NationStates Jolt Archive

[Earth II] Operation Stahlfaust [ATTN: Pantheaa]

North Germania
24-05-2005, 09:48
International Statement

Due to recent tensions in European politics, and the perceived threat of a Euroslavian-Pantheaan alliance against The Teutonic Order of Germania, Reichschancellor Helmut Kahn has ordered the immediate invasion of Pantheaan Slovakia.

Having already placed the 12th Panzer Division along the Austrian/Slovakian border, the 14th Panzer Division and 28th Reichswehr Division along the Hungarian/Slovakian border, and the 8th Panzer-Grenadier Division along the Polish/Slovakian border, the Bundesheer is prepared to launch a full-scale invasion if the following terms are not met:

1) The government of Pantheaa must surrender its land in Slovakia to the government of Germania within 48 hours.

2) All armed military branches of Pantheaa located in Slovakia are to be absorbed into the Bundesheer within 48 hours.

3) The policies of the government of Pantheaa currently in place in Slovakia are to be dissolved within 48 hours.

If these terms are not met, Pantheaa will be placed under severe military and political punishment.


- Reichschancellor Helmut Kahn
25-05-2005, 00:17
Official Eppessenian Government Statement

Whilst we understand why North Germania would want to invade Slovakia, we are very worried about the prospect of war between three great powers on our very doorstep. Whilst this situation unfolds, we pray for the powers to show caution and restraint. In the event that this event spirals out of control, we shall consider and revise our own standing on this whilst this conflict unravels.

OOC: NG, need any help on this?
26-05-2005, 07:10
We would like to invite the Pantheaans, North Germanians and Euroslavians to come together to resolve whatever differences they have peacefully. All three of you are Roman Confederacy members and this situation affects the unity of the alliance, and, for the sake of the alliance, we hope that the situation can be resolved peacefully and does not need to resort to war.
North Germania
26-05-2005, 11:36
OOC: I might ask for some in the future, Andrehervia.

Thanks for the continuing support, man. Perhaps we can work on a more official and solid alliance.


Official Response to Rome:

"Euroslavia and Germania have no differences; however, we fear a possible military alliance between Euroslavia and Pantheaa because of Germania's influence and power in Europe.

To be more specific, Euroslavia should be left out of the equation. At the current time, the government of Euroslavia is not seen as an enemy or a friend.

We wonder, however, why Pantheaa's only territory in Europe, Slovakia, is so close to our borders and we have never received words of non-aggression or peace.

From Euroslavia, we have received such things and are currently in a state of peace."

- Reichschancellor Helmut Kahn
27-05-2005, 06:02
Official Response to Rome:

"Euroslavia and Germania have no differences; however, we fear a possible military alliance between Euroslavia and Pantheaa because of Germania's influence and power in Europe.

To be more specific, Euroslavia should be left out of the equation. At the current time, the government of Euroslavia is not seen as an enemy or a friend.

We wonder, however, why Pantheaa's only territory in Europe, Slovakia, is so close to our borders and we have never received words of non-aggression or peace.

From Euroslavia, we have received such things and are currently in a state of peace."

- Reichschancellor Helmut Kahn

Regarding Euroslavia: noted.

However, what we are worried about is the unity of the Confederacy as a whole. If Pantheaa has problems with your nation, then they should be able to resolve them diplomatically and peacefully with you without having to resort to military intervention. We all signed the Confederacy pact to be not one standing tall above the others but one of equals- if Pantheaa is worried that your strength will not allow their voices to be heard on the global stage, in Europe or in the Confederacy, then that is a matter that needs to be resolved within the Confederacy. The Romans are of the staunch opinion that North Germania is not a "bully", but if Pantheaa has those concerns then they need to be addressed now. The alliance is supposed to be there for its members and thus no one should feel "scared", but if Pantheaa does then they need to bring the issue up with the rest of us. Thus, we simply request that you hold off on military intervention on Pantheaa and instead resolve your matter diplomatically. We need to work together in the alliance, not be against one another.
06-06-2005, 04:35

Because of the inactivity in this thread and no reasons made for that inactivity, this thread shall remain open for Pantheaa to respond to until June 12, after which this thread will be declared "closed" and all lands that North Germania is invading will be annexed to his lands.
06-06-2005, 16:40
Statement by President Mikhail Yerrick
from the Bouvet Islands

The peaceful nation of Pantheaa has done nothing to harm the imperalist warmongers of the Germania. This act of aggression is an imperialist grab by the Germania government to expand their powers. Note as mentioned earlier, The Germania government has no justifiable action for the military build up on the Hungarian boarder. They're acting out of fear instead of reason

If Germania invades they can expect to find resistance among both soldiers and civilians. Nationalist pride is everywhere in Slovakia. We will fight to the death to defend her. Death is the only thing that Germens would find here in Slovakia.

The official foreign position of Panthea is to maintain a neutral stance within all boarder nations of Europe. Though we did aid some allies in the past World War, we do not wish to get between a wolf and its meat. We have made no military alliance with Euroslavia. Our only loyalty is that to the Roman Confederacy.

If North Germanina doesn't step down in the next few days....we shall send military aid in support of Duke Barol as punishment for this aggression.
If the Republican Guard loses their fight for Slovakia. We plan to form an underground resistance movement as well as aiding Euroslavia as punishment.
Im powerless to stop Panthean terrorist from targeting Germania women and children

All dipomatic lines are open though and we are prepared to reason with North Germania
07-06-2005, 03:47
Your are not powerless to stop terrorists Pantheaa. heres a wise proverb probably made by some wise old bloke somewhere in china... when you resort to terrorism your nation is allready defeated(morally). errrr meaning fight the good fight....

but guerilla warfare agianst all North Germanian military personnelle we will hold nothing against you and accept.

Thank you for your time

-end of transmission-
07-06-2005, 05:21
OOC: Wow, that was quick...

Regarding Euroslavia: noted.

However, what we are worried about is the unity of the Confederacy as a whole. If Pantheaa has problems with your nation, then they should be able to resolve them diplomatically and peacefully with you without having to resort to military intervention. We all signed the Confederacy pact to be not one standing tall above the others but one of equals- if Pantheaa is worried that your strength will not allow their voices to be heard on the global stage, in Europe or in the Confederacy, then that is a matter that needs to be resolved within the Confederacy. The Romans are of the staunch opinion that North Germania is not a "bully", but if Pantheaa has those concerns then they need to be addressed now. The alliance is supposed to be there for its members and thus no one should feel "scared", but if Pantheaa does then they need to bring the issue up with the rest of us. Thus, we simply request that you hold off on military intervention on Pantheaa and instead resolve your matter diplomatically. We need to work together in the alliance, not be against one another.

Repost now that this thread is again active.
North Germania
07-06-2005, 10:54
Official Message

"Idle threats against the German and Austrian people from Pantheaa will be ignored.

Being a "peaceful nation", as Mikhail Yerrick so put it, Germans and Austrians would not find only death, but on the contrary, the "peaceful" Slovakians who threaten us.

This is an empty warning, with no meaning. You are being faced with forces from three different borders, as you well realize, Herr Yerrick, and being a "peaceful nation", even with your underground resistance force [which would have little effect on our endevours], you could not possibly withstand an all-out invasion launched by the Reichsheer.

We recommend you consider either a sale of Slovakia, or establishing it as a client state of Germania.

Germania will consolidate its claims in Europe, be it war or peace, as Slovakia, a "peaceful nation" or not, could very well hit the underbelly of our glorious Reich.

As well, our population is exceeding its space for living; therefore, more land and resources are a necessity.

To the nation of Zeeeland, any support of Pantheaa will be seen as an act of aggression, and certain measures be taken to ensure such actions will not now, nor in the future, occur.

-- Reichskanzler Helmut Kahn."

OOC: What I said about Euroslavia was propaganda. We're actually on peaceful-neutral terms.
Neuvo Rica
07-06-2005, 11:15
Official Statement

Neuvo Rica supports the expansion of North Germania into Eastern europe.
07-06-2005, 11:41
[OOC: Is this still open or is it closed off? For information on the Pathfinders visit]


High Marshal Rimm Swiftblade sat, his booted feet resting on his desk, eyeing the paper with interest. He looked over to his friend and colleague, Defence Minister Sokai Otetsu.

"Seems like we have a possible guerrilla situation brewing in Europe. May be a good opportunity to provide our new Pathfinders with first hand combat experience."

Sokai nodded. "Indeed, but we must be careful not to intervene where we aren't wanted. My advice would be to keep a close eye on the situation. Neither of the countries involved are exactly allies of ours, anyway. Mind you, if we must throw our support behind one, I suggest it be both covert and in favour of Pantheaa, who seem to be much the underdog."

Rimm swung his feet off the desk and stood, picking up his telephone. "Amelia? Ah. Good. I want updates on the Panatheaa situation as we receive them. No, not for any particular reason. Just personal interest. Bye now."
He replaced the receiver, and sat back, before turning his attention to the chess board between the two men. Slowly, deliberately, he moved a piece forward. "Check."
07-06-2005, 20:16
OOC: This is a thread for Earth II, and only members of Earth II can participate. Join up in the Earth II - Revitalization thread if you want to be a part.
08-06-2005, 05:02
The only land that i would exchange for slovakia is that of Orenburg or Saratov oblast. Im not taking my 2 million plus refugees and transporting them across the pond. And since the Roman Confederacy is nothing but a joke, i won't mind seperation from that phony alliance. This is my first offer

My second offer is that we will allow Germania to have full military passage through Slovakia as well access to bases, But the government and terriorty still belongs to the United Federation of Pantheaa

I offer these terms in hope that we avoid war (as well as the slaughter of millions of German troops) and come to agreement.

Mikhail Yerrik
United Federation of Pantheaa
08-06-2005, 07:48
OOC: North Germania, Pantheaa (as well as any other Roman Confederacy members) please read this:

(You may need to log into Layarteb's forums and into the Confederacy forum to access it- I have the password for the Confederacy forum if needed)
North Germania
08-06-2005, 08:47
We are willing to exchange the Orenburg Oblast, along with $750 billion, for Slovakia. This seems fair, and it eliminates the war.

I hope you accept, Herr Yerrick. If you do accept, all military forces near the Slovakian border will be moved back to their normal operating positions.

-- Reichskanzler Helmut Kahn

OOC: Sorry for the comments I made about you in the invasion of Botswana thread, as I read that before your proposal for a land trade.

I'm Austrian/German (born in Salzburg), and the whole reference to my being a Nazi was very offensive.

-- Heydrich
08-06-2005, 17:10
So we have come to an agreement then
It’s a deal, Slovakia for Orenburg Oblast
And we apologize for our offensive comments

President Mikhail Yerrik
North Germania
09-06-2005, 03:43
Oh, awfully kind of you.

A deal we have. Perhaps we could arrange a peace agreement?