NationStates Jolt Archive

The Bevelle-Lakfakalal-Terran Prime Axis [Attn Abh and TFU Semi Closed]

Neo Zeta
21-08-2005, 04:31
A Fayth Battleship The Destiny Destroy moved close TFU space as it slowed Crown Prince Hakudoushi stood " So we are at the border?"

The Capital nods " Yes your highness"

Hakudoushi smiles " Very well then open a channel to The Fedral Union and Abh."

My friends in The Fedral Union and Humankind Abh. As you know during the past few weeks we have been in talks over matters of great importence. I wish to meet with both leaders to start the last phase of talks and to sign the treaty. Once our work is done today our nations will grow much more powerful and we can insure our safty once and for all.

He left the channel open for their reply.
The Humankind Abh
22-08-2005, 00:33
The Keldeij came out of plane space upon hearing the transmission from Neo Zeta. Admiral Trife paced about the bridge, he knew what this meeting was about.

Major Kahyul looked on with passive amusment. "This is what we wanted is it not?"

Trife stopped his pacing. "Of course it is. That doesn't change the fact that there are other variables to worry about. Afterall how we were treated is good enough reason for all this. This Empire has never been so disgraced as it has been."

Kahyul nodded his agreement. "Well no matter what, there is no turning back now."

Trife grunted his accord. "You're right. Send a message to the Neo Zetans and inform them that we have arrived."

This is Admiral Trife of the 3rd Attack Fleet from the Empire of the Humankind Abh. I have been appointed ambassador for this conference given the fact that I have an experience with this subject. We will remain on the edge of the border of Terran Prime until permitted in by The Federal Union.
The Fedral Union
22-08-2005, 02:08
Mean while the USS Excalibur, dropped out of warp in front of the 2 ships it was a massive 1050 m ship its saucer section gleaming in the light , right after 2 defiant class and 1 galaxy class ship warped in as an escort, the ships gleamed along the stars there saucer sections and nacelles shining, the defiant body being illuminated by the star light, the other ships could tell the massively enormous amount of singles comrnce ships all over Terran prime, the USS Excalibur hailed the other ships.

Robs brother Commander Xavier popped up on screen, they were a mirror image of each other

He smiled saying “this is captain Xavier Of the USS Excalibur, welcome to Federal space we shall escort your ships to Terran prime “
The Humankind Abh
22-08-2005, 02:18
The Keldeij received the message from the TFU.

The ships communications officer read the transmission to the Major and Admiral.

Trife rubbed his chin "Send an acknowledgement to the ships. Tell them we shall follow them in. "

He turned to the Linewing Aviator "Give me engine propulsion at .6 and set the course for Terran Prime. Put the Anti-Matter tanks into stasis and make sure all munitions are secured."

"Gunnry officer, keep all safetys' on. Supply Officer, have all hands report to their stations."
Neo Zeta
22-08-2005, 04:09
Hakudoushi read the message he turned to the captian and nods

The Captian nods back " Set a course for Terran Prime stay four ship lenghs behind the escort flag ship. All weapons are to be put on stage 5 alert. Shields at half power."

The Destiny Destroyer's black hull was barly seen do to the windows not showing the light from in the ship. All that was seen was her engains and signal lights to show other ships it was there. It's engains engaged and followed their escort.
The Fedral Union
22-08-2005, 05:31
The ships engines revved up sounds of rumbling reverberating throughout the ship , as the IIE’s moved to half impulse power slowly going In to the system , as the ships moved in to Terran prime they saw massive ship yards mines demise platforms fighters ships satellites orbital and space habitats all over the place multiple star bases thousands upon thousands of military and non military ships, the yellowish sun had a large complex around the north of it extracting energy to power a huge energy to matter replication facility, massive space elevators and stations rattled Terran prime as its blue oceans made it a jewel in space.

The ships approached multiple docks and ship yard facility’s as a massive star base orbited T prime a message was sent
the rest of the ships are clear to dock, or orbit”
“USS Excalibur NCC-8202 Alpha you are clear for docking,
The Humankind Abh
23-08-2005, 01:04
Admiral Trife crossed his arms over his chest "Decrease propulsion down to zero and get us in line for orbit with the planet. Prepare the Calykay for departure. I'll go to this meeting alone this time."

Major Kayhul smirked "Oh? No great fanfare this time or armed procession?"

Trife glared back at him "Well the last time you went with me, things didn't go so smoothly. You must be bad luck or something and it was probably you trying to be diplomatic that gave us all that trouble in the first place. This time we are going to do things my why."

Kayhul shot back "So you intend to go in there with a warlord mind?"

Trife just grunted and walked down to the docking bay and into his shuttle.
Neo Zeta
23-08-2005, 01:15
As the Destiny Destroyer slowed and entered orbit Hakudoushi readyed himself to go to the meeting.

" Today we forge a pact that will insure all three nations well being for genrations to come... No one will be in a postion to challange us."

The Captian nods

Hakudoushi slowly walked towrd his shuttle where Weyoun and four Jem'Hadar waited to go with him.
The Fedral Union
23-08-2005, 04:40
A large shuttle pad on the surface, was lighten up it waited as there was a long walk way surrounded by the massive spires and sky scrapers of Union city it was enormous the blue sky, the windy pad was surrounded by Beautiful tree’s palm and deciduous, shook as the cool wind brushed through them
The Humankind Abh
24-08-2005, 00:42
Admiral Trife's shuttle landed on the pad. The front opened up and a stair case extended forward. He walked out calmly and took in the scenary.

Trfie grunted "I'd still rather be in space. I like the feel of artificial gravity better. I'm so glad I appointed a subordinate to look over my planet. How boring would this be to actually have to rule something like this."

Trife just shook his head and kept walking.
Neo Zeta
24-08-2005, 01:08
The shuttle with The Neo Zetan Party landed on the pad. As the door opened Hakudoushi exited with Weyoun by his side. Four Jem'Hadar were on the corners of them.

" And now it begians hours of talks and treaty forming. Just the kind of job i love to do" Weyoun said.

Hakudoushi smiles " Good you will do the brunt of it but i will weigh in on the importent issues."
The Fedral Union
25-08-2005, 02:28
A group of forces in sentinel amour marched up 8 of them carried advanced phaser rifles (the amour was silvery white with a plating look the helmet was white with a slight for eyes and a gas mask , the leader was marked with UFP symbols on his amour he carried 2 Neo COLT Phaser pistols, he said “Greetings from the united federation of planets I am the Special operations commander, we will be handling the security, if you would fallow me. “ he said then a little click form his mask he started walking down with the guards marching in to a long glassy tube over looking the magnificent city full of sky scrapers, evry one could clearly see in the setting of the beautiful yellow sun witch made the sky orange and yellow with buildings flashing there star port antennas.
The Humankind Abh
25-08-2005, 02:55
Admiral Trife looked at the representatives from Neo Zeta "Quite showy don't you think? What I wouldn't give to be back in space. I imagine Lakfakallae has much more beautiful skylines."

Trife looks off wistfully thinking about home.
Neo Zeta
25-08-2005, 04:20
Weyoun nods " effiency is better then beautighy"

The Neo Zetan Party followed behind admiral trife
The Humankind Abh
28-08-2005, 01:48
Trife walked off the elevator after it came to a stop and looked around "Does anyone know where we are going?"