NationStates Jolt Archive

Green Sun's Guide to Occupation

Green Sun
15-08-2005, 18:29
1) Introduction to Occupation
An occupation, in Real Life and in Nation States terms when it deals with two or more nations, is when one or more nations uses military or political force to have civilian or military forces stay in another nation.
Let's look at a few examples:

Example #1
Japan: Japan attacked China to gain resources and land. This is imperialism. Japan used it military forces to occupy Manchuria, which belonged to China before the war. This is a Military Imperial Occupation.

Example #2
Nation A and B: Nation A is bigger than Nation B. Nation B is in poverty and crime is rampant. So, in order to help Nation B, Nation A sends humanitarian aid and discusses an occupation of Nation B. Nation A uses its resources to jump-start Nation B's economy and uses it military and police forces t get crime down. Millions of people from both nations go to the other, creating a Peaceful Occupation. Both nations influence the other with their society and economy. This is actually quite commonplace, but I can't think of any examples right now.

These are just two types of Occupation. Occupations help shape your nation's society and government, even the threat of one.

2) Types of Occupations
There are many types of occupations-Military, Imperial Military, Monarchy, Colonistic, Peaceful, Peaceful Military, Multiple, Civilan, and Annexations.

A) Military Occupations: If Nation B attacks Nation A, but Nation A pushes back and defeats Nation B and then occupies it with his/her military, this is a Military Occupation. Nation A didn't declare war to get land, he was defeating an enemy that could be a continual threat. Nation A could use his Military Occupation to establish a new constitution, leaders, and whatnot. Military Occupations usually are done to make sure that the attacking nation doesn't become a threat again in the future. One example of this is Germany occupied by the USA. A nation invading another because the other nation was supporting terrorists counts as this.

B) Imperial Military Occupations: Nation A attacks Nation B to gain resources and land. They gain metals, oils, and whatnot to help their military stength grow. Japan occupying Manchuria is an example of this.

C) Monarchy Occupations: These are not always hostile occupations. Nation A and Nation B both have a Royal Family. Nation A's leader proposes marriage to Nation B's leader, who is a female. They wed and together they become nation AB. One example of this is Generic and Borman Empire. Anotehr example is myself and Risban, although we are not technically one nation.

D) Colonistic: Nation A lands explorers and settlers on Land A and declares Land A as their own. Land A becomes part of Nation A, but is not yet fully settled. Nation B can come to Land A and declare parts of it part of Nation B.
i) Another type of Colonistic Occupation goes like this: Nation B is sparcely populated and has no official government. Nation A comes along and declares Nation B part of Nation A since Nation B is not a sovereign nation.

E) Peaceful: A Peaceful Occupation is when Nation A helps Nation B from economic or social collapse. Both nations benefit and both societies develop from it. Many civilians travel to the other nation.

F) Peacul Military: Nation B is smaller than Nation A and can't afford a military, so Nation A offers to help. Nation A sends military forces to build bases to defend Nation B against any attacks while Nation A uses these bases to make its own military grow. In the meantime, Nation A and B work together to create Nation B's military and create new technology for tactical and practical uses. One example of this is Green Sun and Extreme Ewoks; Green Sun has many Military facilities on EE's world to have Green Sun's military expand. In the meantime, we are helping EE to develop its own military. This also has a social influence on both nations.

G) Multiple: When a coalition of nations attacks one or more nations and when the war is over, they all occupy the other nation(s), this is a Multple Occupation. One example of this is Germany being occupied by America, Britan, France, and the Soviet Union. Anotehr is Roach-Busters when it was occupied by...Whoever. This can cause tensions between the occupiers and can lead to some really good RPs if played right.

H) Civilian: When a large number of civilians move from one nation to another (Refugees, for instance) to live, they can cause a large economic and social change and influence on the nation they are moving to. Nomads settling into a new nation is a good example.

I) Annexations: This is when Nation B becomes Nation A completely, or partially. A few examples of Annexatons is the Louissiana Purchase, the annexation after the American-Mexican war, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria and Korea, and an attempted annexation of Aghganistan by the Soviet Union.

More to come.
15-08-2005, 18:31
Well done! This gives alot of help to those countries who are in trouble and want a way out, or gives people new RP ideas.

Good Work.
Green Sun
15-08-2005, 18:36
Part Three will have the influences of occupations, both military and peaceful.
Green Sun
15-08-2005, 19:59
3) Effects of Occupations
Occupations influence both nations in almost every aspect. There's simply no avoiding it. Every interaction between nations effects everything somehow.

When it comes to annexations and colonizations, you've got to deal with teh native peoples. If they don't want to be claimed by you, they'll retaliate. This means terrorism, rebellions, and attempted secessions from your nation. If they were more willing to become part of your nation, they are likely to marry into your current society and the attitude of your people and government will change. Also, education is likely to lower if they had a worse education program than you, so you will have to spend more in education. Building cities and promoting buisness will also cost you a bit of money, too.

Military occupations strengthen your influence. You're more likely to realize things and you'll have an enhanced research team(s) to enhance your weaponry. The resources you get from military or total occupations allows you to build more, as well. But you'll also have to control their government. Imperial Occupation means you have total governmental control, it's very similar to Annexation, but they aren't completely part of your nation. That means you have to find someway to control them with your current government. Or, as in regular military occupation, you have to help them draft a new constitution or you can just place your own puppets.

When you enstate a puppet leader in another nation, he/she will act on their own as they did, but will have to support your every move, or face being fired or your people oppressed. You will also have a weakened economy if the occupyer is using your resources, so a military would be rather difficult to maintain with a shortage of resources.

In Peaceful Occupations, both nations are heavily influenced by the other. Political ideas, views, forms will take shape in both. Risban runs enough land in Green Sun to start a small nation where they keep their military staioned in Green Sun. Green Sun has a lot of influence from Risban when it comes to political ideas and ways of life because of it, and since Green Sun has a large military force in Risban, the same can be said there. We don't use each other's resources, instead we use the land to create military equipment and train new soldiers.It allows for quick deployment and expands your sphere of influence.

In Multiple Occupations, tensions can be stretched to teh limit. For example, the Cold War in Germany. Any more stretching and Germany would have been the hotspot for World War Three.
Let's say Nations A, B, an C share Nation D. Nation C wants as much power there as the other two, but nation A and B are allies and don't want C to have as much power as they. Nation C keeps pressuring the other two for more power in Nation D until Nation D is split into Nation D and E. Nation C wants E to be larger, so they pressure to get land from D. Nation A and B get fed up and tell Nation C to leave E and let E becoem part of D again, but C refuses. Nation A and B declare war on C to relieve E.

Also, since Imperialism is looked down apon in II, International pressure would be placed onto the occupying nation, unless it was all planned out or the occupied is a puppet. So if you take someone else's land, prepare for an embargo or something similar.
15-08-2005, 20:03
Some spelling mistakes, but very nice content thus far! Keep it up, man!
Green Sun
17-08-2005, 17:51
Anything else I ought to add?
17-08-2005, 17:57
Just an FYI, if you're referring to the war between the SAP Coalition and Roach-Busters, GE, and Parthia, that war got ignored.
Green Sun
17-08-2005, 18:02
I know it got ignored, but it's still a good example.
Green Sun
18-08-2005, 04:12
18-08-2005, 04:49
I edited the format of the first post, to make it more user-friendly. Didn't change any of the wording or explanations, so I hope you don't mind.

18-08-2005, 15:31
Interesting... I'll kep this in mind for when I defeat Millenium.
18-08-2005, 15:47
Wonderful work. Worthy of being stickied?
18-08-2005, 15:50
18-08-2005, 16:31
Wonderful work. Worthy of being stickied?

It's a great guide, but its not something that generally affects the majority of International Incidents, so no, it probably won't be a sticky. If anything, it could be linked to in the II Consolidation Sticky, in the first post.
Green Sun
22-08-2005, 00:13
You made mod? That's so cool! I always said you ought to be one!

And yes, I believe it would be better if it were linked instead of stickied. And I still want to add, so please make suggestios.