NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC Thread for "You Win or Pay" (Jurai vs Neo Zeta)

The Planet Jurai
02-10-2005, 16:11
Just as the title says.

For convenience's sake, I'll quote the latest OOC comments from the main thread into this thread.
The Planet Jurai
02-10-2005, 16:30
Quoting some of the latest OOC comments from the main thread...

OOC: Well they are the same type mines except they are lighter do to only haveing gas as its payload. Howeved if i used this i would luanch more then befor. I know most would be shot down and once exposed to the harshness of space the virus would die. Its up to you really if they make it to your planet and how many they kill over time.

Got word from them to go ahead with untell he arrives or what not. Also shell we agree to 2 allies per side to keep it from getting hard to keep up with all the post and time between post? I dont want what happened in The Lets Roll thread happen here.

OOC: The Crusader ships are the same types as my others however they are usely red and have the Sign of Yevon. Also they have Diminsonal Cannons. Whitch charge Diminsonal Energy and send it out as a beam at enemy ships. Its very powerful but is a major energy drain. Each ship can only use it 20 times befor it sucks up the power devoted to it. If they kept fireing it would drain shield energy and other systems. Also its not a rapid fire weapon. Its best use is on Star Bases

OOC: Expect my help to arrive tommarrow/monday.

OOC: I was wondering to avoid mass confusion should be Pair off? Like Chronosia and Christopher Thompson And Neo Zeta vs Jurai and one of the other small allies? To be honost i am smill learning how to RP battle on a large scale. Just idea feel free to scoth at it and what not ^^;; i am still noobish at times when it comes to mass fleet battle rps.

OOC: Sounds fine to me. But we need a way to seperate us out, then. Chronosia, do you have any FTLi capabilities to hear of? If so, you could stop my hyperspace, and engage me outside of the main theater of battle, thus creating a second theater of battle. Although I warn anyone who's trying to face me: This is my entire offensive navy. It may be small, but it's very sturdy. For IC and OOC reasons, I'd like to not lose this battle. I may only send in 28 ships larger than 4km, but I'll be damned if it isn't hard as all hell to kill one of those ships. Also, I'd like to not lose this battle (whatever happens to Jurai is whatever happens, there are ways to make me win but Jurai lose if it comes to it) because three Battlecruisers (the Silvana, Cloud Solis and Urbanus) and a few of the Agamemnon Supercarriers are rimportant to my rps.

OOC: I dont mind you winning your fight or at that very least being able to withdraw your forces pretty much intact tho you need to work that out with Chronosia. I too do not wish to lose i cant really see me loseing since i spend around 3 times as much on defense as Jurai dose according to NS econemy calculaters. Howeved i am willing to take some loses since this is Jurai terrtory and seeing as they would have stations and such.

My ships are large in number tho many are light ships. My larger ships are pretty powerful tho i dont have one of my SSD's here so dont worry about it. My ships range from small ships to 3 KM large ships. in this fleet other then the Fayth Command ship which is 4.5 Km ( just a larger battleship.)
Christopher Thompson
02-10-2005, 17:00
The Planet Jurai
02-10-2005, 18:02
Well, I am going to surprise everyone and say that I would prefer not to lose this battle either… :p …Partially because losing this battle will very likely mean death of Lord Kazuki ( (he might choose to retreat only in VERY special circumstances), and partially because it might have some aftermatches I would like to avoid. And I must add that I can see me winning if Christopher will help me with Neo Zetan fleet (and I have some hope that Arenumberg will help with Chonosia if they decided to get involved [Chronosian ships are yet to make any agressive moves]), since I am bringing some major firepower in too.

By the way, Jurai Battleships are very effective against missiles/mines and fighters/frigates, since they have a large amount (30 frontal, 10 left, 10 right, 5 rear) of quite powerful proton cannons, and Juraian gunners tend to be very accurate (Juraians ( live for thousands of years, and even most junior crewmen are spending a few hundred years to hone their skills). And against large ships they also have Heavy Proton Cannons (aka HPCs), 3 per battleship, capable of firing anywhere except for directly downwards; though Juraians' prefered tactics remains bringing the enemy down with fire from multiple cannons.

And finally, Lord Kazuki's spaceship has 3 Light Hawk Wings, each of which carries the same amount of energy as Death Star and can be employed for either defense or offense; i.e. Lord Kazuki can attack with 2 Light Hawk Wings and use remaining one as a shield, or vise versa. It is also possible to use all three Light Hawk Wings for defense (making the ship almost invulnerable) or for offense (leaving the ship almost defenseless).

In short, as I said, I can see myself winning this battle (especially if Christopher will be able/willing to help me against Neo Zetan forces), and even if I lose, I believe that Neo Zetan forces will suffer some pretty major losses.
Christopher Thompson
02-10-2005, 18:19
well, we need to spell this out now. Who's going to win?
I can see either side winning. Neo Zeta, you may spend more on defense than Jurai, but I spend much more than you. Chronosia is really the X factor right now. He's freaking huge, and could kill us all if he really wanted to (Which could be an interesting plot twist now that I think of it. he could go cowboy on us all, and we have to ban together to survive, and Neo Zeta forgives Jurai b/c they helped each-other, etc.).

Basically, it comes down to what's really best for everyone. More on this later, gotta go.
Neo Zeta
02-10-2005, 19:38
Yes you do spend about 8 trillion according to NS econemy sites. Howeved Chronosia spends about 52 Trillion.... Also The Abh or Deatharon would be my 2nd and last partner. The Abh Spend 14 Trillion and Deatharon idk...

As for the Light Hawk wings i assume a few hits from my Diminsonal Cannons will take them out. Also my ships are very fast so getting a lock on them with a weapon like that will be hard. I cant see Jurai winning with out CT but he will be fighting Chronosia most likely. I am willing to win and imposse easy terms on Jurai. Somthing along the lines of forceing them to become a allie and sign None Aggression Pacts with my allies. As for your key charcter its ok if he lives. Also Jurai's people may live long but the Fayth Population in my empire can live for millions of years ( unless killed) And Humans are usely recloned with their memorys. Bottom Line One on One Jurai really dosnt have a chance of beating me tho he can give me a bloody nose. Tho for him it would be a broke neck.
Christopher Thompson
02-10-2005, 21:45
Yes, looking solely at numbers we can see the obvious victor here, but I dislike number-wanking. I'd like to get some feed back from Chronosia especially, but the other players as well, as to what's going to happen roughly here. Sort of an outline of the plot so I know what to do. Also, more IC posts would be appreciated
Neo Zeta
02-10-2005, 21:53
Well my idea was to hopeful try and beat Jurais fleet enough to where they accept the terms of becomeing my ally. Tho thats just what i had in mind if i won. I Dont really wanna destroy Jurai or anything tho my empire will do what it takes to win wars.
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2005, 21:55
You're telling me. =^^=
Christopher Thompson
02-10-2005, 22:06
Alright, I can live with that.
Oh Chronosia!
02-10-2005, 23:32
Someone called? I'm not bothered with winning or losing; I just wanna have fun. Although, I want you to realise; I will draw you into extended fire fights and brutal close combat assaults. Why? Because I want your skulls :P

And Khorne cares not from where the blood flows; so long as it does flow...
Neo Zeta
02-10-2005, 23:42
So i guess we agree to break up into groups? CT vs Chronosia and Jurai and ??? vs Neo Zeta and maybe ???
03-10-2005, 00:19
By the powers invested upon me as a Praetorian of the Republic, I hereby place the Republican nation of Christopher Thompson under arrest for the violation of the Posting Laws. Christopher Thompson is to cease all hostile actions against any other nation immeadiatly. Your crime is being reviewed by the Praetor of the Republic and your trial shall be held accordingly on the Republic Forums. Please proceed there and await your sentence.

To all other nations, any Hiigarian forces that engage in battle from this point on are to be considered rogue elements of the Republic and can be engaged without threat of retaliation from the Republic.

For the Glory of the Republic, and of the Taledonian Empire.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 06:45
With everyone's permission here, I would like to participate in this thread, if in a limited manner from a diplomatic viewpoint. I aloready have made a (hopefully) good and convincing post to join in.

I won't interfere in the aspect of the plot, and mainly am there as both witness, and a 'moral focus', when the fighting dies down. Plus being in a thread where several nations I have rped with, and one that represents the reason I rp in the first place currently. (That's you Jurai. Trust moi, very long story.) ..all thiis makes this thread plot too appealing to me to pass up.

I'm a sicke, but hey. I like fun stuff too. =^^=
Neo Zeta
03-10-2005, 06:53
Fine with me it will add some flavor to it. This will be one of my last large fleet number rps. I am going to be focusing less ships but more powerful onces. BTW with my Abh-Fayth Clones they look like Abhs with Fayth Eyes and skin markings. But their brutalness would be somthing along the lines of Demons.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 07:15
If I then bring in truly malignant, malicious Infernal, then you won't mind the comparison, as well as the outright blunt godmod power real demons can have.

I 'might' bring in a Warhammer 40,000 style Angel vs. Infernal WarShip battle to show my idea of the level of power that 'might' be coming to you all. I still haven't decided how to fit in the Dark Ascendancy in yet.

But again, it'll all be done to not interfere with the storyline here.

But also to scare you guys a bit, if you guys and gals will humor me some. =^^=
Neo Zeta
03-10-2005, 07:18
Aye its fine with me but be careful or your may scare us right onto their side. Tho that would only happen if you interfeard with the battle Neo Zeta would see your entire side as untrusting.

I fully want to win this war but if Jurai finds some way to beat me and Chronosia then heck its fine with me aslong as its fun.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 07:24
TG me the entire idea, in your words, what is supposed to happen. Or here, it doesn't matter really. The TG will be what I see first. Going to bed soon here, if you catch my drift.

Not yet, but soon. =^^=
Neo Zeta
03-10-2005, 07:26
Well plot is really we fight tell their is a winner. lol tho i will say the more Jurai fights back the less chance i will have to be in a mercy giveing mood.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 07:34
Who did what to lead to this exactly? =oo=
Neo Zeta
03-10-2005, 07:38
They aided the Republic in and fought my allies the Abh and others. So now i come to punish them. Peace with The Republic has come but Peace With Jurai will come have they meet the blades of my shock troops.

They entered a war that was nearing its end and cuased more death. They may see their cuase as Noble but Neo Zeta wants to work out its military.

That was kind of a OOC post from a IC point of view if that makes since.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 07:56
In other words, they entered a war to try and stop it, or worse, were oppitunistic in so, like the Italians at the end of the German invasion of France in the early stages of WWII.

Probably no different than my own invasion of Deatharon way back in the day (a few months back at least..) that led to the result that it all did.

Well, don't blow them completely up. I am curous as to how my version of infused Tenchi, would work with theirs. Kinda of a fetish thing, as much as the interraction with the Abh has been.

Meanwhile, if I get the picture right, far too many nations here seem to darkly minded, as it seems, from theme hints see so far since my return, that Chronosia has been using warfare to attract many others, and create a vast alliance of empire that seems bent on turning all to their point of view.

Maybe I 'should' scare you all to the infernal side, and see how such a relationship will lead to destruction. Oh, how ravenously evil I could make this all if I really wish. =\/=
Neo Zeta
03-10-2005, 08:02
Scare to many of to their side and it would end in a defeat for Heaven.

As for now i am happy staying unascended. Besides in time the unasenced will match the powers of Heaven and Hell but they have trillions of years of a head start to the mortal plane. In time it is logical to assume the mortal plane will catch up.

I also enjoy fighting the forces of Jurai. Maybe its cuase its the next best thing to invadeing you!!!

..................jk?? the world may never know.
03-10-2005, 12:03
Just curious Gaian, but what WH40K vessels, exactly? I mean, there are rather alot :P And so, specific vessels would do wonders for my benighted imagination ;)
The Planet Jurai
03-10-2005, 14:40
First of all, I want to say sorry, but I am very busy these days; I have some real life problems that need solving, and in addition to them, I have some duties to fulfill in NationStates (not related with The Planet Jurai in any way). Therefore (especially since it my nation that gets invaded), I would appreciate it if you slow down a little; let’s face it, it will be a touch illogical if my ships will just hang there while the battle is going on. I will post my reaction to Neo Zeta and Chronosia’s attacks as soon as I will be able to, which won’t happen today, unfortunately; I have tons of work to do, and I have already developed quite a headache…

Oh, and I thank Gaian Ascendancy for their decision to get involved… As you can see, I can really use some help here.
Christopher Thompson
03-10-2005, 15:13
So, the Republic decides to reprimand me? I'm the largest, by quite a bit, nation in the Republic. I have the strongest economy, the grandest military, the most powerful currency and the greatest allies of any republic nation. What do you fine gentlemen think I should do? Continue the RP?
03-10-2005, 15:17
I say you go on. Let them reprimand you later; your conscience will be clear. Let them try you, and you will show you did only the best; you had only the truest intentions. The Republic won't interfere in this battle, not even to reprimand you; they can't risk it.

First they shy from the challenge; now they seek to silence their own warriors; very self-defeatist.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 19:14
Just curious Gaian, but what WH40K vessels, exactly? I mean, there are rather alot :P And so, specific vessels would do wonders for my benighted imagination ;)

Actually to be pretty blunt and probably dumb sounding, not really sure. I just see those dark, cathedral like vessels that are used, and think of them as if they were angelic or hellish in effect. I'm thinking mainly Imperium and Eldar vessels over any other really.

And NZ, what part of infinite war don't ya get? I already hinted that my nation was under the command of Heaven, alongside many other NPC nations from across the infinites.

My nation is still paltry small in comparison to all this, as is all us combined. Hell and Heaven's forces are in numbers no justifyable here, nor should it be so.

An Infinite War 'needs' to have numbers that can't be counted. If Heaven was so easily defeated, then the wars would have ended long ago, and Hell existing everywhere. (And you know Hell would if they won...)

Chrono. Got a list of vessels in WH40K that I can point to to say 'that', and 'that' like a kid in a fish store? =^^=
03-10-2005, 19:38
Gaian Ascendancy
03-10-2005, 20:15
Danke. =^^=

And, if you'll keep humoring me, I think I can classify how to place Heaven and Hell in WH40K terms.

Heaven would use an ecclectic mix of class vessels that look alot like a mix of Imperium, Tau, and Eldar vessels. They would be suffused with the essence of heaven, weapons that fire holy fire like bolts of energy with an impac no less than heavy naval ship weapons, would not so much adhere to physical gunpoints, but rather use 'fire portals' to send streams of such energy as if a rapid fire magic portal was opened when a cannon is fired.

More, extradimensional spaces would have places not only to hold and send fighters of equal angelic make ans effect, to the themes above, but also to send angels themselves at the enemy in massive hosts, streaming forth in immense rows, columns and breaths of heaven's power to the melee range.

Hell would be more like Chaos Marine, Tyranid and Ork types, but infused with the malignant essence of Avernus and Abyss all the same. In fact, the forces of Hell are two seperate forces 'of' Avernus and Abyss, the two barely working together in the Infinite War at present. The main difference between the two sides, is the nature of 'law' or 'chaos' between the two hellish forces. Their weapons and deployment of forces and fighters is no less as vast and devestating.

And both sides, with the essence of the raw powers of life and death, law and order verses chaos and entropy, both have a nasty tendancy to infuse the vessels with the regenerative capability of both sides. Not so much limbs and such, but rather using the essence on any plane, relative to the nature of both sides, to create 'energy' to heal their fleets. Heaven is of cource more prolific in this, but Hell is as infinite in numbers as Heaven is in recovering their 'smaller' numbers.

And of course, the Mortal Planes across all existence supply in many various ways, the tools, energy and essence to fuel the two sides. Plus the Upper and Lower Planes in the Infinite War like to make deals in their ways, to draw more souls into this vast war.

Eventually the Heavens will bore the Hells enough, and the 'other' war will pick up again. The Blood War. In D&D terms, it's essentially the same as it is in the WH40K universe. Avernus and Abyss in eternal conflict, whence only the combined assault on Heaven has put a bare minimum 'brake' to the Blood War.

If not for the Infinite War, Heaven would still be quite untouched by even the trace of war. The Fleets and Powers, along with Allies are there 'because' the Infinite War exists, and if not for Heaven, All existence would fall to the Infernal, by no choice whatsoever.

As for the nature of dealings between Allies or Slaves between Heaven and Hell respectively. It is as simple as one thinks of what they 'expect' of Hell or Heaven, and the end result they 'don't' usually think of, if they choose to ignore to their peril.

In Heaven, a true abuse of power of being an Ally, means expulsion to the Mortal Plane.

In Hell, if you escape at all, you are beyond lucky, but tarnished with a scar impossible to remove.

Both scars are as horrid, as are the glories both sides promise and provide.

How's that? =^^=
04-10-2005, 05:45
So, the Republic decides to reprimand me? I'm the largest, by quite a bit, nation in the Republic. I have the strongest economy, the grandest military, the most powerful currency and the greatest allies of any republic nation. What do you fine gentlemen think I should do? Continue the RP?

First off, I'm technically the largest nation until I can find a replacement player for my brother, so that Nirs will stop being my puppet and go back to an actual player.

Secondly, what other alliances? Yet another Republican law broken! CT, your portfolio ain't lookin that great at the moment.

Thirdly, Chrono, I did say that there is little chance we will interfere, but then I am only one member of the Senate. Sometimes matters aren't in my hands, regardless of how much I want them to be. Hopefully my new law will be passed so that even if others enter war with you guys, I wont have to.
Gaian Ascendancy
04-10-2005, 05:50
Guess no one minded my lil explanation of my outsider NPCs. =^^= *waits for the napalm flame*
Christopher Thompson
04-10-2005, 14:49
First off, I'm technically the largest nation until I can find a replacement player for my brother, so that Nirs will stop being my puppet and go back to an actual player.

Secondly, what other alliances? Yet another Republican law broken! CT, your portfolio ain't lookin that great at the moment.

Thirdly, Chrono, I did say that there is little chance we will interfere, but then I am only one member of the Senate. Sometimes matters aren't in my hands, regardless of how much I want them to be. Hopefully my new law will be passed so that even if others enter war with you guys, I wont have to.
I have no other official alliances than those I declared, but I have many allies. Read the text better.
04-10-2005, 14:50
Hurry up and post; I yearn for Skulls and Blood :D
Christopher Thompson
04-10-2005, 14:58
Fine fine, I'll get to it. But it'll only be a half-post. Most likely. If it is, please let me finish it before you go crazy. :P
Chronosia, check TGs
04-10-2005, 20:51
Knowing everyones E-mail would help here; so we can all meet on MSn or a messenger and talk :)
Christopher Thompson
05-10-2005, 14:30
Chrnonsia, the idea behind this attack from 250 km is that I will be the only one who can fire for a bit, so that I can thin out your numbers a bit. You'll still outnumber me by quite a lot, as even though those 20 shells will usually kill any ship they hit, there's only 20 of them coming at you each salvo, and you've most-likely deployed hundreds -- if not thousands of ships.

Basically, I'd like to have this kinda response, if you will:

Sir, some ships have come in!

Where are dey?

a long ways away! They fire!!111

GRRR! let's gett im!

They hit us! some ships have been ripped apart like tissue paper!

GRRRR let's get im some more! Faster!

then I rp you getting close, and my strikecraft move in, then the real battle begins. I'm expecting to get a few salvos off before you can actually attack me; I'll be lobbing crap off at you, then you get in range, then we war.
06-10-2005, 00:58
Well, I'm headed your way, but I'm also firing at you. Deal with it.
Neo Zeta
06-10-2005, 01:04
I am kinda stuck untell Jurai post agian
Christopher Thompson
06-10-2005, 01:06
That's fine. What weapons do you have that can fire 250 km? Or actually, could you *briefly* explain how your ships work? And weapons?

EDIT: And there's no need to get grouchy about it; I just thought that we all wanted to have fun, and I thought that'd be an interesting way of opening up a battle, rather than the normal exchanging of salvos. But whatever...screw inginuity and imagination...
06-10-2005, 01:10
My ships are immense, heavily armored gothic edifices to the Gods; focussed on long range combat, boarding, world destruction and Marine transport
Most are capable of carrying a full chapter (1000 Marines) out of a Legion; and are powered by plasma and fusion reactors. Warp cannons, missles and torpedoes can all reach to that distance, while lances are shorter range; I also have lazers for Point Defense. We use Warp drives to travel within Warp Space, and use boarding pods, drop ships and drop pods to board enemy ships; or invade worlds. Larger, world killing Warp Cannons are primarily fitted on flagships; while many have cannons capable of delivering orbital bombardment on the underbelly. Fighters are fast and deadly, lots of curved edges and weapons; not afraid to plunge in suicidal runs and attacks on the enemy.
Christopher Thompson
06-10-2005, 01:17
warp cannon?
06-10-2005, 01:24
Warp Cannons tame the power of the Immaterium itself; channeling it forth in a destructive wave of warp energy. Capable of cleansing worlds in larger forms, even crushing ctars at the most powerful; the smaller ones serve as potent weapons for the Imperium; rending shield and hull with black and terrible impunity.
06-10-2005, 02:53
If you have allies, then you obviously have alliances. You can't have (official) allies without making an alliance.
06-10-2005, 03:21
Well, thats ridiculous. The Republic acknowledges no other allies that its members have, and in fact punishes them for it? Individual nations can ally all they want; as far as I was aware your archaic decrepit Republic rules stopped him from join other alliance groups I.E AoN, ESUS, GE. Not from having individual allies...Dear god; no freedom within the Republic.
06-10-2005, 03:24
It stops people from having individual alliances. It is perfectly acceptable, however, to negotiate an alliance for the whole of the Republic.
Neo Zeta
06-10-2005, 03:31
OOC: The Republic isnt like a US Democray Chronosia. Its more like a name. Like the Democratic Republic of Korea, AKA North Korea its for show really.
06-10-2005, 03:31
Heh, and people think I'm evil and oppressive
06-10-2005, 03:35
No, we aren't like North Korea. We are like the ancient Roman one, a group dictatorship elected by the people.
Neo Zeta
06-10-2005, 04:11
I was kidding ofcourse please forgive me if i offended you. As for the Roman republic i could tell by the way things work. Even the fights you guys some times have seems to model it.
Gaian Ascendancy
06-10-2005, 04:25
OOC: The Republic isnt like a US Democray Chronosia. Its more like a name. Like the Democratic Republic of Korea, AKA North Korea its for show really.

So basically, every alliance out there is a mass of likeminded warmongers. =oo= Well, might be a bot much to say that. Or is it? Can't really tell with the number of GE vs. Republic Wars or similar such in the past year I've been here. =^^=
Neo Zeta
06-10-2005, 04:40
Heh yeah... anywho i am going to hold off posting in the IC thread unless adressed to or Jurai post. He said he was busy tho maybe tommrow he will be able to.
The Planet Jurai
07-10-2005, 10:10
Sorry again, it has been a busy week for me... *sigh* Anyway, I will make my next IC post later today.

However, I would like to warn you ahead, I will not likely be able to post for the most of the next week at all, as I am going to have a minor surgery in the beginning of the week (around Tuesday).
The Planet Jurai
07-10-2005, 17:40
I am sorry, it looks like I won’t be able to complete my next IC post today.

By the way, Neo Zeta, may I ask you, how large your ships are? The ones who interest me the most are your Cruisers and Battlecruisers (since they will be the ones to take our first attacks). For reference, the length of many people’s favorite (or at least familiar) spaceships from Star Wars is:

Victory-Class Star Destroyer: 900 meters

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer: 1600 meters

Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer: 17600 meters
07-10-2005, 17:42
Oi! What about me!? I'm attacking you as well. You might as well regard me in this exercise on futility...
Neo Zeta
07-10-2005, 20:25
My Cruisers are 1600 meters and my battlecruisers are 2200 meters. Battleships go from 2200 to 3350.
The Planet Jurai
08-10-2005, 14:43
Oi! What about me!? I'm attacking you as well. You might as well regard me in this exercise on futility...

I intend to focus my "attention" on Neo Zeta for the time being. Sorry, I don't have ships for all of you.
The Planet Jurai
09-10-2005, 18:25
Meanwhile, starfighters also rushed forward to engage enemy starfighters, and if not destroy them, then at least to keep them away from destroyers and battleships for a while… (OOC: Neo Zeta, let’s describe our starfighters in OOC thread so that we could better determine our losses.)

My starfighters (at least the ones I have in Tier system) are almost identical to Thunderbolt starfighters from Babylon 5, except that have weak shields (I don’t remember spaceships in Babylon 5 having any kind of shields) and more advanced weaponry, namely: 1 mass driver (imagine a space-scale Rail Gun from Quake) and 4 laser cannons.

If you are not familiar with vessels from Babylon 5, then imagine a smaller X-Wing, with weaker armor and shields, but a little stronger weapons (but no Proton Torpedoes) as well as slightly greater speed and much greater maneuverability (my starfighters are about as maneuverable as TIE Fighters or TIE Interceptors).
Neo Zeta
09-10-2005, 21:42
My fighters are the same as those used by The Droid Armys in Star Wars i have a few advanced Ties i bought.

The Fighters have a walking mode and use 4 laser cannons with 2 torpedos tubes.
09-10-2005, 23:19
OOC: The Omega Star is a Sized down Deathstar however it uses the Armor the Suncrusher used which chould take a hit from the Deathstars main weapon which it has. Also can fire the weapon the Sun Crusher uses to cuase a Sun to go Supernova. They will destroy a city or somthing first to try and force you to enter peace talks.

Suncrusher Armor cost a bundle to make, that's why the durned thing was so small. Trying to make a Death Star outfitted with that armor would not only bankrupt you from several different angles, but could also be considered a GodMod, since the durn stuff is nigh-invincible.

Besides, if thread info serves right, you ICly started building the thing DURING this engagement.
The Planet Jurai
10-10-2005, 12:32
Meanwhile the The Reserve fleet readyed to strike as they enter warp at the time ordered their commander reads their orders at last.

" We are to strike at Jurai it self. The Omega Star is 60% done its shield is online so it will be joining us. Our goal is force them to the table. The New Praetor is trying to force the military to stop this war. That damn brat."

The Fleet was made up for only 500 ships but had its flag ship Axis a Eclipse Class SSD the last built of the SSD line. Their ETA untell the fleet and The Omega Star arrive at Jurai is one hour with fold.

OOC: The Omega Star is a Sized down Deathstar however it uses the Armor the Suncrusher used which chould take a hit from the Deathstars main weapon which it has. Also can fire the weapon the Sun Crusher uses to cuase a Sun to go Supernova. They will destroy a city or somthing first to try and force you to enter peace talks.

Suncrusher Armor cost a bundle to make, that's why the durned thing was so small. Trying to make a Death Star outfitted with that armor would not only bankrupt you from several different angles, but could also be considered a GodMod, since the durn stuff is nigh-invincible.

Besides, if thread info serves right, you ICly started building the thing DURING this engagement.

Edited to add, oh yeah, forgot this had an OOC thread... posting it there too!

OOC: Oh yeah forgot that been awhile since i looked at the thread i wont use it in this thread. And i will use that armor ok. You use alot of stuff me and my allies see as god modding or border line at the very least too such as not posting loses and useing alot of semi uber weapons. But this is not the time to argue about it. I will let the damn thing be damaged when do use it. Also i would rather you NOT get in this thread seeing as he has 3 to 4 allies already and my 2 dont seem to wanna post. So for now this thread is closed to other nations.

OOC: Horseshit. No you won't.

I took my losses, you just don't notice because I don't post exact numerical figures in the damage estimates. I don't do like some RPers and leave the bottom paragraph of each post as "LOSSES: Blah x 20, Blee x5, Yakkitty x12" and so forth, but I do take my share of dents and bruises. Can I help it if I RP the Godulans as hellbent on annihilating the enemy with little to no concern for their own well-being, specifically because they know exactly where they're going? Hell, that's how Chronosia works. I tweaked it a bit and made a version of my own.

My technology is legitimate. My weapons, legitimate. I told you exactly what I was going in with, where I was, what I was doing, how I was doing it, and everything BUT numerical issues. I use my tactics, I use my weapons, I always have something new. Just pay attention to my research threads and you'll see exactly what you've been going up against and may well face in the future.

FURTHER, your primary reaction to my attacks was to pull the equivalent of a 'Tink'. And your Death Star Covered With Super Hyper Mega Ultra Invincible Armor of UB3RN3$$ is a REASONABLE counter?

That screams godmod on several different levels, so I shall reiterate:

The fact that its a Death Star should be enough. You don't NEED that armor. And any reputable RPer would be insane to allow that level of fortification anywhere near anything. Can you honestly imagine the monetary and economic damage the loss of that thing would cause?

The main issue we're having here, is that you seem to be annoyed because I bring forth these mine swarms and other weapons of mass destruction seemingly out of thin air. Keep in mind, everything I throw out is clearly detailed in my research threads. The Heighliner project itself was about a month's time of development and construction, granted it had the 'top secret project' tag, but ya only needed to ask about it. I really do put it all out there. I don't tell you that my technology is superior simply by virtue of its existence. I tell you exactly how it works and how it will damage you. I tell you exactly how my shields work and why they reduce damage. I tell you exactly how my engines, power systems, sensors, and comms work. indeed I can describe in surprising detail almost every facet of the ships I create. The only thing is, nobody ever pays attention.

That's the worst mistake anybody can make against me. Chronosia learned that the hard way.

Oh, and by the way, the Kythons are going to be under TPJ's control. I'm not actually entering.

Edited: Anyway, enough with arguing and challenges in this thread. Let further comments be addressed in the OOC thread, as I don't want this thing to get cluttered up further with my long-windedness.

First of all, I must say, that I view Suncrusher as the worst case Godmodding, as it is utterly INDESTRUCTIBLE. At one point, Suncrusher was sent into the middle of the star, and it was later brought back unscratched. Considering this, I am not sure if there is any weapon in the Universe capable of destroyer something with Suncrusher-like armor. Except for I.G.N.O.R.E. Cannon (, that’s it (Hopefully Reploid Productions will lend me one in case of emergency).

Though I must admit, that Light Hawk Wings border on Godsmodding as well, but with all their power, they still don’t make 1st and 2nd generation Space Trees undefeatable (though they ARE very difficult to destroy), unlike Suncrusher. Not to mention that I have a very limited amount 2nd generation Space Trees, and but a few 1st generation Space Trees; which I currently intend to use for defense purposes only.


Neo Zeta, I politely ask you to reconsider to launch an assault on the Planet Jurai itself for numerous reasons:

1) Tier system is but one of many systems of Jurai Empire, if you launch an assault on our capital world you will be facing the major part of Jurai Imperial Navy: thousands of Jurai Battleships and numerous at least a dozen Space Trees, not to mention Blackthorn III Star Fortress and numerous other planetary defenses. It will take a major part of Neo Zetan fleet to have any hopes of overcoming the Planet Jurai’s defenses. (And if you bring anything with INDESTRUCTIBLE Suncrusher-like armor, I will be forced to use I.G.N.O.R.E. Cannon or something with similar capabilities… Let’s not make it come to this, alright?)

2) Juraians will fight for their capital world ‘till the bitter end; they will not “negotiate” with enemies who threat to destroy everything they hold dear.

3) If you will manage to cause any damage to the Planet Jurai (like launching mines capable of folding), or will manage to kill Supreme Empress Ayeka ( (my main character, who will personally participate in Jurai’s defense), it will destroy any hope of peace between our nations.

4) If you will somehow manage to defeat my fleet at the Planet Jurai and capture or destroy the Planet Jurai, it will pretty much destroy my nation; Jurai Empire will be left with no ruling power and little military power, in result, it will fall apart into independent systems. I put quite some effort in developing this nation of mine and its NSwiki page (, I don’t want it to come to this.

Therefore, I politely ask you to reconsider launching an assault against the Planet Jurai itself; such attack will either end at total destruction of your assault force (and possible destruction of any hope of peace between our nations), or total destruction of my nation. There really will be no third option.
10-10-2005, 13:09
Personally I have no desire to entirely destroy you. Your a bright young RPer, you're talented and detailed and have an interesting national concept. As such it would be a true shame to lose you, so quickly, to the wind of judgement. The Imperium is only there to aid Neo Zeta; and as you have seen, I'm now concentrated on CT (any chance to purge the Republic ;)) I hope our infantry battles can be a nice little focal point though; I do so love my Berzerkers ;)

Anyways; A Death Star in itself was nigh indestructable without exploiting its weaknesses; or by-passing its shields. The Suncrusher is invincible, only being destroyed by being thrown into a black hole (Therefore removed from existence, much as the Nightbringer's ship was forced into the Warp). As such, a Death Star armored with Sun Crusher armor is technically pointless.

My planet killers are usually built into my flagships; and consist of big giant warp cannons ala Armageddon Gun on the PlanetKiller. However, I am think of developing Chaos God specific weapons for the Primarchs who worship them.

After all, Remiel has his Daemon Blade and Whip; Lucian has his Manreaper Scythe; Cabot has his Axes; Severino has his staff, etc etc; why not match the close combat weapons with themed Super Weapons :D

Of course, in the opposite, Jurai's claims of NZ's assault forces "total destruction" are slightly skewed giving the size of NZ in comparison. I'm not saying it can't be done, but hell; NZ could bring other fleets. My advice, is end the hostilities; or get the hell out of dodge. You could go rebel, Coreworlds style, and later, in a grand and epic Rp, wrest Jurai back from NZ
The Planet Jurai
10-10-2005, 18:06
Personally I have no desire to entirely destroy you. Your a bright young RPer, you're talented and detailed and have an interesting national concept. As such it would be a true shame to lose you, so quickly, to the wind of judgement. The Imperium is only there to aid Neo Zeta; and as you have seen, I'm now concentrated on CT (any chance to purge the Republic ;)) I hope our infantry battles can be a nice little focal point though; I do so love my Berzerkers ;)

Thanks for the compliment! :)

Actually, I had some experience with character-based role-playing, though nation-based role-playing and mass combats are completely new experience for me (but I have seen enough Sci-Fi anime and films to have a good idea of how space combat works).

By the way, I must admit that my nation is based on Jurai Empire from Tenchi Muyo! Anime (I am using an unique mixture of Universe and first OVAs, with completely alternative turn of events). Still, since the series don’t go into too much technical details about many aspects of Jurai Empire (since it remains in the background for the most of the series), I had to make up quite a few things on my own.

Oh, and sorry for “disappointing” you with my infantry, by the way, as you could get from my NSwiki page, Jurai’s infantry is the weakest part of our military (especially against equivalent of Chaos Marines from Warhammer 40K); so we are merely trying to hold your forces back with our numbers and ships’ security systems (most notably, force and electric fields), and it is merely a question of how long will we hold on. As you might imagine, I am mostly focused on role-playing massive space combat with Neo Zetan forces (with some success, if I do say so myself; at least, I currently have Neo Zetan fleet under cross-fire).

Note: I am considering doing something about my infantry should I survive this war. It’s a shame that a large interstellar empire has infantry force that is equipped with nothing but staves (even if they are made of Jurai Ironwood, which is as strong as steel).

Anyways; A Death Star in itself was nigh indestructable without exploiting its weaknesses; or by-passing its shields. The Suncrusher is invincible, only being destroyed by being thrown into a black hole (Therefore removed from existence, much as the Nightbringer's ship was forced into the Warp). As such, a Death Star armored with Sun Crusher armor is technically pointless.

Death Star indeed was nearly indestructible, but only for “ordinary” forces (and especially Rebel forces, which were pretty short on numbers). I imagine that other Super Weapons (like another Death Star or Light Hawk Wings) have power to destroy Death Star.

Suncrusher, on the other hand, was totally indestructible for any normal weapons, though Black Hole appeared to be the end for that Idol of Godsmodding. (Good riddance, I say!) But the nation that are incapable of generating Black Hole (the majority of FT nations, I believe, including Jurai), will not be able to do ANYTHING against a vessel with Suncrusher-like armor, therefore I consider anything with Suncrusher-like armor as a very obvious example of Godsmodding.

Of course, in the opposite, Jurai's claims of NZ's assault forces "total destruction" are slightly skewed giving the size of NZ in comparison. I'm not saying it can't be done, but hell; NZ could bring other fleets. My advice, is end the hostilities; or get the hell out of dodge. You could go rebel, Coreworlds style, and later, in a grand and epic Rp, wrest Jurai back from NZ

I know, if Neo Zeta will throw all they got at me, I will down (unless I will receive a lot of aid), but doing so will cost Neo Zeta much of their fleet and will leave them more or less defenseless against possible aggressors; therefore I am hoping that Neo Zeta won’t do it. Any negations are pretty much pointless (especially form Juraians’ point of view; with Jurai Empire being the greatest interstellar power in their home galaxy) as long as Neo Zeta invades my territory and attempts to bombard my planets to boot. Which is one of the reasons I am so determined to push Neo Zetan forces back, when/if I force them to leave my territory at least for the time being, I will be able to begin negotiating peace on more or less equal terms; until then I am pretty much set on repelling Neo Zetan invaders.


As I already posted in game thread, most likely I won’t be able to post again until the next week, as I am planning to take minor surgery tomorrow (unless something unexpected happens and I will be forced to put it off). So, I would appreciate it if we put this game “on half” for the time being, since it concerns my nation first and foremost (although Urcan is welcome to make his next post, it is about time his forces and my 1st Jurai Strike Force arrive, I believe).
Neo Zeta
10-10-2005, 22:34
if you guys chould use your head for a moment and think. I have never built a sun crusher never seen its armor. So there for its very likely the armor i built will have major flaws in it. Which i will show once the thing is finnished in top secret reports. It will be up to your fleets to figure it out later on. Also i said i wont use it here since i forgot when i started it. Also the Omega Star is only 60 km compared to 160 km or 300 km. Its much smaller there for easyer to deal with.

Also if i threw everything at you i would NOT lose most of my fleets. i am much larger then you. Unless as you said you to a fight to the bitter end which would end your nation while i could rebuild. Also Your light hawk wings are a godmod if they cant be taken out by multi Diminsonal cannon strikes which can as i said from that many ships destroy a city. Also a Sun Crusher can be destroyed from a direct hit from the Deathstar atleast according to most sites. They say it chould stand a Glanceing blow from its main weapon.
11-10-2005, 07:21
I honestly don't care how big the Death Star is. If you're putting on that invinci-armor its a no-go. The fact that it IS a Death Star at all should be all you need, even if its a smaller and more economical version. Attempting to add some form of conditional invulnerability, indeed any invulnerability at all (without a severe crippling drawback at least) goes too far.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 07:30
As i said its armor will have a a major flaw. I will explane it to you to put your mind to ease.The Armor will have impurits in it that cuase it to become weak once it heats up enough. Howeved it would take thousands of Laser Blast to do it and it would only affect a small part. However if hit by say a Eclipses main weapon it would do major damage.

But the biggist part is when it fires its main weapon it will start to heat up the entire Armor weaken it more and more.
After a few shots the Armor will become so weak it will start to crack and fall apart. About 6 shots from the thing will do this. However the signs of this wont show up on readings untell after the 4th or 5th shot howeved by then it will be weaker then the first Death Stars Armor. And the shots dont have to be close to gather. Once the armor is weakned it stays weak. And just gets weaker and weaker never getting strounger agian. Thus it has a major flaw but its stroung enough to do heavy damage befor being taken out.
Gaian Ascendancy
11-10-2005, 07:34
Are we all having stat-fun here? =oo=
11-10-2005, 09:20
Then why bother mucking with the armor anyway? Even if its only pseudo-uber, its still gonna cost a bundle to produce, let alone outfit a 60km battlestation with it, and if the stuff flakes off like dandruff why bother to go to so much trouble? Better to just stick with simplicity and have done. It would cost enough to build as is, tacking on that cumbersome armor that will crumble away like dust in an intense firefight would only make it worse.

Again, the fact that it IS a Death Star should be all you need. Just trying to bag one of those is durn near worth a thread all its own.
Neo Zeta
11-10-2005, 09:34
I will change it then where only the most vital areas have that armor. Such as exust ports and areas near the command areas. I plan for it to be destroyed by somthing else later on for the final Death of the Yevon faction.
22-10-2005, 05:28
I'm joining on the side of the Jurai. Seems like you guys are gonna need some help, as well as the fact that I'm effectively at war with Neo Zeta and Chronosia.

Anyway, there's one main weakness of Suncrusher armor aside from I.G.N.O.R.E. cannons and direct Death Star blasts (even a glancing blow can hurt it) and that is black holes. And I have the weapon in spades should I need it. *evil grin*
Neo Zeta
22-10-2005, 05:35
Sorry but this is closed to new players seeing as it would be a dog pile. Chronosia dosnt post much on the thread. and Jurai already has 4 allies. I am also trying to end this war since its takeing like a post a week. Also did you forget we are allies???
22-10-2005, 06:34
Keep in mind: I'm allied with CW as well. I gave the Juraians a sizable 'loan' of Kythons, so if TPJ wants to end things quickly, he only needs to trot them out.
Neo Zeta
22-10-2005, 06:48
Well if he wants to do that my allies can give me fleets which would easly counter that. seeing as 4 nations i know would loan me fleets.
The Planet Jurai
22-10-2005, 08:10
Sorry but this is closed to new players seeing as it would be a dog pile. Chronosia dosnt post much on the thread. and Jurai already has 4 allies. I am also trying to end this war since its takeing like a post a week. Also did you forget we are allies???

Just in case you didn't notice, I currently don't have allies fighting alongside with my forces. Christoper Thompson is fighting Chronosians (though neither of them posted in a while), Gaian Ascendancy isn't there to fight at all, and Urcan's forces haven't arrived yet (and let's face it, Urcan's forces are pretty small comparing with what we already have in there). So, I wouldn't say that help (including diplomatic one) is unwelcome considering that your forces still outnumber mine about two to one (and if nations wouldn't be allowed to aid smaller nations against larger aggressors, then all wars around NationStates would consist of larger nations mauling the smaller ones).

By the way, Neo Zeta, while my fleet from Vrone’s former system (accompanied by Godulan Kythons) is on the way, I hope to resolve the situation peacefully before they arrive. If we all start sending more fleets in there, we are going to spill more blood over that little border system then it is worth.

And, CoreWorlds, any help is greatly appreciated, especially diplomatic one. It seems that Neo Zeta and I have some problems with reaching understanding on our own. ^_^;
23-10-2005, 19:56
Wish I'd have found this RP sooner, at this point the situation seems to be complex enough already.
The Planet Jurai
25-10-2005, 07:45
Wish I'd have found this RP sooner, at this point the situation seems to be complex enough already.

Yes, there is little point of joining now, the situation is pretty much resolved. Still, if you wish to establish diplomatic relations with my nation and/or aid me in next conflict that may happen (although I intend to focus on diplomacy for the time being; I've learned not to go to war without having trusty allies to back me up) you are most welcome.