NationStates Jolt Archive

Bomb Blast Rocks Liberty City!

Judge Manifesto
04-06-2005, 15:40
Somewhere, Sometime...
Liberty City, the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto

Dawned with the realisation of what had just occured, men stood to their feet - having been knocked down by the sheer force of the blast. It had been simply amazing, and to be honest completely in a surprise. The nation which had enjoyed peaceful independance surely could have not been exposed to such carnarge, such hatred and violence. And as the dust began to settle, the horrible truth had begun to spread amongst anyone near or in the vicinity. It was a minor blast of all things, men and women had been going about their own business alike - drinking and sipping coffee to their hearts' content. Each of them had a particular purpose for being there, some of them for leisure, some for business discussions over lunch, some meeting in secret in fear that their wives or husbands would catch them in the act of affair. This was the red light district afterall, and anything was possible. In the meantime, questions such as 'What just happened?' and screams of anguish and pain were beginning to be drowned under the heavy and blanketing sound of police sirens. It was rather usual for such loud noises in this area, but never before had it been for something so serious. Especially if it were not for the fact that a foriegn ambassador had been... entertaining within these now fallen walls. His body lay still within, blackened by the fog of thick smoke and the heat of furniture ablaze. Heck, he surely wasnt even recognisable but for the regular identification methods. DNA itself.

Central Command
Liberty City, the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto

"Get that media out of here!" yelled the Judge from his office. "I refuse to answer questions regarding the damn blast already!"

He sighed and sunk deep into his chair. As supreme leader of the Confederacy, he would now have to report to all the relavant areas, sign the relavent forms... ugh. This would be a nightmare if anything. Fortunatley a small break had been provided by the administration of the Absolutionist State of Austar Union. Judge Manifesto was a protectorate of that nation, and supposedly they were their representation to the political hemisphere been labled only as 'International Incidences'. In return, it was said that the Austar Union would look after any problems regarding the Confederacy - so long as they allowed Lord Indigo Blue to oversee interests here. He was a bastard, a good bastard, but a bastard in the end. Often, he would have to file a report to the Union about some minor incident, however he had just recieved a detailed message. Within it, Indigo had outlined his desire for a more independant shift to occur within Judge Manifesto from the Austar Union, and he had agreed. I suppose it was likely that such information had leeked to the public, and someone (extremists) were unhappy with the move to further autonomony. Bah, it was still a crime against the state, whatever their motive. At least for now Judge Manifesto was plauged with the duty of reporting to the international community.

TO: Respectable Members of the International Community
FROM: Judge Manifesto, Commander-in-Chief of the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto
SUBJECT: Bomb Blasts

I am sure that each of you have recieved your own reports, from your own intelligence organisations respectively, I find it needless to detail within this short announcement of the events which had only occured a few hours ago at most. Anyhow, I come to you all for any information you may have regarding whom is responsible for the death of an estimated fifty civillians, and perhaps an unidentified foriegn ambassador to this nation. I am angry that there are people out there who would come to pass harm to anyone here in the Confederacy, and I rather suspect according to my own intelligence that the attack was of a foriegn conspiracy, rather than something domestic. Anyhow should you have any information, or wish to assist in the investigation of the blast-attack, I would appreciate it no matter the irrelevance of each piece I may recieve.

Yours In Excellence,

Judge Manifesto
The Confederacy of Judge Manifesto
04-06-2005, 19:22
Somewhere, Sometime...
Liberty City, the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto

Dawned with the realisation of what had just occured, men stood to their feet - having been knocked down by the sheer force of the blast. It had been simply amazing, and to be honest completely in a surprise. The nation which had enjoyed peaceful independance surely could have not been exposed to such carnarge, such hatred and violence. And as the dust began to settle, the horrible truth had begun to spread amongst anyone near or in the vicinity. It was a minor blast of all things, men and women had been going about their own business alike - drinking and sipping coffee to their hearts' content. Each of them had a particular purpose for being there, some of them for leisure, some for business discussions over lunch, some meeting in secret in fear that their wives or husbands would catch them in the act of affair. This was the red light district afterall, and anything was possible. In the meantime, questions such as 'What just happened?' and screams of anguish and pain were beginning to be drowned under the heavy and blanketing sound of police sirens. It was rather usual for such loud noises in this area, but never before had it been for something so serious. Especially if it were not for the fact that a foriegn ambassador had been... entertaining within these now fallen walls. His body lay still within, blackened by the fog of thick smoke and the heat of furniture ablaze. Heck, he surely wasnt even recognisable but for the regular identification methods. DNA itself.

Central Command
Liberty City, the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto

"Get that media out of here!" yelled the Judge from his office. "I refuse to answer questions regarding the damn blast already!"

He sighed and sunk deep into his chair. As supreme leader of the Confederacy, he would now have to report to all the relavant areas, sign the relavent forms... ugh. This would be a nightmare if anything. Fortunatley a small break had been provided by the administration of the Absolutionist State of Austar Union. Judge Manifesto was a protectorate of that nation, and supposedly they were their representation to the political hemisphere been labled only as 'International Incidences'. In return, it was said that the Austar Union would look after any problems regarding the Confederacy - so long as they allowed Lord Indigo Blue to oversee interests here. He was a bastard, a good bastard, but a bastard in the end. Often, he would have to file a report to the Union about some minor incident, however he had just recieved a detailed message. Within it, Indigo had outlined his desire for a more independant shift to occur within Judge Manifesto from the Austar Union, and he had agreed. I suppose it was likely that such information had leeked to the public, and someone (extremists) were unhappy with the move to further autonomony. Bah, it was still a crime against the state, whatever their motive. At least for now Judge Manifesto was plauged with the duty of reporting to the international community.

TO: Respectable Members of the International Community
FROM: Judge Manifesto, Commander-in-Chief of the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto
SUBJECT: Bomb Blasts

I am sure that each of you have recieved your own reports, from your own intelligence organisations respectively, I find it needless to detail within this short announcement of the events which had only occured a few hours ago at most. Anyhow, I come to you all for any information you may have regarding whom is responsible for the death of an estimated fifty civillians, and perhaps an unidentified foriegn ambassador to this nation. I am angry that there are people out there who would come to pass harm to anyone here in the Confederacy, and I rather suspect according to my own intelligence that the attack was of a foriegn conspiracy, rather than something domestic. Anyhow should you have any information, or wish to assist in the investigation of the blast-attack, I would appreciate it no matter the irrelevance of each piece I may recieve.

Yours In Excellence,

Judge Manifesto
The Confederacy of Judge Manifesto

I want to be the first to offer my deepest sympathy to you and you're people in the aftermouth of this outrageous and cowardly terrorist attack upon the peacefull people of you're country.

If have already ordered my top forensics team to be put at you're disposal if you require it as well, a full medical unit is already on alert to be sent to you're country.

Yours sincerely

HRH Duke Fenwick III
Snake Eaters
04-06-2005, 20:05
Attacks of this nature are the last resorts of cowards. We, the Assembly of Snake Eaters, offer our deepest condolences to the families of those killed by this terrorist attack. We are willing to dedicat a team of our most elite section of SESOU (Snake Eaters Special Operations Unit) to you, along with putting our mainframe computer, known only as S.I.O.N (Snake Intelligence Optical Networking) to work on anything that the investigation turns up.

Also, we can provide medical relief, and construction to repair damage

Yours with deepest regards

The Assembly
Austar Union
05-06-2005, 13:29
TO: Judge Manifesto, the Confederation of Judge Manifesto
FROM: Lord Indigo Blue, the Absolutionist State of Austar Union
ENCRYPTION: None. Open Broadcast.

Alongside you friend, I mourn the death and hidden virtues of each of the victims in such a vicious tragedy. Please, accept my condolences in this matter in the highest. Once upon a time I had envisioned for the Confederation that it would be a society of almost perfection, a special colony if you like. And now on representation of the Austar Union to the 'International Incidences' hemisphere of politics, I am sad to say that I am sorry for the injustice which has befallen you. But I am not a believer of closed fate alone, therefore with my utmost and sincere condolence, I would like to commit but a team of specialists whom can assist you in your endeavor to track the criminals and hidden evils behind the attack. In the meantime, I trust you to handle the situation as you see fit.

Yours In Excellence,

Lord Indigo Blue
The Absolutionist State of Austar Union

Quickly, a message was sent on behalf of Indigo himself. For now he would sit silently as Judge Manifesto had been granted a sort of independant rulingship. Yes, that nation would still be a sort of representation of the Absolutionist State of Austar Union, but with this tragedy at heart surely this would mark the day of their official independance, from a Colony to a full Protectorate.
Judge Manifesto
05-06-2005, 14:21
"I would like to thank each of you for your interest in my matters, and in such devestating events. To update you all in report after the dust has settled, the death count has been confirmed at a total of thirty-two dead, and four missing. One of the dead has been confirmed an ambassador from a foriegn nation, however his origins are not known at present. Damages are estimated to be some five million dollars. In the meantime, I accept all offers for assistance in the investigation, and I thank you all for your desire to see social justice prevail. God Bless you all, and may your nations prosper accordingly."

-- Judge Manifesto, the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto
06-06-2005, 00:12
We the government of the Grand Duchy of the Crazy Ones has ordered the immediate dispatch of our top forensics team to you're country and should reach you within the next day or two (RP) days. They are being escorted by one of our SRS (Special Recconassiance Service) Teams (12 Troopers), in case they are attacked by the same forces which cowardly bombed you're city. These additional forces will carry out a covert operation and have orders not to interfer with you're investigation, although if requested they have been trained to encourage new information out of suspects.

It is our regret to inform you're country that we have lost contact with one of our roaming ambassadors and neither has he's chief of staff. It is quite possible that the unknown foreign national could be our missing man, but we will let you know as soon as we find out ourselfs.

Yours sincerely

HRH Duke Fenwick III