NationStates Jolt Archive

First International Trade Conference

The Macabees
21-10-2005, 20:53
Invitation to All

All nations which hold the same economic and trade values have been invited to the First International Trade Conference, where we can work out and discuss the further progression of trade and the complete disarmament of barriers. Quite obviously, nations that do decide to join with us would have to have more or less the same economical perspective on certain issues, such as trade barriers, or else this conference wouldn't get too far. Regardless, we expect to see a great variety of nations at the conference, and we hope to, as we've stated before, progress, including finally setting down in stone the economic routes of the Empire within the region, and outside the region.

Therefore, if you wish to make to the conference, you're welcomed to come. The conference is scheduled to last fourteen days, and our attending supervisor will be my economic advisor, Jench Fersas. Accomodations will be made for you at the Imperial Palace in Fedala, and for the first few days you may run into foreign dignintaries as they are here for my wedding. But that's besides the point. Nevertheless, thank you for your interest, and we hope that said interest continues.

[signed]Fedor I


The beginnings of an international union of nations supporting free trade without barriers.
The outline of the Empire's economy, as well as foreign economies, in the terms of the amounts [in percentage] of goods bought and sold.
The development of long lasting maritime merchant traditions between governments included within the FITC.
21-10-2005, 21:53
[OOC: Didnt he say International? And isnt Macabees MT?]

Dear Sir,

We are greatly interested in signing up to a conference on free trade - something that we are strongly in favour of. We are especially interested in opening up our electronics, steel, titanium and tungsten markets to the outside world. We do, however, like to be able to maintain protectionism for certain 'prestige' industries which may not be particularly competitive but are strategicly important. Maintaining the ability to do this would be vital to securing Praetonian membership of this group.

Anyway, we pride ourselves on our strong, competitive economy which ensures a high standard of living for msot citizens combined with maintaining key strategic industries required to maintain our place as a military and strategic power at the same time. We import large quantities of tea, food and oil which are usually bought from close allies, but we would be interested in seeing deals on other internationally produced products in these sectors.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Tiberius Polax,
Foreign Secretary
21-10-2005, 22:19
[OOC: Ok. Well wait for what Mac says... I dont have any problems with RPing with a MT base of a FT nation, so long as it actually is MT.]
The Macabees
21-10-2005, 22:22
[OOC: It is a Modern Tech thread, as I have no way for intergalactic trade with my technology. But we can just assume you were using you're MT base. I'll avoid an IC towards Thrashia until we get it settled.]

Sir Tiberius Polax,

We're glad to hear of Praetonia's interest for this conference, and we're estatic after learning of the exports and imports of the Democratic Imperium. We would get into greater depth within the conference itself, but from the onset, we're interested in the imporation of tungsten into the Empire, while we ourselves export foodstuff and petroleum in vast quantaties, and for extremely cheap prices. Regardless, again, such dealings should most likely be reserved for the conference itself. Perhaps on the onset of the conference nations should specify exports and imports? At least those that can be considered major.

On the note of protection of certain industries, would you be able to specify which? In the case that it is your armaments industry, Kriegzimmer itself used to be protected until the Empire agreed to a 'neutral' armament company, and indeed, now Kriegzimmer sells even to our foes, much to our chagrin. But our promise to free trade halts us from doing anything at the moment. Kriegzimmer nonwithstading, the protection of the armament industry is understandable, and as a consequence, shouldn't matter too much within the context of the goal's of this conference.

Truly, we hope to see you here with us. Thank you for your interest.

[signed]Jench Fersas
21-10-2005, 22:29
OOC: Just putting this here because it doesnt count quotes towards the minimum character limit.

Dear Sir,

Thankyou for showing such interest in our domestically produced goods, and for taking our views on board. Most Praetonian tungsten is mined by the Home & Colonial Combined Tungsten Group (HCCTG) and Imperial Heavy Metals (IHM), both of which offer products of comperable quality for comperable prices. HCCTG is a considerably larger group, however much of its production is currently purchased by Imperial Praetonian Ordnance, a company which may soon be split up and privatised. IHM therefore has a larger trading capacity.

As for important strategic industries - we were not so much thinking of defence, as Praetonian defence companies, despite being largely state-owned, have proved themselves productive and successful. Of course, under the Military Export Act, 1892 all sales must be approved by the government so as to prevent such weapons falling into the hands of unwanted parties, but we do not view this as a free trade issue. We were more refering to the current Government monopoly on uranium mining, and concerning our large state-investment programme in emerging industries. I look forward to hearing your opinion.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Tiberius Polax,
Foreign Secretary
21-10-2005, 22:33
OOC: I'll just step out of the piture. Sorry about the mix-up.
21-10-2005, 22:58
To: Mr. Jench Fersas, Economic Advisor to Emperor Fedor I of The Macabees
From: The Office of Kenix Kil, Secretary of State, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: First International Trade Conference

Secretary Kil regrets to inform you that he is unable to personally attend the First International Trade Conference, as his schedule is tied up with no less than three lengthy diplomatic obligations. However, he wishes for the Imperium to be represented, and has thus requested that the Halberdgardian ambassador to your nation, Mr. Stephan Cavalet, be in attendance at the conference. Should you accept, we will forward your message on to Ambassador Cavalet, and he will communicate for the Imperium henceforth. We thank you for your time.

The Office of Kenix Kil
Secretary of State
The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
The Kraven Corporation
21-10-2005, 23:25
A message from the High Command:

The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation

The Kraven Corporation, is alarmed at these free trade proposals, however the talks only being in their early stage, warrant our presence, as we feel that if mis-understood, this agreement could cause un-nessesary conflict in Corporate Territorial waters, with those beliving they are acting under these free trade agreements, further more we feel that these free trade agreements will also be an unoffical ticket for terrorists and Illegal Immigrants. To end the Corporation will be sending a Reichmarshal and Oberstadt Leutenants, along with a Security Detachment of 8 Sardaukar Phase 4's, to Observe these talks and put forward the Views and Opinions of the High Command.

The High Command
The Macabees
21-10-2005, 23:42
Sir Tiberius Polax,

Well, that is truly alarming for what the ends of the conference requires, a free trade agreement and possibly the reduction of the language barrier. How you left it seems as if there is room for the growth of government operations within the economy, meaning the concept of the small invisible hands turns into the concept of a huge visible hand, and would be contrair to the goals of this conference. Nonetheless, if there is a treaty that would limit the amount of government control over certain international economic issues then perhaps this small dilemna can be solved and we can further progress within the conference. Ultimately, the call is yours, not ours.

In the case that you will not be attending the conference due to emerging economic ideological differences, that we can now see as through the progression of this exchange of letters, we wish to seal a trade deal between the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia and the Second Empire of the Golden Throne which would namely be a trade deal for the important of tungsten from the former, in exchange for the importantion of something from the latter.

If Praetonia ultimately wishes to join the conference then this can be put on hold until formal agreements are achieved. Again, it is Praetonia's call. Regardless, we wait patiently for your response.

[signed]Jench Fersas


High Command of the Kraven Corporation

Unfortunately, this conference is for those who hold similar economic values and ideologies, not for nations to voice their opinions against the value system. The ultimate treaty put down by this conference would not include those states that failed to make it, or refused to make it, to the treaty, so you do not need to be 'alarmed' by misunderstandings or the like, we assure you of that.

If we misinterpreted your telegram then please correct us, for the more nations that meet for the pursuit of a common goal the better.

[signed]Jench Fersas
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 00:38
[Bump for others to see]
22-10-2005, 01:25
OOC: Tag.
Dostanuot Loj
22-10-2005, 01:29
Although we have no intention of opening our borders to international free trade and it's complications, we wish to attend this conference.
Our goals for this conference will be to secure possible future trade routes with individual nations for goods that we currently, or may in the future, require to import. As well we hope to aqquire a greater understanding of the current international economic environment for if we decide it appropriate to open our borders.

We would primarily be attending as observers, if this is allowable.

- Commanding Officer of Trade Department,
Feild Marshal Fidelos Ashurban
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 01:40
Feild Marshal Fidelos Ashurban,

Indeed, as one of our long lasting allies Sumer is more than allowed to join as an observer to the talks. Perhaps we could allot a specific time period in which you and I would be able to speak of private economic affairs, including setting in stone the exact image of Sumerian-Imperial trade in terms of what's exported, what's imported, and the percentages.

Perhaps we could even go as far as to speak about specifically opening barrier free trade between Sumer and the Golden Throne. It is to say, our two great nations in specific, without the complications of including others. Regardless, we suspect that such talks would be rather lengthy and rather heated, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Thank you for your show of interest; we hope only the best to come out of this.

[signed]Jench Fersas
Dostanuot Loj
22-10-2005, 01:51
Jench Fersas,

Indeed it would be a benifiet to have such talks between our great nation regarding Sumerian-Imperial trade and economic growth. We have both much to offer, and much that we require, and would be honored to engage in such an exchange.
The topic of barrier free trade is one debated quite ferverantly within the Sumerian Civil Senate, specifically because of the negative effects we believe it can cause on a large scale. However, individual relations, espically with close allies, are an entirely different consideration. And thus we would be most pleased to participate in discussions regarding a possible Sumerian-Imperial free trade system, at a time when is convienent to both nations.

Never the less, I will be personally attending this Conference, and hope to at least devise a base for future Sumerian involvement in the international market.

- Commanding Officer of Trade Department,
Feild Marshal Fidelos Ashurban
22-10-2005, 02:27
[OOC: Your really emerging as an NS leader Mac. Keep up the good work.]

Message to Macabee government leaders, including Fedor the First

With our rapidly growing economy and population, any way to improve our economy and trade is a very important matter to us. We also see this as a means to help our world relations with foriegn countries, and establish many more diplomatic contacts, as well as better off and strengthen our own close diplomatic relations.

To say the least I would personally like to attend this conferance myself to bolster our economy, and gain more diplomatic ties with other countries. Whenever an appropriate time to show up to this country is an acceptable term, and I look forward to your response.

[Signed] Secretary of State/Internation Affairs, Allen Johnson
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 02:45
Allen Johnson,

Thank you for your interest within the conference, and indeed, as an ally you are more than allowed to come - indeed, we don't even have to 'allow' you. As a fellow nation of the Dienstadi language this could provide greater unity between Dienstadi speaking states, although the largest Dienstadi speaker, Malatose, is currently belligerent against us in general. Nonetheless, perhaps this will precipitate the rise of the Dienstadi language throughout the world as the standard economic language, as English once was. Those are high hopes, but albeit possible given enough time.

Nonetheless, after the conference, just like with Sumer, we would like the extra time to continue speaking about trade between our two countries which lie so close to each other in the region.

Regardless, we'll leave that to later. Again, thank you for the interest shown.

[signed]Jench Fersas
Space Union
22-10-2005, 02:48
To: The Golden Throne of The Macabees
From: President Harsimran Mann,
Federal Sikh Republic of Space Union
Subject: Economic Conference

We would like to say hello to our good friends in The Macabees. We share many of the same interests as we are in the IADF and are good friends in all respects. We see that you are holding an economic conference upon which will focus on the international trade and such. Therefore we find that Space Union attendence to the conference would be a wise decision for our country and would only serve to strengthen our economic relations with our trading partners.

We currently have many things to export. For one thing, the Union Military and Civil Industries exports planes, ships, weapons, and vehicles. We also have a large Ethanol and Biodiesal production capacity. We would be willing to export them to other nation's as we have a large surplus in this category. We also have a large production of oil and natural gas. But we would also wish to ask for important imports. Currently, we are in need of steel, titanium, uranium, and coal. We will make sure that we give out lucrative contracts for these nessessities.

Thank You. If accepted we will send our Foreign Minister, Harman Sidhu. Thank You.

President Harsimran Mann
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 02:58
President Harsimran Mann,

We are glad to see yet another ally join the conference! Indeed, not just any ally, but one that offers Dienstadi as a language option within schools and such, supplying around one hundred and fifty million Dienstadi speakers, many of those completely fluent, which will ultimately help put Dienstadi as one of the most internationally spoken languages in the world, if time is given to us.

As for your exports, unfortunately, we have ample supplies of most things stated, but we are sure that in this conference we would be able to set up exports from your countries to other countries with said goods. As for your imports we do export depleted uranium and steel [as we have iron ore]. Although, again, that should be taken care of during the conference.

With that said and done, welcome to the conference. Accomodations for your representative will be given at the Winter Palace in Macabea.

[signed]Jench Fersas

[OOC: Indeed, the conference has been moved to the Winter Palace due to certain problems of hosting it in the Imperial Palace of Fedala.]
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 04:17
[OOC:Wanted to get this back up for views and such.]
22-10-2005, 04:39
[OOC: BUMP for my edited post (]
22-10-2005, 04:48
Attn: Mr. Jench Fersas

His Majesty’s Government would like to take this opportunity to thank Fedala for its universal offer to attend the First International Trade Conference. While the United Kingdom has several reservations about unrestricted free trade, most notable concerning the impact on the development of economically depressed colonies and crown dependencies, we recognize the importance of international trade to the continuing growth of not only the UK’s domestic economy but as well that of those states attending the FITC.

In accordance with the above view, with the approval of the Macabean government, the UK will dispatch Arthur Birch, our new Minister of Trade and Industry. Although the Right Honourable Minister will not be delegated the power to enter into new treaties, he will bring with him the explicit support of the Prime Minister into seriously considering any potential trade treaties that will benefit the United Kingdom.

Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
22-10-2005, 12:06
Sir Tiberius Polax,

Well, that is truly alarming for what the ends of the conference requires, a free trade agreement and possibly the reduction of the language barrier. How you left it seems as if there is room for the growth of government operations within the economy, meaning the concept of the small invisible hands turns into the concept of a huge visible hand, and would be contrair to the goals of this conference. Nonetheless, if there is a treaty that would limit the amount of government control over certain international economic issues then perhaps this small dilemna can be solved and we can further progress within the conference. Ultimately, the call is yours, not ours.

In the case that you will not be attending the conference due to emerging economic ideological differences, that we can now see as through the progression of this exchange of letters, we wish to seal a trade deal between the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia and the Second Empire of the Golden Throne which would namely be a trade deal for the important of tungsten from the former, in exchange for the importantion of something from the latter.

If Praetonia ultimately wishes to join the conference then this can be put on hold until formal agreements are achieved. Again, it is Praetonia's call. Regardless, we wait patiently for your response.

[signed]Jench Fersas

Dear Sir,

Do not misunderstand - we are currently [OOC: Due to pressure from other parties... the current party will probably lose the election soon... whenever I can be bothered to write it and make up new names for all my ministers] in the process of dismantling the previously massive state sector, and we are already reaping the economic rewards. However, the navy requires a large amount of uranium, as does our strategic deterrent program, and although we would be willing to privatise an amount of that sector, we cannot allow foreign nations to gain control over vital fuel for our most prominent armed forces branch. As for Government investment in corporations - this is, of course, in the form of loans which must be repayed, not blind hand-outs for the purpose of nothing more than creating unsustainable employment.

We are certainly interested in free trade - currently we only present equal tarrifs to those imposed on us in order to give foreign states an incentive to drop tarrifs entirely (except hostile powers). However, we do not see being forced to sell arms to stated enemies of Praetonia, or being forced to privatise vital defence-related industries needed to ensure our ability to impose control over our own waters as free trade issues and if the conference you are setting up does, then we would not view our attendance as conducive to the benefit of our nation. If, however, the aforementioned extremes of free trade are optional or yet to be decided upon then we do indeed wish to attend the conference.

Praetonian tungsten is currently controlled by a fully privatised sector, but as Governments we would be happy to agree to a provisional mutual no-tarrif policy on the trade of tungsten, food stuffs and crude oil which may or may not be expanded upon over the course of the conference proper.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Tiberius Polax,
Foreign Secretary
22-10-2005, 13:04
TO: The Macabees
We would be very happy to come to this international trade conference. Rolatia is far from a super-power in trade though, and right now we basically have no economy to speak of. However, we encourage free trade and the like. We do not impose tariffs except in extreme cases. We would be happy to attend, and hopefully by the time we attend our economy may have managed to recover. If we do attend, with any luck I myself will be able to come
Dr J Edwards
Prime Minister of Rolatia
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 15:13
[Ahhh, the product of not being able to sleep past 7AM is that you have more time for posting!]

The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia,

Of course, that is perfectly acceptable. In fact, I don't believe that any leader is to date joining the conference, so the provisions set are perfect. We're glad that yet another International Allied Defense Force nation has stepped up join us in our conference. Provisions are being made for Mr. Stephan Cavalet immediately at the Winter Palace, and if he needs it, we will provide escorted flight out of Fedala to Macabea. Thank you for your interest within the coference.

[signed]Jench Fersas


Emily Deveraux,

Indeed, that is perfectly acceptable, and we see you have similar views to those of others attending the conference, and that is perfectly alright. Although by the end of the conference we hope that we have enough persuasiveness to change your mind, whatever the outcome is we're sure that it would be mutually beneficial, and that alone is perfect for the progression of international trade.

Mr. Arthur Birch will find himself in Macabea with ready provisions in the Winter Palace. We hope that the new Minister for Trade and Industry has a mind for progression! But, again, whichever outcome we know that it will be better than the existing situation. Therefore, thanks again for coming to the conference.

[signed]Jench Fersas


Sir Tiberius Polax,

Well, we wish to re-iterate that the control of the armaments industry would be fine for whatever state. The fact that our own armament industry is completely open without government intervention is a rare occurance, and we have no hope of persuading others to do the same, since many see that as suicidal. Regardless, please attend the conference, as we're sure that whatever works out would be for the best, even if the original goals are not met between our two specific Empires.

As for our trade opportunities, you are right, let's wait until the conference. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation in the context of the exchange of letters. You're willingness to progress only underscores by the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia has advanced so far today under current international pressures and such.

[signed]Jench Fersas
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 15:16
[Sorry I missed this.]

Dr. J. Edwards,

We would be very happy to host you in Macabea for the conferences. And do not fret about your current economic 'status' as those things change like a bad Futsal game. By the end of this trade conference it is very plausible that you will become one of the largest economic enteties between nations your size, and even amongst nations larger than your own. We're happy that you hold those views about free trade, and you are one that agrees with us. Hopefully, by the end of the conference we would have created a powerful and vast array of international tradings without barriers between countless nations. But that is all hopes; nonetheless, with nations such as yourself coming to Macabea that only makes such notions a reality. Provisions for yourself, or whoever may come, will be made within the Winter Palace. Again, thank you for coming.

[signed]Jench Fersas
The Kraven Corporation
22-10-2005, 16:18
In reply To The Macabees Response:

The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation

Yes, You Mis-understand the Corporation, we are not opposed to the Planned Agreements, but rather we Support them to some extent, however as previously mentioned, we feel that some points must be raised, confronted and solutions brought forth by all present, For the safety of all nations and the Agreement itself

The High Command
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 16:50
Kraven High Command,

In that case, welcome to the conference. A room will be readied with the Winter Palace immediately and we await whoever you may send to the conference. Regarding terrorism and the laxing of national border laws, we feel that you are incorrect in this stipulation since free trade does not necessarilly open borders up, indeed, it would only reduce barriers - within all technicalities, all nations are allowed to make sure their borders are safe, regardless of their stance in trade. Nonetheless, let's leave such discussions for the conference, or else all of our points would be adressed over a series of telegrams!

[signed]Jench Fersas

[OOC: The crusade thread will be held back until this conference is over I suppose, although I guess we can still keep posting the preliminaries.
The Kraven Corporation
22-10-2005, 17:00
(OOC: There is no reason to stop, The way I see it, The Corporation isn't expecting an attack, and the Order of the Broken dawn are acting on there own)

The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation

We, Thank you. A Reichmarshal and his command Staff are On route, We look forward to Focusing on the Agreement at hand.

The High Command
22-10-2005, 17:25
To: Mr. Jench Fersas, Economic Advisor to Emperor Fedor I of The Macabees
From: Stephan Cavalet, Ambassador to The Macabees, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: First International Trade Conference

I am pleased and grateful to hear of my acceptance to the First International Trade Conference, and I look forward to opening free trade to all. I am afraid I must take you up on your offer of escorted flight to Macabea, as the emergency aircraft we possess at the embassy do not have the range to reach Macabea on their own. I look forward to attending.

Stephan Cavalet
Ambassador to The Macabees
The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
The Macabees
22-10-2005, 18:49
Fedala Air Space

The small passenger jet aircraft flew out of a cleared runway in Fedala International, heading through specified air routes, and suddenly banking to turn north. The passenger jet was flying Halberdgardian ambassador to the Golden Throne Stephan Cavalet, a very high priority subject within the borders of the Empire with Halberdgardia in the IADF and attending the First International Trade Conference hosted by the Empire in Macabea. The embassy had requested aerial escorts out of the city and then north to avoid getting shot down by Havenite aircraft, if any could even make it out of Ruska that was. Nonetheless, the protection high priority targets was the first priority of the Empire, and so while that jet made its way out of Fedala, four Lu-45 Hawk air superiority aircraft also rotated around the skies, using their radar and lidar to track incoming bogies.

Suddenly, the the four Lu-45 Hawks banked as well and joined up with the jetliner, slowing down to the pace of the Halberdgardian aircraft. The entire trip north would remain that way until the aircrafts passed over Mandalay, a big city in the southern sector of Dienstad. There, the Lu-45 Hawks would break off and head back south to base.

Encrypted Databurst; Stephan Cavalet, Ambassador to The Macabees,

The escort has been given as asked, and we hope that this is seen as enough. Indeed, no larger escort is even given to the Emperor! Regardless, you will arrive in Macabea City within six hours, and there will be an Alfa-Romeo sedan waiting for you on the airport's tarmac - you will not be made to wait. The Alfa Romeo will take you to the Winter Palace, a thirty minute drive through the subterranean highways of the city. You will be accomdated in one of the eight hundred rooms in the palace, but of course, you will be placed in one of the most convenient rooms, sorrounded by your peers. We hope that these accomodations are what you expected; if not, our servants will be happy to place you elsewhere. Thank you for coming to the conference; you are the first one scheduled to arrive.

[signed]Jench Fersas
Space Union
22-10-2005, 22:28
To: Jench Fersas
From: Foreign Minister Harman Sidhu,
Federal Sikh Republic of Space Union
Subject: Conference Approval

I, on behalf of Space Union, thank you for such a pleasure of visiting your splendid city and meeting the delegates of our great ally, The Macabees. We have already taken off from Tonstin International Airport. We are scheduled to arrive in 3 hours at your nation as we are using our ESSTJ (Executive Supersonic Transport Jet) to arrive on schedule. We understand that if you wish we won't travel above land at higher than Mach 1. Please tell us if we are allowed or not. Thank You.

As for exports and imports, it is safe to say that these matters should be left for the conference and if not what else would we do. Thank You.

Harman Sidhu
23-10-2005, 01:05
To: Mr. Jench Fersas, Economic Advisor to Emperor Fedor I of The Macabees
From: Ambassador Stephan Cavalet, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: First International Trade Conference

Thank you for the arrangements. I appreciate the extensive measures you are taking to guarantee my safety, and I am eager to get down to business at the Conference. I will see you in six hours.

Ambassador Stephan Cavalet
The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Cavalet watched as a Macabean vehicle pulled up in front of the embassy. He exited, escorted by two Marines, and walked down the steps of the embassy, off the embassy grounds, and into the waiting vehicle. Within minutes, he was on the provided transport, en route to Macabea City.
23-10-2005, 01:14
From the State of Amestria

The State of Amestria has long supported the ending of trade barriers and so will be sending a delegation to take part in the conference.
The Kraven Corporation
23-10-2005, 01:23

From one of the many airfields, A Riechmarshal prepared to head to the macabees state, his attending Command staff were carrying various breifcases containing documents outlining the High Commands concerns with some possible elements of these agreements.

Following the group, were 8 of the dreaded phase 4's they marched in perfect unision, prepared to defend the Reichmarshal and his command staff at a moments notice, but this being a conference of peacefull matters, they would not be needed, but experiences of other conferences and peace talks demanded their presence...

Within a few minutes of the Reichmarshal and his retinue bording the plane, it taxied onto the runway and took off... its arrival would be in 8 hours...
The Macabees
23-10-2005, 16:49

Although, unfortunately, we don't know your nation very well, you seem incredibly interested in joing international trade and seem to share the same goals as we do when it comes to the reduction of trade barriers, as a consequence, you are more than invited to the First International Trade Conference. We hope to see your delegate there, and I hope that by the end of this conference you and I are more aquainted, perhaps warranting the establishment of major merchant relations between our two nations. Again, thank you for your interest.

[signed]Jench Fersas

[OOC: As for everyone else, anything is fine! If you want to post coming on the aircraft that's great, if you want to just pretend you're there, that's great, blah blah, whichever way you want to do it is awsome with me.]
The Kraven Corporation
23-10-2005, 17:01
The craft soared through the clouds, banking slightly to adapt to the course changes...

"This Alpha 55, We are carrying Delegates from the Kraven Corporation, requesting permission to land?" spoke the mechanical voice of the Capitol Police pilot...

Soon, they would land and the talks could begin...
Space Union
23-10-2005, 17:44
OOC: Mac do you have problems with supersonic planes flying over land?
The Macabees
23-10-2005, 17:46
OOC: Mac do you have problems with supersonic planes flying over land?

[OOC: Nah, you're not over a warzone and we have no laws that stop supersonic aircraft from flying overland due to the noise, so you're fine.]
Space Union
23-10-2005, 18:14
The plane zoomed by. The elegant, white bird shot over the land as it left a white trail of smoke coming from its 4 Ramfan engines. It was painted with the stripes of a nation, the nation of Space Union. Along with that, across its slim, sleak body read the worlds "Executive Union". Anyone with a brain knew what that meant.

Inside the plane, the Foreign Minister sat lounging in his chair listening to the daily news. He skimmed through the channels, as he caught a glimpse of a conference. He smirked, it was the conference that he was attending. He reclined his chair further back as he peered through the tall, LED window showing the horizon streaking by. Soon water changed into vivid, orange coastline and then into a pavement covered inland, with buildings scarring it all over. What a magnificent site it was, the Foreign Minister thought.

Suddenly, a voice boomed over the voicecom as the channel came to life. It was the pilot who announced, "Mr. Sidhu, we have arrived at Macabea. We are currently flying at Mach 2.2 and are slowing down." The voicecom went silent before the voice came on again, "We expect to land within 15 minutes as we are shedding speed", the com went dead as the room fell into a light silence. The only noise that could be heard was the 4 powerful engines that powered the magnificent aircraft past the sound barrier. The Foreign Minister turned on his TV again as he continued watching the conference news. Already 2 delegates had arrived, including the delegate of Space Union's trusted and loyal ally, Halberdgardia. He grinned as he knew that he would know plenty of people at the conference.


15 Minutes Later:

The plane slowly descended. The white body glimmered in the light of the airport as it slowed down and neared the black runway. The pilot peared out of his clear cockpit window and checked the insturments. He had just gotten clearence to land from the Airport Command. He gently, stalled the aircraft's nose up as the aircraft slowed remarkably well. It continued to descend as it went from 1,000 m to 10 m in a matter of 2 minutes. The copilot watched the insturments as readings showed the health of the aircraft. Finally at 1:32 PM, the aircraft with a loud thud, landed without a hitch at The Macabees's airport. The plane raced down the runway as the pilots put on the brakes slowing the aircraft down to taxing speed.

The plane finally taxied itself to the outside terminal of the airport. The pilot guided it so that the rubber cushion sucked upon the aircraft's door. The door finally slid open as a elaborate staircase was pulled next to the terminal.

Harman got up as he picked up his leather briefcase. He slid it from underneath his chair and clipped it to his hand using a pair of silver handcuffs. He got up from his chair and made his way through the spacious legway. He left the plane as he made his way to the ground and next to the conference. He had finally arrived.
The Macabees
24-10-2005, 20:58
[OOC: Bump up for those yet to arrive, or anybody else who's interested. If no more responses come I'll just assume it's safe to begin and I will give the introduction.]
25-10-2005, 02:10
DeMaio International Airport, HailandKill

The Secretary of State, accompanied by his advisors, both political and economical, were doing the final boarding of the heavily guarded Air Force Three. The flight would be nearly two hours, crossing the ocean that separated the states. The Secret Servicemen boarded after the delegation team, followed by some crack Paratroops, who were to accompany the team as extra security. With the current state of war in the Golden Throne, no measure of security was too small, and in case any shoulder launched SAM's their were plenty of countermeasures on board to combat any threat.

The Boeing 747 taxied almost a half hour after the final checks were made and began takeoff on the runway. The big plane hit the air and met four F-22's already in the air. The escorts would hopefully be able to land in The Golden Throne, but if not a KC-135 would be scrambled to refuel the craft.

Two Hours Later

The descent was started and the pilot's keyed the tower in The Golden Throne.

This is Col. Jaxton, pilot of Air Force Three, HailandKill. We ask for a runway to land on with our delegation team for the economic meeting. As another request, we have four F-22 Raptors flying escort and were wondering if you could kindly land and refuel them. Over

The flight was relatively smooth, without any problems from the enemy, or any technical problems. The air was perfect for flying and many of the delegation took peaceful naps and were not interupted by turbulence or jet streams as there were none. The only thing left to do was to wait for a response from the tower.
The Macabees
25-10-2005, 02:41
The five KC-135s were already in the air as the Hailandkill aircraft approached Macabea airspace. The city lights were beautiful as they lit of the sea around them and the coastal city. Being the capital of the First Empire, until Jonach I had built Fedala during the Second Empire's birth, it remained one of the most beautiful cities within the country, only rivaled by the emerging Fedala. All the while, the control tower below replied to the radio message sent by the Hailandkill jet aircraft,"Runway 7 is open. Should be a smooth landing."

The five F-22 Raptors would land in a military airfield outside of Macabea, since military aircraft were never allowed inside a city except on patrols, while the jet would land on Runway Seven of the International Airport of the city. From there, the Hailandkill representative would be driven to the Winter Palace and shown to his room.
25-10-2005, 02:48
Cockpit Airforce Three

Roger, tower. We will see you in a few minutes. Over. Colonel Jaxton replied curtly. He started the final landing preparations and went to manual piloting. The F-22's broke off towards the military installation, and landed before the jumbo jet. Airforce Three touched down, almost a half hour after the F-22's, in Macabea. The jet landed smoothly, with no bumps, and came to a stop where it was directed. The hatch was opened and SOS/IF Johnson stepped out of the plane second, behind a paratroop wielding an unloaded assault rifle. Allen Johnson's importance in the HailandKill government made it so that he had to be heavily guarded at all times. He saw the car awaiting for him and stepped inside, along with his top aide and two paratroops. The car sped off towards The Winter Palace, and all their was to do now was wait.
25-10-2005, 03:09
Arthur Birch fretted nervously as he climbed aboard the aircraft chartered for his use, his eyes darting frantically from side to side, belying an unusual unease for a senior cabinet minister in the United Kingdom. The truth was, however, that Birch had been reticent to serve in Prime Minister Tetley’s Cabinet for the sheer hypocrisy such a move would signal. Birch, a gaunt man of only moderate height, sported a small goatee that matched his proper black hair and the jacket he wore, a jacket decorated only by the small red star he wore on his lapel.

During the previous elections, Tetley’s own Democratic Socialist Party had lost its previous majority government thereby forcing the Prime Minister to accept the smaller parties in Parliament to form a governing coalition. Birch’s own Communist Party was among them – despite Tetley’s plans for privatization of the remaining nationalized industries within the Kingdom. That in mind, it seemed even more odd that the Communist Party’s leader, Leonard Coolings would have advocated for the Trade and Industry Ministry – yet he had and so Birch, the second most senior party member had been sworn in and now sat on a plush leather seat in first class, ready for his flight to the Macabees, the first ministerial level visit by the United Kingdom to the nation’s long-standing friend and ally.

The flight was expected to take nearly twenty-four hours given the enormity of the world, and would allow Birch to review the economic situations of both the Kingdom and the Golden Throne. According to all published and public reports, the Macabees continued to thrive with her economy concentrated in the secondary sector while the Kingdom’s own manufacturing base continued to fall into decline against more high-tech information and serviced based businesses. One of the points he would enjoy talking about would be the opening of Azazian markets to Macabean manufactured goods, and the Macabean economy to Azazian financial and technological capital. Yet, there were still some critical issues of limiting foreign investment in the new colonial possession of His Majesty: the Crown Colony of Novikov.

Once allied to the Golden Throne, the state had been annexed by the United Kingdom and would likely serve as a significant manufacturing base for the Kingdom once the infrastructure found itself serviceable. However, in order to keep the colony tethered to the Crown, foreign investment would need to be curtailed or at least heavily stymied for several years. And while an exact plan had yet to be formulated by either Tetley or his Cabinet, Birch was still dispatched his only directive with regard to the colonies being to maintain Azazian economic hegemony. All in all, Birch found himself fretting. The easy trip this had been purported to be would likely find itself far from it.
25-10-2005, 03:43
[OOC: Mac, I'm loathe to post my arrival, since it's your aircraft...shall we assume I've already arrived, or do you want to RP the landing?]
The Macabees
25-10-2005, 16:57
[OOC: It's fine to assume that you're in the Winter Palace. I'll kick off the conference once I come back from class.]
26-10-2005, 08:51
Dr Edwards was woking up drowsily by the loud buzzing of an alarm clock. He groaned, and drowsily got up out of bed. He looked at his alarm clock and uttered a curse word. "THAT time already?!? I've got to get dressed!". He quickly put on his best suit and started driving to Redmofo Airport. He was greeted by a slightly irritated group of diplomats.
"Where have you been? Most of the other countries are already at the trade conference!"
"I'm sorry, I overslept! Let's just get on the plane". With that, the group got on to the dazzling blue-and-white RolatiaAir Aerospace A-900 jet and set off for the magnificent city. Dr Edwards was nervous. He commanded a huge country, but here he was by far the underdog - he was the leader of an incredibly weak economy. However, he was also looking forward to meeting the ambassadors of other countries, including those who represented the Macabees. They had done great business in the past, and it would be good to meet delegates of the country in person
(OOC: In case you don't know, Dr Edwards is the Rolatian Prime Minister. He's the top man in the country - the system is similiar to the British government in real life. He likes to go to these important events himself rather than delegating)
The Macabees
27-10-2005, 16:34
One servant was sent per room to deliver the letters written personally by Jench Fersas to his peers coming to the conference of trade. Each letter was neatly folded within their jacket pockets, and they all appeared well groomed and well trimmed. Indeed, they were the height of the servitude within the Winter Palace [of course, paid, and very well; they're not slaves], and the epitome of class. Each would give his letter to his applied dignintary at around the same time as the other, so at around nine in the morning each dignintary soon heard a knock at their door. When they opened they received their consequent greetings and their invitation:

Greetings [Insert Name],

Thank you for appearing at Macabea for the First International Trade Conference. Unfortunately, there were only a few of us that were truly interested in the unfolding of such an event, but I have a gut feeling that should we emerge successful in the completion of the goals my superiors have set that more and more nations will flock to our ideals, and consequent, if a second conference was to be held, it would be [b]much more successful than this one would ever be. The most immediate goal, although somewhat revolutionary, would be the collapse of all trade barriers to nations which agree to the provisions set by any treaty designed here. This is to say, a nation that did not agree to what was said would not be one who would have trade barriers reduced. This entire conference is of mutual agreement, and that only. Second, the establishment of a lingua franca*, hopefully our own Dienstadi, which now sits at being the single largest language [that isn't English or Spanish, or any other RL language] on Earth, with a population base of over nineteen billion speakers. Third, an agreement which would detail the possible government interventions, when it would be allowed, and on what it would be allowed; for the progression of free trade, all possible cracks and crevices must be covered.

The conference will begin tomorrow at exactly this time Macabea time [nine in the morning]. Please, come as you wish. You will be served drinks and perhaps food at the conference. Your drive to the conference area will be done through means established by us to make sure there are no inefficiencies in arriving. In the morning, in the public courtyard of the Winter Palace a series of limosines will be available to take you to the conference area, which is the Palace of the Serncloa, once one of the seats for the parliament, before it was dissolved by Jonach I.

Again, I wish to personally thank you for taking the time to meet me here. This, in the end, will only benefit mutually, and I think this is a very important topic to discuss when modern economics come into play.

[signed]Jench Fersas

[* This is somewhat more so revolutionary to everything else, and indeed, the idea came to me not because of any effectiveness it might have towards trade, when all things are considered, but it would be much more interested to drop the real life lingua franca of English and establish a new one, whichever one may be chosen. Of course, if none of you agree to this, then it can easily be dropped, although I would personally continue on the endevour to spread Dienstadi, with my goal of making it the most powerful language on NationStates.]
The Macabees
28-10-2005, 19:30
The Kraven Corporation
28-10-2005, 19:31
OOC: I'll assume the plane has landed and my Diplomatic Envoy have arrived, IC post comming later
The Macabees
05-11-2005, 22:21
The day of the conference had arrived and Jench Fersas had been the first to make it to the grounds of the conference, which was the Imperial Palace of Trade and Telecommunications, some seven hundred meters away from the exit grounds of the Winter Palace. Well, more accurately, the building had been the Imperial Palace of Trade and Telecommunications, however, with Jonach I moving the capital to the newer site of Fedala the administrative wing had been moved along and this became a subordinate office to the much larger overseer in Fedala. This Palace was there to regulate trade in Dienstadi and Arras, and to rate telecommunications within the provence, and that was all. But the beauty of the building had not esacaped along with the application, and the classic architecture, with a tinge of Baroque, was clearly evident. From the outside one could witness clear centerpiece of the building, located at the top for all to see, and it was a huge marble statue of Atmos III on his illustrious war chariot. The building truly was a marble of architecture, and only the buildings of Fedala could match it, and obviously, the Winter Palace. The conference was held within a large conference room on one of the top floors of the building, the entire holding spanning for over six hundred square meters, providing enough room for all to be comfortable, and to hold hundreds of people at any one time. The room was filled by a single oak table, spanning a huge lenght, and sorrounded by dozens of leather bound chairs. The number of chairs matched the number of people who had decided to come to the conference.

Fersas smiled as he nodded to the waiters and to the cooks who had already prepared the preliminary dinner for the guests, who would first enjoy the food of the Empire, which was some of the best within the world. Indeed, he could see well crafted plates of Dienstadi Paicha, a rice dish, colored with sasafron, and sprinkled with boneless chicken pieces, made small enough to be eaten without having to cut, and strips of squid, with miniature clams and shrimp. To give taste two tomatoes had been dried and cooked along with it, but the finished product did not sport the tomatoes simply because the taste of the tomatoes was horrible, and the dish was much more complete without them. By that one could see the soups, already neatly poured into golden bowls. The soup was a mixture of egg and other spices, leaving a brown tint, sprinkled with hot spices to give it a spark, and full of meat and vegetables. The soup had almost no fat, but it retained the full flavour of the original product, making it an extremely lucritive dish for all restaurants which served the Empire's food. Of course, there were dozens of other dishes that the representatives would be shown too, but those could be left for later. There was no doubt that Fersas had ordered that the representatives get the best of the best, the creme de la crop of what the Empire could offer in terms of hospitality, food, and anything else they needed or wanted. Indeed, it was not everyday that someone other than the leader of a country could sleep within the Winter Palace.

The men would be politely forewarned thirty minutes before the seperate limosuines came for them, and from the Palace courtyards they would be driven to the Palace of Trade and Telecommunications, ,although they would take a route that would lengthen the drive to around twenty minutes, but offered them a good servicee to see the wonderfully contructed architecture of the capital of the old Empire, which had existed for over one thousand years as the center of power for the region. They would be taken up to the front gates of their destination, respectfully guided out of their automobiles, and led to the conference room where Jench Fersas would be waiting for them.

Finally, the conference was to begin...
Space Union
05-11-2005, 22:41
Harman watched as the limo speeded by the city. He watched as citizens conducted their everyday work. He noticed one man dressed in a silver-coat was kneeling down talking to a young child that was probably his son. But soon that image faded away into the perpetual blur, as did all others. Suddenly, the car began to slow down without any stress, yet it was apparent. The black limo finally halted to a stop and Harman looked out of the tinted window once more. In front of him was awe-gasping. It was the Palace.

Harman picked up his brown briefcase and straightened his suit up. The driver opened the black door, as Harman gently put his foot on the pavement, as if he was testing it out. He pulled himself out of the car and into the fresh air. He closed his eyelids and took a nice, deep breathe of the evening. The air was crisp, yet not uncomfortable.

The limo quickly pulled away from Harman as he proceeded to walked up to the Palace. His eyes were still fixed on the gigantic building looming before him. He breathed once more as he stepped on one of the steps and made his way to the top without much effort. When he got to the top, he noticed two men with black, leather suits. They looked at him before moving aside from the door. They were obviously the bodyguards. Harman mouth flashed a smile as he walked past them, followed by his own bodyguards. He gasped. Inside was a large, mesmorizing hallway. All around him were pictures of none other then the older royal family members. As he strolled to the end of the hallway, he found the door. It was a large wooden door with a noble, square pattern over it. It had a golden knob that sparkled in the light. One of Harman's guards came over and grasped the knob. He proceeded to turn it and open the door silently. The wooden image turned into a image of awe as he entered the conference room. It was full of the rich aroma of exotic, foreign food. His nose perked as it was overwhelmed by the sheer smell of goodness. The Foreign Minister's stomach lurched and growled, even if it wasn't very hungry.

He had finally arrived.
05-11-2005, 22:52
"That is a beautiful building," commented Lord Florianus Tirutes, examining the rather less romatically named Palace of Trade and Telecommunications, "so many nations have turned their backs on the old classical architecture, but marble is entirely superior to plate glass and steel. So much more tasteful."

Sir Jadorius Fliatus, Minister for Trade and Industry, nodded vacantly in agreement, looking blankly at the palace. Presumably the two had recently arrived on some sort of plane, but the journey, as ever, had been long and boring with nothing to see but endless ocean, and they would both rather forget it. The journey through the Macabeean capital had been somewhat more interesting in terms of sight-seeing.

"Anyway, I hope the conference starts soon," Tirutes said, tearing his eyes from the building at last. His counterpart in the Ministry of Trade and Industry nodded somewhat more enthusiastically than he had last time. The two walked up the steps and into the palace, discussing what they would say in the conference when it started.

[OOC: Sorry for the rubbish post. I hate "I arrive" posts.]
05-11-2005, 23:03
Dr Edwards stepped out of his hotel to observe the Macabees buildings. He observed the huge Trade and Telecommuncations and smiled "Such a beautiful building - if only we could have the like in Rolatia". Dr Edwards was in a good mood - the economy had receovered big time and was now worth over $4.75T. Dr Edwards then left for the lobby, where he would walk from to this conference
The Macabees
12-11-2005, 17:46
[OOC: You think I should start this while I'm alive? :p I'll post something at work, since I tend to have a lot of free time there.]
12-11-2005, 18:01
[OOC: You think I should start this while I'm alive? :p I'll post something at work, since I tend to have a lot of free time there.]
OOC: Sounds better than the current plan :p Oh, by the way, thanks for the idea - I've used it on Earth VII :p
Space Union
12-11-2005, 18:11
[OOC: You think I should start this while I'm alive? :p I'll post something at work, since I tend to have a lot of free time there.]

I'm not getting any older :p
The Silver Sky
12-11-2005, 18:18
[OOC: Feck! How did I miss this!? Mac, and especially you SU have to tell me about things like this.

If it's ok, I'd like to RP already being their.]
Space Union
12-11-2005, 19:30
[OOC: Feck! How did I miss this!? Mac, and especially you SU have to tell me about things like this.

If it's ok, I'd like to RP already being their.]

Hehehe, laziness is power! :p
The Macabees
12-11-2005, 22:20
[OOC: That's fine TSS! Alright, I'm going to assume that everyone that's coming is in their.]

Jench Fersas waited by the entrance of the large meeting room, his finely taylor suit portraying his brough Fedalan shoulders and his cut body, exagerating the shadows crafted by his rounded muscles. As each foreign dignintary came into the room he stretched out his hand, offering a handshake, and carried through giving all of the guests a strong handshake for a welcome, expressing his gratitude that they had come and showing them to the table where he allowed them to sit down where they wanted, although of course, they all chose the closest available seat to where the speak was sitting. It took about fifteen minutes for all the limousines to bring the guests to the Palace of Trade and Communication, and it was a quick minute after that until it all started. When they were all seated and well aquianted with each other Fersas cleared his throat to quiet the room.

Opening a manila folder he spread out some papers all stamped classified and look at the others, smiling, and said,"I trust that you all have introduced each other, and I personally know you all very well. It's truly a puzzle how glad I am that all of you came to Fedala, even in the midst of our war of succession, and it proves how much this community is willing to do for the progression of international trade."

He looked back down singleling out a single paper from all others and took a few seconds to read over it again. Finally, he turned his head towards one of the servants near the door and said,"Tríaggen dribidasflarggen pra oustra invuetsoíarch." The servant bowed and left the room and Fersas turned back towards his guests introducing the first topic of conversation,"Well, there's no use in pushing this back. Our lunch shall be served in two hours and that will act as a well diserved break. But hunger aside, let us begin. First, perhaps we should illustrate how our respective administrative and economic systems work and then we should dwelve into the realm of free trade. So, whoever wants the floor, please step up."

With that said, Fersas leaned back in his leather bound chair and attentively listened to the men around him.
12-11-2005, 22:36
[OOC: That's fine TSS! Alright, I'm going to assume that everyone that's coming is in their.]

Jench Fersas waited by the entrance of the large meeting room, his finely taylor suit portraying his brough Fedalan shoulders and his cut body, exagerating the shadows crafted by his rounded muscles. As each foreign dignintary came into the room he stretched out his hand, offering a handshake, and carried through giving all of the guests a strong handshake for a welcome, expressing his gratitude that they had come and showing them to the table where he allowed them to sit down where they wanted, although of course, they all chose the closest available seat to where the speak was sitting. It took about fifteen minutes for all the limousines to bring the guests to the Palace of Trade and Communication, and it was a quick minute after that until it all started. When they were all seated and well aquianted with each other Fersas cleared his throat to quiet the room.

Opening a manila folder he spread out some papers all stamped classified and look at the others, smiling, and said,"I trust that you all have introduced each other, and I personally know you all very well. It's truly a puzzle how glad I am that all of you came to Fedala, even in the midst of our war of succession, and it proves how much this community is willing to do for the progression of international trade."

He looked back down singleling out a single paper from all others and took a few seconds to read over it again. Finally, he turned his head towards one of the servants near the door and said,"Tríaggen dribidasflarggen pra oustra invuetsoíarch." The servant bowed and left the room and Fersas turned back towards his guests introducing the first topic of conversation,"Well, there's no use in pushing this back. Our lunch shall be served in two hours and that will act as a well diserved break. But hunger aside, let us begin. First, perhaps we should illustrate how our respective administrative and economic systems work and then we should dwelve into the realm of free trade. So, whoever wants the floor, please step up."

With that said, Fersas leaned back in his leather bound chair and attentively listened to the men around him.

Dr Joseph Edwards, representating his country as the most senior member of government overall, was the first to stand up. He began, "Rolatia is a country which has recently been recovering from the effects of a bad economy. We have a free, capitalist system but we are a left-wing nation economically many would say; we have reasonable regulations to protect our consumers and are more focused on our people's rights."

Pausing for a second, he continued "Rolatia is a haven of democracy, with elections as frequently as every two years and sometimes moreso. We have a country divided into many administrative sections, and each of these sections elect their own Member of the House - at last count there were around 2400 districts. The party with the most representatives lead the government - at the moment, the leading party is the Liberal Democratic Socialist, or DemoSoc, party and I am Prime Minister. The House of Democracy votes on all matters put forward - each member has one vote - and it is based on plain majority"

"On the subject of free trade, Rolatia is committed to free trade, as we believe that it is an important part of the modern world. We are of the believe that a completely isolationist coiuntry is missing out - that said, we are moderately economically isolationist but not on the subject of free trade. I am interested in hearing all about your countries's administratives, economic and trade views." . He sat down quietly and awaited hearing the other countries
Space Union
12-11-2005, 23:25
As he watched the Rolatia man sit down, Harman felt it was his turn. He swiftly pushed his chair back and stood up to take the stage. He cleared his throat as he began, "As you know I'm the Foreign Minister of Space Union under the Mann Administration. I would like to say first that I'm glad this conference had a large turnout. It would be shame to see that the international world doesn't believe in free trade."

Harman picked up his manilla folder and scanned through it. He picked out one of his documents and placed the folder on the table. Harman cleared his throat as he began, "Space Union is a very different country in government and economic structure. We are quite unique when it comes to that. Our economic system is called Enterprisism. Enterprisism is a form of capitalism derived by President Harsimran Mann. It is the ideology that corporations should have a large say in the government. This is done that their is a cabinet position within the Administration called the Minister of Corporate Welfare. He/she basically represents the corporations to the President. The corporations also have seats within the Chamber of Electorates. The Chamber of Electorates is our law-making body. The top 20 corporations in profits gain 2 seats in the Chamber of Electorates. This gives the corporations large say in the government as well, receiving often tax breaks and such." Harman took a breathe before continueing, "But this is not the main feature of an Enterprisism economy. Because of the tax breaks from corporations at nearly zero, citizens pay 100% of their income taxes. To shelter the citizens, the corporations that a citizen is employed to provides housing, services, and such at a fraction of the cost while maintaining a living standard that is better than most citizens could ever afford. The government makes sure that this is regulated. Because of these changes, citizens have grown in living standard as well as happiness with the system."

Harman paused as he scanned the room. Most of the delegates seemed awed at this exotic system but it didn't phase him as he picked up another white paper. He scanned it and began talking, "Space Union not only has an exotic form of economy, it has an exotic form of government. Space Union has a democratic government styled in Federative-Republican System. A Federative-Republican System is the brainchild of President Harsimran Mann. Space Union is set to pass its new constitution for the world, which is entirely based off of the system. I can not disclose what it is, as the new constitution is secret, but it will be made public soon. All I can say, it is the most exotic republic-style government to date." Harman saw that the other delegates began murming so he got ready to sit down, "As for our administrative districts, we have 12 states or provinces within the Union, 5 of which are off the mainland."

Harman finally sat down as he let his words sink in. He knew that he probably had one of the most exotic government and economic-type of anyone at the conference along with having a very unique one. A smiled formed on his face as he let out a sigh of relief. All was going well.
The Macabees
13-11-2005, 20:49
[Bump for others.]
The Macabees
16-11-2005, 18:15
[One more bump and I'm continuing.]
Dostanuot Loj
16-11-2005, 18:28
[One more bump and I'm continuing.]
OOC: I said I was sending an observer, so I'm observing.
Too lazy to RP him going or ariving or anything.
16-11-2005, 22:21
Arthur Birch’s brown eyes darted from left to right, attempting to absorb the splendor of the Macabean palace. The grandeur reminded him of the royal trappings of his own nation – though in Imperium they had been greatly subdued since the rise of Parliament in the early 20th century. He glanced down at his jacket and straightened the star on his lapel before taking his place at the table where he sat wholly still while listening to the representatives. Finally, after Minister Harman returned to his seat, Birch stood and laid out a few documents in front of him upon the table.

Good morning, comrades. I am Arthur Birch, Minister of Trade and Industry for His Majesty’s Government and representing the United Kingdom throughout these discussions. Economically, the UK interferes only moderately with the commercial affairs of the nation; the current administration of Prime Minister Alistair Tetley has devoted itself to the privatization of major industries and public services. These privatizations come at a time when the social welfare state comes under an increasing burden and while the continuing population growth ensures a continued tax base for His Majesty’s Government, there are concerns that when the cohort of citizens currently in their forties to fifties begins to retire, that their national pensions and the free public services will significantly drain the coffers of the UK and hamper new programmes because of the enormous costs of these pensions.

This does not mean, however, that we turn a blind eye to the plight of the citizen as there are acts on the books that prohibit unfair business practices such as price gouging and unfair competition, i.e. monopolies both vertical and horizontal. The United Kingdom does not protect the interests of the corporations, it should be noted, because His Majesty’s Government swears an oath to defend and protect the interests of the citizenry and not the commercial environment – but we are not insensitive to the concerns of business. Tax rates are, on the whole, small for corporations and there is limited culpability for investors and employees in civil and criminal proceedings.

Currently, in terms of a description of the United Kingdom’s economy, we are witnessing a thorough shift away from a secondary sector driven economy to that of a tertiary and quaternary sector economy. While we are losing many old manufacturing jobs, we are gaining far more high-tech R&D corporations as well as telecommunication and financial services in addition to companies wishing to relocate offices to the UK while sending actual production plants to areas more suitable to their bottom line. That, of course, is because the UK has a well-funded and highly successful education programme that has produced a highly literate and highly skilled workforce, a workforce none too willing to work for meager pay in unskilled factory jobs.

However, that shift has had effects on the political landscape of His Majesty’s Government. The Prime Minister is a member of the Democratic Socialist Party, a party that prior to the elections several weeks ago enjoyed nearly a two-third majority in the House of Commons – the main legislative body in Parliament, the other being that of the House of Lords. Yet, several weeks ago, in part because of the shifting economic environment in addition to numerous other domestic and international concerns, the Democratic Socialists were forced into a coalition government. I stand here today not as a member of the Democratic Socialists nor the Centre Party, the other main party in the coalition, but as a member of the Communist Party of the United Kingdom.

Tangentially, I find it most odd that a Communist Minister of Trade and Industry was selected to represent His Majesty’s Government at a discussion of free trade and capitalism – but I serve the United Kingdom and not myself. Anyways, as far as economic politics goes, the UK populace is quite sensitive to maintaining the high standard of living, rough estimates for the latest GDP per capita, in US Dollars for ease of comparison, places the UK at nearly 52,000. Any major shocks to the economy can and often do have major repercussions upon the political party in power at the moment. And so as we develop newly acquired colonial territories, His Majesty’s Government is extremely reluctant to open her borders to goods and services free of tariff or duties because there are likely many small nations that could simply produce products far cheaper than even our under-developed colonies. And the prime objective of the Tetley administration is to provide for the economic development of the Royal Crown Colonies. His Majesty’s Government is interested in trade deals and perhaps an even broader commitment to fair trade at the conclusion of these discussions, however, the United Kingdom is not willing to do accept free trade sans caveats that would ensure the economic security of the UK.

Birch folded his papers together into a neat pile and nodded politely to the gathering, signifying that he was indeed finished for the time being. Taking his seat, he folded his hand in his lap, out of sight, and twiddled his thumbs. How his position of anti-free trade would sit at a free-trade conference made him nervous. What upset his stomach though was at how repulsive the idea of free trade was to him personally.
The Macabees
21-11-2005, 01:39
[OOC: I left this for about four or five days now without replying, and judging from the replies this will not be as big as expected. So, unless a radical amount of posting all of a sudden spawns I've decided to use this thread to express the first information on the upcoming planned war - which will be huge. Here's ( an early out of character view of it with a not updated list of participants. Regardless, post coming next time I have a chance.]
The Macabees
21-11-2005, 19:29
[OOC: So, seeing as still nobody else has responded, I'll continue.]

Fersas waited for other speakers but after Arhur Birch's speech the rest stood silent, perhaps they had been told to only hear, not speak. He brought himself foward and resumed to speak,"It seems as if all of our governments are different when it comes to certain policies, especially those economic in nature. Nonetheless, I see this as the perfect opportunity to begin the most important parts of my reason to call you all here." Jench Fersas rose and pushed in his chair, as the rest just looked at him. The servant which he had ordered something in Dienstadi to before had returned with a platter full of drinks and he began to distribute them amongst the guests. Fersas walked over to the wall at the end and grasped a metal handle bringing down a huge map of the world [OOC: Just assume there's a map of the world!].

He swallowed and then pressed on, first grabbing a wooden pointer. "Here," he exclaimed, pressing the tip of the pointer on a Jagadan colony within the new colony grounds first explored by Questers, "You are the first to have official word that war has begun between the Empire and Jagada. Realistically, even if we are at war at home, which we are, Jagadan resistance will crumble under the might of our armies - I hold no doubts to that. The conquest of this single Jagadan colony will put us on a border with Xirnium, a religious state within itself, and a personal target for our Emperor who has been taunted by the leader of Xirnium - you may call it a personal crusade, if you wish."

He swallowed again and took a good look at the men around him, who's faces were still showing hints of confusion. "When Jagada's colony falls and a peace ensues the Emperor has already expressed to me that he will cut trade with all communists and those who refuse to have free trade relationships with the Empire. Understandably, this will spark certain belligerence, at least economically, but it will assert the dominance of the Empire and her allies in the economic sphere of today's world. So, the question now is, how willing is your government to put its life on the line to support the notion of free trade throughout the world?"

He looked at the others again, awaiting their reply, while failing to show a hint of anxiety.
23-11-2005, 20:18
Birch nodded with an uncomfortable dryness spreading inside his mouth at the Fersas’ words. Pursing his lips, he brought a hand up to his mouth, his thin fingers slowly and deliberately stroking his goatee. He had come to the Winter Palace not to discuss foreign policy in relation to war agreements, but a comparatively simple proposal for a free-trade deal, which the Prime Minister opposed.

Sir, while the United Kingdom will stand resolutely behind its good friend and ally, we cannot in good conscious support a personal crusade by Your Imperial Majesty against a nation that has, by your own description, merely taunted Your Imperial Majesty. In the United Kingdom, His Majesty Michael I not to mention the Prime Minister and other members of His Majesty’s Cabinet are constantly, “taunted” in both the press and in our more rowdy meetings of Parliament. Perhaps a thicker skin is more in order than a thinner scabbard.

Regardless, as a representative of the Prime Minister and His Majesty’s Government, I can safely say that the United Kingdom is dismayed to see such a simplistic ultimatum being issued by the Emperor. Our two nations share a history of friendship, not one of animosity or bitterness. And yet now, you present to the United Kingdom an ultimatum: change our politics and social order on the most fundamental of levels or be cast off. To that, I daresay that the Prime Minister will be quite outraged by such blatant contempt of a friendship. And while I must now confer with my superiors at the rather abrupt change in discussion, I would venture to say that Prime Minister Tetley will be quite disinclined to accept your ultimatum. The United Kingdom does not follow a communistic economic policy, but we also realise the inherent dangers of an unregulated market. Your myopic statement does nothing to incorporate the various shades of grey within the current international landscape.

Birch threw his papers into the briefcase and shut the leather case as loudly as possible. On a personal level, he had never been more offended by a so-called friend. And now it seemed that the Emperor was prepared to throw away the relationship between the two friends. Having gathered everything that he had brought into the room, he bowed shallowly to Fersas.

Now, if you shall excuse me, I must go present your sudden question to the Prime Minister.

He turned quickly, and his boots made sharp clicks upon the floor as the whole of the Azazian delegation stormed out of the conference room.