governor about the contents of the transmission before being cut off, “Very well… I am quite busy right now with the establishment… send them the normal reply.”

The private saluted and left the room. He walked over to a computer station and began typing the response.

Dear Azaha,

Although we would like to help your growing colony we have prior contracts that are suffice for our needs. DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries, the two largest companies in our homeland, have been contracted by our government to construct and supply this here colony and so we have no need for your minerals or services.

Again, I apologize that we can not be of any help but I think our given distance between colonies would make it unintelligent to make any major contracts. However, once we have established our main port, we would be happy to open the average trade with your colony.

Lieutenant Admiral James Spinoza
Interim Governor of Eborall
The Silver Sky
20-11-2005, 03:30
OOC: Good job on ripping my update format. :p

[30km Southwest of Island]

A destroyer group, accompanied by a single assualt carrier cut through the sea, around them were several SH-4 Rabbits and F/A-3s as escorts. A single UAV could be seen lifting from the deck of a destroyer, it headed towards the island on a routine scout mission.

[Aboard the SSRS 'Mountain' Swiftsure-class Trimaran Light Carrier]

The Captain of the ship, and leader of the destroyer group watched the live video feed from the UAV on the ships monitors, it showed several construction projects going on on the southern shore. At first he was worried that it was the Bandurian's, but after a few minutes it was obvious they were not, and eventually they were identified as DMG.

A message was broadcast to the DMG colonial government.

We welcome you to this part of the world, if you wish to further contact please contact us, thank you.
20-11-2005, 03:52
A reply was sent.

Very well. If you need any assistance what so-ever, we are the self-proclaimed biggest mining colony on this set if islands.

-The Imperial Colony of Azaha Foreign Relations office.
20-11-2005, 06:14
OOC: Thanks :D

Colonization Phase: 3/4

[The Island]

The contractors have fully deployed across the island and are working on numerous projects. Currently there are three army bases, two airforce bases, and two naval bases under construction – all of them are between 85-95% done. Also, the main port city of Eborall is deep into construction and its skyline is growing quickly – it is 75% done.

The command center has been moved from the Eborallian Colonial Research Center to the capitol city. The capital city has officially been named by the interim government; its name is Tia’dar Dieux.

The names of the permanent government officials will be released by the Dominion shortly after construction is completed.

Along with a reported 470 Billion dollar contract that DMI and DCI is receiving, they have also been allocated a large piece of land at the southern base of Fleche Noire, the lone mountain on the island in the north. DMI and DCI facilities are under construction but the contractors are currently focusing on the military bases and the capitol city – only 25% of the facilities are done, but that is expected to rise dramatically once the military bases are completed.


[Central Command]

“Sir, we are tracking an unidentified aircraft entering into colonial aerospace in T-20 seconds,” reported a private over the wire to command deck of the DDS Projector

“Prepare anti-aircraft guns and scramble an air squadron, stat.”

“Yes sir… AA guns are locked on and ready to fire.”

“On my command… ready … fi-“

“Wait sir!” interrupted the comlink supervisor, “We are receiving and incoming transmission from the unidentified ships… it appears to be The Silvery Sky.”

“Cancel that order, private,” said the captain even though the soldier had never hit the fire button. “Let me hear what it says…”

We welcome you to this part of the world, if you wish to further contact please contact us, thank you.

“Send them a message… you may proceed into colonial aerospace unescorted – allow this to be our olive branch to your nation.”
21-11-2005, 04:04
Official Press Release From:
The Dominion of DMG

The colony has been finished! As of 7:03 PM today, the first Dominion colony of DMG was completed and is now fully operational. All seven military bases are online and are currently training new troops and manufacturing new military hardware to defend the colony.

The Eborallian Colonial Research Center has been online for some time now and is currently performing numerous experiments on the land. Within a few weeks we should know all that the land has to offer. Although it is not expected for the land to be rich in minerals or resources, we are hoping for a few concentrated pockets.

The capital city of Tia’dar Dieux has been completed and its skyline juts into the sky for all ocean going vessels to see. Its ports are becoming busier and busier everyday with new trade ships from the Dominion but it is now officially being opened to other colonies to trade with. The city is thriving and new peoples arriving every minute – it is reported that the population of Tia’dar Dieux is now over 570,000 people.

DMG Military Industries and DMG Civil Industries are finishing up construction on their massive facilities at the base of Fleche Noire.

Within the next six months to a year, the 7th Dominion Fleet is planning to return home to the Dominion. By that time the 1st Colonial Fleet should be operational and in position to defend Eborall from any threat – though the Dominion’s Fleets will still be on alert to defend the colony if need be.

The new governor has just been named, he is none other than Brigadier General William Stryker, Retired. Though the Dominion will retain full oversight and control over the colonial government and policies, it has been said that the new colonial policies will be the antithesis of those in the Dominion. More detailed reports will be released when the policies have been confirmed and passed.
27-11-2005, 04:37
ooc: Map of the island (

News Updates:

Earlier this month, Princess Cordelia gave birth while on vacation to Eborall. The healthy baby boy was named Prince Ali and continues to grow strong. Cordelia decided to stay in the warm mediterranean climate of the colony and has decided to raise Ali here. Many nations, some allies and some not, have given numerous gifts to Ali including the nation of Flamazon which built a grand palace for the young prince to grow up in. Because of recieving numerous gift horses, Cordelia decided to build a complete horse ranch next to the palace. It includes a race track, a ranch, the royal stables, a small hay field, a jumping range, and a jousting pit. When Ali grows up he will be recieving a complete education of all types including horses.

The Supreme Ruler of DMG has decided to give rule over the colony of Eborall to Prince Ali when he turns twenty years old. Until that time William Stryker will continue to act as governor with full authority of the state. When Prince Ali does come of age he will become the Prince Governor of Eborall and in effect be the same as the Supreme Ruler is to DMG - though all power is still commanded by the Supreme Ruler and thus Ali is not the top of the Dominion but rather the top of the Colony.

When the colony was officially labeled finished by the Dominion Government, unbeknownest to most, Mar'ki Ticron, CEO of DMG Military Industries, arrived at the completed DMG Military Industries complex at the base of Fleche Noire. From there he took a complete tour of the island and all of its military bases as well as the capital Tia'dar.

Tia'dar is a thriving city which seems more people and trade every day. Its current population has reached 3.7 million people - which for all intents in purposes is the approximate population of the entire island. However, as Eborall is being built as the antithesis of DMG, there are also many small towns scattered across the island. Two places of interest are being formed and should be completed soon - one, a resort is being done by a small start up company exclusive to Eborall, while the second place is just flourishing naturally. The first is a massive resort which will soon be accepting customers is being established on the southern coast. The second place is a growing town of majorally wealthy peoples - some being self made in Eborall while others are from DMG or other nations.

A new shuttle service is starting up from DMG to Eborall for all Demogades who live in DMG and want to move to the colony island. It can be for any reason that they want to move from a simple change of environment to a liking of the natural warm outdoors (something the Dominion lacks being a frozen island). The shuttle service was setup by DMG Civil Industries and will move a family and all of its posessions to the colony free of charge.

Eborall's Colonial Military
-4x Imperial Legions (5000x men each)
-4x Special Forces Teams (50x men each)
-250x King Zeus Main Battle Tanks
-30x Impact MLRS
-100x Bull Warrior Fighting Vehicles
-200x Legionairre S-15s
-20x Avengers
-200x Elusion Class Vehicles

-100x F-90 Guardian Angels
-100x F-44 Interceptors
-100x AH-12 Phoenix
-40x B-2 Spirits
-30x Falcon 680B
-60x F-117 Nighthawks

-2x DMI Carrier Battle Groups (31 ships each)
-1x Carrier Battle Group (36 ships each)
-1x Submarine Carrier Group (6 submarines each)
-10x Sukanya Patrol Craft
29-11-2005, 01:59

The reports are in from the Eborallian Colonial Research Center. Numerous gems and jewels have been found in deposits in or around the island. Some are deep into the ground while some sit at the top and even other rarer ones lie at the bottom of the ocean. Construction has already begun to setup facilities to begin mining of the gems as they are currently and will most likely remain the colony's only natural resource. For a complete list of the gems discovered, read here ( The rough estimate currently is that 20% of the gems will remain in the colony while the remaining 80% will travel to the Dominion for use or exporation - though these numbers are subject to change as new trade agreements flourish. Due to the findings, many local residents have taken up calling the colony and land, "Gem Island," as a nickname.

Eborall has recently setup a trade agreement with the new colony to the south of Osea. We have already begun importing our requested goods and the first ships should be arriving shortly. The agreement is for Osea to export a variety of numerous goods to our colony - though all of them are considered extreme luxury goods. We have requested boats from yachts to speed boats as well as expensive cars to suped up sports cars. We have been assured that they are one of the finest makers of boats in all the lands and that we will be extremely pleased with what they design and ship. In return they are looking for iron and zinc which had shown up in the northern part of their lands - they notified us of the findings and thought it might be wise to test our area for the metals. We are currently in the process of testing the lands in the far south of the island on the horn.

In unrelated news, Eborallian High Command has released a statement saying that the military guard of the colony will be increased over the coming weeks - though they did not express by how much or which departments. They assured the colony that it was in no way a response to recent expansionist goals by the colony of Osea.

It has also been rumored that Eborall might soon be seeking a trade agreement and possibly even an alliance with the colonies of The Silver Sky. These reports are unconfirmed as of yet.


-encrypted message-

Dear leaders of The Silver Sky colonies,

It is come to my attention that we are in need of opening more trade agreements with foreign colonies and nations. We so far only have a trade agreement with the colony of Osea in which they desire Iron and Zinc to reportedly "expand their empire." We would also like to open an agreement with your colonies as they are one of the closed to us - please let us know if you are interested and if so what goods and materials you may be able to provide. We currently have discovered large gem depositories on the island which we would be happy to trade.

Also, seeing as the colony of Osea has decided to undertake an expansionist movement as well as an agressive economic surge, we would like to know if you are interested in an alliance.

William Stryker
Brigadier General (ret.)
Chief Minister for Prince Ali
Governor of Eborall
The Silver Sky
01-12-2005, 01:27
To: William Stryker, Brigadier General (ret.), Chief Minister for Prince Ali
Governor of Eborall, Eborall High Command
From: Johnson Urwin, Four-Star General, Colonial Military Commander, Acting Governer, CINDER-II

We would be more then happy to open up a trade agreement with you, we currently have large deposits of uranium, tungsten, iron, and oil, not to mention many types of fish and exotic wood. But, if you only have gems and other precious stones it may be hard to come to an agreement, because, as more stones are discovered the price drops, so unless you can give us something with a little more "use" it wil be hard to come to an agreement.

And we would be greatly interested in a "Colonial Alliance"* against the Osean colony and any other agressors.

Johnson Urwin,
Four-Star General

OOC: *=Only an alliance between the colonies, meaning we can whip you with our nation only if we want to do so. :p
01-12-2005, 02:53

Finally the massive resort of Côte d'or has been finished. Located on a massive piece of prime real-estate on the east coast of the island. It is essentially a fully catered city within itself. It has everything from a shopping mall to an entertainment venue to five star restaurants. Housing includes two massive twin towers, with seven thousand hotel rooms each (comfortably), located directly on the beach with immediate access to all beach and water venues. There are also five thousand villas that can support up to eight people each comfortably - the villas are located all across the land from near and far. The resort, Côte d'or, is now accepting guests of all sorts from national citizens to foreigners to dignitaries.

Likewise, the suburb of Cielo Rico has been completed. It plays host to one hundred of the richest people in the colony land of Eborall, who live lavishly in immaculate houses on the southern coast. No penny was spared in the pursuit of happiness by those who could afford to live in Cielo Rico. The rich live on massive estates with giant mansions of innumerable rooms and square footage. The suburb also has a beautiful club where the rich and famous can come together for events or simply to play a round of golf. The society of Cielo Rico has decided to put a halt to any further expansion of the suburb and passed society edicts stating so. As such, no new homes are able to be built by prospective residents (unless done so by owners of land in the suburb). The suburb is quite exclusive to the rich and the only way to enter is to buy a current residents property (though it is rare if it is on the market).

-6x Imperial Legions (5000x men each) added
-4x DMI Carrier Battle Groups (31 ships each) added
-3x Carrier Battle Group (36 ships each) added


To Johnson Urwin, Four-Star General, Colonial Military Commander, Acting Governor, CINDER-II
From: William Stryker, Brigadier General (ret.), Chief Minister for Prince Ali, Governor of Eborall, Eborall High Command

I am sorry to hear that we could not come to an agreement on trade, but it is perfectly understandable. Though I would like to add that we understand the way the market works for gems and rare substances and it is not in our benefit to be careless with our supplys. This means that we are of course not going to be flooding the market with them and will be trading and selling them sparingly.

However, we have begun exploration of the ocean's floor and will let you know if we find anything that could be of use to you. It would be helpful to know what types of goods you are looking for so that we may contact you when we find them.

On the matter of the alliance, I completely agree that it should only be a "Colonial Alliance" as that is all the authority I have. We are pleased that you accepted our proposal for an alliance and look forward to being a colonial allies. As such, if you need any help in whatever way possible, we would be glad to prepare it.

William Stryker,
Brigadier General (ret.)
Governor of Eborall
Chief Minister to Prince Ali
01-12-2005, 14:47
OOC: No relation to JC I hope, TSS? :p

ooc: don't post here unless if you have a colony in the region... the first sentence of the first post says that. Seeing as I don't believe you have a colony I would appreciate it if you didn't post here - especially with short and insignifcant posts that are just needless comments.
01-12-2005, 14:55
Jeez, I'm just kidding. Relax.

ooc: I don't see what you are kidding about. I don't want people cluttering this thread that don't belong - and instead you again post here. Don't reply to my comment.
21-12-2005, 08:51

The governor of Eborall, William Stryker has surprisingly announced the demilitarization of Eborall. While it’s not a full a recall of all military units and soldiers in the colony, it is a major scale back. The current military consists of seventy-five thousand foot soldiers, three Dominion Fleets, five hundred and eighty aircraft, and nearly seventeen hundred land vehicles of some type. The scale back will remove ten Imperial Legions, two Dominion Fleets, ten patrol vessels, and nearly two hundred vehicles. The remaining military will be as follows:

-5x Imperial Legions (5000x men each)
-6x Special Forces Teams (50x men each)
-500x King Zeus Main Battle Tanks
-50x Impact MLRS
-100x Bull Warrior Fighting Vehicles
-250x Legionnaire S-15s
-100x Avengers
-400x Elusion Class Vehicles

-200x F-90 Guardian Angels
-50x F-44 Interceptors
-100x AH-12 Phoenix
-100x B-2 Spirits
-40x Falcon 680B
-100x F-117 Nighthawks

-3x DMI Carrier Battle Groups (31 ships each)
-2x Carrier Battle Group (36 ships each)
-1x Submarine Carrier Group (6 submarines each)

As the population of Eborall has grown to roughly twenty-five million citizens, the government is instituting a new immigration policy. In hopes to slow down the influx of immigrants and citizens of the Dominion, the quaint colonial government has decided to make it tougher to achieve immigration papers and rights. There will now be a full year waiting period between submission of a request to immigrate and acceptance or denial of the immigration – this will hopefully lead to numerous people who don’t want to bother wasting the time to apply or change there minds during the waiting period, and thus decreasing the immigration totals. Also, a list that is constantly updated has been created of all the necessary jobs that are needed to be filled in the colony, and those who don’t have the ability to fill one of them are usually turned down or deferred. The hope is that the population will maintain a constant level of around twenty-five million people.

Prince Ali’s birthday update: 67 days until coming of age.
07-01-2006, 19:56
Secret News Update:

As of 0400 hours EST (Eborall Standard Time), a top secret military project has been completed by contractors of DMG Military Industries. As the contractors built up their complex at the base of Fleche Noire, they also began building into the mountain. It was a long and hard project, but eventually under the guise of innocence, they reached the center of the thick mountain and began constructing a top secret military base. The base it is quite small and is located at the bottom of the mountain, directly in the middle, but its main purpose is to oversee and control an immensely large ICBM. After finishing the military complex inside the mountain, the contractors began digging up and hollowing out a cylindrical area, all the way to the top of the peak. The mountain's peak was fitted with a computer controlled door and about halfway up the mountain is an immensely large ICBM, with a large enough yield to take out any target imaginable.

The government has not and is not going to release this information to the public or any officials from DMG or Eborall that are not of the highest security clearance. The silo will also never be opened unless at Defense Condition One.