NationStates Jolt Archive

Milky Way II?

Harmonia Mortis
19-11-2005, 16:42
Im anybody here interested in a sort of FT Earth II?
It seems that a large number of FT combat RP's devolve rapidly into 'I counter your missiles with stuff!' and 'YOU CANT DO THAT!', so establishing a set of clearcut rules, territorial areas and so forth might be fun.
19-11-2005, 17:02
i'd like to know more, seems interesting, would you cater for those of us without the originality to create our own tools?
Harmonia Mortis
19-11-2005, 18:18
Basically, it would be very similar to normal NationStates, but with some guidelines as to what counts as 'Non-Godmoddish', and, of course, maps ;)

Originality is welcome, the kind of originality that produces uber-invulnerable ships that can counter every attack thrown at them are not. My former nation did produce uber-ships, and I have no problem with them, provided that they have some sort of vulnerability. Simply saying, "Your lasers are blocked by a big cloud of water-stuff that absorbs energy, your missiles are blow up by a decoy and I launch 3,000 missiles that phase out of real space and reappear inside your ship and your shields dont stop them." is not.
19-11-2005, 18:25

yeah but I meant those of us who use (for Example) Star Wars Tech, Star Trek Tech, Warhammer 40k Tech and so on...
Harmonia Mortis
19-11-2005, 19:15
Ah. Thats fine. I think the only differnce would be that some sort of standard 'scale' would need to be developed, since most of them use differnt ways to measure the power of their weapons and these do not always translate into other universes.
EX: Comparing phasers to blasters/lasers/turbolasers can be difficult, since I think Star Trek measures their weapons power in kilowatts or something similar, whereas Star Wars is a bit more vauge about it.