NationStates Jolt Archive

Riot in Repressionia!

22-05-2005, 14:06
Over two hundred and ninety thousand workers assembled today on the market square of Eclav, the capital of Repressionia, demonstrating for higher salaries and demanding that the working hours be shortened, at least to a ten-hour work day.
This is the largest "riot" in Repressionia's history.
We hereby request international assistance to fight the crowd off. If we let rebels like this gather, our industry will collapse permanently!
The Repressionian army has tried to regain power on the streets, but the tanks we sent in are being burned, and more and more soldiers join the masses. Come to our assistance now!
We will then round up all demonstrants and shoot them without trial.

/Abdul Chimaer, Minister of Justice, Repressionia
22-05-2005, 14:46

Secret message to Repressionian Government:

Weishaupt Nano-Industries is willing to loan you 10,000 corporate military units and 1 military grade patrol bot to help your government survive this. However,w e would require lucrative trade deals to be negotiated after the riots are over.. If you accept we will also give you $20 billion in aid.
We would like to request that some of the rioters you capture be sent to the Hong Kong HQ of Weishaupt Nano-Industries for testing.
New Belluelle
22-05-2005, 15:08

The Holy Republic of Belluelle would be willing to send in a cohort of troops to assist you with your little "problem", so long as you would be willing to back up our cover story that our ambassador, while en route to his new embassy in Eclav, was attacked and his guards had to defend him. To appease the voters, you see. Let us know if you find our conditions acceptable. It is always upsetting to us when we see the snivelling masses get out of hand.

Yours Sincerely,

Erval Ligorrs,
Minister of Defense
22-05-2005, 15:37
So let us get this straight - oppressed workers of your country are revolting against the iron fist rule? Why on earth are these nations sending aid then? It seems that oppressing the people is accepted by them, they are even ready to send thei OWN WORKERS to fight their brothers in another country, which is outrageous. Madnestan will send aid to these brave men, who are making an attempt to get even pieces of what the social elite is getting.

Sincerely hoping that this cruel government of Repressonia will get overthrown,

Colonel Tamujid, The President of Madnestan
New Belluelle
22-05-2005, 15:48
Sincerely hoping that this cruel government of Repressonia will get overthrown,

Colonel Tamujid, The President of Madnestan

This is coming from a nation led by a military man? These nations (us included), are sending aid so as to procure lucrative contracts and agreements for our own nations. We care not about those being arrested since they are not our citizens. We are doing this for our citizens, as our countries will undoubtly be made richer by this little escapade. Of course, we would never do such a thing to our own citizens, who enjoy a very high level of political and civil rights.

Yours Truly,
Lloyd Bergman,
Quaestor of Belluelle
22-05-2005, 15:55
"The Supreme Soviet of Hrstrovokia demands the immediate cessation of the persecution Repressionia's own citizens, and that the Government enter into negotiations with representitives of the Workers, which is the only way to alleviate the problem and solve the current crisis. We also demand that troops be pulled out of Eclav for the time being.

Unless the Government of Repressionia's enters into talks with the Workers within the next 24 hours, Hrstrovokia will begin a worldwide campaign to enact a total economic blockade of Repressionia."

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic
22-05-2005, 16:11
Rest assured WNI will not participate in any such blockade.
22-05-2005, 17:32
This is coming from a nation led by a military man? These nations (us included), are sending aid so as to procure lucrative contracts and agreements for our own nations. We care not about those being arrested since they are not our citizens. We are doing this for our citizens, as our countries will undoubtly be made richer by this little escapade. Of course, we would never do such a thing to our own citizens, who enjoy a very high level of political and civil rights.

Yours Truly,
Lloyd Bergman,
Quaestor of Belluelle

We do not oppress our workers in a way Reppressonia does, even thoug our nation is ruled by me, "a military man" as you put it. In here, no revolts have ever taken place. If such thing would happen, we'd immediately start negotiations to end the violence. However,as we now see that you are doing this only because of the profit, not even considering the horrors those poor people of Repressonia are going through, this conversation seems pointless. However, I'd like to point out the fact that helping actively that fascist government you become an enemy to us. Don't take that too lightly.

Yours most truly, Colonel Tamujid
22-05-2005, 17:42
We accept any help we can get, and the deals you suggest seem reasonable. Fly your troops to Eclav International Airport, and we will coordinate it from there.

As for the threats we are recieving: care about your own country! We care about ours. So far, according to Repressionia Channel One, the mob has set fire to five apartment blocks and destroyed numerous representative units for the many global corporations that have chosen to be in our fabulous country. They have also thrown rocks at policemen, troops, and bystanders. So far the death toll is up in 23, and we cannot count the number of wounded.

If you apply your imperialistic policies on us, we will fight back, full force. And just so you now, Repressionian scientists are close to finishing our first hydrogen bomb.

ooc: most of the destruction has been caused by police infiltration units among the protesters, of course no one knows this :rolleyes:
22-05-2005, 21:31
"The destruction unleashed against foreign multi-national corporations by the people of Repressionia is evidence of their loathing for globalisation, the very system that forces thousands, if not millions, of Repressionian's to spend most of their waking lives working for a pittance in terrible conditions. No wonder they strike and protest! No wonder they are angry!

And what do they get for there peaceful protests? Death! By the murderous troops of Chimaer, the so-called Minister of Justice, a sickening irony indeed. It is rumoured that Chimaer's men are amongst the crowds, acting as agent provocateurs. It does not suprise us in the least.

Any nation which assists this Dictatorship will find itself included in the economic blockade. As we speak, the armed might of the Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic is massing. We are prepared to fight if it is absolutely nescesary to overthrow the unjust Government and remove tyranny from Repressionia forever, we will fight for the people who deserve more than this."

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic
22-05-2005, 21:51
"Armed Republic of Madnestan will stand by your side on this issue, Hrstrovokia.
We propose a temporary military alliance between our nations, to help our co-operation. Let the workers be free, by force if neccesary."

Colonel Tamujid, Minister of Everything
Armed Republic of Madnestan
22-05-2005, 22:12
[OOC: Secret - ]

"Agreed Comrade! In the face of this blatant injustice we shall be the guiding light of freedom and liberty. I will send Minister of Defense Mrak to Madnestan immediately to assist in the formation of a joint-military command in preparation for the likely blockade of Repressionia and draw together a treaty of mutual assistance.

Onwards Comrade, to Freedom!"

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic
New Belluelle
23-05-2005, 02:13

Mr. Chimaer, we have received word from the Belluelle Intelligence Service that the Communist pigs are rallying together and are planning to invade in some insolent attempt to "liberate" your workers. This is a blatant attack on your capitalist policies and we offer our troops in case of the outbreak of open conflict. We are upping our troop commitment from a single cohort to five, which should be sufficent. We will be deploying them with all due speed. They should arrive at your airport tommorow. I pray that they will be in time.

Alea Varinius
Commander of the Second Legion
23-05-2005, 02:53
In a final bid to solve the deadlock in Repressionia, Prime Minister Godoyaret has offered to travel to a neutral location to enter into last-minute discussions with representitives of the Repressionian Government.

Mr. Godoyaret spoke before assembled journalists, reporters and news-crews at a hastily convened press conference in the Presidential Palace in the Hrstrovokian capital of Marinth. He said - "The outright slaughter, manipulation, exploitation and oppression of decent, hard-working Repressionian's, whose only crime is to ask for tolerable working conditions which are enjoyed in all free nations, is a great concern to us all, but even more alarming is that like-minded cohorts across the globe are rallying to the support of this desperate regime. This denial of the most basic Human rights cannot be allowed to go unaddressed, it doesnt matter who crawls out of the gutter to join the bandwagon, we cant let this happen."

"Whether it is external or internal factors, it does not matter. If the current Repressionian Government continues to procede with its medieval labour laws, then it is doomed, it has sealed its own fate. Before more blood is spilt, I ask that Chimaer acknowledges this. Here now is the chance for peace, the oppurtunity to find a solution and restore Repressionia to some semblance of normality. It is in there hands now."

As Mr. Godoyaret left the stage, Defense Minister Alexi Mrak approached the podium. He revealed to an astonished crowd and a bewildered nation that an alliance had been formed with the Armed Republic of Madnestan, whose modus operandi was to bring the Repressionian Government to heel via use of force if nescesary, should it reject offers of negotiations and fail to implement desired reforms. 26,400 Marines have already been assembled and the Hrstrovokian fleet is prepared to set sail within 5 hours notice.
23-05-2005, 03:08
13 Hours remain on the ultimatum served to the Repressionian Gov't. The following message was relayed to Repressionia -

Am prepared to meet with you stop regarding riots stop comma enter into negotiations to bring disturbances to a peaceful end stop this is your chance comma now or never comma before we drift to war stop

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic

[This message was brought to you by the National Telegram & Postal Communications Bureaux! Serving Hrstrovokia with distinction for over 100 years!]

[OOC: I have made this extra post to show you how truly dedicated I am towards a peaceful end to this episode, so IF the bullets start whizzing over our heads, atleast I can hold my head up and say I tried my best to avoid it. There. I feel better now.]
23-05-2005, 04:44
We do not want to see another war start. We offer our country as a neutral meeting place so a bloody conflict can be averted.

Minister of International Affairs
Major John Byrant
23-05-2005, 12:26
"Our naval force is not even worth mentioning. We currently have only 7 Destroyers and 21 Frigates, although these are the best quality (From Praetonian storefront). Our Army, however, is very well trained and, what's most important, experienced. Our troops have taken part to the North Mack's civil war and fought succesfully under harsh conditions. Still, remembering the situation of our navy, we need Your fleet to escort and support our 2nd Expeditionary Army.
We can provide needed transport ships and supplies for it, but Your landing craft is needed for invasion. Once we get there, our boys can undoubtely manage whatever those fascists can throw agaisnt them, especially when supported by local people.

Troops to be sent in the first wave, assuming that military actions are inevitable:
2nd and 7th Armoured division, 22,000 men and 180 "Dragon"-MBT's each,

1st, 2nd and 3rd Mechanized Infantry Divisions, 18,000 men each

Light (mountain) Brigade, 6200 men. Altogether approximately 112,000 men.
Vehicles used by infantry, "PegasusII", "Legionnaire" and "Pathfinder" :

and artillery, "Sentinel IV 155mm"
We wait for your list of troops, so that we can come up with a plan for the wors possible case.

Yours most truly,

Colonel Tamujid, The W
archief of Madnestan
23-05-2005, 16:28
Weishaupt Nano-Industries would like to suggest that Madnestan makes no threats against anyone. Ankhmet has a large army and air force. We have little need for a navy being surrounded by miles of reefs with only one entrance. However, all these forces are highly experienced and very well trained. Our first war was against Allanea, in the first week of Ankhmeti independence, and we survived. Do not attempt to intimidate anyone.
23-05-2005, 16:44
Weishaupt Nano-Industries would like to suggest that Madnestan makes no threats against anyone. Ankhmet has a large army and air force. We have little need for a navy being surrounded by miles of reefs with only one entrance. However, all these forces are highly experienced and very well trained. Our first war was against Allanea, in the first week of Ankhmeti independence, and we survived. Do not attempt to intimidate anyone.

OOC: I'd like to suggest that you read the Title of my post. You see? The small word "secret". Which means that your nation doesn't know about that message. Because of the obvious reason. Neither do you know about experience of my troops, nor how much of those I was about to send, nor ANYTHING I said, as it is, as most of us must have noticed by now, SECRET.
23-05-2005, 16:56
Forget negotiations. We will not let the socialist imperialism rule us or our people. We will gladly sacrifice six million inhabitants to end your campaign of terror. A significant part of our troops have gathered around the coast, (which is about 54 miles long and at closest point about 20 miles from Eclav) where they have the orders to shoot any incoming craft. This is your last warning, commies.

I request of all capitalist countries to join us in the struggle against "labour rights" imperialism.

[On other notes, in response to terrorists using molotov cocktails and other incendiary weapons to burn almost half the city down, high ranking military authorities have authorized the use of flame throwers, and one of our 8 bombers is scheduled to begin napalm bombing the central square at 0935 tomorrow, Repressionian Time. Brought to you by Repressionia Channel Five - service with a smile]

ooc: we will start to inform the demonstrators that we have brought foreign help to handle the trouble, this means that any assaulting forces probably wil be seen with hostility by the masses :p
23-05-2005, 17:43
To all that is fighting for the workers' freedom

We applaud you for your cause, it seems that in this world cruelty is promoted and human rights is called communism (We are capitalist we admit, but we still concern for our citizens look at our political and civil freedoms), they seem to take little heed in human rights and for that we will crush their little tin pot army and bring an new democratic counsel to the nation. We are sending a platoon of don pachi series aircraft and 5 armor divisions. Also we will send in 100,000 units of soldiers to attack. We will join shortly with the Hrstrovokians.
23-05-2005, 17:52
It was almost midnight already. Young volunteer for this mission, 19years old member of Labour's Union of The Steel Industries (OOC: This can be changed, of course) gave a look at his watch, then the at ocean, then at the clock again, and cursed his foolishness. he know how risky this mission was, and was afraid, just like any sensible man would've been. Or so he explained it to himself. Was there something? "At last!" he thought, almost saying it aloud. He saw the the boat, and the light of a flaslight. It flashed three times quickly, then two slower ones. That was the sign! He responded with his torch, and the boat turned at his direction. As it came closer, he observed the promising boss of something that could be what he and his comrades so desperately recuested!

Boat thumped at the shore, and 2 men jumped out. They were both dressed like Repressonian fishers, but one could immediately tell they were soldiers just by looking at them. "Kick them and hang them", he said with a strong foreign accent. "Rember to shoot and slaughter" responded the rebel. Man from the boat nodded, turned around and grabbed up a box. His comrade did the same, and a pile of those boxes started to rise in front of the young worker. "May I chek?" he asked quietly. Man in the boat gave him a pretty long look, glanced quickly around, and nodded again.
Young man opened the box, and YES! There they were! 10 AK47-Kalashnikov's, nicely packed. About twenty boxes came out from the boat, and the "fisherman" kicked the boat out from the beach. "Next load comes tomorrow." was the all he said, after disappearing to the dark.

Young man stood alone for a moment, thinking about what was going on in his country and how much he owed to these silent helpers of their cause. This took only few seconds, before he returned on the current situation, turning around to get his comarades to help him in carrying the weapons to their base.
23-05-2005, 17:55
"Following the stubborn refusal to accede to our request for negotiations, I have authorised the commencement of 'Operation LightBringer' - the air & sea blockade of Repressionia in co-operation with the Armed Republic of Madnestan.

Our objective is simply - to starve Repressionia into submission. We will be declaring a 100 km exclusion zone surrounding Repressionia - all ships and airplanes entering this zone will be subject to investigation and inspection. In the interests of avoiding an humanitarian crisis of epic proportions, such commodities as food, medical equipment and supplies will be allowed to enter, once they have been thoroughly inspected.

In conjunction with this military operation, the Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic will launch a global awareness campaign to highlight the plight of Repressionian Workers to the entire world and gain support for sanctions against Repressionia.

We would like to take this oppurtunity to point out that an official declaration of war has not been served to the Government of Repressionia, nor to any other state. As such, Hrstrovokia is not at war with Repressionia. The territorial integrity of Repressionia will not be violated by the Hrstrovokian blockade. However, any vessel or airplane which enters the exclusion zone without prior consent from our military theatre command will be brought to a halt by use of force, which may result in the loss of life and destruction of property.

The Armada is expected to reach Repressionia within 1 week [1 Day RL]

We deeply regret that it has come to this. We greatly appreciate the offers of Major John Bryant, and perhaps yet we may have use for Doweir as a neutral stage for negotiations should Repressionia come to her senses.

Surface Warfare Ships
2 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers [48 F-14A "Tomcat"; 48 F/A-18A "Hornet"; 20 A-6E "Intruder"; 8 KA-6D "Intruder"; 8 E-2C "Hawkeye"; 8 EA-6B "Prowler"; 20 S-3B "Viking"; 12 SH-3H Sea King"]
60 Spruance Class Destroyers [60 SH-3H "Sea King"]
5 Iowa Class Battleships [20 SH-60B "Sea Hawk"]
30 Ticonderoga AA Guided-Missile Cruisers [60 SH-60B "Sea Hawk"]
40 Oliver Hazard Perry Class ASW Frigates [80 SH-60B "Sea Hawk"]
60 Virginia Class Cruisers [120 SH-2F "Sea King"]

Amphibious Assault Ships
80 Anchorage Class LSDs [340 Leopard 2A6s; 6,400 M1114s; 1,360 SAT4s; 26,400 Marines]
30 Tarawa Class LHAs [180 AV-8Bs "Harrier II"; 120 AH-64Ds "Apache Longbow"; 360 CH-46Es "Sea Knight"; 270 CH-53s "Sea Stallion"; 57,000 Marines]
340 LCACs [400 AAAVs; 480 M198s; 680 LAV-IIIs; 4,080 M1114s; 8,160 Marines]

20 Los Angeles Class Attack Submarines
1 Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarine

Logistics Vessels
35 AOE-6 Fast Combat Stores Ships [105 CH-46E "Sea Knight"]
45 Sacramento Class Fast Combat Support Ship [90 CH-46E "Sea Knight"]
30 Buffalo Soldier Class Stores Ships
30 Mercy Class Hospital Ships
40 Kaiser Class Oiler Ships

Total Personnel Deployed: 450,000

Further troops may possibly be deployed. The forces listed here do not take into account the Madnestan contingent, which we are currently making preparations to move into position.

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic
23-05-2005, 18:20
OOC: If this goes to war, I'd be glad to see some kind of a map, if any way possible :) . I have noticed it makes it A LOT easier to follow what's going on in the warzone.
24-05-2005, 11:41
24-05-2005, 20:33
We are happy to report that our scientists have finally gotten control of our lung plague virii. We will of course not use these against our own citizens, but I advice caution to any invading power. This blockade, also, is an international assault, and we demand that you immediately cease it.

ooc: crappy map at
the red dots are the three major cities, the blue is water, the white is other states, the black lines are major roads, and the red striped area is mined (to have a smaller coastal area to protect)
24-05-2005, 21:21
OOC: Marvellous! :D I used some 5 hours with Smobaria to make this . It has nothing to do witht his thread, but he insists that I post it anywhere possible, so here we go :p .
The map you made in 15 minutes is well adequate for this purpose, ty for it.

IC: Madnestan will not pull back because of those empty threaths. We shall stand side by side with the free workers of your country, and the noble land of
Hrstrovokia. If you use plague, we'll use gasmasks. The outcome is inevitable.
25-05-2005, 03:11
[OOC: Ok, before we go any further, I'm going to have to ask Repressionia for a 'little' information, like what is the size, state of moral and disposition of your armed forces, what weapons, vehicles, vessels & aircraft you use and what kind of defensive fortifications you have.

After that, if its not too much, do you have airports other than the one at Eclav? What are the populations of your three chief cities? If you could give me a brief description of the geography of Repressionia, such as the location of mountain ranges, rivers etc. that'd be great.

I realise that this is asking alot, but in the interests of conducting a fair, realistic and enjoyable RP, its gotta be done. If you have any questions yourself regarding Hrstrovokia, feel free to ask.

And by the way, it isnt cheating to ask for so much information, because this is Out of Character!. If I want to use any of the info you give me, I would have to for example roleplay launching E-2Cs to collect data or spy from the heavens above via Satellite.

And finally, I suggest that the roleplay be closed from this moment on, that only Madnestan, Hrstrovokia, Repressionia and her allies [who have gone very quiet recently, but if you want to find others no problem] so it doesnt get out of hand and messy. Believe me, i've had that happen before :)

One more thing. I know that the size of my nation can be somewhat intimidating, but this doesnt mean I'm indefeatable. Have a look over the following thread written by the Macabees, it'll be very helpful Repressionia. ]
25-05-2005, 12:35
OOC: Agreed.
25-05-2005, 14:21
OOC: All men and women between the ages of sixteen and sixty are called in in case of war. They are fairly well trained, as Repressionia has a mandatory military service, usually taking two to three years.
Also, sixteen to sixty is a larger proportion of the people than one might think beforehand, as the mean age of death for men is 57 years and for women it is 61 years.

THe army is well equipped both seen to quality and quantity thanks to Repressionia's thriving economy and general pro-Corporation policies.
In total, the number of people now being conscripted in any way in the Repressionian war machinery is 4 million, however the fighting forces are about 3 million, of which 2.5 million are in the army, 400.000 are in the navy (mostly coastal defence submarines) and 100.000 are in the air force.
Repressionia also has seven Rage-96 intercontinental ballistic cruise missiles, of which two are equipped with four nuclear warheads each.

The terrain is mostly just desert and steppe, thoug between Eclav and Nofree there is a small mountain group called the Clavit mountains, of which the highest is Peak Kozmar, after Rupert Kozmar, author of the Repressionian constitution. All Repressionian troops are trained in desert survival, how to find water, etc. but a word of caution to an invading force :D

IC: Abel looked doubtingly at the small rubber boats loaded with C4.
"Understood?", the captain said.
"So... we get into the boats, and in the deep of night we go out to the foreign ships and blow the boat up, hopefully sinking the ship?", Abel answered insecurely.
"Yes, that's the plan", the captain said, lighting a cigarette.
"but... won't we be blown up aswell?"
"Um, yes... But you'll get a medal"
"what use have I got for a medal when I'm dead?" Abel asked.
"Well, you'll die for your country, die as a hero, who kept the invaders away from Repressionian soil when we most wanted them away. And we'll probably rise a memorial rock or sumthin' like that", the captain said, in a tone that ment "End of discussion".
Abel kicked indifferently at the side of one of the boats. This was going to be the most glorious moment of his life, apparently.
25-05-2005, 15:06
OOC: Is there a civil war in your country, or is there not?
Lets make this clear, 'cuz if there is then your army can't be that size (It can't be in any case, arming 33% of your population and training them adequately is impossible to you, especially when having a navy and an airforce, not to mention nuclear weapons. Your economy would also collapse as soon as you try to get third of your population to arms.) as those rebels aren't not about to join your army.
If there ISN'T a rebellion/civil war,then Ihave no clue what for are we posting at the moment, as that was the reason for us to take part of this.
26-05-2005, 08:39
ooc: you're right about that. sorry.

though it's not much much of a civil war, more like a massive uprising.

so maybe I just have half a million to a million loyal, working soldiers, in the army, a few coast patrol boats, and one or two fighter/bombers. Hopefully we can contain this incident, and then the economical consequences will be big, but not too big.
26-05-2005, 11:13
OOC: Np. Your troops are now facing an evergrowing numbers of armed rebels though, so it can actually turn out to be a full civil war. We'll see. I shall post some IC soon. Much can't be done before Hrstrovokia shows up again though, as our possible Operation is totally based on his navy.
26-05-2005, 11:23
"The Supreme Soviet of Hrstrovokia demands the immediate cessation of the persecution Repressionia's own citizens, and that the Government enter into negotiations with representitives of the Workers, which is the only way to alleviate the problem and solve the current crisis. We also demand that troops be pulled out of Eclav for the time being.

Unless the Government of Repressionia's enters into talks with the Workers within the next 24 hours, Hrstrovokia will begin a worldwide campaign to enact a total economic blockade of Repressionia."

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic

Secret Message
For Eyes Only

The government of the Crazy Ones will support such a blockade, also we are willing to send Military units in the form of a Pegasus class Sky Base with a complement of 100 aircraft to enforce the blockade. In addition to these units we are also sending a full Carrier Task Force which comprises of:

2 Formidable Class Fleet Carriers - 60 Viper fighter and Eagle strike fighters
10 Merlin EH101 medium lift helicopters
06 Pheonx class ELINT aircraft
04 Falcon class AEW
02 Foxhound Transport aircraft
2 Tiger Class Missile Guided Missile Cruiser
4 Type 45 AA Destroyers
8 Type 23 Frigates
Additional 8 Auxiliary Supply Vessels to provide support for the main fleet

Yours sincerely

Vice Admiral Lord H. Nelson (Sir)
Chief of the defence staff / Ministry of war
26-05-2005, 11:31
Secret Message
For Eyes Only

The government of the Crazy Ones will support such a blockade, also we are willing to send Military units in the form of a Pegasus class Sky Base with a complement of 100 aircraft to enforce the blockade.

Yours sincerely

Vice Admiral Lord H. Nelson (Sir)
Chief of the defence staff / Ministry of war

OOC: Pegasus ClassAir Base? Are yout FT, or was that just a new word for Aircraft Carrier? :)
26-05-2005, 11:43
The Pegasus class sky base is based on the Spectum base in Captain Scarlet and also that in the film Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow starring Angina Jolie and Jude Law, only much bigger and much meaner. :D
26-05-2005, 11:48
The Pegasus class sky base is based on the Spectum base in Captain Scarlet and also that in the film Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow starring Angina Jolie and Jude Law, only much bigger and much meaner. :D

OO: I certainly doubt if that's ModernTech enough to be included...
26-05-2005, 14:02
OO: I certainly doubt if that's ModernTech enough to be included...

The defensive armament of the pegasus class includes 15 eight barrelled pulse lazer cannons, 2 VLS missiles systems for the Sea Wolf.
26-05-2005, 14:08
I am proud to anouce that my forces have arrived at their designated patrol points and have started air operations. My Viper class fighters have already engaged several enemy combat aircraft of which two were shot down, one damaged for no loss. My aircraft were also targetted by enemy SAMs which were dealt with by the Pheonix class with their Anti-radiation missiles.

Vice Admiral Lord H.Nelson (Sir)
Chief of the defence staff / ministry of war
26-05-2005, 17:04
....And finally, I suggest that the roleplay be closed from this moment on, that only Madnestan, Hrstrovokia, Repressionia and her allies [who have gone very quiet recently, but if you want to find others no problem] so it doesnt get out of hand and messy. Believe me, i've had that happen before :) ....

Are we to stick with this?
26-05-2005, 18:28
I am proud to anouce that my forces have arrived at their designated patrol points and have started air operations. My Viper class fighters have already engaged several enemy combat aircraft of which two were shot down, one damaged for no loss. My aircraft were also targetted by enemy SAMs which were dealt with by the Pheonix class with their Anti-radiation missiles.

Vice Admiral Lord H.Nelson (Sir)
Chief of the defence staff / ministry of war

Godmode. Ignored. Whilst you can roleplay an attack against the enemy, you cannot declare their losses. Crazy Ones, this is, by all accounts, a modern technology roleplay. That leaves little room for a Floating Sky Fortress armed with pulse laser cannons.

Unless you take a trip back 50 years in time, I dont see a place for you here. Anyway, expect a post later on, just a little busy right now.
26-05-2005, 23:49
"Comrades, despite the gathering of forces hostile to its existence, the Gov't of Repressionia is still unrepentant. Phase 1 of 'Operation Lightbringer' is complete; with some 450,000 personnel aboard over 200 vessels deployed in the seas adjoining the territory of Repressionia.

However, it is my belief that the blockade will not be enough. While Hrstrovokian troops remain inactive, on the land the situation is deteriorating horrendously, with the people and Gov't forces clashing day and night. It has taken considerable restraint on our part not to intervene, but we cannot afford to remain idle while the Repressionian Security Forces massacre their own people.

If action is not taken to support the popular uprising, those fighting for the most basic of human rights will eventually succumb to the bloodthirsty determination of a regime hellbent on not just defying the international community, but its own populance.

Phase 2, the buildup of supplies to support an assault on Repressionia is now in motion. This phase shall also see the first involvement of Madnestanian forces, transported by Hrstrovokian Naval forces. I estimate that within 5 weeks [5 Days RL], there will be over 1,020,000 personnel of both forces in the field.

I have authorised the use of lethal force against the Repressionian Gov't. As we speak, Hrstrovokian F/A-18As are speeding towards targets on the Coast in an attempt to soften up the defences in preparation of an assault on Repressionia.

We believe to be here is right, let our fight be victorious!"

Prime Minister Godoyaret,
Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic

[OOC: Targets comprise Radar & Communications installations; Roads, Railheads & Power Stations; Repressionian Airbases & Air Defense Units. Total number of F/A-18As launched equals 30 aircraft.]
27-05-2005, 00:13
The plan is good, and officially accepted by Main Staff of The Madnestan Army.
Troops of our 1st Expeditionary Army are beeing prepared, and they shall be given the first place when our best, just purchased equiptment is beeing received. Also, more weapons and ammunition shall be sent to the SLA (OOC: Socialist Liberation Army, name can be changed of course) of Repressionia.

Let the Light be Brought to the workers.

Colonel Tamujid, The Warchief
Armed Republic of Madnestan
27-05-2005, 16:44
It looks as though the crowds are starting to split up, this possibly (probably) due to our new strategy, because of which which over a thousand rioters were killed yesterday, using gatling guns on trucks, which now slowly advance through the suburbs, heading for the central square. The effects of these... contraptions... as terror weapons are superb, and we look forward to scything down your troops if you ever come near Eclav.

[Video Feed from Repressionia Channel Four:
Crowds waving signs and banners, with the portrait of Kamal Fortruck, the president, and slogans such as "KEEP COMMIES OF OUR COAST".
Fade to another crowd, burning Hrstrovokian and Madnestanian flags, interview with a skinny man, looking fifty-ish, saying that "The Socialist Devils will never get us alive!"]
Off the air: each person in the crowds gets 480 pebbles and a day off.
31-05-2005, 10:24
BUMP hoping that Hrstrovokia notices this.
31-05-2005, 14:24
We sincerely request any help from other capitalist countries, a nation with about 500 times the size of our population are invading, and we are going to get phucked. A lot.

Anyway, today, a Rage 67 Intercontinental ballistic cruise missile was launched from the Nofree air base, heading for Hrstrovokia's capital. It was loaded with three nuclear war heads. Your call.
31-05-2005, 18:37
[OOC: Ok, thats jumping the gun somewhat....but if you want to start a Nuclear conflict, thats ok with me.]

Marinth City, Capitol of the Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic; was obilterated today from the face of the Earth following an ICBM strike from Repressionia. The ICBM - designated "Rage 67", was armed with three Nuclear warheads with an estimated yield of over 10 Megatonnes.

Over 44,000,000 people are dead. That number is expected to rise to somewhere in the region of over 100,000,000.

The Provisional Government of the Hrstrovokian Socialist Republic; which formed itself in the city of Schiatorioff, launched a counter-attack against Repressionia.

50 Minuteman III ICBMs, total yield 100 Megatonnes, were launched at Repressionia. Forces embarked in the seas surrounding Repressionia have pulled out.

Should Repressionia somehow survive, the Provisional Government has declared its intention to turn Repressionia into a wasteland, to destroy all life within its borders.

[OOC: Now...that took 20 seconds to roleplay. Are we finished here?]
31-05-2005, 18:53
OOC: Repressionia, don't be an idiot. Please. This was kinda promising, really.
31-05-2005, 18:55
After pledging support for Repressionia, ankhmet will be drawn into this conflict. 20 15 megaton nuclear warheads have been launched at seperate targets in Hrstrovokia. May God have mercy on the souls of the damned citizens of that nation.
31-05-2005, 19:00
OOC: As far as I understood, Hrstrovokias answer was sarcastic way to tell Repressionia how stupid his idea was. Nothing has happened yet.
31-05-2005, 19:25
[OOC: Madnestan is right. Let's really think about Nuclear conflict here - if you want to lob missiles back and forth, fine. How many people are you prepared to lose? Thousands? Millions? I'm prepared to loose anywhere between 500 million and 1 billion. I can afford this because those losses are acceptable to me, I'm willing to lose that many to achieve my national objectives. Perhaps more.

My Nuclear weapons programme & Air Defence system is on a scale incomprehensible to to yours Repressionia. If you really do want an exchange, then be prepared to be wiped out - that goes for Ankhmet too. My point is that Nuclear war is not the option you want to follow unless your interested in a vaporization. You seem to be new at this game, are you so sure you want to scratch out your nation so soon? Wouldnt you rather continue this roleplay on a realistic scale? I'm prepared to reduce my forces ranged against you if you feel that Nuclear war is your only choice because you believe you have no chance. Otherwise be prepared to be wiped out.]
31-05-2005, 19:45
ooc: hum, yeah... a desperate move, or something like that, we'll save the nukes for when you've killed the entire army :D

ic: Today was a glorious day for any Repressionian patriot, as today was the first Great Recruitment Day. Hundreds of thousands everywhere in Repressionia signed in to the army, grabbed an assault rifle, and started training immediately. We've already sent one division of conscripts to deal with the last of the protesters, and then they will spread out to protect major cities.
31-05-2005, 20:10
OOC: Could I RP a group called SLA, the Socialist Liberation Army? It's armed and (somehow) trained by Madnestan, and following (to some point) our instructions.
Your nation and citizens still, though, so its up to you really. I thought something like 5 to 20 thousand strong active, armed cadre of determined communists, having network of supporters and a small base area. What do you think?
02-06-2005, 15:15
Bumpbumpbump me round like a record, baby-yeah! Bump!
03-06-2005, 19:05
ooc: well sure :D
though, active communists are generally taken to the closest river, where we smear them in barbeque sauce, tie a rock to their feet, and dump them. Or other, equally humane things, like... hum... cutting their legs off and dumping them thirty miles into the desert :p

btw, we are actively recruiting suicide bombers all over the country. be very afraid!1

ic: We've launched a new campaign: surrender-your-neighbor-to-the-death-camps, meaning that if you report someone you know (of) that is a socialist, communist, union activist or other kind of evil-doer, you will get a week off work. You heard me, folks: AN ENTIRE WEEK. In addition to that, you will recieve A THOUSAND PEBBLES. so, report like crazy! Report fellow employees, spouses, children or friends! Children who report their parents will also get an rPod portable mp3 player.
03-06-2005, 20:13
OOC: We need Hrstrovokia to say something before playing any further, I think...
03-07-2005, 04:56
so... wtf is he up to? :/