NationStates Jolt Archive

Galactic Empire ~ Secret IC

Unified Sith
18-07-2005, 15:19
Galactic Empire ~ Secret IC

The Great shipyards of Kuat had long constructed vessels of varying importance for the Empire, however now there would be a slight change in plans……

The Galactic Empire had put up a new vessel/mobile station in the air, and kuat turned out to be the cheapest bidder. In light of the tactical infallibilities and enormous expenditure designated for the Death Star the Imperial Navy hope to retire the battlestation once this new and cheaper deterrent is completed.

The Galaxy Gun

The Galaxy gun is the ultimate technical design for long distance artillery. It, upon completion will fire projectiles which navigate through hyperspace at considerable speeds. (Matching that of the Millennium Falcon)

The Projectiles launched are no mere lump of lead. They are equipped with shielding, heavy armour, and defensive laser cannons, in order to deter any fanatics who intend to prevent the course of Imperial justice.

Once the projectiles revert from hyperspace they are able to penetrate planetary shields and subsequently destroy enemy worlds.

When a Galaxy missile strikes, its particle disintegrator warhead triggers massive nucleonic chain reactions. At the full setting these warheads can destroy an entire planet in a few seconds.

The Galactic Empire hopes to complete this within several weeks.